Sing freely
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
The city seen from the hill is a heat haze
With rollers tied to my feet, I kick and slide by the ground
The night has 33 revolving doors
If I open them, even if love overflows there
Only the records turn and you're not there anymore
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
I'm lonely just the way I am
I'm waiting for your comeback
I look beyond the clean blue sky
If I pull the bridles of the chestnut colored ponies, I go running
The night opens 33 pages
Even if I'm reading the sequel of yesterday's book
The story ends and you're not there anymore
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
I threw my decorations inside my heart
I'm calling your name
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
The time of silence is being heard
The night always goes on in the morning
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this love

My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.