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Separated From You

I have to look to a new direction
To not leave my wounded heart at the hands of pain
I have to forget the fear of this emptiness
To not die of the cold
You are no longer with me
You know I'll always be yours
But the world spins and if fate draws you away...
Forever from my side
I won't know how to escape the desire to find you
Forever without you
I won't ever grow accustomed to living a single moment
Separated from you...
I don't want our romance to end
To wake up in the morning
Knowing that our romance has been lost
You know that I'll always be for you
But the world spins
And if fate draws you away from me
I won't know how to escape the desire to find you
I won't ever grow accustomed to living a single moment
Time tries to separate us
The wind keeps hitting us
And nothing hurts more than being like this
I won't know how to escape the desire to find you
Without you
I will never be able to grow accustomed to living a single moment
Separated from you.

Bum bum daj daj

Bum daj, daj,
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj,
Bum bum daj, daj
Slušaj, moja ljubavi
Ne znam da li osećaš
Već mi je vrućina
Ovde je vrelo
Kao biber koji gori u ustima
Kao loša geta
Način na koji me dodiruješ
Jer samo ti znaš kako da ljubiš moja usta
I shvatićeš šta sve izazivaš
Želim jedan poljubac
Daj, daj
Više od toga
Dobro ti znaš
Nikad ne prestaj
Nikad ne prestaj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum bum daj, daj
(ja sam Rejkon, vođa)
Ja imam nešto za tebe zato dođi, dođi
Par tekilica mamice dođi, dođi, dođi
Ako govoriš o ljutom
Bolje da izdržiš
Na vreme nek ti Majte da
Nije rekla ne i ja sam primetio
Sa jednim pogledom, svu odeću sam joj skinuo
Nije pravila problem kada sam je pipao
I svidelo joj se ono što sam joj radio
Nije rekla ne i ja sam primetio
Sa jednim pogledom, svu odeću sam joj skinuo
Nije pravila problem kada sam je pipao
I onda bum bum daj, daj
Reci šta hoćeš...
Hoću jedan poljubac
daj, daj
Više od toga, dobro ti znaš
Nikad ne prestaj
Nikad ne prestaj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum bum daj, daj
Ja sam Rejkon, vođa, hej, hej
Nemoj to da zaboraviš
Sa Majte Peroni
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum daj, daj
Bum bum daj, daj


Ona čini da poludiš
Dok pokreće
Bokove, bokove, kažu da je zgodna
I da će te pojesti
Govore da je žele
Da umiru bez njene ljubavi
Obećavaju joj svašta
Kola, kuću, odeću i lice
A ona pleše na podijumu
I svi je gledaju
Ova devojka je ubica
Ona je ubica
Zna šta radi
Niko je ne zaustavlja
Oblači se elegantno
I vrlo je otmena
Radi ono što želi
Niko joj ne zapoveda
Niko je ne kontroliše
Ni sa novcem, ni sa karticom
Ni sa nakitom, niti će joj stiskati bokove
Sama, sama...
Sama noću dok ne umre
Sama, žurka je i dalje odlična
Sama i pleše bokovima
Sama i tako dobra...
Dopada mi se da ustanem ujutru
I da mi donesu doručak u krevet
Neko ko će me razumeti i tretirati poput kraljice
Koji će mi reći da me voli, a da ne traži ništa zauzvrat
Nemoj se zbuniti, nisam feminista
Ali takođe ne budi muški šovinista
Razumem šta osećaš, ja sam nezavisna
Ti želiš feštu, a ja želim da budem sama
Bebo nećemo da patimo
Bebo ne želim da patiš...
Ti, ti mi se sviđaš ne mogu te slagati
Ali sam dovoljna sebi
Ne želim kompromis
Ovako sam odlično...
A ona pleše na podijumu
I svi je gledaju
Ova devojka je ubica
Ona je ubica
Zna šta radi
Niko je ne zaustavlja
Oblači se elegantno
I vrlo je otmena
Radi ono što želi
Niko joj ne zapoveda
Niko je ne kontroliše
Ni sa novcem, ni sa karticom
Ni sa nakitom, niti će joj stiskati bokove
Sama, sama...
Sama noću dok ne umre
Sama, žurka je i dalje odlična
Sama i pleše bokovima
Sama i tako dobra...
Sama noću dok ne umre
Sama, žurka je i dalje odlična
Sama i pleše bokovima
Sama i tako dobra...


She makes you go crazy
When she starts to move
Hip, hip, they say that she's good
And that she is going to bite you
They tell her that they want her
That without her love they die
They promise everything to her
Car, house, clothes and face
And she dances on the track
And everyone looks at her
That girl is a killer
She is a murderer
She knows what she does
No one stops her
Dress up elegant
But fine
She does what she wants
No one keeps her
No one controls her
Neither with money, nor with a wallet
Neither with jewelry, nor with a chain they will grab her
Single, single
Single by the night until she dies
Single that the party is good
Single to move the hip
Single and so good
I like to wake up in the morning
And that they bring me breakfast to bed
Someone who understands me, treat me like queen
He tells me that he loves me, without asking me anything
Don't get confused, I'm not a feminist
But don't make me macho either
I understand what you feel, I am independent
You want the beast, I want to be single
Baby, let's don't make each other suffer
Baby, I don't want to make you suffer
You, I like you, but I don't want to lie to you
I am fine like that, single
I don't want commitment
I am fine like that
And she dances on the track
And everyone looks at her
That girl is a killer
She is a murderer
She knows what she does
No one stops her
Dress up elegant
But fine
She does what she wants
No one keeps her
No one controls her
Neither with money, nor with a wallet
Neither with jewelry, nor with a chain they will grab her
Single, single
Single by the night until she dies
Single that the party is good
Single to move the hip
Single and so good
Single by the night until she dies
Single that the party is good
Single to move the hip
Single and so good
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


You are the one I chose
I want to lose myself into you
I want to give you everything
I want to give you my love
And so that you understand everything what means
I, I made you this song
I made you a poem in a verse
I'm going to write you a story every night
Child, I am your princess
Your doll face
You know what I like the most about you?
It's your love
I like from the feet to the head
I love that you like surprises, love
I like looking at you, I love touch you
It kills me the way you kiss me, love
From the feet to the head
I want to make love to you above the table
I like your smell, I love your love
You and I are pure love
You and I are pure love
You and I are pure love
I, I will be your downfall
Maybe you will be my blessing
And when I see you walking
When I see you like this
With that constellation face
You look like the moon who goes crazy for a kiss
And for telling the stars that it's love
And to fall in love, it takes two seconds
A couple of looks, a kiss on the mouth, I take off your clothes
I like from the feet to the head
I love that you like surprises, love
I like looking at you, I love touch you
It kills me the way you kiss me, love
From the feet to the head
I want to make love to you above the table
I like your smell, I love your love
You and I are pure love
You and I are pure love
You and I are pure love
Come and let's change the planet
Today we are going to make love on a table
We are going to make songs, some emotions
Let's be honest, let's talk the net
I like love with you
I like to dance with you
I like you, I like you
I like to touch it to you
If it makes sense what I tell you
Let's both have a good time
If you want, I ask you to live with me
And we're going to make love
I like from the feet to the head
I love that you like surprises, love
I like looking at you, I love touch you
It kills me the way you kiss me, love
From the feet to the head
I want to make love to you above the table
I like your smell, I love your love
You and I are pure love


Ti si onaj koga sam izabrala
Želim se izgubiti u tebi
Želim ti dati sve
Želim ti pružiti svoju ljubav
I da bi razumeo
Sve šta znači
Ja, ja sam ti napisala
Ovu pesmu
Napisala sam ti poemu u stihu
Pisaću ti svake večeri bajku
Dragi, ja sam tvoja princeza
Tvoje lice lutke
Znaš li šta mi se kod tebe najviše dopada?
Tvoja ljubav
Dopadaš mi se od glave do pete
Oduševljava me što voliš iznenađenja, ljubav
Volim da te gledam, da te dodirujem
Do ludila me dovodi način na koji me ljubiš, ljubav
Od glave do pete
Želim te podići iznad stola, ljubavi
Dopada mi se tvoj miris, oduševljava me tvoja ljubav
Ti i ja smo čista ljubav
Ti i ja smo čista ljubav
Ti i ja smo čista ljubav
Ja, ja ću biti tvoje gubljenje
Možda ćeš biti moj, moj blagoslov
I kada te ugledam da koračaš
Kada te vidim takvog
Sa tim slatkim izrazom lica
Deluješ poput meseca koji me čini ludom za tvojim poljupcem
I da kažem zvezdama da si ljubav
Da bi se zaljubili dovoljne su dve sekunde
Par pogleda, jedan poljubac i skidam ti odeću
Dopadaš mi se od glave do pete
Oduševljava me što voliš iznenađenja, ljubav
Volim da te gledam, da te dodirujem
Do ludila me dovodi način na koji me ljubiš, ljubav
Od glave do pete
Želim te podići iznad stola, ljubavi
Dopada mi se tvoj miris, oduševljava me tvoja ljubav
Ti i ja smo čista ljubav
Ti i ja smo čista ljubav
Ti i ja smo čista ljubav
Dođi i idemo da menjamo svet
Danas ćemo voditi ljubav na stolu
Stvaraćemo pesme, osećajne
Da budemo iskreni
Pričajmo otvoreno
Meni se dopada ljubav sa tobom
Dopada mi se da plešem sa tobom
Meni se dopadaš ti, dopadaš ti
Sviđa mi se da te dodirujem
Ukoliko ima značaja ovo što ti govorim
Divno će nam biti
Ukoliko želiš tražiću ti da živimo zajedno
I idemo da vodimo ljubav
Dopadaš mi se od glave do pete
Oduševljava me što voliš iznenađenja, ljubav
Volim da te gledam, da te dodirujem
Do ludila me dovodi način na koji me ljubiš, ljubav
Od glave do pete
Želim te podići iznad stola, ljubavi
Dopada mi se tvoj miris, oduševljava me tvoja ljubav
Ti i ja smo čista ljubav

Bum bum go ahead go ahead

Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Listen, my love
I don't know if you feel it
I get a heat
That is hot
Like a pepper that burns in your mouth
Like a bad ghetto
The way you touching me
Because only you know how to kiss my mouth
You will realize everything you cause
I want a kiss
Give me, give me
More of that
Well you know
Never stop
Never stop
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
(I am Reykon, the leader)
I have your thing so come, come
Couple of tequilitas mommy come, come, come
If you talk about spicy
It is better that you endure
At the time Maite that gives you
She didn't say no and I noticed
With a look I removed all her clothes
She didn't put a problem when I groped her
And she liked what I did to her
She didn't say no and I noticed
With a look I removed all her clothes
She didn't put a problem when I groped her
And then bum bum go ahead, go ahead
Say what you want
I want a kiss
Give me, give me, more of that
Well you know
Never stop
Never stop
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
I am Reykon, the leader, hey, hey
Don't forget it
With Maite Perroni
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead

Divine eyes

Divine eyes that every time they look at me
provoke fantasies, provoke temptation
divine eyes that every time they look at me
I forget about life and I lose the heart
Always when I fall into your net, the poison of your honey
hurts me and makes me good, you´re a sweet addiction
that becomes the seduction and anxiety inside me
later you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave
leaving me on the lips the story of this love
you always leave, you leave, you leave, you leave
leaving in my soul the sight and goodbye
Divine eyes that every time they look at me
provoke fantasies, provoke temptation
divine eyes that every time they look at me
I forget about life and I lose the heart
Yeii yeii yeii eeh
Every time when I see you coming, I know I´ll fall again
in your subtle game, you´re my weakness
and I always want more from your lips and your evil
later you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave
leaving me on the lips the story of this love
you always leave, you leave, you leave, you leave
leaving in my soul the sight and goodbye
Divine eyes that every time they look at me
provoke fantasies, provoke temptation
divine eyes that every time they look at me
I forget about life and I lose the heart
Yeii yeii yeii eeh
Always when I fall into your net, the poison of your honey
you´re a sweet addiction that becomes the seduction
Yeaah, you got beautiful eyes, spanish girl yeah,
beautiful eyes, beautiful eyes, beautiful eyes yeah
beautiful eyes, beautiful eyes, beautiful eyes yeah
Divine eyes that every time they look at me
provoke fantasies, provoke temptation
divine eyes that every time they look at me
I forget about life and I lose the heart
Yeii yeii yeii eeh

Crazy with love

You arrive every might with your unabated strength,
come into my dreams, barge in without warning,
you go non-stop straight to my heart,
you steal my kisses, my secrets and my love.
Come back and give me back my will because
already I'm beginning to go crazy,
Come back, return another time,
I really need you to make my skin your own.
Love, I just ask you skin to skin
to be mine again.
Love, now you're paying me with more love,
thousands of times with passion.
Crazy with love, love, crazy with love,
Crazy with love, love, crazy with love,
that's how you've got me.
You use your powers to paint in colour for me
those sad moments which the past has left me.
You know of a little trick to make me smile,
you know you can have me to yourself whenever you like.
Come back and give me back my will because
already I'm beginning to go crazy,
Come back, return another time,
I really need you to make my skin your own.
Love, I just ask you skin to skin
to be mine again.
Love, now you're paying me with more love,
thousands of times with passion.
Crazy with love, love, crazy with love,
Crazy with love, love, crazy with love,
that's how you've got me.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.


Dandee: Primecuje se u tvom pogledu da te on ne voli i da nikad nece,I ne idi, ti ne idi,
Maite: Znam da ti to ne razumes, ali on mi se kune da ce se promeniti,Ne znam sta da radim, ni koga da volim,
Dandee: On se nikad nece bolje ponasati prema tebi, dok sam ja lud od ljubavi,
On ti odbija poljubac, a ja ti mogu dati mnogo vise od toga,
Maite: Znas da umirem za tobom, svaki put kada mi tako pricas,
Ali imam vlasnika, Iako nocu sa tobom sanjam,
Maite: Sa tobom ja poludim, luda i kada me ti gledas moje srce eksplodira,
U ljubavi je novo i ponekad se pogresi, sa tobom sam luda,
Dandee: Sa tobom ja postajem lud, lud znala si zaljubiti me iako nisi zelela malo po malo,
Iako ti imas vlasnika, ja takodje gresim, za tobom sam lud ja,
I da bi se zaljubio moras biti lud, lud, lud,
Cali: Prati me, prati me, ne staj, ja i on nismo isti,
Pusti me da izlecim tvoju tugu i da ti pun Mesec sa jednim poljupcem poklonim,
Dandee: On se nikad nece bolje ponasati prema tebi, dok sam ja lud od ljubavi,
On ti odbija poljubac, a ja ti mogu dati mnogo vise od toga,
Maite: Znas da umirem za tobom, svaki put kada mi tako pricas,
Ali imam vlasnika, Iako nocu sa tobom sanjam,
Maite: Sa tobom ja poludim, luda i kada me ti gledas moje srce eksplodira,
U ljubavi je novo i ponekad se pogresi, sa tobom sam luda,
Dandee: Sa tobom ja postajem lud, lud znala si zaljubiti me iako nisi zelela malo po malo,
Iako ti imas vlasnika, ja takodje gresim, za tobom sam lud ja,
I da bi se zaljubio moras biti lud, lud, lud,
Cali: Prati me, prati me, ne staj, ja i on nismo isti,
Pusti me da izlecim tvoju tugu i da ti pun Mesec sa jednim poljupcem poklonim,
Dandee: On se nikad nece bolje ponasati prema tebi, dok sam ja lud od ljubavi,
On ti odbija poljubac, a ja ti mogu dati mnogo vise od toga,
Maite: Znas da umirem za tobom, svaki put kada mi tako pricas,
Ali imam vlasnika, Iako nocu sa tobom sanjam,
Maite: Sa tobom ja poludim, luda i kada me ti gledas moje srce eksplodira,
U ljubavi je novo i ponekad se pogresi, sa tobom sam luda,
Dandee: Sa tobom ja postajem lud, lud znala si zaljubiti me iako nisi zelela malo po malo,
Iako ti imas vlasnika, ja takodje gresim, za tobom sam lud ja,
I da bi se zaljubio moras biti lud, lud, lud,
Cali: Prati me, prati me, ne staj, ja i on nismo isti,
Pusti me da izlecim tvoju tugu i da ti pun Mesec sa jednim poljupcem poklonim,
Dandee: Maite, Cali y El Dandee,
Maite: I da bi se zaljubili, ti si lud i ja sam luda.