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Резултати претраге страна 7

Број резултата: 379


O Varying (14)

O varying
and slippery Fortune,
giving doubt
to the tribunal of judges,
not just a little
ready for this prize
are those who worship
your willing gifts
and claim
a lofty place on the wheel
you give doubt
however, preposterously
from manure
lifting up the poor
from the orators
choosing the consul.
What is build
By fortune, she levels


The sleeping child is rubbing its ear,
Which means there will be rain, so
Today I will be staying home
The rain doesn't say anything
It just keeps on falling
And, very soon
We will run out of crayons
As the sleeping child rubs its ear,
It means it will rain, so
I have decided to stay home today
The sleeping child rubs its ear,
It means it will rain, so
I have decided to stay home today

In Your Tender Hand

In your gentle1 hand, facing me, I look at you
In your gentle hand, you offer a light
I catch fire easily
In your gentle hand, I beg, listen to me
In your gentle hand, a revolver barrel gleaming
Cross my heart, I saw liverworts cropping out
Cross my heart, I already saw nature waking up
In your tender hand, your gloves on the table
In your tender hand and pictures on the wall in front of you
In your tender hand, you should realise
In your tender hand, a revolver barrel gleaming
Cross my heart, I saw liverworts cropping out
Cross my heart, I already saw nature waking up
In your gentle hand, your eyes shine
In your gentle hand, you know you stand at the gate
In your gentle hand, your dead bored gaze
In your gentle hand, a revolver barrel gleaming
Cross my heart, I saw liverworts cropping out
Cross my heart, I already saw nature waking up
  • 1. 'õrn' means both gentle and tender

Nothing got lost

Adriano :
standing still between the wind and the car traffic
You don’t see me, the bystanders hide us
Then you’re in front of me with your usual smile
I stay empty-handed, only with my face
But it seems like yesterday, time slips by fast
What are you drinking? And on the table
the photographs of our good days
They’re a memory
stuck in our hair
What are you doing? What are you saying?
You need to be skilled to be happy
and now you laugh and laugh,
glass after glass,
at my words
Mina :
Don’t you see that the space is so big and lasts the time of a moment
Everything is there and nothing got lost
Now look at me, yes!
And dont tell me “It’s all gone now” and that nothing is left,
just a few shards
or the impression of a glance
Talk to me now, yes!
Adriano :
Close your eyes
it’s a barbaric time
The sky falls in snowflakes
and a freezing wind
around the motionless and almost deserted city
Your beauty here is the only thing certain
but take the utopias, for example :
they last a heartbeat
while lies
change clothes
and yet it still confuses me, this apparent calmness
Tell me what we have actually chosen
Cmon! What are you saying? That sometimes it’s the fear to be happy
Then it’s your smile that
climbs the silence
and stops the time
Mina :
Don’t you see that the space is so big and lasts the time of a moment
Everything is there and nothing got lost
Now look at me, yes!
And dont tell me “It’s all gone now” and that nothing is left,
just a few shards
or the impression of a glance
Talk to me now, yes!
Adriano :
For countless times
we tell each other our thoughts
during this night just like many others
when, while laughing, you’ll tell me, as per usual :
“But don’t you see that...”
Mina :
Don’t you see that the space is so big (Adriano: Of course I see it!) and lasts the time of a moment (Adriano: No, you’re the one that says i don’t see it ,but i see it!)
Everything is there and nothing got lost
Now look at me, yes! (Adriano : I’m looking.)
And dont tell me “It’s all gone now” and that nothing is left (Adriano : Yes, of course...)
just a few shards
or the impression of a glance
Talk to me now, yes!
Don’t you see that
(Adriano : I’m looking at you...) the space is so big (Adriano : ...and you’re beautiful) and lasts the time of a moment (Adriano: Yes but, which moment?)
Everything is there and nothing got lost (Adriano : Well, no, this is just what you said.)
Now look at me, yes!
And dont tell me “It’s all gone now” and that nothing is left (Yeah but,it’s not true!),
a few shards
or the impression of a glance (Adriano : What do you mean a few shards? Mina, what are you saying?)
Talk to me now, yes!

Plakati za kišom

Neiskusna, bezdušna, ali ipak, budi lepa.
Nijedna sudbina bi vezala tebe i mene.
'Samo ovo neće biti dovoljno.'
Ako pojasnim to kako treba, sve bi trebalo da prođe.
Stvari, Novac, Ljubav, Reči, Umorna sam od izlaganja same sebe tamo.
Deža vu, 'Čime si tako nezadovoljna?'
'Nakon svih tih sebičnih stvari, šta više možeš da poželiš?'
'Ali ipak, ne mrzim ovu situaciju.'
Samo prekini, 'Muka mi je od slušanja tih redova.'
Ostavljati stvari nedovršene je jedna stvar koju mrzim.
Čak iako kažeš ovo ili uradi ono,
Čak iako kažeš da me 'voliš', ili me pitaš 'zašto'?
Lako je ako je samo za zabavu, ali raditi ovo stvarno je previše apsurdno.
Te nepromišljene reči, te slabašne reči.
Koliko puta planiraš da ih ponoviš?
U svakom slučaju,
Čak iako imam nadu za ovu nameštenu igru,
Čak iako ove fraze nisu ništa osim citata,
Reči koje mi daju nadu, neka sve budu tabu.
Prihvati nagoveštaj, molim te nemoj dozvoliti da pada kiša.
'Mrzim pričati na zaobilazan način.'
'Samo mi daj minimum. Samo dva slova.'
Crveni leptir, ne mogu poslati ni jednu poruku.
Širim ovu krhku lepezu, zato što ti je tako privlačnija, zar ne?
Ako ne možeš odgovoriti, molim te me ostavi na miru.
Ako ne možeš prestati da oklevaš, molim te me ostavi.
Ključne reči ulaze na jedno uvo, izlaze na drugo. Samo neka ti donese mir.
Ako bi ova slatka kiša pala na tebe,
Naterala bi te da podigneš svoj kišobran zar ne?
Drago mi je što sam se nadala. Zatvorila sam oči
Htela sam da se promenim, pretvarajući se da sam odrasla osoba.
Izgubljena. Nepopravljiva.
Sad, molim te ne prestani da padaš kišo.
Kopirati. Zalepiti. Izbrisati.
Ponoviti. Udahni. Izdahni.
Zato molim te,
Nije me briga više, boli baš ovde (hoću ostati ovde).
Čak iako kažeš ovo ili uradi ono,
Čak iako kažeš da me 'voliš', ili me pitaš 'zašto'?
Lako je ako je samo za zabavu, ali raditi ovo stvarno je previše iracionalno.
Te nepromišljene reči, te slabašne laži (istine),
Hajde da ih napravimo da sve budu tabu.
Čak iako je ovo nameštena igra,
Čak iako je ovo nameštena fraza,
Staviću tačku na ovu naviku bežanja.
Uzmi nagoveštaj, ne dozvoli da se razvedri.
Danas ponovo pada kiša.
Zatvoriću svoj kišobran, i otići kući po kiši.

A light on a glass case

In the sea of a glass case
I stared swimming fishes
Until aquarium closed
The sunset long long ago
The memories of the Aquarium
In our childhood
I didn’t know that, so believed
They had grown up
I believed we could go on
the same way, forever
Swimming fishes around a light
Were staring the swaying gleam
What was that gleam?
The glass case that showed each other
I didn’t know that, so believed
Beyond the glass
In the city and the sea
There were bright lights there
I want to keep believing in that
We’re going to different ways now
I believe in that gleam we chased
That was gone, but

Ako te pozovem

Čudo u noći
na otvorenom moru
zateklo nas je dok
smo bili stranci, ti i ja
Tada u tami, iznenada, tvoje ruke
na rukama mojim
prebrzo se desila
ova naša ljubav.
Refren: (×2)
Ako te pozovem
mogla bih ti reći 'zbogom',
pozvaću te.
Ako te ponovo vidim
bila bih sigurna da ne patiš
videću te ponovo.
Ako te pogledam u oči
Mogla bih ti reći 'dosta',
Pogledaću u njih.
Ali ne znam kako da ti objasnim
da je naša novorođena ljubav
već završena.

Велика лаж

Оставио си мермер и вратио статуу
Слатка средина, наћи ћу те (Ах-ах)
Бришу нам сећања
И никад ми не говори оно што не знам
Сањај, мала моја
Све док се ноћ опире
Чак и ако вам се чини да падате
(Не да ми се, не да ми се, не да ми се)
Истина, овај бес је пица подељена на пола
(Не да ми се, не да ми се, не да ми се)
Магија, мисли, велика лаж
(Не да ми се, не да ми се, не да ми се)
1900 не познајете ме
Мали фрагменти мог живота
Гледано из свемира, ми смо успомене
А како то да имате
шта ја не радим?
Сањај, мала моја
Све док се ноћ опире
Чак и ако вам се чини да падате
Реч Божија и бесконачно биће нам довољно
Математика - (не да ми се, не да ми се, не да ми се)
Истина, овај бес је пица подељена на пола
(Не да ми се, не да ми се, не да ми се)
Магија, мисли, велика лаж
(Не свиђа ми се,
Не да ми се, не да ми се)
Шампањац, бука мог рођендана
(Не да ми се, не да ми се, не да ми се)
Ситост, извесност да ће бити готово
(Не да ми се, не да ми се, не да ми се)
Они који су отишли ​​остају живи у вашем делу
(Не да ми се, не да ми се,
Не иде ми се)
Знам то, јер си се насмејао попут њега
(Не да ми се, не да ми се, не да ми се)
Људи могу створити особе и успомене
(Не да ми се, не да ми се, не да ми се)
И нас двоје, нисмо различити


What we need to get started
It's a deep frying pan
On very low heat you will send
Three cloves of garlic as an offering
A wooden spoon is needed
To not scratch anything from the bottom of the pan
To grasp slowly
Longanisses, boudins, bacon and delicacies
And remove without much delay
Four glasses of semolina, brown them
In a glass of water separate them
Two hours will be required
So that appear
Keep stirring
Keep stirring
Keep stirring
On France Culture you hear it
It's time to stop soon
Turn off the gas
Turn up the sound
And serve your Migas 2000
With love, enjoy them

The 154 bar war between you and me

I don't need you to love me
Because the night will be smaller than usual
You don't have to worry anymore
I left you a note
Did I do the right thing?
Or was I wrong?
It didn't matter to me
I just wanted to avoid tomorrow
We slipped away
With pencils in our hands as weapons
We thought there was nothing to be afraid of
We've grown up
We tried to write a letter
I'm sure we still don't know
The address is lost
We can't reach you
The past has overtaken us
Left behind by the future
The right noise is in my chest
I'm confused, I'm confused
One day, one day
Is it possible for this small hand to hold on
please, please, please
will it come true if I wish for it in the night sky?
We who have grown up
Locked up in our own way
We've made up our minds
That there are no more possibilities
We want to avoid tomorrow a little
We clench our hands tightly
With our hands in our hands as weapons
We don't want to give up yet
The war between you and me has been going on for a long time
But we'll meet again when we've almost forgotten
I'm sure we'll meet again
You and me in a never-ending 154-bar war
I can still do it
You loved me, didn't you?


They are lovers and they are living of love,
You see them walking in the dying night.
They are lovers and they make plans,
You see them embraced by those perfect dreams.
Three coins, two kisses and just one glass,
They know that those who love can never fall.
They are hiding lies under a doorway
Or they listen to poems in the streets.
Looking at each other in silence, think they are on the sea,
Then, like two airplanes, they seem to you flying.
They paint in blue the houses around them,
They are lovers, they are a masterpiece.
They’re lovers and they look like love,
They go on a date on the heart's petals.
They are lovers and they make plans,
And from their dreams they feel protected.
They listen enchanted to the stories of a violin,
They write 'I love you' in the Latin book.
They are lovers that, sheltered from heaven,
Like Adam and Eve they head to the apple tree.
They are in love with eternal love
But sometimes it ends, someone dies there.
They are lovers, yes, they are the ones,
They are lovers, they are a masterpiece.


Versions: #1
A slender flame burns at the edge of my heart
Without warning, it spreads into a burning passion
My butterfly, flitting around it chaotically
Scales dropping into your hand
I am wrapped around your finger from the lips to the tongue
Even if this is something that cannot be allowed the flames jump higher still
I want to embrace you, I want you to tell me
That you don’t think this is a mistake
I want you to kiss me, I want you to remake me
I want to drown in this moment of captivation
Every moment, it’s harder to restrain myself
If this is love, I want to wear it on my sleeve
The “strange feeling” turns into an unbearable longing
I would follow you to the end of forever
If my heart goes astray I will be easily relieved
As if we had no time to feel tender each other
That dream has never come again
There is no chance in our reality
If we touch, I know we can never go back and that’s just fine…
You are everything in the world to me
Anxiety arrives with the dawn to find me still crying
When you whispered “it’s all right” did I hear tears in your voice, too?
I want to embrace you, I want you to tell me
That you don’t think this is a mistake
I want you to kiss me, I want you to remake me
I want to drown in this moment of captivation
I am drawn to you like a magnet
Even if I left, we would find each other again
I’ve touched you, I can never go back and that’s just fine. You are everything in the world to me

Daddy's Daughter

Daddy's daughter, daddy's pillow, daddy's calmness1
Daddy's rounded walnut, you will be at daddy's home
Daddy2, I am going to the market
Daddy, I am going to buy earrings for my daughter
Daddy, I'm not your daughter, I'm not your pillow
I'm not your calmness
I'm not your rounded walnut, I won't stay home
Daddy, don't go to the market
Daddy, don't buy earrings for your daughter
Daddy, you are my daughter, you are my pillow
You are my calmness
You are rounded walnut, you will stay home
Daddy, I am going to the market
Daddy, I am going to buy a husband for my daughter
Daddy, I'm your daughter, I'm your pillow
I'm your calmness
I'm your rounded walnut, I will stay home
Daddy, go to the market
Daddy, buy a husband for your daughter
  • 1. Lit. You are under my head at night (like a pillow)
  • 2. In Farsi, sometimes parents call their children daddy or mommy in order to cherish them, i.g. The father/daddy calls his children father/daddy. The same goes to uncle and aunt

The entrance ceremony with swords

Even if they collect thousands of coins
Money can't buy a human heart
The sympathy I received was plenty
The Jōshū ravens cry
They cry on this road
It's the first time I meet
With such a good young lady
Yes, yes, surely you are.
The young lady sees me like a great champion
Then, before the grave of my mother
I want to do the stylish entrance ceremony
On both sides of this sad foolish world
The ages have given me the idea
Everything exists in dreams
Who trained to be a sumo wrestler
Now wears a hat of shadows
I didn't become a sumo wrestler but a gangster
In the case you ask about me.
Young lady, I wish you come soon
To give you this money. It's the chance to hurry.
After I undertook to do it.
Please come soon.
Ah, hi, Otsutasan
Since when you live with a husband and a child?
Ten years ago you were a prostitute with come and hairpins
At least the lady who gave me her opinion
Will see me doing a ceremony entrance
Of a Komagata-born worthless
The make believe of a repayment
Is a duty command in Toride
Please accept it, Otsutasan
At least is Mohei's champion display
The entrance ceremony of a champion

The ribbon won't come loose

You have a more adult face
Than the candles in the cake
Every time your birthday came
The angle of the kiss was changing
(Goodbye birthday)
What do you want (Goodbye birthday) as a present?
I understood it in that time
But since I couldn't find (Goodbye birthday) what you wanted
The ribbon won't come loose
The time falling in the hourglass
Makes us stay quiet
On the same table
We never drank a cold chabilis
(Happy birthday)
Happy birthday (Happy birthday), in the end
I muttered that I was a bit lonely
While you were (Goodbye birthday) smiling forcefully
When you untied the silver ribbon, you cried a tear
In this (Goodbye birthday) quiet night
The word goodbye doesn't suit
But when they greet you (Goodbye birthday) for your birthday
I hope the ribbon of memories comes loose

Santa Marinella

Today, you know, is one of those days that
If you want me, leave me alone
And there's no one around that
Can look inside myself
Rome, which is a seaside town,
Opened my mouth and made me smoke
Anyway, there’s nothing left to fall in love with forever
To remain for
Then tonight, hug me from behind
Make my hair stand up on my skin
Let's take an excuse downstairs and let's take it upstairs
I just want to become an idiot and get hurt
To buzz and run away
I want you to look at me and to tell me tomorrow will be fine
How much do you want for all of this?
Don't look for me again, but let's meet
Sooner or later, unintentionally
Where they sell hard liquor
What do you do with it? I warm winter
My city is a crib in the middle of the mountains
White and stubborn, like old bitches
Really, I can't go back to say just hello
To be sure that no one cries
I beg you to pick up my head
Like if it was the very last thing
I realized it in Santa Marinella
You and I are a planet and a star
I just want to become an idiot and get hurt
To buzz and run away
I just want you to look at me and to tell me tomorrow will be fine
How much do you want for the lot of this?
Don't fly away
I just want you to look at me and to tell me tomorrow will be fine
How much do you want for the all of this? Don't fly away

Black Christmas Eve (Fisherman of my land)

In the white beach
with hot sand,
In the white beach
with hot sand.
There's a murmur of cumbia
and a smell of moonshine.
There's a murmur of cumbia
and a smell of moonshine.
The night on her black suit
has thousands of stars,
and with little moonbeams
she lights up their altars.
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land.
The bagpipes whine,
the drums sound,
The bagpipes whine,
the drums sound,
on the fishermen's
Christmas Eve.
on the fishermen's
Christmas Eve.
Throughout the rancheria1
lovely altars can be seen,
among millets2and drums
they play their songs.
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
The canoes dance
forming a row,
The canoes dance
forming a row,
while the rower sings
his plain song
while the rower sings
his plain song
Throughout the rancheria1
lovely altars can be seen,
among millets2and drums
they play their songs.
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman
  • a gropu of ranchs
  • flutes made of that plant

Crystal Signal

(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
Wrapped in a shining light
I arrived in this distant star
To search for you
A sign that signals fate
Quickly attracts to our hearts
By the moment that we met, I felt the thrill
The blue diamonds that overflow
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah, ah)
A wonder
From this little girl’s tears
(Jewelry love, jewelry love)
Are these gems
(Jewelry, jewelry love)
I like the way when you shine
With a glittering heart
I will go on with my shining friends
Ah, ah, ah
(Ah, ah, ah)
Together, let’s show our smiling faces
And we will walk on
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
(Ooh, carats, ooh, carats)
I still feel you wherever you are
A glittering strength
That only understands our feelings
I felt a sigh of relief in this secret base
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah, ah)
It’s you
Who’s always on my side
(Jewelry smile, jewelry smile)
It’s so good
(Jewelry, jewelry smile)
You’re always shining
When I’m watching over you
Like a shining, shooting star
Star, ah, ah
(Ah, ah, ah)
Let’s light up the darkness
I like the way when you shine
With a glittering heart
I will go on with my shining friends
Ah, ah, ah
(Ah, ah, ah)
Let’s join with our strength
And we will walk on
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
Ah, ah, ah
Together with my shining friends
I’ll walk on

Let's Break Up

'Let's break up'
What are you saying?
I'm already dying
Just by listening to you
Alone, no, no
You know why I'm crying
You know why I'm dying
Because I'm afraid
Of being alone, alone
Come, stay here to talk
Let's remember our days
And our nights
The promises of love
That we never made, never
Don't you ever tell me
'Let's break up'
I'll die tonight
If you're not here
Because I need you
Love, I need you
We can save our love, don't go away
Come, stay here to talk
Let's remember our days
And our nights
The promises of love
That we never made, never
Don't you ever tell me
'Let's break up'

Neka muzika govori

I dalje ćemo biti kao El Al
Pripitomljen samo namerno
I uvek uvredljivo
Biće više jednakosti
Biće više pravde
Ovde će i dalje biti dobro
Bez obzira na pozadinu ili boju
Bilo u rezervi ili na sastancima
Ovde su svi braća
Čak i neke dive
Ostavite mobilni i pokušajte da se oslobodite
Drži je za ruku
Neka muzika govori
Puls poput hemikalije je
Miriam je poput Ricki Gal-a
Master Lirical
Čitaj do ..
Zastrašujući je svaki zločinac
Žvakanje svakog kanibala je
Šampion poput šefa kabineta
Čitaj do ..
Subliminal Subliminal Subliminal
Čitaj do ..
Subliminal Subliminal Subliminal
Daj mi ritam
Daj mi daj mi još
Pusti jačinu zvuka
Neka zvučnik radi
Pusti me da igram
Leti kao ptica
Budi do vrha
Jedan minut da dodirnem svetlost
Ogromne hale se i dalje pune
Sve imitacije Natata Natata Natata
Ako uživate u muzici, svet će uživati
I neće biti nikoga ko se ne pomeri sa njenim čekanjem
Država Država Država Pet kontinenata
Izaziva emocije novim iskustvima
Ako vatra bukne, upalim joj sveće
Daje muzi mesto i ispunjava naredbe
Pa naterajte me solo kako je to lako
Protok na sofisticiranim fluo kolicima
Rise on the Mike vozi talas
Način na koji mi se sviđa
Puls poput hemikalije je
Miriam je poput Ricki Gal-a
Master Lirical
Čitaj do ..
Zastrašujući je svaki zločinac
Žvakanje svakog kanibala je
Šampion poput šefa kabineta
Čitaj do ..
Subliminal Subliminal Subliminal
Čitaj do ..
Subliminal Subliminal Subliminal
I dalje ćemo biti kao El Al
Pripitomljen samo namerno
I uvek uvredljivo
Biće više jednakosti
Biće više pravde
Ovde će i dalje biti dobro
Bez obzira na pozadinu ili boju
Bilo u rezervi ili na sastancima
Ovde su svi braća
Čak i neke dive
Ostavite mobilni i pokušajte da se oslobodite
Drži je za ruku
Neka muzika govori

Oh, Samara-town

The handkerchief is sinking and not sinking,
Slowly floats.
Sweetheart loves and loves not,
Only time goes by.
Oh, Samara-town,
I'm restless,
I'm restless,
Oh, calm me down, oh.
I grew up and bloomed
Till I was seventeen,
And from the age of seventeen
A girl's love spins.
Oh, Samara town...
Sweetheart asked for love,
I didn't know what to say,
I was young, I didn't know love,
And it's a shame to say no.
Oh, Samara-town...
The sky is clear in vain,
One star is burning,
For nothing, there are many sweethearts,
One heart aches.
Oh, Samara-town...
You, white birch tree,
There's no place for you by the river,
If I'm your bride,
You keep me safe.
Oh, Samara-town...
My sweetheart will say goodbye,
And my heart will burst into flames
And yearns and yearns and yearns
All about the same, all about him.
Oh, Samara-town.

As Hell

Drinking while we commit sin
It feels like an elation but I don't worry
Because I broke up with him not too long ago
I'm drinking a little
I can't give you everything because it hurts
A little soda and sangria
If I go crazy, I can think about that
I've known this moment since then
I thought of a lot of words
I was going to say them, but then the door opened
I was going to tell you, but then the door opened
I say fuck me, now stop talking
Not me, it's your turn now, I know you love me
(Fall in too deep)
Come in too deep
Fuck me, scream my name
Fuck me as hell, like you're a woman who has her last time
(Come in too deep)
Come in too deep
I've hated you
There's so much I want to say to you
But it's not what I imagined in my head
Oh, don't call it sin
I got money, look at my body
I'm a lady, I'm so yummy, I can be dirty
I won't help you when you falling down
Baby, fall down to me
Hell will be spring soon
I say fuck me now, okay
You love it, it's your turn, I know you love me
(Fall in too deep)
Come in too deep
Fuck me, scream my name
Fuck me as hell, like you're a woman who has her last time
(Come in too deep)
Come in too deep

Without a Goodbye

You're leaving, I'll be left very sad,
I have a feeling that you won't come back.
Our love was a flower of a day,
like the flash of a shooting star.
Loneliness is again in my life
and my tears of sadness roll down
when I remember happy moments
that have left and that will never return.
Our love has ended now
and I don't know the reason why
you left like that without a goodbye, or anything.
What am I going to do if you're not here,
I don't know how to live without your love,
without a goodbye, love, you left.
Loneliness is again in my life
and my tears of sadness roll down
when I remember happy moments
that have left and that will never return.
Our love has ended now
and I don't know the reason why
you left like that without a goodbye, or anything.
What am I going to do if you're not here,
I don't know how to live without your love,
without a goodbye, love, you left.
Our love has ended now
and I don't know the reason why
you left like that without a goodbye, or anything.
What am I going to do if you're not here,
I don't know how to live without your love,
without a goodbye, love, you left.

Tell Me the Truth

I'd like for you to tell me
with sincerity what you feel for me.
I don't want to be tied down
to a love that isn't for me.
I'm asking you because for a while
I've felt you very distant to me,
when you know that I love you,
that I wouldn't be able to live without your kisses.
If it's because you've found another love,
one that you feel you love more than me,
tell me if that is the cruel truth,
take you leave now, I don't want to see you anymore.
Because it's better to accept reality
than to just keep pretending.
Look at me, don't hesitate in answering,
tell me, even if the pain of this goodbye will kill me.
I've felt you so distant and I think it's because of another love.
Please tell me if that's what's going on,
go one, tell me, it doesn't matter if it wounds my heart,
I want to know the truth.

I'm asking you because for a while
I've felt you very distant to me,
when you know that I love you,
that I wouldn't be able to live without your kisses.
If it's because you've found another love,
one that you feel you love more than me,
tell me if that is the cruel truth,
take you leave now, I don't want to see you anymore.
Because it's better to accept reality
than to just keep pretending.
Look at me, don't hesitate in answering,
tell me, even if the pain of this goodbye will kill me.

Tell Me How to Forget You

My eyes fill with tears
every time I remember you.
What I'd give not to remember you,
to be able to tear you from me.
The moments that we spent together
live within, deep within me.
Why did you teach me to adore you?
why? if you're not here anymore.
Tell me how I'll be able to forget you
if it was you who taught me to love,
tell me how to forget these kisses,
that still burn my skin.
Tell me how to forget your affection,
tell me how to tear your love from me,
tell me when you're coming back,
come back soon to sooth my pain.
My eyes fill with tears
every time I remember you.
What I'd give not to remember you,
to be able to tear you from me.
The sadness that you left me with
can only be eased with your love,
don't leave me to die of sadness,
keep being the keeper of my heart.
Tell me how I'll be able to forget you
if it was you who taught me to love,
tell me how to forget these kisses,
that still burn my skin.
Tell me how to forget your affection,
tell me how to tear your love from me,
tell me when you're coming back,
come back soon to sooth my pain.

Bonfire Days

One that looks like me
From so much dreams ago
Played as she waited, but
Reality is different
Slow sails that
Will not set sail again
Hide the Moon, but
There's also people up there
Those were bonfire days
That I never saw again
Having loved like I did
Was too much time lost
That life won't give me back
And one by one, slowly
In my thoughts
With my hopes turned into smoke
Gods go down
The Golden Age, Shangri-La
And the Utopia island
Those were bonfire days
Of a girl that looked like me
Loving, now I know
Is time lost


She has a glass of gin on her hands
Over the chair, a Balmain scarf
Her name is Fantastica Rudy
Alone over the bed, it's almost six
Over a pretty suntanned body
A subtle light arabesque
The record player starts sounding again
Tom Jobim's bossa nova songs
From deep within the garden
The murmur of the afternoon
She reads two pages of Apollinaire
Her most loved poem is 'Le Chat'
She lets her hair down and smiles
She keeps smoking with her nose turned upwards
Tearing a picture apart
Counting the lines on the walls
'It would be good if I got up
Because it's almost six
I need to hurry and do well
Before Daddy comes back home'
She gets off bed in silence and then goes
On her toes, over there
To her two children's room
The gas finds them embraced to her
So beautiful, as samba plays, in the darkness
With the same smile of Rudy