Превод текста

Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 9



Versions: #1
У твојим очима могу видети
Да је твој живот рат без примирја
Али баш таква ми пријаш
Јер знам да кријеш љубав о којој сам сањао.
Једном су повредили без милости моје срце
Страх ме је да не погрешим, али ватра ми изгара кожу
Љубави, љубави, љубави
Не пуштај ме из свог наручја
Реци целом свету да те волим и да никад нећеш отићи од мене
Љубави, љубави, љубави
Страст нас је обузела, нема места прошлости,
Почнимо живети
Једном су повредили без милости моје срце
Страх ме је да не погрешим, али ватра ми изгара кожу
Љубави, љубави, љубави
Не пуштај ме из свог наручја
Реци целом свету да те волим и да никад нећеш отићи од мене
Љубави, љубави, љубави
Страст нас је обузела, нема места прошлости,
Почнимо живети
Љубави, љубави, љубави
Не пуштај ме из свог наручја
Реци целом свету да те волим и да никад нећеш отићи од мене
Љубави, љубави, љубави
Страст нас је обузела, нема места прошлости,
Почнимо живети

Право на љубав

Versions: #1
Шта да ти кажем у ово кратко време
у ком се живи илузија.
Шта ћу ти моћи оставити, овако везан за ту душу која ми остаде у твоме срцу.
Немам те намеру учити шта је свет, јер не знам ни сам,
али исплати се уживати у сваком дану,
јер си ми поклонила право да те волим.
Реци што осећаш,
Ради оно што сматраш да треба,
Дај оно што имаш,
И немој се кајати.
И ако не дође оно чему си се надала,
Не мири се с тим, никад се не заустављај.
Али изнад свега,
Немој никад заборавити на Бога.
Онаква си какве су ти мисли,
Не дозволи себи неуспех.
Оно најважније су осећања
и оно што не можеш да купиш.
А када дође тренутак
у којем будеш пожелела да сама полетиш,
и ако не будемо заједно,
биће ту сећања,
а самим тим што их памтиш,
моћи ћеш их поново оживети.
Реци што осећаш,
Ради оно што сматраш да треба,
Дај оно што имаш,
И немој се кајати.
Не ограничавај се на оно што ти кажу,
Ја знам шта ти желиш, али знај то и ти сама.
И ако не дође оно чему си се надала,
Не мири се с тим, никад се не заустављај.
Али изнад свега,
Немој никад заборавити на Бога.
Али изнад свега знај колико те волим, љубави!


I want to be a vagabond in your body and get lost
in the depth of your gaze,
to slide in the curves of your hips and your eyes.
I'm a prisoner, and the warden is your lips,
and slave of your love (slave of your love).
Take me far away and beyond the infinite,
to where no one can bother us, so we can be alone,
and your hands will be the handcuffs of my hands.
You're the last piece of the puzzle of my life,
you're the part that complement me.
If you're the moon, I'll be the Earth.
I would go to the end of the world if you want me to,
I'll take you with me if you ask me to do it.
I'll paint your dreams to be by your side.
I'll take the moon down and give it to you, just ask for it.
Whatever you want, I'll give.
Magician of passion, genie of heart,
and slave of your love.
I dreamed about your hair again.
Why dream? If I'm living the dream,
I have in my life what I want the most. And of your kisses...
I'm a prisoner, and the warden is your lips,
and slave of your love (slave of your love).
I feel cold when you're not by my side.
Memories of you invade me, and I'm full of sorrow,
because I'm not with you, and you're far away.
You're the last piece of the puzzle of my life,
you're the part that complement me.
If you're the moon, I'll be the Earth.
I would go to the end of the world if you want me to,
I'll take you with me if you ask me to do it.
I'll paint your dreams to be by your side.
I'll take the moon down and give it to you, just ask for it.
Whatever you want, I'll give.
Magician of passion, genie of heart,
and slave of your love.
And when both of us are together, you'll know, my love,
that I love you more than anything.
I will do anything so this illusion never ends.
And between us, my love, my love...
I would go to the end of the world if you want me to,
I'll take you with me if you ask me to do it.
I'll paint your dreams to be by your side.
I'll take the moon down and give it to you, just ask for it.
Whatever you want, I'll give.
Magician of passion, genie of heart,
and slave of your love.
You're the last piece of the puzzle of my life.

O Come All Ye Faithful

Joyful in heart
full of hope,
we come to Bethlehem,
to see Jesus.
Church bells fly1
as the Child God is here.
The angels of heaven
dance with joy,
let the whole world know that God has arrived.
Joyful in heart
full of hope,
we come to Bethlehem,
to see Jesus.
Church bells fly
as the Child God is here.
The angels of heaven
dance with joy,
let the whole world know that God has arrived.
Joyful in heart
full of hope,
we come to Bethlehem,
to see Jesus.
Church bells fly
as the Child God is here.
The angels of heaven
dance with joy,
let the whole world know that God has arrived.
Church bells fly
as the Child God is here.
The angels of heaven
dance with joy,
let the whole world know that God has arrived.
Church bells fly
as the Child God is here.
The angels of heaven
dance with joy,
let the whole world know that God has arrived.
  • 1. In some Catholic legends, church bells fly to Rome to be blessed by the Pope.


I want to be a vagabond in your body and lose myself
In the depth of your gaze
Slide in the curves of your hips and your eyes
I'm a prisoner, that from your jailer lips
And slave of your love (slave of your love)
Take me very far and to infinity
Where they do not bother us and we are alone
Your hands will be the wives of my hands
You are the last piece of the puzzle of my life
You are the part that complements me
What if you are the moon, I will be the earth
I would go to the end of the world if you wanted
I'll take you with me if you asked me
To accompany me I will paint your dreams
I will lower the moon and give it to you, just ask me
What you want, I'll grant you
Master of passion, owner of the heart
And slave of your love
Once again I have dreamed about your hair again
Why dream? If I live a dream
If I have what I love most in my life and your kisses
I am not a prisoner that of your lips jailer
And slave of your love (Slave of your love)
I feel cold girl, when you are not to my see
Your memory invades me and fills me with this pain
That I'm not with you and not have you near
You are the last piece of the puzzle of my life
You are the part that complements me
What if you are the moon I will be the earth
I would go to the end of the world if you wanted
I'll take you with me if you asked me
To accompany me I will paint your dreams
I will lower the moon and give it to you, just ask me
What you want, I'll grant you
Master of passion, owner of the heart
And slave of your love
And when we are alone the two embraced
That I love you more than anyone
I will do everything so that this illusion does not end
And between you and me love, love
I would go to the end of the world if you wanted
I'll take you with me if you asked me
To accompany me I will paint your dreams
I will lower the moon and give it to you, just ask me
What you want, I'll grant you
Master of passion, owner of the heart
And slave of your love
You are the last piece of the puzzle of my life.

One among a thousand

On mainland, nothing to doubt
Though they tell you 'you're finished', don't mind, don't
Keep going forward, no one will pick you up
One among a thousand, I will win
Going uphill is the gamble
Of the game of life
The past won't be able to be the same
And perhaps it's best that way, I don't know
If you never believed in me, you ought to change your mind
Life is like the tide
In dry dike or deep sea
Comes and goes unceasingly
I never cheated, never will I do it
And I have decided to open my heart tonight
I lose everything and start over
One among a thousand, I will win
Going uphill is the gamble
Of the game of life
You don't fully understand this light music
That fills the gray stormy afternoons with happiness
I shout our my song to the wind, never to ask for anyone's help
And specially not to you
I still keep my secret
You're deaf, I'm singing
If you're on land, don't mind, don't
Though they tell you 'you're unsuccessful', keep going without stoping
Until the bell rings, go
One among a thousand, I will triumph
Going uphill is the gamble
Of the game of life
Of this life
One among a thousand, I will triumph
But you ought to change your mind...

Ladies lavatory

I feel shame when I hear
What they have said
The girls about me
In the party
How is it possible
That they invent a gossip
They laugh at me
I know I'm not handsome
Or the dread
Of the girls
But believe me girls
I'm a normal man
That can defend himself
They are ruining my reputation and I don't know
Who could have started it all
I need to know
Where did gossip come from, I know
It came from the ladies lavatory
And my reputation flew away
If they speak about you
You die the next day
It's another dimension, I attest it
It came from the ladies lavatory
And my reputation flew away
f they speak about you
You die the next day
It's another dimension, I attest it
How I want to forget
Or erase their minds
To all those who laughed
And talked about me
My reputation has been
Stained and lost
I'm going to save it
By entering that place
And I hope they guard themselves
Even if they expel me
I'll do it
I'll find out what they intend
And in passing I'll see
If anyone of them hurts in my mind
I came from the ladies lavatory
And my reputation thrived
If you go there
You'll come back the next day
It's another dimension, I attest it
I came from the ladies lavatory
And my reputation thrived
If you go there
You'll come back the next day
It's another dimension, I attest it

To Love us More

Together, the immensity
A world of ours, small house
The time does not matter
Because there will always be a good day,
To love 'us' more
Together, to dream up
as to not get bored, defying the hours
of an uncertain future
That only serves to love 'us' more.
To love 'us' more
We are sworn together, even though life passes
The rivers flow and the birds migrate
There will always be a good day, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
It is enough to look at you, it is enough to touch you
Our bodies are enough, humid and warm
To love 'us' more, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
Together, the eternity
Two solitudes, a perfect magnet
Almost egoism only to love each other
To love us more
To love 'us' more
We are sworn together, even though life passes
The rivers flow and the birds migrate
There will always be a good day, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
It is enough to look at you, it is enough to touch you
Our bodies are enough, humid and warm
To love 'us' more, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
We are sworn together, even though life passes
The rivers flow and the birds migrate
There will always be a good day, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
It is enough to look at you, it is enough to touch you
Our bodies are enough, humid and warm
To love 'us' more, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
To love 'us' mooooooooooore

Savage Heart

Versions: #2
And just how do I make life pay me back,
When everything has always gone wrong?
How can I heal so many wounds,
If there's still blood being shed?
When the price of life is so hard to pay for.
How can I plead with destiny,
Being that I am used to taking by force?
But today that I have found you
Do not move away from me
Let them not shatter our dreams
Let nobody dare separate us
I will command life
That it pay me back with you
That it teach me the meaning of pain
Because it was punishment enough
To not have met you 1
I will demand that I stop being a perpetual beggar of love
A savage heart
How can I explain to my instincts
That my search is over with you?
And that two paths so different from one another
At some point were united by time
Who would have thought? That I'd give up my freedom unconditionally
Whoa whoa whoa...
I will command life
That it pay me back with you
That it teach me the meaning of pain
Because it was punishment enough
To not have met you
I will demand that I stop being a perpetual beggar of love
A savage heart
  • 1. To not have met you 'before,' here the before is implied, as the song was written specifically for the story