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Број резултата: 478


Pogled orla

Ogledalo naspram ogledala
Ovaj život koji živimo tako slepo
Za snove koji proklize kroz prste
Tragom spavajućeg uma
Kada načiniš korak napred
Pusti unutrašnje strahove
Poput kamena oni su vezani za dušu
I oni nas utapaju svih ovih godina
Pod vođstvom naših lidera
Pogrešni putevi* su pokazani
Sa pogledom orla
I sa srcem od kamena
Svi mi tragamo za mirom i tišinom
Ali znamo da će oluja doći
Spremni smo za sve
Hajde da se držimo za ruke i budemo jaki
Ako čujemo zvona koja zvone
Na planini, visoko gore
Ne brini, zajedno smo
Svi za jednog i jedan za sve
Kada se svetlo više ne bude videlo
Sudbina će otvoriti vrata
Pod vođstvom naših lidera
Pogrešni putevi su pokazani
Sa pogledom orla
I sa srcem od kamena


Man-eaters are men1 too, but not always male
Man-eating men eat their meals with salt and pepper
Other people cannot smell man-eating men at all 2
Man-eating men like to see people crawl
Man-eating men know how to touch a child's heart3
Man-eating men generally live much healthier lives
Man-eating men sometimes go vegan4
Man-eating men are not always blond and Aryan
And when man-eaters cry
They feel terribly sorry for everything
But they can not change it
It's just a hard time, it's just a hard time
Man-eating men are normal and mostly very hardworking
You don't have to wait till 33 to become a man-eating man5
Man-eating men often make very good fathers
Man-eating men mostly commit crimes of conscience
Man-eating men seldom eat men by themselves
Man-eating men have a thousand helpers
Man-eating men may never rest
Man-eating men have so terribly much to do
And when man-eaters cry
They feel terribly sorry for everything
But they can not change it
It's just a hard time, it's just a hard time
A hard time
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Man-eating men can also play tennis and ride horses
You can find man-eating men on all sides
Man-eating men get man-eater pensions
Man-eating men make it all the way to the president's office
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Man-eating men are standing next to you at the bar counter
Man-eating men haven't been around forever
Man-eating men get man-eater pensions
Man-eating men make it all the way to the president's office
  • 1. Meaning 'human'. I translated it as 'men' throughout the song to preserve some of the original flow.
  • 2. There are two ways to translate it: the one in the text and 'Man-eating people cannot smell humans at all.'
  • 3. The original translates to '...also have a heart for children' meaning that children are important to them.
  • 4. Likely referring to the people in a vegetative state.
  • 5. Another possible translation 'There have been man-eating men longer than since 33.'

He Who is too Full of Himself

He who is too full of himself
walking and not noticing me
He looks here and there
as if he doesn’t see me
I swear I’ll show you people
no, I swear I won’t leave him in peace
Wasn’t he the one who played with me?
let him tolerate me!
He forgot the nights in Beirut (Lebanon)
When he told me “I love you to death”
And now he passes by me
as if he doesn’t see me
And when I meet him in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
he carries a flower in his hand
He wants me to stay with him
he is swearing he won’t part from me
I swear I’ll show you people
no, I swear I won’t leave him in peace
Wasn’t he the one who played with me?
let him tolerate me!
In Cairo (Egypt) on the sea
he told me “I cant live without you”
And now he doesn’t know me
as if he doesn’t see me
The first meeting in Kuwait
my heart ordered me and I loved
And now when I came
It’s as if he doesn’t see me
I swear I’ll show you people
no, I swear I won’t leave him in peace
Wasn’t he the one who played with me?
let him tolerate me!
In Morocco he was with me
we lived a love story
Now after that tale
It’s as if he doesn’t see me
Where are his words in Dubai (the Emirates)
“precious to me, the most precious thing”
Now after that tale
It’s as if he doesn’t see me
I swear I’ll show you people
no, I swear I won’t leave him in peace
Wasn’t he the one who played with me?
let him tolerate me!

Just Running Away

It was simply time to run away for once
To finally get out of my daily routine, out of the town at dawn
It wasn't your fault, it just came to me
And I'm not sorry, and I've got no regrets about what has happened
Just running away with two suitcases to some other country
Just running away from home, or else I'll lose my mind
Just running away, no matter what the others say
Just running away, without asking you or anyone else
Every man for himself
I simply must get out
I'll start anew
I just can't stand this anymore
I already thought that it was already far too late
It's this kind of feeling when everything seems to annoy you
You feel a bit alone, but free after all
And then you get on a train and for a moment, everything is all the same to you
Just running away with two suitcases to some other country
Just running away from home, or else I'll lose my mind
Every man for himself
I simply must get out
I'll start anew
I just can't stand this anymore
Just running away with two suitcases and then going to some place
Just running away, even if maybe I were to be with you again soon
Just running away with two suitcases and then going to some place
Just running away, even if maybe I were to be with you again soon

The unfaithful wife

Foolish me, that brought her to the river
thinking she was a maiden,
but she had a husband.
It was on Santiago's night 1
and almost out of a sense of duty.
The street lights went out
and the crickets lit up.
On the last corners
I touched her sleeping breasts,
and suddenly they opened up
like wreaths of hyacinths.
The starch of his slip
resounded in my ear
like a fine piece of silk
shredded by ten knives.
Without silvery light on their tops
the trees have grown,
and an horizon of dogs
barks far away from the river.
Past the blackberry shrubs,
the rushes and the hawthorns,
under his head of hair
I made a hole in the silt.
I took off my necktie,
and she took off her dress.
Me, the belt with the revolver,
her, her four bodices.
no tuberose or seashell
have so smooth a face,
nor the moon reflected on glass
shines with such a radiance.
Her thighs ran away from me
like surprised fishes,
half of them full of embers,
half of them full of cold.
That night I ran through
the best of paths
riding a mother-of-pearl mare
without bridles or stirrups.
Because I'm a gentleman, I won't repeat
the things that she told me.
The light of understanding
makes me prudent with my words.
Dirty with sand and kisses,
I took her away from the river.
The air was fighting against
the lilies' swords.
I behaved like what I am,
a gipsy through and through.
I gifted her a big sewing box
made of straw-like satin,
and I didn't want to fall in love
because, having a husband
she told me she was a maiden
as I carried her to the river.
  • 1. The 25th of July, commemoration of Apostle Santiago


Знам да смо једно другом обећали да смо рекли збогом за заувек,
Уз једну авантуру већ си се задовољила
Сваке ноћи сањаш да се враћам на миловање
Знаш да си само моја,
Мораш прихватити реалност.
Реци му да ми припадаш чак и кад си са њим.
Да ти се и на шапат најежи сва кожа
И реци истину да сам ја човек који се
Крије у твом кревету док се будиш
Да ни један смртник нас не може раставити
Јер си моја жена.
Знаш шта?
Ти стварно ниси за то.
Ушла си ми у живот скоро срећним околностима
Допустих да побегнеш само корак пре него сам те и имао
Да те преварим како си ми саучесник
Знаш да си само моја,
Мораш прихватити реалност.
Реци му да ми припадаш чак и кад си са њим.
Да ти се и на шапат најежи сва кожа
И реци истину да сам ја човек који се
Крије у твом кревету док се будиш
Да ни један смртник нас не може раставити
Реци му да смо више од пријатеља
Прошапутај моје име док си са њим
Реци му да смо више од пријатеља
Да су нам месец и звезде сведоци.
Реци му да смо више од пријатеља
Да ништа и нико нас не може раставити
Оно што смо ти и ја проживели
Моје име?
Дени Џеј
Реци му да ми припадаш чак и кад си са њим.
Да ти се и на шапат најежи сва кожа
И реци истину да сам ја човек који се
Крије у твом кревету док се будиш
Да ни један смртник нас не може раставити.


I know we promised to say goodbye forever
With an adventure and you had enough
Dream every night to caress me
Know that you are only mine
You must accept the reality
Tell him that you belong to me even if you're with him
That with a whisper you get a goosebumps all over your skin.
And tell him the truth that I am the man who
Hides in your bed to awaken
That no mortal can separate us
Because you are my woman.
You know what?
You are not realy for this
You came to my world almost in a stroke of luck
I let you to escape on a single step of having you
To deceive you are my complicity
You know that you are only mine
You must accept the reality
Tell him that you belong to me even if you're with him
That with a whisper you get a goosebumps all over your skin.
And tell him the truth that I am the man who
Hides in your bed to awaken
That no mortal can separate us
Because you are my woman.
Tell him that we are more than friends
Whisper my name to him when he's with you
Tell him that we are more than friends
That the moon and the stars are witnesses
Tell him that we are more than friends
That nothing and nobody can separate
What you and I have lived
What is my name?
Dani j
Tell him that you belong to me even if you're with him
That with a whisper you get a goosebumps all over your skin.
And tell him the truth that I am the man who
Hides in your bed to awaken
That no mortal can separate us.

A cloudy day

Already my songs aren't happy,
already my songs are just sad,
already I faced my feelings
already I faced deception.
You were my heaven but, as time passed,
my heaven turned into clouds,
and on a very windy, cloudy day.
among other clouds, I got it lost.
If I am to die without your love,
tell the death to come right away,
after all some day, fate,
weather I wanted or not, has to kill me.
Me, who used to be afraid of tequila,
today I just get drunk with it,
and in each glass I look at a pain,
and in each pain I look at a love.
Me, who adores you, I would like to hate you,
but my fate is to live for you,
and I must wait, even if you may never return.
and I will die thinking of you.
When you lived me, it was all happiness,
even the moon was shinning more,
today neither the moon nor the sun shine on me,
today everything is darkness and grief.

Divine torment

Love defeats it all,
I know it by experience,
a heart that falls in love
no longer can be saved.
Love is a torment,
a torment so divine that,
little by little, steals from us
soul, life and heart.
I know well that you love me,
and that you try to hide it,
and I also know that you die
when you don't have my love.
Love is a torment,
a torment so divine that,
little by little, stills from us
soul, life and heart.
(bis 2 last. stanzas)

Do kraja

Vikendi na mladim i besnim ulicama
Nalazimo se, pijemo dok nas nevolja ne nađe tamo
Živimo život kao da nas nije briga
Tukli smo se, bili u modricama
Istina je, išao sam u zatvor za vas, drugovi moji
Sigurno bih to uradio opet
(Do kraja)
Ne menjajte svoje mišljenje o meni
Mi smo iz iste priče
Život ide dalje, ne može ostati isto
Za neke od nas sam zabrinut, da
Dok su neki otišli svojim putem
Ima nekih koje je sustigla prošlost
I teže ka tome da nastave, nedostaje vam veći deo života
Kažu da je teško ostati isti
Kada neko ne uspe, dok izgleda kao da drugi uspevaju, ali drugovi
Biću tu sa vama do kraja
(Do kraja)
Ne menjajte svoje mišljenje o meni
Mi smo iz iste priče
Život ide dalje, ne može ostati isto
Za neke od nas sam zabrinut
Svi padamo ka napred
Bez ikakvih znakova polako
Neki se kreću brže
To je sve što sam hteo
Znam da je teško
Napolju celu noć
Tako da prisećanje ne može da te vrati
Samo gledaj ispred i drži se čvrsto
Svi padamo ka napred
Bez ikakvih znakova polako
Neki se kreću brže
To je sve što sam hteo
Ne menjajte svoje mišljenje o meni
Oh da
Do kraja
Do kraja
Do kraja
Do kraja

A Bed In A Cornfield

Summer evening all across the blossoming lands,
Since noon I have been standing at the roadside,
Trying to thumb a ride at every car that drove past me,
On a bike, a bike came over to me
And said: 'I really pity you.'
But I laughed and spoke: 'I don't need down feathers.'
A bed in a cornfield is always free
Because it is summer and what's the deal with it?
The crickets are chirping and there is a scent of hay,
When I dream,
A bed between flowers and straw
Und the stars sparkle for me anyways,
In a cornfield I will make a bed, somewhere,
All alone.
Some time later, her bike lied in the gras,
And so it came that she lost track of time,
With my guitar I told her about my life
And suddenly she shouted : 'It's high time!
It's dark already and my way home is so long.'
But I laughed and spoke: 'I still have so much to give to you.'
A bed in a cornfield is always free
Because it is summer and what's the deal with it?
The crickets are chirping and there is a scent of hay,
When I dream,
A bed between flowers and straw
Und the stars sparkle for me anyways,
In a cornfield I will make a bed, somewhere,
All alone.
Na na na na na,
A bed in a cornfield, what's the deal with it?
Na na na na na,
A bed in a cornfield.
A bed in a cornfield
Is always free
Because it is summer
And what's the deal with it?


Руже иду у стаклену вазу
Савршена тела, савршена лица
Сви они припадају магазинима
Ове девојке јуре момци
Побеђују сваку игру коју играју
Увек су у другачијим лигама
Тежим ка небу као да ме није брига
Желим да ме ти видиш како стојим овде
Али ја сам сунцокрет, мало смешна
Да сам ружа, можда би ме изабрао
Кад бих могла, променила бих се преко ноћи
И била бих нешто што би ти волео
Али ја сам сунцокрет, мало смешна
Да сам ружа, можда би ме изабрао
Али знам да немаш појма
Овај сунцокрет чека тебе, чека тебе
Али ја сам сунцокрет, мало смешна
Да сам ружа, можда би ме изабрао
Али знам да немаш појма
Овај сунцокрет чека тебе, чека тебе


Versions: #2
The destiny's irony wants me still here, thinking of you
in my mind, repeated flashes, moments spent with you.
So much time had gone by but everything is so sharp, so clear and trasparent
that it stll feels like yesterday...
Yesterday, I wish I was able to read your thoughts, peek into every part of them
And avoid being mistaken,
Become each time your ideal man
But that day I will never forget
You told me: 'I don't know if I love you or not.'
Tomorrow I am going to leave, it will be easier for me to forget... to forget.
'...And now what will you do?' I answered: 'I... I dont' know'
Then I read that look in your eyes as a goodbye.
Without asking you why, I walked away from you
little did I know that it would never end.
Tense, I was in broken into pieces but a superficial smile
Hid every scar,
not clue about how bad I had felt when I saw you again,
four years went by so fast and
I like you as always, maybe even more
you told me: it's againist all logics but
love it's not rational, it can't be understood
and we spent hours talking, then we made love...
it felt like dying... before I leave
Will I ever be able to forget... To forget...
Infinite, do you what it is? The unattainable goal or destination
You'll chase for all your life
'But what will you do?' 'Now I don't... I don't know...' We are endless
The only thing I know is that it will never end,
wherever you'll be, wherever I'll be
We'll never stop
If this is love, it's infinite.

Love is easy

I have a secret
Everybody has one inside
Everybody has chosen it or choken it
Everybody wants it and suffers
Everybody keeps something deep inside
Can you also feel it?
(Can you feel) that it wants to break out, forever towards the light?
And here it is again
Summer is back again
It seemed so far away
It is summer again, all streets are accessible
And they uncover what was hidden under the snow
I will come and get you with my own hands
And I will be the one you didn‘t expect
I will be the wind that you carry inside
And the destiny that no-one has chosen
And then
Love is a simple thing and now I will prove it to you!
This is me
in the moment I decided
that I can make you laugh, but never randomly
It is me that comes back and leaves again
Here I am at home
I walk around the streets as if I had never left
I walk on bridges through time, back to the place where I grew up
as if I had gone at that stage and left you alone
so that you would find me and we would be together
united in our love
I will come and get you with my own hands
And I will be the one you didn‘t expect
I will be the wind that you carry inside
And the destiny that no-one has chosen
And then
Love is a simple thing and now I will prove it to you!
My love take my hands again and again
like the ones that leave and don‘t know if they’ll come back again
Remember, you are better than any sad day, (better than) bitterness, tears, war against sadness
You are my heaven
Yes, you are my heaven

Proud And Beautiful

I have spent three days drinking and crying
your pride and neglect,
and today I come to beg you to forget everything
that has happened.
If you well know
that I am dying,
why are you like that?
Forget the tears, yours
and mine, and be mine.
You, proud and beautiful
I, so jealous and rebellious
You, waiting for the engagement
I, who's dying to see you.
I always boasted
about being presumptuous
and knowing how to endure,
instead with you
I am just a coward who knows how to cry.
You, proud and beautiful
I, so jealous and rebellious
You, waiting for the engagement
I, who's dying to see you.
I always boasted
about being presumptuous
and knowing how to endure,
instead with you
I am just a coward who knows how to cry.

Clove pink

Clove pink, my flowers,
Clove pink, my flowers,
If I, with God's will, could be your seed,
If I, with God's will, could be your seed,
I would know, where' I'd blossom,
I would know, where' I'd blossom,
To my darling under windows.
To my darling under windows.
When my darling goes to sleep,
When my darling goes to sleep,
Clove pink will smell so sweet,
Clove pink will smell so sweet,
My darling will sigh
My darling will sigh.

Confused Composer

(A composer who made a mistake)
It has been run in a story that was wrong
(A composer who made a mistake)
And this tremendous sonero I assure you
(A composer who made a mistake)
Let's go like Havana (You're right)
He has symbols of glory (He's right)
Let's go like Havana (You're right)
He has symbols of glory (He's right)
Do not put in your story (You're right)
To a rich caymana
(A composer who made a mistake)
But tell me and tell me buddy what happened
(A composer who made a mistake)
A rich caymana gets you confused
(A composer who made a mistake)
How beautiful is my capital (You're right)
Well, as she does not have anyone (She's right)
How beautiful is my capital (You're right)
Well, as she does not have anyone (She's right)
Maceo's tomb and cradle (You're right)
Of the immortal apostle
(A composer who made a mistake)
That happens to anyone I tell you, I
(A composer who made a mistake)
Ask Faustino Orama what also happened to me
(A composer who made a mistake)
You have my precious Havana (You're right)
A tunnel and a boardwalk (You're right)
You have my precious Havana (You're right)
A tunnel and a boardwalk (You're right)
And a capitol they are (He's right)
Big and that Cuban
(A composer who made a mistake)
Eh eh (buddy)
There is something wrong here
Come on!
(A composer who made a mistake)
That composer was wrong mom
(A composer who made a mistake)
(He was wrong)
Hey mamaaaa! (He was wrong)
Oooooh! (He was wrong)
When I'm very pulling (You're right)
Nobody has me (You're right)
I sing what I like (He's right)
And even what suits me (He's right)
Look what looks guajiro hey (He was wrong)
That man is wrong (He was wrong)
Take what is always trocao
cute boy
Copper made of chub boy
(He was wrong)
The guajiro was wrong (He was wrong)
Aaaaay (He was wrong)
The day I die (You're right)
Take me to the East (You're right)
The day I die (You're right)
Take me to the East (You're right)
And so I can say more (You're right)
I'm from the hot land (He's right)
And the day I die (You're right)
I'd like to die alone (He's right)
The day I die (You're right)
I'd like to die alone (He's right)
So everyone can sing to me (He's right)
Bartolo's Platanal (You're right)
And now I'm going to finish (You're right)
This is a time of falseness (He's right)
And if luck accompanies me (He's right)
We will rejoice hearts
(A composer who made a mistake)
That composer mommy (He was wrong)
That composer (He was wrong)
That composer

Izneverio sam te

Oseca se kao da smo na ivici sada
Voleo bih da mogu reci da sam ponosan
Zao mi je sto sam te izneverio,
Svi ovi glasovi u mojoj glavi postanu glasni
Voleo bih da mogu da ih iskljucim
Zao mi je sto sam te izneverio
Da, izgleda da sam ja razocarenje
Radim sve sto mogu, Ne zelim da te razocaram, nervirajuce je
Samo zelim da se osecas da sve sto sam uradio nije bilo da napravim problem
za tebe, ali verovatno sto vise mislim
o svemu, ti nikada nisi ni bila kriva na prvom mestu zar ne?
Samo cu te ignorisati
Hodam prema tebi, sa glavom na dole, gledam u pod, sramota me
zbog tebe
Paranoja, sta sam sad uradio lose?
Trebao sam cuvati ledja, ali stavila si noz u moje ruke pre toga
Sta jos trebam nositi za tebe? Brinuo sam za tebe ali
Oseca se kao da smo na ivici sada
Voleo bih da mogu reci da sam ponosan
Zao mi je sto sam te izneverio
Svi ovi glasovi u mojoj glavi postanu glasni
Voleo bih da mogu da ih iskljucim
Zao mi je sto sam te izneverio
Da, ti ne zelis da ovo uspe, zelis samo da napravis jos gore
Zelis da te slusam, ali ne zelis da cujes nijednu moju rec, ne zelis da znas
moj bol jos
Cekaj da pogodim, zelis da se izvinim, verovatno, kako mozemo
da idemo dalje,nastaviti ovim ritmom? Ne mozemo, pa valjda bi trebalo da odem
Molim te nemoj ici za mnom, samo zelim da budem sam trenutno, stvarno ne
zelim da razmisljam uopste
Samo napred, pij, oboje znamo da ces pozvati sutra kao da nista nije lose
Zar nije to sto uvek radis? Osecam da svaki put kada pricam s tobom,
lose si raspolozena
Sta ti jos mogu ponuditi? Nema vise nicega,nsita nije ostalo, sve sam ti dao
Oseca se kao da smo na ivici sada
Voleo bih da mogu reci da sam ponosan
Zao mi je sto sam te izneverio,
Svi ovi glasovi u mojoj glavi postanu glasni
Voleo bih da mogu da ih iskljucim
Zao mi je sto sam te izneverio
Ne pricaj mi sad, to nece raditi sad
Spakovao sam sve moje stvari i odselio se, ne zelim ni da odem do tvoje kuce
Svaki put kada sednem na kauc, Osecam kao da mi drzis predavanje, na kraju kladim se bi mogli ovo da sredimo, i verovatno bi resili stvari
Ali valjda sam ja razocarenje, ali je cool, sada zelis da budemo prijatelji?
Ok, stavicu svoje fejk lice i pretvaracu se, sedecu i pricacemo o dobrim stvarima koje se nisu cak ni desile, mislim se, zasto se smejes?
Mora da sam propustio taj vic. pusti me da vidim da li mogu da nadjem reakciju, ne, ali bar si ti srecna.
Oseca se kao da smo na ivici sada
Voleo bih da mogu reci da sam ponosan
Zao mi je sto sam te izneverio
Svi ovi glasovi u mojoj glavi postanu glasni
Voleo bih da mogu da ih iskljucim
Zao mi je sto sam te izneverio
Zao mi je
Zao mi je sad
Zao mi je
Sto sam te izneverio

Blissful childhood

Blissful childhood
of Disibod, the chosen one,
a childhood so inspired by God
that later your holiest deeds,
among the miracles of God,
were as if you were exuding
the softest scent
of balm.


Use your brain calmly,
Simply, neatly Yeah~
Moist lotion applied on her two cheek,
Sensual fashion, similar to the models of the magazines
Before I carelessly get to her
At the alley across the street she lives in
Whistling at her, one two three (she’s walking by),
Even today I’m greedy for her
I still don’t know how to get her (Yeah~)
But each day my heart recounts towards her
I’m a sunflower that’s pinned on her side
(Sunflower, sunflower) Humming
(Sunflower, sunflower)
Love is a blossoming sound,
Spraying on the path where she’s coming Yeah~
I’ll do it without her knowing
Ah! I guess I was too close
Get here, come a bit closer so that a person like me
Can see those eyes of yours Yeah~
She’s falling in (falling in),
Ringing my love-bell (ringing the bell)
The more I look at her, she’s a very beautiful person
(Way to her arms)
I’ll find my way to her arms (Yeah~)
I’m the one that she cherished (pinned because of her)
A sunflower (Sunflower, sunflower)
My heart is pounding (Sunflower, sunflower)
Approaching my scent, sometimes
In the moonlight all through the night
I’ll always be standing here,
Until she stopped meeting me
Whistling at her, one two three (she wouldn’t notice),
Even today I’m greedy for her (I want to have her)
I still don’t know how to get her
But each day my heart recounts towards her
I’m a sunflower that’s pinned on her side
She’s falling in, ringing my love-bell
The more I look at her,
She’s a very beautiful person
I’ll find my way to her arms
I’m the sunflower that she cherished
(Sunflower, sunflower)
(Sunflower, sunflower)
Lalalala~ Hum~

Tako Nepravedno

Moj sin je na krstarenju
Sta ce se danas desiti?
Nekada se osecam prazno iznutra
Ali on odnese sve to
Osecati se zalosno nije dozvoljeno
Ima vremena kada imam lose dane
Ali on je jos uvek ziv i zdrav
To je sve sto mi je sada potrebno
Jer ja tu ne mogu nista
Tvoje karte su vec podeljene!
To je tako nepravedno!
Tvoje oci!
One me peku!
To boli!
Tenzija pocinje da se stvara
Patnja je njegov plen
Nekada se osecam kao da ne mogu da nastavim dalje
Ali ne mogu da pobegnem
Osecati se zalosno nije dozvoljeno
Ima vremena kada imam lose dane
Ali on je jos uvek ziv i zdrav
To je sve sto mi je sada potrebno
Jer ja tu ne mogu nista
Tvoje karte su vec podeljene!
To je tako nepravedno!
Tvoje oci!
One me peku!
To boli!
Nikada ne mogu da pobedim
Ti se nikada neces upustiti
Jer ja tu ne mogu nista
Tvoje karte su vec podeljene!
To je tako nepravedno!
Tvoje oci!
One me peku!
One me peku!
One me peku!
To boli!
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)


Frollo: Beata Maria
You know well what kind of man I am
I'm worthy to call myself 'christian'
Beata Maria
Surely I'm the purest one
Between all these churls
But then, Maria
Why I see her dancing?
Looking at me with her lustful eyes
I feel her
I see her
The black of her hair
Takes me away from all Your wishes
It's the hellfire
Which burns my skin
A damned longing/intolerance
Which is the way to the sin
It's not my fault
What should I do
If that gypsy has bewitched my heart?
What have I got to do
If God1
Made the Devil stronger than the pious man?
For pity's sake, Maria
Don't let this snake win
(This snake that) Would like to break the junctures of my bones, crawling
Lapidate Esmeralda
She must suffer the pains of hell
Or else let her be mine
Guard: Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped
Frollo: What?
Guard: No longer in the cathedral. She's gone
Frollo: But how? I...
Never mind
Get out, you half-stupid
I'll find her
I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris

The darkest flames
Will be your end
If in the future
I'm not your choice
God, help her
God, help me
But she will be mine or
She will burn
  • 1. 'chillu=that' is just to emphasize

Raven Flight

Black is the color of my raven dress,
It flies so high, It flies so far.
If I had three wishes, I would give them
for hope and for return.
The void came, the courage left,
I did not know how much it hurts.
Miles do not measure the distance,
the darkness came and took the light.
I do not want to stay or go,
can not see the way in the tangle.
Roads wind around me,
and mountains crash into a black sea.
Black is the color of my raven dress,
It flies so high, It flies so far.
If I had three wishes, I would give them
for hope and for return.
From afar I hear the flock of ravens,
their song sounds hard and clear to me.
Free is their hovering, they move on
and announce the offense and the beginning.
Black is the color of my raven dress,
It flies so high, It flies so far.
If I had three wishes, I would give them
for hope and for return.
I want to build wings for myself.
A black plumage
carries me up to the sun, carries me far.
Black is the color of my raven dress,
It flies so high, It flies so far.
If I had three wishes, I would give them
for hope and for return.
If I had three wishes, I would give them
for hope and for return.

Youth Photographs

We wrote messages at back of the school building
At the spot where no one is likely to find out
Uncharacteristically, I wore my uniform properly today
I'm sure that the reason why I look mature isn't just
Because I put the corsage on my bosom
Hey, let's take pictures for the last time
With funny face as usual
Now, strike a pose with your best look!
Now, give the peace sign with your best look!
I laughed so hard I cried, that's all
Ah, I'm not sad at all, my friends
Rather than copying the writings on the blackboard
I should have taken note of our memories
I realized that all ordinary day was anniversary
We're grown-ups from tomorrow
Let's act like a child today
Hey, fool around as usual
I want to take pictures with everyone
Now, strike a pose with your best look!
Now, give the peace sign with your best look!
You're too funny to hold back my tears, that's all
Ah, don't make me laugh, my friends
Let me pretend to be fine, please
Let me pretend to be tough to the end
The moment I leave the classroom
I'll have a good cry with my back to you
Now, stop the time and strike a pose!
Now, stop your tears and give the peace sign!
Thank you and goodbye
I'll never forget you
Ah, we'll stay friends after graduation
Now, strike a pose with your best look!
Now, give the peace sign with your best look!
I laughed so hard I cried, that's all
Ah, I'm not sad at all, my friends

Looking for the key

I was just selling my soul to the devil
From the first moment that I have met you in
And on the boundary where is love and wish
I was caught without consciousness where was the end
Oh, I'm looking for the key
Oh, of your heart
Oh, to tell me about love
Oh, tell me about love
Sometimes is not easy to distinguish the Earth from heaven
But we have got a common thing deeply in ourselves
And behind the shadows there always arrive a ray of light

One Day, a Child...

A day will dawn
Over three branches of lilacs
That a child will behold
Just like a picture book
The world around him
Will be empty, and so
He'll imagine life
From a blank page
By drawing the shape of an orange
He'll give the sky its first sun
By drawing the bird
He'll invent the flowers
By searching the sound of the water
He'll hear the cry of the heart
By drawing the points of a star
This very child will find the path
Of the grown people who still
Look amazed
At the fruits of every day
And at the roses of love

Желим да му Кажем

Желим да му кажем како сам некада била ја,
пре него што сам га упознала, да му кажем зашто сам га чекала
Била сам k’о леп портет са недостатком
а он ме је својим очима усавршио .
живела саm у страху
испод милости судбине
Била сам незавршена прича
као реч у коме недостаје слова.
Шта још желим дa му кажем?
Једном давно, пре него што сам га срела била сам
Као увела ружа, а кад ми је пришао он
процвала сам пре времена.
желим да му кажем: ти си
сан због које сам гинула да бих га постигла.
желим да му кажем: ти си
име које дозивам да ме смири.
желим да му кажем: ти си
Љубав и разлог због које сам живела
све ове године.
Кад нисам била са њим, била сам
Као дете изгубљено на путу,
Лишено од мајчин загрљај
И заборављенa у животу.
Кад нисам била са њим, била сам
Као човек пун страха,
Неко ко тоне испод свог терета
и не уме да нађе спас.
желим да му кажем како сам некада била ја,
Пре него што ме је загрлио
Живела сам на адресу за изгубљених снова
којих сам поново пронашла у његовим рукама.
желим да му кажем: ти си
живот и године које могу да живим поново
желим да му кажем: ти си
Срећа чије су свећа запаљене због мене
желим да му кажем: ти си
Топли загрљај који је понело моје бриге
Када сам побегла ка њега.

Jednostavan put

Kao što vas je Bog blagoslovio, ne mogu vas prokleti.
Ti zabavljaš rulju. Vreme je da ti pomognem.
Muzika nikoga ne prezire.
Ne treba mi tvoja pomoć
Drugačiji si od drugih, uzimam ti to u korist.
Nudim ti novi početak, ponovo te prisvajam.
Treba odlučiti šta da se radi, a šta da se ostavi,
Koju masku čovek nosi i gde pripada.
Bežao ili patio, samo jedno je sigurno:
Jednostavan put je uvek pogrešan.
Šta mi je Bog dao, tu je za sve ljude.
I moje melodije se pevaju u celom gradu.
Zaista si duboko potonuo, ali tvoj talenat nije izgubljen.
Aplauz ovih ljudi mi puno znači.
Ne treba mi novi početak, jer sam na svom mestu.
Prava umetnost treba da izbegava ono što je narodu zabavno.
Što pripada masama, to više ne vredi ništa.
Ne budi budala.
Ne držim se pravila
Ali priznajem jednu stvar:
Jednostavan put je uvek pogrešan.
Pomisli na svoga oca. On bi voleo da kažeš da.
Pomisli na muziku, koja ostaje nenapisana, kada ne kažeš da.
Moj odgovor je ne.
Ne treba mi vaša milost.
Ja sam nezavistan i zauvek ću biti.
Treba odlučiti šta da se radi, a šta da se ostavi.
Koju masku čovek nosi
Koji teret nosi.
i gde pripada.
Bežao ili patio, samo jedno je sigurno:
Jednostavan put
Jednostavan put
Jednostavan put je uvek pogrešan.
Treba odlučiti šta da se radi
Gde pripada.

The Piraeus children

Versions: #2
Basking in blue beneath the Greek sky
One boat, then two, then three
are sailing off singing.
Pecking at the sky,
One bird, then two, then three
are making good weather.
In the alleys, with a sharp crack
one shutter, then two, then three
are slammed by the wind.
And merrily with
a child, then two, then three,
they dance cheerfully.
(chorus : )
I love so much
this port far away
that the sun lights
with golden gleams.
I love so much
under their orange caps,
all the angel faces
of the Piraeus children.
I dream of having one day
One child, then two, then three
playing as they do.
Always along the banks
One daring sailor, then two, then three
take a stroll.
Our love will become
one, ten, a thousand loves
basking in blue.
And our children will become lads
That some girls,one day
will make happy.

I Wish to tell Him

I wish to tell him how I used to be
before I met him and why I waited for him
I used to be a sweet portrait that was missing
something and he completed it with his eyes
I used to live my life in fear
under the mercy of circumstances
I used to be an incomplete story
or words that are missing letters
What else do I wish to tell him?
Long time ago, before meeting him I used to be
a wilted rose and when he came close
it blossomed before its time came
I wish to tell him you are
a dream I was dying to reach
I wish to tell him you are
a name I say that puts me at ease
I wish to tell him you are
a love that I lived my years for
And because of
When I wasn't with him, I was
like a child who got lost on some path,
was deprived of her mother's embrace
and was forgotten in life
When I wasn't with him, I was
like someone who is full of fear
Someone who is drowning in burdens
And can't find a lifeline
I wish to tell him how I used to be
before he drew me close to him
I used to be the address of a lost dream
that was found in his hands
I wish to tell him you are
a joy whose candles became lit for me
I wish to tell him you are
a life and years that were given back to me
I wish to tell him you are
a warm embrace that carried my burdens
when I escaped to it
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Dance in the star fire

I saw your face
In the pale light so lovely
All around you blows out
The blood on the white skin disappears
I'm standing motionless, looking at you
Till I can no longer defend myself
I feel death, I don't move
My heart burns for you
Dance in the light of star fire
Along the river to me
Play with the moonlight and I sink into you
Oh dance
I saw you in dream
Your deep and beautiful eyes
All around you blows out
When you kiss my soul
Creative Commons License
This translation is the Intellectual Property of Hanayuki and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Every Night

Come on boy, do it
Like you know you should
Take t in your mouth for me
I will be with you
If we want we can do it again
As long as you want
As long as we're good together
Nothing else matters
Time passes by ,doesn't wait
Time passes by ,doesn't wait
We still go on , me you
just us 2, just us 2 , I want us to end up together
Oh we have each other
The scene is so small
Life's a little bitter
But we're together ,this is the truth
Every night...
i can give you all my time
just to make you mine
Baby you're on my mind
Come on boy do it
We are together here
the 2 of us , come on ,do it
near me , here
I'm thinking of the to of us together
We will wake up
And still together
Will pass the morning
Time passes by ,doesn't wait
Time passes by ,doesn't wait
We still go on , me you
just us 2, just us 2 , I want us to end up together
Oh we have each other
The scene is so small
Life's a little bitter
But we're together ,this is the truth
Every night...
i can give you all my time
just to make you mine
Baby you're on my mind