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Број резултата: 93


Completely Yours

When I touch your skin
My feelings respond
And something inside of me
Repeats your name to me
When I touch your skin
I feel that I desire you
And you know very well that it's with you
That I want
I want to be that star that lights up your life
I want to enter your soul and melt you into mine
I want to be completely yours
I want to get out of myself
I want to drink from your lips until I'm intoxicated from you
I want to be yours tonight
So you can teach me to feel
And fade in your hands to feel touched by you
Touched by you
I feel the desire to be
In the bed that you sleep in
To learn how to fly
From the hand of a fairy
I feel the desire for you and my desire doesn't lie
More, than passion much more
This love is forever
I want to be that star that lights up your life
I want to enter your soul and melt you into mine
I want to be completely yours
I want to get out of myself
I want to drink from your lips until I'm intoxicated from you
I want to be yours tonight
So you can teach me to feel
And fade in your hands to feel touched by you
One night, you and I
Only with the stars
Escaped from the world
Discovering love
I want to be completely yours
I want to get out of myself
I want to drink from your lips until I'm intoxicated from you
I want to be yours tonight
So you can teach me to feel
And fade in your hands to feel touched by you

Illegal / Dimple (보조개)

Versions: #3
They’re well-hidden away, but if (you) smile they appear
Where do they come from
Don’t lie, you are indeed an angel
What is your true identity
But you
That smile is more than cruel
I shouldn’t have seen that cheek
Actually, what’s really dangerous
Is something only you have
Those dimples are illegal
No way, dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Were you a mistake that an angel left behind
Or was it a deep kiss
Those dimples are illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
As I don’t have it, as only you have it
Is it supposed to be this difficult
I want to fall into them and die, I want to drown in them and die
To me you are (like a) lake
Cause you
When you smile, I feel woozy
Please, can you be careful
Actually what’s really dangerous
Is something only you have
Those dimples are illegal
No way, dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Were you a mistake that an angel left behind
Or a deep kiss
Those dimples are illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
Every time I see you my heart gets more dangerous
Every time I see you it slowly gets more dangerous
Oh baby no hey
Oh baby no hey
You’re too dangerous to exist in this world
Those dimples are illegal
No way, dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Were you a mistake that an angel left behind
Or a deep kiss
Those dimples are illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
But I want it anyway anyway anyway

Very simple

All very simple
All natural
A sun tanned love
Tropical fruit
All the colours
That I could give you
All the fantasy
That I could dream about
I thought of telling you
Those things
But what for
If I have the music (music)
Good is very simple
Without turning it complicated
And a lot of time
For loving you...
I thought of telling you
So many things
But what for
If I have the music (music)
Good is very simple
Without turning it complicated
And a lot of time
For loving you...


I can’t always understand
Everything you say
You’re always smiling
But you look so lonely
Don’t hold in your tears
It’s alright, you and me
Put down your burdens
Just for a little bit, you hear me
Can you feel my voice
Toward you?
If it’s not too late
I hope my heart reaches you
Times I endured alone, each day
Tell me I did a good job, my star
Whenever something is up
But you feel like no one knows
You endured several times
You endured until now
When you want to give up
Thoughts keep growing
Words keep cutting you
Who is this even for?
You ask yourself
Think about it, snap out of it
Don’t be shaken by words
Who is this even for?
So make a stronger promise to yourself
Can you feel my voice
Toward you?
If it’s not too late
I hope my heart reaches you
Times I endured alone, each day
Tell me I did a good job, my starr
I believe that happiness comes in little doses
I always told myself but it’s not always easy
The only place I can breathe is you
I want you to stay
Can you feel my voice
Toward you?
If it’s not too late
If my heart completely reaches you
I don’t know exactly what to say
But will I be able to tell you?
This is me
In the night sky
I can see a particular shining star
To me, it’s exactly like you, yeah
I’m late but please understand
The words that I treasure everyday
You’re my 5tar

Simply jealous

I'm jealous of these flowery fabrics that deviously brush against her
When I'm not there
I'm jealous of lace, of flannel
Of all these sweet nothings she slides on her silky skin
I'm jealous of the perfume she wears
Of the odours that escort her everywhere she goes
But above all
Simply jealous...
I'm jealous of the sidewalks that carry her
Towards the naughty doors she crosses without me
I'm jealous of the looks that touch her
Of all these hands that squint while following her with their fingers
I'm jealous of the words that nudge her
Of the not so funny stories that she laughs at sometimes
But above all
Simply jealous...
I'm not abnormal
Not creepy
I wouldn't hurt a fly
Except if it touches her
I'm jealous of the songs she hums
Of the chills these sounds that aren't mine give her
I'm jealous of the tango she dances
Of this touch of carelessness that outpaces her bit by bit
I'm jealous of the colours she lights up
In the foggy mornings of the countries she visits
But above all
Simply jealous...
I'm not abnormal
Not creepy
I wouldn't hurt a fly
Except if it touches her
But above all
Simply jealous...

Happy birthday

Happy birthday,
happy birthday,
we all wish to you,
happy birthday.
Since the day you were born,
you have always been, and will be
a joy to us all,
an overwhelming happiness.
Your birthday party
we will celebrate now,
united with your family,
we all are going to sing.
Happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
We are here to cheer you up,
to make you happy,
together with this joy
and wish you a happy birthday.
Then, with much joy,
we are going to play, all together
and when you blow out the candles,
we all are going to sing.
Happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
wish to you, your parchis' friends,
happy birthday,
happy birthday
we wish you all,
happy birthday.
Just learning.

Simply You

Simply You
I want to give you a kiss
Start from zero
Explore the world with your eyes
I just want to take your hand
Get so close that there is no space between us
I have a flower and a promise
I have written in each part of my body that I want you to myself
I want to know every hidden detail of your heart
I want to be like the air in your breathing
And not stop loving you
I want to be any where you go to
I want to wake up like this, lost in your stare andj you embracing me
I want to scream to the world that I discovered you, I won’t be able to let you go
Only You
Simply You,
You are all I want
I want to keep nothing to myself
And touch your soul
With the most subtle feelings
I have a flower and a promise
I have written in each part of my body that I want you to myself
I want to know every hidden detail of your heart
I want to be like the air in your breathing
And not stop loving you
I want to be any where you go to
I want to wake up like this, lost in your stare and you embracing me
I want to scream to the world that I discovered you, I won’t be able to let you go
Only You
Simply You,
It has only been you
I want to know every hidden detail of your heart
I want to be like the air in your breathing
And not stop loving you
Only you
Simply you,
You are all I want

Cela istorija Sovjetskog Saveza ispričana od strane jednog skromnog radnika i uklopljena u melodiju iz Tetrisa

U Moskvu dođoh tražeći sreću
Ali me teraju da radim do smrti
Buržoaziji je lako
A Car posipa hleb zlatom
Narod Moskve gladuje
A kakva bi gozba mogla biti
Kad bismo stvorili socijalističku državu
Koja se obazire na ljude kao što sam ja.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje se spuštaju na mene odozogo.
Oni silaze, ja ih okrećem
I uklapaju se u tlo kao ruka u rukavicu.
Ponekad se čini da je u redu pomeriti ciglu
I da će se redovi formirati usput
Onda vidim da sam pogrešno procenio
Ipak ga nisam trebao pogurati.
Mogu li dobiti dugačku?
Zašto ove paklene cigle moraju zapinjati?
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje i dalje padaju odozgo.
Pođite Moskovljani! Ujedini se narode!
Zajednički režim mira i ljubavi.
Tako vredno slažem cigle
A stanodavac i uterivač poreza me cede
Ali radnici će ustati! Neće biti kompromisa!
Jer znamo da stari režim mora pasti.
Živeo Lenjin, dole Car!
Pozdravljamo srp i čekić!
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje i dalje padaju odozgo.
Hrana na tanjiru sad pripada državi
Zajednički režim mira i ljubavi.
Nemam izbora u slaganju cigli
Pod Boljševicima ide kako oni kažu.
Po pravilu smo svi isti
I cigle moraju praviti neprekidne redove.
Živeo Staljin! On vas voli!
Svi znamo šta će uraditi ako ne budemo pevali...
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje prave ljudi u Kazakstanu.
Kasne dve sedmice i ne uklapaju se
Ali pratimo Staljinov petogodišnji plan.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže tenkove
Koji će držati sve naciste podalje
Firer je mrtav, a Evropa crvena!
Okrenimo svo oružje na SAD.
Zauvek ćemo živeti!
Možemo započeti nuklearni rat!
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje prave tajnu bazu.
Hip hip ura za SSSR!
Šaljemo ljude u svemir.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Ali svaku noć idem kući i ženi u suzama-
U čemu je poenta svega, kad dižeš zid
A pred očima ti nestaje?
Bezvredan rad za bezvrednu platu.
Ovu igru neću igrati.
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle!
Ali mislim da ću sutra ostati u krevetu.
Zima je hladna, imam mnogo zlata
I stojim u redu za veknu hleba.
Možda bi nam bilo bolje
Kad bi svrgnuli Gorbačova
Ja sam čovek koji slaže cigle
Koje i dalje padaju odozgo.
Tržište je otvoreno! Toliko novca za mene!
Reci mi, šta me briga za mir i ljubav?
Tržište je otvoreno! Toliko novca za mene!
Reci mi, šta me briga za mir i ljubav?
Mir i ljubav, mir i ljubav!
Sad je pao zid, a marksisti tuguju
Po celom gradu su strane radnje
Na Crvenom trgu, ne ojajavaj
Ima Levi's i McDonald's
Amerika nam je dala crystal meth
A Jeljcin se napio do smrti
A sad, kad je Putin vratio čizmu,
Gde nam je kraj?
Mi odbijamo otvoreno poslovanje
I opet će ustati levica
Pripremite zastave za razmotavanje
Mi proglašavamo nezavisnost od sveta:
Povratićemo gruzijsko tlo
Uzećemo naftu Arktika
Složićemo cigle i raditi
Zauvek i još dan.
Kraj igre.

Шта ми би да се упетљам

Некада слатка, некада фина, кажем 'личи на добру девојку'
Некада се лепо понаша, мислио сам - биће вредна труда
Кад оно, направила је план да узме круну
Да ради по свом, да стави себе у први план
Шта ми би да се упетљам, да одем и да се заљубим
У каквим сам се невољама нашао, шта ми би да се упетљам
Савршени карактер, добио сам сјајне препоруке
Све најбоље су ми рекли, била је девојка за пример
Кад оно, направила је план да узме круну
Да ради по свом, да стави себе у први план
Шта ми би да се упетљам, да одем и да се заљубим
У каквим сам се невољама нашао, шта ми би да се упетљам


Potpuno , zelim da dam moju ljubav , potpuno
Radije bih bio sam nego da budem u ljubavi samo na pola puta
Zelim da nadjem nekoga kome mogu da verujem , potpuno
Zelim da dam moje srce , potpuno
Nekome ko ce potpuno dati svoje srce samo meni
I kada nadjem jednu takvu
Tada cu se zaljubiti
Ne pola vec celo
Srcem i dusom
Potpuno , ne izmedju
Vec sve
Takav bi trebalo da bude
Nacin na koji zelim da se neko zaljubi u mene
Zauvek , zelim da osetim svet , zauvek
I znam da ce tamo biti neko zauvek na mojoj strani
I kada taj osecaj dodje
Tada cu dati moju ljubav
To je sve ili nista za ovo moje srce
I necu da odustanem od ovog srca sve do dana kada cu naci
Nekoga ko bi mogao
Nekoga ko me voli

See you like this

You know it's hard for me to see you like this,
that I don't spend a minute without thinking of you
You know I hate to remember
That you suffer like a human while being so angelical
And you know how much I hate it to see you sad
if your laughter is so pretty, why would you hide it?
And you I just want to be
with you forever, to help you get over it
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
Come, let's go somewhere else, to escape the pain
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
For I swear, you look much better when you are happy
You know I love seeing you well
your figure is natural and so special, without makeup
And you know I can look at you all day
gorgeous and prettier than the sky, the sun and the sea
I am dying to ask you why
you don't look into my eyes when I tell you I love you
I hope to know what to do in order to heal you, to
inmensely brighten every part of you
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
Come, let's go somewhere else, to escape the pain
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
For I swear, you look much better when you are happy
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
come and escape with me to a much better place
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
For I swear, you look much better when you are happy
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
come and escape with me to a much better place
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
For I swear, you look much better when you are happy

Tutto Completo

I'm in crisis for ten days already
I'm questioning what is the cause
I'm getting nervous without reason
A real nervous breakdown is threatening me.
I never tasted drugs
but I did taste you, I did taste you
and maybe I get drunk three times
but with you I don't know where am I
with you I don't know where am I.
Like on needles I was getting off you
my dear, I didn't make it
eager of your smell, eager for the Guinness prize
I turn your number on the phone, but you're no more mine.
You're hitting my heart, you're hitting my brain
you're tearing me apart, I don't know who am I anymore
what else could I say on all of that now
except that now I'm your 'Tutto Completo'.
It's risky for my heart
isn't it smashing
it's critical for my health
because I'm still sickly in love with you.
I never tasted drugs
but I did taste you, I did taste you
and maybe I get drunk three times
but with you I don't know where am I
with you I don't know where am I.
Like on needles I was getting off you
my dear, I didn't make it
eager of your smell, eager for the Guinness prize
I turn your number on the phone, but you're no more mine.
You're hitting my heart, you're hitting my brain
you're tearing me apart, I don't know who am I anymore
what else could I say on all of that now
except that now I'm your 'Tutto Completo'.
Tutto Completo
Tutto Completo
because I love you
even when you're a dog.
Tutto Completo
Tutto Completo
because of you
I'm going through concrete
with my head.
Tutto Completo
Tutto Completo
because I love you
even when you're a dog.
Tutto Completo
Tutto Completo
you're directly
shooting at me.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!


MY LIFE is a negative metropolis (UH... LABEL OF COMPLEX)
Exhausted and nostalgic (UH... Hypocondrie)
The tail end's murmur​ is (UH... LABEL OF COMPLEX)
A teenager dancing during the journalism (UH... Hypocondrie)
The only dream true's four marks
A very laughable democracy
The fixer's mutter is a bluesy NIGHT
Only material capital
A real democracy
The proletariat's smile THEY FORGOT
An angelus in a joke remark OH...nineteen ninety-four OH...OH...
NIGHT LIFE A street corner bamboo (UH... LABEL OF COMPLEX)
An unexpectedly quicky groggy (UH... Hypocondrie)
The skinner fixers fascist inspiration (UH... LABEL OF COMPLEX)
A WALKING TALKING dreamy state of mind (UH... Hypocondrie)
The only dream the true's four marks
A very laughable democracy
The fixer's mutter is a bluesy NIGHT
Only material capital
A real democracy
The proletariat's smile THEY FORGOT
An angelus in a joke remark OH...OH...nineteen ninety-four OH...OH...
The only dream the true's four marks
A very laughable democracy
The fixer's mutter is a bluesy NIGHT
Only material capital
A real democracy
The proletariat's smile THEY FORGOT
The only dream the true's four marks
A very laughable democracy
The fixer's mutter is a bluesy NIGHT
Only material capital
A real democracy
The proletariat's smile THEY FORGOT
UH...Bluesy NIGHT
Bluesy NIGHT..

Complete (Intro)

Shhh! Listen now
Yeah~ I don’t care, I do
Complete in me
I’m complete
The path I made that won't break
I can't be certain and I can't promise oh oh
No one decides for me
Doesn't matter even if I collapse doesn't matter Complete
I'll show you
Even if everything disappears we
Won't give up
Complete in me I won't avoid it
Complete in me it won't stop
I'll stand at the end of the unending darkness
Let's go together where-ever we go
Oh oh oh oh complete
I’m complete
It won't be easy the path you and I dream
The question without an answer I can't do anything
It's the beginning it's okay if you regret it
Doesn't matter if I collapse Complete
I'll show you everything
Even if everything disappears we
Won't give up
Complete in me I won't avoid it
Complete in me it won't stop
I'll stand at the end of the unending darkness
Let's go together where-ever we go
Oh oh oh oh complete
Oh no matter boys sometimes
I have to be brave twice as much as others
Hey hey it's better than standing there
Let's go with me in class stay close like that
Weighing romance and reality
Take centre throw away your thoughts
If you look back it's all cute
Pursue your star
Complete in me I won't avoid it
Complete in me it won't stop
I'll stand at the end of the unending darkness
Let's go together where-ever we go
Oh oh oh oh complete
Prep complete we just killed the beat
Who are we we’re BTOB
Just in case you missed
I’ll repeat it for you one more time
We are BTOB
I’m complete

Le Paradis d'Été

My heart is sinking and I'm fly away in this plane that's taking me far from you
I can't believe that we're leaving
Tell me that it's the last time
But one day I'll come back here, my love, under the shadow of palm trees
(Stay in my name)
Cause I remember every sunset,
I remember every word you said
The sun brushing against your skin
We were singing la la ta ta ta
I only think about coming back
Back to summer paradise with you
And I'll be there in a heartbeat
(Quick time, quick time girl) oh, oh
I'll be there in a heartbeat
(Quick time, quick time girl) oh, oh
(Tell 'em)
Outside the snow keeps falling
You just need to forget it
I dream of the sand and sea
I really need you beside me
(Baby girl)
In this beautiful life
The summer in the sky
Hand in hand
We forget about tomorrow
Cause I remember every sunset
I remember every word you said
The sun brushing against your skin
We were singing la la ta ta ta
I only think about coming back
Back to summer paradise with you
And I'll be there in a heartbeat
(Quick time, quick time girl) oh, oh
I'll be there in a heartbeat
(Quick time, quick time girl) oh, oh
(Tell 'em)
The promised that we made
To about our friends
Thinking about it
Sunshine under trees
Summer time on the beach
Oh fine we get closer
Under them trees
Baby girl, you really got to me
It's 3 o'clock and we're together
And the time doesn't leave
In a heartbeat girl, sex on the beach
Don't stand your world, ask me I'm rich
Loving you girl, is the best part of me
But one day, I'll come back, my love, under the shadow of the palm trees
(Bring it back, bring it back - rewind)
Cause I remember every sunset
I remember every word you said
The sun brushing against your skin
We were singing la la ta ta ta
I only think about coming back
Back to summer paradise with you
And I'll be there in a heartbeat
(Quick time, quick time girl) oh, oh
I'll be there in a heartbeat
(Quick time, quick time girl' oh, oh
I'll be there in a heartbeat


I’m standing on the last road for today
It’s like this every day
In this big world
I know I’m like a particle of dust
Nothing is easy
In this exit-less, maze-like world
Happiness is only a word
It’s just a dream that everyone wants
But that doesn’t make sense
I don’t even wanna believe that
Yeah I just want it SIMPLE SIMPLE oh
Everything that makes me breathe
I want it to be simple
Until it goes far far away
Until I can’t see
I call you baby yeah
Baby’s called my happiness yeah
Yeah I just want it SIMPLE SIMPLE
I want it SIMPLE
Nothing is easy
In this exit-less, maze-like world
Happiness is only a word
It’s just a dream that everyone wants
But that doesn’t make sense
I don’t even wanna believe that
Yeah I just want it SIMPLE SIMPLE oh
Everything that makes me breathe
I want it to be simple
Until it goes far far away
Until I can’t see
I call you baby yeah
Baby’s called my happiness yeah
Yeah I just want it SIMPLE SIMPLE
I want it SIMPLE
Em I want it simple yeah
Even if everyone says I’m wrong
I hope we can all smile when the night is over
Everything that makes me breathe
I want it to be simple
Until it goes far far away
Until I can’t see
I call you baby yeah
Baby’s called my happiness yeah
Yeah I just want it SIMPLE SIMPLE
I want it SIMPLE
I want it SIMPLE
I want it SIMPLE
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them. :)

Svi prevodi koje postavim su moji, tj. ja sam ih prevodila, sem ako ne postoji izvor originalnog prevoda. Ako primetite bilo kakve leksičke ili gramatičke greške u nekom od mojih prevoda, molim vas da mi javite kako bih ih ispravila. :)

A Complex

You married a rich man for pure convenience,
Your parents obligated you, today you suffer through my presence.
I remember you told me when you lost me,
I can not love anyone, I need your love.
The love that I gave you, with no one else compare it
And you live in great concealment, your parents are proud.
I do not blame you, my love,
It was sent by destiny, that you could not
Be my wife because of the poor
that I am.
If someday we meet, you will see in me the sadness
Always with that complex, of damn poverty.


It's just that it's been a thousand years
and I used to die from love,
until this blue winter came
to light up what the century has turned off.
I competed with myself on the hurricane's hours,
at the times when the heart was puking ashes,
standing still in the cyclone's maelstrom
the only thing I could hear was them saying to me feel hurt, feel hurt, feel hurt, feel hurt.
My body didn't surrender to the rocks,
my last tear didn't dry up,
witches of times of love, liars
of the most beautiful nights, bum hours.
I won't compare the light to the darkness
nor a white sheep to a black wolf.
I won't be fed one more motherly caress
just let my soul's well close.
It's only been a thousand years...

Respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master

1) The spiritual master is receiving benediction from the ocean of mercy. Just as a cloud pours water on a forest fire to extinguish it, so the spiritual master delivers the materially afflicted world by extinguishing the blazing fire of material existence. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is an ocean of auspicious qualities.
2) Chanting the holy name, dancing in ecstasy, singing, and playing musical instruments, the spiritual master is always gladdened by the sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because he is relishing the mellows of pure devotion within his mind, sometimes his hair stands on end, he feels quivering in his body, and tears flow from his eyes like waves. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
3) The spiritual master is always engaged in the temple worship of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. He also engages his disciples in such worship. They dress the Deities in beautiful clothes and ornaments, clean Their temple, and perform other similar worship of the Lord. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
4) The spiritual master is always offering Krsna four kinds of delicious food [analyzed as that which is licked, chewed, drunk, and sucked]. When the spiritual master sees that the devotees are satisfied by eating bhagavat-prasada, he is satisfied. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
5) The spiritual master is always eager to hear and chant about the unlimited conjugal pastimes of Radhika and Madhava, and Their qualities, names, and forms. The spiritual master aspires to relish these at every moment. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
6) The spiritual master is very dear, because he is expert in assisting the gopis, who at different times make different tasteful arrangements for the perfection of Radha and Krsna's conjugal loving affairs within the groves of Vrndavana. I offer my most humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
7) The spiritual master is to be honored as much as the Supreme Lord, because he is the most confidential servitor of the Lord. This is acknowledged in all revealed scriptures and followed by all authorities. Therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is a bona fide representative of Sri Hari [Krsna].
8) By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krsna. Without the grace of the spiritual master, one cannot make any advancement. Therefore, I should always remember and praise the spiritual master. At least three times a day I should offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual master.
9) One who, with great care and alteration, loudly recites this beautiful prayer to the spiritual master during the Brahma-muhurta obtains direct service to Krsna, the Lord of Vrndavana, at the time of his death.


He who is
Is another man who is crazy for you
But I don't think he can tell you
All that what I tell you
I hope that
I wish from the bottom of my heart that
We will never meet again
Not to lose the last
Piece of dignity that has remained to me
To avoid melting under the sun
To avoid looking at you like a lunatic
A lunatic who wants you
I hope that
I wish from the bottom of my heart that
We will meet again
Because I want to lose
You risk to go down under, cursed
And try things again one more time
And shoot you in the face with everything I try
Like a lunatic who wants you
The music that is for you from loneliness
Made me go crazy
And who would ever forget that again
It hurts me again
But she hurts me again
I don't find sleep
I don't find peace
I feel the heart going faster
Only so I feel very good
I don't find sleep
I don't find peace
I feel the heart going faster
Only so I feel very good
I don't have hunger anymore
Let me drink
Kiss me now
Even if it rains
Only so I feel very good

Smrdljiva mačko (nedovršena verzija)

Smrdljiva mačko, smrdljiva mačko
Čime te to hrane?
Smrdljiva mačko, smrdljiva mačko
Nije tvoja krivica

Spasiti te

Priberem se
Još samo jedan korak do vrata
Nikad nećeš znati koliko me boli da te vidim
Voleo bih da mo gu da ti kažem nešto
Da prekinem sve to
Ponekad poželim da sam te mogao spasiti
I ima toliko stvari koje želim da znaš
Neću odustati do kraja
I ako traje zauvek, želim da znaš...
Kad čujem tvoj glas
On se utapa u šapatima
Samo si kost i koža
Nema više ništa da ti se uzme
I šta god da uradim ne mogu da ti olakšam
Kad bih samo našao odgovor
Koji bi mi pomogao da shvatim
Ponekad poželim da sam te mogao spasiti
I ima toliko stvari koje želim da znaš
Neću odustati do kraja
I ako traje zauvek, želim da znaš
Ako padneš, poklekneš
Podići ću te sa zemlje
Ako izgubiš veru u sebe
Daću ti snage da se izvučeš
Reci mi da nećeš odustati, jer ja ću čekati ako padneš
O, znaš da ću biti tu za tebe
(Aaah aaah)
Kad bih samo mogao naći način
Da otstranim sve
Ponekad poželim da sam te mogao spasiti
I ima toliko stvari koje želim da znaš
Neću odustati do kraja
I ako traje zauvek, želim da znaš
Želim da sam te mogao spasiti
Hoću da znaš
Želim da sam te mogao spasiti (oh)

Medjunarodna Ljubavna Pesma

Nedeljno je popodne i ja cekam
Ono sto sam procitao izmedju redova,
Tvoje lazi.
Osecam se kao ruka u zardjaloj sramoti
Da li se smejes onima koji placu?
Odlazim juznim vozom
Koliko juce, ti si lagala
Izgleda mi da ova obecanja
Samo gledaju vreme kako prolazi,
Sve ove stvari koje si mi rekla.
Disanje je najteza stvar
Za uciniti. I sve ono sto sam rekao
Sve je to mrtvo za tebe,
Lagala si - zbogom
Odlazim juznim vozom
Koliko juce, ti si lagala
Izgleda mi da ova obecanja
Samo gledaju vreme kako prolazi,
Sve ove stvari koje sam ti rekao.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Idalje Ostaje

Nas krevet u kojem zivimo, nas krevet u kojem spavamo
Vodimo ljubavi ja postajem ti
Meso je toplo, bosonogi
Trnje ubada i ti postajes ja
oh, molio bih za tebe, Oh, ti znas da bih molio za tebe
Izaberi pesmu i pevaj zute nektarine
Okupaj se, i ja cu popiti vodu koju ostavis
Ako bi trebala da umres pre mene
Pitaj, da li mozes povesti prijatelja
Izaberi cvet, zadrzi dah
I pobegni...
Ona me drzi za ruku, mi delimo smeh
Klizava narandza, cvat i povetarac
Ljubav je mirna i znoj ostaje
Dragoceni poklon, nesebicni osecaj...
oh, molio bih za tebe. Oh, ti znas da bih molio za tebe
Izaberi pesmu i pevaj zute nektarine
Okupaj se, i ja cu popiti vodu koju ostavis
Ako bi trebala da umres pre mene
Pitaj, da li mozes povesti prijatelja
Izaberi cvet, zadrzi dah
I pobegni...
Ona mi prica stvari, i ja lepo slusam
Popij vino i sacuvaj vodu
Koza je glatka, ja krisom gledam
Vilin konjic klizi...
oh, molio bih za tebe. Oh, ti znas da bih molio za tebe.
Izaberi pesmu i pevaj zute nektarine
Okupaj se, i ja cu popiti vodu koju ostavis
Ako bi trebala da umres pre mene
Pitaj, da li mozes povesti prijatelja
Izaberi cvet, zadrzi dah
I pobegni...
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Dani U Nedelji

Ponedeljak, dizem se iz mrtvih
Prepustam se, vracam se za jos jedno
Utorak, pucaj mi u glavu
Uzimam nazad, uzimam to nazad
Bice uzeto nazad
Sreda, ona trazi prijatelja
Ona ce dobiti ono sto zeli
Izgleda da joj nije dosta
Cetvrtak, ovo je vise nego sto mogu da izdrzim
Ja je pridrzavam, pridrzavam je
Ona je ponovo dole
Moram pronaci nacin da je pronadjem
Gde bi mogla biti?
Cetiri dana u nedelji ona misli da sam joj ja neprijatelj
Jedan dan, ostavljen sam da umrem
Probudio sam se na podu, vreme je za jos jedno
Drugi dan, ona me ponovo ostavlja, ne mogu vise ovo da podnesem
Izlazi napolje
Treci dan, nasla je sebi prijatelja
Ona ima sta zeli
Ali ipak joj to nije dovoljno
Cetvrti dan, ponovo je sa mnom
Ona me vuce dole, vuce me dole
Ponovo sam dole
Moram pronaci nacin da je pronadjem
Gde bi mogla biti?
Cetiri dana u nedelji ona misli da sam joj ja neprijatelj
Ponedeljak je prosao
Utorak bledi
Sreda je prosla
Cetvrtak jos uvek nije potrosen
Ponedeljak, dizem se iz mrtvih
Prepustam se, vracam se za jos jedno
Utorak, pucaj mi u glavu
Uzimam nazad, uzimam to nazad
Bice uzeto nazad
Moram pronaci put da je pronadjem
Gde bi mogla biti?
Cetiri dana u nedelji ona misli da sam joj ja neprijatelj
Misli da sam ja neprijatelj
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Zla Basta

Mozes li da osecas kao dete?
Mozes li da vidis ono sto zelim?
Zelim da protrcim kroz tvoju zlu bastu
Jer sam cuo da te tamo mogu naci
Ali ja sam ziv
Tako sam zivahan
Znam da te tama zaslepljuje
Mozes li da vidis bez ociju?
Mozes li da pricas bez lazi?
Zelim da pijem iz tvoje gole fontane
Mogu da potopim tvoje tuge
Zapalicu, sada cu te spaliti zivu
I izbaviti te iz lanaca koji te vezuju
Mozes li da vidis kao dete?
Mozes li da vidis samo ono sto zelim?
Mogu li da te vratim nazad u zivot?
Da li se plasis zivota?
Spali, spali, spali
Spali svoju zlu bastu
Spali, spali, spali
Spali svoju zlu bastu do zemlje
Mozes li da osetis unutrasnji bol?
Mozes li da volis?
Mozes li da places?
Zelim da protrcim kroz tvoju zlu bastu
Jer sam cuo da te tamo mogu naci
Jer ja sam ziv
Tako sam zivahan
Oslobodjen tame koja te zaslepljuje
Mozes li da vidis bas kao dete?
Mozes li da vidis samo ono sto zelim?
Mogu li da te vratim nazad u zivot?
Da li se plasis zivota?
Spali, spali, spali
Spali svoju zlu bastu
Spali, spali, spali
Spali svoju zlu bastu do zemlje
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)


Ona zivi u bungalovu
Ona me ubija trnjem od ruza iz baste
Ceka me
Moja ljubav je neobicna
Obojena je ruzama i trnjem
Ja sam sa njom kompletan
Ona zivi pokraj zida
I ceka pokraj vrata
Ona hoda ka suncu
Ka meni
Vizije Meksika me zavode
Vrlo pazljivo idu u moju glavu
Secanja na svece i tamjan
I zapamti sve ove stvari
Ona zivi pokraj zida
I ceka pokraj vrata
Ona hoda ka suncu
Ka meni
Ona me tesi
Kada se svece ugase
Torta je vec pocela da budja
Ali secanja su idalje slatka
I ako je sav smeh nestao
Meksicka princeza
Je otisla iz mog zivota
Ona zivi pokraj zida
I ceka pokraj vrata
Ona hoda ka suncu
Ka meni
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)


Ka jucerasnjici
Tera me da ostanem
Ono sto su rekli je istinito
Tera me da kradem
Zivim ispod kuce
Pretpostavljam da zivim, ja sam mis
I sve sto imam je vreme
Nemam znacenja, samo rime
Polako sa tom ranjenom rukom
Jer ona voli da leci
Polako sa tom ranjenom rukom
Jer ja volim da kradem
Polako sa tom ranjenom rukom
Jer ona voli da leci, a ja volim da kradem
Ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio
I osecam da zora bledi
Postaje siva
Pa, ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio
I osecam da zora bledi
Postaje siva
Pa, ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio
I osecam da zora bledi
Postaje siva
Pa, ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio, pola od onoga kakav sam bio
Osecam se ne inspirisano
Mislim da cu zapaliti vatru
Bezite svi
Bobby ima pusku
Mislim da si prilicno fina
Onda mi ona kaze da sam jeziv
Prijatelji nista ne znace
Pretpostavljam da ce sve to ostati na meni
Polako sa tom ranjenom rukom
Jer ona voli da leci
Polako sa tom ranjenom rukom
Jer ja volim da kradem
Polako sa tom ranjenom rukom
Jer ona voli da leci, a ja volim da kradem
Ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio
I osecam da zora bledi
Postaje siva
Pa, ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio
I osecam da zora bledi
Postaje siva
Pa, ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio
I osecam da zora bledi
Postaje siva
Pa, ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio, pola od onoga kakav sam bio
Polako sa tom ranjenom rukom
Jer ona voli da leci
Polako sa tom ranjenom rukom
Jer ja volim da kradem
Polako sa tom ranjenom rukom
Jer ona voli da leci, a ja volim da kradem
Ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio
I osecam da zora bledi
Postaje siva
Pa, ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio
I osecam da zora bledi
Postaje siva
Pa, ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio
I osecam da zora bledi
Postaje siva
Pa, ja sam pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio, pola od onoga kakav sam bio
Pola coveka od onog kakav sam bio.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Namcorasta Devojka

Ona se okrenula, u sta je to gledala?
Bila je namcorasta devojka onoga dana kada me je upoznala
Hej, u sta to gledas?
Bila je srecna devojka onoga dana kada me je ostavila
Sta bi uradila?
Sta bi uradila ako te pratim?
Sta bi uradila? Pratim te
Ne okreci se, u sta to gledas?
On je bio tako srecan onoga dana kada ju je upoznao
Kazi, u sta to gledas?
Bio sam supermen, ali pogledi su me obmanuli
Rolerkosterom se vozi usamljenik
Placam otkupni listic da bi zaustavio isparavanje
Hej, u sta to gledas?
Ona je bila tinejdzerka kada me je upoznala
Sta bi uradila?
Sta bi uradila ako te pratim?
Sta bi uradila? Pratim te
Sta bi uradila?....
Devojka ima razloge
Sve one imaju svoje razloge
Sta bi uradila?....
Hej, u sta to gledas?
Ona je bila srecna devojka onoga dana kada me je ostavila
Onoga dana kada me je ostavila, onoga dana kada me je ostavila
Ona je bila srecna devojka onoga dana kada me je ostavila
Onoga dana kada me je ostavila, onoga dana kada me je ostavila
Ona je bila srecna devojka onoga dana kada me je ostavila
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)