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Број резултата: 21


Without You

You looked at me,
And gave me your hand.
And, without you saying anything,
I became speechless.
You swept me off my feet.
I told you farewell

Lemon Green

Hetho va nhamay va nhambane1
Hini guthi nha mafu
Tsivha nha liphuvho
Gu vhevhuga nha mathi
Ni tsilva nha nilo
//Oh, midnight moonlight
Shine down here//
//Because I've lost my lover
And, in the dark, I can't find them//
//Oh, lemon
Green lemon
I'm single
Not married
Oh, lemon
Oh, green lemon
My soulmate
Give me your hand//
//My lover's eyers
Are just like little pepper grains
//I fell in love with them at church
When I've drunk of holy water//
//Oh, lemon
Green lemon
I'm single
Not married
Oh, lemon
Oh, green lemon
My soulmate
Give me your hand//

(Моја) Богородице

Поља пуна наранџи, о, о, Богородице
Тамо где се поља маслина протежу са краја на крај
Око њих, морске обале блистају као злато, о Богородице
И заслепе те, заслепе те као јарка светлост.
Када дођеш на ово место, о, о, Богородице
И угледаш, угледаш шаторе у редовима,
То није камп за туристе, о, о, Богородице
То су само, само избеглице.
Моја Богородице, моја Богородице, смири моје срце
Моја Богородице, моја Богородице, смири моје срце
А ако угледаш развејане рушевине, о, о, Богородице
То није из других, других времена
Све је спаљено напалмом, о, о, Богородице
Од јуче, то је безбројно, смрвљено камење
А ако видиш тек узорану земљу, о, о, Богородице
То нису плодна поља, поља
На њима су посађени крстови, о, о, Богородице
Који ће се распасти, распасти са временом.
Моја Богородице, моја Богородице, смири моје срце
Моја Богородице, моја Богородице, смири моје срце

There is a celebration in Mouraria

Versions: #2
There is a celebration in Mouraria
It is the day of the procession
Of Our Lady of Health.
Even Rosa Maria
From Rua do Capelão
Seems to have virtue.
Rich coverlets at the windows,
Loose petals on the ground,
Believing souls, rough people.
Faith walks through the alleys,
It is the day of the procession
Of Our Lady of Health.
After a short murmur
Profound silence weighs
Over Largo da Guia.
The Virgin passes by on a support,
Everyone kneels down and prays,
Even Rosa Maria
As if petrified,
In fervent prayer
Her attitude is such,
That the already defoliated rose,
From Rua do Capelão,
Seems to have virtue.
That the already defoliated rose,
From Rua do Capelão,
Seems to have virtue.


Ако је бити фадиста, Месец бити,
И Сунце из вида изгубити,
Статуа бити, која инсистира,
Тада, ја нисам фадиста.
Ако је бити фадиста то, да тужан треба бити
И да уплакан треба бити, рачунам,
Судбина болна та ако постоји,
Тада, ја нисам певач фада.
Ако бити фадиста значи дно бити,
И нека подругљива реч,
За оговарање у устима света,
Тада, ја нисам певач фада.
Али и победити ако желим
Стихове толике игноришући
Тада, ја нисам певач фада.
Прави сам фадо певач ја.

My little Love

It's so good that you are so small
And that I'm your mother
Within this luck of destiny
Of the loves that live has
I never sang so quietly about
That love inside of us
When I sing a lullaby to the boy
In the cradle of my voice
My arms in his bed
Are rivers of a passion
On the the wings where I lay down
To the heart beat
He makes his nest out of my singing
And from this singing (he makes) the achor ropes
With whining sounds of a gentle (boy)
Which rather seem to be from a guitar
Sleep, sleep my boy
In the dreams that life has
But always keep a little corner
In the lap of your mother

The sun in my street

The sun in my street is
Staying longer each time
Trying to ask the moon
The reason why it doesn't burn.
So much it wants to know why,
But then it stays quiet.
And no one ever sees them
Walking arm in arm.
If you pursue me during the day
And at night you always leave me,
Don't say it's fantasy
The reason of my complaints.
You only are jealous,
When I don't come to see you.
But if you have me at your side,
Not even jealousies I deserve!

I Wish

What else has to happen in the world
To turn you heart over to me
What amount of tears should I let fall
What flower has to bloom
To win over your love
For this love, my God,
I'll do anything
I'll recite the most beautiful poems in the universe
To see if I can convince you
That my soul was born for you
It'll take a miracle
For my heart to be happy
I swear I won't give up
Rain or shine
Because I can't go on without you
I wish
I could hug you in the autumn, summer, and spring
Perhaps live beyond in a fantasy
Inherit good fortune and win over your heart
It'll take a storm
For you to realize that my love is real
I'll search for you on the city's billboards, from the lighthouse beacons
In mear mortals like us
My love is pure, so grand and enduring like a baobob
For you I go where I never would've gone
For you I am what I never would've been
I need a miracle
For my heart to be happy
I swear I won't give up
Rain or shine
Because I can't live without you
I wish
I could hug you in the autumn, summer, and spring
Perhaps live beyond in a fantasy
Inherit good fortune and win over your heart

Open Dwelling

Tell me river that I know
Like I don't know myself
How much grief will run
Until lovessness ends.
You don't even hear me - a soldier with your spear¹
Between valleys and hills
Quenching my thirst by the willow
Washing the fountains soul.
I saw my love leaving
In a train of vanity
To look for the world
In the cities carousels
Where the living is loose
And they say there's no loneliness
But I in my wilderness
Don't have this illusion.
If I were a white cloud
And not this rag person
I'd shed a rainfall
Into your running water
And I'd run without pain
I wouldn't care about myself
And like you in this rumor²
I'd love without committing.
Come river because it's getting late
To arrive at the unsure side
Spread throughout these hills
Because my dwelling is open.

Rosa of Madragoa

Rosa of Madragoa*
Fills her basket at the plaza
Rosa of Madragoa
Fills her basket at the plaza
She comes to the streets and shouts
Awaking half of Lisbon
Which smiles as she passes by
She comes to the streets and shouts
Awaking half of Lisbon
Which smiles as she passes by
She prances up the stairs
In a radiant glee
She prances up the stairs
In a radiant glee
Her garish skirt dances about her
The cross of life doesn't weigh her down
Her basket is a greater burden
Her garish skirt dances about her
The cross of life doesn't weigh her down
Her basket is a greater burden
In the shadows of street corners
Her voice can catch you off guard
In the shadows of street corners
Her voice can catch you off guard
The other fishlasses know
By her warbles when she's coming
Rosa, Rosa of Madragoa
The other fishlasses know
By her warbles when she's coming
Rosa, Rosa of Madragoa

Portuguese Fado of us

Born of being Portuguese
Lived life of being Portuguese
Did his life around the world
Went by the vagabond dream
Went by the earth hugged
//: Well deared or badly loved
The Fado.://
Lived of being Portuguese
Was cheerful or gingerly
For being a Fado, it's a song
For being the future, it's the past
//: Badly deared or well loved
The Fado.://
Every time more Portuguese
Walks in the wings of the wind
Sometimes is lets out a lament
And asks to be found
//: He's a dear, he's loved
The Fado.x3//

Fado Vianinha

Going slow will get us far
And I'm sure going very slow,
Going slow will get us far
And I'm sure going very slow,
Let's see if I wont get lost
On the shortcuts of the way.
Let's see if I wont get lost
On the shortcuts of the way.
My love don't be in a hurry
Because you won't need to wait,
My love don't be in a hurry
Because you won't need to wait,
Everything that starts
Late or early will eventually finish.
Everything that starts
Late or early will eventually finish.
Everything changed in the meantime,
Look at the little sense,
Everything changed in the meantime,
Look at the little sense,
I laugh thinking of your weeping
I cry thinking of your laugh.
I laugh thinking of your weeping
I cry thinking of your laugh.
Give me your profound eyes
And the world can finish,
Give me your profound eyes
And the world can finish,
What matters the world if there are worlds
There inside your eyes.
What matters the world if there are worlds
There inside your eyes.

Best in Me

Versions: #2
Today the seed that sleeps in the earth
And hides in the darkness around it
Will be born tomorrow a flower
Though the chance of light is slim
The rain that wets and passes
Will bring love in a drop
I am also awaiting the light
I stay here and let the shadows seduce me
I am also waiting for myself
Something tells me that the storm will pass
In order to win, one must first lose
And believe even without seeing
It's life that goes on and doesn't wait for us
Each step forward we take
Walking unafraid of making mistakes
I believe that the night will always turn into day
And the light of the radiant sun
Will always shine down me
I break my shackles in this lament of mine
If I am reborn at every moment
My destiny in life will grow
I also go out looking for light
I leave this home of the seductive shadows
I am also waiting for myself
Something tells me that the storm will pass
In order to win, one must first lose
And believe even without seeing
It's life that goes on and doesn't wait for us
Each step forward we take
Walking unafraid of making mistakes
I believe that the night will always turn into day
And the light of the radiant sun
Will always shine down on me
I know that the best in me is about to come
I know that the best in me has yet to come
I know that the best in me is about to come

Fata Morgana

I will receive holy communion made of sea water
drop by drop collected off of your body
into an ancient, Algerian, copper grail
which was used by pirates for the communion before the battle
- Where have you come from?
- From Babylon
- Where are you heading to?
- To the cyclone's eye.
- Whom do you love?
- A gypsy woman.
- What's her name?
- Fata Morgana
Leather cloth, covered in wax
a smell of cedar wood, of incense and lacker
like the smell of an old ship's hold
built in the older years of the Euphrates in Phenice.
- Where have you come from?
- From Babylon
- Where are you heading to?
- To the cyclone's eye.
- Whom do you love?
- A gypsy woman.
- What's her name?
- Fata Morgana
Fire colored rust in the galleries of Sinai
The cellars of Gerakini and of Stratoni
The glaze. The sacred rust which gives birth to us,
feeds us, gets fed from us and kills us.
- Where have you come from?
- From Babylon
- Where are you heading to?
- To the cyclone's eye.
- Whom do you love?
- A gypsy woman.
- What's her name?
- Fata Morgana

And you crazy woman keep on torturing me

Look at me, behind tires and wheels
placed steadily in a press
look at me, behind wings made of glass
attached firmly to my body only because you liked it
And you crazy woman keep on torturing me
embittering me from dawn to dusk
you look like a witch's daughter
whose face is shapeshifting in the darkness
Look at me, have been following the trails for 16 hours
being born and dying on the steering wheel
look at me, 16 hours is too much time to pass by
in the unbreathable murderous air

River of Sorrow

In my nocturnal voice a river rises
That is not called Tagus or Mondego
That does not lake boatman or ship
That does not run through the grove
It is a river all made up of yearning
Where no star rests
Without reflecting the city lights
My fate will pour into the quay
It is a river that carries all the sorrow
From the heart that departs and says goodbye
A river of so much pain and so much water
And I who take it to the sea I die of thirst

Released longing (I miss you)

I caught your yearnings
Went to plant them in my garden
Because I know that you still continue (to be)
Here right next to me
And singing the longing, I know
Something is going to be born here
If sadness I sowed
Joy will I reap
Pebbles(little gems) that I shall take away
And all the weeds around
And what may come will remember
That life holds the released yearnings
And the shadows that I will keep away
And all the weeds around
And what may come will remember
That life holds the released yearnings
New days will come
Other happy memories
And the wind that buffets us
Is not going to break our link
And singing I know it remains
I miss you right here
And the hope that gives us life
In me will not have an end
I know you'll wait for me.
Pebbles(little gems) that I shall take away
And all the weeds around
And what may come will remember
That life holds the released yearnings
And the shadows that I will keep away
And all the weeds around
And what may come will remember
That life holds the released yearnings
Pebbles(little gems) that I shall take away
And all the weeds around
And what may come will remember
That life holds the released yearnings
And the shadows that I will keep away
And all the weeds around
And what may come will remember
That life holds the released yearnings

Between the river and the reason

Oh Lisboa from my song
I feel you close
In a charm, hand in hand
In Lisboa, in my heart
I feel you close
Between the river and the reason
In a rushed pace in the future
in a tumult, what has been said
And will be said
A writteen words generation
In a challenge that Tejo will keep.
Who will determine what's right or wrong?
In the emotion of the unravelling of your sheets
How much water flows in your riverbend
To bring you forever in my chest
To bring you forever in my chest
To bring you, Oh Lisboa, in my chest!
Hope you like it