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Број резултата: 13


Wake up Gliori

Today that I faced you
and saw your picture,
your bravery I imagined
and your valor.
Don't let them catch you alive
even though it was as luck had it,
beucase for our homeland
your blood was shed.
Wake up my Gliori to see
how Victory was so close,
and you they put in front
because to you it belongs.
A mother of such a hero
is an insult to cry,
she insults her brave son
the one who will be missed.
Offering to my Homeland,
my son, my life,
and because he didn't surrender,
and stayed and got killed
may he have my grace.

More je duboko

More je duboko
a ljubav silna.
U duši mi bol
ko će da mi je uguši.
More je umiljato,
nežnost i suza ujedno
i vuče me sebi, kotrlja zapenjeno
ka ivici pučine.
More je dete.
Ono juri i ne sustižem ga.
Detinjasto je ono i u ljubavi.
koja mi iz detinjstva nedostaje.

If I loved you a bit less

I love you so much
that I no longer touch ground,
or step on earth
I love you ever so much
as much as the blue colour
of the sky is
If I loved you a bit less
I’d only be
just another of the thousand nothings of the world
a good for nothing drop of water
in the desert
If I loved you a bit less
I would be but an unimportant moment
of the 20th century
I love you so much
that my every word is no longer said,
but sung
I love you so much
that I feel as if God has chosen me
only for that


Šta tražiš, besmrtnosti, pred mojim balkonom
Ne pridaješ mi važnost i moje srce kako može odoleti
Voleli su te u svetu kraljevi, pesnici
i jedna grančica nane, nikoga nisi zadovoljila
Čvrsta si kao udarac smrti
Ali dođoše vremena kada te duboko obožavaše
Svako pokoljenje želi postati tvoja
Lepota u kojoj te ne pobedi niko
Čvrsta si kao udarac smrti
Ali dođoše vremena kada te duboko obožavaše
Dolazili su Krezusi žedni, siroti hodočasnici
I vodoskokom iz tvojega vrta nisi zadovoljila nikog
Čvrsta si kao udarac smrti
Ali dođoše vremena kada te duboko obožavaše
Svako pokoljenje želi postati tvoja
Lepota u kojoj te ne pobedi niko

Where do those childen go

Where do those children go
of the storm and the northwind
that died for freedom
where are they going?
The clouds took them
the seas and shores
the lightnings and fires
where are they going?
Where do the ospreys go
that fought while smiling
you killer, fascist and robber,
where are they going?
They became song and myrtles
incense in the churches
and snow on the mounthills
where are they going?
Mother take off your black neckerchief
and the children will return
And if time burned the candle
in our hearts freedom burns
Where do those children go
of the storm and the northwind
that died for freedom
where are they going?
They are the longing in the eyes
hope in the poor words
smiles on Virgin Maries
where are they going?
Where do the sons go,
that seeded rightness in the earth
and they couldn't make it come out
where are they going?
It's our wide sea
that will not take while you live
killer, fascist and robber
where are they going?

Šta sam uradila za sebe

Pomislih, što reče, da napravim
popis svog života
da vidim šta mi je ostalo
a šta si ti zadržao
Dala sam sve što sam imala
za jednu ludu ljubav
da bih na kraju dobila
suze, gorčinu i rastanak
Šta sam uradila za sebe
šta sam uradila za sebe
Dušu sam imala i dala
ali u nepovrat je otišla
Došla sam na ideju da prelistam
svoj život, ali šta će mi to
pun je žalosti
i nešto malo radosti
Godinama sam živela uz tebe
tvoje gorko 'volim te'
sad čuj kako se žalim
u ovoj svojoj pesmi
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Either I'll win or lose

Don't wonder why
I don't ask for wishes from the stars
let's look at the matter at hand
it's not enough for you
to hold my two hands
We need to live too at some point
Either I'll win or lose
I don't care what comes of it
I want just for a bit
to be together
Either I'll win or lose
After all I don't care
I just want to catch
our passing life
So I'm not asking for anything crazy
To love me
for a moment
let the passion
become a strong flame
Time brings with it
many surprises
you don't know
what an happen to us tomorrow