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NO, Thank You!

There are no touches on the board yet, but soon we'll
Start to write our dreams on it.
The sun go down, the lesson came to an end.
But school bell won't quite our fantasies anyway.
So, sing louder, louder, louder, show yourself,
I wish we could put our hopes into words,
And then they'll come from our mouths by chance,
And will shine, like stars!
I don’t need memories, you understand!
Since all these feelings in my heart give a lot of strength,
I don't want to grow up so far and dwell on the past,
Although freedom is sweet,
I wish to slow down
Time a bit.
I have to decide,
What I'll write in my notebook,
And the pencil is vibrating with impatience.
I can share joy and sadness with my friends,
Like a miracle, I'll hear the echo of my feelings.
We always want to fly higher, higher and higher,
Don't wait for the word 'Start', when the ambitions call you,
Having entered the right rhythm,
We've spread our wings,
And they're sparkling, like platinum.
Your promises can't help me, your understand!
Since I need to live right now, in this moment.
Why to ask for oaths? They're fragile.
We're not kids anymore, it's time
To stop being too trusting.
Let them hear us all over the earth,
One day we’ll play for everybody,
We don't want eternal glory for us,
But certainly, our hits will live long.
Your voice is quieter, quieter. but don't be afraid to sing!
Only this way we can capture the moment,
We're going for one dream, and it's a strong bond,
Fate brought us to each other,
No, thank you!
I don’t need memories, you understand!
Since all these feelings in my heart give a lot of strength,
I don't want to grow up so far and dwell on the past,
Although freedom is sweet,
I wish to slow down
Time a bit.

Like You (Bright Eyes)

I had my home
I was satisfied with myself
You came and told me about yourself
And about your world
About your trip to the rainbow
About your bed under the stars
About the wind, that sings for you in the trees
It sounded wonderful
And I could understand you
I wanted to live like you
Like you- free, but with a purpose
I couldn't get rid of old feelings
Today I did it- like you
You went alone early in the morning
And everyday life moved in
Soon I felt
That only habit keeps me
And now I follow your steps
The wind shows me the way
And there, where the clouds and land touch
Where the mists turn
There I'll see you
I wanted to live like you
Like you- free, but with a purpose
I couldn't get rid of old feelings
Today I did it- like you
I wanted to live like you
Like you- free, but with a purpose
I couldn't get rid of old feelings
Today I did it- like you

To Live with You

To live with you every day
To be happy with you
To be totally entangled
In the feeling of togetherness
To live with you, only with you
I always want to be
To share everything
And to be there just for you
To live with you, close to you
In the feeling of security
Your hands show me
Your tenderness
To live with you, to be one
Until the day trickles away
To give everything, when the night
Brings us darkness
To share everything
And to be there just for you

Into the fog

My dear little one
Are you lost?
Because this road doesn’t lead anywhere
Mother told me
Make gold out of silver
Then we live as if there was no tomorrow
Now we’re gonna dance until we die
Sing for everything we’ve destroyed
La bella noche
When we reach the bottom
We will rise up again
Into the fog, the fog, yes, now we’re gonna live
We’re gonna live as if there was no tomorrow
Now the whole world will finally know
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in
La dolce vita
So many tears
That I’ve saved under the stars tonight
And mother told me
Everything will be okay
As long as you live as if there was no tomorrow
Now we’re gonna dance until we die
Sing for everything we’ve destroyed
La bella noche
When we reach the bottom
We will rise up again
Into the fog, the fog, yes, now we’re gonna live
We’re gonna live as if there was no tomorrow
Now the whole world will finally know
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in
Now we’re gonna dance until we die
Sing for everything we’ve destroyed
La bella noche
When we reach the bottom
We will rise up again
Into the fog, the fog, yes, now we’re gonna live
We’re gonna live as if there was no tomorrow
Now the whole world will finally know
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in

Tvoja hladnoća

Svaka noć u mom životu je za tebe
kao bilo kakva igra i ništa više,
jer me tvoja hladnoća muči u duši.
Želela bih da znam da li je tvoja duša ista
pored bilo koje žene,
jer me tvoja hladnoća muči u duši.
I sanjam sa velikom strašću
da živiš za mene,
kao što ja živim za tebe mala, za tebe.
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Svaka noć u mom životu je za tebe
kao bilo kakva igra i ništa više,
jer me tvoja hladnoća muči u duši.
Želela bih da znam da li je tvoja duša ista
pored bilo koje žene,
jer me tvoja hladnoća muči u duši.
I sanjam (sanjam) sa velikom strašću
da živiš za mene,
kao što ja živim za tebe mala, za tebe.
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej (aah, ooh, uoh)
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Kao što ja živim za tebe mala,
ah, za tebe, za tebe.

Just As Scared

[Verse 1]
It's hard to see you cry
So hard to see you scared
Even though the years are passing
I know you understand
Why I'm not around enough
You're the best thing in my life
There's no one like you
You have taught me so much
About how I can improve
All the worst in me
Cause I admit I'm just as scared
I admit I have just as many
Things that scares me
Like the darkness scares you
[Verse 2]
The smartest people in the world
They had nothing on you
Cause the heart you've got
It beats much more beautiful
And we'll never give up
Cause I admit I'm just as scared
I admit I have just as many
Things that scares me
Like the darkness scares you
As hard as it can hit
We're not hurt
Like the right piece
In my puzzle you're perfect
Cause you complete me
[Alternative chorus]
Cause I, I admit I'm just as scared, yeah
Yeah, I have just as many
Things that scares me
Like the darkness scares you
But we
But we are the two of us together
Yeah, we only have each other
Nothing will keep me from taking good care of you
Nothing will stop me from taking good care of you

The Spaniards came

The Spaniards came, cannonaded, and left.
The English came, cannonaded heavily, and left.
The French came, blew their bugles, and captured it.

The Forgotten

I am so captured by your love
...like a deer captured in a trap
I am so captured by your love
...like a deer captured in a trap
Sometimes I cry for my incurable pain
Sometimes I smile at my bad state
Sometimes I cry for my incurable pain
Sometimes I smile at my bad state
Am I not like Majnun?!1 Can I let my love go?! (No, I can't) 2
So if you are a wise person, (don't waste your time and) don't advise me in a vain (to forget her)
If you call my name3 when I'm asleep (dead) in my grave
...my sorrowful soul would calm down
I have a soul that I am ready to sacrifice it for the dust of your steps4
Whether you be nice with me or hurt me
Am I not like Majnun?!5 Can I let my love go?! (No I can't)
So if you are a wise person, don't advise me in a vain (to forget her)
  • 1. : The well-known lover
  • 2. If we translate this verse literally it means: 'I am not like Majnun to let my love go'. But it's counterintuitive, because Majnun never let his beloved Leyla go, but on the contrary he loved Leyla so much, that is why people called him Majnun=crazy, because he was crazy about Leyla. So I think the verses should be a question as I translated it.
  • 3. The poet is addressing his beloved
  • 4. It is an exaggeration, one of literary devices. The poet means I'm ready to give up my life for you
  • 5. The well-known lover

Don't lose your faith

[Agnes Cole, spoken]
Don't worry,
everything will be alright.
Come over, the three of you
[Agnes Cole]
You have often experienced it,
nothing in life remains in place
People come, people go
What seemed certain, pass away.
Time smashes the strongest stone,
but what your heart says,
and what you carry in your heart,
will be forever with you
Whatever happens
don't lose your faith
even if the world breaks
don't give up
The deepest valley
still ends someday
Whereever I am,
I will send a light to you
Whatever happens
don't lose your faith in you

Look Into My Eyes

Everything looks different now.
Dress warm if you go,
Outside the people closed themselves off.
They became cold, I don’t know exactly why.
I just started the car,
Pushed down the pedal, hurrying..
See, time is dripping out the window.
Everything is passing, at the end only the skies remain.
If we're here
And if in the next moment, it fades away,
If the world got a bit crazy,
Swinging on the edge..
If we're here,
Between imagination and reality,
Look into my eyes,
So I’ll know that you're with me.
I chose to keep on moving,
Im a man who lives in longing,
Can’t remember for what anymore..
Maybe for maskless humans.
Don’t dress up yourself,
you're most beautiful exactly like that.
Your singers on the radio,
are generating words, captives,
Inside the sea of plastic spilled here,
Don’t hide your heart as they did my love,
A beating heart is a hint we are alive.
If we're here
And if in the next moment it fades away,
If the world got a bit crazy,
Swinging on the edge..
If we're here,
Between imagination and reality,
Look into my eyes,
So I’ll know that you're with me.

If you were here

I never gave you a flower
I thought I was too great
It was foolish for me to be gentle with you
I didn't dance with you not even once,
no matter how much you begged me
And I constantly had no time for you
If you were here now, I'd buy you flowers every day
and take you everywhere with me
I would keep you, love
If you were here now, you wouldn't hear, 'Dance alone'
Now my darling is dancing again,
but now with someone else
I did too little for you
How would you love such a person
But I already got what I deserved
Today even when I am with another woman,
I'm looking at her like I'm looking at a wall
I'm thinking only of you, I'm thinking only of you
If you were here now, I'd buy you flowers every day
and take you everywhere with me
I would keep you, love
If you were here now, you wouldn't hear, 'Dance alone'
Now my darling is dancing again,
but now with someone else
And I pray that at least you'd be happy if I can't be
And even if it hurts, believe me my dear, I'm happy for you two
He gives you everything that I failed to give you
And you don't need me, which is my own fault, I know
If you were here now, I'd buy you flowers every day
and take you everywhere with me
I would keep you, love.
If you were here now, you wouldn't hear, 'Dance alone'
Now my darling is dancing again,
but now with someone else

Šta osećaš

Šta osećaš
Do sada se mnogo toga dogodilo, znam,
Pomislio sam u sebi da treba da izmerim udaljenost,
Čujem vesti na radiju,
Meteorolog tvrdi da će uskoro pasti kiša,
A ti si sada daleko, znam,
Sva vaša obećanja
leže ovde na konopcima za veš,
I nemam poseban način za pobede,
Ovaj tvoj pogled koji mi se vratio,
Jer do juče sam bio prilično siguran,
Da si mi otišla iz srca i glave,
Da je ovaj peščani sat već ponestao,
Odjednom više nisam miran,
Kad biste samo rekli šta osećate.
I do juče je čežnja spavala,
I tople boje su se vratile u boje
moj dan za utehu,
Odjednom više nisam miran,
Kad biste samo rekli šta osećate.
Kafa bi sada pomogla, znam,
Sećam se kako bi to pio polako,
I stara pesma koja je svirala u pozadini,
Povezali su sve linije jednu po jednu,
A ti si sada daleko, znam,
Uvek ste mi govorili da će doći ovaj dan i evo ga,
I nemam poseban način pobede,
Danas ne umireš od ljubavi.
Jer do juče sam bio prilično siguran,
Da si mi otišao iz srca i glave,
Da je ovaj peščani sat već ponestao,
Odjednom više nisam miran,
Kad biste samo rekli šta osećate.
I do juče je čežnja spavala,
I tople boje su se vratile u boje
moj dan za utehu,
Odjednom više nisam miran,
Kad biste samo rekli šta osećate.
Do sada se mnogo toga dogodilo, znam,
Pomislio sam u sebi da treba da izmerim udaljenost


Želim da idem,
da se otvori put,
Da ne znam šta će biti sutra.
Želim istinu,
Da, čak i ako bi zaista bolelo,
Čak i ako to možda neću razumeti.
Želim reči,
da budem blizu Boga,
Da bi izgledao od svih ljudi,
U zavisnosti od mene.
Želim suze,
da se moje srce zavara
Dakle, neću odustati i zamrznuti se.
Želim da pevam,
Da vrište na gradskim ulicama,
Da napišem pesmu za vas
Onaj za koga biste mislili da je savršen.
Želim da budem srećan,
Da se ​​smejem svim silama,
Da te volim do kraja,
Dok ne boli.
Želim boje,
Mutne crvene,
Tako da neću primetiti da je svet propao.
Želim da rastem,
Da verujemo da je dobro pasti,
Da tako čovek iz nekog razloga raste.
Želim da biram,
Da se ​​na trenutak vratimo u jučerašnji dan,
Pa biste me pogledali čisto,
Kao na početku.
Želim da živim,
Da ne zadržim snagu više,
Znati da će sve proći u svakom slučaju.
Želim da pevam,
Da vrište na gradskim ulicama,
Da napišem pesmu za vas
Onaj za koga mislite da je savršen.
Želim da budem srećan,
Da se ​​smejem svim silama,
Da te volim do kraja,
Dok ne boli.
Želim da pevam,
Da vrište na gradskim ulicama,
Da napišem pesmu za vas
Onaj za koga biste mislili da je savršen.
Želim da budem srećan,
Da se ​​smejem svim silama,
Da te volim do kraja,
Dok ne boli.

The Story of Ali Rıza and Ahmed

How strange the story of Ali Rıza
And Ahmed
One lives in the village
And the other one in the city
And every single morning
The one in the city heads to the village
And the one in the village heads to the city

What A Country

What a country, what a country
what a country, unique unto itself
the government squeezes, the country is stressed
what a country, what a country..
People are crying, the prices go up and up
paying taxes and also health fees
there isn't any more work, the cash drawer is empty
there is no way to fund life, they closed the work bureau
in the Knesset1they are sitting around, taking advantage of us
they took our savings, the unemployment is done
we are feed up, they issued us another fine
now they are adding tax to milk...
What a country, what a country
what a country, unique unto itself
the government requires, cash is requested
what a country, what a country..
We have ministers, who just want a chair...
don't do anything for us and just promise and promise
where is the equality, where is the vision
where is the morality, what a waste
what will sing to you and what can i explain
there are many things that we will give up on
despite the mess and the hardships
you are our country is for the generations.
What a country, what a country
what a country, unique unto itself
the government squeezes, the country is stressed
what a country, what a country
what a country, unique unto itself...
  • 1. Israeli Parliament, literally assembly of the people


Fresh air that comes to my face,
wind blowing from the East,
from Northeast and the North.
I feel the salt in my skin.
You and I are earth and sea, uncontrolled pleasure,
and if the boat sinks, I'll stay by your side.
We're strength, fury, blood, the paths we've walked,
protagonists of a story you'll never be told.
Waves come and go,
waves are breaking.
Where is the people from the Mediterranean?
Mediterranean is a party,
a senseless song.
Mediterranean is the storm,
Mediterranean [is] our yell.
Mediterranean is the tenderness
of some caresses in my bed.
Mediterranean is the certainty
that I was born here and I'm here.
Mother earth, our mother,
today I entrust your charm.
My house is your house,
a door without a lock.
You and I keep rowing, mocking the giants.
A lighthouse in the dark night, the light that will guide us.
Our fight takes the strength it deserves.
We won't rest until the walls fall down.
Waves come and go,
waves are breaking.
Where is the people from the Mediterranean?
Waves come and go,
waves are breaking.
Where is the people from the Mediterranean?
Mediterranean is a party,
a senseless song.
Mediterranean is the storm,
Mediterranean [is] our yell.
Mediterranean is the tenderness
of some caresses in my bed.
Mediterranean is the certainty
that I was born here and I'm here.
(I was born here and I'm here)
I was born here and I'm here
and since certain things happen to me,
here I suffer, I don't pass, I don't laugh (no)
Here I protest, I don't shut up and I say.
Cross the storm, the sorrow, the wave, the crest,
look at the tenderness, at the end of the way,
we want the promised reward.
Partying Mediterranean!
The boom sounds, the clap sounds,
the bombo sounds, clap!, the dub sounds,
the liberty dance sounds,
travelling hugs in the depths of the sea.
(In the depths of the sea, the depths of the sea)
The sea, cemetery of humanity.
Waves come and go,
waves are breaking.
Where is the people from the Mediterranean? (Mediterranean)
Mediterranean is a party,
a senseless song. (Mediterranean)
Mediterranean is the storm,
Mediterranean [is] our yell. (Mediterranean)
Mediterranean is the tenderness
of some caresses in my bed. (Mediterranean [is] our yell)
Mediterranean is the certainty
that I was born here and I'm here.

Interlude 2

Caught a cold, or maybe does your back ache -
The people, they're not morons :
They clamor about Judgment Day.
It's hailing - for oracles they're shaking.
The water pump is broken - for war they start to bray.
Oh I'm just so, just so bored.
Marcel Proust, and also Anatole France
If they were in my place, they'd
Rub fingers and foreheads together
Then start to sing about the weather
They'd make songs about the pump and then make it there in time.
Oh I'm just so, just so bored.
Later I will place onto my own wrist
With the face facing down a
Wristwatch with a golden arrow -
And then sit to freshen in the rain's midst
Inside my favorite bus, the 666th
Oh I'm just so bored!
Suppose that, within a shouting tumult
A veteran and fellow traveler
Lodges his crutch between my eyes
God's with him! What for was his retirement?
Clearly Marshal material. I guess I'll say nothing
But marshal, I'm so bored!
Who should I, for the 666th time
Ask why in life I have not
Amounted to something?
Marcel Proust, and also Anatole France
Have written 'bout this topic over a thousand tomes.
But whose even read them?

This my little spring song, swinging

This my little spring song, swinging,
takes my heart along, a-singing,
to the wide and lovely world out there,
where the leas and meads are flow'ring,
where the fleecy clouds are tow'ring
that old house has long been there.
Still, without worries,
far from all hurries ,
there lies the world in sunshine bright.
Under age-old trees, greening,
let us be dreaming
into spring days full of golden light.
All the bees are humming, singing
to my little spring song, swinging,
butterflies are flutt'ring here and there.
Nature brings her vernal blessing:
cherry blossoms sky caressing,
scent of roses sweetly fills the air.
Yet how sudden all of this splendour's vanished,
that one lovely day has us brought in May.
For a frosty rime came and all the flow'rs were banished
in a single night they have gone away.
Hushed are all the birds who would sing their spring romances.
Butterflies no longer pleasure in their dances.
E'en the age-old trees do freeze and hope that spring advances,
and the little flowers feel so sad and so blue.
Hush - and hear a gentle ringing
of my little spring song swinging
till we feel the spring sun's golden light.
And once more the meads are flow'ring,
e'en the fleecy clouds are tow'ring,
long forgotten is the frosty night.
Relish your young days, find out your own ways,
while for you shines the sun in May.
Life in beauty and clover
might soon be over,
for our springtime passes yet so fast away!

Mr. Tambourine Man

Hey, Mister Tambourine Man,
don't you remember me?
Please don't act
like I'm a stranger.
Hey, Mister Tambourine Man,
is it so hard for you?
You, I know,
all this was a long time ago.
These days, I still think back often
to the time when San Francisco was our Mecca,
when I wore flowers in my hair
and wasn't even sixteen,
because back then is when life began for me.
We wanted love for the world
and hung our hearts
on the songs of Joan Baez,
of Bob Dylan and The Byrds.
That gave us a lot.
Hey, Mister Tambourine Man,
don't you remember me?
Please don't act
like I'm a stranger.
Hey, Mister Tambourine Man,
is it so hard for you?
You, I know,
all this was a long time ago.

The white paper

Book of pictures, and book of regrets
I put a sprig of lily of the valley between your pages.
A love book has barely started,
day after day the sprig of lily of the valley has whitered,
In Spring,
as a white paper,
I would write hope in Spring
It's a story where anything is the same.
I have an old dream sleeping in my memory.
It's an unknown poem in my heart.
It's an I love you, an I love you and I cry.
In Spring,
as a white paper,
I would write hope in Spring (x2)


You taught me dance and defeat
Electricity in stories
Smoke in your truth
Instagram queen
They sang every version
All our frozen plans
Crystal lips
Eye of the storm
If I gave you everything
And it still wasn't enough
I start over
Without direction
There's no home in Madrid anymore
There won't be a ditch in Paris
I mixed memories with alcohol
Your voice rhymed with pain
Cold beer and long nights
If the hangover brings back your smell
Fill up my cup, please
I don't know how to live halfheartedly
You dressed up all your excuses
Black clothes and yet you're still naked
Something was wrong
Queen of darkness
If I didn't give you everything
Tell me what happened
You start over
With one condition
There's no home in Madrid anymore
I'll forget Paris
I mixed memories with alcohol
Your voice rhymed with pain
Cold beer and long nights
If the hangover brings back your smell
Fill up my cup, please
I don't know how to live halfheartedly
So many people and nobody at the same time
They will open the concert doors
I say goodbye to X in Paris 1
To everything we were
To being with and without you
I mixed memories with alcohol
Your voice rhymed with pain
Cold beer and long nights
If the hangover brings back your smell
Fill up my cup, please
I don't know how to live halfheartedly
  • 1. I believe she is refering to the show 'Factor X' in which she appeared and launched her career on. / Creo que se refiere a la serie 'Factor X', en la cuál la cantante apareció y lanzó su carrera

Soon The Skies Will Open

Soon the skies will open,
And our home will probably be lit,
‏And we will dance
‏in our living room barefoot,
‏Clean from the darkness
‏that has visited the world.
‏Soon we will run into the water again, ‏like children,
without fear, without heat or cold,
‏And a spark shall creep before your eyes,
‏Evidence that we have returned
‏from what was.
‏Soon you will raise your hands,
‏That does not mean that you surrender,
‏You are finally free,
‏Like that time you told me,
‏'There is a Great God, that watches over us from there,'
‏There are the things that we forget,
‏They will continue to beat, Only at a new pace,
Like that time you told me,
‏'There is a Great God, That watches over you and I.'
‏Soon a skyline will reveal,
‏In colors of orange and white,
‏And when the sun rises and sets,
‏We will capture the moment,
‏Only in our eyes.
‏And maybe even come back to ourselves,
‏We’ll understand that there is no meaning to the pursuit,
‏And words will come back to affect,
‏Like they always have affected,
‏Before our hearts fall asleep.
‏Soon you will raise your hands,
‏That does not mean that you surrender,
‏You are finally free,
‏Like that time you told me,
‏'There is a Great God, that watches over us from there,'
‏There are the things that we forget,
‏They will continue to beat, Only at a new pace,
Like that time you told me,
‏'There is a Great God, That watches over you and I'


They told me it's temporary
What if I took the wrong train?
It's true, I'm not old
Always under the impression that it's the end
Promise, i'm not angry
Simply fed up of crawling in the morning
I draw a line on my past
Break the pencil, I tear the painting
I need medication, I would like to survive but tell me how
I need 10 tranquillisers to put me to sleep without sticky lashes
I need medication, sorry mom but yes
I'm suspicious now, my laughter is less frequent than before
I'm suspicious now, my laughter is less frequent than before
Even the night falls with me
We can skate on my dark circles
I break the mirror when I see myself
Open wounds so I shut myself up
The seconds become months
Life is a Western conquest
In my jaw there is a debate
To know who will crack first
I need a medicine, I would like to survive but tell me how
I need 10 tranquillisers to put me to sleep without sticky lashes
I need medication, sorry mom but yes
I'm suspicious now, my laughter is less frequent than before
I need a medicine, I would like to survive but tell me how
I need 10 tranquillisers to put me to sleep without sticky lashes
I need medication, sorry mom but yes
I'm suspicious now, my laughter is less frequent than before
I'm suspicious now, my laughter is less frequent than before
The press me like a lemon, I'm going to end up in the tank
In distress, pin-pon-pin-pon, how do I blush the dull complexion?
I am pressed faster than the sound, I do not dare to screw everything up
They tell me 'distress, wait you're stupid, you have so many beautiful things to do'
The press me like a lemon, I'm going to end up in the tank
In distress, pin-pon-pin-pon, how do I blush, the dull complexion?
I am pressed faster than the sound, I do not dare to screw everything up
They tell me 'distress, wait you're stupid, you have so many beautiful things to do', ah

I Couldn't Say

The hopes have become poison in me,one by one
I couldn't know have I lived (x2)
Everyone asked me about you
I couldn't say we broke up (x2)
I couldn't say,I couldn't say
I couldn't say we broke up (x2)
Our love began with you with hope
Why we broke up I couldn't know (x2)
İn this world seperate from you
I couldn't laugh what i did (x2)
I couldn't say,I couldn't say
I couldn't say we broke up (x2)
I couldn't say,I couldn't say
I couldn't say,we broke up (x2)

I Didn't Fall,Yet

Step,Zemheri× eyes is step
İf the earth and sky are four wall slowly
I didn't fall,yet
Those who in love with heavy narrow streets deeply
Make to stand up those who fell slowly
I didn't fall,yet
Dry cold,hit me,if you are gonna hit, with no shame
O Fortune,you turn back,too if you are gonna turn back
Quickly lose your light,Orphan star and dive in deep
Doomsday,you come too,if you are gonna to come
Why didn't your night,your day recognize me?

Silk Stockings

In the evening, by car, with the top down,
You go out for a ride filled with pride,
With your skirt as short as possible
Because you want to show off your legs.
Legs that are wearing, very coquettishly,
Beige silk stockings
That make even prettier the little shoes
That your tiny feet are showcasing.
Fine silk stockings,
The ones that you love so very much!
Fine silk stockings
That have a mysterious allure...
And, in the maddened temptation
Of your most intimate affairs,
You threw out those others
That were so humble, made out of cotton.

First stockings, then dresses,
Later on a haircut à la garçon.
Good quality hats, expensive jewels
And a very pretty little love nest.
Driven around, each night you go to ...
Hard partying, a senseless glamour!
Those fine silk stockings were the ones
That brought about your perdition!
Fine silk stockings,
The ones that you love so very much!
Fine silk stockings
That have a mysterious allure...
And, in the maddened temptation
Of your most intimate affairs,
You threw out those others
That were so humble, made out of cotton.


My city

We were here, you and I and love
and love is a spring that brings us together, remember those days?
You gifted me a flower necklace and poems of love
and our initials inscribed in trees
telling the world our story, as our city glimmers night and day
My city my city my city my city
My city my city my city my city
My city is another word for beauty
all the corners are adorned by the golden sun rays
Trees, flowers and roses covering it in all colors
and the sun breeze touching us, drawing us over branches
looking forward to a familiar tomorrow, playing us with loving fingers,
my love, like melodies
My city my city my city my city
My city my city my city my city
My city is my home and my meadow, my family and my being,
the beauty of the world in a place that resembles me and my dreams
It's the home of everyone I love, the scent of my relatives' love
sneaking between the veins, running like blood in my artery
My city my city my city my city
My city my city my city my city

The Convoy Song (Shir Hashayara)

Once we all used to speak just every language
And didn’t know each other, and it caused some anguish
We had to leave all places that we lived in
And came to one and only place that we believed in
We had to leave all places that we lived in
And came to one and only place that we believed in
And the convoy carries on
From some centuries long gone
Look at them all gathered here
Farmers, workers, pioneers
All who toiled and who travailed
And haven’t reached the final trail
Now it is our turn, we’re walking
On the country’s gate we’re knocking
No, we’re not afraid of danger
‘Cause it is our life’s adventure
We burst from ghettos, camps and from confinement
And came to swamps and barren land with one assignment
We came from Russia, Poland and Arabia
And built Dimona, also Dgania and what have ya
We came from Russia, Poland and Arabia
And built Dimona, also Dgania and what have ya
From every corner of the earth
To a new people we gave birth
A new country has been born here
And a language that was dormant
Is awake with chitter-chatter
And we are no longer scattered
Yes, the storm is not yet quiet
And we have to fight the riots
But our deepest hope we’re voicing
‘Cause there’s so much for rejoicing
See Israel, the gem that it’s becoming
Yes, we are stronger, much more than all our shortcomings
You’ll see, one day the Negev, too, will flourish
And our Ben Gurion will be happy and well-nourished
You’ll see, one day the Negev, too, will flourish
And our Ben Gurion will be happy and well-nourished
From every corner of the earth
To a new people we gave birth
A new country has been born here
And a language that was dormant
Is awake with chitter-chatter
And we are no longer scattered
Yes, the storm is not yet quiet
And we have to fight the riots
But our deepest hope we’re voicing
‘Cause there’s so much for rejoicing


A melody in your mouth
Eyes that chase
A glow in the middle of a street
Of lips that I’ll forget
While the wind blows away
Even the last bonfire
I could tell you another lie
I could tell you something about me
But I don’t know anything about you
But it doesn’t matter even though
On the street they talk about me
The rest I’ll save for you
Stay calm if this is a rodeo
Karma will take care of it, come on
It’s hot and your pareo is hanging low
And when the sun asks
The moon where I’ll go
I’ll go wherever you go
Nowhere else
When you dance your body moves with mine
And this night seems like the last
Don’t turn away from here
From here the streets seem like the roof of the world
And Mediterranean music
It looks like it appears and then it disappears
Would you like to try again
Do it, want to do it
Come on, you want to do it
I remember that you like to play
Pain doesn’t hurt, no
It’s like scoring goals
But the sea isn’t love no
I won’t call you, you can hope, you can hope
Like a casino
And when the sun asks
The moon where I’ll go
I’ll go wherever you go
Nowhere else
When you dance your body moves with mine
And this night seems like the last
Don’t turn away from here
From here the streets seem like the roof of the world
And Mediterranean music
And the rhythm that when it slows down
And your skin that tempts me
Your mouth, mouth, your truth I know
Who touches, touches doesn’t deserve you
When you dance your body moves with mine
And this night seems like the last
Don’t turn away from here
From here the streets seem like the roof of the world
And Mediterranean music

You couldn't be happy

What more bad things will happen to me
I couldn't attain my desires in life
If eyes flooded by tears, they flow in vain
My damned life... you couldn't be happy (even) during one day
Darling, you couldn't be happy
You couldn't be happy (X2)
My damned life...you couldn't be happy (even) during one day
Darling, you couldn't be happy
How my fate is badly written like this
This distress / ordeal isn't ending by enduring
You wittingly ruined me by your fire of love
My damned life... you couldn't be happy (even) during one day
Darling, you couldn't be happy
You couldn't be happy (X2) be happy
My damned life...you couldn't be happy (even) during one day
Darling, you couldn't be happy
Ahmet KADI

I've been praying for years (O Medina)

I've been making Du'a1 for years,
To go to Hajj2 one day.
To perform the Ka'bah Tawaf3,
To utter 'Labbayk Allah4!'
At the Maqam-e-Ibrahim5,
To perform Namaz6,
To drink Zamzam7 water,
To heal my Iman8.
O , o Medina,
Will I get to see your beauty?
Will I be granted Naseeha9,
To be your Musafir10?
All the Hajjis11 which were there,
Utter the same words:
Medina is the most beautiful,
And Nur12 is coming out of it.
O Allah, when will I see,
All the places of our Rasul13,
And pray two Rakat14
In his Jami'a15?
Every night I'm getting up,
To pray Qiyamu-l-Layl16.
While crying in Sajdah17, I say:
O Allah, make me one of your Hajjis.
The Mecca and Medina,
To see with my own eyes,
To die, and not regret,
And that my eyes remain open.
  • 1. 'Du'a' [Arabic: دعاء] = 'invocation / prayer' ()
  • 2. 'Hajj' [Arabic: حج] = 'pilgrimage' - to Mecca, holiest city in the religion of Islam. ()
  • 3. 'Ka'bah Tawaf' [Arabic: كعبة طواف] = lit. 'circling the Cube'. - the ')
  • 4. 'Labbayk Allah' [Arabic: لبيك الله] = literal translation is 'I am here to Your service, o God!' or 'I am responding to you, o God!' - this invocation is known as the 'Talbiyah' and it is the prayer said during the Hajj pilgrimage. ()
  • 5. 'Maqam-e-Ibrahim' [Arabic: مقام إبراهيم] = 'Station of Abraham' - a stone in Macca which is, according to Muslim belief, considered to contain an imprint of )
  • 6. 'Namaz' [Persian: نماز] - 'prayer' - also known as 'Salah' [Arabic: صلاة]. 'Namaz' is the word of Persian origin, while 'Salah' is of Arabic origin. Both words signify the same thing. ()
  • 7. 'Zamzam' [Arabic: زمزم] = Name of a well located in Mecca. ()
  • 8. 'Iman' [Arabic: إيمان] = 'Faith'. ()
  • 9. 'Naseeha' [Arabic: نصيحة] = 'advice' / 'recommendation' / 'guidance' - in this case, it's used with the latter meaning, as 'guidance' or 'leading', in the sense of 'Will I be lead towards being your guest?' ()
  • 10. 'Musafir' [Arabic: مسافر] = 'traveller' or 'guest' - in this context, it means 'guest'. ()
  • 11. 'Hajji' [Colloquial Arabic: حجي or حاجي], also 'Haaj' [Formal Arabic: حاج] = 'pilgrim' ()
  • 12. 'Nur' [Arabic: نور] = 'Light'. ()
  • 13. 'Rasul' [Arabic: رسول] = the 'Messenger' (of God Almighty). In this case, refering to the )
  • 14. 'Rakah' [Arabic: ركعة‎] = one 'cycle' or 'unit' during prayer in Islam. Each prayer consists of a certain number of Rakat. ()
  • 15. 'Jamia' [Arabic: جامعة] - also known as 'Masjid' [Arabic: مسجد] = ')
  • 16. 'Qiyamu-l-Layl' [Arabic: قيام الليل] = 'Standing of the Night' - the nightly prayer - a Muslim prayer performed late in the night - it is a voluntary prayer, and not one of the five obligatory prayers. Also known by the name 'Tahajjud' [Arabic: تهجد‎] - whose meaning is close to 'vigilance', or, 'staying awake at night'. ()
  • 17. 'Sajdah' [Arabic: سجدة] - also known as 'Sujud' [Arabic: سجود] = 'prostration' during prayer. ()


Усамљени путник је изгубио свој пут.
Време је изгубило временске зоне.
Срце је тако измучено вретеном порока.
А негде далеко у даљини га чека она:
Чиста, ниједном не дирнута прљавим рукама –
Девојка, чије срце кроз врата није пустило зло.
Змије су лагале путника да са њом неће бити срећан,
Али он је чврсто веровао да ће пронаћи мир у њеним очима.
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Подневно сунце ће засијати на небу, као наговештај,
Да би ми помогло да те пронађем...
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Да бих осетио топлину твојих руку –
Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Усамљени путник је изгубио свој пут.
И чини се да је његов циљ и даље далеко.
Невреме љуља брод у његовим мислима,
Али клатно у души ће му показати обалу.
Покушавајући да учини све његове напоре узалудним –
Живот их је расуо по различитим половима.
Њихове судбине су биле повезане тајним законима,
И он чврсто верује да ће пронаћи мир у њеним очима.
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Подневно сунце ће засијати на небу, као наговештај,
Да би ми помогло да те пронађем...
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Да бих осетио топлину твојих руку –
Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.