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Danger Melody

When I first met you
Your spine was bent with nervousness
Now you hold your head high
Your heart is shining like a star
That’s right
Danger Melody
In front of my eyes is this moment
That I feel with all of my heart
We’ve have made it this far
Our love will be forever
We will never turn our backs on each other
Danger, danger, danger melody
With the danger getting more and more closer
My love continues to burn
Trust in its bright red flame
For it is burning inside both of us
Even with all of my security measures
I do not have any free time
This time I will grasp at this
Dangerous moment with my bare hands
Danger Melody
Now that we've come this far
Nothing matters but love
Just you and me
Danger, danger, danger melody
Danger Melody
Now that we’ve come this far
Nothing matters but love
We will never turn our backs on each other
Danger, danger, danger melody

my melody

i open my closed eyes for a moment
i’ve already entered a new world
i move toward the melody being sung to me
i’m inexplicably drawn in
in the space between unfamiliar views and sunsets
smiling is contagious
i’ll go wherever my two feet lead me as long as i’m with you
somewhere i can look at you, your love is a gift
show me your everything to the bottom of my heart
you are my melody
your starry eyes are brighter today
this is a memory in stopped time
i remember being reborn
i move toward the joyful melody for me
i can’t explain why but i know
unfamiliar memories flood in
everything is precious
i’ll go wherever my two feet lead me as long as i’m with you
somewhere i can look at you, your love is a gift
show me your everything to the bottom of my heart
you are my melody
i ran until i was out of breath but i couldn’t see the end
but yesterday has passed
now i’ll approach you
on this day shining brighter than the sun
i’ll go wherever my two feet lead me on this day with you
somewhere i can look at you, you are a gift
i’ll go wherever my two feet lead me as long as i’m with you
somewhere i can look at you, your love is a gift
show me your everything to the bottom of my heart
you are my melody
your starry eyes are brighter today

Ties of Love (Kizuna)

We are leaving for a sea where only love reigns
Oh yeah!
And somewhere there a perfect light heals our pain and sadness
Oh yeah!
But it's not enough to be able to hear
But it's not enough to be able to see
I rely on the power of faith
But it's not enough to search
But it's not enough to fight
To feel faith's power.
Our song now sends the light
It shows you the way to why and how
Who can resist
A true love
Learn now to be the only one.
Faith does lots of miracles
It fills destiny with hope, happiness
And it overcomes fears
It strengthens the heart
The ties that love creates
Don't forget!
We are leaving for a sea where only love reigns
Oh yeah!
And somewhere there a perfect light heals our pain and sadness
Oh yeah!
But it's not enough to be able to hear
But it's not enough to be able to see
I rely on the power of faith
But it's not enough to search
But it's not enough to fight
To feel faith's power.
I feel now close to you more powerful
Courage unites us in a shared fate
The voices have merged
And we defeated yesterday
Now nothing will separate us
Faith does lots of miracles
It fills destiny with hope, happiness
And it overcomes fears
It strengthens the heart
The ties that love creates
Don't forget!
Sadness creates pain
But love recants everything
Our positive thought
Must be shared everywhere on earth
Give us the power
To be winners every moment
Our sea will always guide us
For life!
Our song now sends the light
It shows you the way to why and how
Who can resist
A true love
Learn now to be the only one.
Faith does lots of miracles
It fills destiny with hope, happiness
And it overcomes fears
It strengthens the heart
The ties that love creates
Don't forget!

serenade of flowers and butterflies

since night it blooms
this bridging flower,
the flower of Lanhua.
with the moon can you see,
that its honey(nectar?) in radiance
is a fablesworth
give me the world 'til it's end,
flute and lauda i play
today's dance will a feast be
and my plumage i will give to you.
with my submissive servants dance,
enchanted butterflies will fly will float
forget about everything
bewitching you i am,
with my music,
because i will freeze you
and as beautiful as today, al-
ways will you be.
give me the world 'til it's end,
flute and lauda i play
today's dance will a feast be
and my plumage i will give to you.
golden wings the dreams you believe,
that petals fall from your legs
with my submissive servants dance
enchanted butterflies will fly will float
under the ebbing moon
which silver dancers are,
you will see without any regret
and with luck you will come to love me
give me the world 'til it's end,
flute and lauda i play
today's dance will a feast be
and my plumage i will give to you.
golden wings the dreams you believe,
that petals fall from your legs
with my submissive servants dance
enchanted butterflies will fly will float
forget about everything
bewitching you i am,
with my music,
because i will freeze you
and as beautiful as today, al-
ways will you be.
golden wings the dreams you believe,
that petals fall from your legs
with my submissive servants dance
enchanted butterflies will fly will float
golden wings the dreams you believe,
that petals fall from your legs
with my submissive servants dance
enchanted butterflies will fly will float

The Best Future

There is a sound that comes from the most beautiful distant,
It is the dew at the break of dawn.
A bright future makes me energised,
And I jump in joy as if in my childhood days.
Ah, the best future, do not be grim to me!
Don't be grim to me, don't be grim!
I will start from zero to get to the best future,
To the best future, even if the road is long.
There is a sound that comes from the most beautiful distant,
It is calling me to go to my wonderful homeland.
I hear it questioning me sternly,
How would I my duty for tomorrow?
I swear to be pure and kind,
To share joy and sorrow with my friends.
I want to fly quickly to that voice
To embark on a road never travelled on before.

Birth of Love

Please, stay there
Truly trust me
I know that your fears
Have left you little luck
But everything can change
Starting today
The light that you see
Calls you and it’s your voice
If you pass the ordeals
You will be able to make a reputation
Sometimes to create
It’s necessary to know how to leave
I will pray so much that it’s necessary
And you will find the force
To cure all your ills
And also your most ferocious fears
Face your destiny
Please, stay there
Truly trust me
I know that your fears
Have left you little luck
But everything can change
Starting today
The light that you see
Calls you and it’s your voice
If you pass the ordeals
You will be able to make a reputation
Sometimes to create
It’s necessary to know how to leave
I will pray so much that it’s necessary
And you will find the force
To cure all your ills
And also your most ferocious fears
Face your destiny
See how you go
To my better world
Everything is pretty down there
Forget your suffering
I will think of you, wherever you are

Cela istorija Sovjetskog Saveza ispričana od strane jednog skromnog radnika i uklopljena u melodiju iz Tetrisa

U Moskvu dođoh tražeći sreću
Ali me teraju da radim do smrti
Buržoaziji je lako
A Car posipa hleb zlatom
Narod Moskve gladuje
A kakva bi gozba mogla biti
Kad bismo stvorili socijalističku državu
Koja se obazire na ljude kao što sam ja.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje se spuštaju na mene odozogo.
Oni silaze, ja ih okrećem
I uklapaju se u tlo kao ruka u rukavicu.
Ponekad se čini da je u redu pomeriti ciglu
I da će se redovi formirati usput
Onda vidim da sam pogrešno procenio
Ipak ga nisam trebao pogurati.
Mogu li dobiti dugačku?
Zašto ove paklene cigle moraju zapinjati?
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje i dalje padaju odozgo.
Pođite Moskovljani! Ujedini se narode!
Zajednički režim mira i ljubavi.
Tako vredno slažem cigle
A stanodavac i uterivač poreza me cede
Ali radnici će ustati! Neće biti kompromisa!
Jer znamo da stari režim mora pasti.
Živeo Lenjin, dole Car!
Pozdravljamo srp i čekić!
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje i dalje padaju odozgo.
Hrana na tanjiru sad pripada državi
Zajednički režim mira i ljubavi.
Nemam izbora u slaganju cigli
Pod Boljševicima ide kako oni kažu.
Po pravilu smo svi isti
I cigle moraju praviti neprekidne redove.
Živeo Staljin! On vas voli!
Svi znamo šta će uraditi ako ne budemo pevali...
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje prave ljudi u Kazakstanu.
Kasne dve sedmice i ne uklapaju se
Ali pratimo Staljinov petogodišnji plan.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže tenkove
Koji će držati sve naciste podalje
Firer je mrtav, a Evropa crvena!
Okrenimo svo oružje na SAD.
Zauvek ćemo živeti!
Možemo započeti nuklearni rat!
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje prave tajnu bazu.
Hip hip ura za SSSR!
Šaljemo ljude u svemir.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Ali svaku noć idem kući i ženi u suzama-
U čemu je poenta svega, kad dižeš zid
A pred očima ti nestaje?
Bezvredan rad za bezvrednu platu.
Ovu igru neću igrati.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle!
Ali mislim da ću sutra ostati u krevetu.
Zima je hladna, imam mnogo zlata
I stojim u redu za veknu hleba.
Možda bi nam bilo bolje
Kad bi svrgnuli Gorbačova
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje i dalje padaju odozgo.
Tržište je otvoreno! Toliko novca za mene!
Reci mi, šta me briga za mir i ljubav?
Tržište je otvoreno! Toliko novca za mene!
Reci mi, šta me briga za mir i ljubav?
Mir i ljubav, mir i ljubav!
Sad je pao zid, a marksisti tuguju
Po celom gradu su strane radnje
Na Crvenom trgu, ne ojajavaj
Ima Levi's i McDonald's
Amerika nam je dala crystal meth
A Jeljcin se napio do smrti
A sad, kad je Putin vratio čizmu,
Gde nam je kraj?
Mi odbijamo otvoreno poslovanje
I opet će ustati levica
Pripremite zastave za razmotavanje
Mi proglašavamo nezavisnost od sveta:
Povratićemo gruzijsko tlo
Uzećemo naftu Arktika
Složićemo cigle i raditi
Zauvek i još dan.
Kraj igre.

Take me with you

If one day
all of your dreams came true
Don't you think you'd still miss something?
I can't live of just dreams
I will follow you
Don't leave me this way
What's the point on
throwing away
our love?
Thousand stars up there
like headlights turned on in the blue
that's us!!
Take me with you,
don't wait no more
Let's find out together
about all the challanges
that every day life throws at us
Me and you
what strength will shine!
Between land and sea
love will win!
I wish my dreams
would all come true
but without love
how can I believe in this?
The union that will eliminate
the evil with the good
winks to us too
a destiny that you will not change
Take me with you,
Don't delay no more
We will live together
the happiness that every day
life will bring to us
You will sing forever
this song
love will win
Love will win, will win!
What's the point on
throwing away
our love?
Thousand stars up there
like headlights turned on in the blue
that's us!!
Take me with you,
don't wait no more
Let's find out together
about all the challanges
that every day life throws at us
Me and you
what strength will shine!
Between land and sea
love will win!
The happiness every day
will bring us
Me and you
you'll sing forever
this song
love will win

A blue tune

A tune
That gives colors to my heart
A tune just for me
If we could
Find an endless ocean
So we would sail together
I'm sure that one day
I will find joy
Never again in my heart
Tears will rain
A blue tune
Is getting through the sky
It's flying away
Through galaxies
Never forget
To look in the eye
Don't forget that
Our strength is there
In the skies
There is somewhere
Someone whose the love
Whose the words are resonating in me
Well stronger than everything
Someone that makes me strong
Whatever I do or whatever I am
Someone who will love me
'Cuando quieres algo, todo el Universo conspira para que realices tu deseo.' Paulo Coelho

Serenade of flowers and butterflies

Just listen to our music,
Little tyrannical rhythm,
Almost devilish,
A bewitching lullaby,
That we will share you with a heady voice,
I am rhythm and music,
I am fire, I am magic,
Follow the life, follow the dance,
And join us in step,
One, two, three. One, two, three, sing with me.
In the night that goes down.
I will rehang my voice.
It's a funny dance,
It can enchant you,
Make you swirl,
It's a heady music,
It can take you away,
Make you travel,
Follow the rhythm of the drums,
Especially as they are getting heavier,
Three little music notes,
Three little devilish notes.
One, two, three. One, two, three, sing with me.
In the night that goes down.
I will rehang my voice.
One, two, three. One, two, three, don't forget me.
I am the great queen whose the wings are spreading out
I am the great queen of the beautiful moths
My voice is unleashing
Makes my foes flee
Follow our steps
Clap in your hands
Sing the joy
Sing tomorrow
I am force
And I am fighting
Against those who don't believe in me
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
It's my song that makes you raise your hands so high
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
In your head shall you see
That it never stops.
Just listen to our music,
Little tyrannical rhythm,
Almost devilish,
A bewitching lullaby,
That we will make you share
With a heady voice
One, two, three. One, two, three, sing with me.
In the night that goes down.
I will rehang my voice.
One, two, three. One, two, three
Don't forget me
I am the great queen
My wings are spreading out
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
It's my song that makes you raise your hands so high
Lalalalilala Lalalalilalalilalalo
In your head shall you see that it never stops.
'Cuando quieres algo, todo el Universo conspira para que realices tu deseo.' Paulo Coelho

Hana to Chou no Serenade (hebrew version)

Even the scent of a wild flower
That blooms at night, is very sweet
And its scent is sweet like honey with petals that...
Bloom violet-colored
The party in my dream
Cannot start
Until you enter with the whole world just for me.
Let's dance this way until we fall into the Flower Dance here on a cold night.
I will play a harp that...
Is made at a night where the moon is high
The pleasant sound of bells and the sound of a thousand flutes, all play together.
When my loyal servant
Just waits for me to return
Then I'll send him a glowing robe
In the color of the angels.
I will gently then hop and dance
The Flower Dance here on this cold night.
And if a leaf would fall there, I will skip
Over it and maintain the melody.
When my loyal servant
Just waits for me to return
Then I'll send him a glowing robe
In the color of the angels.
I will gently then hop and dance
The Flower Dance here on this cold night.
And if a leaf would fall there, I will skip
Over it and maintain the melody.
Even the scent of a wild flower
That blooms at night, is very sweet
And its scent is sweet like honey with petals that...
Bloom violet-colored.
I will gently then hop and dance
The Flower Dance here on this cold night.
And if a leaf would fall there, I will skip
Over it and maintain the melody.
I will gently then hop and dance
The Flower Dance here on this cold night.
And if a leaf would fall there, I will skip
Over it and maintain the melody.

I go back to the ocean

My sight has now been kidnapped by a sky
Having millions of stars lit in the blue
That push me into the ocean
Whose voice will ask me for help
In wind and tide
The scream of those who need a light in the darkness
You can never escape fate
And my heart tells me not to give up
I'll protect those who
Will be purer
Fear won't win
I go back into the bluer ocean
In the waves I spoke to as friends
Evil creatures
I can still stop you
And not see you anymore
I go back into the bluer ocean
In the memories I remember the best
With this pearl of mine
I'll defend sea once again
Let's sing together and let's never give up!
There's a sun in my heart
Which will warm up those who are next to me
And those who can fight like me
Against an attack from enemies
You can never escape fate
And cold won't be able to confuse me
I'll defend those who will scream
Who will reach out to me
I go back into the bluer ocean
In the waves I spoke to as friends
Evil creatures
I can still stop you
And not see you anymore
I go back into the bluer ocean
In the memories I remember the best
With this pearl of mine
I'll defend sea once again
Let's sing together and let's never give up!
I go back into the bluer ocean
In the waves I spoke to as friends
Evil creatures
I can still stop you
And not see you anymore
I go back into the bluer ocean
In the memories I remember the best
With this pearl of mine
I'll defend sea once again
Let's sing together and let's never give up!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Дубоко у ћошковима мог ума

Дубоко у ћошковима мог ума
Чувам сећање на твоје лице
И извлачим га само кад пожелим твој загрљај
Дубоко у ћошковима мог ума
Прогони ме твој осмех
Који ми обећава радости као што је путовање на тропско острво
Није тешко видети шта радиш са мном
То је као страница право из Хемингвеја
Иако покушавам да се борим са свим речима које пишеш
Остави ме да стојим загледан као да играм
У неком комаду о трагичним љубавницима
Али дубоко у ћошковима мог ума
Тајно се молим да се временом
Појави место за тебе и мене
Да ће се временом
Наћи место за тебе и мене
Место за тебе и мене
Дубоко у ћошковима мог ума
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

La Valse de Melody

Sunce je retko
Sreća takođe
Ljubav odlazi
Zaluta negde kroz
Sunce je retko
Sreća takođe
Ali sve se pokreće
U zagrljaju
Zidovi oko
Otvaraju se
Ka beskraju
Sunce je retko
Sreća takođe
Ljubav odlazi
Zaluta negde kroz
Sunce je retko
Sreća takođe
Ali sve se pokreće
U zagrljaju
Zidovi oko
Otvaraju se
Ka beskraju

Deep sea/Lonely heart [Return to the Sea]

I've lived a fairytale, I've been yours,
I thought back then that I've made a nest.
I've given everything early, I see it just now,
yes I've made mistakes but it's late for me to be ashamed.
Only when you lose everything you believe in,
only when they leave you, only then you're lonely,
you realize that your was
something important, that nobody else holds dear.
I don't know if I dare to believe that you'll be mine again,
do I dare to listen to my heart, are you gonna leave.
I've burnt myself badly and it really hurts,
I can't forbid my heart to love you.
We've bound our worlds and we've loved.
Swore each other eternal love.
And what's left for us,
you're not mine, everything became pointless...
Even now, after everything,
I think about you but I don't want to...
I dream, that you love me with all your existence
just like you once did...
If you could, only know
that I still want to share everything with you...
I don't know if I dare to believe that you'll be mine again,
do I dare to listen to my heart, are you gonna leave,
I've burnt myself badly and it really hurts,
I can't forbid my heart to love you.
We've bound our worlds and we've loved.
Swore each other eternal love.
And what's left for us,
you're not mine, everything became pointless...
Even now, after everything,
I think about you but I don't want to...
I dream, that you love me with all your existence
just like you once did...
If you could, only know
that I still want to share everything with you...
When I think that you're gone,
I that a day is waiting for me without you,
I don't even hear the waves, they're mute then
Born happy, so the Sun
caresses me with it's warm ray
And I hope that the sea will keep me safe here...
The soul is laughing, knows how to rejoice
When my thoughts find you, two beings fast become one
Our laughter is ringing out loud, gazes talking for us,
We'd stand here without worries, we'd stay here
If only reality knew what I've dreamed about

Acept My Wings

I wanna spread my white wings
Until a ray light
But this up so high sky
Doesn't seduce me anymore
Together with this cold rain who is covering my heart
I'm coming back to the loneliness
The memory echoes far away
As a scream of pain
Today the darkness is my childrood
And the future will be what it has to be
I'll slepp between the brumes and I'll dream
That I'll arrive
To the destiny where a day
My heart wanted to let me to
What about the sweepings of my soul?
Who will recall them?
As a feather who soars in the wind
This is how I wanna live
The memory echoes far away
As a scream of pain
Today the darkness is my childrood
And the future will be what it has to be
I'll slepp between the brumes and I'll dream
That I'll arrive
To the destiny where a day
My heart wanted to let me to
What about the sweepings of my soul?
Who will recall them?
As a feather who soars in the wind
This is how I wanna live
So my fantasy
Will never end up
My dream will come to life!

Accept my wings

I want to be able to fly, as the sun's light.
The white wings knock, the stars are the destination,
But the same light stops me, melts the wings,
It also melts the heart.
Within me I feel a voice, something she wants to say
Like a blurred memory, it is lost in the rain
I will stretch my wings again, I get the sky,
I live my dreams
And I live for a purpose, to see you.
And if the pieces of my heart fall back on the earth
In the loneliness, the paths will find them.
Within me I feel a voice, something she wants to say
As a memory, it is lost in the rain
I will stretch my wings again, I get the sky
I live my dreams
And I live for a purpose, to see you
And if of my heart the pieces fall back on the earth
In the loneliness, the paths will find them.
I need to be saved, to heal
My heart was able and everything forgave me, I live.

Accepting my wings

Finally, I put on my wings,
But the rain ruins them,
They are big, they are so beautiful,
Sadly this depresses me,
I'm feeling lonely, in the wind, it's cold,
In this unending sadness,
I fall into oblivion,
A land of asylum and a welcoming land,
I search for a land to go,
A virgin and perfect country,
Without sadness and mourning,
I fly away hoping to have the strength to get there,
Are my wings able to hold me, to guide me,
Towards this land of my dreams,
The place that I'm flying to, I see the light,
Finally, I'm calm
Goodbye my sadness,
Goodbye my anger,
I search for a land to go,
A land of asylum and a welcoming land,
A virgin and perfect country,
Without sadness and mourning,
I fly away hoping to have the strength to get there,
Are my wings able to hold me, to guide me,
Towards this land of my dreams,
I take off and everything is behind me,
My demons and my fears,
I'm already far,
Yet I'm not afraid.
I'm kind of like a ghost,
With wings.
I take my swing for discovering
other worlds and wonders.

Beautiful Wish

I know that if the dreams are melted with love ...
They will become stardust
And that's why you have to believe
You must celebrate your birth
And you must be proud.
Your gaze of angel shines with glare
Your fears will not tarnish it
That light that wrapped you at birth
Bad karma can erase
If you know how to handle
and accept its sense ...
I could always be by your side
I observed your endeavor
Every trip I saw you undertake
admiring your value
If my strength can help
so that a dream is realized,
I want to be born,
I want to become love
Your gaze of angel shines with glare
Your fears will not tarnish it
That light that wrapped you at birth
Bad karma can erase
If you know how to handle
and accept its sense ...
I could always be by your side
I observed your endeavor
Every trip I saw you undertake
admiring your value
If my strength can help
that a dream is realized,
I want to be born,
I want to become love
If you learn to win
when in despair
The pain that is going to vanish
opening your prison
when there is love constancy will germinate
in the flower of happiness.
I could always be by your side
I observed your endeavor
Every trip I saw you undertake
admiring your value
I could always be by your side
I observed your endeavor
Every trip I saw you undertake
admiring your value
If my strength can help
that a dream is realized, I want to be born,
I want to become love...

Return to The Sea

Like the last page of a fairytale
That was rewritten and changed
Into tragedy and even the one that truly believed
In the story and now the dream is forever gone
Love, dreams are just castles
That were built by children on the beach, gentle
And temporary even if you don't want them to be
And even now I can't get rid of
The song that you gave me, a melody
Echoes inside of me and I feel
That I came back to that day and all
Of that was like a cage that imprisoned me and I promise
I will break free from these cables
That you've wrapped and shut me deep within
And now we're together, the love
Will light up our path, destiny had already decided
What will be with us all and if the stars
Will be gone it'll be because all of the people
Are afraid of emotions


Versions: #1#2
Lisboa, Lisboa
The sorrow of your days gone by
Now the hinterland of lovers should lay
Beneath all your vacant skies
Lisboa, Lisboa
From Alfama's arms to Liberdade
Paper lanterns, falling embers
Quiet cantors sing of Saudade
The ever twilight amber of your alleyways
Paint the air of evening oh so well
And strolls about the river bank
Suggests there's history left to tell
Ai Lisboa
A paradise beside the sea
There's a beauty
To the absence of tainting all your scenery
Lisboa é luz boa
Lisboa é pessoa
Lisboa tem Chiado
Tem Alfama e tem fado
Da era Severa
De um tempo que já era
Nas ruas de Lisboa
Eu vou
(Eu vou também)
Das tuas colinas
Milagres e sinas
Nas praças, rainhas
Flores e rimas
Eu vou
Ele, I, Esse, Be, O, A