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Број резултата: 10


The Last Say

Even if you blame me
Even if you close the door
I come back home
I come back home
How easy it is to hurt each other
How easy it is to cry salt
We're all brave in playing the victims
But how much does putting pride out cost?
As we're afraid of confrontation
'I'm sorry' sounds too weak
We're nuclear bombs
In an unstable heart
Because, if love is strong,
Who tries it is weak
This life is too tight on me
But with you it's more comfortable
In your embrace, fear slides away
Even if you blame me
Even if you close the door
I come back home
I come back home
Even if anger burns
And making an apology isn't enough
I come back home
I come back home
To you
Your eyes have words I'd like to live in them
Between merits and flaws, I choose both
In love, those who know how to lose win
As 'sorry' isn't a word, but a gesture
And if you don't talk to me now
I'll get over my pride to take
A pencil for your silence
We're nuclear bombs
In an unstable heart
Because, if love is strong,
Who tries it is weak
This life is too tight on me
But with you it's more comfortable
In your embrace, fear slides away
Even if you blame me
Even if you close the door
I come back home
I come back home
Even if anger burns
And making an apology isn't enough
I come back home
I come back home
To you
To you
Even if you blame me
Even if you close the door
I come back home
I come back home
Even if anger burns
And making an apology isn't enough
I come back home
I come back home
To you
I come back home
I come back home to you
To you
We're only two stubborn folks
But my head is harder
I always want to have the final say, so
I'm sorry

Allow me

I've been waiting at the door, it never came
I was deluded once again, I'm used to it by now
'Once upon a time' or maybe it has never been so
But in my head I keep on repeating myself that
I wish I could talk to you until 3am
I wish I could argue about nothing, or being a little cliche
I wish I could look at you without fear
Even though then I get confused
I have to admit that I'm weird
But allow me one last dance
One last hour
One last Sun
For one last time
Same game, checkmate
You won again
We're deadlocked again
Lost inside this loop
I find myself in all the lyrics that I dedicated to you
In that old empty club
And convincing myself that this is the last time
And I find you in the half-speechs
Stop the car, I'll get off here
I wish you could see the best of me
I wish I could listen to our silence, I wish I wouldn't ask why
I wish I could look at you without fear
Even though then I get confused
I have to admit that I'm weird
But allow me one last dance
One last hour
One last Sun
For one last time
Same game, checkmate
You won again
We're deadlocked again
Lost inside this loop
What's left in the end?
What are you in the end?
I've been waiting for you tirelessly, but where are you in the end?
What's left in the end
If you never look at me?
I'm still waiting for you at the door
To allow you one last dance
One last hour
Under the last Sun
For the last time
Same game, checkmate
You won again
We're deadlocked again
Lost inside this loop

Dozvoli mi

Čekao sam pred vratima,
Ali nije nikada došao.
Opet sam u zabludi, ali već sam navikao.
Desilo se jednom ili se možda nikada nije desilo,
Ali u glavi ponavljam da
Bih želeo da pričam sve do tri.
Raspravljati se ni zbog čega, to je malo kliše,
Gledati te bez straha
Iako se posle zbunim.
Priznajem, čudan sam.
Ali, dozvoli mi poslednji ples,
Poslednji sat,
Poslednje sunce
Jedan poslednji put.
Ista igra, šah mat.
Ponovo si pobedila,
Ponovo smo zastali,
Izgubljeni u ovoj rupi bez dna.
Ali nalazim nas u ovim tekstovima koje sam ti posvetio
Jednom davno u praznom lokalu
I ubedi me da je poslednji put
I ponovo ću te pronaći u polovičnim razgovorima,
Putovanjima bez cilja,
Zaustavi auto, silazim ovde.
Želeo bih da vidim boljeg sebe,
Da slušam tišine, da ne obraćam pažnju zašto,
Da te gledam bez straha,
Iako se posle zbunim.
Priznajem, čudan sam.
Ali, dozvoli mi poslednji ples,
Poslednji sat,
Poslednje sunce
Jedan poslednji put.
Ista igra, šah mat.
Ponovo si pobedila,
Ponovo smo zastali,
Izgubljeni u ovoj rupi bez dna.
Ali na kraju šta ostaje?
Ali na kraju šta si?
Čekao sam te neumorno, a na kraju gde si?
Ali na kraju šta ostaje?
Ako me nikada ne pogledaš,
Čekaću te pred vratima.
Da ti dozvolim poslednji ples,
Poslednji sat,
Poslednje sunce
Jedan poslednji put.
Ista igra, šah mat.
Ponovo si pobedila,
Ponovo smo zastali,
Izgubljeni u ovoj rupi bez dna.


Verse 1:
She wants all or nothing
She said that to me from the start
Cause her heart
Is as big as China
Ram ba dam da dam
Da ba da ba da
Da da dam da dam dam
And she wants everything immediately
Because she has no patience
And I will oblige her
Because it is big love
Ram ba dam da dam
Da ba da ba da
Da da dam da dam dam
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
I see envy in all my guys
Hey hey hey
They would like
To put their hands on her love
But na, na
I realized
That you like drama
Your mother taught you
You want all or nothing
But na, na
You realized
That I like drama
My mother taught me
I want all or nothing
Verse 2:
She has the shapes
Professional teaser
To enter into her mind
You would pretty much need a visa
Ram ba dam da dam
Da ba da ba da
Da da dam da dam dam
Yeah, she has the words
As if she's a vlogger
Obsessed with her eyes
As if I'm a stalker
Ram ba dam da dam
Da ba da ba da
Da da dam da dam dam
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
I see envy in all my guys
Hey hey hey
They would like
To put their hands on her love
But na, na
I realized
That you like drama
Your mother taught you
You want all or nothing
But na, na
You realized
That I like drama
My mother taught me
I want all or nothing
Verse 3 Ruby:
Yi, ar, san, si, you give your thesis with me
I don't understand what you're saying, Matteo, do you speak Chinese?
I can touch you, I promise that I won't mess up your hair
You think you're in Shanghai, turn up the speed
Vroom, turn out the lights and say Ruby
But don't mess with me, cause you don't know
That I have a black belt, I give it like Bruce Lee
Jackie Chan, Kung Fu, if you say 'baby' to me
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!