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Rasipa se sreca

[Verso 1: Malú]
Nemam strah od merdevina,
sto vise se podize, vise zelim da se popnem
i da se penjem kao puzavac
koje je izmedju kamenja naucilo da zivi.
[Pre-Estribillo: Malú]
Ja cu te pratiti na ovome putu,
zato sto su me napravili od hrabrosti kao tebe.
[Estribillo 1: Malú]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
jer nasa muzika nije stvar ovoga sveta,
pratim te na suncu, vagabundo,
to su tvoje strune koje me zovu sa njihovim dubokim vriskom.
[Estribillo 2: Malú]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
sa zvezda nas niko nece moci spustiti,
tamo idu tvoja dusa i moja praveci jedna drugoj drustvo,
idu rasipajuci srecu.
[Verso 2: Alejandro Sanz]
Slobodna kao list koji je pao,
pleses pored mene i idem sa tobom,
andjeli koji se nikada nisu snimili
kruzeci beskonacno.
[Pre-Estribillo: Alejandro Sanz]
Ja cu te pratiti na ovome putu,
zato sto su me napravili od korala kao tebe.
[Estribillo 1: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
jer nasa muzika nije stvar ovoga sveta,
pratim te na suncu, vagabundo,
to su tvoje ruke koje me zovu sa njihovim dubokim vriskom.
[Estribillo 2: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
sa zvezda nas niko nece moci spustiti,
tamo idu tvoja dusa i moja praveci jedna drugoj drustvo.
[Puente: Malú]
Moj zivote, hajdemo zajedno
[Estribillo 1: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
jer nasa muzika nije stvar ovoga sveta,
pratim te na suncu, vagabundo,
to su tvoje ruke koje me zovu sa njihovim dubokim vriskom.
[Estribillo 2: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
sa zvezda nas niko nece moci spustiti,
tamo idu tvoja dusa i moja praveci jedna drugoj drustvo.
[Final: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Moj zivote, hajdemo zajedno
i svirajmo zbog srece.


Posle tolikog milovanja
Jedino nam preostaje da nastavimo
Posle tolikog poza
Dosli smo do vrhunca, trenutka zbog kojeg vristis
Hodanje u gacicama ti odgovara
Sa mojom košuljom, ali bez grudnjaka
Poljubiti te tako, je dobar osecaj
Ali kada se spustis...
Kada gore razrađuje
To me stvarno stimuliše
Cini da izlazi najslabije od malume
Uvek sa oprezom
Da kada stigne taj trenutak
Da je dobar osecaj uci unutra
Smiri se duso, ja cu te sacekati
Da ga ti dostigneš, da bi bio jos prijatniji
Sami, ti i ja goli
Okupani u znoju
Osećaj strasti
Sad sam vlasnik tvoga sveta
Zadovoljstvo je imati te ispod mojih listova
Sami, ti i ja goli
Okupani u znoju
Osećaj strasti
Sad sam vlasnik tvoga sveta
Hoću da zaustavim vreme i da te ponovo jedem
Drugi dodir, druga scena
Igraj mi mala
Kada me oseti unutra, zaboravlja na sve svoje brige
Gleda me seksi i ja zadrhtim
Skoro zahtevajuci da je poljubim
A ja ne poričem, iskren sam prema tebi
Želim da budem poslednji, kad vec nisam bio prvi
Koji te ljubi, dok se ti diras
Da te dovedem do ludila, to je ono što želim
Između vodjenja ljubavi
I seksa ima razlike
I u tome imas iskustva
Ne želim da se ovaj trenutak završi
Još uvek sam žedan i ne mogu da se zaustavim
Ritam nas vodi da radimo polako
Dok me njeno telo podstiče na greh
Ne želim da se taj trenutak završi
Još uvek sam žedan i ne mogu da se zaustavim
Ritam nas vodi da radimo polako
Dok me njeno telo podstiče na greh
Ovdo smo ti i ja goli
Okupani u znoju
Osećaj strasti
Sad sam vlasnik tvoga sveta
Zadovoljstvo je imati te ispod mojih listova
Hoću da zaustavim vreme i da te ponovo jedem
Duso, ti me vec poznajes ljubavi moja
Ja sam tvoj los momak
Sa rude boys
Kevin ADG, Chan el genio
Rude Bois
Atlantik Music men
Zaslužujem priliku
Da vodim ljubav
Da odradim to dobro
Kako ti se sviđa
Predstavljam ti zlonamernog
Ne želim da se ovaj trenutak završi
Još uvek sam žedan i ne mogu da se zaustavim
Ritam nas vodi da radimo polako
Dok me njeno telo podstiče na greh

Moja greska

Maluma Baby, yeah
Poljubio sam tvoju devojku, moja greska
Preterao sam sa picem, moja greska
Zabrljao sam na zurci, moja greska
Uvek sam bio takav, svi vi ste to znali
Takav je moj zivot, samo je moj
Ti ga ne zivis
Ako ti smeta, pa zao mi je
Takav je moj zivot, samo je moj
Nije vazno sta kazes
U dubini me vole i zato me prozivaju
Ovaj put na zurci sam te nasao (au)
Nisam znao da si dosla sa njim (au)
Postala si tvrdoglava, otvorila si mi vrata
I tvom decku je opala paznja i tako sam ja dosao (au)
Ovde sam ja, ja, da ti dam sta god zelis duso
Ovde sam ja, ja, moja greska ako sam ti pokvario planove sa njim
Ovde sam ja, ja, da ti dam sta god zelis duso
Ovde sam ja, ja, daj mi tvoj broj da bih mogao opet da te vidim
Poljubio sam tvoju devojku, moja greska
Preterao sam sa picem, moja greska
Zabrljao sam na zurci, moja greska
Uvek sam bio takav, svi vi ste to znali
Takav je moj zivot (au), samo je moj (au)
Ti ga ne zivis
Ako ti smeta, pa zao mi je
Takav je moj zivot (au), samo je moj (au)
Nije vazno sta kazes
U dubini me vole i zato me prozivaju
Ovde sam ja, ja, da ti dam sta god zelis duso
Ovde sam ja, ja, moja greska ako sam ti pokvario planove sa njim
Ovde sam ja, ja, da ti dam sta god zelis duso
Ovde sam ja, ja, daj mi tvoj broj da bih mogao opet da te vidim
Moja greska
Moja greska (hehe)
Moja greska
Uvek sam bio takav
Takav je moj zivot, samo je moj
Ti ga ne zivis
Ako ti smeta, pa zao mi je
Takav je moj zivot (au), samo je moj (au)
Nije vazno sta kazes
U dubini me vole i zato me prozivaju
Ljudi nastavljaju da kritikuju i kritikuju
Ali verujemo da je sve laz
To se naziva cista zavist
U dubini me vole i zato me prozivaju

My bad

Maluma Baby, yeah
I kissed your girlfriend, my bad
I drank too much, my bad
I screwed up at the party, my bad
I've always been like that, you all knew it
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that, it's only mine
It does not matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they talk bad about me
That time in the party I found you (au)
Didn't know you were coming with him (au)
You got stubborn, you opened the door
And your boyfriend was inattentive and thereI came (au)
Here I am, me, to give you what you want baby
Here I am, me, my bad if I ruined the plan with him
Here I am, me, to give you what you want baby
Here I am, give me your number so I can see you again
I kissed your girlfriend, my bad
I drank too much, my bad
I screwed up at the party, my bad
I've always been like that, you all knew it
My life is like that (au), it's only mine (au)
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that (au), it's only mine (au)
It does not matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they talk bad about me
Here I am, me, to give you what you want baby
Here I am, me, my bad if I ruined the plan with him
Here I am, me, to give you what you want baby
Here I am, give me your number so I can see you again
My bad
My bad (hehe)
My bad
I've always been like this
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that (au), it's only mine (au)
It does not matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they talk bad about me
People continue to criticise and criticise
But we believe that all that is a lie
That's what they call pure envy
Deep down they love me and that's why they talk bad about me

Happy all four of us

The sun has barely come out and you run away
I know that you think this is hurting me
I´m not thinking in what you are doing
If we belong to other people
And we care for each other this way
If you stay with me
Or leave with someone else
I don´t give a damn because I know you will come back
And if you spend time with someone else
Let´s be happy, let´s be happy
The four of us
We´ll make the room bigger for you
And if you spend time with someone else
Let´s be happy, let´s be happy
The four of us
I accept the deal
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
What we have does not depend on a pact
Enjoy and just feel the impact
The boom boom that burns you, that mermaid´s body
Calm down, I don´t believe in contracts (And you less)
And everytime she goes away, she comes back to me (And the four of us are happy)
We don´t care what people will say, we like it this way (We´ll make the room bigger for you, baby)
And every time she goes away, she comes back to me
And the four of us are happy
We don´t care what people will say, we are meant for each other
And if you spend time with someone else
Let´s be happy, let´s be happy
The four of us
We´ll make the room bigger for you
And if you spend time with someone else
Let´s be happy, let´s be happy
The four of us
I accept the deal
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
We will be happy, we will be happy
Happy the 4 of us
I know I'm going to see you again
In my arms you have a woman
Let's make a Deal
We will be happy, we will be happy
Happy the 4
And if with another you pass the time
I do not get stressed out or get mad (Haha)
Ataca Sergio
Cómo dice (Uy)
Y que suene
Aprende mijo
Felices los 4
And if you spend time with someone else
Let´s be happy, let´s be happy
The four of us
We´ll make the room bigger for you
And if you spend time with someone else
Let´s be happy, let´s be happy
The four of us
I accept the deal
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
And we do it a little bit more
And every time she goes away, she comes back to me
We don´t care what people will say, we like it this way
And everytime she goes away, she comes back to me
We don´t care what people will say
We are meant for each other
That´s what destiny wantedMuah

Let's summer

[Intro: Lellêzinha, Maluma]
Let's summer, let's summer (uuuh)
Let's summer, let's summer (yeah)
Live the summer, viva o verão (dile)
Live the summer, viva o verão (baby)
[Verso 1: Maluma, Lellêzinha]
Wake up and come with me (uuuh)
With the heat you won't feel cold (say)
Our vibe is different (three, two, prrr)
(Come with us, come with people!)
Put that bikini that I like (say)
If I wear it for you, don't dislike it (no, no)
Show that well tanned little body
That's why you are preparing it, for summer (Maluma, baby)
[Chorus: Lellêzinha, Maluma, both]
Let's summer (wuh), let's summer (say)
Let's summer (come on, come on), let's summer (baby)
Let's summer (wuh),let's summer (rrra)
Let's summer, let's summer (uh)
[Version 2: Maluma]
I get up early for the beach, bring the towel
Today I feel chill, well fresh (haha)
My partners know that you are my cat, today you won't escape from me
And let's give it until sunrise (he says)
[Bridge: Lellêzinha, Maluma]
Let's summer, yes (aha)
Let's summer (alright)
Everybody wanna have some fun (put your hands up)
Everybody wanna have some fun (wuh)
Let's summer yes(says)
My summer is like this
Everybody wanna have some fun
Let's singing, let's samba (three, two)
Let's summer, my love (brrru)
[Chorus: Lellêzinha, Maluma, both]
Let's summer (what?), let's summer (aha)
Let's summer (party, party, party, babe), let's summer (wuh)
Let's summer (what?),let's summer (say)
Let's summer, (Brasil), let's summer


fuera tu me doy la vuelta
antes que toques a mi puerta,
piénsalo bien que aun no es tarde,
no ves, no ves...
Que traigo nubes de equipaje,
que de dolor va hecho mi traje
y que la vida de este viaje
verás, verás...
Toda mi noche y mi luz
que sentirás solo tu...
Soy dolor,
soy un nudo en la garganta, una canción,
soy tormenta de esperanza y destrucción,
ya lo ves, soy pura confusión,
bienvenido amor a mi contradicción,
a mi contradicción.
Dice el soldado precavido
en guerra no termina herido,
si aun así vienes por mi, debo decir,
nadie te hará sentir más vivo...
En mi noche y mi luz
existirás solo tu...
Soy dolor,
soy un nudo en la garganta, una canción,
soy tormenta de esperanza y destrucción,
ya lo ves, soy pura confusión,
bienvenido amor a mi contradicción,
a mi contradicción.
Soy dolor,
soy un nudo en la garganta, una canción,
soy tormenta de esperanza y destrucción,
ya lo ves, soy pura confusión,
bienvenido amor a mi contradicción.
Soy dolor,
soy un nudo en la garganta, una canción,
soy tormenta de esperanza y destrucción,
ya lo ves, soy pura confusión,
bienvenido amor a mi contradicción,
a mi contradicción,
a mi contradicción.


Da sam ti okrenula bih se
pre nego sto pokucas na moja vrata,
razmisli dobro jer jos uvek nije kasno,
ne vidis, ne vidis...
Da nosim oblake u prtljagu,
da od bola sam napravila moje odelo
i da zivot od ovog putovanja
videces, videces...
Celu moju noc i moju svetlost,
koju ces osetiti samo ti...
Ja sam bol,
ja sam knedla u grlu, pesma,
ja sam oluja nade i razaranja,
sad vidis, ja sam cista konfuzija,
dobro dosao ljubavi mojoj kontradikciji,
mojoj kontradikciji.
Kazu oprezni vojnik
u ratu ne zavrsava ranjen,
ako cak i tako dodjes po mene, moram da kazem,
niko nece uciniti da se osecas jos zivljim...
U mojim nocima i mojoj svetlosti
postojaces samo ti...
Ja sam bol,
ja sam knedla u grlu, pesma,
ja sam oluja nade i razaranja,
sad vidis, ja sam cista konfuzija,
dobro dosao ljubavi mojoj kontradikciji,
mojoj kontradikciji.
Ja sam bol,
ja sam knedla u grlu, pesma,
ja sam oluja nade i razaranja,
sad vidis, ja sam cista konfuzija,
dobro dosao ljubavi mojoj kontradikciji.
Ja sam bol,
ja sam knedla u grlu, pesma,
ja sam oluja nade i razaranja,
sad vidis, ja sam cista konfuzija,
dobro dosao ljubavi mojoj kontradikciji,
mojoj kontradikciji,
mojoj kontradikciji.

Little by little

You got married at one time,
Clearly cursed by an evil eye,
But you didn't start to worry,
Little by little you were getting used to.
I was snoring like a bull,
Not as a woman*, but a man**,
But you were plugging your ears,
Little by little you were getting used to.
I was cooking food,
Bur-marigolds with goosefoot,
You choked and hicupped,
Little by little you were getting used to.
You wanted to love me,
I cooled you down,
I said: 'Very small', -
Little by little you were getting used to.
Instead of tenderess you hear barking,
Only give her money.
He was crying and soberring,
Little by little he was getting used to.
Year by year the time passed,
All endured and got healed,
You understood and perceived,
Little by little you got used to.
Once snowstorms lulled,
We got divorced with you,
There is a task anew -
Little by little to get used to.


(Hahaha, say)
Maluma, baby
I'm a delinquent
Addicted to going out at night to tour the streets
Looking for hotties with Chanel bags and pretty makeup
I got tired of being romantic and gifting little things (I'm sorry)
There's no more February 14 in my life, and she knows it (haha)
And she knows it (oo-ooh)
Better put on some reggaeton-ton, 'cause this party's hopping
Pass me another tequila to forget all my sorrows
(alright alright)
Put on a jam for me to grind to by Tony or Calde (ooh)
One by Wisin & Yandel and another by Daddy Yankee
Bring me two bottles and a pair of pretty ladies
Better put on some reggaeton-ton, 'cause this party's hopping (yeah)
Pass me another tequila to forget all my sorrows (I love you)
Put on a jam for me to grind to by Tony or Calde (ooh)
One by Wisin & Yandel and another by Daddy Yankee
Bring me two bottles and a pair of pretty ladies
I going to the club (oh), and quickly I fixed it (yeah-yeah)
'Cause that life wasn't for me (hehehe)
Like, get your flirt on (ooh), why were you being so discreet
If the priest has told me that you sin as well (oh shit)
The way you move your body tempts me
I put myself behind you to feel it like so
Don't think that I'm dirty-minded
I just want you here by my side (baby girl)
The way you move your body tempts me
I put myself behind you to feel it like so
Don't think that I'm dirty-minded
I just want you here by my side
Better put on some reggaeton-ton, 'cause this party's hopping
Pass me another tequila to forget all my sorrows
Put on a jam for me to grind to by Tony or Calde (brrr)
One by Wisin & Yandel and another by Daddy Yankee
Bring me two bottles and a pair of pretty ladies
Better put on some reggaeton-ton, 'cause this party's hopping
Pass me another tequila to forget all my sorrows
Put on a jam for me to grind to by Tony or Calde
One by Wisin & Yandel and another by Daddy Yankee
Bring me two bottles and a pair of pretty ladies
Today I'm heading out to the streets ready to show myself
For my heart seems to not belong to anyone
Better put on some reggaeton-ton, 'cause this party's hopping (no, no)
Pass me another tequila to forget all my sorrows (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Put on a jam for me to grind to by Tony or Calde
One by Wisin & Yandel and another by Daddy Yankee (Yankee)
Bring me two bottles and a pair of pretty ladies
Hahahaha (better put on some reggaeton-ton, 'cause this party's hopping)
Maluma, baby (Pass me another tequila to forget all my sorrows
Kevin ADG, Chan El Genio
(Put on a jam for me to grind to by Tony or Calde)
Ey (one by Wisin & Yandel and another by Daddy Yankee)
Tell it to me Bicky
(Bring me two bottles and a pair of pretty ladies)
Royalty World Inc.
This is F.A.M.E


I can still feel your kisses on my lips (your kisses)
And smell your aroma among all the memories I have
Time never stops and it's true
After I gave you my entire world
Now I'm left with nothing, reliving the past, mm-mm
I realized that your love is fleeting
I never should've gotten on this flight
And now you turn your back to me
Tell me how I failed you
Do you believe it's fair?
I always end up here
Deciding whether or not to go on your profile
I can't even look at another pic
Trying to figure out how to forget you
Unfollow and erase you forever
This won't happen again
I'm saying goodbye to you
I won't text you again
Telling you what I feel for you
I'm tossing my cell, ah
So that I never look for you again, ah
And read your comments
Causing me this pain
How are you going on with your life without me
Do you believe it's fair?
I always end up here
Deciding whether or not to go on your profile
I can't even look at another pic
Trying to figure out how to forget you
Unfollow and erase you forever
Unfollow and erase you forever
Not a single rose to gift you
Those little things I did to win over your love
Weren't enough for you, they were insignificant
Want me like that bad boy (bad boy) ah-ah
Whenever you want to call, you know that I'm here, mm-mm-mm
Want me like that bad boy (bad boy) ah-ah
Whenever you want to call, you know that I'm here
Do you believe it's fair?
I always end up here
Deciding whether or not to go on your profile
I can't even look at another pic
Trying to figure out how to forget you
Unfollow and erase you forever
This is F.A.M.E
Faith, soul, music, essence
Maluma, baby

Balanced Account

Why do you always go with the same story? (Maluma, baby)
It seems that you haven't forgotten that I tasted other lips (haha)
You bring it up at the worst time (oh yeah)
And you spend the whole day fucking up my life (aha)
Ay, baby, I'm tired of this already (you know it)
And I have to tell you something (listen up), mm-mm
You might not like it (no, no)
But you have to hear it
Mm-mm-mm, whoo
The night you called me
The time I couldn't show up out there
Something happened that you never found out about, ey-ey-ey
And today I'm going to confess it to you, mm-mm-mm
The night you called me
The time I couldn't show up out there
Something happened that you never found out about, ey-ey-ey
You didn't hang up the phone
(haha, your bad, baby, yeah)
And I heard you tell him how you wanted it
And all the crazy shit you were doing with him
Why didn't you hang up when you should've
Today karma's paying me a visit that I deserved
It's a balanced account, but now mami-i-i-i
What are we going to do once the drama has passed?
(Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me)
When you're with him, you also call him papi-i-i-i
(Papi, papi, papi, papi)
Let's see who treats you better in bed (yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
You kept on distrusting me
While you on your part (whoo)
In your hypocrisy
Were doing the same thing to me (Tell her)
You kept on distrusting me
While you on your part
In your hypocrisy
Were doing the same thing to me, baby, mm-mm-mm
The night you called me (ooh)
The time I couldn't show up (remember?), out there
Something happened that you never found out about, ey-ey-ey
And today I'm going to confess it to you, mm-mm-mm (listen up)
The night you called me
The time I couldn't show up out there (alright)
Something happened that you never found out about, ey-ey-ey
You didn't hang up the phone (haha, your bad, baby, yeah)
I heard you tell someone
Kevin ADG, Chan El Genio
How much you've missed it
Tell me Edge
You can't say anything anymore
(Royalty World Inc.)
Because this is a balanced account
(This is F.A.M.E)

The Ex

Oo-ooh, yeah
Oh, yeah, muah
I don't know why you're calling my cell (cell)
You know that these aren't calling hours (calling hours)
I'm with my girlfriend, what's she gonna think? (think)
You're the one who's getting in my way (aha)
As soon as you show up, I want you to kiss me (whoo)
Why do you use me, only to disappear? (ey)
The warmth of a lover feels good
Sure, it's dangerous, but it's interesting
Mami, I love your body
Why do you seduce me? It's been so long
Come on, seduce me, baby
Mami, I love your body (rrra!)
Why do you seduce me? It's been so long (oo-ooh)
Come on, seduce me
Make you hit them high notes
Play that thing back like a vinyl
Got' read your mind so
I know my way around your body with my eyes closed
You got that sticky sticky bum-bum, yo', freaky-freaky
I'm about to tear that ass up
I'm about to tear that ass up
Love how you take it, take it
Boom boom that kitty kitty
I'm about to make that thing purr
She touches me, I touch her
I go crazy, my cravings go wild, mm-mm
She goes up and down me and forgets me so easily, ah-ah (yo)
She touches me, I touch her
I go crazy, my cravings go wild, mm-mm
She goes up and down me and forgets me so easily, ah-ah (hahaha)
Mami, I love your body
Why do you seduce me? It's been so long
Come on, seduce me, baby
Mami, I love your body
Why do you seduce me? It's been so long (rrra!)
Come on, seduce me
Why do you call and make me lose control? (ah!)
You call me over to your place 'cause you're alone (mm?)
You play this man who so easily falls in love (haha)
Kiss by kiss, you revive the process and feasting
Hush lil' mami before we wakin' the neighbours
Hush lil' mami don't need the police to take us
You make it hard to keep love on the low
She touches me, I touch her
I go crazy, my cravings go wild, mm-mm (my cravings, baby)
She goes up and down me and forgets me so easily, ah-ah
She touches me, I touch her
I go crazy, my cravings go wild, mm-mm (yo)
She goes up and down me and forgets me so easily, ah-ah (ah-ah)
Mami (mami, haha), I love your body (body, ah)
Why do you seduce me? It's been so long
Come on, seduce me
Mami, I love your body (ooh, baby, ooh)
Why do you seduce me? It's been so long
Come on, seduce me
Seduce me, yeah-oo-oh-oh-oh, ooh
Alright, baby
Royalty World Inc
Ooh, love, ah-oh-oh-oh
This is F.A.M.E

Criminal Sentence

Baby, baby
This is F.A.M.E
Forgive me for calling at this hour (hmm?)
To tell you the truth, I'm not well (no)
I'm calling you with drinks in my head (sorry)
To tell you that I'm still into you (hmhm)
Now I just keep begging him (amen)
That there's no other bastard kissing you that way (whoo)
The fault is all mine, I deserved it
Now my karma has left my bed empty (shit)
It's hard to say goodbye
Easy with three bottles of wine
You touched me because I've lost you (whoo)
I get drunk on your love (brrra)
I call you and need you
It's six in the morning
And I know it's a crime
I get drunk on your love (brrra)
I call you and need you
It's six in the morning
And I know it's a crime (alright to right, baby)
With him you have the world there at your feet (you know)
What the fuck am I doing looking for you? (fuck)
If you ain't gonna come back
I just keep looking for you, yeah (I miss you baby)
Baby, baby
It's a criminal sentence, you laid it on me good
Writing these lyrics for you while listening to this beat
My baby girl, I was your pirate, my mermaid
I savored you like the bread of the last supper
I called you a thousand times
I know you don't pick up because he's with you
But what I want is to see you smile
Even if it's not with me (shit)
I get drunk on your love (brrra)
I call you and need you
It's six in the morning
And I know it's a crime
I get drunk on your love (brrra)
I call you and need you
It's six in the morning
And I know it's a crime
With him you have the world there at your feet (you know)
What the fuck am I doing looking for you? (fuck)
Without you I'm like a tomb without its corpse
Like a saint without a temple (uh-huh)
And because of you, my future's up in the air
And I thought I was such an expert on love (haha)
I called you a thousand times
I know you don't pick up because he's with you (I miss you)
But what I want is to see you smile
Even if it's not with me (whoo)
I get drunk on your love (brrra)
I call you and need you
It's six in the morning
And I know it's a crime
I get drunk on your love
I call you and need you
It's six in the morning
And I know it's a crime
With him you have the world there at your feet (you know it)
What the fuck am I doing looking for you? (whoo)
If you ain't gonna come back (haha)
Yea-ea-eah (alright to right)
I just keep looking for you
Baby, baby
I pounded a few and...
I wanna tell you that, I still miss you, haha
And that you'll be mine forever
This is F.A.M.E
Muah (Royalty World Inc)

Sve mi se svidja na tebi

Sve mi se svidja na tebi
Te ludosti koje radis zbog mene
Sve mi se svidja na tebi
Taj osmeh koji ti krene pri laganju
Sve mi se svidja na tebi mmm, mmm
Sve mi se svidja na tebi
Savrsena si za mene
Ne zanima je mnogo sta ja radim
I ako sam sa drugima, ona mi ne se*e
Uvek cvrsto koraca gde ja idem
Ako je odvedem u geto ili je odvedem na plazu
Ona mi govori, duso ti me cinis srecnim
I ja joj govorim, duso uvek sam tu za tebe
Ona mi govori, duso ne odlazi odavde
I koliko god da trazim, uvek se vracam tebi
Sve mi se svidja na tebi
Te ludosti koje radis zbog mene
Sve mi se svidja na tebi
Taj osmeh koji ti krene pri laganju
Sve mi se svidja na tebi mmm, mmm
Sve mi se svidja na tebi
Savrsena si za mene
Jer ne postoji druga, ne postoji druga
Koja me ljubi
Samo si ti
Kada je sve oblacno
Moje skloniste sadasnje, buduce i proslo
Mnogi se pitaju zasto sam sa tobom
Kada nisam imao para, ti si bila tu
I nisam imao auto, ti si bila tu
Kada nisam bio pevac, ti si bila tu
Kada sam bio niko, ti si bila tu
Sve mi se svidja na tebi
Te ludosti koje radis zbog mene
Sve mi se svidja na tebi
Taj osmeh koji ti krene pri laganju
Sve mi se svidja na tebi mmm, mmm
Sve mi se svidja na tebi
Savrsena si za mene


Versions: #2
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Eh, yeh
Stop suffering, that’s what everyone is saying
I’m crying because I have scars
And pains in my soul
Yeah, I’ve missed you
And I’m speaking from my gut so I’ll be honest
I know I’m to blame, it’s why I lost you
You spoke, I didn’t listen
I only liked you when you were naked
Today, the time is here
There’s only noise in our bedroom
And a silence that yells goodbye
While you gave me all your heart
I was a sailor looking for love
I went to each port as if nothing
The more waves, the more I castaway
While you gave me all your heart
I was a sailor looking for love
I went to each port as if nothing
The more waves, the more I castaway
These days, I remember them well
You had graduated, and I was still in school
You taught me things that made me fall in love
But I practiced with other women when you weren’t around
I regret that now
I was an idiot, the role I played was hurting you
I drink and I regret it
Because when I came back dock it was too late
Today, the time is here
There’s only noise in our bedroom
And a silence that yells goodbye
While you gave me all your heart
I was a sailor looking for love
I went to each port as if nothing
The more waves, the more I castaway
While you gave me all your heart
I was a sailor looking for love
I went to each port as if nothing
The more waves, the more I castaway
Without pride I’ll let you know
And someday you’ll understand
If I let you go to someone else
It’s for your own good
While you gave me all your heart
I was a sailor looking for love
I went to each port as if nothing
The more waves, the more I castaway


Versions: #2
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Eh, jee,
Nek prestane da pati, to kaze ceo svet,
Placem, jer imam oziljke,
I u dusi bolove,
Ako sam ti nedostajao,
Govorim iz dna duse kako bih bio iskren,
Znam da sam bio kriv, gubim te zbog toga,
Govorila si, nisam te slusao,
Samo gola si mi se svidjala,
Sad znam, dosao je trenutak,
Samo je buka ostala u nasoj sobi,
I tisina vice 'Zbogom',
Dok si mi davala svoje srce,
Ja sam bio samo jedan mornar koji je trazio ljubav,
Isao sam na svaku luku, kao da se nista nije dogodilo,
Medju sve vise talasa, sve sam vise tonuo,
Dok si mi davala svoje srce,
Ja sam bio samo jedan mornar koji je trazio ljubav,
Isao sam na svaku luku, kao da se nista nije dogodilo,
Medju sve vise talasa, sve sam vise tonuo,
Ieh-ieh, uoh-oh
Ieh-ieh, oh-oh-oh
Ieh-ieh, oh-oh
Tih dane, dobro se secam,
Ti si vec diplomirala, a ja sam bio na koledzu,
Pokazivala si mi stvari koje su me zaljubljivale,
A kada nisi bila tu, sa drugim devojkama sam vezbao,
Zato se sada kajem zbog toga,
Idiot sam, moja uloga je bila da te povredim,
Bebo i danas se kajem,
Jer kada sam se vratio do pristanista vec je bilo kasno, jee-jee,
Sad znam, dosao je trenutak,
Samo je buka ostala u nasoj sobi,
I tisina vice 'Zbogom',
Dok si mi davala svoje srce,
Ja sam bio samo jedan mornar koji je trazio ljubav,
Isao sam na svaku luku, kao da se nista nije dogodilo,
Medju sve vise talasa, sve sam vise tonuo,
Dok si mi davala svoje srce,
Ja sam bio samo jedan mornar koji je trazio ljubav,
Isao sam na svaku luku, kao da se nista nije dogodilo,
Medju sve vise talasa, sve sam vise tonuo,
Ieh-ieh, uoh-oh
Ieh-ieh, oh-oh-oh
Ieh-ieh, oh-oh
Bez ponosa, ostavljam ti da znas,
I jednog dana ces razumeti,
Ako te pustim da letis, nekom u druge ruke,
Bice za tvoje dobro,
Dok si mi davala svoje srce,
Ja sam bio samo jedan mornar koji je trazio ljubav,
Isao sam na svaku luku, kao da se nista nije dogodilo,
Medju sve vise talasa, sve sam vise tonuo,
Dok si mi davala svoje srce,
Ja sam bio samo jedan mornar koji je trazio ljubav,
Isao sam na svaku luku, kao da se nista nije dogodilo,
Medju sve vise talasa, sve sam vise tonuo,
Eh, jee.

Come at five to Normaluhr

If the little girls from the home were going,
Then it's always after seven.
And if you have to stand at the counter all day,
Then you don't have time to love.
But on Sundays you have nothing to do,
Then there is the day of the Lord.
This usually calls in the morning
And then ask very factually modern:
'Do you have time today to be happy with me?
Then come to the Normaluhr at five!
If you love me, you don't say no
And come to the Normaluhr at five.
Then I look deep into your eyes
And suddenly, I feel exactly:
You have time to be happy with me today,
Sweet, adorable woman. '
A lot of little girls, they always do it like that,
So you don't miss the luck.
On Sundays, all of your life are always happy,
To dream about weekdays.
Then gets hot between the brains,
So they are not equal to despondent,
And at night in bed they pray quietly,
That one on Sunday she asks:
'Do you have time today to be happy with me?
Then come to the Normaluhr at five!
If you love me, you don't say no
And come to the Normaluhr at five.
Then I look deep into your eyes
And suddenly, I feel exactly:
You have time to be happy with me today,
Sweet, adorable woman.
You have time to be happy with me today,
Sweet, adorable woman. '

Grad papira

Odlazi, daj mi prostora, daj mi vremena,
zatvori dobro zavese,
umorna sam da budem jaka,
da trcim preko mina,
zelim pauzu, zelim senku,
danas svetlost inficira.
Trazim u tisini moje utociste,
pratim njegove koordinate,
za sada mi je potrebno
malo nicega
od secanja, od buducnosti
ili o proslim zivotima.
Imam ogrebotine, gori mi koza,
osecam kristale pod mojim nogama,
cuvam pakao da volim,
vatra koja insistira u naseljavanju grada papira.
Imam oluje da prolijem,
otvorena vrata da zatvorim,
pod nadzorom srce,
zelim da plesem sa svojim bolom,
pusti me da se spalim u mom gradu papira.
Vrati se, daj mi vazduha, daj mi raj,
otvori dobro zavese,
sada sam jaka kao uvek,
dosao je drugi dan
i ponekad da bih se naoruzala
trebaju mi moje rusevine.
Imam ogrebotine, gori mi koza,
osecam kristale pod mojim nogama,
cuvam pakao da volim,
vatra koja insistira u naseljavanju grada papira.
Imam oluje da prolijem,
otvorena vrata da zatvorim,
pod nadzorom srce,
zelim da plesem sa svojim bolom,
pusti me da se spalim u mom gradu papira
Imam ogrebotine, gori mi koza,
osecam kristale pod mojim nogama,
cuvam pakao da volim,
toliko toga za dati, danas zelim da dam.
Imam oluje da prolijem,
otvorena vrata da zatvorim,
pod nadzorom srce,
zelim da plesem sa svojim bolom,
pusti me da se spalim u mom gradu papira


ah duso
lepi decko
bezobrazni decko
Danas si se lepse doterala koliko vidim
kezual ali seksi, takvu te zelim
i taj mirisu koji imas, ja ne verujem
zeleo bih da budes moja Julija a ja tvoj Romeo
Da bih probao te slatke usne
i prosao polako po tvojoj kozi
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
nemoguce je da odolim tvom mirisu
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
pokusacu da te osvojim, ali to mi nije dovoljno
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
samo ti, samo ti
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
(yeeh, y yeeeeh)
Shvati da mi se svidjs toliko
I ne mogu spreciti zelju da dodirnem tvoje telo
mislim da vise ne mogu da izdrzim
ne odgovaram ako jednog dana mi dodje da ti ukradem ceo vazduh
Sanjam nocu i danju
da si ti samo moja
vidis koliko bih dao samo da si moja zena
ali pogledaj kako je zivot savrsen
sada kad te imam ispred sebe
nikada te necu pustiti
Sanjam nocu i danju
da si ti samo moja
vidis koliko bih dao samo da si moja zena
ali pogledaj kako je zivot savrsen
sada kad te imam ispred sebe
nikada te necu pustiti
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
nemoguce je da odolim tvom mirisu
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
pokusacu da te osvojim, ali to mi nije dovoljno
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
samo ti, samo ti
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
(yeeh, y yeeeeh)
(mamacita, muuuak)
Danas si se lepse doterala koliko vidim
kezual ali seksi, takvu te zelim
i taj mirisu koji imas, ja ne verujem
zeleo bih da budes moja Julija a ja tvoj Romeo
Da bih probao te slatke usne
i prosao polako po tvojoj kozi
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
nemoguce je da odolim tvom mirisu
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
pokusacu da te osvojim, ali to mi nije dovoljno
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
samo ti, samo ti
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
(yeeh, y yeeeeh)
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
nemoguce je da odolim tvom mirisu
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
pokusacu da te osvojim, ali to mi nije dovoljno
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
samo ti, samo ti
jer sam zavistan od tebe duso
(yeeh, y yeeeeh)
vec me znas ljubavi
ja sam tvoj lepi decko
ja sam tvoj bezobrazni decko duso

Ah ljubavi

Lepi decko
Ja sam Maluma
I uprkos vremenu i svemu sto se desilo (svemu sto se desilo)
Ja jos uvek mislim na tebe
Miris tvoje koze nije prosao
i na mojim usnama su ostali tvoji uzdisaji
Ah ljubavi, ovo je osecaj los
Stalno zivis u mom umu
Uspomene na tebe posecuju me stalno
Moja osecanja prema tebi su jos skrivene
Ah ljubavi, kada bi mi dala jo jednu sansu
sve bi bilo drugacije
Uspomene na tebe posecuju me stalno
Moja osecanja prema tebi su jos skrivene
uuh... Daj mi jos jednu noc
neces se pokajati
uuh... Daj mi jos jednu noc
sami u intimi
Samoca me jede, minuti, sekunde
prolaze kao da je proslo hiljadu sati
ti ne primecujes, koliko te oplakuje moja dusa
zivi pateci za tobom, sve je pljusak od kada nisi vise ovde..
Daj mi jednu sansu, da mogu da ti pokazem
da jedino sto osecam jeste, istinitu ljubav
primetila si da sam promenio svoja osecanja
ti si me naucila pokajanje sta je
Ah ljubavi, ovo je osecaj los
Stalno zivis u mom umu
Uspomene na tebe posecuju me stalno
Moja osecanja prema tebi su jos skrivene
Ah ljubavi, kada bi mi dala jo jednu sansu
sve bi bilo drugacije
Uspomene na tebe posecuju me stalno
Moja osecanja prema tebi su jos skrivene
uuh... Daj mi jos jednu noc
neces se pokajati
uuh... Daj mi jos jednu noc
sami u intimi
I uprkos vremenu i svemu sto se desilo (svemu sto se desilo)
Ja jos uvek mislim na tebe
Miris tvoje koze nije prosao
i na mojim usnama su ostali tvoji uzdisaji
Ah ljubavi, ovo je osecaj los
Stalno zivis u mom umu
Uspomene na tebe posecuju me stalno
Moja osecanja prema tebi su jos skrivene
Ah ljubavi, kada bi mi dala jo jednu sansu
sve bi bilo drugacije
Uspomene na tebe posecuju me stalno
Moja osecanja prema tebi su jos skrivene
Klasican, uvek
zahvalan, klasicni
bezobrazni decko duso
Ja sam Maluma duso

A loan

Hear Chan, turn my microphone a little bit up
I have to tell some things that, she doesn’t want to hear
Only from curiosity I have to ask you
Are you gonna let me or you gonna take it? A-ha
Don’t you see that I have to use it
With you and with other girls
I promise not to torture it again, oh no
Excuse me but I have my reasons, ouh no no
In the game of love I learned a lot (that’s it)
My past made me like that
And i prefer to speak clear to you
Maluca baby mua
I didn’t give, I didn’t give, I borrowed it
The most big that I had and you don’t want to take it back
(Maluma baby)
I didn’t give, I didn’t give, I borrowed it
I gave you all my love and you don’t want to take it back
Alright alright
I didn’t give, I didn’t give, I borrowed it
The most big that I had and you don’t want to take it back
(Maluma baby)
I didn’t give, I didn’t give, I borrowed it
I gave you all my love and you don’t want to take it back
Alright alright
What happens baby? What did I have to give you what?
For several months
I’m giving you what you deserve
Three times in the morning I two times at night
It seems that this keeps getting bigger and bigger
I hope that you won’t forget to pay interests
You didn’t came at the right time
If I told you the opposite I would be lying to you
I’m analyzing and conclude it
Every freak has his own
Don’t be alone
There’s a lot of guys
Why don’t you look for someone who loves you and who’d you fall in love with
I didn’t give, I didn’t give, I borrowed it hahaha
The most big that I had and you don’t want to take it back
I didn’t give, I didn’t give, I borrowed it
I gave you all my love and you don’t want to take it back
I didn’t give, I didn’t give, I borrowed it (I didn’t)
The most big that I had and you don’t want to take it back
I didn’t give, I didn’t give, I borrowed it (me)
I gave you all my love and you don’t want to take it back
Excuse me but I have my reasons, ouh no no
In the game of love I learned a lot (that’s it)
My past made me like that
And i prefer to speak clear to you
Maluca baby mua
I didn’t give, I didn’t give, I borrowed it
(Alright alright)
The most big that I had and you don’t want to take it back
(And this is f.a.m.e Maluma baby)
I gave you all my love and you don’t want to take it back


Čuj Čan, pojačaj mi malo mikrofon,
Imam da kažem par stvari, ona ne želi da me sasluša,
Nepristojni momci,
Samo iz znatiželje želim da te pitam,
Ostavićeš mi ili ćeš ga poneti? A-ha,
Zar ne vidiš da treba da ga koristim,
Sa tobom i sa ostalim devojkama ha-ha,
Obećao sam da ga neću ponovo mučiti, oh ne,
Izvini ali imam svoje razloge, Oh-ne-ne,
U igri ljubavi mnogo sam izgubio, tako je,
U to me je pretvorila prošlost,
I više želim da pričamo jasno, Maluma bebo poljubac,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio,
Ono najveće što sam imao i ne želiš da mi vratiš, Maluma bebo,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio,
Predao sam ti svu svoju ljubav i ne želiš da mi je vratiš, u redu, u redu,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio, aha,
Ono najveće što sam imao i ne želiš da mi vratiš, Maluma bebo,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio,haha,
Predao sam ti svu svoju ljubav i ne želiš da mi je vratiš, u redu, u redu,
Šta se desilo bebo? Šta sam trebao da ti poklonim šta?,
Već nekoliko meseci,
Dajem ti šta zaslužuješ,
Tri puta ujutro i uveče dva puta,
Izgleda da to raste i raste,
Nadam se da nećeš zaboraviti da platiš interese,
Nisi došla u najboljem trenutku,
Ako kažem drugačije slagao bih te,
Analiziram i zaključujem,
Svaki ludak ima svoje,
Ne ostaj sama,
Muškaraca ima previše,
Zašto ne potražiš nekog ko će te voleti i u kog ćeš se zaljubiti,
Ne ostaj sama,
Muškaraca ima previše,
Zašto ne potražiš nekog ko će te voleti i u kog ćeš se zaljubiti,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio, hahah,
Ono najveće što sam imao i ne želiš da mi vratiš, Maluma bebo, vau,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio, ra-ra,
Predao sam ti svu svoju ljubav i ne želiš da mi je vratiš, u redu, u redu,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio, ja ne, ja ne,
Ono najveće što sam imao i ne želiš da mi vratiš, Maluma bebo,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio, ja,
Predao sam ti svu svoju ljubav i ne želiš da mi je vratiš, u redu,
Izvini ali imam svoje razloge, Oh-ne-ne, ti me razumeš,
U igri ljubavi mnogo sam izgubio, žao mi je bebo,
U to me je pretvorila prošlost,
I više želim da pričamo jasno, Maluma bebo poljubac,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio, hahah,
U redu, u redu,
Ono najveće što sam imao i ti ne želiš da mi vratiš,
I ovo je S.L.A.V.A,
Maluma bebo,
Ja nisam dao, ja nisam dao, ja sam pozajmio,
(Kevin ADG y Chan El Genio),
Nevaljali momci,
Predao sam ti svu svoju ljubav i ne želiš da mi je vratiš,
Reci mi Ha-ash,
Ovo je formula partneri,
Hahaha, poljubac

Letnja zurka

Od Kolumbije za ceo svet
Maja i lepi dečko
Lepi dečko, dušo
Sve je pocelo na onoj letnjoj žurci
Jedan pogled i počela je konekcija
Nismo ni primetili da smo se uzeli za ruke
Nikada nisam mislio da će postati zavisnost
Ali ti dok si me gledao
I ja, postajala sam luda
I ja, ljubeći te
Želim da ti skinem odeću
I ti, gledajući me
I ja, postajala sam luda
I ja, dodirujuci te
Kada smo ti i ja oh oh oh
Pogledaj koliko je dobro eh eh eh
Kada smo ti i ja oh oh oh
Pogledaj koliko je dobro eh eh eh
Želim da ti skinem odeću
Da nas gleda ceo svet
Živeći ludi život
Iskorišćavajući svaku sekundu
Ako želiš mozes da me poljubis
Ja se neću buniti
Ne mogu da podnesem želju za dodirom
Ako ti igraš zumbu, pa i ja ću igrati
Oh eh oh eh oh eh nastavi da igraš
Oh eh oh eh oh eh niko nas ne gleda
Oh eh oh eh oh eh nastavi da igraš
Oh eh oh eh oh eh niko nas ne gleda
Gledajući me
I ja, postajao sam lud
I ja, ljubeći te
Želim da ti skinem odeću
A ti..
Gledajući me
I ja, postajala sam luda
I ja, dodirujuci te
Kada smo ti i ja oh oh oh
Pogledaj koliko je dobro eh eh eh
Kada smo ti i ja oh oh oh
Pogledaj koliko je dobro eh eh eh
Šta li krije ta suknja, koja me pali
Mi smo dva ludaka pred ljudima
Ljubeći se, dodirujuci se, osećajući se
I strast kada svane
Vodicemo ljubav dok igramo
Ako su te ostavili samu
Mirna, došlo je tvojih 5 minuta
Gledajući me
I ja, postajala sam luda
I ja, ljubeći te
Želim da ti skinem odeću
A ti..
Gledajući me
I ja, postajao sam lud
I ja, ljubeći te
Kada smo ti i ja oh oh oh
Pogledaj koliko je dobro eh eh eh
Kada smo ti i ja oh oh oh
Pogledaj koliko je dobro eh eh eh
Oh eh oh eh oh eh nastavi da igraš
Oh eh oh eh oh eh niko nas ne gleda
Oh eh oh eh oh eh nastavi da igraš
Oh eh oh eh oh eh niko nas ne gleda
Čuj ovo je Maia

Let ka zaboravu

Odnosim tvoje kapute(da imam kada je hladno),
Tvoju bastu tako da ne gledas ruze,
Jastuke tako da ne odmaras,
Ostavljam samo par stvari,
One slike koje ne zelim da gledam,
I dnevnik koji pises kada si povredjena/tuzna,
Napitak za tvoju nagost i zelim ti svu srecu
Rezervacija samo za jednu osobu,
Iako nosim previse stvari, previse pitanja, moj saputnik je samoca
Samo je jedan put ka zaboravu i nema povratka nazad(povratne karte),
Turbulencija secanja me danas pogadja mnogo vise,
Zato sto nisam razvio let u tvom srcu, zao mi je ali ovo je moja odluka
Odnosim tvoje kapute(da imam kada je hladno),
Tvoju bastu tako da ne gledas ruze,
Jastuke tako da ne odmaras,
Ostavljam samo par stvari,
One slike koje ne zelim da gledam,
I dnevnik koji pises kada si povredjena/tuzna,
Napitak za tvoju nagost i zelim ti svu srecu
Vezite pojaseve jer ovo postaje sve gore,
Obilazak melanholije mi nikada nije bio namera,
Ova visina nije nebo koje sam spustio u tvoju sobu,
I svakako nije let(putovanje) koje sam planirao za dvoje(nas)
Zato sto nisam razvio let u tvom srcu, zao mi je ali ovo je moja odluka
Odnosim tvoje kapute(da imam kada je hladno),
Tvoju bastu tako da ne gledas ruze,
Jastuke tako da ne odmaras,
Ostavljam samo par stvari,
One slike koje ne zelim da gledam,
I dnevnik koji pises kada si povredjena/tuzna,
Napitak za tvoju nagost i zelim ti svu srecu
Tvoje kapute(da imam kada je hladno),
Tvoju bastu tako da ne gledas ruze,
Jastuke tako da ne odmaras,
Ostavljam samo par stvari,
One slike koje ne zelim da gledam,
I dnevnik koji pises kada si povredjena/tuzna,
Napitak za tvoju nagost i zelim ti svu srecu....


Versions: #3
You broke my heart, oh my heart,
But my love there's no problem at all,
Now I can gift a piece of it to every chick(girl), just a small piece.(x2)
Don't come with that story anymore baby,
As from the beginning I've been always there for you,
I've never been informed about what the problem was,
You like to roam into others' beds.
Now it's my turn to change the game,
Date new cats(girls), mend my heart,
Without regret now I tell you goodbye,
You don't deserve 'thanks a lot' anymore.
I'm not afraid of saying goodbye,
I want to fix(mend) my heart.
Now I say goodbye to you,
You don't deserve a 'thank you so much' (from me)
You broke my heart but baby there's no problem, now I can gift a small piece of it to every girl, just a small piece.
If I don't save money, I don't save grudges either,
You left first, our case is over.
I'm not afraid to say goodbye, I want to mend my heart,
Now I tell you goodbye,
There's no 'thank you so much' for you anymore
You broke my heart, but baby there's no problem,
Now I can gift a small piece of it to every girl, just a small piece.(x2)
Hello, hello,
I don't speak Portuguese so well, but I want to learn,
Pretty boy baby, dirty boy baby,
Maluma baby

With the Full moon

[verse 1]
I follow the rhythm
Baby, I feel the drum.
What a beautiful news
To know that the night began
And today you will see
One side of me, heh heh
Following the rhythm
Baby, I feel the drum.
[pre chorus]
Dale, dale, dale, dale, dale, here we go
Dale, dale, dale, dale, dale, here we go
One, two, three, put it on me
Tell me now, what's it's goin' be?
Dale, dale, dale, dale, dale, here we go
With the full moon
I'm going crazy tonight (hey, hey, hey, hey)
With the full moon
Dance with me all through the night (hey, hey, hey, hey)
Glued, coming down
With the full moon
Im going crazy
Im going crazy tonight
[Verse 2]
Losing control
I already lost the reason
I want to see you dancing
I carry passion inside.
And today you will see
One side of me, heh heh
Losing control
Like when I lose my reason, oh oh oh
Pre Chorus
Crazy moon, pulling on me
Baby, come kick it with me
You, get much more, you'll see
A bit of crazy, a bit of crazy
Crazy moon, pulling on me
Baby, come kick it with me
You, get much more, you'll see
A bit of crazy, a bit of crazy
Chorus (2x)

Only love will save us

I'm so afraid of losing you
Live like this, disconsolate
And is that when we are out of control
Confusion leads us to nothingness
Come and see how there are thorns so difficult
Something between us is already getting worse
Similar to a chimera of the dark
Only love will save us
To face our adversity
I do not want to hurt you anymore
I do not want to stay away from you
Together an eternity
Only love will save us
Go up to heaven and never go back
I want to hug you one more time
I want to fill you with happiness
And that is a delivery, total delivery
I live an agony in despair
With the intention of winning the battle
And even on the verge of fainting
I must believe, grow to punishment
Come and discover wounds like thorns so hard to heal
Something between us is already getting worse
Similar to a chimera of the dark
Only love will save us
To face our adversity
I do not want to hurt you anymore
I do not want to stay away from you
Together an eternity
Only love will save us
Go up to heaven and never go back
I want to hug you one more time
I want to fill you with happiness
And that is a delivery, total delivery
Only love will save us
Go up to heaven and never go back
I want to hug you one more time
I want to fill you with happiness
And that is a delivery, total delivery


Here you see me sunk into your life.
ten to ten without fabrics or judgments
without any reason, feeling free
feeling YOURS and loving you.
Here you see me
although released i am your rehen
you seduce ... you enchant
What I can do
from the crossroads that you have mounted I will not escape.
I will open the doors of my soul wide
willing to do everything to your will
ready to do everything you want.
I do not care !!!
from top to bottom
whole and yours
although my life is in danger YOURS
front and all of a sudden
do everything you dream about me
Here you see me
you are my witness
you are my judge
my trap, my vice and I do not know what
I'm feeling strong
I'm feeling yours and loving you.
Here you see me
as hymned
head and feet
a bit haunted
well I know
lost in the magic of so many words, believing you.
I will open the doors of the soul
willing to do everything to your will
ready to do everything you want.
I do not care !!!
from top to bottom
whole and yours
although my life is in danger
front and all of a sudden
do everything you dream about me
With your kisses I fly
in your arms I swear
I feel more woman.
With you from scratch
wherever you want I'll go
falling in love and longing for you.
from top to bottom
whole and yours
although my life is in danger
like this suddenly
do everything you dream about me
from top to bottom
whole and yours
although my life is in danger
front and all of a sudden
do everything you dream about me
from top to bottom
whole and yours
although my life is in danger
ALL !!!!!!

Color my Dreams

Like a ghost
Clouds do cover
Somewhere in the distance
The boundless blue
My new dawn
From dreams - embroidered
The day begins
It was so long ago that I
Know, there is no return
Dreams are my heartbeat
Again, like a flower, I revive
Color my dreams, I beg you
So long,I don't await the spring
My thoughts - are my wings
They carry ... please
Color my dreams, I beg you
So long, my hopes I do not cherish
Do warmed me with your radiance,
Do paint, do draw my dreams.
Someone says that there is
no earthly paradise,
But I know -
Those are empty words
Do not cut the heart
But wait in love
How do you wait,
Spring will come, for I
Know there is no return,
Dreams are my heartbeat
Again, like a flower, I revive
Color my dreams, I beg you
So long, I don't await the spring
My thoughts - are my wings
They carry ... please
Color my dreams, I beg you
So long, my hopes I do not cherish
Do warmed me with your radiance,
Do paint, do draw my dreams.
Do paint my dreams.
Do draw my dreams


Previse vatre, previse vode,
sija vise strah sa ugasenim svetlima.
Previse ega, ujedaju pogledi
i lomim se zato sto je bol tezak na tone.
Zelim moc da nestanem...
I da stavim masku napravljenu od svetlosti,
kamuflaza totalna, belo i plavo,
da naucim da letim, da budem nevidljiva,
da budem nevidljiva, da budem nevidljiva.
Ko je stavio u igru sve te zamke?
Kako da razmrsim toliko cvorova reci?
Toliko slepih tacaka, ulice bez izlaza,
milion podova cekaju moj pad.
Zelim moc da nestanem...
I da stavim masku napravljenu od svetlosti,
kamuflaza totalna, belo i plavo,
da naucim da letim, da budem nevidljiva,
da budem nevidljiva, da budem nevidljiva.


Ti si
taj koji je pricao da ima za mene vecan zivot,
ti si. Ti se
taj koji je dolazio obecavajuci proleca
u zimu, ta nisam bila ja, bio si ti.
I bez tvoje svetlosti i bez tvoje svetlosti
vise nema ljubavi, vise nema bola,
i bez tvoje svetlosti pomracenje.
Koliko puta samo ziveli nesto magicno,
koliko puta smo pricali na telefon,
koliko puta si me imao izmedju da i ne,
koliko puta, koliko puta.
Koliko puta smo plesali do zore,
koliko puta smo skoro videli nas da rastemo,]
koliko puta i sada ostajem u juce,
koliko puta, koliko puta.
Ti si
taj koji je pricao da cuva za mene istinito,
ti si. Ti si
taj koji je dolazio sa obecanjima i pricama
od kojih mi ostaje samo tuga.
I bez tvoje svetlosti i bez tvoje svetlosti
vise nema ljubavi, vise nema bola,
i bez tvoje svetlosti pomracenje.
Koliko puta samo ziveli nesto magicno,
koliko puta smo pricali na telefon,
koliko puta si me imao izmedju da i ne,
koliko puta, koliko puta.
Koliko puta smo plesali do zore,
koliko puta smo skoro videli nas da rastemo,]
koliko puta i sada ostajem u juce,
koliko puta, koliko puta.
Koliko puta samo ziveli nesto magicno,
koliko puta smo pricali na telefon,
koliko puta si me imao izmedju da i ne,
koliko puta, koliko puta.
Koliko puta smo plesali do zore,
koliko puta smo skoro videli nas da rastemo,]
koliko puta i sada ostajem u juce,
koliko puta.