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My Truth

I always wanted to have you close to me
To always be at your side from the beginning to the end
Fly on your wings of imagination
We'll walk through the rain with feet on the ground
Being with you in any corner I'll go
Nothing else matters, just your love
Play, roll in the sand of that sea
I'll go as you want, just call me
Where are you?
I need to see you
I feel you at my side
How to forget you?
You are the sun that I always dreamed about
My truth that I looked for so much
I miss your hand, your affection, your protection
I'm a girl without you
I'm a boat wandering carried on the waves of that sea
I need to find you
Where are you?
I need to see you
I feel you at my side
How to forget you?
You are the sun that I always dreamed about
My truth that I looked for so much

My Truth

I wish you were always near me
Always be by your side From start to finish
Fly in your imagination’s wings
Walking through the rain with our feet on the ground
Being with you anywhere I’ll go
Nothing else matters but your love
Play, roll on the sand in that sea
I’ll go as I please, just call me
Where the hell are you?
I need to see you
I feel you beside me
How can I forget you?
You’re the sun I’ve always dreamed of
My truth that I sought (2x)
I miss your hand, your affection, your protection
I’m a girl without you
I am a boat to wander carried in the waves of this sea
I need to find you
Where the hell are you?
I need to see you
I feel you beside me
How can I forget you?
You’re the sun I’ve always dreamed of
My truth that I’ve so sought

Room of loneliness

When the night comes
The wind blows through my face
I start feeling nostalgic
I [can] hear the sound of a guitar
Playing love and passion
Everyone's got their own
I see a little bird from afar
Looking for its nest
And its love
[Then] I hear a pair of lovebirds
Grinning in love for each other
So brilliantly!
And me, staring at the moon
[Here] in my room of loneliness
I miss you
To ease my broken heart
Leave, loneliness!
Give it a rest!
My lover is all I want
And nothing else

Beginning, middle and end

I am a ray in your sun,
I am a drop in your sea,
I am a wave that moves
I am your wind that blows.
I am the curve in your path
your 'yes' when you say 'no',
I'm a little of your nothing
but my heart is yours.
I'm everything that you want
your beginning, middle and end
now matter what comes to pass,
I just want you to be mine.
I just want to love you
in my own way as I am,
I just want to be happy here
because I don't know where I'm heading.
Come with me,
I want to give you my warmth
because the only thing that matters
in life is love (bis)
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


My foreigner

He came from far away land
that in reality I've only heard of,
a fascinating smile
and a beauty in that gaze1,
a foreigner's accent
I didn't know what he was saying
but he left me memorize.
My foreigner
I barely understand a thing
but I'm in love
and all that matters is the heart.2
My foreigner
don't forget that back then
we understood each other
through the language of the heart.
I'm learning a thousand words
phrases for when you come back:
'I love you, I need you'
come quickly to find me.
  • 1. in those eyes
  • 2. ...'what the heart wants'
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).



Rainwater is like blood for those who live in the Sertão*
Rainwater is like fire when it floods the city
For those who live at sharks, rainwater is teardrop
Rainwater is a river leaving the Sertão behind
It is a drop of sweat from those who lost their crops
It's the dam of yearning bleeding out of the heart
Rainwater is the brunette all wet in the slope
Rainwater is the sky to the man who fix the leak at his ceiling
Rainwater is hell for the ones who throw a party at the marketplace