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Song of fearful happiness

Ah my friends here it is the song of happiness.
It passed this way, I saw it just now.
It’s already gone, yep but I don’t know where.
If I find it today, I’ll bite its neck.
Ah my friends here it is the song of fear.
The one that wakes you up at night and fills you with horror.
It’s like the story of that man who never said yes.
By chance I settled on this strange dream.
At last, the day breaks at last.
At last, the day breaks at last.
He hasn’t had an easy life ever since having been
abandoned like a bag at the foot of the stairs.
To be dragged about by the scruff of his neck again and again.
Chucked on the pavement like an attack hobo. 1
All this while in the city the monuments are bored.
He takes the girl’s hand, he thinks her pretty.
The sun has set hours and hours ago.
She finds him a bit rough but devours his lips.
At last, the day breaks at last.
At last, the day breaks at last.
  • 1. The only reference I can find to this is in Grand Theft Auto where the hobos carry Molotovs. /edit - probably a pun on (clo) char d'assaut - a tank.

In Montluçon

in your sad as hell city
I’d reluctantly come
Just to please you
In Montluçon,
while you sniffed my flowers
I kept my hands tucked into my jacket
and watched the hours pass
In Montluçon,
the only thing that I found funny
Was when your dog pissed against me
To bid me welcome
In Montluçon,
and what’s more you’re not even pretty
You were dressed all in grey
Just like a little old lady
In Montluçon
a gentleman came to talk to me
I didn’t understand a word he said
It sounded like old French
A Montluçon,
there were children playing
at tripping each other up in the rain
That made me feel like crying
A Montluçon,
the only thing I found funny
Was when your dog pissed against me
When he mistook me for a car
A Montluçon,
I felt like I was in a prison
And when your father took a shot at me
I ran all the way to
To get back to my home
  • 1. A run of approx 165 kilometers

The footballer of Sherbrooke

With her hair in a bun
And her tight little shorts
Her white shoes and her socks
Pulled right up to the knee
The little footballer of
Had rather muscly legs
More like those of
Than ’s
But I must admit I fancied her
In the University Stadium
I’ve always preferred girls
With a distinctive style
She wasn’t the most effective
Nor the most virile
But the quality of her passes
Made her stand out from her team mates
Sometime her head turned
And she threw a little glance my way
Then my heart began to race
And all of a sudden I saw myself
Spending my life at her side
Taking care of our children
While she went to train
I prepared low GI meals 1
And every Sunday, as a family
We went to support her
We ate blueberry ice-cream
While mum was shaking a leg 2
Then my telephone rang
And I had to leave the campus
But I slipped into the changing rooms
And on her locker I wrote:
“My little footballer of Sherbrooke
I’ve no choice, I’m abandoning you
Sometimes one says goodbye
Before even saying hello
Maybe one day I’ll return
To try and bump into you
But I know full-well that there’s no point
And that I’ll never see you again”
My little footballer of Sherbrooke
I remember, I remember
The trees that lined the road
From your country, in the morning
My little footballer of Sherbrooke
I remember, I remember
And sometimes my heart wanders
Towards your rather distant Quebec
Towards that rather too distant Quebec
  • 1. Sucres Lents – foods with a low glycemic index
  • 2. Prendre son pied – to enjoy something – often sexually (athough probably not here!)

The man who mistook his wife for a plant

In the beginning, we didn’t live like this..
And I say
Could it be religion that has nailed us here?
And I say
Perhaps we should take another look at our work
No longer see each other except for in bed
But you, you think that life is like a waiting room…
She tells me
But you, you think girls are just made to stand around looking pretty…
She tells me
Do you really think that we come from the same planet?
Do you really believe what you tell yourself in your head?
Nobody knows anybody
Everyone is far from everyone
Nobody chooses anybody
Everyone is hungry for everyone
I’d like us to think about it before taking me down…
And I say
I don’t believe men are made for exclusivity…
And I say
This marriage business has suited you very well
You’ve been shown, the sky has avenged you
You should be careful, watch out where you go…
She tells me
Change your stance before the damage begins…
She tells me
Perhaps you’re a dickhead but me, I think you’re nice
I would like to see you elsewhere, apart from just in bed
Nobody knows anybody
Everyone is far from everyone
Nobody chooses anybody
Everyone is hungry for everyone

Beware snail

I heard the words
But I lost my voice
I put everything in my backpack
And I set straight out
Beware snail
I’ve known a few battles
And when the snow turns blue
You’ll have lost your eyes
There are words that kill
Songs that move you
There’s noise in the street
I know well, that in the end it’s always the same
I know well that you drag yourself along
I know well, that in the end it’s always the same
I know well that you drag yourself along
I didn’t tell the birds that you didn’t like them
I didn’t awaken the crows
That’s just what they were waiting for
Beware snail
I’ve lost a few battles
But I’ve kept in my head
A few traces of you
There are words that kill
Songs that move you
There’s noise in the street
I know well, that in the end it’s always the same
I know well that you drag yourself along
I know well, that in the end it’s always the same
I know well that you drag yourself along

Thank you life

There are things that we consider
And others that we never do
There are a hundred thousand ways
To believe that we can change everything
To distance ourselves from the misery
Let’s stop this self-pity
I wish we’d all calm down
And stop praying
There are hundreds of cretins
Who amuse themselves chucking out reports
I’ve even seen the children of whores
Present themselves for election
There are thousands of tons of idiots
Who won’t kill themselves
Me, I’ve seen friends, decent guys
Who decided one day to do it
Thank you life (x2)
I lived a few wild years
There was no need to protect yourself
We had fun at school
The girls weren’t so uptight
We couldn’t handle too much alcohol
We tried to make the most of it
Is that why we cling together
Or is it to stop thinking about it?
I knew a few swallows 1
Who would have alighted upon me
For a few minutes at the party
They could’ve knocked me off me feet
A hundred times I thought I was losing my head
Never to find it again
I thought I’d never get over it
And never find myself again
Thank you life (x2)
Why is it always our idols
Who must crash and burn the first
God has mistaken the idiots for men
And put them forward as leaders
At the dishing out of roles
He should have stayed in bed
At the dishing out of roles
He should have stayed in bed
Thank you life (x2)
  • 1. I take it that these swallows are girls who appeared fleetingly - One swallow does not a summer make / Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps

France is afraid

I switch on my TV
I see a smartly dressed little guy
He tells me it’s dreadful
That it’s best to not to out
That if I want to feel OK
And for my safety too
Well, I’d better stay home
Today I’ve no choice
I tell myself it’s cold out
That’s perhaps he’s right
He looks so serious in his twatty clothes
France is afraid
Every evening at eight
The police talk to you
Every evening at eight
France is afraid
(Oh Oooooooh)
Every evening at eight
(Oh Oooooooh)
The police talk to you
(Trust us)
Every evening at eight
And then they get this guy to talk
Who doesn’t seem short of a bob or two
He tells me that if I want to breathe easy
Well, I’d better vote for him
Take my party membership card
Slip him a few notes
He tells me that if the air is polluted
If the French are stressed
That’s the fault of the immigrants, the tramps and the gays
France is afraid…
Well, listen closely my little friend
You, sitting enthroned on the TV
If one day you’re dying of cold
Don’t come knocking at my door
And also if one miserable day
The fascists take power
Tell yourself that it’s not the fault
Of all the people who think gloomy thoughts
In any case don’t worry yourself
They’re sure to have a nice little place
For you somewhere
You’ll have really shot your mouth off
You’ll have really shot your mouth off
France is afraid…
Hi it’s PPD here and I’m gonna tell
You a funny story
So, right you see in Sudan there are
150,000 dead, but we don’t give
A toss about Sudan because there’s
Germaine here and she’s cut her finger
And that hurts like hell, cutting your
Finger, and there’s Marcel, he make shoes
out of wood, They’re so cool
Wooden shoes
So you see the guys dying in
Sudan, we don’t give a toss, but
So there, nothing doing, we don’t give a

Can't say I'm surprised

A pretty little girl was walking in the street
A girl I didn't know
I said to her: Little girl, what are you doing in my street
I don't know you
She said to me:
I just moved here
And if you don't like it
You can sulk or spoil
My life but I'm not going to leave
And yet we could have been friends, gone dancing together at the ball
Met up in the morning, seen each other in the afternoon, gone walking under the stars
And yet we could all be friends, a bit like the ants
But people are like you, always distrustful
So it's war, can't say I'm surprised
A pretty little girl was walking in the street
A girl I didn't know
Made me realise in two or three words, no more
That I didn't exist
That pretty little girl walking in the street
I won't forget her
I wanted to see her again but I never could
She doesn't live there
And yet we could have been friends, gone dancing together at the ball
Met up in the morning, seen each other in the afternoon, gone walking under the stars
And yet we could all be friends, a bit like the ants
But people are like that, always distrustful
So it's war, can't say I'm surprised

Th butterflies

An aeroplane, a boat, a camel
A starfish or a helicopter
Ooh Ah
All that to really take the air
I walked, I searched
I found, I wanted
I couldn’t, I saw too much, I didn’t know how
Ooh Ah
I tried to make too much of it
Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah
The butterflies in the sky
Surely have much better things to do (x2)
The butterflies fly
Our dreams fly away
Far from the earth
Aeroplanes leave the ground
And our eyes meet in the air
Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah
The butterflies in the sky
Surely have much better things to do (x2)
I sung, I loved
I played, I won
I lost, I gave
I received
Ooh Ah
I threw it all into the sea
An aeroplane, a boat, a camel
A starfish or a helicopter
Ooh Ah
I’ve nothing else to do with it
Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah
The butterflies in the sky
Surely have much better things to do (x2)
The butterflies fly
The children laugh
In the light
the lovers forgive each other
and their eyes meet in the air
Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah
The butterflies in the sky
Surely have much better things to do (x2)
The butterflies fly