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Број резултата: 18


Into the fog

My dear little one
Are you lost?
Because this road doesn’t lead anywhere
Mother told me
Make gold out of silver
Then we live as if there was no tomorrow
Now we’re gonna dance until we die
Sing for everything we’ve destroyed
La bella noche
When we reach the bottom
We will rise up again
Into the fog, the fog, yes, now we’re gonna live
We’re gonna live as if there was no tomorrow
Now the whole world will finally know
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in
La dolce vita
So many tears
That I’ve saved under the stars tonight
And mother told me
Everything will be okay
As long as you live as if there was no tomorrow
Now we’re gonna dance until we die
Sing for everything we’ve destroyed
La bella noche
When we reach the bottom
We will rise up again
Into the fog, the fog, yes, now we’re gonna live
We’re gonna live as if there was no tomorrow
Now the whole world will finally know
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in
Now we’re gonna dance until we die
Sing for everything we’ve destroyed
La bella noche
When we reach the bottom
We will rise up again
Into the fog, the fog, yes, now we’re gonna live
We’re gonna live as if there was no tomorrow
Now the whole world will finally know
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in

Tvoja hladnoća

Svaka noć u mom životu je za tebe
kao bilo kakva igra i ništa više,
jer me tvoja hladnoća muči u duši.
Želela bih da znam da li je tvoja duša ista
pored bilo koje žene,
jer me tvoja hladnoća muči u duši.
I sanjam sa velikom strašću
da živiš za mene,
kao što ja živim za tebe mala, za tebe.
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Svaka noć u mom životu je za tebe
kao bilo kakva igra i ništa više,
jer me tvoja hladnoća muči u duši.
Želela bih da znam da li je tvoja duša ista
pored bilo koje žene,
jer me tvoja hladnoća muči u duši.
I sanjam (sanjam) sa velikom strašću
da živiš za mene,
kao što ja živim za tebe mala, za tebe.
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej (aah, ooh, uoh)
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Nah-nah-nah, hej...
Kao što ja živim za tebe mala,
ah, za tebe, za tebe.

Just As Scared

[Verse 1]
It's hard to see you cry
So hard to see you scared
Even though the years are passing
I know you understand
Why I'm not around enough
You're the best thing in my life
There's no one like you
You have taught me so much
About how I can improve
All the worst in me
Cause I admit I'm just as scared
I admit I have just as many
Things that scares me
Like the darkness scares you
[Verse 2]
The smartest people in the world
They had nothing on you
Cause the heart you've got
It beats much more beautiful
And we'll never give up
Cause I admit I'm just as scared
I admit I have just as many
Things that scares me
Like the darkness scares you
As hard as it can hit
We're not hurt
Like the right piece
In my puzzle you're perfect
Cause you complete me
[Alternative chorus]
Cause I, I admit I'm just as scared, yeah
Yeah, I have just as many
Things that scares me
Like the darkness scares you
But we
But we are the two of us together
Yeah, we only have each other
Nothing will keep me from taking good care of you
Nothing will stop me from taking good care of you

What A Country

What a country, what a country
what a country, unique unto itself
the government squeezes, the country is stressed
what a country, what a country..
People are crying, the prices go up and up
paying taxes and also health fees
there isn't any more work, the cash drawer is empty
there is no way to fund life, they closed the work bureau
in the Knesset1they are sitting around, taking advantage of us
they took our savings, the unemployment is done
we are feed up, they issued us another fine
now they are adding tax to milk...
What a country, what a country
what a country, unique unto itself
the government requires, cash is requested
what a country, what a country..
We have ministers, who just want a chair...
don't do anything for us and just promise and promise
where is the equality, where is the vision
where is the morality, what a waste
what will sing to you and what can i explain
there are many things that we will give up on
despite the mess and the hardships
you are our country is for the generations.
What a country, what a country
what a country, unique unto itself
the government squeezes, the country is stressed
what a country, what a country
what a country, unique unto itself...
  • 1. Israeli Parliament, literally assembly of the people

My city

We were here, you and I and love
and love is a spring that brings us together, remember those days?
You gifted me a flower necklace and poems of love
and our initials inscribed in trees
telling the world our story, as our city glimmers night and day
My city my city my city my city
My city my city my city my city
My city is another word for beauty
all the corners are adorned by the golden sun rays
Trees, flowers and roses covering it in all colors
and the sun breeze touching us, drawing us over branches
looking forward to a familiar tomorrow, playing us with loving fingers,
my love, like melodies
My city my city my city my city
My city my city my city my city
My city is my home and my meadow, my family and my being,
the beauty of the world in a place that resembles me and my dreams
It's the home of everyone I love, the scent of my relatives' love
sneaking between the veins, running like blood in my artery
My city my city my city my city
My city my city my city my city


Усамљени путник је изгубио свој пут.
Време је изгубило временске зоне.
Срце је тако измучено вретеном порока.
А негде далеко у даљини га чека она:
Чиста, ниједном не дирнута прљавим рукама –
Девојка, чије срце кроз врата није пустило зло.
Змије су лагале путника да са њом неће бити срећан,
Али он је чврсто веровао да ће пронаћи мир у њеним очима.
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Подневно сунце ће засијати на небу, као наговештај,
Да би ми помогло да те пронађем...
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Да бих осетио топлину твојих руку –
Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Усамљени путник је изгубио свој пут.
И чини се да је његов циљ и даље далеко.
Невреме љуља брод у његовим мислима,
Али клатно у души ће му показати обалу.
Покушавајући да учини све његове напоре узалудним –
Живот их је расуо по различитим половима.
Њихове судбине су биле повезане тајним законима,
И он чврсто верује да ће пронаћи мир у њеним очима.
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Подневно сунце ће засијати на небу, као наговештај,
Да би ми помогло да те пронађем...
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Да бих осетио топлину твојих руку –
Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.

What Do You Want From Me

[Verse 1]
What has this moment come and
Flipped my reason on its head for?
I was so sure of my steps
And an alarm protected my heart
[Verse 2]
What have you come for if you already know I can't?
Who are you and what do you want? Tell me
Don't come looking for me, don't
For your voice...
For your voice excites me
I have no lifeline
I'd run away with you with my eyes closed
With you, a fire is lit when we hug one another
Then you're gone, then you're gone
You split my universe in two
You release my inner animal with just one glance
Then you're gone, then you're gone
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
[Verse 2]
What have you come for if you already know I can't?
Who are you and what do you want? Tell me
Don't come looking for me, don't
For your voice...
For your voice excites me
I have no lifeline
I'd run away with you with my eyes closed
With you, a fire is lit when we hug one another
Then you're gone, then you're gone
You split my universe in two
You release my inner animal with just one glance
Then you're gone, then you're gone
Then you're gone
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?

People Like Us

[Verse 1: Hjalmer]
If you don't want this anymore
Would you tell me?
It feels a bit like we've been here before
But now I'm ready to open up the door
[Build: Hjalmer]
And I know I should listen to you some more
When you say, say you just need a little more from me
But you know that we've got it and it's almost as if
This world needs people like us
[Chorus: Hjalmer & Medina]
You know we'll find a solution
You know we'll talk it over
You know we're not the kind to start a war
And run away from it again
Cause we can make it if we want to
And you're home in my mind
If the universe could see it
The world would be a good place
[Interlude: Hjalmer & Medina]
You know there should be more people like us
Yeah, you know the world needs people like us
[Verse 2: Medina]
If I go all the way with you
Then will you trust me
It feels a bit like we've been here before
But now I'm ready to open up the door
[Build: Medina & Hjalmer]
And I know I should listen to you some more
When you say, say you just need a little more from me
But you know that we've got it and it's almost as if
This world needs people like us
[Chorus: Medina & Hjalmer]
You know we'll find a solution
You know we'll talk it over
You know we're not the kind to start a war
And run away from it again
Cause we can make it if we want to
And you're home in my mind
If the universe could see it
The world would be a good place
[Interlude: Medina & Hjalmer]
You know there should be more people like us
Yeah, you know the world needs people like us
We'll hold on, cause in this world there are people like us
And we know that out of love we will grow
[Chorus: Hjalmer & Medina]
You know we'll find a solution
You know we'll talk it over
You know we're not the kind to start a war
And run away from it again
Cause we can make it if we want to
And you're home in my mind
If the universe could see it
The world would be a good place
[Outro: Hjalmer & Medina]
You know there should be more people like us
Yeah, you know the world needs people like us
We'll hold on, cause in this world there are people like us
And we know that out of love we will grow

The flowers of Medina

It's eight o'clock in the city,
it's eight o'clock in the desert,
the rats appear in the sewers.
Days of glory in the city,
days of rage in the desert,
the rats grow in the garden.
Where are, where are the flowers of Medina,
where are, where are the lights of Albaida. [x2]
Nights of festivities in the city,
nights of cries in the desert,
dissident music from the meadows.
It's nine o'clock in the city,
it's nine o'clock in the desert,
the light burns in our hearts.
Where are, where are the flowers of Medina,
where are, where are the lights of Albaida. [x2]
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Let Me Be

It's the words you don't say
It's the things you never do
Just as long as we could stay here
Wish that everything could be like before
Now everything around us is gone
And I have no idea if you think of me a little
I wander sleepless out into the night to hide away
I wander until I fall over, until I'm gone
Just let me run as far away as I can
Let me be endlessly, hopelessly wrecked for ever
Let me be alone again
Cause no one knows how much it hurts, how much it hurts
To my eye we were the strongest in the world
To my eye we had the most important in the world
We had us
We had the two of us, oohh
It's the words I don't say
All the words I don't get around to
It's the dummest, I know very well
But my words have no power
Now that the bridges has been burned
The coal has turned into dust and the heart has been forgotten
I wander sleepless around but I don't get anywere
I look misserable and I don't feel well
Let me run as far away as I can
Let me be endlessly, hopelessly wrecked for ever
Let me be alone again
Cause no one knows how much it hurts, how much it hurts
To my eye we were the strongest in the world, mm
To my eye we had the most important in the world, mm
We had the two of us
We had the two of us
We had the two of us
We had the two of us, yeah
Let me run as far away as I can
Let me be endlessly, hopelessly wrecked for ever
Let me be alone again
Cause no one knows how much it hurts, how much it hurts
How much it hurts
How much it hurts, how much it hurts


If the world should end now
I would be happy
I'd wish the whole world could see
What you change in me
If everyone around us could feel this high
Evil would shut down
I'd wish the whole world could feel
What you light in me
When the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
When life in me runs out
I know I did it
And I could never ask for more
Then what you infused me with
If everyone around here could see it just so
The wars would end now
Cause you create a fire in me
When peace comes my way
When the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
(Then I think of you)
When the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I only think of you
I can thank no one but you
When the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I only think of you
I can thank no one but you
Ooh, yeah
Ooh, hey
Cause when the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I only think of you
I can thank no one but you
Cause when the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I only think of you
Yeah, then I only think of you

Wake Me Now

Uh-uh-uh, ah-ah-ah-ah
I keep seeing stars above you
They shine all the way through
And you've got your arms around me
And the night takes us home
I can't go on without you, nah
The fact that you're not here
Just because of my mistakes
Now will you find your way back again?
Wake me now to reality
Closer so that we can heal
You've got me all open, baby
You know, who you are
Wake me now
Wake me now to reality
Wake me now
Wake me now to reality
When I look at you
My thoughts starts spinning again
Straight up – you gotta get back to me
Before everything is too late
Come back here into my bed
In my dreams I see you over and over, na
I know you regret things too, yeah
So let me have all this make some sense
Wake me now to reality (to reality)
Closer so that we can heal
You've got me all open, baby (yeah
You know, who you are
Wake me now
Wake me now to reality
Wake me now
Wake me now to reality
Wake me now to reality
Do you still have the love?
Wake me now to reality
I still have the love
Wake me now to reality
Just try
Wake me now to reality
To reality
It's the most dangerous, hey
Yes, you are the most dangerous
But I love it
Wake me now
Wake me now to reality
Wake me now
Wake me now to reality
Wake me now to reality (to reality)
You're the only thing I see
Wake me now to reality
We're the best and you know it
You know
We're the best and you know it

That Could Be Me

'Those beautiful eyes'
Says everyone else when I'm not around
Those pretty lips
Are they kissing other people that I can't see?
Can I take a patent out on you? Cuz I want more.
I want it all, and you'll be here.
Those pretty hands
Will just touch me, me, me, me
That could be me
That could be me (mmh)
That could be me
That could be me (me, yeah)
Unlock me right here.
You've got me, you've got me, you've got me, there's nothing else to do
Pull me in baby, oh yeah
You take me, you've got me, yeah, fuck it, no matter what I do
Unlock me right here.
You've got me, you've got me, you've got me, there's nothing else to do
Unlock me baby, oh yeah
You take me, you've got me, yeah, fuck it, no matter what I do
That smile that you have there
Is it me you got it from? (uuuh, oh)
What you've got going on, yeah yeah
Are you doing it on purpose? Cuz I'm dying
Can I take a patent out on you? Cuz I want more.
I want it all, and you'll be here.
That pretty body there, yeah
Will just touch me, me, me, me
That could be me
That could be me, yeah
That could be me (mmm)
Just touch me, me, me, me
Unlock me right here.
You've got me, you've got me, you've got me, there's nothing else to do
Unlock me baby, oh yeah
You take me, you've got me, yeah, fuck it, no matter what I do
It doesn't matter what I do
I'm locked in no matter what
It doesn't matter what I do
I'm just saying it could be me
Unlock me right here
You've got me, you've got me, you've got me, there's nothing else to do
Unlock me baby, oh yeah
You take me, you've got me, yeah, fuck it, no matter what I do
Unlock me right here (right here)
Unlock me right here

Walking around the mosque

I thought a night alone
If I would arrive at the heaven
I walked around the mosque
I stayed some time on silence
And my broken body
Full of anger and disdain
By lots of humillations
Which makes going though the time...
We went up in silence
With a new hope
Of seing rise up on the heaven
Our flag united
And my broken body
Full of anger and disdain
By lots of humillations
Which makes going though the time...


How is it possible
that sometimes love can be so cruel?
loving you again and today I fall again alone...
I understand who I am
I don't care what you ask for, I'm here.
You're here on my skin
I feel you in my body,
it's unique, so unique.
I think of you like I do yesterday,
dancing for me in the moment
it's unique, so unique.

It's unique, it's unique
it's unique, it's unique
it's unique...
Today you tell me
everything is dying at our feet,
but this fever
burns stronger each time.
Don't ever doubt again,
just tell me one more
that you only see me.
I don't know, I don't know
what to do so I don't suffer
I forgot, forgot, forgot you
it's better like this.
Tell me that, tell me that
tell me that you'll think of me
this time, this time, this time
I won't leave you.
It's unique, it's unique
so unique, so unique
it's unique...
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.