Превод текста

Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 9



Не гледај - све је разбијено,
Опет су врата затворена.
У глави су питања,
зашто се држати за немогуће?
Све је веома окрутно
Нека све гори,
Умиремо ноћу.
Не дирај ме,
Не чекај више.


Click to see the original lyrics (Belarusian)
Твоје море нема име,
Твој једини пут
су порази.
Бесмислени људи,
Бесмислени ми.
Бесмислени поглед твој,
Бесмислени дани.
Не дирај моје слабашно тело,
Не дирај моје хладне руке.

The End

Nobody is expecting it to come,
The thoughts cannot be heard anymore through the echo.
They opened their eyes – and saw darkness,
They ask me to wake up, but I don't want to.


We were born only to kill each other,
We didn't even learn about love.
We couldn't handle this,
Our hearts are like a mechanism, calm down, we lived this life.
All words oppress us:
The bright color of your eyes dissolved,
suddenly disappeared.
We're flying to nowhere,
But you're near me - the unknown is wonderful after all.
You won't see it with your own eyes,
And won't know the fear.
While we hold our destiny,
In these dirty hands.
What can I suggest?
Only a tip, so we could make a slow hard step.
Every chance of ours - it's the way,
It doesn't exist in the soul, we have the old scars for long.
All your attempts were failed:
You wanted to leave the body forever in this dark corner.
Lend me your hand -
We'll run to nowhere, and they'll never find us there.


Don't look - everything is broken,
The door is closed again.
I have questions in my head,
Why keep the impossible?
It's all very tough.
Let everything burning,
We die at night.
Don't touch me,
Don't expect it anymore.