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Број резултата: 55



Kada pogledaš u moje oči,
Svet postaje bolje mesto,
I znaš duboko u sebi
Da ljubav zauzima sav prostor,
Dušo volim tebe...i tebe.
Mi smo ptice,
Letimo toliko visoko i padamo,
Kada sanjam o tebi, moj san je neustrašiv,
Mi smo narod planete, živimo ljudske živote,
Mi smo anđeli, u opasnosti smo, mi smo kristalno čisti...
Kristalno čisti.
Kada pogledaš u moje oči,
Sunce dotiče vrh planine,
Kada pogledaš u moje oči,
Nikda neće morati da prestane.
Dušo volim tebe...i tebe.
Mi smo ptice,
Letimo toliko visoko i padamo,
Kada sanjam o tebi, moj san je neustrašiv,
Mi smo narod planete, živimo ljudske živote,
Mi smo anđeli, u opasnosti smo, mi smo kristalno čisti...
Kristalno čisti.

Flower of time

That was it, that was love
I didn't know that
The day, yes, we
We found each other
Every time
You call my first name
Just, I can't say
How much I love only you
Love you, love you
You know my love?
The person
who loves me is
You are
the first one and last one I think goin' on
Ah In the corner of
this injured star (earth)
It was born
As it were crying
everlasting love
The winds blow, flowers bloom
You smile
Small but strong
You smile
A while ago,
I didn't have any dream for chasing
While I piled my lies,
I painted my happiness black
I know your love
If storm came,
Beyond the rainy clouds
There are always colorful stars
they sparkle and shine on you
ah like you pray,
you can reach your hands for the future
And you can grow
this tiny light
I hear your voice in the wind.
If i come back as something,
I will be loving you.
I'll protect you bravely
promised flower of time
You know my love?
The person
who loves me is
you, you are
the first one and last one I think, goin' on
Ah In the corner of
this injured star (earth)
It was born
As it were crying
everlasting love
ah Even a pain
I hold it as a love
I can intertwine with
Gentle everlasting love
It's a flower of time...love

My Love

My love waits when i run alone
barefooted in the open field
feeling the pain of the stabbings thorns
and the burning heat on my wounded flesh
My love waits when i run alone
to a well in the open field
to quench, to quench my burning thirst
to quench my wild thirst
I'll remember in my slumber the path to him
when i'll fall again worn out from the fire and wind
washing the dust of the road from my legs
putting my head between his hands and to rest
My love is the last and first rain of the season
he guards over my shaky house
my love waits when i run alone
barefooted in the open field
I'll remember in my slumber the path to him
when i'll fall again worn out from the fire and wind
washing the dust of the road from my legs
putting my head between his hands and to rest

Ahmed (1960-2002)

Kraj osamdesetih, ona posećuje svoju domovinu
Nepoznati muškarac drži moju majku za ruku
Ona se ne želi udati
Ipak,iz poštovanja prema svojim roditeljima će reći da
U Nemačkoj je upravo pao zid
Ponovo se gradi Maroko
2000 milja odbrambenog nasipa
I beg preko sredozemnog mora
Dvosoban stan, Frankfurt
Ona ga vodi odatle sa sobom
A on ne radi ništa za novac,
misli,doćiće sam od sebe
Ona plaća kiriju i čisti hotele
On nema volje, da se zauzme za posao
I dospeva brzo duboko u podzemlje
I tako izlazi on napolje,da bi prodavao drogu,
Dok njegova 9 meseci trudna žena sedi kod kuće,
A on- se više nije pojavio
A kod nje-podmakli dugovi i poodmakli stomak
Ni preko oglasa nestalih se ništa nije postiglo
Ostala je sama sa jednim duhom
Ja sam se rodila- majkina porodica je tu
A moj otac je tražen od strane privatnog detektiva
Kasnije smo saznali, da je već godinu dana bio deportovan
Odleže kaznu zatvora, u jednoj ćuzi u Nadori
Otpušten je sa dijagnozom raka
Došao je na ideju, da svoju porodicu ponovo vidi
Zahtevao nas je nazad,
kao da smo mi bili njegov posed
Ni ovog puta nije radio ništa sam, samo je poslao svog zeta,
Pretio je da će me kidnapovati, ukoliko me vidi
Od toga dana nisam smela nikada više sama napolje da se igram
Nikada ga više nisam videla ni čula, nikada shvatila
Ipak svi misle da sam preslikana on
Kada je umro, to za mene nije bio neki gubitak
Bila sam previše mala, a on već tada mrtav za mene
I sada se pitam,
Kako se o smrti priča,
Čujem puno toga, ali se nikada ne prisećam njega
Kada se vreme precrta-, jedan deo njega ostaje
Ahmed, 1960-2002

Sve što se računa

Part 1]
Daju mi 81 godina života ovde
50 sati nedeljno, životinjskog rada
Smejem se oko 13 minuta dnevno.
Svakog drugog leta uzmem godišnji odmor,
Dobijem 1,5 dete u proseku
I 45 hiljada eura bruto godišnje.
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati
Part 2]
Ručni sat je svaki korak izbrojao
Govori, da moram brže ići, inače će biti prekasno
I podseća me na to,
da popijem gutljaj vode
Tražila sam sedam puta značenje reči 'Smisao'
A Amazon mi je preporučio tu knjigu
(knjigu 'Smisao')
Ali u čemu je smisao,
Ako se nas dvoje ne vidimo?
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati
Rastavili ste me na
6 čula i 212 kostiju
Recite, kada srce više ne kuca, ko obračuna njegovu vrednost?
Rastavili ste me na
3 biliona ljudskih ćelija i 212 kostiju
Ipak srce kuca i čezne za nečim većim
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati


Brojiš li prašnjav sitniš u novčaniku,
Ti si švorc, ali mlad i lep, hejjj
Svet ti leži pod nogama,
samo novca nikad dovoljno
Tvoja koža nije dovoljno debela, pa da ne oseti ovu hladnoću
A ti, ti, ti veruješ da si sam sa svojim shvatanjima,
Sam sa svojim osećajima,
Sam sa svojom težinom
Ipak u osnovi, mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Imamo iste strahove,
Istu sumnju za poraziti
Nema vremena , nema uspeha, nema novca, nema mira
Sunce sija, ponekad ne možemo uživati u njemu
Mrzimo jer volimo,
'Od zemlje do neba'
Ležimo na podu,
ustanimo i letimo, hajdeee!
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako se čini da mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti
Prevelike oči, premali želudac
Nikada ne pojedemo, ono što imamo na tanjiru
Ne svidja nam se ukus,
A hoćemo se sa svim i svačim hraniti
Pri 1000 i jednoj mogućnosti- neodlučni
Mi smo oni što ništa ne zahtevaju,
Ali sve hoće da imaju
Ako je čaša poluprazna,
onda je jednostavno napuni
Mi delimo odeću iz ormana, delimo našu hranu
Pridržavamo vrata, znamo to da cenimo
Pogledajte nas, mi nemamo šta da izgubimo
Samo sve da dobijemo, ako ispravno ulažemo
Kaže se, sa novcem nije uvek sve lakše
Ipak smatram da mi trebamo biti bogati
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako ti se čini da ja mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti
Mi smo svi milioneri
Beskrajno bogati u onome što osećamo
Mi smo svi milijarderi
Beskrajno bogati, nećemo ništa sa tobom deliti
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako se čini da mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti

I Love The Romanian Dances

I love the Romanian dances,
ila, ilai, ilai-la, 1
i love to spin my girl around,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
Forward and backward,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
like we dance in our village,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
I love the dances from Banat,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
and the ones i danced with,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
With all the Romanian-like moves,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
i would dance an entire week if i could,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
I love this type of wavy dance,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
wavy and methodical,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
I love it when we sing and dance,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
when everybody's happy,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
  • 1. ila (interjection) - i dont know what it means, could be a loan word. But it doesnt really matter, Romanians use lots of stuff like this in folk songs at the end of a line/verse.


Versions: #1
I say 'no' and you understand 'yes',
Spoil the meaning, whatever I say.
If you don't get it ask again!
As if it is so hard!
I'm in the bathroom, you knock on the door:
'Are you alright? What happened?
I've been waiting here for ages!
How long are you getting ready?'
Not long anymore, just the hair!
I'll be there in a second, what's all this questioning?
I'm doing this for you too, so wait!
and you like it, so don't be nervous!
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
I say 'yes' and you understand 'no',
Tell yourself something, you talk to me.
How do you understand what I mean?
If you don't listen to me?
You imitate me in front of our friends.
'Come on, baby, I'm just kidding!'
Thanks a lot for your comment!
Do you really think that looks cool?
In front of other people you act like a boss.
When I talk, you turn away.
At home you bring me breakfast in bed.
I'm sorry, truth hurts.
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
How can I explain it to you when you don't speak my language?
When so many of my words sound like Chinese to you?
Come, I blindfold you, maybe you'll understand me blind.
Ah, that doesn't make sense, anyway, I'll take you like that.
When you hold your next monolog, excited like a child,
Then I pretend to be interested and just don't listen.
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.


You returned late, you are certainly already tired
rest on my shoulder while breaking the dishes
if only i could carry a bit of th'days burdens in your place
i am not yet swimming in the world of adults
On the news they said that this time is out of control
i only look at you striving on without air
you are this type of hero, hiding from me every scratch
not letting me, not letting me see you fragile
Earthquake, a disruption in your soul
perhaps i don't understand everything still
but totally feel how your soul tires
you will still conquer over yourself
and it's true that my arms are small in the meantime
but my heart is large enough
in order to hold you.
And soon all with work out, you will be able to breathe freely again
we are a generation that is growing up quickly, understands the game
I'm not a fairy and don't have any magic but i promise
that my embrace will give you more strength
Earthquake, a disruption in your soul
perhaps i don't understand everything still
but totally feel how your soul tires
you will still conquer over yourself
Earthquake, a disruption in your soul
Perhaps i don't understand, don't understand, don't understand
but totally feel how your soul tires
you will still conquer over yourself
and it's true that my arms are small in the meantime
but my heart is large enough
in order to hold you.
but my heart is large enough
in order to hold you.