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Број резултата: 36


Dva života

Jedini smo budni u celom univerzumu
I još uvek ne poznajem dobro tvoju pustinju
Možda je to negde u mom srcu
Gde je sunce uvek ugašeno
Gde te ponekad izgubim
Ali ako hoću, uhvatiću te
Zaglavljeni smo u ovakvom vremenu
Koje diže ulice
Sa nebom na korak odavde
Mi smo čudovišta i vile
Trebalo bi da ti nazovem
Da ti kažem šta osećam
Ali mi je ponestalo izgovora
I nemam više odbrana
Mi smo knjiga na podu
U praznoj kući
Koja izgleda kao naša
Kafa sa limunom
Protiv mamurluka
Izgledaš kao mutna fotografija
I uništili smo još jednu noć
Izvan kluba
Hvala Bogu
Ako je ovo poslednja
Pesma i onda mesec eksplodira
Biću tu da ti kažem da grešiš, grešiš i ti to znaš
Ovde nema muzika
I ti ne spavaš
A gde ćeš, kuda ćeš
Kada život preteruje
Sva trčanja i šamari, greške koje praviš
Kada te nešto uznemiri
Znam da ne spavaš, spavaš, spavaš, spavaš, nikad ne spavaš
Kako se okeću dva života
Jedini smo budni u celom univerzumu
Besno vikanje na krovu
Da se niko ne oseća ovako
Da više niko ne gleda filmove
Cveće u tvojoj sobi
Moja metalika majica
Mi smo knjiga na podu
U praznoj kući
Koja izgleda kao naša
Izgubljeni među ljudima
Koliko reči
Bez ikakvog odgovora
I uništili smo još jednu noć
Izvan kluba
Hvala Bogu
Ako je ova poslednja
Pesma i onda mesec eksplodira
Biću tu da ti kažem da grešiš, grešiš i ti to znaš
Ovde nema muzike
I ti ne spavaš
A gde ćeš, kuda ćeš
Kada život preteruje
Sva trčanja i šamari, greške koje praviš
Kada te nešto uzenimiri
Znam da ne spavaš
Ugasi svetlo čak i ako ti se ne sviđa
Ostajemo umotani u mraku
Samo uz zvuk glasa
Iznad ludila koje pleše u svim stvarima
Dva života, pogledaj kakav nered
Ako je ovo poslednja
Pesma i onda mesec eksplodira
Biću tu da ti kažem da grešiš, grešiš i znaš to
Ovde nema muzike
Znam da ne spavaš, spavaš, spavaš, spavaš, nikada ne spavaš
Kako se okreću dva života
Dva života


Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Suptilna razlika izmedju cinjenja i govorenja
Znaj da izmedju je more u kome mozes umreti
Povukao sam liniju, to su samo linije
Hodao sam hiljadama ulica kako ne bih bio pronadjen
U ovom malom prostoru
i na ovom trgu ovako velikom
zivot me iznenadjuje
i ispunjava me pitanjima
A ti nemas odgovore
ali se smejes u pravom trenutku
da me izludis
a zatim tek tako da se smejes iz zadovoljstva
Verovacu tvojim usnama koje govore,
koje zvuce kao mantra koju ni ne slusam.
Verovacu tvojima rukama, noci
koja me vodi na mesta koja ne poznajem.
Verovacu tvojoj hrabrosti vise nego svojoj
kada sam je u strahu sakrio od Boga.
Verovacu, ali ne bezrezervno.
Strahovati da volis ili voleti bez ikakvog straha.
Verovacu...bez ikakvog straha.
Bolje patiti za nekim
nego ne ziveti ni za koga.
Bolje je nesto sto me mozes da razumes,
nego nesto sto samo mozes da izgovoris.
Reci cu da te je voleti lako, nemoguce.
Tvoj zivot je neupotrebljiva povrsina.
Mogu da udjem samo ako, ako
sebi ne das zabrane i ako prestanes
da odlucujes umesto da se pustis,
reci mi samo ne, ne.
Znas da mi kazes samo ne, ne.
Ako sebi ne postavim granice i ne,
nisam odlucio da zatvorim vrata sa tobom
i zato sto znam sta imam, sta imam
i znam da i ti
(Duboko u sebi znas da me volis, ljubavi)
Verovacu tvojim usnama koje govore,
koje zvuce kao mantra koju ni ne slusam.
Verovacu tvojima rukama, noci
koja me vodi na mesta koja ne poznajem.
Verovacu tvojoj hrabrosti vise nego svojoj
kada sam je u strahu sakrio od Boga.
Verovacu, ali ne bezrezervno.
Strahovati da volis ili voleti bez ikakvog straha.
Verovacu...bez ikakvog straha.
Verovacu zato sto me drzis na sigurnom
u jednom obicnom danu, jedan cas pre mraka.
Verovacu zato sto ne postoji obecanje
i niko od nas dvoje jos nije rekao 'Zaklinjem se'.
Verovacu tvojoj hrabrosti vise nego svojoj
kada sam je u strahu sakrio od Boga.
Verovacu, ali ne bezrezervno.
Strahovati da volis ili voleti bez ikakvog straha.
Verovacu...bez ikakvog straha.

But Tonight

Maybe I was wrong to talk to you about me - forgive me, what a disaster.
What I'm practising for you seems like marble but is alabaster.
I wrote you a book of empty pages but I can't
be here with you.
That smile is already a friendly fire.
Crazy splinters, what do you want now?
Look at the sky, take me backwards.
The monsters in the mirror look like us.
What do you think of when you run?
A bit before you call me,
I feel all your breathing,
I graze it with my hands.
But tonight you're running fast, I barely see you
and to reach you I'll have to let you go.
And tonight your voice is not far away,
and it tries to get ahold of me but I don't want to escape.
And even if I've looked for you as if you were a perfect illusion,
I'm coming towards you and I wish tonight was eternal.
But tonight you're running fast, I barely see you,
and it's for me to reach you, to not let you go,
let you go away.
Without you, I don't have fun at the clubs at night.
There's always a lot of people at home but it feels like a desert.
You've tried to look for me even in the eyes of someone else,
but you stay here with me.
That smile is already a friendly fire.
Crazy splinters, what do you want now?
Look at the sky, take me backwards.
The monsters in the mirror look like us.
What do you think of when you run?
A bit before you call me,
I feel all your breathing,
I graze it with my hands.
But tonight you're running fast, I barely see you
and to reach you I'll have to let you go.
And tonight your voice is not far away,
and it tries to get ahold of me but I don't want to escape.
And even if I've looked for you as if you were a perfect illusion,
I'm coming towards you and I wish tonight was eternal.
But tonight you're running fast, I barely see you,
and it's for me to reach you, to not let you go,
let you go away.
And damn, do I hate myself when you make me feel
like an idea that you can burn.
But tonight you're running fast, I barely see you
and to reach you I'll have to let you go.
And tonight your voice is not far away,
and it tries to get ahold of me but I don't want to escape.
And even if I've looked for you as if you were a perfect illusion,
I'm coming towards you and I wish tonight was eternal.
But tonight you're running fast, I barely see you,
and it's for me to reach you, to not let you go,
let you go away.
Let you go away.

Две хиљаде пута

Versions: #1
Желео бих да пробам да нацртам твоје лице
Али то је као да вадим мач из камена
Желео бих да пробам да боравим у твојим очима
Како бисмо сањали све док се не уморимо
Желео бих да сачекам зору у овом кревету
Када се вратимо у шест ујутру
Да ме гледаш и кажеш како желиш
Још једну цигарету
Савршен живот
Како желиш моју мајицу
Како желиш моју мајицу
Имам потребу да те изгубим
Како бих дошао да те тражим
Још две хиљаде пута
Иако си сада дистанцирана
Имам потребу да ти опростим
Како бих могао да те додирнем
Макар једну једину ноћ
Макар били усамљени
Као што је вода на Марсу
Желео бих да пробам да не волим твоје лице
Али то је као журка без људи
Потребно је превише времена
А нас двоје верујемо у журбу
Потражимо лет за Лондон
Желео бих бар на дан да заборавим на себе самог
Када се вратимо у шест ујутру
Гледаш ме и ја ти кажем
Како бих желео још једну цигарету
Савршен живот
Желео бих твоју лепоту
Желео бих твоју лепоту
Имам потребу да те изгубим
Како бих дошао да те тражим
Још две хиљаде пута
Иако си сада дистанцирана
Имам потребу да ти опростим
Како бих могао да те додирнем
Макар једну једину ноћ
Макар били усамљени
Као што је вода на Марсу
Можемо и остати у тишини неко време
Док гори полако
Без да више мислимо на то
Можемо и оставити страх по страни
Затворићемо очи како бисмо скочили доле
Имам потребу да те изгубим
Како бих дошао да те тражим
Још две хиљаде пута
Иако си сада дистанцирана
Имам потребу да ти опростим
Како бих могао да те додирнем
Макар једну једину ноћ
Макар били усамљени
Као што је вода на Марсу

Human Being

Sometimes people will judge you
because you're just a costume
they can't see your skin behind the mask
they'll never know who is who
You've got to look great
play a role
but your silent cry
will find you out
I believe in that human being
I believe in that human being
I believe in the great human
that looks others in the eye without any hate
for a human being
I believe in that human being
I believe in that human being
I believe in the great human
who's got the courage,
courage of a great human being
Take my hand and get up
don't doubt me
I'm just a nobody, I'm just a random anyone
in between so many people like you
It's not just the shine that you see
there's so much fragility
today, I remind you we're not alone
that we can win, together
I believe in that human being
I believe in that human being
I believe in the great human
that looks others in the eye without any hate
for a human being
I believe in that human being
I believe in that human being
I believe in the great human
who's got the courage,
courage of a great human being
Love, love, love
together, it defeats and it'll defeat
Love, love, love
together, it defeats and it'll defeat
Love, love, love
together, it defeats and it'll defeat
Love, love, love
together, it defeats and it'll defeat
I believe in that human being
I believe in that human being
I believe in the great human
that looks others in the eye without any hate
for a human being
I believe in that human being
I believe in that human being
I believe in the great human
who's got the courage,
courage of a great human being

Dialogue between two madmen

Tell me what you see inside of me
There's an anthill in your head
Tell me what you see inside of me
There's an anthill in your head
There's an anthill in your head
an anthill in your head
Tell me what you see inside of me
You tell me what you see inside of me
That there's an anthill in the head that worries you
I'm a madman with an upside-down heart
But suddenly the truth is silent
And I wonder if you are me
If you are me
If you are me
If you are me
I hear voices that are never quiet
You're a still shadow in the coming and going
I see faces that never change
You are a madman, you are the needle in the haystack
Lightness that consumes me
I'm a madman with a defective heart
But suddenly the truth is naked
And I wonder if you are me
And I wonder if you are me
And I wonder if you are me
And I wonder if you are me
Still on the edge of your glance try to imagine
I'm a sweaty child, the wind on a swing
and under a courtyard's sky I'm a knight
and I'm captain Akab, I'm the whale
and I'm a fish, an airplane that scratched the sky
I'm a soldier, a sparrow on a bell tower
the filigree of a fever that you can barely feel
and that doesn't want to go away
That there's an anthill in the head
that worries me
I'm a madman with an upside-down heart
But suddenly the truth is silent
And I wonder if you are me
And I wonder if you are me
And I wonder if you are me
And I wonder if you are me
Tell me what you see inside of me
Tell me what you see inside of me

Hola (Spanish Solo Version)

I had more rhythm and personality and other things
Without Malibu to feel the same million times on the railway
Saturday is like my spinning mind in the water
To keep the silence and the gum of the sea
Hola hola
I know the light was off
Hola hola
I know you were not there
And you try to cheer me up with stupid videos
Without saying a word
You won’t understand it neither tomorrow nor now
You prefer watching TV to staying by my side
And tell me how can you live
When the wall of Berlin surrounds your heart?
I always took long breaks and did other things
But seeing you to laugh in many hours is not enough for me
You danced latinoamericano and other dances
If the weather is good like when there’s hoopla in a party
And as always you try to cheer me up with stupid videos
Without saying a word
You won’t understand it neither tomorrow nor now
You prefer watching TV to staying by my side
And tell me how can you live
When the wall of Berlin surrounds your heart?
I know it’s a little useful to learn Spanish
If the only thing I say is
“Hola, hola eh”
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola
And you try to cheer me up with stupid videos
Without saying a word
You won’t understand it neither tomorrow nor now
You prefer watching TV to staying by my side
And tell me how can you live
When the wall of Berlin surrounds your heart?
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola eh
Hola, hola eh

Не примећујем

Знаш ли да је музика бол?
Знаш ли да је музика бука?
Знаш шта? Добро сам
Знаш шта? Лоше сам
Нећеш ми тражити дозволу,
Ако је дозвољено.
Остављам времену обећања
Остављам теби твоја уверења
Гитара на кревету
Стихови које никада ниси написала
Нећу ти тражити дозволу
Драже ми је да изгарам сам
Него да теби повлађујем сада
Где си? У ком делу света?
Или си још увек овде, а ја не примећујем
Пронаћи ћеш равнотежу за којом трагам
Или ћеш је открити у свакој сумњи коју представљаш
Не бих желео, не бих желео
Чему толика журба да разумеш шта смо то ми?
Не преостаје ти ништа осим буке,
Ја који не знам како то да назовем
И твоје клизаво срце
Не преостаје ми ништа осим да клизам
Ти у углу сама
И ја који те не препознајем
Где си? У ком делу света?
Или си још увек овде, а ја не примећујем
Пронаћи ћеш равнотежу за којом трагам
Или ћеш је открити у свакој сумњи коју представљаш
Не бих желео, не бих желео
Чему толика журба да разумеш шта смо то ми?
Да разумеш шта смо то ми
Да разумеш шта смо то ми
Или си још увек овде, а ја не примећујем
Пронаћи ћеш равнотежу за којом трагам
Или ћеш је открити у свакој сумњи коју представљаш
Не бих желео, не бих желео
Чему толика журба да разумеш шта смо то ми?
Ти већ знаш шта то ми јесмо

I Wanna

I wanna
I want that bike that speeds
Down empty highways
And I want sweets
From those who don't know me
I want to dance naked
Kiss my enemy
Go in circles till I lose myself
And find my destiny
This is a robbery, hands in the air
To be bad, so bad that I'm the only one having fun
Tell everyone that I'm leaving tomorrow
I'm going, I'll be at the check-in
I'll leave my shoes on your sofa
Tell that love that it wasn't real
I want to feel the urges of a primal being
Between dead and alive
I wanna...
I want a whole new skin
The soul of a dinosaur
The only one to blame
That I receive applause
To be exaggerated
Swim through the foam
Love you like a dog
Before the full moon
I want to dance across the wire
Give that emperor orders
Go around the world like Konhukhov and his BMX
Be invited in even if I don't feel at home
Hit the button with my pointer finger
I want to feel the urges of a primal being
Between light and dark
Between black and white
Between life and death
I wanna...

i want

i want a fast motorbike
and all the streets empty
i want the candies
for who doesn't know me
i want to dance naked
to kiss my enemy
i want to turn around empty
do a robbery with your hands up
I feel so bad I enjoy it
to tell everyone how many that tomorrow
I leave and then
I stay here at check-in
to put the shoes on your sofa
to tell the true love that it was not true
i want to have desires like a primitive person
that among alive and dead
i want
i want
i want
i want
i want a new skin
the heart of a dinosaur
i want all the sins
But give me applause
and i want to exaggerate
to swim in the foam
to love you like a dog in the full moon
I want to walk over the ledge
Give orders to the Emperor
Go around the planet just like
to be invited or out of place
press the red button with the index finger
i want to have desires like a primitive person
that among light and darkness
among sleeping and being awake
among alive and dead
i wan t
i want
i want
i want
the music high in the time i want
a day that lasts twice as long
i wan t
i want
i want
i want
i want a fast motorbike
and all the streets empty
i want the candies
a day that lasts twice as long
i want to dance naked
to love you like a dog