Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 5
Razlog života
Razlog zašto sam rođen jeDa bih upoznao oca i majku
Razlog zašto sam rođen je
Da bih upoznao svoju braću
Razlog zašto sam rođen je
Da bih upoznao sve svoje prijatelje
Razlog zašto sam rođen je
Da bih upoznao tebe, draga moja
Kada dođe proleće, cveće će samo procvetati
Kada dođe jesen, listovi će sami pasti
Svi su rođeni da budu srećni
Nakon cveta tuge rodiće se plod sreće
Razlog zašto sam rođen je
Da nekoga negde povredim
Razlog zašto sam rođen je
Da neko negde povredi mene
Razlog zašto sam rođen je
Da nekoga negde spasim
Razlog zašto sam rođen je
Da neko negde spasi mene
Noć će doći i tama će se sama probiti
Jutro će doći i svetlo će samo obasjati
Svi su rođeni da budu srećni
Iza mora tuge izdići će se sreća
Razlog zašto sam rođen je
Da bih upoznao tebe, draga moja
Razlog zašto sam rođen je
Da bih te zaštitio, draga moja
The reason I was born is.....
The reason I was born is to meet father and motherThe reason I was born is to meet siblings
The reason I was born is to meet all your friends
The reason I was born is to meet you my dear
As the spring comes, the flowers will bloom from themselves
As the autumn, the leaves will flutter down naturally
Everyone was born to be happy
After the flower of sorrow, it's just like the fruit of joy will grow
The reason I was born, I hurt somebody
The reason I was born, someone hurt me somewhere
The reason I was born, someone saved me
The reason I was born is to save someone somewhere
The night is coming, it seems to permeate from the darkness
As the morning comes, the light shines on itself
Everyone was born to be happy
Beyond the sea of sorrow, it's just like the joy will be rising fulfilled
The reason I was born is to meet you my dear
The reason I was born is to protect you my dear