Резултати претраге страна 59
Број резултата: 1969
Draw your path
'help yourself and the sky will help you'
murmurs a small voice
here is your mantra
and you draw your path
draw your path
You advance
you do not expect anything
Alone you navigate an icebreaker
and you draw your path,
draw your path
oh, oh, oh
but you draw your path,
draw your path,
oh, oh, oh.
and you draw your path,
draw your path
It should stop
the time of tomorrow,
singing now
another refrain
see the other fates,
clear the anxiety
this uncertain sky,
these crows who pass.
'Help yourself and the sky will help you.'
all this mea culpa
you get rid of it
and you draw your path,
draw your path.
'Help yourself and the sky will help you.'
this mantra, it is yours
of daring
and you draw your path,
draw your path.
Oh, oh, oh.
And you draw your path,
Draw your path.
Oh, oh, oh...
'Help yourself and the sky will help you.'
you only live on the surface,
all these up and down
and you draw your path,
draw your path.
it is necessary to change
this inhuman world,
ability to stop
before the end,
to see the other fates,
clear the anxiety,
this uncertain sky,
these crows who pass.
Bez prevaranata
Не требају ми преваранти
Не треба ми драма када зовеш
Не треба ми вештачко
Ускоро када се пробудим држим око напољу за змије, да
Не требају ми преваранти
Не треба ми драма када зовеш
Не требају ми лажи
Изабери страну, изабери страну
Узела сам цену, и подигла ту кућку горе
Узела сам лед, дозволи ми да подигнем свој зглоб
Узела сам цену, и подигла ту кућку горе
Узела сам лед, дозволи ми да подигнем свој зглоб
Ej jo, баци своје зглоб-ве горе, све моје кучке горе
Ове црње су пичкастије него шта? Сви ти курчеви су горе
Све моје праве црње су за вожњу, баци свој ГСЏРс горе
Ја нисам у пројектима, али сва моја цигла је горе, грррр
Не можеш бити Пабло ако ти се рад не продаје
Какво јебање ова кучка удиса?
Помогла бих ти да изађеш из те коштице у коју си упао
Ја сам великодуишна краљица! Питај госпођу Јелену
Пробала сам да испустим 'Још Један', тебе је сврбело да гребеш
Показао си свог духа писача, сад би волео да је гребано
Чула сам да ти је пичка на 'фуј', претпостављам да ти је требао Пап
Каква врста дуп-кучке упуца пријатеља због пара сиса?
Каква врста мајке оставља свог сина због купа (новца)?
Мали Слинча доле класична кучка мисли да се вратила
Опет назад, а мислиш, опет шаша?
'Опет назад'? Ја и Врцанко смо се томе смејали
Кажу да су бројеви неважни али кад дискутују о краљевима
ОКрену се и кажу Хлеброн нема шест прстенова
Никад нисам потписала 360, кучко ти си лудачки глупа
Зато Џеј не чисти своју строфу за твој албум
Шенене, ти си преварант који краде
Имам слике 'пре и после' твоје операције
Рах те је одвела код свог лекара, али не изгледаш као Рах
Лево с операцијаског стола, још увек изгледаш 'мех'
Не требају ми преваранти
Не треба ми драма када зовеш
Не требају ми лажи
Изабери страну, изабери страну
Узела сам цену, и подигла ту кућку горе
Узела сам лед, дозволи ми да подигнем свој зглоб
Узела сам цену, и подигла ту кућку горе
Узела сам лед, дозволи ми да подигнем свој зглоб
Да, да, никад нисам био преварант
Зашто неукључене црнње воле да се укључују?
Зашто црње присвајају улице и понашају се баш као закон?
Загонетке које изгледа не могу да решим, човече
Кристала, дођи на мене, Визија Г и Ники
Сви су дошли и причали о твом срању у петнаестици
Човече, знам да сте ви црње видели ово како долази
Моја интернет-вредност звучи као *гррррррр*
Али не исплаћују у кешу
Црње ме виде као, 'Шта има, Убицооо?'
Човече, молим те престани да спомињеш моју прошлост
Стварно бих желео да оставим то иза се
Понекад питам бога, 'Човече, зашто он?'
Као тим који никад не бих напустио
Стварно морам да оладим с вином
Што је смешно јер сам управо видео Ники
И упорно постаје финија преко времена
Ја само знам
Не требају ми преваранти
Не треба ми драма када зовеш
Не требају ми лажи
Изабери страну, изабери страну
Узела сам цену, и подигла ту кућку горе
Узела сам лед, дозволи ми да подигнем свој зглоб
Узела сам цену, и подигла ту кућку горе
Узела сам лед, дозволи ми да подигнем свој зглоб
Хм, ја нисам преварант, ЗМ, ја сам бог
Не праве и' више к'о мене, човече, ја сам диносаурус
Тупко је узак као бициклистички шорц, изврнут као неке ручке
Малена Песма из цртаног филма или Аватара
Управо сам погледао у огледало као 'У реду, у реду, у реду'
Пустио бих тог малог црњу тамо да ми јебе жену, реч
Не требају ми преваранти кучке у и ван мог живота, реч
У и ван мојих џепова и онда у и ван мог видокруга, реч
Не треба ми драма, само ми треба мало нана
Управо рекох својој маленој мајци, 'Беб, мислим да те волим, као'
Осећам као Музичк-и Монтана, Визи, он бива почашћен
Дрејк предводник, и Ники, она постаје финија, реч
My Mistake Your Way
It's completely clear logic
Here is a study in black and white
Here you go, a hero and a fool
Here you go, a hero and a fool
Yes, then we'll agree on that okay, okay, okay, it's my mistake
And then we'll do that okay, okay, okay, we'll do it your way
Yes, then we'll agree on that okay, okay, okay, it's my mistake
And then we'll do that okay, okay, okay, okay!
Truth is the twin of lies
Like the fire and the smoke
There are a thousand answers
There are a thousand answers
Yes, then we'll agree on that okay, okay, okay, it's my mistake
And then we'll do that okay, okay, okay, we'll do it your way
Yes, then we'll agree on that okay, okay, okay, it's my mistake
And then we'll do that okay, okay, okay, okay!
There are a thousand answers
Yes, then we'll agree on that okay, okay, okay, it's my mistake
And then we'll do that okay, okay, okay, we'll do it your way
Yes, then we'll agree on that okay, okay, okay, it's my mistake
And then we'll do that okay, okay, okay, okay, yeah!
The Feminine Eternal
If my appearance tells you anything
You'd be wrong to get in the way
I don't do it to be a model
I am woman, I am known
Flat banners or crazy manes of hair
Say, what forehead drives you crazy?
I have the art of every school
I have souls for all tastes
Pick the flower of my faces
Drink my mouth and not my voice
And don't look for anything more
Nobody saw it clearly, not even me
Our weapons are not equal
So that I hold your hand
You are just naive men
I am the feminine eternal!
My goal is lost in the stars
It's me who's the great Isis
Nobody removed my veil
Only think of my oases
Pick the flower of my faces
Drink my mouth and not my voice
And don't look for anything more
I am woman, I am known!
Feel The Love
Feel the love, feel my kisses
only with you my life is clear everything is so perfect
my heart is yours
there is not a moment that I do not thank God for your encounter
My love, I love you so much
feel what comes from the soul the love that I offer you
It's little when I tell you I love you
it's so strong the feeling you live inside my chest
maybe two words are not compared
to the magic of something, what I feel I show it
You're the best thing that ever happened to me
my half my complement you are the queen of my story
Feel the love, feel my kisses
only with you my life is clear everything is so perfect
my heart is yours
there is not a moment that I do not thank God for your encounter
My love, I love you so much
feel what comes from the soul the love that I offer you
It's little when I tell you I love you
it's so strong the feeling you live inside my chest
maybe two words are not compared
to the magic of something, what I feel I show it
You're the best thing that ever happened to me
my half my complement you are the queen of my story
Feel the love, feel my kisses
only with you my life is clear everything is so perfect
my heart is yours
there is not a moment that I do not thank God for your encounter
My love, I love you so much
feel what comes from the soul the love that I offer you
Feel the love, feel the love, feel the love
Budi moja
I želim da budeš moja
Ustani u klubu
Hajde, idemo
Ona hoće da dođem
On hoće da odem
I ako želiš da se svađaš
Započnimo predstavu
Jer želim da budeš moja
Ustani u klubu
Hajde, idemo
I hoću da dođeš
Neću te pustiti
Pa ako želiš da plešeš plešeš
Započnimo predstavu
Jer želim da budeš moja
Da, želim da budeš moja
Da, želim da budeš moja
Ustani u klubu
Hajde, idemo
Ona hoće da dođem
On hoće da odem
I ako želiš da se svađaš
Započnimo predstavu
Jer želim da budeš moja
Ustani u klubu
Hajde, idemo
I hoću da dođeš
Neću te pustiti
Pa ako želiš da plešeš plešeš
Započnimo predstavu
Jer želim da budeš moja
Da, želim da budeš moja
Da, želim da budeš moja
Da, želim da budeš moja
Koliko te zelim
Daleko od tebe ja ni trenutak ne mogu da prezivim
Ponovo osecam kao da padam u tvoju prazninu
Kao da te nemam
Boze moj, koliko te zelim, koliko te zelim!
Znas to, znas to!
Prosla je godina od dana kada smo se razvdojili
Jedna godina od poslednjeg puta kada smo pricali
Ubedili smo se da ce biti bolje
Da nasu vezu zavrsimo ranije
A sta ako nisam to zeleo? Ako nisam probao?
Sta ako mnogo puta sednem da razmislim?
Sada sam sjeban i sam
Po celu noc pijem da te prebolim
Mozda je bolje da ostavimo sve kako je
Zasto nastavljas dalje ako kazes da nismo jedno za drugo
Zasto ja da zivim tvoje ludilo
Kada je jasno da si ti zelela sve svoje
Sada tvoj zagrljaj ubija
I tvoji poljupci su mi u glavi
Nisam dobro kada ti nisi dobro
Jer koliko god zeleo ne mogu da ostanem daleko od tebe
Daleko od tebe ja ni trenutak ne mogu da prezivim
Ponovo osecam kao da padam u tvoju prazninu
Kao da te nemam
Boze moj, koliko te zelim, koliko te zelim!
Znas to, znas to!
Prosla je godina koja ne moze da se obrise
Jedna godina daleko od tebe je nemoguca
Sada koga mozemo da krivimo za nasu situaciju?
Da nije bilo iskusenja preboleo bih te
Ti si imala nacina da sve izvrnes
A ja te sada jos vise zelim
Sada kada krivica zivi u tvojim mislima
Imala si sve a zelela si jos
A ja nisam mogao da dorastem tvom egu
I sada sta? Sada mi reci sta da radim?
Sada kada te zelim osecam da cu te opet izgubiti!
Daleko od tebe ja ni trenutak ne mogu da prezivim
Ponovo osecam kao da padam u tvoju prazninu
Kao da te nemam
Boze moj, koliko te zelim, koliko te zelim!
Znas to, znas to!
Otisla si i ja sam promenio svoj zivot
Jer sam verovao da ces biti moja
Ostalvila si svoje oziljke na meni
I ja sada cekam da dodjes!
Daleko od tebe ja ni trenutak ne mogu da prezivim
Ponovo osecam kao da padam u tvoju prazninu
Kao da te nemam
Boze moj, koliko te zelim, koliko te zelim!
Znas to, znas to!
Dominique, nique, nique
Such an old tale
Always worthy of praise
Where the roads of faith
Always lead to joy
From the past to the future
A charming young man, only with a guitar
Wandering from village to village
And with him the wind is singing
The dirt paths are rejoicing
Dominique, nique, nique…
After him the suffering children
Forget about the bland world
With a flute, a drum, a harp
They cause the cloud and shadow to flee
Dominique, nique, nique…
Only faith, truth and honesty
Do inform here with joy
Onto the joyful ones
The source of any hope
Dominique, nique, nique…
Any doubt of sorrow fades away
Their singing is carried up above
And together, girl and boy
Are boosting up the morale
Dominique, nique, nique…
The tale is over, so does the song
And with them both the sound fell silent
Only the truth never ends
Neither does happiness nor joy
Dominique, nique, nique…
Let Me Know
Let me know if you love me
I do not know what I'm going to do if I'm not with you
I want to hear it in your voice you've made me crazy with love
Tell me if you need me if we love each other.
Let me know if you love me
In my dreams, I always see you and you are with me.
With an immense passion, we embrace, you and I
I do not want to wake up for not breaking the illusion
Let me know honestly if it's love
That I no longer live without your kisses I can not stand the emotion anymore
I can not stand a moment and let me know
Let me know what you feel without fear
You already part of my body with you I find the reason
To be happy as in the stories and tell me
Let me know if you love me
In my dreams, I always see you and you are with me.
With an immense passion, we embrace, you and I
I do not want to wake up for not breaking the illusion
Let me know honestly if it's love
That I no longer live without your kisses I can not stand the emotion anymore
I can not stand a moment and let me know
Let me know what you feel without fear
You already part of my body with you I find the reason
To be happy as in the stories and tell me
Let me know honestly if it's love
That I no longer live without your kisses I can not stand the emotion anymore
I can not stand a moment and let me know
Let me know what you feel without fear
You already part of my body with you I find the reason
To be happy as in the stories and tell me
Let me know honestly if it's love
That I no longer live without your kisses I can not stand the emotion anymore
I can not stand for a moment and tell me '
On My Knees
I left looking for other kisses
And now I'm back because I didn't find any
Your naughty lips are red cherry
That taste like honey
I tried trying to try everything
Walking in the mud, but I miss you
Your love is worth gold, do not hate me for wanting to come back
Please do not leave the door to your heart closed
If you still love me do not lose your temper
And accept me today, please
I ask you on my knees don't tell me no
Do not leave at the shore our love
My beautiful girl, my beautiful girl.
I ask you on your knees to grant me your forgiveness (2x)
I ask you on my knees don't tell me no, do not leave our love at the shore
My beautiful girl, my beautiful girl.
I ask you on your knees to grant me your forgiveness
My beautiful girl, my beautiful girl.
I ask you on your knees to grant me your forgiveness
Punish Me
Punish me, but love me once again
Give me back the heat of your body
Punish me, make me suffer for you my love
Tell me at the end with a kiss.
How will I forget you?
If your memory burns inside
I already tried, but it was of no use
I still feel the taste of your kisses here.
Punish me, but at the end
Return to me, your love, I beg you
I already paid very dearly my mistake
Do not kill me on the inside.
Punish me, please
And give me a hope, a breath.
Punish me, but love me once again
Give me back the heat of your body
Punish me, make me suffer for you my love
Tell me at the end with a kiss.
Lover And Friend.
You are the sunshine
That enters by my window
You are the daring night
Fearless in bed
You are the bread that feeds
Any hope
You kill me, you hurt me
But you do not fool me
You are the best in everything
When I'm with you
Stubborn and perfect at the same time
With a sixth sense
Capricious without rancor
Vanity in your splendor
Fugitive and without chains
Making love
This is you, my lover and friend.
My sweet enemy, there is no one like you
It's you, without anything
Every heart, that loves me and loves me
Who, if not me
Who makes you feel the way you like it
So wonderful and special
Who realizes all your fantasies
As you love to enjoy
Who gives you everything you want
When you fancy heart
Who if not me, my life
Who, if not me, my darling
Who, if not me, only me
Who if not me, my life
Who, if not me, my darling
Who, if not me, only me
Who gives you warmth your way
Affectionate and sensational
Whoever kisses you constantly
With sweetness and sincerity
Who gives you everything and without denying it
When you want heart
Who if not me, my life
Who, if not me, my darling
Who, if not me, only me
Go Go
Versions: #2
Blow it all in one morning
Run run, I earn and I waste it on frivolities
Run run run run
Run run
I want it. Cruisin’ on the bay
Want it. Cruisin’ like NEMO
Don’t have money but I want to go far away
I don’t have money but I want to rest my fatigue away
Don’t have money but I want to eat Ono Jiro food.
After working hard, I earned my pay
All into my own tummy
Gather specks into specks
Pay it all into blow-it-fun
Leave me be. Even if I overspend
Even if, tomorrow morning, I cash out my savings like I’m crazy.
Woo There’s no tomorrow
My future is already being held as collateral.
Woo, spend more of my money
Friends, wussup
Do you want some?
Blow it all in one morning
Run run, man I spend it like some party
Until the day you get light in the little hole you live in
Until the sun rises
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where my money yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where the party yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-
Where my money yah?
Where the party yah?
My week is Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Fri Fri Fri
My bank account yah
Is like a barrel with a hole in the bottom
Every day I’m pouring water in it
Why not just break the barrel instead?
We’re too young to be doing nothing but worrying all the time.
Just today, instead of worrying, do “Go”
If you save it in fear, it’ll become shit.
Just hit it
Blow it all in one morning
Run run, man I spend it like some party
Until the day you get light in the little hole you live in
Until the sun rises
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where my money yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where the party yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
δυιςεs sυεηοs
Guanajuato's road
Absolutely worthless is life,
life is absolutely worthless.
it always starts crying
and, like that, crying it ends.
That's why, in this world,
life is absulutely worthless!
Beautiful León, Guanajuato, 1.
its fair with its gambling,
there, one's life is the bet,
and the one who wins, is respected.
There, in my León, Guanajuato,
life is absulutely worthless!
Road to Guanajuato
that goes through so many villages,
don't go through Salamanca 2.
that there hurt me the memories.
Go by the surounding paths,
don't go through, because I'll die!
The Christ of your mountain
in Cerro del Cubilete, 3,
is confort of those who suffer,
adoration of the people,
The Christ of your mountain
in Cerro del Cubilete.
In the way to Santa Rosa 4,
the Range of Guanajuato, 5
right there, behind the slope
you'll find Dolores Hidalgo. 6
There I will stay, fellows,
there is my beloved homeland,
Wonderful Garden of Love
Wonderful Garden of Love
The Holy Garden of Jesus
It's poor again, no fruit
And the Gardener mourns for His roses
Today Jesus has tears coming out of His eyes.
Where are you, where are you?
Where are you my garden?
Where is it, where is it?
Where's your holiness?
Where's your adornment? //2x
The seed of flesh crawled into it
The branches with thorns only have grown
And they bear names of Christians
And the Gardener mourns for His roses
Closed down by the shadow of those thorns.
Why you not, why you not?
Why don't you breed nicely?
Why do you stay still, why do you stay still?
Why are you idle?
Why do you stay away? //2x
Many petals, prey to destruction
They fell down, they withered
They did not bring the right fruit
And the Gardener mourns for His roses
For the flowers again withered.
No fruit, no fruit
If fruitless you can't be
With Him, with Him
With the Lord's children
Up to Heaven in Eternity. //2x
You, a rose on the path of salvation
It's time for you to be born again today
If you want that in the Heavenly Glories
To be planted on the wonderful day
For to adorn the House of Jesus.
If you want, if you want
If you want to get to Heaven
Get up today, get up today
Climb up to Golgotha
God will help you. //2x
Crazy In Love (Te Seguiré Album Version)
This blue night
You are here by my side
The lullaby of your voice
The sweetness of your lips.
I'm hurt by your love
Every time we look at each other
Whatever you want I'll give it to you
I'm your madman of love.
Tonight I
I want you here in my arms
To give you my heat
To awaken at dawn beloved.
I'm hurt by your love
Every time we look at each other
Whatever you want I'll give it to you
I am your madman of love
Fill me with your love,
Tie me, with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
Fill me with your love,
Tie me with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
Tonight I
I want you here in my arms
To give you my heat
To awaken at dawn beloved.
I'm hurt by your love
Every time we look at each other
Whatever you want I'll give it to you
I'm your madman of love.
Fill me with your love,
Tie, with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
Fill me with your love,
Tie me with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
A Loser
I let you go one morning
And I never knew about you anymore
The sun does not shine anymore in my window
I was never been happy again
I have looked for new horizons
Someone to help me forget
When I hear pronounce your name
My heart breaks in two
Can not anymore
If you do not come back soon, it will die.
My heart is wounded with love
Idiot in love crying your goodbye
I have a sick heart of love
Nailed in my soul is also your pain
I played your love and your caring
I bet on winning and it failed
I've always drunk the best wine
And today I'm just a loser
I lived with my back to life
And my own faith betrayed me
I deserved everything
And that love that was the best
Never came back
And I was left without what I wanted
Come Back My Love
I did not imagine
That you would separate
One day from me
I never thought
That you were going to walk away
That you were going to leave me ...Like that
Come back, my love, hear my voice.
I'm crying. sunken in solitude,
Come back, my love, hear my voice.
What you are thinking, give me the final blow.
Come back, love, forgive me.
I would not know in this world what to do,
Come back, my love, I'm not happy.
My world the gray, everybody laughs at me.
Your love is my madness
And I can not live if you're not here.
I need your presence
So that my existence,
Today with your indifference
Will have finality.
Come back, my love, hear my voice.
...Is repeated...
Crazy In Love
They say I'm all romantic
Because I write poems
And I paint hearts on paper,
Because I sent you roses
On your birthday
And that I speak with the moon
And I tell her my love.
They say that those times are past
That the lovers
Don't dream of castles like yesterday.
They no longer count petals
Of flowers embracing each other
They do not even love each other on the sly
Neither in the parks should I see.
And I'm still crazy in love.
And always dream to be by your side
I'll serenade you at your window.
And like a thief, I will steal your heart.
And I'm still crazy in love.
My life I give by the yearn for it
And I will drink with you in the stars.
I will show you that I am a madman of love.
They say I'm all romantic
Becuase I write poems
And I paint hearts on paper,
Because I sent you roses
On your birthday
And that I speak with the moon
And I tell her my love.
They say that those times are past
That the lovers
Don't dream of castles like yesterday.
They no longer count petals
Of flowers embracing each other
They do not even love each other on the sly
Neither in the parks should I see.
And I'm still crazy in love.
And always dream to be by your side
I'll serenade you at your window.
And like a thief, I will steal your heart
And I'm still crazy in love.
My life I give by the yearn for it
And I will drink with you in the stars.
I will show you that I am a madman of love.
I fell in love with an angel
What's going on with my heart
Today it surrenders to love,
And discovered in you
A new reason to live.
Could it be your laughter or your light
That awakened this illusion,
You made me fall in love like that
And today I tell you.
And I want to be with you
For the rest my life,
And sharing the poetry
That leaves when you sigh.
And I can swear that
I fell in love with an angel,
Because when looking at you
You shine brighter than the sun.
You encourage my soul
And intoxicate the calmness
With only a beat of your heart.
And I can swear that
I fell in love with an angel
By just touching you
My voice cracks.
My new destination
You have chosen
My new destination
Is your heart.
And I want to be with you
For the rest my life,
And sharing the poetry
That leaves when you sigh.
And I can swear that
I fell in love with an angel,
Because when looking at you
You shine brighter than the sun.
You encourage my soul
And intoxicate the calmness
With only a beat of your heart.
And I can swear that
I fell in love with an angel
By just touching you
My voice cracks.
My new destination
You have chosen
My new destination
Is your heart.
The Letter I never Sent
There is a letter that I never sent
to say that I fell in love
but I'll give it to you today
in front of your eyes is the secret
I wrote you some time ago.
This is the letter I never sent
to say how I dreamed you
here is enclosed my reality
in this sealed envelope with kisses
that I'm going to give you love.
It's the letter I never sent
and I give it to you with much love
Like a promise I already signed
with always as the date
That says I love you
of hand and letter of my heart.
It's what I could never tell you.
it's what I always imagined
Don't look now,
Better, look at my eyes
and hug me, kiss me, love me.
Never Forget Me
I've dreamed that you're leaving and far away.
And you forget about the love I give you
That my love pleads do not stop you
And you scream at me that it's all over
Your words nailed themselves within my soul
I wake up and I feel far away from you
Today I look at you and I don't understand what is happening to me
I'm afraid you'll forget about me
Hug me, kiss me, feel me
Let my hands run on your skin
Hug me, kiss me, love me
never forget that I will always love you
Never forget me
That without you life does not count for me
I live for you
Never forget me
that the love I have for you
Is forever
always yours
Your words clawed in my soul
I wake up and I feel away from you
Today I look at you and I do not understand what is happening to me
I'm afraid you'll forget about me
Hug me, kiss me, feel me
Let my hands run on your skin
Hug me, kiss me, love me
never forget that I will always love you
Never forget me
That without you life does not count for me
I live for you
Never forget me
that the love I have for you
Is forever
always yours
For Her
I did not have anything
just her look
that's how it all started
The night was serene
the moon was full
and a hope to conquer her love
it rained springs
and under the stars
We saw the fruit of love grow
and one cold morning
The storm came
taking our love at once
I would give my life for her
my love went crazy for her
and let myself go
like a wave in the sea
If I fell in love, it was because of her.
my world was spinning for her
I shudder for her
I never had another love
more than the one in her heart
if one day I lived, it was because of her
because the time has passed
I still love her
I can not forget her
and I still have hope
Of one day finding her
and conquer our love again
I would give my life for her
my love went crazy for her
and let myself go
like a wave in the sea
If I fell in love, it was because of her.
my world was spinning for her
and I shudder for her
I never had another love
more than the one in your heart
if one day I lived, it was because of her
I would give my life for her
my love went crazy for her
and let myself go
like a wave in the sea
If I fell in love, it was because of her.
my world was spinning for her
and I shudder for her
I Love You More
Leave me a kiss on the
mouth before you go
leave your pillow in my arms
Why are you leaving
Do not wake me tomorrow
I do not want to see you go
I feel everything is gone
losing you
Leave my bed warm
until winter
maybe I will die of cold
when you are not here
(all x2)
On the phone leave
recorded the poem
that one day I told you
you remember well
It says I love you more
more than my life more
and tear my heart out
If you are not by my side
Because I love you more
more than my life more
and tear my heart out
If you are not by my side
It says I love you more
To Forget You
The game is over, the guns are cooling down
the heart without you fades but doesn't die
an eternal love that lived three whole years
now we resemble enemies
the game is over, a white flag, the soul is a shambles
our voices drown in insults
leaving home, at the edge of your universe
I plead only for one thing
Let me forget you, let me cease loving you
dreams about you and sadness, let them be wiped by time
memories are a deadly poison
I am crucified without you
but I continue to live
let me forget you
Let me forget you...forget you
Words are not enough, how inexplicable is this!
I step again on the one and only bomb
as if I wait something, and I look, as if I'm looking an icon
at your farewell window
Let me forget you, let me cease loving you
dreams about you and sadness, let them be wiped by time
memories are a deadly poison
I am crucified without you
but I continue to live
let me forget you
Let me forget you...
The game is over, the guns are cooling down
the heart without you fades but doesn't die
Let me forget you, let me cease loving you
dreams about you and sadness, let them be wiped by time
memories are a deadly poison
I am crucified without you
but I continue to live
let me forget you
Let me forget you...forget you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All is easy, you know, if you are here
I'm yours, love, you can find it
Written in my eyes, on my tears
All is easy, you know, if you don't go away
from a woman who gave up, who doesn't search for excuses, without smiles, without dignity
I'm here in front of you - I beg your pardon
The pain confuses my soul
I hurt you, high God, I'm so sorry
My remorse just now, it'll kill me, I know
All is easy, you know, I'm just like an open book
You can feel it in my fears
You read on my face my fidelity
You can feel it in my fears
Can you forgive this love, true love
I really can't exist anymore without you
I don't exist without you
I'm yours, love, you can find it
Written in my eyes, on my tears
All is easy you know
A million reasons
You leave broken women, but you will not
You did not get up to me, and that's why you're not coming
You were uninhibited, now I realize that I would
My consciousness is slowly dear, you're mistaken
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
So lousy, so special
But you are unbreakable
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
Give me a reason to let you down
To touch me, let me let you
At first glance, it's just blue
You did not know I was a smart little head
And badwa, all these stories because I do not care
To give me a drink, you promise everything, you know
The thought in the city has squeezed closer and closer and closer
And it's raining, you have not experienced it yet, only now you've come to life
Your game is known to me, I will be your fault
You did not come to me so you did not approach
Because you were uninhibited, now I realize that he would
My consciousness is slowly dear, you're mistaken
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
So lousy, so special
But you are unbreakable
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
Give me a reason to let you down
To touch me, let me let you
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
So lousy, so special
But you are unbreakable
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
Give me a reason to let you down
To touch me, let me let you
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
So lousy, so special
But you are unbreakable
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
Give me a reason to let you down
To touch me, let me let you
Forget fashion
You look like a doll from Trieste
all put together every night all put together every day
shoes, shirts, skirts, hats
it is so stupid to be in love with a lady
you are a little bit like a quince on a dresser
scented for no reason by day and by night
hair rollers, combs, pomade, perfume
It is so stupid to be in love with a lady
it is so stupid
Where can I go with you except to the theatre
for walking - your heels are too high
for dancing - your dress is in the way
forget fashion
Where can I go with you except to the theatre
for walking - your heels are too high
for dancing - your dress is in the way
forget fashion
You look like a doll from Trieste
all put together every night all put together every day
shoes, shirts, skirts, hats
it is so stupid to be in love with a lady
you are a little bit like a quince on a dresser
scented for no reason by day and by night
hair rollers, combs, pomade, perfume
it is so stupid it is so stupid
It is so stupid to be in love with a lady
Where can I go with you except to the theatre
for walking - your heels are too high
for dancing - your dress is in the way
forget fashion
Where can I go with you except to the theatre
for walking - your heels are too high
for dancing - your dress is in the way
forget fashion
Where can I go with you except to the theatre
for walking - your heels are too high
for dancing - your dress is in the way
forget fashion
Where can I go with you except to the theatre
for walking - your heels are too high
for dancing - your dress is in the way
forget fashion
Where can I go with you except to the theatre
for walking - your heels are too high
for dancing - your dress is in the way
forget fashion
The Qua Qua Dance
This is the qua qua dance
and of a gander who knows
only how to do the qua qua qua,
(and) more qua qua qua.
Mother goose and daddy
with the hands do qua qua
and a feather is already flying
here and there.
Bend the knees a little
then wag the tail like this,
clap your hands loudly
and do qua qua.
With a jump go further there,
with the wings come back here.
What a great novelty,
(is) the qua qua qua!
Take arm-to-arm
Just have courage.
All aboard,
with the qua qua qua.
Dance the qua qua dance
like a gander who knows
only how to do qua qua qua,
(and) more qua qua qua.
Come on, everybody here with me,
arm-to-arm, three by three.
Watch out, there will be
a great qua qua.
If you're in front of me
I'll dance it with you
and if a kiss will fly,
won't be a bad thing!
But (for) the one who won't do the gander,
how embarrassing it will be!
He will certainly look like
a dried codfish (fool).
Take arm-to-arm
Just have courage.
All aboard,
with the qua qua qua.
This is the qua qua dance
and of a gander who knows
only how to do the qua qua qua,
(and) more qua qua qua.
With the wings go further there,
with a jump come back here,
do the move that suits you,
but do qua qua.
This is the qua qua dance
which goes on and it's not known
if one fine day it will end
doing qua qua.
The whole world by now knows
that this is the fashion,
clap your hands loudly
and do qua qua.
Take arm-to-arm
Just have courage.
All aboard,
with the qua qua qua.
This is the qua qua dance
and of a gander who knows
only how to do the qua qua,
(and) more qua qua qua.
Mother goose and daddy
with the hands do qua qua
and a feather is already flying
here and there.
Bend the knees a little
then wag the tail like this,
clap your hands loudly
and do qua qua.
With a jump go further there,
with the wings come back here.
What a great novelty,
(is) the qua qua qua!
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.
Stay Close to Me
If it was up to me I would carry you on my palms
And I would run to the end of the world to come to you
Just point, and don't ever think or get confused
I find the most beautiful world around you
And I see my dreams coming in your eyes
Just stay next to me
And come, let's dance and sing
Stay close to me
Don't ever go away from me
Stay close to me
I found the world in your arms
Don’t ever go away from me
There is no one that can take your place
If it was up to me
I would die and not leave you
And don't give up on my love
After all, I’m also your love
Just appreciate this
And don't ever get mad or frown
Keep me in your thoughts , let's not change come let's live, because this life is short
Won't you stay next to me
Come on, let's dance and sing
Stay close to me
Don't ever go away from me
From Me to You
My darling
From me to you
A look into your eyes
Will tell you that I am hiding my love from you
From me to you
A look into your eyes
Will tell you that I love you and am crazy about you
From me to you
A look into your eyes
Will tell you that I am hiding my love from you
From me to you
A look into your eyes
Will tell you that I love you
My heart and my eyes told me they wish
That you told me that you fell in love
My darling, come to me already
Say it to me
Ease my mind
You have been on my mind for a long time
And there is no one precious
Other than you, my soul
No matter how crazy in love I am
I won't say a thing until your love is shown to me
Say, my love
That you are my darling
Just say it my darling and I will say it after you
No matter how crazy in love I am
I won't say a thing until your love is shown to me
Say, my love
That you are my darling
Just say it my darling
If I'm precious to you, tell me what
I have become for you
My darling, come to me already
Say it to me
Ease my mind
You have been on my mind for a long time
And there is no one precious
Other than you, my soul