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Број резултата: 21



Ay, in a distant years
The land would conjure along with the skyes.
Marvelous marvels would be seen back then,
Miraculous miracles would come true by themselves.
Having forgot of a Golden Horde,
A motley rumble of the China valley,
A winged wyrm would often hide in a lonely garden
On a May midnight.
As soon as girls goes out to see the moon,
Walking stately,
He would grab one swiftly,
And soar up, and hurry back.
Oh, the glittering, the blinding, the shining
Of a copper carapace in a rapacious moon.
Oh, the silver ringing of a rythmic clench,
Flying over forests of Rus'.
'Such a swanlike beauties,
White as milk -
Never and nowhere have I seen girls like these,
Nor over the sea, nor in the East.
But none of them have ever been
In my lush palace in Lahore.
They die on the way,
And I drop their bodies into the Caspain sea.
Why those mad women
Value sleeping on the bottom amongst sea monsters
More, than sleeping in my mighty embraces
On a solemn princely bed?
And sometimes a envy a fate
Of a guy with a white cowherd flute,
On a grassland, with a crowd of girls
Enjoying his music so much...'
Having heard those screams, Vol'ga1
Would come out, frowning,
And put a bowstring on a horns
Of an old Białowieża (tur/auroch).
  • 1. Vol'ga Svyatoslavich - on of the hero of Russian epos


Where have you been? Or rather, what have you become?
How many times has the sea changed into land?
This is for you - groan, poetry and steel,
All this is for you, so listen,
To come in the dark for your own soul that one needs,
Stop to endeavour to put it into crystal glass as into chains.
Where is the road sliding on stones,
Falling into the arms of dawn
Through the saddle between the horse's ears?
And absolutely no wonder that this is all
for me,
The wind of distant wanderings in late summer -
This wind is also for me.
That will be the happy one who masters the burden of freedom,
No one has ever even thought about retreating,
Time's slipping away still faster, we're moving along the cliff edge,
What we face, is a thunderstorm.
Where the accomplished fact burns our fingers in the night
With an ablaze feather and dripping pitch,
The birds will bring thunder from the wasteland
And all the evil shadows will leave while dancing
over the bonfire.
Time, it's like fabric strung onto tambour,
Who is to embroider us in silver now?

Исте крви

Ми смо исте крви,
Ми смо истог рода,
Ми смо навикли на бол,
Ако му је име - слобода.
Где си ти, мој брате,
Где си ти, мој друже,
Где си ти, моја љубави?
Јутро пред зору
Мирише на пролеће и вољу,
Снови моји у тигровој кожи
У маковом шетају пољу
Где си ти, мој брате,
Где си ти, мој друже,
Где си ти, моја љубави?
Извори пулсирају са љубичастим звездама,
Свет је оборен на небеско дно,
Ноћи се склупчавају у топла гнезда, и
Животиње - оне ходају изнад земље,
Животиње - оне иду за тобом,
О-ој, било да је рано или касно, стани!
Нисмо ли ми исте крви.
Месец на меким шапама
Има златна звонца,
У пругастим облацима
Сунце јури клупко.
Ко си ти, мој брате,
Ко си ти, мој друже,
Ко си ти, моја љубави?
Да ли ћемо се опет срести
Тамо, иза кривине круга?
Ми смо исте крви,
Одрази једно другог.
Где си ти, мој брате,
Ко си ти, мој друже,
Где си ти, моја љубави?
Двоје деле исто срце,
Девет краљевских судбина -
И бешумне животиње,
И неустрашиве људе.
Ко си ти, мој брате,
Где си ти, мој друже,
Ко си ти, моја љубави!
Где си ти, мој брате,
Ко си ти, мој друже,
Где си ти, моја љубави?

Бела мачка

Претворићу се у белу мачку
И попећу се у колевку
Дошла сам код тебе, мој мили мали
Бићу твој минстрел
Седећу у твојој колевци
И певати успаванке
Да би звонца звонила,
Цветало цвеће хмеља
Претворићу се у белу птицу
И излетећу кроз прозор
Да бих се у јасно небо винула
К сунца јарком зраку
Са неба ће се сливати звонки трилери,
Сви пролећни трилери
Да би звонца звонила,
Цветало цвеће хмеља
Претворићу се у човека
И вратићу се својој кући
И узећу те у руке
Мој добри, мој рођени
Претворићу се у белу мачку
И попећу се у колевку
Дошла сам код тебе, мој мили мали
Бићу твој минстрел
Седећу у твојој колевци
И певати успаванке
Да би звонца звонила,
Цветало цвеће хмеља


On an icy day we'll cling to each other
And together we'll sink.
Brother waxwing, call the blizzard for us,
And an angry forest moon.
To hide from dogs with the rustle of owls -
They shall not notice us.
Tail alongside tail, into the darkness together
Once more, yet again.
Hurry after me, breathe with me,
Taste my freedom
Go already! Follow my scent,
Drink me in like water, like water.
How green is the depth of your eyes,
It'll be warm at the bottom.
My kimono is black like coals,
Yours is white as snow.
The sparks of nights are hotter and hotter,
Brittle snow crust is melting,
The moss has caught fire, but our fox god -
He shall not abandon us.
Fox tracks at water's egde,
Laughter melting into frost.
There's no bottom there -
The icehole of the moon is open all the way to the top.
Hurry after me, breathe with me,
Accept my nature,
Go already! Follow my scent,
Drink me in like water, like water.
Dance with me, play with me,
Taste my freedom,
Snow up to my chest, I am running towards you
To drink you in like water, like water.

Ballad of three sons

Versions: #2
In a land of rocks and of flowering plains
There was a river streaming away
It was the fairiest land in the world
Full of wonderful ballads and dreams
Three sons were there, they were leaving their home
The voice of rocks had called them to go
The first was proud, the second stubborn
And the third had the humblest heart
The father's words were of sadness full
“My dearest sons you have grown up in love
What is waiting you in foreign lands?
But my prayer will guard you along”
And the voice of rocks
Was repeating his words
“You should keep the treasure of Soul
And unquenchable Light of the Love”
Long years had passed, they had flown away
In a land of rocks and of flowering plains
The father met his darling sons
After long separations and grieves
The eldest son had come back his home
“Be proud of me, I’ve all power in the world
I’m a hero. It’s the essence of all
On the blood I have paved my way”
The second son had brought golden gifts
“Look here, my dad, I can the whole world
Purchase and sell. And tears of all
Change into silver and luck”
And the voice of rocks
Was repeating dad’s words
You exchanged all the treasure of Soul
For the sake of the glory and gold
The youngest son, he stood on his knees
“Excuse me, father, I am not great
I humble was, forgave my foes”
And the father with heartiness said
“Your soul is kind and very pure
And even though you're not great and rich
But you have saved my light of love
I decide to give my throne to you.”
And the voice of rocks
Was repeating his words
“Faithfull son who was lowly and kind
Now inherited country and throne”

The Tale of the Devil

Once upon a time there was a Devil
He sailed across seas and oceans
And he never saw me
Nor heard anything about you
He stole the bright crescent moon from the sky
And set it onto the waves, like a boat
He comes with the night's tide
His oar is made of olive
You awaited me on the pier
Nights, you lay awake
He saw you, my dove
And the Devil forgot about eternity
The Devil took on my likeness
Not five differences could you find
He fell onto his knees before you
He kissed your cold hands
I left you, my dove
Promising to return soon
I have mistook the sky for the sea
I have sailed towards my misfortune
On no map could you find
The latitudes where I and my loyal team were lost
Where to find the name of the wind
Which returns travellers back home?
I would've put up white sails
I would've come rushing home by dawn
I would've untied the moon from the mooring
So it, too, could return home
Only, should I return, really?
Shoudl I really come alive?
If the Devil lives in my stead
And the Devil sings my songs to you?

The Ritual (S)

There’s no land, no sea, there is none…
And the world’s all swept over with dust
What she fears right now is just one
That it’s lore what her tale might become.
What if her real tale….
Who comes after ice storms?
From the hub of the lightning
He’s the one who is able
To get o’er the edge
So loom up from behind
Mountains and raging oceans
And from this wretched living, please, take her away,
And till kingdom come, take her away
Should it happen in some other life
Prince Serebrenni 1 were my desire
Then he’d sail icy waters far up
He would walk the bright sun on the bridle
On the bridle of bright gold...
Who comes after ice storms?
From the hub of the lightning
He’s the one who is able
To get o’er the edge
So loom up from behind
Mountains and raging oceans
And from this wretched living, please, take her away
And till kingdom come take her away
Take away!
To hell blaze with the lot of it!
The grass bowstring will be singing all day -
Take away! Take away!
Wings flashed up with the gold glint
But the sleeves stayed with blood right on them
And far off on a sable high hill
Silver Dragon is spinning coils fast
Precious gems are in silver agleam
Snake o’Wings is awaiting his love
He awaits only his promised one
Waiting for the doomed one....
Who flies after ice storms?
From the hub of the lightning
He’s the one who is able
To step o’er the edge
So loom up from behind
Mountains and azure oceans
And from this wretched living, please, take me away,
From these lies,
Woes, figments unliving!
I’m a glass tabernacle with a candle inside
We’re outcasts, so what
Out of skies do swoop down
And then take me away far from this wretched life
And till kingdom come, take me away
Into heavens, do take me away!
  • 1. Prince of Silver aka Prince Charming in Russian folklore and literature. Has a historic prototype - Prince Obolensky, Jun. His elder brother was Prince Zolotoy, i.e. Prince of Gold. Prince of Silver fought for the right againts the evil in the times of Ivan the Terrible. Perished in combat against the Tatar Horde.

Winter (S)

Versions: #2
Far along the wide stream, off was sailing a boat
And the tail wind carried my song after you
I did wait and wait, never did take my eyes off
But the wide stretch froze, it froze all way through
But then winter came and the sky’s cold as ice
And my age flies on in the blizzard shroud
On my shoulder lies a braid turning blenched white
And my love won’t melt all this snow now.
Only snow of white – that’s what life became
And the ice won’t spout with life water springs
And a friend next door used to say to me
“Shining Falcon yours has forsaken thee”
Burns my splinter for rushlight, it’ll burn all down
Only blizzards spin my spindle day by day
And myself, I’m white as a white snow shroud
But I’ll wait for you, I’ll wait all the same
And myself, I’m white as a white death shroud
But I’ll wait for you, I’ll wait all the same

Princess Royal

Versions: #5
I sang of the gods and sang of the heroes
Of clanging sword blades and of gory battles
Until the falcon mine stayed on with me
His squawking to me was instead of prayers
And now it’s a year since he flew away
He was carried off by a witchy snow gale
Buddy so dear abducted by blizzard
That came in from distant strange lands
Since then I’m not my real self
And crying are the gulls in heaven
Discerning my true face in haze
Could only be for eyes of gentian
I wish I could see with falcon eyes then
Soar up high on falcon wings then
There, in far falcon ruling strange lands
And not in dream but somewhere nearer
Turn into my soul, falcon,
Give some wind into our wings then
Every night I dream I’m flying
High over ice fiords, mile after mile on
Sleeves yours in delicate silk, Princess Royal 1
Heather of white is broidery for hills
Never have I been there for certain
If granting I have, then it brought ills on me
I should call back what has happened
Not to you and not to me there
I am tossed like fallen leaves,
The soul of mine becoming restless
In moonfuls, you pay for ballads you hear 2
Like some other pay me in hard gold money
Far into lands all shrouded in winter
You’re prettier than, you’re prettier than
Than spring come alive and the thrill of summer
Wake from slumber, Princess Royal
Dress yourself in feather plumage
We’ll soar up with you in tempest
Thin as ice are your sublime wrists
Sleeves yours in delicate silk, Princess Royal,
Gold of bright is stitch for feathers
With a laugh, I’m soaring up heaven
With no trust in me up there
Why don’t you come closer to me,
Let me touch your feather plumage
Every night I see the alp ridge
Every morn I lose my visage
Sleeves yours in delicate silk, Princess Royal,
Heaven skies with the crescent in gold braid
Please, deliver me, northern snow gale
To the land of throe and tall tale
It hurts to know that all has happened
Not to you and not to me, woe!
Time did never halt to peep at
What’s behind the wood laced window
It was you, my sweetie, I dreamt nightly ‘bout
Though you’re clad in a mantle of sorrow
Yet, I’m sure to sing you for a goodbye
But will leave your home, but will leave your home
But will leave your home with the first aurora
Somewhere far your dreams traverse, Princess Royal,
Is it long till spring for grass immemorial?
What I’m left with is repeating these two words,
Why, such a small bit
Wake from slumber, Princess Royal
Dress yourself in feather plumage
I should know that all has happened
Not to you and not to me here
Hurtful is your mercy to me
Just like arrows o’er bow-strings
In moonfuls you pay for the tunes
Like some other in gold
I’d give up on all to be ever with you
But what if you are, but what if you are
But what if you are not at all in this world
Princess Royal…
  • 1. Королевна = Princess Royal is the king's eldest daughter, heiress to the throne. As an endearing name in Russian reveals love and respect at the same time
  • 2. the moon as a symbol of silence and estrangement, i.e. You respond to my songs with silence and indifference

Froach Warrior

Versions: #3
There is mist o’er the swamp
Howls of wolves wiping out footprints
I might think I were stoned
Though I drank but ice water of springs
From a pitcher that you held out to me
Seeing off for the roadway
From which I know I’ll never come back
Wait or not, I will never come back
No one can link the ring of shaggy hills
And narrow is the way on blades of rain
And never seek – you’ll never find the prints
Which Froach 1 Warrior 2 has left on his farewell
Like a wounded wild beast
I will softly walk on a tight string 3
I’m not worthy, believe,
Of you shedding your tears for me
Of you tracking the prints
Of my blood in the dark –on red bilberries in moss
Up the gate beyond which there’s cold and gloom
You don’t know, there’s cold and gloom 4
No one can link the ring of shaggy hills 5
And narrow is the way on blades of rain
And never seek – you’ll never find the prints
Which Heather Warrior has left on his farewell
And one day you’ll breathe in
Poignant incense of October full moon
And the knife your heart keeps
Will thrust pain up from depths of the wound 6
Do you really expect this malice to turn real,
This vile ghost of the dark steel
Just again to give me some water to drink
This mind-blowing clean crystal cold drink?
No one can link the ring of shaggy hills
And narrow is the way on blades of rain
And never seek – you’ll never find the prints
Which Heather Warrior has left on his farewell
And never seek in frosty gloom the prints
Which Froach Warrior has left on his farewell
  • 1. Gaelic for “heather” In Scottish Gaelic is read like “fewer” with the sound “r” it’s like “frewer” and “h” (like in “hat”) at the end. So it gives us “Freweh”
  • 2. Fraoch was a hero of Celtic mythology who was famous for his great deeds.
  • 3. Once when Froach was mortally wounded one hundred and fifty maidens all clad in green treated him to life water from local springs and brought him back to life
  • 4. On his bride's parents' request Fraoch stole a fruit that restored youth and cured hunger. It grew on a rowan tree guarded by a dragon. But the parents who disapproved of him coerced him to get the tree itself. The dragon pursued him. In the ensuing battle, both Fraoch and the dragon died. A cairn was raised on the spot where Fraoch fell. This mound is the chief attraction on Fraoch Eilean, or Heather Island, a small island at the northern end of Loch Awe, a freshwater lake in Scotland
  • 5. One of Fraoch's deeds was to procure a precious gold ring from the belly of a monstrous salmon
  • 6. Fraoch Eilean has another landmark - the ruins of a medieval castle called 'The Castle of the Red-Haired Maiden'. The legend has it that a beautiful redhead was stabbed by her father, the castle owner, and thrown down into Loch Awe for saving her lover who her father was going to kill


From beyond distant seas, from beyond edges of good and evil
He came to this city, shrouded in evening mist.
And his clothes were white like the sand,
He brought people gold and warmth.
On the first night a thunder sounded from the sky,
On the second day the rain fell like a wall.
And she realized that no one around
Will hold back, will dare to say 'wait'.
Amidst the thick of mulberry trees the blackbird exults,
Amidst trout scales the river is bright,
Amidst gold of the greenery we remain apart,
And my needle cannot keep pace with the thread.
On the third day the crowd closed the ring -
Tighter became the blind circle of human love -
And she turned her face away
When he fed them with gold from his hands.
Amidst the thick of mulberry trees the blackbird exults,
Amidst trout scales the river is bright,
Amidst gold of the greenery we remain apart,
And my needle cannot keep pace with the thread.
Blackbird, blackbird, will you ward the trouble away?
Isn't his lie salty with a tear of mine?
How shall I revert people's eyes -
White linen can't be washed black!
Amidst the thick of fig trees songster blackbird exults,
In far depth swims an arrowlike pike,
Amidst gold green of the roses we remain,
And my needle cannot meet the thread,
My needle will never meet the thread,

The Dragon

Versions: #1#2
Dried all over are spring wells forsaken
Faded heather for long miles around
And I’m watching the sun rolling over
The cold heavenly vault of the sky
To lose what’s left of the warmth
Dressed in night hues are dark granite slopes
Dressed in blood tint is waterless ground
Dressed in amber are dragon’s eyes, mirrored
In a piece of the crystal around
This is the treasure I guard
Maledicting the wretched gold treasure
For this treacherous glint of the warmth
I’m remindful of her who once used to
Used to also have wings long ago
But she’s living no more
And over mountains and deep seas, off so far
Where people lack vision and gods don’t put faith in
He - who’s the last one of my kinship- to the light
Will spread young winglets – ferocious feathers
And this scale-ornament pictorial design
Will drive off misfortune with embodied passion
And braving fate he’ll soar up high into the sky
Forever impending, insanely attractive
And it’s the pinnacle of magic in the world
The sun’s exulting indeed on the crest edge
And this is it, and that is all, and nothing more
There’s only skyline, eternal heaven.
And the heroes are feasting in shelter
In the royal grand chambers of oak
Bragging over the goblets of heady
They’ll get this mystic treasure of gold
Not later than Christmas Day

The Slumber Trail

Versions: #1#2#3
Pour out some more wine, my brother in king’s crown,
And see the super moon arising there
The fluid overflows in sprituous silver cup
Another gulp, it’s time, I pray,
For us to whirl off on the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail, now spur your way!
Here the grass once flashed with hard steel
Blood of scarlet on the sword point gleamed
That is all for you and that’s for me –
These two blades for who became now
Phantoms of the wind for centuries
So let us have more wine. There’s time till morning breaks.
The road ahead is winding far away
You’re my immortal brother, your sister true I am
And dark’s the night, and cool’s the gale
And we have opted for the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail horseshoes sound quiet
Foggy mantle shrouded shoulders
Hoar-frost crowned foreheads and high brows
With sharp-pointed rain, with storm shade in clouds
You and I have turned light-feathered
Lighter than the falcon’s feather self.
So let us have more wine, my youthful suzerain
Malefic fate is written in our stars
Nor happiness, nor love. Nor empathy, nor pain
One moon for both and blizzard one
And winding is ahead our Slumber Trail, the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail past the humans’ life realm
We don’t care for Adam and Eva
We can’t care less for the way Earth lives
But from now on, my brother-in- charm, you won’t find yourself a new queen
And I will not find myself a new king
In order to forget that here ice cold is blood of mine
I beg of you, fill up my cup with wine
Look, down on the bottom there gleams a farewell star
So bottoms up, I’ll drink away
And set off lightly on the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail