Резултати претраге страна 37
Број резултата: 2231
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом, шалом,
Шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом, шалом,
Шалом алејхем
Тржница дијаманата у гету
На грудима ми је Давидова звезда
Секс је кошер током шабата
Јеврејска принцеза је у мом гнезду
Као тетка Голда, високо на Циону
Мед и млеко су моја дрога
Реликвијска кутија са Ајнштајновом фризуром
Пролеће предсказује облак бува
Небеса гласно вичу на отвореном
И чујем анђеле како певају
Мир у Израелу, мир у Израелу
Мир заувек, мир у Израелу
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом, шалом,
Шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом, шалом,
Шалом алејхем
Слава у обрезивању
Упс, овде се и Фројд оклизнуо
Војска љубави је у мисији
Четрдесет година лутања по пустињи
Док пијемо из смрдљиве фонтане
Кабала и Језавеља
Играмо хору на планини
и проводимо се као кучка из пакла
Небеса гласно вичу на отвореном
И чујем анђеле како певају
Мир у Израелу, мир у Израелу
Мир заувек, мир у Израелу
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом, шалом,
Шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом, шалом,
Шалом алејхем
Небеса гласно вичу на отвореном
И чујем анђеле како певају
Мир у Израелу, мир у Израелу
Мир заувек, мир у Израелу
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом, шалом,
Шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом, шалом,
Шалом алејхем
Хевену шалом, шалом
шалом алејхем
Моја војска љубавника
Време да се живи
Место на које треба отићи...
Би-би-а, би-би-а
Око света, око света,
око света
Би-би-а, би-би-а
Време за покрет, време за живљење
Место на којем треба бити, љубав коју треба дати
Када путује широм света
Моја војска љубавника
Од Дизни света до Јелоунајфа
Америка, мој начин живота,
Док јаше на таласу љубави
Моја војска љубавника
Месец боје вишње, ноћ забаве
Плешемо пред излазећим сунцем.
У Токију сам изгубила душу
Моја војска љубавника
Око света, око света,
око света
Би-би-а, би-би-а
Од Сен Тропеза до Дефонса
Парфем који мирише на латино љубавнике
Слатко задовољство, врелина мог тела
Моја војска љубавника
Мој џентлмен, љубазан и поносан
Из Лондона машем последњи пут
Шкорпија се уздиже високо
Моја војска љубавника
Око света, око света,
око света
Би-би-а, би-би-а
Због Свемира напуштамо Земљу
срећни, радносни.
Божја љубав нема границе
за војску која путује у Светлости.
У кристалном снегу је чувар моје палате
Мој космонаут из Лењинграда
Дођи и упуцај ме својим ласерским зраком
Моја војско љубавника
У Таџ Махал долазим да се одморим
Краљевски кревет, љубавно гнездо
Класичну љубав истражујемо овде
Моја војска љубавника
Око света, око света,
око света
Би-би-а, би-би-а
Око света, око света,
око света
Би-би-а, би-би-а
Судњи дан
На Судњи дан
ћу ти се вратити
Гола до коже
Стајаћеш сама
На Судњи дан
ћу се осветити
И довешћу те до суза
Након протраћених година
Без мене
Не могу да се сетим дана када смо се срели
Избацила сам га из сећања
Закључан си у свом подруму
Осуђен си да живиш у болу
Имали смо прилику да поправимо ствари
Што је била грешка за грешком
Тамо где сам некада видела блистави ореол
сада осећам лажно крзно.
Пред престолом стоји огледало
и то је цена славе коју си платила
На дан када си се суочила са ужасавајућим страхом
У ноћи у којој си полудела
На Судњи дан
ћу ти се вратити
Гола до коже
Стајаћеш сама
На Судњи дан
ћу се осветити
И довешћу те до суза
Након протраћених година
Без мене
Глава ти добро стоји у пластичним кесама
Постаје ти када вриснеш
Предвидљива плочица на којој пише губитник
Иде савршено уз тебе
Имали смо прилику да поправимо ствари
Што је била грешка за грешком
Тамо где сам некада видела блистави ореол
сада осећам лажно крзно.
Пред престолом стоји огледало
и то је цена славе коју си платила
На дан када си се суочила са ужасавајућим страхом
У ноћи у којој си полудела
На Судњи дан
ћу ти се вратити
Гола до коже
Стајаћеш сама
На Судњи дан
ћу се осветити
И довешћу те до суза
Након протраћених година
Без мене
Чуј Израелу
Боже наш,
Једини боже
Чуј Израелу
На Судњи дан
ћу ти се вратити
Гола до коже
Стајаћеш сама
На Судњи дан
ћу се осветити
И довешћу те до суза
Након протраћених година
Без мене
One Step Closer
What words can I use to describe myself?
What can I do for you to look at me?
If I carefully go to you
If only you could look at me and hold my heart
Suddenly, I’m right in front of you
One step closer, with all my courage
My heart is moving
And your heart is also
Slowly flowing towards me
I’ve softly hidden this one truth
Inside my heart
I want to give that to you
And embrace your heart that has returned
If I can naturally follow you as we walk
What words can I use to express my heart and not shock you?
If I carefully go to you
If only you could look at me and hold my heart
Suddenly, I’m right in front of you
One step closer, with all my courage
My heart is moving
And your heart is also
Slowly flowing towards me
I’ve softly hidden this one truth
Inside my heart
I want to give that to you
And embrace your heart that has returned
If I go to you and show you my honesty
You’ll probably be so surprised
All of the times I hoped for us
I want to tell you about it
Suddenly, I’m right in front of you
One step closer, with all my courage
My heart is moving
And your heart is also
Slowly flowing towards me
I’ve softly hidden this one truth
Inside my heart
I want to give that to you
And embrace your heart that has returned
I want to give that to you
And embrace your heart that has returned
damaged coffin
Hello, this is Mr Quang Teo
Born in a street that doesn't care who gets rich or poor
The haters try to be on par some day
Trying too hard is dead, get on an ambulance, no one take you away
Ye yeee
Lowkey, Vietnamese, yellow skin eyy
Buy more Nike and more gold stars but not rakish eyy
Yong boi wears a robe can only play the piano and throw flowers dreamily eyy
Well, don't say anything, the promise girls with golden sun but they're not safe
Baby is so far away now
Silently driving in the dark to find the familiar corner that we usually sit
And that loneliness is like a damaged coffin on the hill
That's all, the winter heart won't be able to love anymore
Ye yee
Yong boi is like that now
Gucci and Dior are like a son I want to hold him
Second-rate star, I don't think it bothers me, when underground stands next to it
Ye Yong boi is like that now you can't replace it
Ye yee
Flow is like an AK gun, Anaconda ye, it's too smooth
The long way has to increase the gas to surround the honest boy
Adventure is like going away, who stays at home to take care of their elderly parents?
Then the goal isn't a bunch of dollars but it's
Yong boi is like that now
Gucci and Dior are like a son I want to hold him
Night and day in the studio making good tunes with the wind
Ye Yong boi is like that now you can't replace it
It's really time to go
On the rainy evening, evening, evening,
When the pilots, let's face it, have no job,
We'll sit at the table,
Talk about things and stuff
And sing our favorite song:
It's really time to go,
We're leaving for a long, long voyage,
I'll wave the silver wing at you
Above the sweet threshold,
Even though fate lead us far away,
Don’t allow anyone to conquer your heart,
I'll monitor strictly,
I see everything from above, just so you know!
We're having fun now,
Then, what makes you get depressed, my honey?
We'll drink a glass and then another glass
To our glorious 'U-2',
But so that not to have a headache tomorrow.
We're the good guys,
But to prevent our curly girls from jinxing us,
We also will kiss them softly
Before the flight,
And spit three times over the left shoulder.
Just give the order to our division
Under the hand of the distinguished commander of Paektusan,
Our matchless division has grown into a powerful force.
Firmly defending the headquarters of the revolution,
We have prepared the bayonets for the decisive battle.
O, our Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Il,
Just give the order to our division!
With our commander, the best in the world, at the forefront,
Our division of steel will achieve only great feats.
With the spirit of guns, bombs and shells prepared to die,
We will defend our Juche homeland.
O, our Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Il,
Just give the order to our division!
Following the great General's leadership,
Our invincible division will only achieve victory.
Flying high the red banner of the revolution,
We'll raise the salute on the square of unification.
O, our Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Il,
Just give the order to our division!
Just give the order to our division!
Who are you?
And where am I?
I can’t get anything in here
Why is that happening?
And when is the next time?
I want to leave all the things behind
You have to do like this, and this have to be like that
I wonder if there’s the point?
Even I can't stop thinking about it
But which one goes by that? And what's it gonna be like? There’s no ending.
It’s driving me crazy in the end
“It’s not me” I’ve been thinking like that
I've been living with my head down
“That’s you, isn’t it?” I forced myself to think like that
But it’s not me...
It’s not myself...
If I could make my wish
become true even only one thing
I would ask to leave me alone
I’m thinking about it again and again...
If I could go back just one time
I would not do something like
Killing my own dreams by myself again
“It’s not me” I’ve been thinking like that
I've been living with my head down
“That’s you, isn’t it?” I forced myself to think like that
But it’s not me...
It’s not myself...
“It’s not me” I’ve been thinking like that
I've been living with my head down
“That’s you, isn’t it?” I forced myself to think like that
But it’s not me...
It’s not myself...
There’s no one can replace “me” except “me”
“I” only live once
Even though “I” have tried to be someone else other than “myself”
But it’s not me...
It’s not myself...
Good Vibe (Zahra)
she is the sound of waves singing
as you walk between the sands.. she..
she is a good addition to an atmosphere
suddenly the sound of music gets higher.. higher.. higher up
she is a night filled with stars
reflecting light on the sea
my sea is Alexandrian, white, and original
I understand seas
is it the good vibes in every evening?
or the mood in every time?
is it an everlasting dance?
or is it all of these together?
is it piano or darbuka?
a higher or a lower rhythm?
its a good vibe and an even better vibe
and a third vibe of adoration
he is a sun in the midst of sand
she is a beautiful tanned girl
a sweet thing, she is sweeter.. prettier
a good vibe, she is Zahra.. Zahra
he is a sun in the midst of sand
she is a beautiful tanned girl
a sweet thing, she is sweeter.. prettier
a good vibe, she is Zahra.. Zahra
is she active or cool?
if she's to remain silent, I will say.. if..
if I would say what would I say? I would say she..
she is a vibe between this and that
he is a vibe to walk for
something I'd leave all and come to
its nights are days and days are nights
I would never get enough of
or a vibe that comes and steals you from yourself
steals you with more kindness every time
just like when the waves throw towards you
something that your heart have loved
he is a sun in the midst of sand
she is a beautiful tanned girl
a sweet thing, she is sweeter.. prettier
a good vibe, she is Zahra.. Zahra
he is a sun in the midst of sand
she is a beautiful tanned girl
a sweet thing, she is sweeter.. prettier
a good vibe, she is Zahra.. Zahra
he is a sun in the midst of sand
she is a beautiful tanned girl
a sweet thing, she is sweeter.. prettier
a good vibe, she is Zahra.. Zahra
The skies are cold as ice
But fly forward and be silent.
See how you fly
The whole world stares with bated breath.
Fear and flattery, slander and filth,
And that year passions do not subside.
Fall! Make a mistake at least once!
In an instant, you will be torn to pieces.
The game is not by the rules
And again the nets are set
But insignificant souls will perish
In your raging flame
Oh, if only you were in the sky
Surrounded by love
Not vile envy
You couldn't fly
You couldn't play
And go all the way without giving up.
No fear, no pain
Not in this world.
Only flame and will
And playing with death.
The skies are cold as ice
And the closer to them, the harder it is to breathe.
But no one on Earth waits -
Only autumn rain on empty alleys.
So go ahead! Let yourself be carried
Along the deserted routes of the heavenly heights!
Wish, and you will buy everything:
And love, and faith, and the meaning of life.
The game is not by the rules
But again the wings are spread
And loneliness slips again
On the very edge of madness.
Oh, if only your wings
Filled with love
Not black rage
You couldn't fly
You couldn't play
And go all the way without giving up.
No fear, no pain
Not in this world.
Only flame and will
And playing with death.
In the midst of icy peaks
You will build a nest and then destroy it.
Behind the glass of expensive cars
You hide your face and soul from everyone.
And when people dream,
You look at the sleeping city from the balcony,
And all night long the yellow face of the moon
Burns above you like a dragon's eye.
The game is not by the rules
And the hopes are abandoned
At the entrance to the waiting room
Where silence will be eternal.
And the soul of a dead man
And under the mask of the face -
Emptiness and weariness.
But fly to the end
And play until the end
And go all the way without giving up!
No fear, no pain
Not in this world.
Only flame and will
And playing with death.
Shake with fear, Ded Morozes!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, the snow is gently falling
Poor Ded Morozis hitchhiking with his bag on
He mumbles angrily: 'What a lousy day
Who would have thought that my sled will blow a tire?'
Ded Moroz is here, his cloak is snow
His shoes are ice, go to hell
I saw a long time ago that his boots are wearing out
Is that why he has three socks on?
Ded Moroz is cold, he's human too
He takes a shothe doesn't dare to drink more
The boss is watching from the edge of the cloud
He'll be fired if he doesn't watch out
Jingle bells, jingle bells, I wonder who is it?
Ded Moroz fell on his face on the white snow
He dropped his bag, everything spilled out
He cursed so bad even his beard blushed right away
I've put my boots in the window
But Ded Moroz, I know for sure that it's hopeless
Nothing will be in it, that's all hogwash
How could you put the chocolate in it through the glass?
Well, hello my boy! - Hi!
What do you wish to get from Ded Moroz?
Maybe a new bike? - No
Then a new boat? - No
A new train? - No
Well, what do you want then? - A new daddy
He's got a secret that nobody knows
Even Ded Moroz is affected by inflation costs
Everybody will get less this year
Because oats are expensive at the reindeer station
It's an old line: 'Give a huge greeting
Let me sit down because I'm tired'
Everybody believed his story
But the krampuscarries his bag for him
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Ded Moroz is coming
The krampuses are laughing because he's covered in snow
His beard has got oil on it, he's very angry
He has just adjusted the ignition on the poor reindeer
Jingle bells, jingle bells, come here officer
Ded Moroz has been robbed viciously
His bag is lost, his beard is torn
Ded Moroz stands in cotton pants in minus ten Celsius degrees
'Sit here, next to me, my boy and sing something nice to Ded Moroz
A beautiful Ded Moroz song, like: 'I adore you hollow ashtray..'
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Ded Moroz is coming
The krampuses are laughing because he's covered in snow
His beard has got oil on it, he's very angry
He has just adjusted the ignition on the poor reindeer
Jingle bells, jingle bells, come here officer
Ded Moroz has been robbed viciously
His bag is lost, his beard is torn
Ded Moroz stands in cotton pants in minus ten Celsius degrees
Cotton-Eyed Joe
Let's go, the prairie is best during the day
Because Joe is wearing contacts
The prairie is dark, complains Joe
He sat on a cactus, because he can't se well
Let's go to the bar every evening
And check out Mary's body
The candles burn down, it's kissing time
Jack has kissed Joe
He was sitting mostly but standing too
The sheriff has found an Indianin his beer
He was sitting at the bottom of the glass for almost a week
Because copperskinis heavier than alcohol
After about 20 minutes the heroic Indian
Finally sobered up
And cursed his situation
That the stupid sheriff is drinking beer - not rum
Let's go, cowboys are really strong
Up to this point, Joe used to be the gun duel hero
Your pistol isn't firing, what's the problem, Joe?
Yesterday a horse has stepped on my balls
Let's go! The prairie is wild during the winter
Because the oats get frozen within the poor horse
The wind is whistling and the snow is falling
The biggest commodity is the deep-frozen horse!
While I was preparing to go to SzekszárdI didn't know
How far the Wild West is
Then an Indian steps out in front of me and offers me
A háromzelésquartz arrow - Well! Oof!
When I reached a wigwam, a woman was waiting for me
She smelled of a strange cologne
And then the chief whispered to me while pinching his nose
That her name is Dirty Sock
The scent quickly traversed the Wild West
It may have even reached Szekszárd
But one thing is for sure, Buffalo Billgot angry
Because all the buffalo fell over
Let's go to the bank, we need dough
But the bank robbers just took it
The gangsters have the check
Joe did it but that doesn't rhyme so let's say Jack
Come on, why is the cowboy hiding
Prairie Mary's tears are flowing
Her father is angry, the horse is laughing
Your condom had a hole in it, Joe
Mary came during the night, because she's very ugly during the day
Even her father doesn't know yet who should he shoot to death
His daughter or the seducer, who now became a father
Knowing Prairie Mary this wasn't a crime but a heroic act!
Ooh Mary from the east, ugh she's so hideous
She's measuring her weight, the scale gets bent
Get lost Mary, begs her the priest thusly
Because if you are here the sun won't come up
Let's go, the cowboy is a hero up until
It's discovered that he's married
What's the holdup daddy, where is the salt?
Mary seems a bit agitated, Joe
She was peppery, she was peppery
That you should take out the garbage, she told you twenty times
But you never listen, it's a huge mistake, Joe
Because compared to Mary even a scalp would be better
Run Joe, run Joe
Because after you comes an ashtray flying
Don't cry to me, because I don't care
You're a dumbass for marrying her!
Myriad stars fill the dark sky,
The Milky Way summons me forth,
Be it the song of a sonant stream,
Be it the rustling of nocturnal feathergrass.
It's stifling at home, I'll rise, go out,
Get drunk on the coolness outside,
I don't wish to, nor can I stand still,
I will go seek that resounding laughter.
A secret call is leading me,
In the sylvan wilderness, in nighttime fields,
It's preparing destruction for me.
But death - it's a trifle!
For I'm in love!
There's no escaping and no fleeing
From the embrace of the one, whose name is Darkness.
There's no falling asleep, when she calls.
The night of love - blood will be the price.
Never to see the light of day
And depart from the world forever.
It is too small a price
For the embrace of the one, whose name is...Darkness.
A secret call is leading me,
In the sylvan wilderness, in nighttime fields,
It's preparing destruction for me.
But death - it's a trifle!
For I'm in love!
Stepping on a Shadow
Walking a long distance with you
Silently hoping you'll notice
The wind blows over and over
You never change, and I never stop moving forward
The rainy day we spent together
I remember you said we shouldn't see each other again
It might be better to forget
I put it aside, you hiding within
Please wait for me, I haven't told the truth yet
The time between us was often gloomy
Please don't look at me, or tell me
I just want to step on your shadow, laughing without care
Please wait for me, I haven't told the truth yet
The time between us was often gloomy
Please don't look at me, or tell me
I just want to step on your shadow, laughing without care
I can comfort myself, please forgive me soon
If it was instinct, then why don't you say so?
The only love of my life, I will persist to the end
With my naïve life, pursuing a way I can carve this story into my memory
Walking a long distance with you
Silently hoping you'll notice
The wind blows over and over
You never change, and I never stop moving forward
Widow of America
:,: I was a widow of America, and that's why I sing about them, :,:
:,: I've often wiped tears of sorrow from my eyes. :,:
:,: Whether you're a wedded wife or a young lass. :,:
:,: you must never let your friend go to America. :,:
:,: But those damned men who seduce married women, :,:
:,: they ruin them worse than the frost ruins the crops. :,:
:,:I'm another widow of America, but none of you know that, :,:
:,: since I'm singing about myself, I have a right to sing. :,:
:,: And nobody knows of my sorrow except the Lord in heaven, :,:
:,: my man wouldn't shield me from the storm. :,:
:,: I've suffered wrongly, but I don't care a hoot, :,:
:,: but I won't keep such a man as my own. :,:
:,: I'm warning you widows of America, you mustn't drink vodka :,:
:,: You mustn't walk with people, or bring people over. :,:
:,: But those men are possessed by the devil, :,:
:,: they have wives but they seduce other women. :,:
:,: The men have escorted many wives to prison, :,:
:,: and they retain their honour, but what good is that for? :,:
:,: I was a widow of America, and that's why I sing about them, :,:
:,: I've often wiped tears of sorrow from my eyes. :,:
Around Midsummer
Around Midsummer the weather is warmer,
on the shores of America the boys are more loving,
Sun ralla-la-lei, sun ralla-la-lei, how they seduce us.
My sweetheart went to America, I was left behind like a widow,
he told me to wait for twelve years.
Sun ralla-la-lei, sun ralla-la-lei, how they seduce us.
Six years have gone by and that's a half,
and in the meantime I won't take a replacement for my sweetheart.
Sun ralla-la-lei, sun ralla-la-lei, how they seduce us.
My sweetheart left for America on top of a sand train,
here the little birds sign mournfully.
Sun ralla-la-lei, sun ralla-la-lei, how they seduce us.
Forgotten Shadows
Clouds o'er the forest to the valley float,
The wind is whistling forth its sad song's note.
I hear forgotten words amidst its stirring,
Of farway times, of darkness long-enduring.
The current's blackness o'er that forest starkens
The mill is broken down, the water darkens.
I hear a song, a wailing sorrow-filled,
Allwhere an all-mysterious swoon is spilt.
What's that behind the shadows? Mid of night
I see tearweary eyes in heavens' height,
Pale waves are rolling through the cloudy haze
I Wish My Heart Would Reach You
I don’t know when it started
But my days are all about you, it’s you
Precious days that were colored with you
The way you talk, your face, your eyes, I miss them all
Though I’m afraid of this place without you
At the end of my wait, I hope you’ll be standing there
As I cherish all the gift-like memories
I’ll always be here
I hope my heart reaches you
Moments that are warm as the sunshine
You alone were enough for me, wish you
When things were hard for no reason
I remember how you held my hand
Though I’m afraid of this place without you
At the end of my wait, I hope you’ll be standing there
As I cherish all the gift-like memories
I’ll always be here
I hope my heart reaches you
Even if it hurts to the point I can’t breathe, I won’t let go
I’ll find you
My days without you have no meaning
Just like when we first met
Always my love
I hope my heart reaches you
Till I Know What Love Is
Now, the hands that led me
Dow this path were mine and mine alone
'Not sure I'm up to it though,' I said laughing
Dragging my feet
My body's like a deflated balloon
Even if we keep on running and running
This so-called life is a race that only ends in death
A lightweight like me
Just gets swept up by the wind
Then suddenly it's end of the line
Oh, I want to be someone with that special something
I've been stubbornly clinging to that
Let it go now
Though I'd like to be always gentle and kind
Sometimes I just wanna get hopping mad
Let my tears run free and true
Till I know what love is, I'm not gonna die!
Go with fate that has guided me so far
Today or tomorrow, I'll keep on living
The stars I could see in front of me
Seem to be losing their long-lasting brilliance
If my dreams end up being nothing but dreams
I told myself that it's OK to look away
Oh, like a flower that hasn’t been able to bloom yet
Every days goes by fruitlessly
I've been running like my life depended on it
Take a break now
I want to have chance encounters with strangers
I want to hop on a cloud that stretches out infinitely
And see the rainbow I've never seen before
Till I know what love is, I'm not gonna die!
Leave it to fate to guide me
Today or tomorrow, I'll keep on living
Oh, I want to be someone with that special something
I've been stubbornly clinging to that
Let it go now
Though I'd like to be always gentle and kind
Sometimes I just wanna get hopping mad
Let my tears run free and true
Till I know what love is, I'm not gonna die!
I'll with fate that has guided me so far
Today or tomorrow, I'll keep on living
Dun Dun Dance
Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance
Just dance Just dance
Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance
Just dance Just dance
Sky covered with raining meteors
I want to dance with you under such sky
Colorful clothes pretty accessories oh baby
Flowing music all make my heart flutter
I feel the disco rhythm in my body
Don't think of anything else
yeah Rise to the stage filled with footsteps
Liberated movements That lovable feeling
Escape from all those boring days and lives oh tonight
Just you and I float into the sky with the earth on our back
Crazy crazy crazy dance the long dance as much as you want
Don't stop me I feel so high now
Far far far suc dazzle
I just wanna Dun Dun Dance
Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance
Oh baby give me baby give me baby give me more
Don't stop me love this song
Just wanna Dun Dun Dance
Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance
Just dance Just dance
Shining like a disco ball
Red high hells on the road
Got my eyes on you and you got yours
Until the sun rises again
You are ordinary but somethings different you've got that mysterious side
I can see through the cover
We are all strange little bit yeah
Strange existence disguised as people oh baby
yeah I won't be surprised It's okay come a bit closer
Let us forget about others' eyes
Get away from the hectic life and expectations oh tonight
Just you and I float into the sky with the earth on our back
Crazy crazy crazy dance the long dance as much as you want
Don't stop me I feel so high now
Far far far suc dazzle
I just wanna Dun Dun Dance
Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance
Oh baby give me baby give me baby give me more
Don't stop me love this song
Just wanna Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance
Just dance Just dance
It's a small dot anyways You little gem
We can take few steps away and look at it
We are dancing on fire
Just you and I float into the sky with the earth on our back
Crazy crazy crazy dance the long dance as much as you want
Don't stop me I feel so high now
Far far far suc dazzle
I just wanna Dun Dun Dance
Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance
Oh baby give me baby give me baby give me more
Don't stop me love this song
Just wanna Dun Dun Dance
Dun Dun Dance Dun Dun Dance
Just dance Just dance
Љубав је
Тешко је добити, готово немогуће сачувати.
Равна као стрела као упаљен фитиљ
држећи се пута поред дуге хладне зоре,
А најбезнадежнија и најбоља ствар на свету.
Љубав је
(љубав је)
Шта желите да буде
Љубав је
(љубав је)
хах Небо усамљеним
Покажи ми
Шта хоћеш да урадим
Јер љубав је оно што имам за тебе
Затворим очи, тражим звезду,
Плачем за помоћ, будим се у хладном зноју.
Ти си у мом телу под мојом кожом
Рањених емоција, немој отићи
Љубав је
(љубав је)
Шта желите да буде
(љубав је)
Небо усамљеним
Покажи ми
Шта хоћеш да урадим
Јер љубав је оно што имам за тебе
Не могу да живим од обећања и да спавам са лажима
Не разумем о чему причаш
'Док ти ја читам из очију
Морам да трчим по инстинкту, морам да идем по осећају
Морам да верујем својим чулима да знам да ли је то стварно
Не могу да живим од обећања и да спавам са лажима
Не разумем о чему причаш
'Док ти ја читам из очију
Морам да трчим по инстинкту, морам да идем по осећају
Морам да верујем својим чулима
Љубав је
(љубав је)
Шта желите да буде
Љубав је
Небо усамљеним
Покажи ми
Шта хоћеш да урадим
Јер љубав је оно што имам за тебе
Љубав је
(љубав је)
(љубав је)
Љубав је
(Покажи ми)
(љубав је)
(љубав је, покажи ми)
cock-and-bull stories
Co-co-co-cock-and-bull stories
are only fairy tales
Even the Grimm brothers
made it just half as bad
Co-co-co-cock-and-bull stories
no no you better let go
You can only reach me
by the truth
You own a castle by the sea under green pines
You´re breeding cattle in the far Argentina
You became that rich all on your own
But in the bar you throw a glass of applejuice
Co-co-co-cock-and-bull stories
are only fairy tales
Even the Grimm brothers
made it just half as bad
Co-co-co-cock-and-bull stories
no no you better let go
You can only reach me
by the truth
Whatever games or sports, you´re always winning
you´re holding the world record, but just in lying
You call yourself a baron, I got an idea:
Very likely you are the Baron Munchausen
Co-co-co-cock-and-bull stories
are only fairy tales
Even the Grimm brothers
made it just half as bad
Co-co-co-cock-and-bull stories
no no you better let go
You can only reach me
by the truth
Co-co-co-cock-and-bull stories
It´s all just make-believe
You, Ivan, leave your mother...
You, Ivan, leave your mother, I will leave my master,
And we will go to Voloschina to search for our destiny!
We will come to Voloschina to live among Vlachs,
And we’ll eat some hominy there.
Oh, Vlachs eat so poorly, sow only corn,
They cannot grow wheat, cause don’t know how to reap.
У недељу, мајко, рано
У недељу, мајко, рано,
Кад зора још не свиће,
Млади Петро
Већ седла коња.
Јој, куда ћеш поћи,
Мој мили Петро?
У Бичков на вашар,
Љубави моја, Насто.
Шта ћеш тамо куповати,
Мој мили Петро?
Сивих вола, као соколи,
Љубави моја, Насто.
Јој, јутрос Наста
Ишла je до мајци у посету
И срела Петра
У окрвављеној кошуљи.
Јој, ко те тако је исекао,
Мој мили Петро?
Јој, оне влашки момци,
Љубави моја, Насто.
Како морам да звоним по тебе,
Мој мили Петро?
Бар у лонци, бар у звони,
Љубави моја, Насто.
За кога сад морам да пођем,
Мој мили Петро?
Баш за турског џелата,
Ја ти не забрањујем.
Neither have I fallen in love with anyone, nor anyone has fallen in love with me
I've remained more in love than I am at the beaches
Neither have I fallen in love with anyone, nor anybody has fallen in love with me
I've remained more in love than I am at the beaches
O faithful and unfaithful to my heart, where are you?
Alas! This love and sorrow of separation!
O stranger and familiar to my heart, where are you?
Alas! This love and sorrow of separation!
Hey, I'm talking to you. You who has abandoned my heart
Hey, I'm talking to you. You who has left and ignored me
O my love, I'm talking to you
O my love, who has left his love, O my confidant and compassionate
O my love, I'm talking to you
O my love, I'm talking to you
O my love, I'm talking to you
O my love, I'm talking to you
With you, my going to heaven is in danger
Fire my soul and take me to the hell
Stop saying 'our relationship is over'
Please don't say it's time of separation
I swear to the god that you worship
You are all of my heart has, you are my love
Hey, I'm talking to you. You who has abandoned my heart
Hey, I'm talking to you. You who has left and ignored me
O my love, I'm talking to you
O my love, who has left his love, O my confidant and compassionate
O my love, I'm talking to you
O my love, I'm talking to you
O my love, I'm talking to you
O my love, I'm talking to you
High among the clouds,
far away in the sky,
Angels live
and are always next to you
Here on earth they also live somewhere,
they live in us
Anyone can be an angel, me and you
A signpost among life gates
Anyone can dream, be an angel's glow
A light that leads through the world
Anyone can be an angel, me and you
Here in joy and tears,
They keep watch between us
They will show us a home,
They will protect under the wings
Here on earth they also live somewhere,
they live in us
Anyone can be an angel, me and you
A signpost among life gates
Anyone can dream, be an angel's glow
A light that leads through the world /x2
Anyone can be an angel, me and you
My Childhood Hometown
I love my hometown, and its lushed green bamboos.
My childhood hometown passes me by
The winding village road, the calm Thu river.
Playing kite and soccer under the scorching sun.
I used to swim in the wide open sea and sky
The sound of birds chirping brings back many memories
I've been away from my hometown, for many months and years
But my heart is never far away.
My mother singing lullabies in summer afternoons.
Catching a fish in the middle of the street in the flood seasons.
Loving memories for me in those days
Where to find them again where to find them.
Where are those days, where are those days?
Let me rediscover one childhood day.
Let me find it again, give me one day.
Where are those days?
Let me rediscover one childhood day.
And those folk stories told by my mom that one year.
Where are those days, where are those days?
Where are those days, where are those days?
[Verse 1]
Frosty metal
Aerodynamic body
Swish, swish, mhm, ah
Whirlpool in the Nile
I want blood goth rock
Gibson in my Benz
Chica chica boom
Blades in this flash
I end here this affair
Where is my baby?
[Chorus 1]
Where the fuck are you?
Miriam (Shock)
Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Miriam, ah
Where the fuck, fuck, fuck
[Verse 2]
I sink waiting
For a glass river
Gooble, gooble, gooble
Longing for black
Gibson in my Benz
I want blood goth rock
Chica chica boom
Blades in this flash
I end here this affair
Where is my tongue?
[Chorus 2]
Where the fuck are you?
Miriam (Shock)
Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Ah, stan account
I'm gonna get the bitch from her grave to my way
I'm gonna get the bitch from her grave to my way
I'm gonna get the bitch from her grave to my way
I'm gonna get the bitch from her grave to my way
I bought some flowers because
Green chrysanthemums for you
I bought some flowers because
Hope is dead for me
I wrote a requiem for you
In E flat like
That piano trio by Schubert
You played for me
Sky is not a limit
Live and let live
I throw vodka on a Corbusier
Immortal, Queen Elizabeth
[Verse 1]
No bitches, no queens in my crib
No snitches, just gs in my clique
No bitches, no queens in my crib
No snitches, just gs in my clique
A helicopter flying over me since this morning
Not even if I were Andreotti, Berlusconi, Totò Riina
Titles, titles, movements on the sly
I buy the whole stock of shares Pininfarina
No one asked you for another album, no one
M¥SS KETA is dead live on Rai 1
It’s still there because someone wants it
And that someone is me, asshole
I’m not done talking and you’re dead
I’m not done talking and you’re dead
All against all, 20-21, you know
Fortnite, I’m online
My shopping bag is not by Hermès
Must have, executive class
Cyber sex, it’s a match, come here
Popper in my waist cincher
Boys from Glock Street
No haters in my block
No haters in my clock
Follow me on TikTok
Hey, hey, hey
There’s a monarchy in my comments
And I’m the queen
If you’ve got something to say
Swip left, I delete your comment, idiot
My shopping bag is not by Hermès
Must have, executive class
It makes working and business class agree
Hardcore, bitch asset
No bitches, no queens in my crib
No snitches, just gs in my clique
No bitches, no queens in my crib
No snitches, just gs in my clique
M¥SS fucking who?, gang
M¥SS fucking -
Sick ideology, in egomaniacs’ mouth
Fuck off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, block me
It’s 1900 fucking 84
You can live quietly only if you’re a dog or a cat
I’d like to have a nice home, Ludwig Miss van der Rohe
All windowed, infinity window, infinity pool
I feel the need of a revolution
There are too many kings and too few queens
They put ideals in the shop windows
But if you read the tags, they say “Made in Chile”
Democrats in the streets and authoritarians in the bed
And politicians don't rule, owners do
Digital Middle Ages of vassals and lords
Cyanide with strawberries, capital sins
They’d be capable of speaking ill even of Mozart
Just to say something
They don’t understand art
They slam in your face their ego, they put it aside
Seh, seh, seh, seh, seh, seh, seh, seh
They say I gambled my career at *bip*
Maybe it’s true, but I don’t give a fuck, I’m honest
I start again
I’ve a concrete point of view
I’m not a fucking comet
Peep, eep
Sky is not a limit
Live and let live
I throw vodka on a Corbusier
Immortal, Queen Elizabeth
[Verse 2]
Cyanide with strawberries
Queen like Beyoncé
I throw vodka on a Corbusier
Sky is not a limit
And don’t come in my
And don’t come in my
And don’t come in my
And don’t come in my
And don’t come in my crib
To tell me how to be the M¥SS
And don’t come on my account
To tell who I should do a feat with
And don’t send a mail
To complain about my fee
I’m the queen
M¥SS fucking KETA king
Positions, maps, itineraries
Mandatory fifteen
Politic of delay
I ride through Corso Garibaldi
On Valium on a Cyber Truck
I park in Starbucks
Frappuccino with Napalm
Name Monica guest star
Here, between you and me
Sky is not a limit
Between you and me
Sky is not a limit
White dove
The mountain peak is all sunshine
The night is on the run, it's far away
As if the wind gave me wings
The rays of the sun lift me up
The scent of hay greets me at the meadow
I often go there
A white dove soars above the meadow
A shower of gold rains down around me
Una Paloma Blanca
It flies-flies up to the sky
Una Paloma Blanca
It's happy because summer is here
So come with me, love is waiting for you
||: I've been the loser many times
A hundred cuffs have held me
But today I've finally found you
And now I haven't any problems
||: REFRAIN :||
||: So come with me, love is waiting for you :||
Action man
Pull me up
You can do whatever you want so just set me up
We can do it one more time
Im making chaos for you, baby
Im the boss for you, baby
Im the action you want I'm the man
I am strong, I am tan
Got a tank that goes bang
Pitbull made of iron
Poking out of a van
Got a bazooka Mustang
Whole millitary is gang
I'm action, I am man
All you need is to take me out of my box and
Pull me up
You can do whatever you want so just set me up
I am your boy toy so just dress me up
I have nothing more than time so just check me up
I am fucking sold, I'm on a roll
So have you tested enough?
I can hang from the ceiling like a fucking spider
Have you lost something in the ocean, can I get it back up?
Let me down to the bottom
And check the speed on my way up
Got a Gordon setter [1] with rockets
If they want beef
Creeping in the shadows
Knives on the back
Pistol on the thigh
Oil in the hair
Waving with a katana
Skiing in shorts, yeah
The pistol got a camera
Pull me up
You can do whatever you want so just set me up
We can do it one more time
Im making chaos for you baby
Im the boss for you baby
Im the action you want, I'm the man
I am strong, I am tan
Got a tanks that goes bang
Pitbull made of iron
Poking out of a van
Got a bazooka Mustang
Whole millitary is gang
I'm action, I am man
All you need is to take me out of my box and pull me up
Got a underwater jet
Cruisin in a pong
Muscles sitting tight
Feeling like Van Damme
Im a guy by my’lone
But for you, im Stallone
Im stone cold austin for you
Im a cyborg, goes half robot for you
Shit, there is no mountain i wouldnt climb for you
Shit, there is no guy that is on my level
I got a bear and electrical eels with me
Patch over my eye
For better aiming
A sloppy from the right
Standing and sitting
Bag with granades
Its just to push
The button is there to make action
Pull me up
You can do whatever you want so just set me up
We can do it one more time
Im making chaos for you, baby
Im the boss for you, baby
Im the action you want im the man
I am strong i am tan
Got a tanks that goes bang
Pitbull made of iron
Poking out of a van
Got a bazooka Mustang
Whole millitary is gang
I'm action, I am man
All you need is to take me out of my box and pull me up
I've met you someday somewhere
I felt that I've met you someday somewhere.
That impression might be a dream or misunderstanding.
However when I saw you for the first time,
that kind of thought spread all over my heart.
friend oh! oh! my friend
friend my friend
You're such a good friend, so are you.
I won't tell you such things though.
Perhaps, I won't let go of your hands,
Even if the wind blows enough to tear it off.
I felt that I've met you someday somewhere.
People sometimes feel the excitement of their hearts like a destiny,
With the joy of basking in the light of dawn.
friend oh! oh! my friend
friend my friend
You're such a good friend, so are you.
I won't tell you such things though.
My hot passion doesn't change,
even if the rain is freezing cold.