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Број резултата: 134


Blueberry Eyes

Damn you look so good
Laying there wearing nothing but my t shirt
Your body’s a neighborhood
Wanna drive my lips all around it
Cause I’m holding my breath
Wondering when you’re gonna wake up in my arms
Head on my chest
My heart’s beating
I can’t wait to
Kiss you each morning
With strawberry skies
I get so lost in
Your blueberry eyes
I’m running through my dreams
To see you in the light
Cause I get so lost in
Your blueberry eyes
A ray of light that cut through my shadow
You turned this life of mine that had been only dark upside down
Perhaps I am nothing
Before meeting you, I was nobody
I was nobody
My life before was just a rush to fill up the days yeah
Our days, our night, yes, our life
u AR e MY light
Friends who are each other’s support, each other’s anchor
Kiss you each morning
With strawberry skies
I get so lost in
Your blueberry eyes
I’m running through my dreams
To see you in the light
Cause I get so lost in
Your blueberry eyes

You Don't Know Who I Am

Its incredible how you pretend and say (you've) never been with me
Yeah, I'm the one that was the greatest witness of your love
I was more than a friend
And now you don't know who I am
After a tattoo, money and a ride
you don't know who I am
all was forgotten
It can be seen on your face, you've been living it up
you've been living la vida loca
and that isn't love
for all the rubbish you have on top
I remember you
of the love that you
I can't believe that you have forgotten
about the one who approached you when he came off the stage
I know your history
How quickly your memory is erased
All forgotten after one ride
I'm your caramel
your model citizen
And this will be your punishment
and one day you'll regret it
you never should have changed affection, love for just thinking about
clothes, money and a cellular phone
Yeah, I gave you all
always thought about you
but it wan't enough (you weren't satisfied)
your bad ambition was enormous
And now you don't know who I am
After a tattoo, money and a ride
you don't know who I am
all was forgotten
It can be seen on your face, you've been living it up
you've been living la vida loca
and that isn't love
You were my love
You were my fantasy
I don't know why you left, with how much I love you
nights thinking about you
and look, I asked God for you
(I asked) just to be with you, and have you in my bed
that you'd leave the clothes for someone who loves you
and even though its hard, I'll let you forget me
Yeah, you don't know who I am
Why would I remember you
And this will be your punishment
and one day you'll regret it
you never should have changed affection, love for just thinking about
clothes, money and a cellular phone
Yeah, I gave you all
always thought about you
but it wan't enough (you weren't satisfied)
your bad ambition was enormous
And now you don't know who I am
After a tattoo, money and a ride
you don't know who I am
all was forgotten
It can be seen on your face, you've been living it up
you've been living la vida loca
and that isn't love

Do You Want To Stay With Me

Do you want to stay with me now and for all time?
Do you want to stay with me when the day draws to an end?
If you want to stay with me, a star will shine for us.
Light will envelop us, we will be safe.
Long have I waited for this one day.
Look me in the eyes when I ask you now:
Do you want to stay with me for eternity?
When I'm old and grey, will you still want to be with me?
If you want to stay with me, a star will shine for us.
Light will envelop us, we will be safe.

The Decision

Abdyelk & Max
hurts your skin
don't make you feel like a woman
tell me what other thing you need
to let him know
that you want to end the relationship
with no excuse nor pretext
tell him that you don't find another solution
to to finish this
Mommy tell me what you gonna do (shortly)
if you come with me (come)
I'm going to treat you well (you know)
and he will witness it
Mommy tell me what you gonna do
if you come with me
I'm going to treat you well (you come and then go)
and he will witness it
Baby I don't want to loosen you not even a moment
since I met you can't stop thinking about you
naked in my bed is an art work
and that I hold you can't leave you
Don't doubt it, there's not time left
he's about to arrive, this is the moment
Come on, come with me I swear I don't lie
I will erase all this pain
Tell him that you want to end the relationship
with no excuse nor pretext
tell him that you don't find another solution
to to finish this
Mommy tell me what you gonna do (shortly)
if you come with me (come)
I'm going to treat you well (you know)
and he will witness it
Mommy tell me what you gonna do
if you come with me
I'm going to treat you well (you come and then go)
and he will witness it
Everyone will testify about the change you'd made
about how well you are not being around him
tell him how he is a part of your past
and how you prefer to be with me
Tell him Abdyelk
You will never forget me
I want to take you to a place
where we are alone
and slowly I can undress you
You will never forget me
I want to take you to a place
where we are alone
and slowly I can undress you
Mommy tell me what you gonna do (shortly)
if you come with me (come)
I'm going to treat you well (you know)
and he will witness it
Mommy tell me what you gonna do
if you come with me
I'm going to treat you well (you come and then go)
and he will witness it
hurts your skin
don't make you feel like a woman
tell me what other thing you need
to let him know
that you want to end the relationship
with no excuse nor pretext
tell him that you don't find another solution
to to finish this
Abdyelk & Max
The musical society
Making good music.

Ништа лоше не може да ми се догоди

Кад би сутра свет пропао
по неком надземаљском плану,
и даље би ми било драго
што смо били заједно.
Кад би сутра свет пропао
и никоме не бисмо недостајали,
и даље би ми било драго
и прихватио бих то онако како јесте.
Ништа лоше не може да ми се догоди
све док си са мном.
Ништа лоше не може да ми се догоди,
јер то је љубав.
Шта год да је у звездама,
ко год да пази на нас,
све је до сада урадио како треба.
Мислим да те већ познајем
хиљаду година и један дан,
и тако је како ти кажем.
Ништа лоше не може да ми се догоди
све док си са мном.
Ништа лоше не може да ми се догоди,
јер то је љубав.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Never better than now

We're almost up, the flap opens.
It's gonna work out, as long as you're not afraid,
as long as you believe in yourself.
Played it over and over in your head,
how it would be, if you just jumped off and flew,
if there is anything more beautiful.
But then the doubts always come,
but it's too late to turn around.
So you spread your arms,
because the wind has changed.
It's never gonna be better than now
It's never gonna be better than now
It's never gonna be better than now
Daring to do something is like flying,
at least for a moment.
(It's never gonna be better than now]
Let's overcome the fear,
to see if there's still something burning inside of us.
The clouds speed past you
and you feel your fear subside.
You've never been that free.
And you race towards the globe,
from zero to thousand on the first attempt,
until now everything went well.
But then the doubts always come,
but it's too late to turn around.
So you spread your arms,
because the wind has changed.
It's never gonna be better than now
It's never gonna be better than now
It's never gonna be better than now
Daring to do something is like flying,
at least for a moment.
(It's never gonna be better than now]
Let's overcome the fear,
to see if there's still something burning inside of us.
And then you touch the ground
Your knees still weak,
Your heart - probably the biggest in the world,
No more fear, just adrenaline.
It's never gonna be better than now
It's never gonna be better than now
It's never gonna be better than now
Daring to do something is like flying,
at least for a moment.
(It's never gonna be better than now]
Let's overcome the fear,
to see if there's still something burning inside of us.
It's never gonna be better than now
It's never gonna be better than now
It's never gonna be better than now
And then you touch the ground
Your knees still weak,
(It's never gonna be better than now)
Your heart - probably the biggest in the world,
No more fear, just adrenaline.

You don't say anything

Don't tell me excuses
you don't say not a word
you escape secretly
while in my dreams you love me
I don't know what you have on your mind
oh, I don't know what you're up to
but you leave me alone
alone to my luck in a bed
[Chorus x2]
And you're leaving, baby you don't tell me anything
tell me if you could find
someone who do it to you like me
I don't what's the reason
I don't know where I failed
if they told you that I cheat on you
that's a lie
you know it well
that's not excuse
just tell me why
But explain to me
just tell me
a reason
I just want to know
the absence is felt and you're not gone yet
I don't want to always be forgotten
[Chorus x2]
And you're leaving, baby you don't tell me anything
tell me if you could find
someone who do it to you like me
What does the skin tell you
just by touching you
let me reach your soul
just by kissing you
that I respect you and that I know how to listen to you
and I can comfort you in bad times
Let him make love to you
as I do
that makes you scream and lose your mind
that you have a good time like we already had
and that with him you forget the past
And it's not that it hurts me that you want to go
oh, what hurts me is that you lied to me
you played with me and you did it well
and now you leave me and without saying goodbye
[Chorus x2]
And you're leaving, baby you don't tell me anything
tell me if you could find
someone who do it to you like me
And it's not that it hurts me that you want to go
oh, what hurts me is that you lied to me
you played with me and you did it well
and now you leave me and without saying goodbye
(Making good music, Many y Max, once again, 369, DJ Khans de Sound King)


Almost paradise
Brighter than the morning
Your love for me
It's like having the whole world
In my life
Like a dream in my weary life
You're the one that came to me
If only I could love you forever
Holding your hand
I shout out to the world with all my strength
Promise me, you'll walk in the paradise
I'll only love you forever
Like the stars in the night sky, just the two of us
Beautiful dream, paradise
As long as I’m with you
I can go anywhere to the my paradise
Forget all the pain,
And the time you've lost
It’s the beginning, together with you
We're leaving, we're running loving you forever
Almost paradise
A warmer day than the sun
The look in your eyes
It's like having the whole world
In my life
Like a light in my weary life
You came to me and gave me love
If only I could keep it forever
You are all of my love
You are all of my life
With my everything
I love you
Like that blue ocean
Paradise, our beautiful place
As long as I’m with you
I can go anywhere to the my paradise
Forget all the pain,
And the time you've lost
It’s the beginning, together with you
We're leaving, we're running loving you forever
Almost paradise
Brighter than the morning
Your love for me
It's like having the whole world
In my life
Like a dream in my weary life
You're the one that came to me
If only I could love you forever
Your angelic smile
Fills our paradise
With flowers just for you
I'll fill it up forever
Almost paradise
A warmer day than the sun
The look in your eyes
It's like having the whole world
In my life
Like a light in my weary life
You came to me and gave me love
If only I could keep it forever
If only we could love forever

Возим бицикл

Понекад је живот прилично лак
Два точка, волан и то је довољно
Када возим мој бицикл
Свет је врло једноставан
Аутомобили су заглављени у гужви, кроз коју ја возим
Сви семафори зелени, пут је слободан
Када возим мој бицикл
У сред града
Возим бицикл
Када возим мој бицикл
И не требају ми мотори
Возим бицикл
Ништа није тако лепо као кад возим бицикл
За мене је идеал кад
Ветар дува око ушију
Понекад све иде глатко у животу
Под условом да имаш бицикл
Онда мисли лете
И не мораш да сипаш гориво
Полиција пријатељски поздравља „'Бар дан!“
Зато што увек радим све како треба
Ако останеш без бицикла
Могу да ти позајмим мој
Возим бицикл
Ништа није тако лепо као кад возим бицикл
Могу да звиждим поред кола
Требају ми само две гуме
А кад пада киша
Ставим капу
А ако опет падне киша
Радо је прихватам јер
Боље тако, него да ходам
(Возим бицикл, возим бицикл, возим бицикл)
Возим бицикл
Када возим мој бицикл
То је оптимално
И ваздух струји кроз сандале
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


The night doesn't sleep
And again in my eyes there's only a sky of stone
The night hurts
How can I be alone without you?
Don't grieve.
Your tears for me seem to flow out of my wounds
My tired heart that disappears forever
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream
It'll unite us, unite
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until the words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream,
It'll unite us, unite
The night will pass
And the morning will keep us
In a cold bed
Hug me, you're the freezing rain
Among the burning desert
Until spring there is time
It's all not so hopeless
I see dreams
I'm staying there, I'm staying in them
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream
It'll unite us, unite
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until the words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream,
It'll unite us, unite
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream
It'll unite us, unite
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until the words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream,
It'll unite us, unite


Zero hours, deceived streets
Machines and grey faces
You don't split time for two anymore
Don't look into my brown eyes
Let me go - I'm running away now
You can stay in the air forever
Blood-water we shouldn't
Don't look at the palms
Run to the white paradise
It won't drop you
I'll scatter my wishes as ashes
I'll leave my name by the wind
Times that called me with you before
The night under a ceiling of stone
I remember the blind breath
Two lying on the same planet
Blood-water we shouldn't
Don't look at the palms
Run to the white paradise
It won't drop you
Blood-water we shouldn't
Don't look at the palms
Run to the white paradise
It won't drop you

Higher than love

Without telling anyone
You'll go far, far away
I'll find your footsteps, according to
What the naughty river tells me... just wait!
Make your wings of clouds
Higher than love
I'll fly with you
Listen there
Everything is open to us
You know, I won't
Betray you with my heart
Make your wings of clouds
And I don't need any word
I love you!
Listen... but
Time carries us
Time invites us
To different shores
Without telling anyone,
You'll leave but inside you're with me
You'll find me in the eyes, in the tears
That flow like the naughty river ... just wait!
Make your wings of clouds
Higher than love
I'll fly with you
Listen there
Everything is open to us
You know, I won't
Betray you with my heart
Make your wings of clouds
And I don't need any word
I love you!
Listen... but
Time carries us
Time invites us
To different shores

Моја љубави

[Строфа 1]
Време лечи ране. Волео бих да сам вечно пијан.
Тражио сам те на разним местима,
Где нико не чека љубав (нико не чека љубав).
И опет ме је свитање самог возило кући.
Затражићу од облака
Твоју љубав са себе заувек.
И небо ће ми поклонити ноћ,
Када ћу те случајно срести, –
Моја љубави...
Сваки пут затварам очи,
Када гледам туђа лица –
У мраку желим да видим тебе
И да се случајно заљубим...
[Строфа 2]
Опет пијано вече, између нас је ветар.
И већ одавно не чекам љубав као спас (као спас).
Уморио сам се тражећи одраз у очима у сваком пару.
Затражићу од облака
Твоју љубав са себе заувек.
И небо ће ми поклонити ноћ,
Када ћу те случајно срести, –
Моја љубави...
Сваки пут затварам очи,
Када гледам туђа лица –
У мраку желим да видим тебе
И да се случајно заљубим...
Затражићу од облака
Твоју љубав са себе заувек.
И небо ће ми поклонити ноћ,
Када ћу те случајно срести, –
Моја љубави...
Сваки пут затварам очи,
Када гледам туђа лица –
У мраку желим да видим тебе
И да се случајно заљубим...
Моја љубави.


Време лечи ране.
Волео бих да сам вечно пијан.
Тражио сам те на разним местима,
Где нико не чека љубав.
И опет ме је свитање
Возило кући.
Затражићу од облака
Твоју љубав са себе заувек.
И небо ће ми поклонити ноћ,
Када ћу те случајно срести,
Моја љубави...
Сваки пут затварам очи,
Када гледам туђа лица.
У мраку желим да видим тебе
И да се случајно заљубим...
Опет пијано вече.
Између нас је ветар.
И већ одавно не чекам љубав као спас.
Уморио сам се тражећи одраз у очима у сваком пару.
Затражићу од облака
Твоју љубав са себе заувек.
И небо ће ми поклонити ноћ,
Када ћу те случајно срести,
Моја љубави...
Сваки пут затварам очи,
Када гледам туђа лица.
У мраку желим да видим тебе
И да се случајно заљубим...


Девојка-лепотица у црвеној хаљиници у ноћи
Као звезде ти сијају очи, можда мене чекаш
Осмехујеш ми се, сретали смо се у сну
Све моје бесане ноћи, сви путеви су водили теби...
Моја, моја, моја неземаљска
Како си ме пронашла
Пре тебе сам имао среће само у картама
Сада без тебе нема ни дана
За тобом ћу у ватру
За тебе ћу ходати по ивици
Заувек сам с тобом
Обећавам да ћу те волети
Моја, моја неземаљска...
Идем твојим стопама, неизлечиво заљубљен
Разликујем по гласу шта крије твој тон
Твој смех ме заробљава, летим у сну
Све моје бесане ноћи, сви путеви су водили теби...
Моја, моја, моја неземаљска
Како си ме пронашла
Пре тебе сам имао среће само у картама
Сада без тебе нема ни дана
За тобом ћу у ватру
За тебе ћу ходати по ивици
Заувек сам с тобом
Обећавам да ћу те волети
Моја, моја неземаљска...
Разумемо се
Научили смо гласно и без речи
С љубављу прихватам
Твоју љубав...
Моја, моја, моја неземаљска
Како си ме пронашла
Пре тебе сам имао среће само у картама
Сада без тебе нема ни дана
За тобом ћу у ватру
За тебе ћу ходати по ивици
Заувек сам с тобом
Обећавам да ћу те волети
Моја, моја неземаљска...


Versions: #2
Ноћ тек почиње,
А ти си стигла да ми кажеш „Не“.
Речима удараш све јаче.
Ја волим јаче, свиђа ми се бол.
Разум каже: „Одлази!“.
А тело поново моли да јој дам шансу.
Ми смо глупи људи: волимо оно што нас убија.
Желимо оно што није дозвољено.
Другарице-ноћи, није ми до спавања.
Нећу кући, тамо ме не чекају!
Другарице-ноћи, ниси сама.
Води ме тамо где се плеше до јутра!
Плеше до јутра, плеше до јутра.
Плеше до јутра, плеше до јутра.
У понодељак ћу доћи к себи.
Састављаћу се из делића.
Биће теже живети, одузела си ми ваздух
И разбила љубав.
Другарице-ноћи, није ми до спавања.
Нећу кући, тамо ме не чекају!
Другарице-ноћи, ниси сама.
Води ме тамо где се плеше до јутра!
Плеше до јутра, плеше до јутра.
Плеше до јутра, плеше до јутра.
Dance! Dance!
Dance! Dance!
Шта ми се дешава, где сам ја – не разумем.
Не сећам се с ким сам дошао.
Ове ноћи град замире.
И данас сам добро!
Другарице-ноћи, није ми до спавања.
Нећу кући, тамо ме не чекају!
Другарице-ноћи, ниси сама.
Води ме тамо где се плеше до јутра!
Плеше до јутра, плеше до јутра.
Плеше до јутра, плеше до јутра...


Не гледај око себе, ту нема таквих као ја,
Можеш ме привући, али и лако изгубити.
Не пропуштај прилику, задиви ме сада,
Твоје тело је инструмент, покажи, покажи, покажи шта умеш да радиш.
Плеши са мном,
Далеко је зора,
Нисам сав свој,
Када си ти полугола,
Желим те, и иако се не познајемо,
Дуго сам чекао ову ноћ...
Четири ујутру, а срце не спава,
Оно тако гласно за тебе куца.
Ови људи око нас миле кући,
А ти хватај моје погледе, плеши, док си поред мене.
Плеши са мном
Плеши, плеши са мном,
Плеши са мном.
Ветар промена пролази поред нас,
Зауставићу тренутак – заборави колико је сати,
Ћути са мном, као искрено*,
Овде нису потребне речи,
Покажи, покажи шта можеш телом...
Плеши са мном,
Далеко је зора,
Нисам сав свој,
Када си ти полугола,
Желим те, и иако се не познајемо,
Дуго сам чекао ову ноћ...
Четири ујутру, а срце не спава,
Оно тако гласно о теби куца.
Ови људи око нас миле кући,
А ти хватај моје погледе, плеши, док си поред мене.
Плеши са мном
Плеши, плеши са мном,
Плеши са мном.
Светлости моја, ја ловим сваки покрет,
И са сваким све дубље тонем,
Тонем у твојим лепим очима,
Четири ујутру, а срце не спава,
Оно тако гласно о теби куца.
Ови људи око нас миле кући,
А ти хватај моје погледе, плеши, док си поред мене.
Плеши са мном
Плеши, плеши са мном,
Плеши са мном.

Желим да плешем

Превише те има
Превише је тешко ћутати
Сећаш се да смо обећали једно другом
Да никоме нећемо сметати
Узимам слободан дан и нико ми није битан
Данас сам овде дошао да се напијем
Опет сам сингл, а нема тастера „стоп“
Морам да заборавим, све да заборавим, све (људе) да заборавим
Знаш да ме баш брига
Где си и с ким си
Данас си ме изгубила
Нестајем у маси
Заливам тугу, затварам очи
Боље да ми не сметаш, желим да плешем
Желим да плешем, желим да плешем
Желим да плешем, желим
Желим да плешем, желим да плешем
Желим да плешем, желим
Сутра ће ме можда
Бити страмота да ћутим
Ако пожелиш, доћи ћу код тебе ноћу
Да се опет поновим
Али док имам слободан дан, нико ми није битан
Данас сам овде дошао да се напијем
Опет сам сингл, а нема тастера „стоп“
Морам да заборавим, све да заборавим, све (људе) да заборавим
Знаш да ме баш брига
Где си и с ким си
Данас си ме изгубила
Нестајем у маси
Заливам тугу, затварам очи
Боље да ми не сметаш, желим да плешем
Желим да плешем, желим да плешем
Желим да плешем, желим
Желим да плешем, желим да плешем
Желим да плешем, желим
Плешем, плешем,
Плешем, плешем,
Плешем, плешем,
Желим да плешем
Плешем, плешем,
Плешем, плешем,
Плешем, плешем,
Желим да плешем
Плешем, плешем,
Плешем, плешем,
Плешем, плешем,
Желим да плешем
Знаш да ме баш брига
Где си и с ким си
Данас си ме изгубила
Нестајем у маси
Заливам тугу, затварам очи
Боље да ми не сметаш, желим да плешем
Желим да плешем, желим да плешем
Желим да плешем, желим
Желим да плешем, желим да плешем
Желим да плешем, желим


И даље излази сунце,
Али сада другачије сија...
Усамљене звезде нису сијале за нас.
На свитању смо изгубили свет,
Рушећи мостове између нас,
А за то постоје само два кривца –
Ја и ти...
Двапут у исту реку нећеш ући,
Рањено срце нећеш излечити,
Одавно нисам видео сјај у твојим очима
Отпловили су наши бродови,
Били смо тако необуздано блиски,
Али сада стојимо на различитим обалама
А све је могло бити другачије,
Љубав се увек може спасити...
Изабрали смо другачији пут –
Два пута...
Двапут у исту реку нећеш ући,
Рањено срце нећеш излечити,
Одавно нисам видео сјај у твојим очима
Отпловили су наши бродови,
Били смо тако необуздано блиски,
Али сада стојимо на различитим обалама

Сећати се

Остани, хтео бих да ти много тога кажем
И да пијем са тобом, док ти ћутиш,
Да имам могућност све да променим,
Али ти журиш, ти журиш.
Да, тада вероватно нисам био спреман
И чекао сам ко ће први да направи корак.
Изненада сам те изгубио
Овај пут.
Ја ћу се сећати, сећати нас,
Волећу те.
И ја ћу се сећати, сећати нас,
Како нам је било.
Сећаћу се, сећаћу се нас
И када смо се први и последњи пут срели.
Дуго ћу се сећати, сећати,
Сећати, сећати, сећати,
Сећати се нас, волећу те.
Сећати, сећати,
Сећати, сећати, сећати,
Сећати се нас.
То је то, сада имаш нов живот,
Ја се појављујем, али као друг.
Ја сам недоречен и заменљив,
И у томе је суштина, у томе је суштина.
Да, тада сам изненада нестао,
Мислио сам да је тако најбоље за нас.
То је мој страх од промена.
Последњи пут:
Ја ћу се сећати, сећати нас,
Волећу те.
И ја ћу се сећати, сећати нас,
Како нам је било.
Сећаћу се, сећаћу се нас
И када смо се први и последњи пут срели.
Дуго ћу се сећати, сећати,
Сећати, сећати, сећати,
Сећати се нас, волећу те.
Сећати, сећати,
Сећати, сећати, сећати,
Сећати се нас.
Ја ћу се сећати, сећати нас,
Волећу те.
И ја ћу се сећати, сећати нас,
Како нам је било.
Сећаћу се, сећај се нас
И када смо се први и последњи пут срели.
Последњи пут
Последњи пут
Последњи пут
Последњи пут
Последњи пут

So What

This unfamiliar feeling...
I am chained to you, but only from afar
I was hurt and unintentionally left you
But now I found the sense to tell you
I'll find a few words and a dry 'Hi, how's it going?'
And I heard again that there's no love between us anymore
But listen to me:
So what?
It's never too late to start everything from scratch, to make amends
So what?
I have nothing to lose, standing here in front of you
So what?
I'm a bit late, falling in love with you yet again
So what?
It doesn't matter who you're with - tonight, you're coming home with me
Nothing personal in those indifferent notes I see in your eyes
Did we stay the same, or not?
After all, you still love me
I'll find a few words and a dry 'Hi, how's it going?'
And I heard again that there's no love between us anymore
But listen to me:
So what?
It's never too late to start everything from scratch, to make amends
So what?
I have nothing to lose, standing here in front of you
So what?
I'm a bit late, falling in love with you yet again
So what?
It doesn't matter who you're with - tonight, you're coming home with me
So what?
It's never too late to start everything from scratch, to make amends
So what?
I have nothing to lose, standing here in front of you
So what?
I'm a bit late, falling in love with you yet again
So what?
It doesn't matter who you're with - tonight, you're coming home with me
Don't hesitate to correct me if you find any mistakes, leave any suggestions you have, and please don't take without my permission. Thanks!

The Exception.

I was almost used to it
Only one place to reserve
Thought, 'Who does not take risks
He can not lose anything anymore '
Here you come and change my life
And nothing is the way it was
But if I'm honest
Does not make a comparison really sense
You are the exception
Break all the rules
You make me breathe easy
And you can move me
When everything breaks down inside me
It's just you that holds me together
You are the exception
I thought it was good as it is
And I arranged with it
You have broken all barriers
And repaired me gradually
And even the demon that lives deep inside me
Did you face fearlessly?
And if I'm honest
Does not make a comparison really sense
You are the exception
Break all the rules
You make me breathe easy
And you can move me
If I do not remember how to do that
Then you help me to understand myself
You are the exception
I walk paths for you
The previously locked was'n
I give you promises
The previously was worth nothing
Every day with you
Counts for me more than a year
And everything makes sense somehow
As long as I am with you
You are the exception
Break all the rules
You make me breathe easy
You are the exception
And breaks all the rules
You make me breathe easy
And you can move me
Have defeated all my doubts
Never thought that there is such a thing
But you are the exception

50 years

We attract each other
we undress each other
pulled together in this house.
Way too fast,
we are in such a hurry
and the color has been fading for a while.
We had good times
but even those came to an end.
You were never satisfied with me
that´s OK, I have decided.
I wish you good luck for the next 50 years
and never come back.
Never come back to me again.
Please move on, as long as life goes on
and never come back no matter where it takes you.
I prefer being alone.
I am out with the next flood,
go much further away,
been out of sight for a long time.
I hope you are happy where you are right now,
maybe I will think about you some times,
maybe not.
I wish you good luck for the next 50 years
and never come back.
Never come back to me again.
Please move on, as long as life goes on
and never come back no matter where it takes you.
I prefer being alone.
I wish you good luck for the next 50 years
and never come back.
Never come back to me again.
Please move on, as long as life goes on
and never come back no matter where it takes you.
I prefer being alone.
Always, always, some other love songs
Always, always, some other love songs.
I will never say love songs again
I will never say love songs again

We were here

At the corner, there's a young guy
Who imagines to play on the grand stage.
The guitar out of tune, sometimes a flat note,
And if he's lucky, he'll get back a smile.
And nobody believed that the boy would make it,
'You better go working or studying!'
But he never listened to them, he just tried it,
And financed himself with covers of Oasis.
And time is running, time is running.
It's crazy what can happen in a couple of years.
Even if this has been all and no one cares anymore,
I was here, I was here.
Tattooed the verses of my songs there.
We stay here, right here.
And if the lights don't turn on and there's no stage anymore,
We were here, we were here.
If I play at the corner and I don't have anything left but the music,
We were here.
I sang my first own songs only in front of my relatives,
Couldn't wait how they reacted.
Twenty brief times turned into sold-out clubs.
No matter what is yet to come, we were here.
It's wicked what a couple of songs are able to change.
We've only been on the move for a while.
No matter where this journey will go, if I see you in the audience,
We were here, no one can take it away from us anymore.
And time is running, time is running.
It's crazy what can happen in a couple of years.
Even if this has been all and no one cares anymore,
I was here, I was here.
Tattooed the verses of my songs there.
We stay here, right here.
And if the lights don't turn on and there's no stage anymore,
We were here, we were here.
If I play at the corner and I don't have anything left but the music,
We were here.
We were here.
We were here.
And time is running, time is running.
No matter what is yet to come, we were here.
And time is running, time is running.
It's crazy what can happen in a couple of years.
Even if this has been all and no one cares anymore,
I was here, I was here.
Tattooed the verses of my songs there.
We stay here, right here.
And if the lights don't turn on and there's no stage anymore,
We were here, we were here.
If I play at the corner and I don't have anything left but the music…
We were here,
And we stay here.
And until the light turns on,
Nothing can happen to us.
We were here,
And we stay here.
And until the light turns on,
Nothing can happen to us.
When there's no source given for the translation, I made it personally. In this case, please ask for permission first if you want to reprint it or use it as a base for another translation or use it in any other way online or offline. Thank you!
Corrections are always welcome!


You're a wanderer on the way to somewhere
Tirelessly fighting your way up the mountain
It seems to you like everything used to be easier
And you find every step difficult
And we all schlep1 our stones around with us
Like a backpack full of memories
And every now and then, the weight is too much to lift alone
But I've got your back2
No rope anymore like a free climber
And the air is slowly getting thin
We keep going, together as one
Strength isn't half bad
When your battery is empty, your baggage is too heavy
When the next step demands everything of you
When you have too much pressure, give me your backpack
And I'll carry it for you till you can
Hey, don't worry, I've been there myself
Every now and then the water's up to your neck
Give me your hand, I'll pull you up the last few meters
There's so much to see up here
And I know you stand ready
When I'm on the ground
Pull us up, together as one,
Strength isn't half bad
When your battery is empty, your baggage is too heavy
When the next step demands everything of you
When you have too much pressure, give me your backpack
And I'll carry it for you till you can
When your battery is empty, your baggage is too heavy
When the next step demands everything of you
When you have too much pressure, give me your backpack
And I'll carry it for you till you can
  • 1. In North American English, we use the word “schlep” informally the same way it is used in German, meaning to haul or drag something that's heavy or awkward to carry.
  • 2. Literally, “I'm behind you.”

When you're asleep

The morning drifts by my window
Downstairs, the kiosk is already opening
And while you're sleeping here and breathing,
They're putting out the ashtrays
For three short hours and twelve minutes, your head has been resting here
On my comatose arm
The rest of me is wide awake,
Because I spent the whole night
Staring at you like a complete idiot
And when you're asleep, I have to look at you,
So that I don't miss the moment, when you open your eyes
Even though I'm tired as a dog, I can't leave it
Because I'm afraid that you'll leave at some point
Because I'm afraid that you'll leave at some point
Because I'm afraid that you'll leave at some point
I surrender the day to other people,
close all the shutters
And perhaps the night will last a little longer,
If I can be as quiet as you.
How can I make you stay in my life forever,
At least until the kiosk closes?
Am I so tired that my head is filled with nonsense,
or have I fallen in love?
And when you're asleep, I have to look at you,
So that I don't miss the moment, when you open your eyes
Even though I'm tired as a dog, I can't leave it
Because I'm afraid that you'll leave at some point
Because I'm afraid that you'll leave at some point
Because I'm afraid that you'll leave at some point
And when you're asleep, I have to look at you,
So that I don't miss the moment, when you open your eyes
Even though I'm tired as a dog, I can't leave it
Because I'm afraid that you'll leave at some point

Gold Dust

Hey please come back
Hey please come back
About how I made you cry, baby
If you can forgive me
Stay tonight, please come back
That night when we cuddled together and counted the stars
Now I’m all alone
Where are the lights that disappeared?
That day, we were just like gold dust
Gone gone gone
Gone gone gone
Love is slipping out of my hands
Shone shone shone
Gone gone gone
I want to forget already
It just hurts too much
I tried going out with old friends
I want to forget the tears
But your voice, your warmth
Are still embracing me
Why won’t they let me free?
That day, we were just like gold dust
Gone gone gone
Gone gone gone
Love is slipping out of my hands
Shone shone shone
Gone gone gone
To the sky
A prayer
That day, we were just like gold dust
Gone gone gone
Gone gone gone
Love is slipping out of my hands
Shone shone shone
Gone gone gone

When the Wintry Wind Comes

When fall is
Almost over this year
I miss you more
Because I feel the last day is approaching
But revolving seasons will surely
Bring me back to this place
At this place, I leave my pair of shoes
That ran through my dreams
Swaying to and from
I will let the wind carry me
I wish to fly like clouds floating in this sky
Even to the places far and far away
Where not everything reaches me
I do not let go the precious things that exist here
Even some day things here might have changed completely
As long as you are here
I can return to the continuation of today
When the same autumn winds reach us
The moon shines on this place
And it reflects the same color
The road sign that will
Never diminish, even we grow older
It is fine the way you are
It is okay, you are who you are
You might wear something
A little different from now
Please be yourself, forever and ever
Even something has taken away
By the period of time when we are apart
The same season, the same scent
Will carry this time around
Across time, I will be connected to your soul
Even the future might be completely different
From what we anticipate now
Everything will get back to normal when you smile
I can feel that I am glad to be here
Soon, fall will be
Gone this year
The winds that connect you and I
Will surely reach here

Rock with U

Only a coincidence, for sure it’s love
Even if we tumbled to each other and we exchanged kisses
It is still intensely sadRock with you
The feelings are in confusion
Love with you
Two people bursting with love
Just with you, you, you, you
Only a coincidence,for sure it’s love
Even if we tumbled to each other and we exchanged kisses
It is still intensely sad
Being extremely shy,do not look down
I am staring at a heart that seems to be broken
Altough I like it very much it is(also) painful
Rock with you
I want to know everything about you with a pure heart
Love with you
An impatient desire for a miracle
Just with you, you, you, you
Come closer
Unfold the naked soul
For several sides,for many times,for many chapters
Rock with you
Rock with you
Rock with you
It goes on forever
I just feel hurt inside
I want to just be in side of you, of you
Rock with you
There’s no need for words
Love with you
Deeply to all of you
Rock with you
The feelings are in confusion
Love with you
Two people bursting with love
Just with you, you, you, you
Rock with you
I want to know everything about you with a pure heart
Love with you
An impatient desire for a miracle
Just with you, you, you, you
Don’t be shy no more,don’t look down
I am staring at a heart that seems to be broken


It's a Summer evening for us two. This moment is our eternity.
In the moonlight you glow, you blaze. On fire, you burn!
If you were in my arms, my fears would disappear.
So, light yourself ablaze, and glow, blaze, burn!
Verse 1:
We hide our dreams from the stupid and dimwitted,
and even from ourselves.
Make your own and choose to smile or frown.
After all, everything is within and for you.
Taste the flavor of life.
Verse 2:
You forgot all your dreams
and stopped waiting, believing to the end.
Of the thousands of stars and hundreds of souls burning the Milky Way,
make your own light, and get stronger.
Taste the flavor of life!
Chorus: (x3)

Mountains are knee-high

Versions: #2
So what do you want me to play for you? Huh?
Hm, Is this one alright? Let's go.
The time with no worries
Quietly fell over the horizon,
And behind it there is a new snowball -
Routine affairs are covering you to the head.
Listen, the time with no worries,
We'll remember you in a year.
Radio in the cars
Will remind us of everything that didn't come true.
You know
Mountains are knee-high, mountains are knee-high
Mountains are knee-high if you keep on walking.
There is no losses, just sometimes the time comes -
It's time to put everything in the life to its places.
Waves are knee-high, waves are knee-high -
They can knock you down, oh, so be strong!
There is no losses, just sometimes the time comes -
It's time to put everything in our life to its places.
The time with no worries, recall July, 13th year?
Wild ride, the southern bank in our windows
And we are getting crazy on the serpentine like horses.
You hear that?!
The time with no worries,
Among the white cliffs there is our secret threshold.
And I'm gonna jump to this Odyssey right to its bottom:
From windblown cliff I accelerate and -
Waves are hitting knees, waves are hitting knees
Waves are hitting knees, twisted, fell.
There is no losses, just sometimes the time comes -
It's time to put everything in our life to its places.
Waves are hitting knees, waves are hitting knees -
They can knock you down, oh, so be strong!
There is no losses, just sometimes the time comes -
It's time to put everything in our life to its places.
The time with no worries,
Don't worry, just don't worry.
If we have missed something, we'll catch up later.
Where there is no possibility to pass, we will fly over like an eagle.
You hear that?
Time with no worries.
You know, there's its own fun here.
And whilst the steam is under the bent hood -
Bro, I'm sure soon we'll get lucky too.
Mountains are knee-high, mountains are knee-high
Mountains are knee-high if you keep on walking.
There is no losses, just sometimes the time comes -
It's time to put everything in the life to its places.
Waves are hitting knees, waves are hitting knees -
They can knock you down, oh, so be strong!
There is no losses, just sometimes the time comes -
It's time to put everything in our life to its places.
That's how it goes, guys.
And what did you think? That you are in a fairy tale? Noooo...
Such is life, such is life, such is life, such is life...
Everything changes, everything continues,
The main thing is not to get afraid.


I sit at the window and look out
It looks as pale outside as inside me
All around me, is very empty
Don’t know why or where to
My head is practically empty today
I’m not sad and I’m not happy
I'll say this:
I feel hollow…
I am not a good guest today
because nothing suits me at all
I hear what I say, all day long
All nonsense
I just want to go home
Left go in, right go out again
Don’t know anyone, not a single face
I don’t even know myself today
I feel hollow…
Only in nature, with fresh air and a clear view
Somewhere relaxing
Water in front, countryside behind
I don’t need more
I feel well…