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Резултати претраге страна 14

Број резултата: 570



Oh, spasio si me ponovo od smrti
Oh, vratio si me, vratio si me u život
Oh, nikada ne bi pomislio da bih
Da bih, da bih, da bih...
Ogorčeno srce i slatka odanost
Tako mogu da vidim
Tako mogu da osećam
U celom svom životu, misteriozni čoveče, ne želim nikog sem tebe i tvoje jadno srce
Ti si za mene čudo
Ti si čudo, čudo, čudo, da
To si za mene čudo
Čudo, čudo, čudo, da
Voli, živi, pusti da umreš
Voli, ozari se do sunčevog svetla
Budi moj čovek i ja ću biti tvoja žena
Budi moj dečko i ja ću biti tvoja devojka
Za života, za života
Ti si čudo
Ti si čudo, čudo, čudo, da
To si za mene čudo
Čudo, čudo, čudo, da (x3)

Kraljevstvo tvog srca

Svi lepi konji
Svi divlji konji
Oni me uvek podsećaju na tebe
Ti i tvoja divlja ličnost
Ti trčiš, smeješ se, živiš, plačeš
I idemo opet ispočetka
Pusti me unutra, pusti me da uđem u kraljevstvo tvog srca
Pusti me da ga ukradem, pusti me da budem tvoja kraljica
Pusti me da se borim za ovo
Pusti me unutra, pusti me da uđem u kraljevstvo tvog srca
Mogla bih da umrem za tebe, znaš to
Pusti me da se borim za ovo
Svi lepi konji
Svi divlji konji
Oni me uvek podsećaju na tebe
Ne sećam se koji je bio dan onog dana kada sam te prvi put upoznala
Dozvoli mi da ukradem poljubac
I idemo opet ispočetka
Pusti me unutra
Pusti me da uđem u kraljevstvo tvog srca
Pusti me da ga ukradem
Pusti me da budem njegova kraljica
Pusti me da se borim za ovo
Pusti me da budeeeemm....
Gledaj me
Diraj me
Ljubi me
Grli me
Voli me
Jebi me
Ženi me
Nije preteško, ako se dovoljno potrudiš...
Pusti me unutra
Pusti me da uđem u kraljevstvo tvog srca
Pusti me da ga ukradem
Pusti me da budem njegova kraljica
Budi moj kralj dragi


Oh, kada me on pogleda
Oh, kada osetim da je on najbolji čovek u celom univerzumu
Oh, kada me on pogleda
Oh, kada sam u njegovoj orbiti...
Svaka čovekova istina je drugom čoveku blago
Moje blago je on
On i njegove vruće, prelepe oči
On i njegove vruće prelepe oči
Neću više plakati za ljubavlju
Jer sam našla bebu za koju nikada ne bih plakala
Našla sam bebu koju nikada ne bih raskinula pored njega*
Padam, padanje je veliki rizik, ali koga briga?
Ljubav može da sija više nego sunce
Oh, kada me on pogleda
Oh, kada osetim da je on najbolja ljubav koju sam ikada imala
On je savršenost
Oh, kada sam u njegovoj orbiti...

Zalazak sunca

Versions: #2
Jedino što želim je da osetim ovu sreću
Ovo zadovoljstvo, ovaj mir u svome srcu, duši, telu
I sad osetim zimu u kostima dok zahlađuje, o
Nedostaje mi sunce, nedostaje mi leto
Zalazak sunca bio je jedini dokaz tvog postojanja
O drago leto, želim ti reći
Da ti si najbolje godišnje doba
O, drago leto, zašto bar malo duže nisi ostalo? Bar još malo...
Slavuji pevaju bajke
O kraljevima, zmajevima, vilama
Zima je, zar ne osetiš?
Vrhovi planina pod snegom su, o, nedostaje mi sunce, nedostaje mi leto
Zalazak sunca bio je jedini dokaz tvog postojanja
O drago leto, želim ti reći
Da ti si najbolje godišnje doba
O, drago leto, zašto još nisi potrajalo?
Ostalo bar malo duže (x3)

Američki san

Osećam kao da ću te izgubiti
Osećam kao da sam zapela
Kažu da ništa ne traje zauvek
To su samo bajke
Hiljade carstava je izgrađeno
Milion zvezda je stvoreno
Stotinu je duga bilo gore na nebu
Par ptica se zaljubilo
Zar ne čuješ zov prirode?
Da li je ovo stvarnost ili samo još jedan američki san?
Zar ne osetiš nalet krvi do svoje glave?
Da li je ovo stvarnost ili samo još jedan američki san?
Hiljade carstava je izgrađeno
Milion zvezda je stvoreno
Ti si Bog ljubavi
I ja jasno razumem zašto?
Zar ne čuješ zov prirode?
Da li je ovo stvarnost ili samo još jedan američki san?
Zar ne osetiš nalet krvi do svoje glave?
Da li je ovo stvarnost ili samo još jedan američki san?
Ohhhh, američki, američki, američki san
Ohhhh, američki, američki, američki san
Budućnost nas zove
Ovo je naša generacija, bebo
Zar ne čuješ zov prirode?
Zar ne osetiš nalet krvi do svoje glave?
Pa, ovo nije još jedan američki san (san, san, san)

Probaj me

Moje usamljeno srce, molim te ne ostavljaj me
Videćeš da sam vredna toga
Bez obzira na sve
Vredna sam
Vredna sam
Moje usamljeno srce, molim te oprosti mi
Ali probaj me i videćeš da sam se promenila
Promenila sam se
Bez ozbira na sve
Promenila sam
Probaj me, molim te
I videćeš
Zar ne pomisliš nekada da je to samo traćenje ljubavi
Ili gubljenje vremena
Volim te
I to je sve što znam
Volim te
I to je sve što znam
Prestani da gledaš svoju bivšu, ona to ne zaslužuje
Probaj moje srce, ono može
Probajj moju ljubav, ona može
Zar ne pomisliš nekada
Oh, zar nekada, nekada
Pokušavam da nađem svoju zemlju čuda
Kako bih te videla opet
Pokušaj da me nateraš da se osećam dobro
I ja ću isto pokušati
Kunem se u ljubav
Probaj me, molim te
I videćeš
Zar ne pomisliš nekada da je to samo traćenje ljubavi
Ili gubljenje vremena
Volim te i to je sve što znam (x3)

Oseti vetar

Oko mog tela
Osetim to večeras
Osetim to svaki put
Nevernost, da, to je moja priča
To je problem
To je nešto novo
Mrzim sebe što osećam nešto gore od smrti
Pokušavam da budem otrovni bršljan
Kako mogu da živim ovako?
Mi smo sudbina
Ja sam tvoja sudbina
I ti si moja
Ti si moja sudbina
I ja sam tvoja (tvoja, tvoja, uistinu tvoja)
Osetim vetar
Osetim svetla
Osetim nebo
Osetim mesečinu
Osetim dodir
Osetim ljubav
Osetim bol
Osetim otkucaj srca
Osetim lom u svojim kostima
Osetim krv u svojim venama
Svakog trenutka svog života (x2)
Živeti u svetu bez tebe
Ovo je katastrofa, katastrofa
Umreti za tebe, to je istina
Raj je predaleko i želim da idem samo sa tobom
Želim da živim tamo samo sa tobom
Želim da živim tamo samo sa tobom
Vojniče katastrofe, dođi i spasi me od pakla
Osetim vetar
Osetim svetla
Osetim nebo
Osetim mesečinu
Osetim dodir
Osetim ljubav
Osetim bol
Osetim otkucaj srca (otkucaj)
Osetim lom u svojim kostima
Osetim krv u svojim venama
Svakog trenutka svog života (x2)

Crna lutka

Udaram glavom o svet
O ljubav i bol
Usamljeni, plavi mesec i crvena kiša
Udaram glavom o svet
Muka mi je da mi se vrtiš i vrtiš po glavi
Okrećeš u krug poput pčele, ponekad kao leptir
Vrati se u svoju crnu lutku* i nikada više nemoj izlaziti
Vrati se u svoju crnu lutku i nikada više nemoj izlaziti
Od usana do tvog srca
Ovo je put ljubavi
Uvek u mom srcu
Uvek u mojim mislima
Uvek u mojim snovima
Uvek ispred mene
Proganjaš me, bebo...
Po prvi put sam te videla...
Izađi mi iz misli
Nadala sam se da će se ovo dogoditi još pre nekoliko godina
Nikada se nije desilo, nikada se nije desilo
Možeš li da osetiš otkucaj mog srca, jer od sada, ono će kucati samo za tebe
Uvek u mom srcu
Uvek u mojim mislima
Uvek u mojim snovima
Uvek ispred mene
Naše delo je na zidu, šta misliš?
Ne treba mi niko više u mom celom životu
Jer kunem se zauvek na ljubav, odanost, vernost tebi
Imam tebe bebo, ali nemoj biti, nemoj mi biti u mislima
Vrati se u svoju crnu lutku
Uvek u mom srcu
Uvek u mojim mislima
Uvek u mojim snovima
Uvek ispred mene...
Uvek ispred mene...
Vrati se u svoju crnu lutku i nikada više nemoj izlaziti

Luda ljubav (opsesija)

Mmmmmm, mmmmm...
Bio je to prvi i poseban put da se ovako osećam
Nikad nisam pipnula staklo, jer bojala sam se, ali sad sam sva isečena
Dođavola, izgledao si kao Bog u mojim očima, kad sam te prvi put videla
I dalje imam ovaj utisak o tebi, ne pokušavaj da me izlečiš
Jer si me već ubio
Mmm, oduzeo si mi dah...
Mmm, ti si moje sklonište...
Tvoja koža, tvoji lepi zlatni zubi, tvoje oči, tvoj osmeh
Tvoje lepe usne
Opekle su me
Tvoj glas, tvoja kosa, tvoje ruke
Brižni plamenovi tvog tela,
Želim da dodirnem svaku njegovu ćeliju
Navučena sam na njih sve
Navučena na tebe,
Osetim čežnju...
Ti si kao neprirodno biće, veličanstveni čovek
O, svaki put se za tebe osuše moje suze
Tvoj glas je himna za moje uši
Predoziram se svaki put kad te čujem i vidim
Mislim o tebi
Luda sam za tobom
Ovo se, dušo, zove
Ovo se zove luda ljubav
Kao opsesija je...
Tvoja koža, tvoji lepi zlatni zubi, tvoje oči, tvoj osmeh
Tvoje lepe usne
Opekle su me
Tvoj glas, tvoja kosa, tvoje ruke
Brižni plamenovi tvog tela,
Želim da dodirnem svaku njegovu ćeliju
Navučena sam na njih sve
Navučena na tebe,
Osetim čežnju...
Kao opsesija je...
Ovo je iskrena ljubav, ovo je prava ljubav
Nemoj ići dušo, nemoj da si ikada napustio moj život
Ovo je iskrena ljubav, prava ljubav, besmrtna ljubav
Šarena ljubav, zbog koje plačem
Muka mi je od svake sekunde kad mislim na tebe
Ovo je iskrena ljubav, ovo je prava ljubav
Ovo je luda, luda ljubav
O, ne mogu da živim bez tebe
Ako ti umreš, umirem i ja
Ako odeš, idem i ka
Kad se smešiš, smešim se i ja
Tvoja koža, tvoji lepi zlatni zubi
Tvoj osmeh
Tvoje lepe usne
Opekle su me
Kao opsesija je...

Nisam Ona Stara

Niko ne zna kako mi je sada
Devedesetdevet demona mi na pameti
Zašto se ovako osećam?
Šta je sa mnom?
Šta je s nama?
Ne razumem u čemu je problem
Zašto me demoni progone, zašto mi stvaraju mučninu,
Zašto me teraju na povraćanje?
Zašto mi brišu sećanja?
Čine me zombijem, i mrtvom i živom u isto vreme
Ne razumem
Ali jedno znam
Nisam više ona stara
Ti i ja, različiti ljudi, različita srca, usamljena srca
Trebamo jedno drugo, vidim to u tvojim očima
Trebaš me, želiš me, trebam te, želim te
Ali imam brdo problema na pameti
Kako da živimo s tim?
Čine me zombijem, i mrtvom i živom u isto vreme
Ne razumem
Ali jedno znam
Nisam više ona stara
Zašto me ne ostave na miru?
Šta se dođavola događa?
Zašto me ne puste da zaista krvarim?
Dosta mi je svega...
Demoni me čine zombijem, i mrtvom i živom u isto vreme
Stvarno ne razumem
Ali, eto...
I onda...
Ja neću više biti ona stara
Neću biti ona stara
'There's no answer to where the love goes. People are always lonely... But, are you happy? Even in this meager living.'
~ Yutaka Ozaki

Besmrtna ljubav

Besmrtna, besmrtna
Znam da je ova ljubav luda
Ne mogu se odupreti više
Da te nemam
Da te ne grlim
Znam da je pravo
Pravo je
Ali bih više volela da ti kažem
O, tvoje smaragdne oči
Čine da oživim
Čine da sva moja čula ožive
Jer se osećam ludo kad sam s tobom
Osetim to kada se dodirujemo
Izgledaš mi kao halucinacija,
Osetim se ludo svaki put, svaki put
Vidim te u tom crnom odelu
I samo želim da plačem
O, ova ljubav je
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je luda
Ova ljubav je besmrtna, besmrtna
Ova ljubav je luda
Ova ljubav je besmrtna, besmrtna
Besmrtna ljubav
Ljudi mi uvek govore kako će mi se život
U budućnosti promeniti
Ne želim da ga menjam, ne
Ne želim
Ne želim, sve vreme mislim na tebe
I dalje ne verujem u čuda ali moram ti reći
O, ova ljubav je
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Dušo, voleću te zauvek
Voleću te do smrti
I dalje ću te voleti od gore
Jer ova ljubav je nedodirljiva
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna
Ova ljubav je besmrtna


Svetlost, svetlost mog života
Vreme je uvek bilo protiv mene
Jedino što sada mogu da radim je da plačem
Umirući čekam ovaj trenutak
Za mene si kao duh
Opsedaš me
Svaki sekund mog života
Uvek si mi na umu
Nešto duboko u meni govori mi
Da te još volim
Ali sad moram da živim sa svojim sećanjima, nadama, snovima, iluzijama
Ali nešto duboko iznutra na mene viče
Da još volim te
Ali sad moram da živim sa svojim sećanjima, nadama, snovima, iluzijama
Ali nešto duboko iznutra na mene viče
Da još volim te
Ceo dan me opsedaš, celu noć
Sad je to moja uspavanka
Život mi je u opasnosti
Otvorila sam Pandorinu kutiju i svo zlo sam oslobodila
Ali tamo je bila mala nada koja me živom održava
Nema lečenja za ovu vrstu bola
Prelepog bola
Duboko u mom vatrenom srcu...
I dalje gorim, o, ljubav je vrela...
Ali sad moram da živim sa svojim sećanjima, nadama, snovima, iluzijama
Ali nešto duboko iznutra na mene viče
Da još volim te
Da još volim te

With A Thousand Stars

Time's standing still now
Darkness is over us here
I've put you in my cradle
I wonder what dream you'll have
You've shut your eyes
Everything around us is like magic
I wonder if you're flying above mountains
Or finding animals you like
If I just could give
and promise a life like dreams
With a thousand stars
which always will follow you
and help you
Your hands fumble gently
Telling me you're on your way
I wonder if you're sailing across oceans
Or are dancing in the games of your dream?
If I just could give
and promise a life like dreams
With a thousand stars
which always will follow you
and help you
If I just could
Promise you a life like dreams
I'd give it to you
If I just could give
and promise a life like dreams
With a thousand stars
which always will follow you
no matter what
what's in store for you, sweetheart
Then I'll promise that
I'll always be by your side
and follow you
If I just could
Promise you a life like dreams
I'd give it to you
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Suve Usne

Ponoć za poljupce
I to je sve što želim
Moje usne žeđaju za tvojim
Moje usne umiru za tvojim poljupcem
Suve usne žeđaju za tvojim
Suve usne umiru za tvojim
Pusto srce još uvek je samo u noći
I umirem za tobom
Jesi li spreman na moju blizinu, srećo, dušo?
Jesi li spreman na moj dodir?
Jesi li spreman da osetiš strast?
Jesi li spreman da ljubiš moje modre usne?
Oo, moje usne umiru za tvojim, dušo
Suve usne žeđaju za tvojim
Suve usne umiru za tvojim
Pusto srce još uvek je samo u noći
I umirem za tobom (x2)
Umirem za tobom (x4)

Moj plavooki princ

Moj plavooki princ će doći
Sigurna sam u to, ignorišem posledice
Ovakve misli
Ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi
Dođi, inspiracijo moja
Moj mladi kralj će doći
Sigurna sam u to, ignorišem posledice
Zbog ovakve misli
Moje suze mi peku obraze
Moj plavooki princ će doći
Sigurna sam u to, ignorišem posledice
Ovakve misli
Ljubavi, ljubavi, ljubavi

Najbolja ljubavna pesma

Napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu koju si ikada čuo
samo za tebe
biti sa tobom
očigledno je moja jedina šansa da dišem
budi sa mnom, dušo, a ja ću ti napisati milion ljubavnih pesama
samo za tebe
Napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu koju si ikada voleo
to je tačno, to je stvarnost, ne boj se
ludost je neuništiva, ali mogu se nositi s tim
moja ljubavi, moja krvava ljubavi, plakaćeš prvi i poslednji put, tako da
Napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu zbog koje si ikada plakao
na dobrom sam putu da izgubim razum
izluđuješ me
dušo, dušo, dušo
ali još uvek dišem, još uvek živim
samo za tebe
Zato ću napisati najbolju ljubavnu pesmu koju si ikada voleo
napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu zbog koje si ikada plakao
napisaću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu koju si ikada čuo
napisiću najbolju ljubavnu pesmu ikad


Moj lave
pusti me da budem tvoja večna ljubav
ja sam tvoja sudbina
i ti moja
Ispod mesečeve svetlosti
zaželim želju zvezdi
da budeš moj
čitav život
Dečko, pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
neću da te razočaram
nikada neću da te izneverim
dečko, pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
Vatra pod mojim stopalima
sada mogu da je osetim
dušo, obožavam te
ne mogu da dišem bez tebe
Dečko, pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
neću da te razočaram
nikada neću da te izneverim
dečko, pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
Učini me svojom Julijom
pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
učini me svojom Julijom
pusti me da budem tvoja Julija
Glava mi je u oblacima zbog tebe, dušo

Virgin Mary

If I were a cream ice-cream
You'd eat me
And I swear I didn't know at all
You suffered
And you've been walking in a hood and with no make-up
For four days
And you would like not to meet anyone anymore
And you hide
I don't want you to smoke weed
Because weed makes you laugh
There's nothing to laugh about
There's nothing to laugh about
And I didn't know anything, I didn't know anything
About these new moves
I still remember you with that pink ribbon
Fries and Coca-Cola
And now I'd like to know who you're mad at
And why you didn't come to look for me and never told me
I don't want you to smoke weed
Because weed makes you laugh
There's nothing to laugh about
There's nothing to laugh about
Your books, your clothes and voice notes of these days
Questions, what do you want to do with these years as an adult
Words fly fly fly
Fly fly fly fly away
Fly fly fly away
Fly fly fly fly
I don't want you to smoke weed
Because weed makes you laugh
There's nothing to laugh about
There's nothing to laugh about
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


When the mouflons run on the snow
squawking under the winter sun,
this world looks as tender as you
who are cradling my life.
they say that the wind
carries the wails
of those who have gone,
so someone says.
Tell me, mama.
they say that the moon
can turn our luck.
So, can I go up there
to turn it?
Tell me, mama.
Tell me, mama.
When the mouflons run on the snow
squawking under the winter sun,
this world looks as tender as you
who are cradling my life.
they say that the light…
Why a hope of light
doesn’t descend here
to this side?
Tell me, mama.
the enmity,
brother against brother,
will ever end?
Why are we like this?
Tell me, mama.
Tell me, mama.
When the mouflons run on the snow
squawking under the winter sun,
this world looks as tender as you
who are cradling my life.

Za tebe dišem

Pre nego što sam te upoznala,
živela sam u mraku,
nisam znala šta znači
Sad me dodiruješ
i jednim dodirom
vodiš me u raj
Za tebe dišem,
samo zbog tebe živim,
i za sve ostalo
potpuno sam nezainteresovana.
Znog tebe, ljubavi moja,
ima me u životu,
i ne zanima me
i da svet izgori.
Živim i postojim
da bih bila s tobom,
i obožavam te sad kao boga.
Oživiš me jednim poljupcem,
da znaš koliko te volim.

As big as Maramureș is

As big as Maramureș1is,
As big as Maramureș is,
There is no nobleman2 like me and you.
There is no nobleman like me and you.
As many flowers as there are along Iza3,
As many flowers as there are along Iza,
I planted them all with my wife.
I planted them all with my wife.
The ones we planted until noonday,
The ones we planted until noonday,
All of them rooted.
All of them rooted.
The ones we planted until sunset,
The ones we planted until sunset
Rooted, but died afterwards.
Rooted, but died afterwards.
The ones we planted until sunrise,
The ones we planted until sunrise,
All of them proudly bloomed.
All of them proudly bloomed.
As big as Maramureș is,
As big as Maramureș is,
There is no nobleman like me and you,
Neither town like Sighet4.
There is no nobleman like me and you.
Neither town like Sighet.
  • 1. Maramureș is a region in northern Romania
  • 2. 'cocon' is a word with only regional use describing young men of wealthy families
  • 3. Iza is a river in Maramureș region
  • 4. Sighetul Marmației is a town in Maramureș region

Down the hill, on the little garden

Green leaf of field's flower12
Down the hill, on the little garden,
Down the hill, on the little garden,
Gheorghiță3's horse is grazing.
Oh, sweetie4, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Gheorghiță's horse is grazing
Tethered to a delicate carnation.
Gheorghiță's horse is grazing
Tethered to a delicate carnation.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Hey, the delicate carnation died,
Gheorghiță's horse broke free.
Hey, the delicate carnation died,
Gheorghiță's horse broke free.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Gheorghiță is running, he is running,
He is running hatless.
Gheorghiță is running, he is running,
He is running hatless.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
He is running hatless
Because his horse broke free into the fields5.
He is running hatless
Because his horse broke free into the fields.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
  • 1. the first lines of most folk/traditional romanian songs are usually phrases that contain words like 'leaf', 'green', as well as plant names. These phrases are completely independent of the following lines
  • 2. literally 'I said green English dogwood'
  • 3. Gheorghiță is the diminutive of Gheorghe, a common romanian male name in the recent past
  • 4. 'leliță' is a word with only regional use describing young, handsome women
  • 5. literally 'because his horse broke free into setaria fields', as 'setaria' is a genus of plants

So Gently On The Inside

I hope that I'll get well again soon
I hope that live will become a better friend
Although I look around
I fall nonetheless
I dream that next year will hug me
Smile, and show me another way
I need that now
I don't want to come along
'Cause something will hold me
so gently on the inside
And the world can trip me
but I knew I'll remain
I hope my doubt will go away again
I hope that my sorrow will say goodbye
as one I'll never see again
But my thoughts remain
I dream that life will smile a bit at me
Gently saying that I'm the right path
I need that now
I don't want to come along
'Cause something will hold me
so gently on the inside
And the world can trip me
but I knew I'll remain
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.


Forgive me, my God:
I confess, I have sinned.
Contrite and humiliated
I beg for mercy.
Eternal goodness,
sovereign clemency,
in Your presence
I abhor my guilt.
Humbly I rush to your feet,
a miserable sinner,
with sincere sorrow
and crying.
By speaking I blamed myself,
greatly I've offended You,
it’s a great burden for me,
my God.

The Dawn of April

All the valleys are illuminated by the dawn
And in every slope a bird is replying
To another with modulated notes
And in the dew, teardrops seem
To have fallen from the sky
Just to move the hard-hearted people
Who in vain contemplate any beauty
The last stars are vanishing
In the firmament as the sun
Is going to appear over the creeks
The bright water uses to whisper
And the most gentle breezes
Make the fresh leafy branches float
And in the dew, teardrops seem
To have fallen from the sky
Just to move the hard-hearted people
Who in vain contemplate any beauty
The last stars are vanishing
In the firmament as the sun
Is going to appear over the creeks
The bright water uses to whisper
And the most gentle breezes
Make the fresh branches float…

When You Are

Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
When you’re in my arms
when you’re in my arms
there are arcane enjoyments
with the waves of the rivers
and the music of the winds
with the waves of the rivers
there are arcane enjoyments
when you’re in my arms
when you’re in my arms
There are snowy dawns
there are snowy dawns
and sunny woods
and roses every day
when I hold you in my hands
and roses every day
and sunny woods
there are snowy dawns
there are snowy dawns
Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
They are beautiful gifts
they are beautiful gifts
those that you give me
with love and fortitude
to fly with good wings
with love and fortitude
those that you give me
are beautiful gifts
are beautiful gifts
I want nothing but you
I want nothing but you
in dances and at home
come here, olive eyes
come and dance, come now
come here, olive eyes
in dances and at home
I want nothing but you
I want nothing but you
Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
Dance, dance unrestrainedly

Don't call me Mary

Since the son of my soul
has died harshly,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains.
Call me the distressed one,
call me the sorrowful one,
the one loaded with griefs
and worn-out by pains,
for I’m losing the best life
because of the traitors.
Don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains.
Don’t call me Mary
nor full of grace
but of pain and sorrow,
of torment and agony,
for I see my life
handed over to traitors.
Don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains,
don’t call me Mary
but Mother of pains.

Burst, Heart

Stop trying, dissimulating, disguising and hiding
What can't be concealed any longer
And that I can't silence anymore
As the shine in this look was a traitor
And gave away what you tried to hold back
What you didn't want to tell me
And it hurt me
Stop fearing, crying, suffering, smiling and surrendering
And losing yourself
And thinking
That life is all about that
I want to open myself up
And let life come in
Like the Sun
Deflowering dawn
I want to feel the pain of this morning
Being born, tearing up, splitting up, dominating my body and then
I cry, suffer, like it, love it, scream
As if I were crazy, mad and childish
Feeling my love spill
I can't hold it back anymore
Burst, heart
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


I'm lying in my bed
Not knowing what is coming up to me
My phone rang
I said hello who's there
Homa ytel3o li legron
They put the news in front of me
Ey ey ey
And she did it on me
Oh this crazy girl
Oh 5 years of worrying
And now her cousin marries her
Ey ey ey
And she did it on me
Oh this crazy girl
Oh 5 years of worrying
And now her cousin marries her
Tonight she ist getting married
Oh mother i'm going crazy
Everyone knows about it
That there is a wedding at her place (2×)
No no no no
Pull her
No no no no
Her father saw the mafia
No no no no yeh
Her cousin is a milionair
No no no no
Oh my brother tiiwtiiw
Start the car
Take me so i can see Maria
Playing on the 3amaria ( a traditional moroccan seat for brides)
And i will show her romancy
So she will remember me for a bit longer
Yeh yeh when we arrived at their place
I forgot about shame
I will not leave
Till they will bring me my beauty (the lady)
Tonight she is getting married
Oh mother i'm going crazy
Everyone knows about it
That there is a wedding at her place(2×)
No no no no
Pull her
No no no no
Her father saw the mafia
No no no no yeh
Her cousin is a milionair
No no no no
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
No no no no
No no no
(Tonight she is getting married)
No no no no
No no no
(Oh mother i'm going crazy)
No no no no
No no no
(Everyone knows about it)
No no no no
No no no
(That there is a wedding at their place)

When Love Blossoms

I, with my voice,
with a serene heart and soul,
I’m singing with the joy
of someone who had a pleasant grace in his life,
because after so many years that I’ve been waiting for love,
I get to know the fruit and the flower.
My life, love is what shines in you…
My life, you’re each breath for me
and my heart sings like a bird
because I want to thank God a thousand times.
You’re the sun in the Orient,
which shines with love in the morning.
Of every hope you light up,
you turn the cold of winter into a spring.
I pray that this love be son of the good luck,
blessed in heaven by the Lord.
My life, love is what shines in you…
My life, you’re each breath for me
and my heart sings like a bird
because I want to thank God a thousand times [x2]

To the Mother of God

Tonight I want to sing,
I want to entrust a song to the wind,
To Mary, Holy Virgin,
Daughter of God and Mother of the Lord.
You who could suffer,
You who could love,
You who gave your life
To God, Father Omnipotent,
You, girl, to the angel
You opened your mind and your heart
And with love, you,
Full of holiness,
In the cave of Bethlehem
You’ve brought the light.
Pray for us, Holy Mother,
Today all in chorus we pray to you,
With the angels we sing glory to God
Because the King came down from the sky
For us, the sinners.
You who could suffer,
You who could love,
You who gave your life
To God, Father Omnipotent…
In the sky a bright star
Illuminated shepherds and kings
Who brought rich gifts of gold
For the Son of God, a child, heavenly treasure.
Pray for us, Holy Mother,
You, girl, to the angel
You opened your heart
And in the cave of Bethlehem
You’ve brought the light.
For us… for us… for us

I’m not Gallurese

As a child, I went
to Gallura to sing
and I can confirm
that I liked it right away.
With humility, to everybody
in this place I offered myself
as a woman and as a singer:
now I feel I'm yours too.
I’m not Gallurese
but in Gallurese I want to sing
to thank all the people
who come to listen to my voice.
I’m not Gallurese
but I’m in love with Gallura
for what all the people give me
in this place and for how they treat me.
In no time, I wouldn’t have believed,
the Gallurese have appreciated me:
for their kindness and pleasantness
these people have enchanted me.
I’m meeting everywhere
cheerful and hospitable people,
in each party, in each house
you all are singing my music.
I’m not Gallurese
but in Gallurese I want to sing
to thank all the people
who come to listen to my voice.
I’m not Gallurese
but I’m in love with Gallura
for what all the people give me
in this place and for how they treat me.
I’ve been coming here for so many years
and every time I’ve felt better and better,
I care a lot about this land
and I love it so much.
I do apologise
if I don’t sing well in Gallurese.
Just not to get the wrong accent and tone,
now you all sing with me:
I’m not Gallurese
but in Gallurese I want to sing
to thank all the people
who come to listen to my voice.
I’m not Gallurese
but I’m in love with Gallura
for what all the people give me
in this place and for how they treat me.
I’m not Gallurese
but in Gallurese I want to sing…