Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 58
Ko ti je rekaoda ti treba šminka,
ako je suvišno postavljanje filtera na pejzaž.
Šta ti nedostaje, reci mi,
ako sijaš u masi.
Koji te je idiot iskompleksirao?
Dušo, ti si kraljica,
pogledaj se dobro
čak se i ogledalo iznenadi kada te ugleda.
Dušo, ti si kraljica,
pogledaj se dobro,
onaj ko ti je rekao da si mekana to je zato što se ne razume u lepotu.
Izgledaš kriminalno, tako prirodno,
ti si druga runda,
ti si nešto posebno, shvati.
Bez nakita sijaš,
mole ti se na kolenima,
ti si osmo čudo.
Kakva klasa,
kakva strogoća,
kakav stil,
kakav obrt,
kakva nota,
kakva lepota,
kakva finoća,
kakvo ponašanje.
Potreban ti je momak koji te podržava
koji ti daje cveće, ne udarce.
kakva klasa
kakva strogoća,
kakav stil,
kakav obrt,
kakva nota,
kakva lepota.
Ох, не!Данас сам устао мислећи на тебе више него јуче,
и безвезно је то што је прошло време,
а и даље сам тамо где си ме оставила,
ти си успела да реконструишеш живот на другом месту,
а ја не проналазим некога да заузме твоје место,
какво је срање то што те се сећам!
Не постоји формула да бих заборавио твоје пољупце,
нити једначина чији резултат доводи до овога,
што више сабирам и множим, мање добијам,
када си већ отишла, молим те не иди далеко.
У случају да пожелиш да се вратиш,
овде ћу те чекати.
У случају да пожелиш да се вратиш,
овде ћу те чекати.
И мада си узела крила,
знам да оно што говорим тебе не додирује,
можда га желиш, али мене волиш.
(Волим те)
И овде чувам твоје место
и даље имам исти број телефона,
ако икада будеш пожелела да ме позовеш,
размисли о томе,
о пољупцима и загрљајима, тамо у Њујорку.
Да усред зиме, они су вам давали топлоту,
душо, исто као и ја,
носиш их истетовиране у свом срцу,
лако, брзо, пронашла си замену.
И одједном си пронашла кловна,
знаш већ какав сам,
такође и где можеш да ме пронађеш, ако ти затребам.
Не постоји формула да бих заборавио твоје пољупце,
нити једначина чији резултат доводи до овога,
што више сабирам и множим, мање добијам,
када си већ отишла, молим те не иди далеко.
У случају да пожелиш да се вратиш,
овде ћу те чекати.
У случају да пожелиш да се вратиш,
овде ћу те чекати.
Вау, вау!
У реду, ај (Рра)
почела је румба, душице,
вау, вау!
Госпођице или госпођо (Еј)
гледај како пролазе сати (Ух)
сигурно ће се ове ноћи заљубити (Ах)
одмах трчим тамо, узимам своју уштеђевину,
позивам Марка да јој пева на венчању.
У случају да пожелиш да се вратиш,
(Ај, невероватно!)
овде ћу те чекати,
дођи сад и дођи, душице, дођи, дођи сад и дођи.
У случају да пожелиш да се вратиш,
овде ћу те чекати.
Ово се наставља...
Напада Сергио, хаха..
Не постоји формула да бих заборавио твоје пољупце,
не постоји формула, душо,
када си већ отишла, молим те не иди далеко.
Хуанчо каже
Не постоји формула да бих заборавио твоје пољупце.
Не постоји формула да бих заборавио твоје пољупце,
не постоји формула, душо,
ај, невероватно!
Када си већ отишла, молим те не иди далеко.
Не постоји формула да бих заборавио твоје пољупце,
када си већ отишла, молим те не иди далеко.
Не постоји формула да бих заборавио твоје пољупце,
када си већ отишла, молим те не иди далеко...
Mesec se sakrio čim te ugledao,jer ti više sijaš od njega
po mom mišljenju bio je ljubomoran na tebe, jer danas nije izašao,
samo su ostale zvezde
i pričajući sa nijma
su mi rekle da izgledaš tako predivno sa tim lepim licem, prelepa si,
tako kažu zvezde i ja...
Ne pronalazim nikakvu grešku u njihovoj logici (Ne-oh)
od tebe mi je vruće kao da je leto u junu,
kako bi kul bilo da budeš moja devojka,
ako ne bude tako, onda ću se zadovoljiti tvojim poljupcem.
Ne pronalazim nikakvu grešku u njihovoj logici (Ne-oh)
od tebe mi je vruće kao da je leto u junu,
kako bi kul bilo da budeš moja devojka,
ako ne bude tako, onda ću se zadovoljiti tvojim poljupcem.
Zbog tebe se borim, zbog tebe tražim sukob,
hajdemo na plažu pa ću te nauljiti,
kada se zadovoljim neka te sunce zacrni,
okice plave, kao more na ostrvima Terks i Kejkos, vau.
Sa tobom pored mene plaža nije potrebna,
dušo, jer si ti moje sunce,
te gaćice boje suncokreta
nikada neće izaći iz mode
i tvoja aura, ta energija
se povezuje sa mojom,
Bogorodice, ko bi rekao?
Dušo, ti si me začarala,
zvezde kažu da ćeš biti moja...
Ne pronalazim nikakve grešku u njihovoj logici (Ne-oh)
od tebe mi je vruće kao da je leto u junu,
kako bi kul bilo da budeš moja devojka,
ako ne bude tako, onda ću se zadovoljiti tvojim poljupcem.
Ne pronalazim nikakvu grešku u njihovoj logici (Ne-oh)
od tebe mi je vruće kao da je leto u junu,
kako bi kul bilo da budeš moja devojka,
ako ne bude tako, onda ću se zadovoljiti tvojim poljupcem.
Ja, ja
La-la-la-la, la-la
Jaja, ey
Maluma, baby
La-la-la-la, la-la
Reci mi Edge
Versions: #1Stop lying to yourself
The photo you uploaded with him
Saying he was your everything
Baby, I know you so well
I know it was to make me jealous
I won't tell you who but
Crying for me, they saw you
For me, they saw you
Let me tell you
I can tell that he treats you well
That he's a gentleman
But that won't change
That I got there first
I know it will go well
But he doesn't love you the way I love you
You may not need nothing
Apparently nothing
Hawaii on vacation
My congratulations
Very nice on Instagram what you post
So that I see
How you are doing, so that I can see
You may not need nothing
Apparently nothing
Hawaii on vacation
My congratulations
Very nice on Instagram what you post
So that I can see
How everything's going well, but you're doing yourself wrong
Because love cannot be bought
Lie to all your followers
Tell him that times are better now
I don't think you can ignore my calls
If after me there will be no more lovers
You and I were one
We did it on an empty stomach before breakfast
We smoked the hooka and I passed you the smoke
And now we're at war, no one wins
If you ask me
No one is to blame
Sometimes you get into trouble
Let me speak please don't interrupt me
If I did something wrong to you then excuse me
People will believe you
You play that role well
Baby, but you're not happy with him
You may not need nothing
Apparently nothing
Hawaii on vacation
My congratulations
Very nice on Instagram what you post
So that I see
How you are doing, so that I can see
You may not need nothing
Apparently nothing
Hawaii on vacation
My congratulations
Very nice on Instagram what you post
So that I can see
How everything's going well, but you're doing yourself wrong
Because love cannot be bought
Stop lying to yourself
The photo you uploaded with him (hottie)
Saying he was your everything
Baby, I know you so well
I know it was to make me jealous (Maluma baby)
I won't tell you who but
Crying for me, they saw you
For me, they saw you (Papi Juancho)
Сто година
(Први стих: Малума и Карлос Ривера)Погледај ме у очи, изгледаш ми другачије
Плашим се за нас
Да се ова љубав одједном истрошила
Подсети ме на почетак
На дан кад си се заљубила
Рекли смо да ће трајати вечно
(Пре рефрена: Малума и Карлос Ривера)
Не говори ми да данас одлазиш, молим те
Сломићеш ми срце
Ако ми затражиш да се променим, учинићу то
Људски је грешити
Шта те кошта да ми опростиш?
Кунем ти се да нећу поднети твој одлазак
(Рефрен: Малума и Карлос Ривера)
Иако кажу да не постоји зло које траје више од сто година
Не бих желео да будем први идиот који ће то проверити
Знаш да се љубав као наша не виђа често,
Љубав као нашу вреди сачувати, ох, ох, ох
(Пре рефрена: Малума и Карлос Ривера)
Не говори ми да данас одлазиш, молим те
Сломићеш ми срце
Ако ми затражиш да се променим, учинићу то
Људски је грешити
Шта те кошта да ми опростиш?
Кунем ти се да нећу поднети твој одлазак
(Рефрен: Малума и Карлос Ривера)
Иако кажу да не постоји зло које траје више од сто година
Не бих желео да будем први идиот који ће то проверити
Знаш да се љубав као наша не виђа често,
Љубав као нашу вреди сачувати, ох, ох, ох
Čaše vina
Upoznao sam je u Medeljinu, ona je palila *blant, da-da (Blant
(The Weeknd)So now he’s your heaven
You’re lying to yourself and him to make me jealous
You put on such an act when you’re sleeping together
All this cause I said I don’t want marriage, I don’t want marriage
I rather go half on a baby
Cause at least I know that it’s not temporary
And at least we’ll share something that’s real
I can tell that you’re just tryna feel
(The Weeknd)
It could be that you don't need anything, apparently nothing
Hawaiian vacations, my congratulations
Very cute what you post on Instagram
So that I can see how you're doing, so that I can see
It could be that you don't need anything, apparently nothing
Hawaiian vacations, my congratulations
Very cute what you post on Instagram
So that I can see how well you're doing, but you're doing bad
Because love cannot be bought
You lie to all your followers
Tell them that you're have the best time
I don't believe that when I call you ignore me
If after me there will be no more lovers
You and I were one
We did it on an empty stomach before breakfast
We smoked hookah and I blew you the smoke
And now in this war no one wins
If you ask me, no one is to blame
Sometimes problems come together
Let me speak, please, don't interrupt me
If I did something bad to you, then excuse me
People will believe you, you play that role well
But baby, you're not happy with him
(The Weeknd)
It could be that you don't need anything, apparently nothing
Hawaiian vacations, my congratulations
Very cute what you post on Instagram
So that I can see how you're doing, so that I can see
It could be that you don't need anything, apparently nothing
Hawaiian vacations, my congratulations
Very cute what you post on Instagram
So that I can see how well you're doing, but you're doing bad
Because love cannot be bought
(The Weeknd)
So now he’s your heaven
You’re lying to yourself and him to make me jealous
You put on such an act when you’re sleeping together
All this cause I said I don’t want marriage, I don’t want marriage
Wind (Interlude)
How many times did you leave me at dawnHow many caresses and how many kisses did you leave on my pillow
But you left and are not here anymore
Even my dogs get indisposed when they see me sad
And they ask me where is the love that you undressed is
But you left, you're not here anymore
When the love returns
And transforms into energy, returns
To meet us in other lives
I will find you when you are lost
But the love returns, returns
And transforms into energy
To meet us in other lives
And I will find you when you are lost
The wind blows and has told me of all the things
How many thorns I've cut myself with to give you a thousand roses
And I cut myself for you
To make you happy
Mai', you remember that day that we met
Without giving you a kiss, baby, we made love
We didn't undress, but we loved each other
No matter what it was, our destiny
When the love returns
And transforms into energy, returns
To meet us in other lives
I will find you when you are lost
But the love returns, returns
And transforms into energy
To meet us in other lives
And I will find you when you are lost
Papi Juancho
I know you missed me, baby
Look oh, snap
Give him volume that this is important to my bastard
RudeboyzAccording to here
You don't have to cry for love, when that love already told you 'bye'
But I keep trying
If I failed you, sorry
I agree with you
Baby, i need you
I'm dying to give you a little kiss
If I failed you, sorry
I agree with you
Baby, I need you (Yeah-yeah)
I'm dying of desire
You say that you already forgot me
But that's a lie, I know it's a lie
When you screamed my name, you said that I'm your man
And that you will not change
In your bed will remain the perfume that my skin left
When I made you a woman
When you get horny, take care of me and love me (Baby)
Because that booty kills me, kills me and you know it (You know it)
When you get horny, take care of me and love me (And love me)
Because that booty kills me, kills me and you know it (You know)
If I failed you, sorry
I agree with you
Baby, i need you
I'm dying to give you a little kiss
If I failed you, sorry
I agree with you
Baby, I need you (Yeah-yeah)
I'm dying of desire
But baby I need you
If I don't have you I get weak
I miss when we were alone
Watching movies and eating Doritos
Tell me what do I do to make you come back, yeah
Before the gossip doesn't involve you, yeah
Your absence already tastes like shit to me
I feel like Marley without weed, aha
If I failed you, sorry
I agree with you
Baby, i need you
I'm dying to give you a little kiss
If I failed you, sorry
I agree with you
Baby, I need you (Yeah-yeah)
I'm dying of desire
Maluma, baby
Papi Juancho
I'm desperate (baby)
You are the only one that drives me crazy
Come back, come back
And Entertainment
Mai Mai
I have been horny for a whileMaluma, baby
Real G4 Life, baby
El de la J, baby
Ay, baby, you are a killer, a winner
From your team you are the best player
You have a very killing look
I'm ready, baby, to make you my lady now
Then tell me, mai, mai
If you come with me, we will give a ride
She got me crazy with that comes and goes
Make up your mind, baby, tell me what's there (Ay, ay)
Then tell me, mai, mai
If you come with me we will give a ride
She got me crazy with that comes and goes
Make up your mind, baby, tell me what's there (Ay, ay)
Ay baby let me know, if you want to dance
If you want to turn on, then we will gonna do it
The gin tonic is ready for you
Just like this Tony for our dance
Ay baby let me know if you want to dance
If you want to turn on then we will gonna do
The gin tonic is ready for you
Just like this Tony for our dance
Real G4 Life, baby
Tell me what you want, my girl, make up your mind
If you try me, you'll love it, don't control yourself
You know what is going to happen here
The smoke of weed is already making you sick
We give a trip and we don't want to land
Baby, come into the dark
To continue the horny play
Your body is shaking
Come, I want to heat it
I made you wet your panties
Inside your skin I always keep it
Then tell me, mai, mai
If you come with me we will give a ride
She got me crazy with that comes and goes
Make up your mind, baby, tell me what's there (Ay, ay)
Then tell me, mai, mai
If you come with me we will give a ride
She got me crazy with that comes and goes
Make up your mind, baby, tell me what's there (Ay, ay)
Ay baby let me know if you want to dance
If you want to turn on then we will gonna do
The gin tonic is ready for you
Just like this Tony for our dance
And tell me what is strange there, we're going on safari
Easy, you're very comfortable, let's go in my Ferrari
Call your friend the one they call 'shorty'
Tell her I won't give you back until the solari gets wet (Breathe, ah)
Meanwhile dance for me this Tony, my honey, I see you lonely
You are my Elvi and I'm your Tony Montana
We're gonna do it until morning
I'm going to give you hard until we break the whole bed, ah
And if you are horny, I'm horny
Well, for a long time, baby, I took out the dog
I swear I don't answer
Ay, mai, I want contact
But let him know I'm coming from the island, I'm not lying to you (Shake it out)
Of entertainment
It's not a mystery for no one
That you and me are getting horny, without having anything serious
But I get active, on one I go (Yeah)
Wherever I go I kill her at night like a hunter
Going good with Maluma in the Aventador
Medellin with Puerto Rico is devastating
But tell me to see, to see, if you are horny, ah-ah
With you I get horny
You are the audience and I am the theater (Yau)
Come, I only call for a while
Then tell me, mai, mai
If you come with me we will give a ride
She got me crazy with that comes and goes
Make up your mind, baby, tell me what's there (Ay, ay)
Then tell me, mai, mai
If you come with me we will give a ride
She got me crazy with that comes and goes
Make up your mind, baby, tell me what's there (Ay, ay)
Beauty, how good you look
I'm still in the networks, did you forget me? (Haha)
But in that story, who believes it? (Who believes it?)
Only my number you erased
Why do you want to lie me?
I haven't forgotten you either
Since that night when you went to Madrid
Even my old-lady misses you
And you don't see that I'm dying for you?
Everything has changed around here
Except the love that I felt for you
That little ass misses me (You know. haha)
Come back again, even once, it drives me crazy
Parce, you are giving me headache (Mamacita)
How long you haven't kissed me? (You know)
How cool would it be if you come back (Yes)
Come back again, even once, it drives me crazy
Parce, you are giving me headache (Got me crazy, baby)
How long you haven't kissed me?
I keep waiting for you baby
You're with another and I'm thinking of you
What would I give if I could cheat you
Baby, I love you although it is not noticeable
Here I'm, still firm although we are not given, yeah (Ah)
Why do you want to lie me? (Tell me)
I have not forgotten you either
Of that night that you went to Madrid
Even my old lady misses you (She misses)
You don't see that I'm dying for you?
Everything has changed around here
Except the love that I felt for you
That little ass misses me (Haha)
You deleted my number, but you know it
And I always spend time watching your memories
You would take off my Calvin Klein, I would take off your Victoria
And it's not fading I ran it through my mind
I asked for a ticket and flew to Madrid
Thinking about all the nights and all the poses that I gave you
I fell in love with you and I don't know if you fell in love with me
I'm a number one fan of making you moan
With who are you fogging the mirror now?
That ass misses me
Champagne does not make anything, I want a baby from Spain
I have to hit the ganjah, she hurts my mind
And who are you kidding? Saying you forgot me
And I sent a DM and she didn't even look at it
She didn't say she was leaving, she didn't turn either
For your capture I am giving more than a million
Why do you want to lie to me?
I have not forgotten you either
Of that night that you went to Madrid
Even my old lady misses you (She misses)
And you don't see that I'm dying for you?
Everything has changed around here
Except the love that I felt for you
That little ass misses me (Haha)
Yah, yah-yah, yah-yah, jaja
the baby of babies
Maluma, baby (Wuh)
WithMyke Towers
Papi Juancho (Wuh, muah)
The Rudeboyz
Say to me, Edge
Rra, P.R., Medallo
I don't know why, babyYou only call me when you are horny-girl
You fight with him, maybe
You use me, saying it's your ex
I got tired
You only call me when you are horny-girl
And you fight with him, maybe
You use me for the lack of sex
And I'm going going going
Today I go out to the street, searching for that kitten
To give her, give give
In dm she throws me that she is alone, she throws me
I know you use me
And I stick to it
Cause you're good
You just call me so I can give you vein
The tomcat, is not eating the cat
Now I'm the one who fits her
Throw it to see what happens
The boyfriend is a joke
Let no one knows
That you're in my house
You are a bandit
You call me so I can put it
You make me give it to you
I'm a double b b bellako, yes
And if you don't believe me, believe
Horny-girl with me you believe, believe
She likes it when I give it to her
I don't know why, baby
You only call me when you are horny-girl
You fight with him, maybe
You use me, saying it's your ex
I got tired
You only call me when you are horny-girl
And you fight with him, maybe
You use me for the lack of sex
And I'm going going going
Today I go out to the street, searching for that kitten
To give her, give give
In dm she throws me that she is alone, she throws me
The 'friend' is making me happy and is a fan of my 'thin'
Although she's on diet, she is eating him for a while
And since Yaviah is asking for contact
But without contract your tomcat doesn't give, in private
That's why she's looking for me, to get in escape
It makes me magnetic, energetic, romantic
And like Zion reminds me of zundada
I don't know why, baby
You only call me when you are horny-girl
You fight with him, maybe
You use me, saying it's your ex
I got tired
You only call me when you are horny-girl
And you fight with him, maybe
You use me for the lack of sex
And I'm going going going
Today I go out to the street, searching for that kitten
To give her, give give
In dm she throws me that she is alone, she throws me
Whenever she calls, she knows I'm going forward,
To give you, impossible to deny
Sometimes I think you want to use me
Abuse me, but I'm going to let myself
Leave your boyfriend and let yourself go like never before
She poisons me and I like it
She's hot and I know she enjoys it
Eating us, she's saying that karma doesn't scare her
Who sees her, she texts me
She treats me well when she fights with him
She doesn't care if they see us
We always smash wherever
Friends with benefits
I lend you my eyes, so you can see how beautiful you are,I lend you my hands, so you can touch the clouds if you want to.
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night,
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only tonight,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits
and all your spite
You take them off with me like no one else has done
Friends with benefits,
Let it be our secret
Only the walls will be witnesses of what we have.
(Hey, hey, listen to how we met, haha, come)
It was 8:15 on the Plaza de San Juan
You were walking with a couple more friends.
You played the naughty one, like you don't want the thing
You threw me a mysterious look.
Kill me, intoxicate me with that little mouth
come with your body, seduce me.
Let's remove the clothes, you look more sexy naked
For me you are my lady,
I'm your Maluma baby,
Friends with benefits, your good profit
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only tonight,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits
and all your spite
You take them off with me like no one else has done
Friends with benefits
Let it be our secret,
Only the walls will be witnesses of what we have.
Uh-uh-uh-uh (woh-oh)
Uh-uh-uh-uh (yeh-eh)
Let's kiss and let it be our secret.
Uh-uh-uh-uh (woh-oh)
Uh-uh-uh-uh (yeh-eh)
although the whole world already suspects what we have...
The Cure
YeahPapi Juancho
I really want to see you
Feeling good inside, knowing your talents
Let's get to know each other (oh, yeah)
Cause you look like fun (haha)
I don't know why you go just to come back
He leaves you horny, he doesn't fix it for you
You're a sick woman finding her cure
You're crazy for adventure
But baby, don't go-go-go-go
Can't you see we're barely heating this up?
If my instincts are right-ight-ight-ight
Your underwear is getting on your way
You can't get me out of your head
That boy of yours is not as skilled as I am, no (wooh)
But before you go-go-go-go
Give me the green light so I can make love to you
Those little red panties, yeah
I can get them wet in an instant (wet, wet, wet)
Get dressed, I'll pick you up (-up)1
I could never be your number two, drop the other one
Even if you're not my official girlfriend
I won't call you just to get sex
I have no time for fighting (No-oh-oh)
Even if there's some international ass out there
They've got nothing on you
I don't know why you go just to come back (you know, baby)
He leaves you horny, he doesn't fix it for you (you right)
You're a sick woman finding her cure
You're crazy for adventure (Ah-ah)
But baby, don't go-go-go-go
Can't you see we're barely heating this up?
If my instincts are right-ight-ight-ight
Your underwear is getting on your way
You can't get me out of your head
That boy of yours is not as skilled as I am, no (wooh)
But before you go-go-go-go
Give me the green light so I can make love to you
(Papi Juancho)
Such skills, such tenderness
She's always fiddling under the table
She sends 1000 emojis and selfies in her room (yeah)
I love to see her on her knees, and she doesn't pray
Hard body, rises my temperature
I'll eat you up, like tempura sushi
We'll see how long this lasts, you're pure arousal
Let's go to war with no armor on
But baby, don't go-go-go-go
Can't you see we're barely heating this up?
If my instincts are right-ight-ight-ight
Your underwear is getting on your way
You can't get me out of your head
That boy of yours is not as skilled as I am, no
But before you go-go-go-go (no, no, no)
Give me the green light so I can make love to you
Papi Juancho
I know you miss me, baby, wuh
Sky Rrr, smashing it
Rudeboyz, wooh.
- 1. Play on words since 'cojo' could also be traslated as 'I fuck'
RudeboyzIly Wonder
I didn't want to accept it, no, (no, no)
but you and Earth have something in common, (common).
You put me on the ground, oh
though I didn't believe it, you affected me.
You didn't put in water all of the roses I gave you
they dried up, just like you.
You turned gray my blue sky
I wish you never get to experience what you did to me.
Enjoy it,
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl.
Friend1, you left me alone
and know I'm falling in love
with the ass of that beautiful girl.
The face of an angel but damned.
It was all your fault, you turned out being a bitch
you turned out half an actress.
Didn't know you were clever.
It was all your fault, you turned out being a bitch
you turned out half an actress.
Didn't know you were clever.
Enjoy it,
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it.
'Cause I'll be enjoying.
Better bitches than you I'll be fucking,
one that loves me and is faithful to me,
not like you who's useless, you knew how to take off.
I let you go2, so now baby, give me a smell3.
You are two colored like a panda,
now let's have it, let's hit the bong,
it's no longer for love that my heart picks up the songs.
Enjoy it,
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl.
Don't open more crystal or the presidential suite, no
there's no one to swing you to the ocean,
I used to make you scream like a lost castaway,
those moments are no more.
It was all your fault, you turned out being a bitch
you turned out half an actress.
Didn't know you were clever.
It was all your fault, you turned out being a bitch
you turned out half an actress.
Didn't know you were clever.
I didn't want to accept it, no, (no, no)
but you and Earth have something in common, (common).
You put me on the ground, oh
Enjoy it,
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
life is only one, mami, enjoy it.
Look, the world goes round and round.
I wish you never knock on my door 'cause I won't open it
but, baby girl, enjoy it
Mamacita (enjoy it)
Papi Juancho
J Quiles
Tell me, Lenny (Yah)
Lenny Tavárez, baby
Tra, tra, tra
Maluma, be-bebé, ba-ba-baby
Tra, tra, tra (Ja)
One thing, ay, my love
Enjoy life, I don't five a shit, ¡wuh!
Maluma, ba-ba-baby
Ily Wonder
- 1. Parce is Colombian slang meaning ''dude, bro. In this context since he is talking to a woman, this words don't seem to fit, that's why I chose ''friend'', in a more formal way.
- 2. Dominican slang
- 3. I have never heard of this slang before. So I tried to put up with what I found on the Internet, though help of someone who knows it would be appreciated
Green light
Rrr (Uh-wuh)We both know what happened (Baby)
The note betrayed you (You know)
Take it easy, shorty, it's over (Baby)
Don't waste time explaining it
My love, put it for me, me for you (for you)
Tonight the task is for free
But please do not wear the panties(Hey)
To not waste the time taking it off, oh
I'm not going to last a lifetime
Take advantage of me now, my life
This does not happen every day
And you are more turned on with the note, turned on well
I'm not going to last a lifetime (You know)
Take advantage of me now, my life
This does not happen every day
And you are more turned on with the note, turned on well (Papi Juancho)
I go down to the pool, I feel your humidity
I serve you tequila and something to burn
You already feel ready, the hurricane is coming (Okay)
Your body is the map that I want to navigate (Feel me)
Woke up with me, fucked with me
She asked for punishment (Feel me)
She says that I am her friend
Just clandestine sex, oh-oh
I'm not going to last a lifetime
Take advantage of me now, my life
This does not happen every day
And you are more turned on with the note, turned on well
I'm not going to last a lifetime (You know)
Take advantage of me now, my life
This does not happen every day
And you are more turned on with the note, turned on well (Papi Juancho)
Mamacita, don't despair '(-pere')
She is Puerto Rican but she says 'asere' (Oh)
And I always say to him: 'Parce, what else then?'
With this accent I think he liked me
Woke up with me, fucked with me
She asked for punishment (Feel me)
She says that I am her friend
Only clandestine sex, no affection (Feel me)
Woke up with me, fucked with me (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
She asked for punishment (Yeah-yeah)
She says that I am her friend
Only clandestine sex, yeh (Yeah-yeah)
I'm not going to last a lifetime
Take advantage of me now, my life
This does not happen every day
And you are more turned on with the note, turned on well
I'm not going to last a lifetime (You know)
Take advantage of me now, my life
This does not happen every day (Okey)
And you are more turned on with the note, turned on well
Yau, hahaha
Maluma, baby
A.K.A Papi Juancho
Madmusick, mamacita
I hope you remember
Tomorrow when you wake up (Yah)
And give me the green light (Okay)
To eat you again (Yeah-yeah)
Tell me, Chan (Muah)
I remeberd you
That's MayweatherMmm-mmm
That's how it is
Maluma, baby (Muah)
Everybody go to the discotek
I remember you, you don't remember me
They spoke bad about me, that's people talking shit
I keep waiting for you-eh-eh (Ah), thinking of you-eh-eh (Eh)
Remembering you-eh-eh, drinking, smoking
Waiting for you-eh-eh, thinking of you-eh-eh
Remembering you, drinking, smoking, yah (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
I know that the words will be carried by the wind
But, baby, give me a minute to tell you how I feel
Give my heart maintenance
Mami, I'm not lying to you, now I'm sad, I'm not happy anymore
Mami, come back I'm going crazy (Yes)
I even hit the wall
I feel like I'm dying little by little
Come on, stick to here what I'm going to give you is relief
And [?] yes, mami, you don't assure me
I'm going to find a hotter one
To give her a fever and raise her temperature
And make her sing in the dark night, yeah
I haven't seen you for a long time
[?] you think I forgot you (I forgot you)
That you are happy, I do believe you that
But when I'm with her I will sing you 'He dropped you' (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
I remember you (that's how it is), you don't remember me (Eh, eh)
They spoke bad about me (to let you know), that's people talking shit
I keep waiting for you-eh-eh , thinking of you-eh-eh
Remembering you-eh-eh, drinking, smoking
Waiting for you-eh-eh, thinking of you-eh-eh
Remembering you, drinking, smoking, yah (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
I've put like a hundred pills (Oh)
I drink-drink, they don't make me tickle (Haha)
I spend all day drunk and crazy (Uh)
And in my head is the day when you would return
You go to the disco and you don't dance alone (Oh, oh)
I'm dying, the hours go by (Oh, oh)
What are you going to do when you face me? (Says)
You're going to steal me to to a different place, haha
How well you live it
Going from party to party, now you don't even write me anymore
I do not know if you are dead or still alive
You are like a ghost that haunts me
And this man goes on, yeh-yeh (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
I remember you (that's how it is), you don't remember me (Eh, eh)
They spoke bad about me (to let you know), that's people talking shit
I keep waiting for you-eh-eh , thinking of you-eh-eh
Remembering you-eh-eh, drinking, smoking
I remember you (that's how it is), you don't remember me (Eh, eh)
They spoke bad about me (to let you know), that's people talking shit
I keep waiting for you-eh-eh , thinking of you-eh-eh
Remembering you-eh-eh, drinking, smoking
I keep waiting for you-eh-eh , thinking of you-eh-eh
Remembering you-eh-eh, drinking, smoking, yah
Maluma, baby
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Everybody go to the discotek
Too bad
She is aloneAnd I walk alone
She says she knows who I am
But i don't know her
Today she got pretty
So that I saw her
And he tells me that if I remember her
We do what you want
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Yeah yeah
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
That I do not remember it does not take away the good
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
Of all the chimbitas you are the best
Sorry I don't remember you
But your friend already told me everything and I have the green
I don't fall in love, because he who falls in love loses
Then you came here just to see me
I feel like it and it looks far away
Get on the bass to get him
With a blah blah blah for me to remember me
Pa’m every day is Friday
I feel like it and it looks far away
Get on the bass to get him
With a blah blah blah for me to remember me
Pa’m every day is Friday
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
Of all the chimbitas you are the best
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
That I do not remember it does not take away the good
Something I took that night that damaged my mind
I went crazy, unconscious
It doesn't mean that because I don't remember you
I'm not happy to see you again
I'm curious and you know that
Today I am set to do evil
Your name today I do not remember
But tonight I learn
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Come closer, come closer
That this far we achieve nothing
If you stick you can help me remember you
Yeah yeah
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
That I do not remember it does not take away the good
Too bad, your name doesn't
But your face sounds to me
Let's get out of this dilemma
Of all the chimbitas you are the best
It doesn't go away
Versions: #2Here again
I'm thinking about you
I do not know why I miss you
If we are two strangers (yeah)
It started with a borrowed kiss
And it ended a little more cheeky
Oh my God, what did we do (yeah)
It's that the night was timely
For what I feel there is no vaccine
And I can not forget you
And your beauty that does not help me
You abuse, you use me, you know it, I like it
And as much as I try
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
I saw you and I liked you so much
You passed by and I stared
We felt connection immediately
You took me to heaven and I stayed there for a while baby
Your waist is candle
You hit like this
And I feel that your skin burns me
Uncontrolled my system
You have something that not everyone has, my girl
It's that the night was timely
For what I feel there is no vaccine
And I can not forget you
And your beauty that does not help me
You abuse, you use me, you know it, I like it
And as much as I try
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
Here again
I'm thinking about you
I do not know why I miss you
If we are two strangers (yeah)
It started with a borrowed kiss
And it ended a little more cheeky
Oh my God, what did we do (yeah)
It doesn't go away
This does not go away from me
The taste of your mouth
It's still in my mouth
There is no one who can break it
It went without warning
And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor
(It doesn't go away)
Ricky Ricky Ricky Martin
(This doesn't go away
The taste of your mouth)
Maluma baby
(It's still in my mouth)
(There is no one who can break it
It went without warning)
Once again
(And now it has me
The mind on the moon
And feet on the floor)
Basic Instinct
Sounds so goodYeh-yeh, yeh-yeh, ah-ah-ah
it says, uh
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
Maybe, one day I will do you wrong
And it's not because I stopped loving you (stopped loving you)
It's my basic instinct
Once and for all, today I want to confess to you
But don't take it personally
It's my basic instinct
I am not the one to break a heart (heart)
Of course you are right
I swear to you it's not my intention
And I warning you ahead
That if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
And if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
It's better to hurt now, that I am warning you
That you get a message by surprise
that says 'John is messin' around'
And is looking for what he already has on his table
It's a Sech!
I wake up like to 2 to 0
Like a flight, when the plane is already going up in the sky
Like losing the sun in a rain shower
Better to not even wait, I have to be honest
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
I'm scared of losing you
Even though I messed up, I want to see you
I hope you have good luck (have good luck)
I wish I were stronger yeh-eh
I am not the one to break a heart (heart)
Of course you are right
I swear to you it's not my intention
And I warning you ahead
That if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
And if I fall on other lips
I don't get my heart in these things
I swear, if we fight, it's not for another girl
It's my instinct, there is no other way
This is a Sech, yeh,
Maluma baby
baby, baby, baby, baby,
Hottie, listen
11 увече
11 увече, још увек се не јавља1 ујутру, још увек нема одговора
2 ујутру, каже ми да је спремна
3 ујутру, имам један предлог за тебе
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
Њему нећеш недостајати
Такође неће мислити о теби
Каже да је заузет са важнијим стварима
Облак који не допушта да се види бриљантно сунце
Не дозволи му да те угаси
Не дозволи му да те угаси
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
11 увече, још увек се не јавља
1 ујутру, још увек нема одговора
2 ујутру, каже ми да је спремна
3 ујутру, имам један предлог за тебе
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
Како да те уразумим
Да са мном ти изгледаш боље
Да у мом ауту ти изгледаш боље
Соба мирише на Кристијан Диор
Ти си много лепа, да би плакала због њега
Не заслужује да будеш верна
Ни такође твоју кожу
Малума душо
11 PM
11 in the night, still doesn’t answer1 in the morning, still no answer
2 in the morning, tells me that she is willing
3 in the morning, I have a proposal
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
He isn't going to miss you
Either think of you
He says he's busy with more important things
The cloud that does not let see the bright sun
Do not let him turn it off
Do not let him turn it off
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
11 in the night, still doesn’t answer
1 in the morning, still no answer
2 in the morning, tells me that she is willing
3 in the morning, I have a proposal
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
How to make you understand
That you look better with me
That in my car you look better
The room smells like Christian Dior
You are very pretty to cry 'cause of him
It does not deserve to be faithful
Either your skin
Maluma baby
Провести се добро
(Не вруће, не вруће) Велики мали бум.Субота увече, знам да сијам као сунце
ставио сам тоалетну воду која ми даје перфектан мирис.
Пошто сам обучем перфектно и пошто изгледам перфектно, данас ћу да те пратим и да се смањим у твом телу.
Већ неко време ме посматраш девојко, ја луд за трошењем
новцаница од сто, ти да уздишеш
жено, реци ми, шта чекаш?!
Хајде да се проведемо добро, врло добро, много добро
не морамо да се упознајемо, да бисмо се провели
добро, врло добро, много добро само желимо да се
задовољимо, хајде да се проведемо добро, врло доброо
(много добро) хајде да се проведомо д о б р о
Мали огромини. Чуј госпођице, дозволите да Вам кажем
две ствари, прва је једна тајна на уста
друга, ја сам онај који вам је потребан, моћан човек
који ће учинити да се осећате лепом, елегантном, да осетите као сијате, са малим огромним, бићу ваш скулптор, ти једно уметничко дело, и нема шта да кријем, слушај добро овај рефрен
и немојте да се заљубите
Хајде да се проведемо добро, врло добро, много добро
не морамо да се упознајемо, да бисмо се провели
добро, врло добро, много добро само желимо да се
задовољимо, хајде да се проведемо добро, врло доброо
(много добро) хајде да се проведомо д о б р о
И зашто кажу да је потребно
заљубити се, и не разумем зашто је потребно венчати се,
једноставно кажем да треба проживети тренутак, много авантура
без кајања. Не љубав, не вруће, не љубав, не вруће
не љубав, не врућее, (Каже) Ја сам једини неумесни, који се појављује и нестаје, којег ти после тражиш месецима, јер као ја ниједан и ако те боли тражиш још, овде имам нешто за тебе. Кад ти будеш хтела учинићу те својом и ако ми будеш тражила, испунићу твоје фантазије, учинићу те својом женом, учинићу те својом женом.
Хајде да се проведемо добро, врло добро, много добро
не морамо да се упознајемо, да бисмо се провели
добро, врло добро, много добро само желимо да се
задовољимо, хајде да се проведемо добро, врло доброо
(много добро) хајде да се проведомо д о б р о
Крајња тачка
Лепи дечко Прљави дечкои ја сам Малума бебо
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Данас се осећам усамљено и јадам се у овој строфи
сигуран да је ово последњи пут да сам се заљубио
након што сам ти дао толико љубави из пора
долазиш до мене (боље је да ти будеш сам)
не, не верујем ти више ништа
љубав када је права, никад се не завршава
биће да спаваш понекад у другим креветима
допустила си да се види једна од твојих бројних вештина
не, не верујем ти више ништа
љубав када је права, никад се не завршава
биће да спаваш понекад у другим креветима
допустила си да се види једна од твојих бројних вештина
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Сада, када мало боље размислим, не волим те
консекутивно сам ти проналазио бројна али
када смо водили љубав нисам био толико задовољавајућ
али најгоре је што си гледала моје другове са жељом
О мој Боже, ја ни не верујем
остао сам са тобом до краја играјући прљаво
али хвала Богу сада одлазиш, иди далеко
али када будеш хтела да се вратиш, нећу бити ту за тебе
ооооох нећу бити ту за тебе
ооооох отићи ћу одавде
ооооох заборави ме
ооооох (изгубила си ме мамице)
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Тако лако одлазиш
као оног дана када си дошла у мој живот и дала крајњу тачку
љубави коју си ми једном поклонила
Твоји пољупци
Бебо, ја бих желео да те имам самуда откријем тајну у твојим устима
ја знам да ти хоћеш, зашто се питаш,
на крају крајева, ја знам да ти се свиђа.
Само ти...Ме доводиш у екстазу
Јер само твоји пољупци ме доводе у екстазу
када те ја имам у интимности
чини ми се тешко, да одолим укусу твојих пољубаца
када се осећаш усамљена, не оклевај да се видиш са мном
такође осећам љубав према теби...
Ако ми позајмиш своје усне сигурно ћу пробати
тај слатки отров, укус меда
убија ме полако, парализује ми ум
мислим на тебе често бебо
Прво да ти украдем срце
следећи корак, у моју собу
на крају и без ума да водимо љубав
као у оним данима
када си вриштала и говорила да си моја
И реци ми, ако су ноћи хладне и недостајем ти,
само реци, ја ћу доћи да те угрејем у твом кревету
и реци ми, ако су ноћи хладне и недостајем ти,
само реци, ја ћу доћи да те угрејем у твом кревету
Јер само твоји пољупци ме доводе у екстазу
када те ја имам у интимности
чини ми се тешко, да одолим укусу твојих пољубаца
када се осећаш усамљена, не оклевај да се видиш са мном
такође осећам љубав према теби...
Примити твој позив у сред ноћи
био је савршен тренутак
радује ме кад ми кажеш
да ти фалим већ неко време
Када је светлост била танка
две сенке и једно тело
тражити од ноћи да траје што душе
да бих осетио топлину твог и мог тела
И реци ми, ако су ноћи хладне и недостајем ти,
само реци, ја ћу доћи да те угрејем у твом кревету
и реци ми, ако су ноћи хладне и недостајем ти,
само реци, ја ћу доћи да те угрејем у твом кревету
Јер само твоји пољупци ме доводе у екстазу
када те ја имам у интимности
чини ми се тешко, да одолим укусу твојих пољубаца
када се осећаш усамљена, не оклевај да се видиш са мном
такође осећам љубав према теби...
Мамице, не обмањуј саму себе
само ти знаш да сам ја једини
који зна формулу која те учини женом
Take advantage of me
Let me love youI just want to take care of you
I swear I will not let you go
I know you are for me
I know you don't fall in love easily
It will only take me a couple of hours
To show you
That this is something different
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
Don't play with my mind
You're the only one who has the power to read my intuition
I, for my part, know the secret of your heart
Live the moment
Don't think it too much that the time's over
Look at me to my eyes, you know I don't lie
Of you I'm thirsty, let's try
Live the moment
Don't think it too much that the time's over
Look me in the eyes, you know I don't lie
I'm sure of something, you feel what I feel
I know you don't fall in love easily
It will only take me a couple of hours
To show you
That this is something apart
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
You got me confused
Time has passed and you have not decided
Tell me if you care what we've been through
Make up for lost time
Baby, I know your heart has lost many battles
But I came to change everything, my love
Live the moment
Don't think it too much that the time's over
Look at me to my eyes, you know I don't lie
I'm thirsty of you, let's give it a try
Live the moment
Don't think it too much that the time's over
Look me in the eyes, you know I don't lie
I'm sure of something, you feel what I feel
I know you don't fall in love easily
It will only take me a couple of hours
To show you
That this is something different
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
Take advantage of me
Or maybe I'll leave
And, I won't looking for you
Promise me not to miss me, no, no
Versions: #2Maluma, baby
She is not looking for a boyfriend
She wants to go out and fuck (Ey-yeah)
She wants to forget that fool
Because the bastard was unfaithful to her (Oh-no-no-no)
It will break the heart and she doesn't look for anyone to replace it
She only wants someone who can put it in
She wants a man who doesn't call her and who doesn't fuck
To replace the idiot who doesn't value her
She wants to use that being more good is more fashionable
She started putting in into gym since she was left alone
The envious ones say that the surgeon did that to her
But it's herself wanting to get out of pain
She wants to go out, to smoke, to drink
Upload a video so that he sees it
So that he realizes what he lost
So that the son of a bitch feels worse
She wants to go out, to smoke, to drink
Upload a video so that he sees it
So that he realizes what he lost
So that the son of a bitch feels worse
She is not looking for a boyfriend (She doesn't look for a boyfriend, no)
She wants to go out and fuck (Ey-yeah)
She wants to forget that fool (Ey, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Because the bastard was unfaithful to her (Oh-no-no-no)
And when she's released
There is no girl friend to stop her
She doesn't want a boyfriend to render him accounts
She doesn't need any HP in the party, to stop her
And when she's released
There is no girl friend to stop her
She doesn't want a boyfriend to render him accounts
She doesn't need any HP in the party, to stop her
She wants to go out, to smoke, to drink
Upload a video so that he sees it
So that he realizes what he lost
So that the son of a bitch feels worse
She wants to go out, to smoke, to drink
Upload a video so that he sees it
So that he realizes what he lost
So that the son of a bitch feels worse (Worse)
She is not looking for a boyfriend (She doesn't look for a boyfriend, no)
She wants to go out and fuck (Ey-yeah)
She wants to forget that fool (Ey, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Because the bastard was unfaithful to her (Oh-no-no-no)
She is not looking for a boyfriend (She doesn't look for a boyfriend, no)
She wants to go out and fuck, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
So that you forget that fool
Count on me, woman, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
My bad (Remix)
I remember how many pods talked about meWhat 'Machito' and how many more things they said
But I know that you danced in the club
Look, I'm eating the whole world
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that, it's only mine
It doesn't matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they invite me
I don't know how many tequila I drinked
Combine with cripy and abused
I took advantage that nobody was looking at me
And I kissed with a guy and a girl
They want to criticize me, that what I do is wrong
What for another is crazy, for me is already something normal
Give, give, give, give, no matter what they tell us
Give, give, give, give, if you want that I continue
Here I am, I, to give you what you want baby
Here I am, I, give me your number to see you again
I kissed your girlfriend, my bad
I drank too much, my bad
I screwed up at the party, my bad
I've always been like that, you all knew it
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that, it's only mine
It doesn't matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they invite me
Some don't understand that
That women have sex
So free as men
And I answer him then
Go fuck yourself, leave the manhood
Don't tell me bitch, if we are the same
And if you still don't understand, I would tell you
My bad, yeh ehh
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that, it's only mine
It doesn't matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they invite me
My bad...my bad...my bad
I've always been like that, you all knew it
My life is like that, it's only mine
You don't live it
If it bothers you, well, my bad
My life is like that, it's only mine
It doesn't matter what you say
Deep down they love me and that's why they invite me