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Број резултата: 2


Lovely North

The sun's beams shine upon forest and fine fells¹
See meadows, so grand, flourish with life again
Behold the forest's creatures, hear the birds' fine song
Now blooms, anew, the land with life and wealth
Preserve nature so, for now and forever
Let what's lovely live without our treacheries
Leave what we love to those who shall live on
Our fine nature, aye, how lovely it is
Nature's gentle hand caresses sea and land
Brings strength and strengthens life's bonds
Defend the forest that grants you shelter
And love the earth that you see
See the trees' green crowns so grand and stately
The river roars through the land for our sake
In lakes filled with life that's lekking² forth
See the bitty bugs' nest in the pine's stem
How the sun glimmers over lakes come night
Hear the rain gently fall upon the ground's green rug
When old times watch over what new is sowed there
The young must now take lead with new times ahead
Hear the wind's song and the stream singing along
It's the simple things that fill us full of life

Mudre reči

Vidi tamo daleko zmaja sa severa
Onde iznad mora lebdi kao ptica sa naše zemlje
Taj zmaj nam ne želi dobro, moraš da veruješ
On luta polako napred sa okrutnošću i bedom
Hrabri ljudi sa severa pokazuju šta trpe
Bore se bez straha, da, oseti njihov čelik
Pogledaj smrt u oči i uputi im pogled mržnje
Hrabri ljudi koji su se borili i izgubili svoj život
Slušaj kako mudre reči vode ranjene ljude
Do mesta gde njihovove duše ponovo mogu da se bore
Hrabri ljudi sa severa pokazuju šta trpe
Bore se bez straha, da, oseti njihov čelik
Novo vreme je došlo u Odinov veliki zamak
Ljudi koji su su se borili u bitki i polako umirali
Asari šalju Valkirije da izaberu hrabre ljude
Za veliko kraljevstvo gde će se veseliti u borbi ponovo
Hrabri ljudi sa severa pokazuju šta trpe
Bore se bez straha, da, oseti njihov čelik