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Број резултата: 30


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Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Pošto moram odabrati,
Nežnim rečima mogu reći,
Bez prevare
Ja sam dečak.
I za carstvo
ne želim se skinuti,
Budući da je bez prevare
Ja sam dečak.
Sasvim sam u svom ormaru
Oči iscrtane crnim krugom,
Iza zatvorenih vrata
Prkosim šansama.
U ovom svetu bez glave i repa
Radim samo ono što želim.
Maramica u šupljini pantalona
Ja sam vitez de Eon.
Pošto moram odabrati,
Nežnim rečima mogu reći,
Bez prevare
Ja sam dečak.
I za carstvo
ne želim se skinuti,
Budući da je bez prevare
Ja sam dečak.
Zbog toga sam oteran iz vašeg društva.
Ne dam nikome da preti mojim odlukama.
Baš me briga šta će ljudi reći,
Ja sam kameleon.
Čuvajte se mojih olovnih vojnika,
Oni su ti koji će vas ubiti.
Pošto moram odabrati,
Nežnim rečima mogu reći,
Bez prevare
Ja sam dečak.
I za carstvo
ne želim se skinuti,
Budući da je bez prevare
Ja sam dečak.


Versions: #1
Whether we're girls
Of cocktails, beautiful
Whether we're girls
Flowers of garbage cans
All the same
Whether we are crescents of the moon
Whether we are mounts of Saturn
For the G.V.I. or in bubbles
We do need
We do need love
We do need love
Need for a XXL love
We want XXL love
Whether we are girls
Of history, rare
Whether we're girls
Flowers of sidewalks
It's like that
Whether we are Paul in Pauline
Making the front page of magazines
Negative or positive
All the girls
They need love
We do need love
Need for a XXL love
We want XXL love
We need love
(need for a flame and to feel blue)
We need love
(need for a look of skin and tears)
Need for a XXL love
(need for a flame and to feel blue)
We want XXL love
(need for a look of skin and tears)
We need love
(need for a flame and to feel blue)
We need love
(need for a look of skin and tears)
Need for a XXL love
(need for a flame and to feel blue)
We want XXL love
(need for a look of skin and tears)


Versions: #1
I am sentimental
God how
I am without hate
I am sentimental
But now
I'm in way too much pain
There are flaws
I confess
I have the vacuum underneath
'And I'm gonna die'
In addition
To the rest
I am afraid of everything
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
It's beautiful
When it's seen
Seen from above
It's beautiful, it's beautiful
When from the cradle to
The tomb
I am sentimental
God how
I am without hate
I am sentimental
But now
I'm in way too much pain
I'm overbook''
Wherever I go
I believe in life
I'm overbook''
Wherever I go
I take off
'I wanna break free'
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
1, 2, 3, I go to the woods
4, 5, 6, To pick cherries
7, 8, 9, In my new basket
10, 11, 12, So long as they are soft

Soul in the water

The air is heavy with your absence
The air is deaf to our feelings
The air is short, and my missing you
You, my other me
You see, my soul is in the water
If dreams had doors
May they lead me there, to your side
The black wave that I must have crossed
Over pains that no-one knows of
My soul is in the water
Blessed be my refuge
Blessed be the gold of my house
Soft breath, our hands brushing against each other
My soul is in the water, my soul is in the water
The air is heavy with your absence
The air is deaf to my feelings
The angel in the sky murmurs an 'I love you'
In a final essence
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
The air is heavy with your absence
The air is deaf to our feelings
Sometimes we miss the air of love
I see the drowning dawn
My soul is in the water
But dreams have doors
Which lead me there, to where my feet can touch the bottom
Despair, the present takes me away
Is it necessary to believe that I'm dead?
My soul is in the water
Blessed be your presence
Blessed be the gold of all the worlds
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
The air is heavy with your absence
The air is deaf to our feelings
The air is short, and my missing you
You, my other me
You see, my soul is in the water


How can I tell you about
My reality?
In my coat
Water that has been running
And yeah
How can I tell him?
How do I spare him?
Inside his body something sick
A croc is hidden
But I am here
For you
To no longer allow you
The craving to jump
Into the ocean
And I am here
For you
I'm learning to let go
I will forget about life
Once inside
How can I tell you about
My reality?
Such a delirious night
It all seems disorienting
And yeah
How can I tell him
That something immense
Fills a void
The curtain has fallen
But I am here
For you
To no longer allow you
The craving to jump
Into the ocean
And I am here
For you
I'm learning to let go
I will forget about life
Once inside


Versions: #1
You who did not recognize me
Ignorant of my life, this monastery, I have
In front of me a door, half opened
On a maybe
Even if I have to start all over
You who did not believe my solitude
Ignored its cries, its harsh angles. I have
In my heart a minuscule thread
A lunar filament
That holds onto a diamond, being worn away...
But that loves
I didn't choose this
But it is here, the 'innamoramento'
Love and death maybe
But I would suspend time for one word
Everything swells and yields
And it is here, the 'innamoramento'
All of its being is imposed upon us
Perhaps we will finally find its echo
You who have not seen the other side of....
The condemned doors of my memory, I have
Fled from everything, the treasures of the past
Those wounded years
Do you understand I will have to stop?
I no longer look to heaven, I have
In front of me a half opened door, but
The unknown has bruised more than one heart
And its soul mate
We hope for it, wait for it, we even flee it
But we love

Љубав није ништа...

Опседнути најгорим
и не баш много речити
најмањи од мојих уздаха
постају метафизички.
Имам на свом небу
тоне звезда
које се држе за моја крила
и ево паде Архангел Гаврило!
Опседнута најгорим
и мало превише физичка,
жеља за дрхтањем
је фараонска!
... фуј аскетизму!
Мој живот се замрачује,
без језика,
без секса се исцрпљујем!
Љубав није ништа!
Кад је политички коректна,
волимо се,
ни не знамо кад се повређујемо.
Љубав није ништа
када јесве сексуално коректно
досађујемо се
и вичемо да престане.
Живот није ништа...
кад је млак!
Изједа самог себе и узбуркава
крв у пепелу цигарете.
Живот је леп...
мед и млеко!
Кад је кисео од динамита,
ко ме воли – нек'ме прати!
Опседнути најгорим
и не баш много речити
најмањи од мојих уздаха
постају метафизички.
Имам у глави
тоне пируета,
скок анђела
није за мене ништа чудно.
Опседнута најгорим
и не баш много речита
да бих делила смех
прилично платонски.
Имам у мојој сфери
ефекат стаклене баште,
крв ми кључа,
укратко, искључила сам се од свега.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Badass Love Stories

I curse
The timeservers
Who compromise through big lies
And ignore collateral
Gag law
I curse
The penny-pinching rich
The hodgepodge of all sorts, I love
Plain pasta,
Plain pasta
Is what I love, no problem
I like
Badass love stories
That sucks
Such is the case
I admit it
Badass love stories
Such is the case
That sucks
I admit it
Stories, stories, stories
Badass love stories
I curse
Those obsessed with their own selves
Amid their own delicatessen,
And their own conceit
(No kidding?)
As for me
I’m sick of the chef’s specials
I’m sick of fat slobs
Of clichés without any right
To full-blooded life
To public illustrations
To eye-killing images
But I like
Badass love stories
That sucks
Such is the case
I admit it
Jerome, can you turn up the volume for
'Badass Love Stories?' I can't hear very well
What are you doing tonight?
Stories, stories, stories
Badass love stories

We Are All Imbeciles

Versions: #2
It's surely not to be an artist
To just bang on a piano
It's surely not to be a poet
To just mourn empty-headed
Sat by the Styx
I'm truly so little comical
That tears well in my eye
And you shithead does that make you laugh
It makes you laugh and makes me cry
It must be that we don't get it
We are all imbeciles
We are quite very stupid
What saves us is style
Ambiguous and also paradox
And that's enough
We must've gotten on the wrong planet
It's that we don't even know where we're at
The producers find that good
You and I know know just as well
We aren't far from hell

Украдени ауто

Versions: #2
Касно увече, по летњој врућини,
скупи ауто и празна улица.
Имам жицу у јакни,
јер то је мој занат.
Потребан је само тренутак,
не бој се.
Могу да упалим ауто на жицу
као да сам у томе звезда,
а само сам сиромашан дечко
у ауту неког богаташа.
И машина се коначно покреће,
наши животи се преплићу
и возимо се у ноћ.
Мека кожа мирише слатко,
узбуђује твоју машту.
Замишљам те
у другачијој ситацији,
као директора компаније.
Имаш породицу,
а ја имам неки осећај
да има још тога да се каже.
Нешто се компликује,
каже да је сам.
Проводи ноћ са љубавницом,
трагови њеног парфема,
све речи које му његова љубавница
шапуће искрено,
као љубавну песму.
Молим те одведи ме на плес вечерас,
потпуно сам сам.
Обећања за дан и ноћ,
чујем их као псалме.
Ја сам само заробљеник љубави,
заточен својим манама.
Одведи ме на плес,
молим те, одведи ме на плес вечерас.
Замисли своју жену
Њен живот јој клизи кроз прсте.
Постоји правило:
или си ловац или плен.
Он би јој рекао „вратићу се касно“,
узео би ствари, отишао до Рима.
Али постоји нешто више од сумње
У овом парфему који остаје.
И деца су немирна
док она пролази кроз семафор
и вози у ноћ.
Молим те одведи ме на плес вечерас,
потпуно сам сам.
Обећања за дан и ноћ,
чујем их као псалме.
Ја сам само заробљеник љубави,
заточен својим манама.
Одведи ме на плес,
молим те, одведи ме на плес вечерас.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Не заборави

Згађена над овим светом,
испод лампе, последњи сан,
чујем твој глас
упркос свему
и твоје речи
„поштуј другог“.
Јер у свим световима на које сам наишла
Никад нисам видела никога
ко је блистао као твој дијамант на сунцу
Сама соба је немилосрдна,
рај ми пада пред ноге,
па ипак (знамо, знамо)
да твој глас каже
Никад не заборави
вођена звездом,
никад не заборави,
обећавам ти ту где јеси
једну тачку у васиони
у којој је љубав свуда.
Никад не заборави,
то сам ја...
Једну тачку у васиони
у којој је љубав свуда,
никад не заборави (не, не, не).
Испод земље влада тишина,
сећање ми се касно враћа,
мислим на тебе,
не двоуми се,
била сам изгубљена, али сада коначно знам.
И сви ти знаци које шаљеш,
који ме оборе с ногу сваки пут,
са дежавијем ћемо променити распоред звезда
и чак и по мирном мору
твоје ме сазвежђе води,
ти знаш,
али хоризонт каже
Никад не заборави
вођена звездом,
никад не заборави,
обећавам ти ту где јеси
једну тачку у васиони
у којој је љубав свуда.
Никад не заборави,
то сам ја...
Једну тачку у васиони
у којој је љубав свуда,
никад не заборави (не, не, не).
Осећамо то у костима,
осећамо то у костима,
осећамо то у костима,
никад не заборави
то сам ја
ти знаш...
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Don't Forget

Versions: #2
Disgusted with this world now
Under the lamp, one last dream
I hear your voice, despite all of that
And your words 'respect the other'**
Cause in all the worlds I've come upon
I never saw another one
That sparkled like a diamond in the sun
The exact room is pitiless
Heaven falls at my feet
We know, we know
Your voice says:
Never forget
Guided by a star
Never forget
I promise where you are
One point in the universe
It's a love that's everywhere
Never forget
It's me...
One point in the universe
It's a love that's everywhere
Never forget
No, no, no
Underground there is silence
My memory that comes back late
I think of you
Don’t you think twice
It’s lost, but now I finally know
And all these signs that you send
That bowl me over every time
With déjà vu we’ll rearrange the stars
And even on the silent sea
Your constellation carries me
Alone, you know,
But the horizon says:
Never forget
Guided by a star
Never forget
I promise where you are
One point in the universe
It's a love that's everywhere
Never forget
It's me...
One point in the universe
It's a love that's everywhere
Never forget
No, no, no
We feel it in our bones
We feel it in our bones
We feel it in our bones
Never forget, it's me
You know
Don't forget
Guided by a star
Never forget
I promise where you are
One point in the universe
It's a love that's everywhere
Never forget
It's me...
One point in the universe
It's a love that's everywhere
Never forget
No, no, no

Желим да ме желиш

Желим да ме желиш,
треба ми да ди требам,
волео бих да ме волиш,
молим те да ме молиш.
Желим да ме желиш,
треба ми да ди требам,
волео бих да ме волиш.
Изгланцаћу моје старе браон ципеле,
обући ћу ганц нову кошуљу,
вратићу се кући с посла раније,
ако кажеш да ме волиш.
Нисам ли те, нисам ли те, нисам ли те
видео како плачеш (плачеш, плачеш)?
Ух, нисам ли те, нисам ли те, нисам ли те
видео како плачеш (плачеш, плачеш)?
И осећаш се потпуно сама, без пријатеља,
и знаш да је то као да умиреш (умиреш, умиреш).
Ух, нисам ли те, нисам ли те, нисам ли те
видео како плачеш (плачеш, плачеш)?
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


She's so sad she could do anything,
for nothing, for everything.
She weeps softly as she dances around with the fools.
love has killed the words that move her.
Moving her.
She wants to be laid against your mouth1
She's so sad she pulls a face
in front of her mirror.
She embraces the passing shadow with a love at first sight2
and nothing will ever wipe the cowardly smudges
of the blood flowing from bodies that break apart.
So long Tristana,
your heart caught a cold.
So long Tristana,
God is giving up.
Let her go
Let her die.
Don't say it.
Tristana, it's me!
Sad fate, Tristana.
You know, believe me,
It goes by in a flash,
your life, just like that.
The most beautiful days end up in sorrow,
Why do you have to pay with your veins?
  • 1. that does not make a lot of sense in French either, just a gratuitous erotic image I guess
  • 2. another pretty nonsensical line
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.