Резултати претраге страна 2
Број резултата: 107
The mill is napping by the road
The mill is napping by the road
The sun has set in the West long ago
The moon is playing in the creek
And listening to my song
Even if you're not here
Even if you're far
I want to tell you and you alone
What's in my heart
I want to dream a summer's dream
About you
I want to sing this song at least once
With you by the river
Even if you're not here
Even if you're far
I want to tell you and you alone
What's in my heart
How should I call you?
Where should I meet you?
Let's go wait for the sunset
And return to meet the dawn
Even if you're not here
Even if you're far
I want to tell you and you alone
What's in my heart
Too bad
She is alone
And I walk alone
She says she knows who I am
But i don't know her
Today she got pretty
So that I saw her
And he tells me that if I remember her
We do what you want
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Yeah yeah
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
That I do not remember it does not take away the good
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
Of all the chimbitas you are the best
Sorry I don't remember you
But your friend already told me everything and I have the green
I don't fall in love, because he who falls in love loses
Then you came here just to see me
I feel like it and it looks far away
Get on the bass to get him
With a blah blah blah for me to remember me
Pa’m every day is Friday
I feel like it and it looks far away
Get on the bass to get him
With a blah blah blah for me to remember me
Pa’m every day is Friday
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
Of all the chimbitas you are the best
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
That I do not remember it does not take away the good
Something I took that night that damaged my mind
I went crazy, unconscious
It doesn't mean that because I don't remember you
I'm not happy to see you again
I'm curious and you know that
Today I am set to do evil
Your name today I do not remember
But tonight I learn
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Yeah yeah
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
That I do not remember it does not take away the good
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
Of all the chimbitas you are the best
It doesn't go away
Versions: #2
Here again
I'm thinking about you
I do not know why I miss you
If we are two strangers (yeah)
It started with a borrowed kiss
And it ended a little more cheeky
Oh my God, what did we do (yeah)
It's that the night was timely
For what I feel there is no vaccine
And I can not forget you
And your beauty that does not help me
You abuse, you use me, you know it, I like it
And as much as I try
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
I saw you and I liked you so much
You passed by and I stared
We felt connection immediately
You took me to heaven and I stayed there for a while baby
Your waist is candle
You hit like this
And I feel that your skin burns me
Uncontrolled my system
You have something that not everyone has, my girl
It's that the night was timely
For what I feel there is no vaccine
And I can not forget you
And your beauty that does not help me
You abuse, you use me, you know it, I like it
And as much as I try
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
Here again
I'm thinking about you
I do not know why I miss you
If we are two strangers (yeah)
It started with a borrowed kiss
And it ended a little more cheeky
Oh my God, what did we do (yeah)
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
(It doesn't go away)
Ricky Ricky Ricky Martin
(This doesn't go away
The taste of your mouth)
Maluma baby
(It's still in my mouth)
(There is no one who can break it
It went without warning)
Once again
(And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor)
Basic Instinct
Sounds so good
Yeh-yeh, yeh-yeh, ah-ah-ah
it says, uh
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
Maybe, one day I will do you wrong
And it's not because I stopped loving you (stopped loving you)
It's my basic instinct
Once and for all, today I want to confess to you
But don't take it personally
It's my basic instinct
I am not the one to break a heart (heart)
Of course you are right
I swear to you it's not my intention
And I warning you ahead
That if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
And if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
It's better to hurt now, that I am warning you
That you get a message by surprise
that says 'John is messin' around'
And is looking for what he already has on his table
It's a Sech!
I wake up like to 2 to 0
Like a flight, when the plane is already going up in the sky
Like losing the sun in a rain shower
Better to not even wait, I have to be honest
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
I am not the one to break a heart (heart)
Of course you are right
I swear to you it's not my intention
And I warning you ahead
That if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
And if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
This is a Sech, yeh,
Maluma baby
baby, baby, baby, baby,
Hottie, listen
11 увече
11 увече, још увек се не јавља
1 ујутру, још увек нема одговора
2 ујутру, каже ми да је спремна
3 ујутру, имам један предлог за тебе
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
Њему нећеш недостајати
Такође неће мислити о теби
Каже да је заузет са важнијим стварима
Облак који не допушта да се види бриљантно сунце
Не дозволи му да те угаси
Не дозволи му да те угаси
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
11 увече, још увек се не јавља
1 ујутру, још увек нема одговора
2 ујутру, каже ми да је спремна
3 ујутру, имам један предлог за тебе
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
Малума душо
11 PM
11 in the night, still doesn’t answer
1 in the morning, still no answer
2 in the morning, tells me that she is willing
3 in the morning, I have a proposal
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
He isn't going to miss you
Either think of you
He says he's busy with more important things
The cloud that does not let see the bright sun
Do not let him turn it off
Do not let him turn it off
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
11 in the night, still doesn’t answer
1 in the morning, still no answer
2 in the morning, tells me that she is willing
3 in the morning, I have a proposal
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
Maluma baby
Провести се добро
(Не вруће, не вруће) Велики мали бум.
Субота увече, знам да сијам као сунце
ставио сам тоалетну воду која ми даје перфектан мирис.
Пошто сам обучем перфектно и пошто изгледам перфектно, данас ћу да те пратим и да се смањим у твом телу.
Већ неко време ме посматраш девојко, ја луд за трошењем
новцаница од сто, ти да уздишеш
жено, реци ми, шта чекаш?!
Хајде да се проведемо добро, врло добро, много добро
не морамо да се упознајемо, да бисмо се провели
добро, врло добро, много добро само желимо да се
задовољимо, хајде да се проведемо добро, врло доброо
(много добро) хајде да се проведомо д о б р о
Мали огромини. Чуј госпођице, дозволите да Вам кажем
две ствари, прва је једна тајна на уста
друга, ја сам онај који вам је потребан, моћан човек
који ће учинити да се осећате лепом, елегантном, да осетите као сијате, са малим огромним, бићу ваш скулптор, ти једно уметничко дело, и нема шта да кријем, слушај добро овај рефрен
и немојте да се заљубите
Хајде да се проведемо добро, врло добро, много добро
не морамо да се упознајемо, да бисмо се провели
добро, врло добро, много добро само желимо да се
задовољимо, хајде да се проведемо добро, врло доброо
(много добро) хајде да се проведомо д о б р о
И зашто кажу да је потребно
заљубити се, и не разумем зашто је потребно венчати се,
једноставно кажем да треба проживети тренутак, много авантура
без кајања. Не љубав, не вруће, не љубав, не вруће
не љубав, не врућее, (Каже) Ја сам једини неумесни, који се појављује и нестаје, којег ти после тражиш месецима, јер као ја ниједан и ако те боли тражиш још, овде имам нешто за тебе. Кад ти будеш хтела учинићу те својом и ако ми будеш тражила, испунићу твоје фантазије, учинићу те својом женом, учинићу те својом женом.
Хајде да се проведемо добро, врло добро, много добро
не морамо да се упознајемо, да бисмо се провели
добро, врло добро, много добро само желимо да се
задовољимо, хајде да се проведемо добро, врло доброо
(много добро) хајде да се проведомо д о б р о
Крајња тачка
Лепи дечко Прљави дечко
и ја сам Малума бебо
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Данас се осећам усамљено и јадам се у овој строфи
сигуран да је ово последњи пут да сам се заљубио
након што сам ти дао толико љубави из пора
долазиш до мене (боље је да ти будеш сам)
не, не верујем ти више ништа
љубав када је права, никад се не завршава
биће да спаваш понекад у другим креветима
допустила си да се види једна од твојих бројних вештина
не, не верујем ти више ништа
љубав када је права, никад се не завршава
биће да спаваш понекад у другим креветима
допустила си да се види једна од твојих бројних вештина
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Сада, када мало боље размислим, не волим те
консекутивно сам ти проналазио бројна али
када смо водили љубав нисам био толико задовољавајућ
али најгоре је што си гледала моје другове са жељом
О мој Боже, ја ни не верујем
остао сам са тобом до краја играјући прљаво
али хвала Богу сада одлазиш, иди далеко
али када будеш хтела да се вратиш, нећу бити ту за тебе
ооооох нећу бити ту за тебе
ооооох отићи ћу одавде
ооооох заборави ме
ооооох (изгубила си ме мамице)
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Твоји пољупци
Бебо, ја бих желео да те имам саму
да откријем тајну у твојим устима
ја знам да ти хоћеш, зашто се питаш,
на крају крајева, ја знам да ти се свиђа.
Само ти...Ме доводиш у екстазу
Јер само твоји пољупци ме доводе у екстазу
када те ја имам у интимности
чини ми се тешко, да одолим укусу твојих пољубаца
када се осећаш усамљена, не оклевај да се видиш са мном
такође осећам љубав према теби...
Ако ми позајмиш своје усне сигурно ћу пробати
тај слатки отров, укус меда
убија ме полако, парализује ми ум
мислим на тебе често бебо
Прво да ти украдем срце
следећи корак, у моју собу
на крају и без ума да водимо љубав
као у оним данима
када си вриштала и говорила да си моја
И реци ми, ако су ноћи хладне и недостајем ти,
само реци, ја ћу доћи да те угрејем у твом кревету
и реци ми, ако су ноћи хладне и недостајем ти,
само реци, ја ћу доћи да те угрејем у твом кревету
Јер само твоји пољупци ме доводе у екстазу
када те ја имам у интимности
чини ми се тешко, да одолим укусу твојих пољубаца
када се осећаш усамљена, не оклевај да се видиш са мном
такође осећам љубав према теби...
Примити твој позив у сред ноћи
био је савршен тренутак
радује ме кад ми кажеш
да ти фалим већ неко време
Када је светлост била танка
две сенке и једно тело
тражити од ноћи да траје што душе
да бих осетио топлину твог и мог тела
И реци ми, ако су ноћи хладне и недостајем ти,
само реци, ја ћу доћи да те угрејем у твом кревету
и реци ми, ако су ноћи хладне и недостајем ти,
само реци, ја ћу доћи да те угрејем у твом кревету
Јер само твоји пољупци ме доводе у екстазу
када те ја имам у интимности
чини ми се тешко, да одолим укусу твојих пољубаца
када се осећаш усамљена, не оклевај да се видиш са мном
такође осећам љубав према теби...
Мамице, не обмањуј саму себе
само ти знаш да сам ја једини
који зна формулу која те учини женом
That Little Blonde
That little blonde had gotten inside my head,
she is so innocent, I'm still dreaming at night.
That's why you should come here, little girl, you will not regret it, I have a good plan!
You will not be alone, in a moment you'll be dancing, I know that!
Don't wait, don't delay, because the time is running out for us,
you'll try, you'll feel something in you.
That's why you should come here, little girl, you will not regret it, I have a good plan!
You will not be alone, in a moment you'll be dancing, I know that!
That little blonde had gotten inside my head,
she is so innocent, I'm still dreaming at night.
That's why you should come here, little girl, you will not regret it, I have a good plan!
You will not be alone, in a moment you'll be dancing, I know that!
Take advantage of me
Let me love you
I just want to take care of you
I swear I will not let you go
I know you are for me
I know you don't fall in love easily
It will only take me a couple of hours
To show you
That this is something different
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
Don't play with my mind
You're the only one who has the power to read my intuition
I, for my part, know the secret of your heart
Live the moment
Don't think it too much that the time's over
Look at me to my eyes, you know I don't lie
Of you I'm thirsty, let's try
Live the moment
Don't think it too much that the time's over
Look me in the eyes, you know I don't lie
I'm sure of something, you feel what I feel
I know you don't fall in love easily
It will only take me a couple of hours
To show you
That this is something apart
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
You got me confused
Time has passed and you have not decided
Tell me if you care what we've been through
Make up for lost time
Baby, I know your heart has lost many battles
But I came to change everything, my love
Live the moment
Don't think it too much that the time's over
Look at me to my eyes, you know I don't lie
I'm thirsty of you, let's give it a try
Live the moment
Don't think it too much that the time's over
Look me in the eyes, you know I don't lie
I'm sure of something, you feel what I feel
I know you don't fall in love easily
It will only take me a couple of hours
To show you
That this is something different
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
Versions: #2
Maluma, baby
She is not looking for a boyfriend
She wants to go out and fuck (Ey-yeah)
She wants to forget that fool
Because the bastard was unfaithful to her (Oh-no-no-no)
It will break the heart and she doesn't look for anyone to replace it
She only wants someone who can put it in
She wants a man who doesn't call her and who doesn't fuck
To replace the idiot who doesn't value her
She wants to use that being more good is more fashionable
She started putting in into gym since she was left alone
The envious ones say that the surgeon did that to her
But it's herself wanting to get out of pain
She wants to go out, to smoke, to drink
Upload a video so that he sees it
So that he realizes what he lost
So that the son of a bitch feels worse
She wants to go out, to smoke, to drink
Upload a video so that he sees it
So that he realizes what he lost
So that the son of a bitch feels worse
She is not looking for a boyfriend (She doesn't look for a boyfriend, no)
She wants to go out and fuck (Ey-yeah)
She wants to forget that fool (Ey, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Because the bastard was unfaithful to her (Oh-no-no-no)
And when she's released
There is no girl friend to stop her
She doesn't want a boyfriend to render him accounts
She doesn't need any HP in the party, to stop her
And when she's released
There is no girl friend to stop her
She doesn't want a boyfriend to render him accounts
She doesn't need any HP in the party, to stop her
She wants to go out, to smoke, to drink
Upload a video so that he sees it
So that he realizes what he lost
So that the son of a bitch feels worse
She wants to go out, to smoke, to drink
Upload a video so that he sees it
So that he realizes what he lost
So that the son of a bitch feels worse (Worse)
She is not looking for a boyfriend (She doesn't look for a boyfriend, no)
She wants to go out and fuck (Ey-yeah)
She wants to forget that fool (Ey, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Because the bastard was unfaithful to her (Oh-no-no-no)
She is not looking for a boyfriend (She doesn't look for a boyfriend, no)
She wants to go out and fuck, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
So that you forget that fool
Count on me, woman, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
My bad (Remix)
I remember how many pods talked about me
What 'Machito' and how many more things they said
But I know that you danced in the club
Look, I'm eating the whole world
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that, it's only mine
It doesn't matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they invite me
I don't know how many tequila I drinked
Combine with cripy and abused
I took advantage that nobody was looking at me
And I kissed with a guy and a girl
They want to criticize me, that what I do is wrong
What for another is crazy, for me is already something normal
Give, give, give, give, no matter what they tell us
Give, give, give, give, if you want that I continue
Here I am, I, to give you what you want baby
Here I am, I, give me your number to see you again
I kissed your girlfriend, my bad
I drank too much, my bad
I screwed up at the party, my bad
I've always been like that, you all knew it
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that, it's only mine
It doesn't matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they invite me
Some don't understand that
That women have sex
So free as men
And I answer him then
Go fuck yourself, leave the manhood
Don't tell me bitch, if we are the same
And if you still don't understand, I would tell you
My bad, yeh ehh
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that, it's only mine
It doesn't matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they invite me
My bad...my bad...my bad
I've always been like that, you all knew it
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that, it's only mine
It doesn't matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they invite me
Opasna zena
Jucerasnja noc je bila druga stvar,
upoznao sam jednu opasnu zenu,
koja je stavila supstancu u moju casu
i osvanuli smo u njenoj spavacoj sobi bez odece.
I pogledaj me, ovde sam
i ne dolazim u potrazi za objasnjenjem.
Pogledaj me, kako sam lud
zeleci da ponovim ono sto se desilo.
I zelim da ponovim noc, jucerasnju noc
gde su se nasa tela pronasla
i opila me sa svojom kozom.
I zelim da ponovim noc, jucerasnju noc
gde su se nasa tela pronasla
i opila me sa svojom kozom.
Pepeljara, dve polu pune case i odeca na podu,
neposredan rezultat onoga sto je sinoc ucinjeno,
flasa prazna, da ako je puste prica sama
o svakoj situaciji koju je prezivela iz sata u sat,
minut za minutom, oboje prepuni zadovoljstva
i ismevali smo glupe, videli smo izlazak sunca.
Drago mi je, kako se zovete, recite mi gospodjice,
nadam se da cu vas opet videti, nadam se da ce se ponoviti.
I kad bi znala da nikada nisam doziveo nesto ovako
i tvoju izopacenost iskusavam, tvoj pogled izazivam,
od danas te zelim za sebe.
I zelim da ponovim noc, jucerasnju noc
gde su se nasa tela pronasla
i opila me sa svojom kozom.
I zelim da ponovim noc, jucerasnju noc
gde su se nasa tela pronasla
i opila me sa svojom kozom.
Njena koza, njena koza, opila me sa svojom kozom.
Ne znam sta ima taj miris,
ali me izludjuje ta supstanca.
Otkad sam te video, sa tvojim telom sam se umotao
i sada te zelim ovde, na meni,
sa svojim kandzama uhvatila si me, ovom ne vidim kraj.
I kad bi znala da nikada nisam doziveo nesto ovako
i tvoju izopacenost iskusavam, tvoj pogled izazivam,
od danas te zelim za sebe.
Jucerasnja noc je bila druga stvar,
upoznao sam jednu opasnu zenu,
koja je stavila supstancu u moju casu
i osvanuli smo u njenoj spavacoj sobi bez odece.
I pogledaj me, ovde sam
i ne dolazim u potrazi za objasnjenjem.
Pogledaj me kako sam lud
zeleci da ponovim ono sto se desilo.
I zelim da ponovim noc, jucerasnju noc
gde su se nasa tela pronasla
i opila me sa svojom kozom.
I zelim da ponovim noc, jucerasnju noc
gde su se nasa tela pronasla
i opila me sa svojom kozom.
Jaja i ja sam Maluma
Poniznost preovladava, magija raste
Hej, nemam tvoj broj, ni tvoj mobilni telefon od one
noci koja je bila tako posebna, osecao sam da smo
bili jedno za drugo, bilo je nesto u trenutku, to nije bilo
u mom planu i prolazi vreme i ne mogu da te zaboravim,
samo imam njen miris koji cini da je se secam
i lepu odecu koju je ostavila na mojoj sofi, lud sam
i priznajem da zelim da je pronadjem.
I bio bi san imati je opet u mojoj sobi,
ti i ja (sama u mom krevetu)
Vise ne spavam misleci na tvoje telo, to je opsesija,
ti i ja (umirem od zelje).
Kako da zaboravim nju, ako je na mom ogledalu ostavila trag sa crvenim ruzom sluzbeno pismo koje je govorilo:
bila je nazaboravna noc, ali da joj oprostim,
da je nikad ne potrazim.
Pretvorila si se u moju zavisnost, dodji i smiri ovu opsesiju jer umirem od zelje da te imam u mom krevetu.
Nikada nisam zamisljao da cu te imati ispred sebe i da si ti od onih devojki koje plesu ljudima, ko bi mislio
da cu se u striptizetu zaljubiti.
I bio bi san imati je opet u mojoj sobi,
ti i ja (sama u mom krevetu)
Vise ne spavam misleci na tvoje telo, to je opsesija,
ti i ja (umirem od zelje).
Nikada nisam zamisljao da cu te imati ispred sebe i da si ti od onih devojki koje plesu ljudima, ko bi mislio
da cu se u striptizetu zaljubiti.
Pretvorila si se u moju zavisnost, dodji i smiri ovu opsesiju jer umirem od zelje da te imam u mom krevetu.
I bio bi san imati je opet u mojoj sobi,
ti i ja (sama u mom krevetu)
Vise ne spavam misleci na tvoje telo, to je opsesija,
ti i ja (umirem od zelje).
I ja sam Maluma
Poniznost preovladava, je**na magija raste
Grupa momaka
Kevin ADG, Chan el Genio, Ily wonder,
tako je
I ja sam Maluma
Poniznost preovladava, je**na magija raste
Veruj mi
[Intro: Maluma]
[Estrofa 1: Maluma & Karol G ]
Kako da objasnim savesti da je ovo bila moja krivica?
Kako da kazem srcu da se ti neces vratiti?
Da ucinim da shvate moje oci da te nece videti nikada.
Kako da objasnim mojim usnama da ih neces ljubiti?
I nije da umirem zato sto nemam tvoje poljupc,
ali da zivim bez toga je kao da zivim bez razloga.
I ako bi ti znao kako me boli proces
da zaboravim tvoje telo, unistava mi srce.
[Estribillo: Karol G]
Veruj mi malo vise,
preklinjem te,
da si mi otisao i ne zasluzujem ovu kaznu.
Ja sam jedan ludak vise koji nije razumeo,
ako sam ti ja samo davala ljubav,
zasto si otisao?
(Zasto si otisao?)
[Estrofa 2: Maluma & Karol G ]
Oseca se uzasna hladnoca (uzasna hladnoca)
Vise ne znam ni kako da ti kazem (kako da ti kazem?)
Sa tobom sam se osecao nepobedivim
Volis me, ali cemu mi sluzi?
[Pre-Estribillo: Maluma]
Ako nisi ovde,
u najboljem trenutku odlazis,
samo trazim jednu priliku (daj mi jednu priliku)
da bih ti pokazao da nase je prava ljubav.
[Pre-Estribillo: Karol G]
Ali ti vise nisi ovde,
u najboljem trenutku odlazis,
samo trazim jednu priliku
da bih ti pokazala da nase je prava ljubav.
[Estribillo: Maluma]
Veruj mi malo vise,
preklinjem te,
da si mi otisla i ne zasluzujem ovu kaznu.
Ja sam jedan ludak vise koji nije ni razumeo,
ako sam ti ja samo davao ljubav,
zasto si otisla?
[Puente: Karol G]
Ja, ja, ja ne mogu da te zaboravim i ne poricem,
uprkos vremenu koje je proslo a da se nismo razumeli,
ja sam znala da zbog monotonije
od mene ces otisi i koja ironija.
[Pre-Estribillo: Karol G]
I to je da vise nisi ovde,
u najboljem trenutku odlazis,
samo trazim jednu priliku
da bih ti pokazala da nase je prava ljubav.
[Pre-Estribillo: Maluma]
Ali nisi ovde,
u najboljem trenutku odlazis (odlazis)
samo trazim jednu priliku
da bih ti pokazao da nase je prava ljubav.
[Estribillo: Karol G & Ambos ]
Veruj mi malo vise (malo vise)
preklinjem te,
da si mi otisao i ne zasluzujem ovu kaznu (sta?)
Ja sam jedan ludak vise koji nije ni razumeo (koji nije razumeo)
ako sam ti ja samo davao ljubav
zasto si otisla?
[Estribillo: Karol G & Ambos ]
Veruj mi malo vise (malo vise)
preklinjem te,
da si mi otisao i ne zasluzujem ovu kaznu (sta?)
Ja sam jedan ludak vise koji nije razumeo (koji nije razumeo)
ako sam ti ja samo davao ljubav
zasto si otisla?
Your Love is Too Big for Me
Look at you, things change, who would have thought?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes who knows what
And if life surprises us for each error,
There we go again falling, damn temptation.
And look at you, you are doing so well, how you smile, it's even nice too see what your world looks like when you're with her.
Poor me, I was such a fool, I was so stupid,
I let you go and I hurt you
You are right, I left you with wounds, you said 'goodbye' and take my life with you ...
Why are leaving and I fall in a abyss without exit? Why are you going away and my world crashes down?
and you are my world! Why are my body, my soul, my skin left to pieces? I can't get used without you, I don't know (I don't know)
Look at you, after you would have given your life for me, it's me now who begs for you to come back here. And I know it's too late, and it's not about forgiveness.
I never offered enough, your love was too big for me
And look at you, you are doing so well, how you smile, it's even nice too see what your world looks like when you're with her.
Poor me, I was such a fool, I was so stupid,
I let you go and I hurt you (x2)
Why are leaving and I fall in a abyss without exit? Why are you going away and my world crashes down?
and you are my world! Why are my body, my soul, my skin left to pieces? I can't get used without you, I don't know (I don't know) (x2)
Непријатељска љубав
Имам гомилу ничега, звезве уништене,
сиве скале
Имам будуће олује, мрачне речи
које расту овде
Имам празну кућу, твоје слике ме шпијунирају,
смеју ми се
Имам преносиви пакао, мрзим себе што сам крхка,
ломим се без тебе
Имам ту непријатељску љубав,
имам бол и заборав
Имам твоје име и иако не желим
живи са мном
Имам сачуване снове,
моју колекцију торнада
Док ти живиш у мојој будућности
ја сам прошлост
Имам мрвице живота, тишине без риме
и душу бискупа
Имам кожу војника након рата,
без примирија и без краја
Имам у души празнину која не испуњава ништа,
губим се без тебе
Имам врата затворена која се никада не отварају,
умирем без тебе
Имам ту непријатељску љубав,
имам бол и заборав
Имам твоје име и иако не желим
живи са мном
Имам сачуване снове,
моју колекцију торнада
Док ти живиш у мојој будућности
ја сам прошлост
Имам твоје име и иако не желим
живи са мном
Имам сачуване снове,
моју колекцију торнада
Док ти живиш у мојој будућности
ја сам прошлост
Тело уз тело
Носим написане речи на срцу
које троше ноћи са мном
Увенула обећања, стару страст,
одбијајући да уђе у заборав
Носим душу опрезно на нити соли,
чекајући нешто што никад не долази
Имам отворене рачуне са вечношћу,
које ми краду ноћи због тебе
И иза мене
остаци рата који још увек треба да се заврши
Из дана у дан, тело уз тело без краја
Ја сада овде завршавам оно што си започео
Пратим те, проналазим те и поново се удаљавам,
додирујемо се, сакривам се и заборављам те,
буде ме твоји кораци живећи уназад
рањавајући тренутке са мном
Није ми битан живот који остављам иза,
нема одмарања у ходању, нема утехе,
није ми битно, ако је све лаж или истина,
само губим ноћи због тебе
И иза мене
остаци рата који још увек треба да се заврши
Из дана у дан, тело уз тело без краја
Ја сада овде завршавам оно што си започео
Више нема времена да се врати,
више нема шта да се почне,
нема разлога да буде
И иза мене
остаци рата који још увек треба да се заврши
Из дана у дан, тело уз тело без краја
Ја сада овде завршавам оно што си започео
Dry leaves
Poor heart, always rehearses its pain even when it doesn't have any,
It isn't accompanied by faith, it rejects crying out what could have been someday.
And it doesn't find itself again with its inner self
The one who one day built a thousand cities
Reply and face yourself, don't tell me you don't see.
Don't hide more cries, tell me.
Tell me, poor heart
Why can't you find the outward exit?
There are no barriers that can stop you
Why don't you let a new sunset be seen?
You steal my breath and my loneliness is naked for believing
And I am naked for loving
I write to you with each tear, with each corner of my quiet skin
With each kiss that escaped from you, you fed my blind passion
What have I done for believing you loved me?
Tell me if it's true that I lost my soul
For dry leaves that you have kept inside your heart
Why hide any longer? The truth always shows up.
Poor heart, planting stories that don't understand reason
Manipulating with your clever darkness
You don't realize that won't work for you.
You steal my breath and my loneliness is still naked for believing
And I am naked for loving
I write to you with each tear, with each corner of my quiet skin
With each kiss that escaped from you, you fed my blind passion
What have I done for believing you loved me?
Tell me if it's true that I lost my soul
For dry leaves that you have kept inside your heart
Why hide any longer? The truth always shows up.
I have always waited for this momento, there are no more arguments or whys
It's a matter of bad blood that boils and goes back to your feet
It's time to start again.
I write to you with each tear, with each corner of my quiet skin
With each kiss that escaped from you, you fed my blind passion
What have I done for believing you loved me?
Tell me if it's true that I lost my soul
For dry leaves that you have kept inside your heart
Why hide any longer? The truth always shows up.
На тренутак
оставићу отворене прозоре
да би ушло лето у ову вечну зиму.
На тренутак пуштам да сунце уђе у мој кревет,
да покрије са својом светлошћу моје мисли.
И ако киша инсистира да падне,
то је зато што нам небо даје да пијемо
чисту воду и освежава на кожи.
Иако ме боли срце, ја
певаћу, певаћу.
И ако чак тако дрхти мој глас, ја
певаћу, певаћу...(4x)
Иако ме боли срце.
На тренутак
пружићу пријатељску помоћ
оној девојчици која ме је одавно чекала,
да јој испричам приче,
да се играм са њом невиности
и да дозволимо да нас живот изненади.
И ако киша инсистира да падне,
то је зато што нам небо даје да пијемо
чисту воду и освежава на кожи.
Иако ме боли срце, ја
певаћу, певаћу.
И ако чак тако дрхти мој глас, ја
певаћу, певаћу...
Иако ме боли срце, ја
певаћу, певаћу,
И ако чак тако дрхти мој глас, ја
певаћу, певаћу...(4x)
Све док боли срце,
певаћу, певаћу...(3x)
Све док се не угаси мој глас.
Иако ме боли срце, ја
певаћу, певаћу
И ако чак тако дрхти мој глас, ја
певаћу, певаћу...
This time
You choose me, you ask for me, you leave and don't write, you don't say goodbye either
I stay waiting from a sign from you, alone, the clock and I.
The phone has become mute and all the songs sounds the same to me.
My eyes have darkened and only this abyss is left in my heart.
This time I don't want to wake up and have to imagine what you're doing.
This time I will know how to hide what I feel on the inside even if it's harder for me.
Now I prefer to not see you in dreams
To not speak to you, nor think about you.
And I search for a corner that is only mine, a shelter that doesn't speak about you.
But you are so deep in my skin, that each one of my pores reflects your being.
Today I just knew that I will never be free if I can't have you.
This time I don't want to wake up and have to imagine what you're doing.
This time I will know how to hide what I feel on the inside even if it's harder for me.
Далеко од тебе
Научила сам од грешака у мом животу,
пронашла сам се у улицама без излаза,
нисам се зауставила ниједне секунде да тражим истину.
Изгубила сам време са твојим глупостима,
слушала сам те, сад видиш, из љубазности,
оставила сам дуге вене због чекања,
јер да изгбим није ми свеједно.
Касно, учинило се касно, ништа више...
Већ сам те додирнула толико пута да ме озбиљно спаљујеш.
Могло је бити, али то је онда могло бити,
сломили смо љубав можда од толико љубави,
остао си један корак од мене
и могло је бити, и поново могло је бити,
наздравимо још једном за оно што никад није било,
није стигло да буде,
ти само на корак од мене,
ја 7.000 километара далеко од тебе.
Осетила сам да се чак и под раздваја,
дешифровала сам без знања шта си ми причао.
Умрли смо већ толико пута,
шта је битно, шта је битно...
Фразе, само фразе, шта је битно...
Већ сам те додирнула толико пута да ме озбиљно спаљујеш.
Могло је бити, али то је онда могло бити,
сломили смо љубав можда од толико љубави,
остао си један корак од мене
и могло је бити, и поново могло је бити,
наздравимо још једном за оно што никад није било,
није стигло да буде,
ти само на корак од мене,
ја 7.000 километара далеко од тебе.
Ухватило ме је неупозорену
толико живота одједном.
Ухватило ме је тако беспомоћну
твоје истина тако несвесна.
Управо грлиш моју потребу за загрљајем
и лупаш ми прозоре
и појављујеш се великом буком.
Данас не разумем судбину, нити покушавам да то урадим.
Али долазиш испоручивајући своје начине,
измишљајући излаз,
поклањајући пролеће,
уклањајући ми страхове
сваки пут када ме прогониш, када се окренем.
И не чекаш и приближаваш се мојим уснама
и празниш моје кутије
и чиниш ме још луђом,
скидајући ми са журбом намеру
и удаљавајући моје поразе.
Правовремена случајност,
данас твој загрљај зна кућу,
добијајући ме тако слободну,
демонтирајући мој оклоп.
Управо љубиш моју потребу за пољупцем
и гризеш ми истине
и вичеш ми у тишини
данас не разумем судбину, нити покушавам да то урадим.
Али долазиш испоручивајући своје начине,
измишљајући излаз,
поклањајући пролеће
уклањајући ми страхове,
сваки пут када ме прогониш, када се окренем.
И не чекаш и приближаваш се мојим уснама
и празниш моје кутије
и чиниш ме још луђом,
скидајући ми са журбом намеру
и удаљавајући, удаљавајући моје поразе.
Али долазиш испоручивајући своје начине,
измишљајући излаз,
поклањајући пролеће,
уклањајући ми страхове
сваки пут када ме прогониш, када се окренем.
И не чекаш
и празниш моје кутије,
скидајући ми са журбом намеру
и удаљавајући моје поразе.
Али долазиш,
скидајући ми са журбом намеру
и удаљавајући моје поразе.
Све тајне
Ја сам од булерије и црвеног вина,
живим у овом лавиринту,
ја сам од ватре, ја сам од кише,
од тајних корена,
срећа је што моје босе ноге
не плаше се пута
ни у пакао, ни до судбине.
Ултра насилно светло, Троја гори,
твоја сам удица и идеш угризајући,
не бојим се висина,
ако се усудиш, дај име
и презиме мојој лудости.
И ко ће ми рећи сада,
да ли сам светица или грешница?
Од малена ја сам научила да осећам
на језику таласа.
И ко ће ми избрисати из душе
све тајне које моја земља пати?
И сунце које сија када се смрачи?
И ко ће ми порећи да понекад
овај лепи живот... је застрашујући?
Живим од истине и адреналина,
од играчака и лажи,
ја сам пријатељица тишине,
непријатељица одраза,
ја сам позадина огледала.
И ко ће ми рећи сада,
да ли сам светица или грешница?
Од малена ја сам научила да осећам
на језику таласа.
И ко ће ми избрисати из душе
све тајне које моја земља пати?
И сунце које сија када се смрачи?
И ко ће ми порећи да понекад
овај лепи живот... је застрашујући?
И ко ће ми рећи сада,
да ли сам светица или грешница?
Од малена ја сам научила да осећам
на језику таласа.
И ко ће ми избрисати из душе
све тајне које моја земља пати?
И сунце које сија када се смрачи?
И ко ће ми порећи да понекад
овај лепи живот... је застрашујући?
Chained to you
Determined to love you without much more...
To throw myself backwards into the emptyness of the impulse you give me.
When I don't dare to do more.
Determined to lose myself again, in smoke and paper signals.
Destined to die if this life is without you.
For you, I could see the sun shiver.
When I see you leave, I've seen the moon cry.
And you, unpredictable like the wind.
Unreachable since a long time ago.
I feel chained to you.
And you, you abandon me when I try to make you mine for a moment.
I try you. chained to me.
Convinved that there is no two without a three,
That soon another train will cross, without a way to return.
So possible and uncertain at the same time that it's hard for me to stop believing that without a trap nor cardboard, my fantasy comes true today.
Por you, I could see the sky yell,
When it heard you keep quiet
I've seen hell pray
And you, unpredictable like the wind.
Unreachable since a long time ago.
I feel chained to you.
And you, you abandon me when I try to make you mine for a moment.
I try you. chained to me.
Bad temptations
You come back to my life with yesterday's problems.
You want me to tell you that I love you without loving.
But it's just that I am no longer innocent nor a coward.
You want me to tell you that we had is over.
All this time has changed me and I am no longer a doll of your willpower, take off your disguise,
I've accepted that you won't change.
I have bad temptations, I have a rush to live.
Get out of my way, I already suffered from you.
Don't come to me with promises, I'm doing well without you.
Know that life takes turns, and I don't want you with me.
How many times did I bit my tongue for your love?
How many times did I want to leave but I lacked...
Determination, courage...
You only knew how to hurt me.
You have no blood, you don't know love.
You only know how to grip your fists and yell.
Darling, go someplace else
Someone will love you
I've acepted that you won't change.
I have bad temptations, I have a rush to live.
Get out of my way, I already suffered from you.
Don't come to me with promises, I'm doing well without you.
Know that life takes turns, and I don't want you with me
Enemy love
I have bunches of nothing, broken stars, gray scales.
I have future storms, dark words that grow here.
I have an empty house, your pictures spy on me, they laugh at me.
I have a portable hell, I hate myself for being fragile.
I break without you.
I have that enemy love, I have pain and oblivion.
I have your name, and even though I don't want to, it lives with me.
I have my dreams stored, my collection of tornadoes.
While you live in my future, I am the past.
I have crumbs of life, silence without a rhyme and the soul of a bishop.
I have the skin of a soldier after a war, with no truce, with no end.
I have emptiness in my soul that fills nothing.
I get lost without you.
I have a closed door that never opens, I die without you.
I have that enemy love, I have pain and oblivion.
I have your name, and even though I don't want to, it lives with me.
I have my dreams stored, my collection of tornadoes.
While you live in my future, I am the past.
I have your name, and even though I don't want to, it lives with me.
I have my dreams stored, my collection of tornadoes.
While you live in my future, I am the past.
Bad Neighbour
The dog has bitten my neighbour,
he said that he’ll make me pay
because he thinks that I’ve incited it,
but how can he think so?
My dog did his duty.
It saw people coming into its house:
it’s my house, and so be it!
He said he was coming in to greet,
yeah, to say “good evening” at midnight.
But he was touching my lemons and oranges,
not certainly to say hello at such an hour!
Then it was he the malefactor,
that’s why all the fruit was missing:
he jumped over the low wall and got in.
You can think of your neighbour:
evil bird, the fox was you!
Hide your face in a corner,
ask, if you need something.
My dog doesn’t want anyone to touch
its master’s oranges and lemons.
Forgive it and shut your mouth,
that’s what is anywhere in the world.
Whoever touches what he shouldn’t touch
can only expect a hard way,
he can’t expect to have grace
when he takes possession of other people’s things.
Malefactor, with a low wall!
So the chicken-stealer fox has jumped:
hide your face in a corner,
ask, if you need anything,
be it lemon, orange or onion.
Forgive it and shut your mouth,
that’s what is anywhere in the world.
So it was he the malefactor,
that’s why all the fruit was missing:
he jumped over the low wall and got in.
You can think of your neighbour:
evil bird, you are the fox!
Hide your face in a corner,
ask, if you need something.
My dog doesn’t want anyone to touch
its master’s oranges and lemons.
Forgive it and shut your mouth,
that’s what is anywhere in the world.
Uh-uh, yeah
Oh, yeah, mua
Ne znam zašto me zoveš na mobilni (mobilni)
Znaš da nije vreme za pozive (za pozive)
Sa devojkom sam, šta će ona pomisliti? (pomisliti)
Ti si ta koja mi povređuje hod (aha)
Čim se pojavi želim da me poljubi
Zašto me iskorišćavaš, ako nestaješ?
Lep je osećaj toplota ljubavnice
Jeste opasno, ali je interesantno
Mala, oduševljava me tvoje telo
Zašto me zavodiš? Već je prošlo toliko vremena
Dođi, zavedi me, bebo
Mala, oduševljava me tvoje telo
Zašto me zavodiš? Već je prošlo toliko vremena
Dođi, zavedi me
Pogodi visoke note
Zavrti tu stvar kao vinil
Tvoje misli su pročitane pa
Znam kako se kreće moje telo oko tvog sa mojim očima zatvorenim
Imaš tu lepljivu, lepljivu bum-bum, hej, čudakinjo-čudakinjo
Rasturiću tu zadnjcu
Rasturiću tu zadnjcu
Volim kako to podnosiš, podnosiš
Bum, bum, maco, maco
Učiniću da ta stvar prede
Ona me dodiruje, dodirujem je
Ja lud i želje lude
Ona se penje na mene, silazi i zaboravlja me sa lakoćom
Ona me dodiruje, dodirujem je
Ja lud i želje lude
Ona se penje na mene, silazi i zaboravlja me sa lakoćom
Mala, oduševljava me tvoje telo
Zašto me zavodiš? Već je prošlo toliko vremena
Dođi, zavedi me, bebo
Mala, oduševljava me tvoje telo
Zašto me zavodiš? Već je prošlo toliko vremena
Dođi, zavedi me
Zašto me zoveš i oduzimaš mi kontrolu?
Kažeš da ideš kući, da si sama
Igraš se sa ovim čovekom koji se lako zaljubljuje
Poljubac po poljubac, proces oživljava
Psst, malena, pre nego što probudimo komšije
Psst, malena, ne treba policija da nas odvede
Otežavaš da se ljubav održi tihom
Ona me dodiruje, dodirujem je
Ja lud i želje lude
Ona se penje na mene, silazi i zaboravlja me sa lakoćom
Ona me dodiruje, dodirujem je
Ja lud i želje lude
Ona se penje na mene, silazi i zaboravlja me sa lakoćom
Mala, oduševljava me tvoje telo
Zašto me zavodiš? Već je prošlo toliko vremena
Dođi, zavedi me, bebo
Mala, oduševljava me tvoje telo
Zašto me zavodiš? Već je prošlo toliko vremena
Dođi, zavedi me
Zavedi me, yeah-uh-uoh-oh-oh, muh
U redu, bebo
Royalty World Inc
Uh, ljubavi, ah-oh-oh-oh
Ovo je F.A.M.E
You arrive late and soulless
Like a thin voice that breaks from so many lies that weigh in your mouth
A mouth that sometimes loves me and sometimes hates me, and the challenge starts, of you leaving and leaving me cold.
I swear that I have tried to understand you but your pride is what fuels my rage.
Cursed be your shield, cursed be my calmness.
Cursed be the words that accompany doubts, the times you have cried and the memories that you have erased out of fear,
Now, when the air changes
When it doesn't hurt inside when I wake up
Now that your body is burning from all the wounds you left, my love
Now you can cry, fill a sea of loneliness
or try to make time spin backwards
Break apart the entire universe
or burn the verses I once told you
Your absence was wasting away from waking up without you
Without being afraid of the storm, the one you make up, that you leave in my soul
You can leave forgetting everything or cover your craziness with your fate.
How your tenderness survives when you uncover and devote yourself silently
How many times did I embrace the wind...
For waking up without you
without being afraid of the storm that you make up, that you leave in my soul... for a challenge.
You come back but you hide your stare
In case your case reveal secrets that you hide and let go when the night comes
Now, when the air changes
When it doesn't hurt inside when I wake up
Now that your body is burning from all the wounds you left, my love
Now you can cry, fill a sea of loneliness
or try to make time spin backwards
Break apart the entire universe
or burn the verses I once told you
Your absence was wasting away from waking up without you
Without being afraid of the storm, the one you make up, that you leave in my soul
You can leave forgetting everything or cover your craziness with your fate.
How your tenderness survives when you uncover and devote yourself silently
How many times did I embrace the wind...
For waking up without you
without being afraid of the storm that you make up, that you leave in my soul... for a challenge.
It rains happiness
I'm not afraid of the stairs
The higher it gets, I want to go up higher
and climb like a climbing plant that has learned to live among the rocks
I will follow you in this journey because I've been made brave like you
Together, let's go together
Our music is not a thing of this world
I follow you in the sun, you wanderer
Your chords call me with their deep cry
Together, let's go together
No one will be able to take us down from the stars
There go your soul and mine keeping each other company, they are raining happiness.
Free like a leaf that has fallen
You dance next to me and I go with you
Angels that have never been engraved, spinning around infinity.
I will follow you in this journey because I've been made out of corals like you
Together, let's go together
Our music is not a thing of this world
I follow you in the sun, you wanderer
Your hands call me with their deep cry
Together, let's go together
No one will be able to take us down from the stars
There go your soul and mine keeping each other company, they are raining happiness.
My dear, let's go together
Together, let's go together
Our music is not a thing of this world
I follow you in the sun, you wanderer
Your hands call me with their deep cry
Together, let's go together
No one will be able to take us down from the stars
There go your soul and mine keeping each other company
My dear, let's go together
Playing for happiness