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Zakletva Zastavi Sjedinjenih Američkih Država

Versions: #1
Zavetujem se na vernost zastavi Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, i Republici koju ona predstavlja, jednoj naciji pod Bogom, nedeljivoj, sa slobodom i pravdom za sve.


Click to see the original lyrics (English)
'Budimo ljubavnici, venčajmo naše sudbine'
'Imam neke nekretnine u svojoj torbi'
Pa smo kupili kutiju cigara i pite Gospođe Vagner
I otišli smo da tražimo Ameriku
'Keti', rekoh kad smo smo ulazili u autobus za Pitsburg,
'Mičigen mi sad izgleda kao san'
Trebalo mi je četiri dana stopiranja iz Sagina
Otišao sam da tražim Ameriku
Smejući se u autobusu
Igramo se praveći grimase
Rekla je da je čovek u odelu od gabardena špijun
Rekoh, 'Pazi se, leptir mašna mu je u stvari kamera'
'Dodaj mi cigaretu, mislim da imam jednu u kabanici'
'Poslednju smo popušili pre sat vremena'
Pa sam gledao pejzaž, ona je čitala magazin
I mesec je izašao nad otvorenim poljem
'Keti, izgubljen sam,' rekoh, znajući da spava
'Prazan sam i bolan a ne znam zbog čega'
Prebrojavam automobile na autoputu Nju Džersija
Svi su otišli da traže Ameriku
Otišli da traže Ameriku
Otišli da traže Ameriku

U Ameriku sam puk'o

Ne mog’ si nađem žensku
Jer nemam kola, brate,
Za kolica ja ga pušim
Nema posla, nema plate...
Zato tražim ribu koja i vozi i šljaka
U tome je caka...
U Ameriku sam puk’o...
I imam si kevu, ćale ko zna ’di je
A on ima ribu što mi keva nije
Da mi ćalca menja, keva lika traži
A ćale ko ćale i keva ko keva
Meni su najdraži
Je l' sei to važi?
U Ameriku sam puk’o...
Ja živim puno radno vreme
Još samo da mi sa gitarom krene
I da ono „Cmi leptiru“ naučim
Jer sve je cmo oko mene...
U Ameriku sam puk’o...
Jer utoku nemam
U školu ne smem, brate
Utoka je mnogo skupa
Nema posla, nema plate...
Zato tražim ribu koja
I puca i šljaka...
U tome je sva caka...
U Ameriku sam puk’o...


Zasto si bez reci otisla?
Znas sta si mi bila
Zasto si otisla?
Zasto si otisla?
Zasto si otisla bez mene?
A bre, a bre srce moje
Zasto si otisla?
Zasto si otisla?
Kuku, kuku srce moje
Sta uradi?
Sta uradi ti?
A bre, A bre, srce moje
Sta uradi bebo?
Sta uradi ti?
Kad te vredjam
Ne govorim ti ime bebo
Stiticu te, sta god da namse desi
Ne places, ni kada se posvadjamo
Ne places, sta god da se desi sa nama
Nervozan sam bez tebe, ljubomoran zbog tebe
Srce mi beze kuca pored tebe
Nervozan sam bez tebe, ljubomoran zbog tebe
Srce mi beze kuca pored tebe
Zasto si otisla?
Zasto si otisla od mene?
A bre, a bre srce moje
Zasto si otisla?
Zasto si otisla?
Kuku, kuku srce moje
Sta uradi?
Sta uradi ti?
A bre, A bre, srce moje
Sta uradi bebo?
Sta uradi ti?
O, ne prekidaj, odgovori
Nisam te video dve noci, kao da je 200 godina
Nije nam sudjeno, sada si sama
Ne zaboravi me, ako ti trebam zovi, ne budi usamljena
A bre, a bre srce moje
Zasto si otisla?
Zasto si otisla od mene?
A bre, a bre srce moje
Zasto si otisla?
Zasto si otisla?
Kuku, kuku srce moje
Sta uradi?
Sta uradi ti?
A bre, A bre, srce moje
Sta uradi bebo?
Sta uradi ti?

No More

It feels like yesterday we ended our love
No more tears, hope you're now at peace
It feels like you're still by my side, me, loving you
There's no meaning in poetry, everything's just a dream
Now everything has really passed
I've never forgot your sweet words
If it's true, for what reason we gone separated
I want to know what did you mean...
Now I'm alone, only accompanied by loneliness
I have to get through everything even my heart is in pain
Now everything has really passed
I've never forgot your sweet words
If it's true, for what reason we gone separated
I want to know what did you mean...
I want to know what's my sins...
Now everything has really passed
I've never forgot your sweet words
Now everything has really passed
I've never forgot your sweet words
If it's true, for what reason we gone separated
I want to know what did you mean...
I want to know what's my sins... oh...
It feels like yesterday we ended our love
No more tears, hope you're now at peace

I’m from Ukraine

I was told 'privyet'1,
I was told 'zdrastvuy'2
And 'davay do svidaniya'3
They told me.
And all this would be fine,
All this would not be scary,
If it was in St. Petersburg,
Or in Moscow.
But in such words
I am met by the capital of the
Yellow and blue country4,
What awaits the tranche
For some reason, it does not understand
My language: when I say 'pryvit'5,
I am asked, 'ty sa L'vova?'6
No, I'm from Ukraine - it's opposite from Europe,
This is where Khreshchatyk7 is, this is where the Dnieper is.
No, I'm from Ukraine - I'm not against you,
But I need to know who's who
Yes, I'm from Ukraine! Yes, I'm from Ukraine!
And on the wall, the collective farmer says 'everything's alright',
And every day begins with the anthem,
And the shirt is white,
And the language of the nightingale8,
On all channels -
'Dobryy vechyer, Ukraina'9
And how to be here, what to expect,
One land - and Donbas, and the Carpathians,
But the country does not hear me -
My language is just cool, not nightingale's.
Chorus x2
  • 1. Russian for 'Hi'
  • 2. Russian for 'Hello'
  • 3. Russian for 'Goodbye'
  • 4. Ukraine. Ukraine's flag consists of yellow and blue colors
  • 5. Ukrainian for 'Hi'
  • 6. Russian for 'Are you from Lviv'. Most people in Lviv speak Ukrainian, unlike major cities in central and eastern Ukraine
  • 7. Kyiv's main street
  • 8. Ukrainians call their language 'соловʼїна' because it sounds as pleasant as a nightingale's singing
  • 9. Russian for 'Good evening, Ukraine'

O Allah you Light

Nothing happens without your permission
The earth does not shake, words don't even form
When I think of your words
Of times old, my heart swells
The Qu'ran touched my heart
It removed all my doubts
Oh how it vanished all bad things
You are my escape
O Allah(swt), you unending light
You brighten even my heart
You calm me with your compassion
I follow you with no fear (2x)
In every place I see your power
When from the sky you release rain
You hold the Earth in your hands
You melt my heart
The heart rejoices, the face lights up
When you are in my mind O Allah(swt)
And you look after us
Everyone, everywhere
O Allah(swt), you unending light
You brighten even my heart
You calm me with your compassion
I follow you with no fear (2x)

Ивушка / Врбо зелена/

Зора златна
Свиће изнад реке,
Ивушка, рођена,
Срце ми умири.
Рефрен: 4x
Ивушка зелена,
Над реком савијена,
Реци, реци ми, не тајећи,
Где је љубав моја ?
С’ драгим имала сам састанака
Испод твојих грана.
Певали су нам сваке ноћи
Песме славуји.
Али отишао је вољени,
Неће се више вратити.
С песмом славуја
Завршила се љубав.
И свако вече ја
Чекам тамо оно што желим.
И тамо према реци,
Ka ивушки ја идем.

American Dragon Opening 01 (Swedish)

He's hot and cool, he's absolutely huge
He's young and fast, he can change form
He's not weak, because the guy's a dragon
With sovereign powers, he makes enemies run away
With his bite, with his tail and the fire he sprays
People hear cries
American Dragon (Drag on!)
American Dragon
He's the American Dragon (Flying free in the air!)
His grandfather can excel, and teach him more
He fights, he takes over
The legacy of a bygone era
(American Dragon)
Gimme J, gimme A, gimme K, gimme E
I'm the dragon with the drag, are you up for it?
(American Dragon)
(American Dragon)

Golden toy

Oh, children
Oh, children are gruesome*
Children need gold
Children need silver
Children need gold
Oh, give us our gold!
Give us gold!
Oh, give us gold!
Oh, give us toys!
Oh, beautiful toys!
Children need gold
Children are gruesome
Children need gold
Children are gruesome
Children need gold
Children are gruesome
Give us our gold!
Oh, give us gold!
Oh, give us toys!
Oh, give us beautiful toys!
Oh, give us golden toys!
Oh, give us beautiful clothes!
Toys of silver, toys of gold
Give us gold!
Give us our gold!
Oh, children are gruesome
Give us gold!
Oh, give us gold!
  • *. possible pun with 'grey'

All against all

Your clothing is too black
Your boots are too black
At left the red lightning bolt
At right the black star
Our dance is so wild
Our dance is so wild
At right the red lightning bolt
And at left the black star
All against all (x3)
Our colours are too loud
Our screams are too loud
At left the red lightning bolt
At right the black star
A new evil dance (x3)
All against all (x3)
Your clothing is too black
Your boots are so beautiful
Our dance is so wild
Our dance is full of power
At left the lightning bolt
And at right the star
All against all (x3)
Your clothing is too black
Your boots are too black
At left the red lightning bolt
And at right the black star
Our dance is so wild
Hey! Hey!
Our dance is full of power
At left the red lightning bolt
And at right the black star
Our colours are too loud
Our screams are too loud
All against all (x3)
All against all (x3)
All against all (x3)


Sometimes it’s nice to get away from the sounds of the city,
when I leave, when I think in a different way,
until every movement seems to be useless.
Scarecrows seem to be swimming in the middle of wheat

Just give the order to our division

Under the hand of the distinguished commander of Paektusan,
Our matchless division has grown into a powerful force.
Firmly defending the headquarters of the revolution,
We have prepared the bayonets for the decisive battle.
O, our Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Il,
Just give the order to our division!
With our commander, the best in the world, at the forefront,
Our division of steel will achieve only great feats.
With the spirit of guns, bombs and shells prepared to die,
We will defend our Juche homeland.
O, our Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Il,
Just give the order to our division!
Following the great General's leadership,
Our invincible division will only achieve victory.
Flying high the red banner of the revolution,
We'll raise the salute on the square of unification.
O, our Supreme Commander Marshal Kim Jong Il,
Just give the order to our division!
Just give the order to our division!

Si el Amor es el Nuevo Negro

Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
te echo tanto de menos
¿Estarás en casa el fin de semana?
Mi corazón estallará
Si no te veo pronto
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
El momento estaba aquí, ahora se ha ido para siempre
¿Puedes creer las cosas que hago para parecer inteligente?
yo quería ir
Yo quería quedarme
De alguna manera no hice nada
Me desvanecí a gris
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
Realmente no me importa
Si eres un diablo o un regalo del cielo
Sólo te necesito aquí
Justo al lado mío
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
Si el amor es el nuevo negro
Probablemente soy el chico más genial de la ciudad
Si la esperanza es el vestido de los tontos
Por eso me parezco a un payaso
El momento estaba aquí, ahora se ha ido para siempre
¿Puedes creer las cosas que hago para parecer inteligente?
yo quería ir
Yo quería quedarme
De alguna manera no hice nada
Me desvanecí a gris

Hay alguien aquí vivo

El diablo esta en mi puerta
Él quiere entrar
¿Debería decirle que se vaya
O ceder al pecado?
No se qué hacer
La captura de un hombre común 22
Si nosotros somos la pregunta y Dios la respuesta
¿Cómo es que seguimos adelante como la cura y el cáncer?
¿Hay alguien aquí vivo?
Estoy solo aunque no estoy solo
Se trata de no perder el tiempo
Pero no me siento raro aunque haya desaparecido
Por favor dime algo que no haya escuchado antes
No te detengas ahora, hazme tu puta
Por favor, cuéntame cada pequeño secreto oscuro de tu vida.
Si nosotros somos la pregunta y Dios la respuesta
¿Cómo es que seguimos adelante como la cura y el cáncer?
¿Hay alguien aquí vivo?
Estoy solo aunque no estoy solo
Se trata de no perder el tiempo
Pero no me siento raro aunque haya desaparecido
¿Hay alguien aquí vivo?
Estoy solo aunque no estoy solo
Se trata de no perder el tiempo
Pero no me siento raro aunque haya desaparecido

Hey, in the mountains

Hey, Hey!
My homeland is in the mountains!
Hey, oh hey!
Over there, high where my cradle is!
Where the edelweiss blooms shyly,
Where there is snow and ice all around.
Hey, oh hey!
Hearts beat wild and hot.
Transylvanian girl,
If she falls in love with you
Don't play games, don't kid
She’ll give her heart to you.
If you want to waste time
Look for another lover,
You are mine - you must stay mine,
Your soul should be reserved for me
Do I have to be heaven and hell to you?
Olala! I was created like this!
Olala! On to the dance!
Kiss me oh kiss me
Because whoever kisses the best
He alone will be my husband!

Britney Spears

Britney Spears stopped wearing panties,
Saying it's depression cry.
If my beau peeks at my fanny,
Right there I'll gouge out his eye!

I Have Fallen For A Pilot

I have fallen for a pilot,
The god-damned brat flew away,
From the plane he hanged his privates,
Tried to pee on my beret!

Nikada nije planirano

Hajde da samo zaboravimo
Sve što je rečeno
Sve što smo uradili
Najbolji prijatelji i bolje polovine
I na jesenju noć kad smo shvatili
Da smo prestali voleti
(Bile su neki stvari koji su ugovoreni, a nisu bili namerno)
Ali nikada nismo uradili
Da ne budem
Ja samo mislim da je najbolje
Jer ne možeš nedostajati šta zaboravljaš
Dakle, hajde da se pretvaramo
Da o svemu i
Bilo šta između tebe i mene
Nikada nije planirano

Farther, Man!

Don't think that I ran afraid
Just because I saw you with someone else
I was in silence, not because I wanted to
But because my chest choked my voice
I went away, I'll go away and I'd go away
Because I wanted to go farther with you, man!
The love you felt for me was too little
It got over, and mine is as big as the sea
Don't think that I ran afraid
Just because I saw you with someone else
I was in silence, not because I wanted to
But because my chest choked my voice
I went away, I'll go away and I'd go away
Because I wanted to go farther with you, man!
The love you felt for me was too little
It got over, and mine is as big as the sea
But if you wrote me
A letter asking me to come back
An email, a smoke signal, a dream
A text on my mobile
Saying that you wanted me
A life like that, without me, won't do any good
Love of my life, I'd go
And would never ever leave you