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Број резултата: 478



Versions: #3
Novi život dolazi na svet
i brzo ga pokoravaju
Kroz stalnu bolnu sramotu
Dečačić uči njihova pravila
Vremenom se dete povlači
Pred išibanim dečakom koji je zgrešio
Lišen svih svojih misli
Mladić se i dalje bori, i sad ga znaju
Samome sebi se zaklinje
da mu od danas nikad više
neće volju oduzeti
Ono što sam osećao
Ono što sam znao
Nikad zablistao u onom što sam pokazao
Nikad ne budi
Nikad ne vidi
Nećemo videti šta je moglo biti
Ono što sam osećao
Ono što sam znao
Nikad zablistao u onom što sam pokazao
Nikad slobodan
Nikad ja
Te vas proglašavam 'Neoproštenim'
Svoje živote su posvetili
tome da upravljaju njegovim
Pokušava da im svima udovolji
ovaj ogorčeni čovek kakav je
Celog svog života isto
Stalno se borio
Ovu borbu ne može da dobije
Kako vide, umornog čoveka više nije briga
Starac se onda priprema
da sa žaljenjem umre
A taj starac sam ovde ja
Ono što sam osećao
Ono što sam znao
Nikad zablistao u onom što sam pokazao
Nikad ne budi
Nikad ne vidi
Nećemo videti šta je moglo biti
Ono što sam osećao
Ono što sam znao
Nikad zablistao u onom što sam pokazao
Nikad slobodan
Nikad ja
Te vas proglašavam 'Neoproštenim'
Označili ste mene
Pa ću i ja označiti vas
Te vas proglašavam 'Neoproštenim'

Your loving man

Here is your loving man
the one you never repay,
he has come up to your window
from which you listen to him
but where you always hide.
I don't even know what to tell you,
I don't even have anything to sing,
I would like to curse you
but I am already convinced
that I was born to adore you.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
my luck is failing me,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, sweetheart,
my life you are changing for me.
Here is your loving man
the one who interrupts your sleep,
that poor wretch
who always goes around sleepless
because he wants you to be his.
Somebody told me about your life,
I learned about your tllusions,
I don't know if I made a mistake
but I am almost sure
that you really like my songs.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
my luck is failing me,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, sweetheart,
my life you are changing for me.
Your loving man is leaving now,
he is leaving from the window,
I don't have to say good-bye,
'cause I know that even if I don't want to,
tomorrow, I'm going to be back.
As long as my passion last
and your disposition puts up with me,
it won't be nights in your life
that my mariachis and my voice
won't come to wake you up.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
my luck is failing me,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, sweetheart,
my life you are changing for me,
your loving man is leaving now.

I love you like this

I love you like this, like this, like this because love is good
when it is love. love, love passionate and tender,
I love you like this, like this, like a sacred thing
that one carryes in the soul like a ray of light.
I love you like this, like this, like this because I read in your eyes
that, in love, love, love, to doubt is a torment
and I believe in you, in you, in you, as in an oath
that one makes on one's knees, in the name of God.
I love you like this, like this, like this because love is blind
when it is love, love, love ardent like fire,
I love you like this, like this, like this because if it wouldn't be like this
it wouldn't be worth it to live, not even for a moment.
I love you like this, like this, like this because I read in your eyes
that, in love, love, love, to doubt is a torment
and I believe in you, in you, in you, as in an oath
that one makes on one's knees, in the name of God.
I love you like this, like this, like this because love is blind
when it is love, love, love ardent like fire,
I love you like this, like this, like this because if it wouldn't be like this
it wouldn't be worth it to live, not even for a moment.


It was in uttermost consciousness
That I lost your love
With the mere intention of saving you
Today you hate me, and I go off
Into the corner to cry over you happily
You must have a horrible
Memory of me
You must see me in your mind's eye beating you
Like an evil man
But if you only knew how generous
It was of me to give you this in return for your good love
Sun of my life!
I was a failure
And on my way down
I sought to leave you aside
Because I loved you so, so much
That in my prayers
In order to save you,
The only thing I could think of was to make you hate me
Today after a hellish year
I saw you pass by
I bit my tongue so I wouldn't call out to you
You looked as beautiful as a sun
People even stopped to stare at you!
I don't know
If the man that loves you so deserves you
I only know that the cruel life of destitution that I could offer you
Justifies me now that I see you as a queen
Because you're surely better off
Far away from me...
Sun of my life!
I was a failure
And on my way down
I sought to leave you aside
Because I loved you so, so much
That in my prayers
In order to save you,
The only thing I could think of was to make you hate me

There Were Five Wild Swans

Versions: #2
There were once five wild swans there
The swans were white - beautiful and bright.
There were once five wild swans there
The swans were white - beautiful and bright.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None were seen there again - yes.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None were seen again.
Once five young birch trees did grow there,
green and fresh on the rivers' bank.
Once five young birch trees did grow there,
green and fresh on the rivers' bank.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None had stood there in bloom - yes.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None had stood in bloom.
Once five young men had passed by there
proud and brave - into battle gone
Once five young men had passed by there
proud and brave - into battle gone
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None had returned home again - yes.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None had returned home .
Once five young girls had grown up there
slim and pretty at the Memel´s bank
Once five young girls had grown up there
slim and pretty at the Memel´s bank
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None did weave a bridal wreath -yes.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None did weave a wreath.


[1st Verse:]
There's something in you, something which attracts me.
When you're not near, I'm not myself.
I can taste you on my lips, I breathe you in.
I drown in you, in you, in you.
This night happiness envelopes us.
We're on the same wavelength.
It's as though you can undress me with one look.
It brings goosebumps to my skin.
I can feel your, your touches.
You're my passion, you're my, my obsession!
I can feel your, your touches.
You're my passion, you're my, my obsession!
[2nd Verse:]
There's something in you, something which won't let me go.
And my hand is in your hand.
I'm burning up, exposing my feelings.
I'm giving up myself to you, you, you!
This night happiness envelopes us.
We're on the same wavelength.
It's as though you can undress me with one look.
It brings goosebumps to my skin.
[Chorus: x2]
I can feel your, your touches.
You're my passion, you're my, my obsession!
I can feel your, your touches.
You're my passion, you're my, my obsession!
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!

The Bird and The Childhood

Like a kid with torn eyes
Who releases the bird and creates a song
Or like the blue of a bird in its flight
The world is beautiful, the world is good
The boat that dances in the waves is beautiful
Watering the life in the love and in the wind
And opening foam streets on the sand
Keeping one búzio in that moment
Key moment in the poet's voice
Breathing in the hapiness gardens
Because he turns the night that sells
Into the drawn heat of the day
The day is growing without the hurt shape
Because is the dream in the eyes in flowers
Where the mornings that lurk the water
Satiate our love thirst
The love is the Sun that guesses something
The bird is the sky and the childhood is mine
I'm not more than an undecided shadow
Who sees a star glowing in the dark
And asks to the glow this shine that turns
All the reason of love that I've been looking for
And what I've been looking for is the peace in this war
And our firewood to the sad bonfires
And what I've been looking for is giving to the children
Sun gardens with the colors of the borders
Like a kid with torn eyes
Who releases the bird in the deepest field
Or like the blue of a bird in its flight
We're the peace and the love of the world
The love is the Sun that guesses something
The bird is the sky and the childhood is mine
The love is the Sun that guesses something
The bird is the sky and the childhood is mine

Doom and gloom [Poor unfortunate souls]

In the past I was not
Quite a wimp
Very understandably I was often called
A witch
But I have decided
Converted myself one day
And made peace with my new existence
Right? Yes!
Look, I am quite dextrous in doing magic
It is a gift that I have always possessed
And lately I spend
My worries on that pain
For those fools I have
Always had a weakness
How sad!
What doom and gloom (poor unfortunate souls)
So sad, so mean
This one wanted (to be) a little thinner
That one over there longed for a woman
And do I offer help?
Yes, right away
O, what doom and gloom (poor unfortunate souls)
How sad, what a disappointment
They appear during my consultation hour
Begging: help me, please!
And do I offer help?
You bet
But sometimes a poor customer would
Not be able to pay
And my methods then are
Not very subtle
I did not get complaints very easily
Because I give all of my heart and soul
To all that doom and gloom (those poor unfortunate souls)
Those men over there are
Not fond of chatting
A woman that gossips
They think of as a braggart
On land one is used to
Women keeping silent as being decent
And above all
That chatting doesn't bring you anything
Well then, those men don't like conversation
A real gentleman avoids it if he can
But they nearly faint
For such a beautiful silent woman
So someone that keeps their mouth shut, will get a man
Come on with all your doom and gloom (poor unfortunate souls)
Go ahead, choose for them
Don't let me wait for you
Because I have a lot to do
I don't ask much
Just your voice
You with your doom and gloom (poor unfortunate soul)
It is sad, but true
If you truly want to go up
Then you will not hesitate for a moment
Take that pen and put your name
Here at the bottom of this document
It is done
Because I have her
That girl now says goodbye
Tot all that doom and gloom (poor unfortunate soul)
Beluga, sevruga
A mermaid's voice comes to me
Larynxes, glacydis and max laryngitis
La voce (the voice) to me


Ако овај град не спава
Онда смо у двоје
Да не би побегла
Затворио сам врата и поверио сам ти кључ
Сада сам сигурна
у разлику између приближности и блискости
То је... начин на који се крећеш
по шатору у овој мојој пустињи
Биће да киша пада од јула
свет који експлодира у плач
Биће да не излазиш месецима
Уморан си или си само потрошио осмехе
Да би измерио срце обема рукама потребна је храброст
и повезане очи (окренуте ка) небу које је окренуло леђа
Стрпљење, наша кућа, контакт и твоја утеха
То има везе са мнон
То је нешто што има везе са мном
Ако овај град збуњује
онда сте у двоје
да не бих побегао
затворио сам очи и поверио сам ти кључ
Сада сам сигуран
у разлику између даљине и удаљености
Биће да киша пада од јула
свет који експлодира у плач
Биће да не излазиш месецима
Уморан си или си само потрошио осмехе
Да би измерио срце обема рукама потребна је храброст
и повезане очи (окренуте ка) небу које је окренуло леђа
Стрпљење, наша кућа, контакт и твоја утеха
То има везе са мнон
То је нешто што има везе са мном
Биће да је то летња киша или
Бог који нас гледа са висине
Биће да не излазиш месецима
Уморан си или си само потрошио удахе
Да бих измерио срце обема рукама потребно ми је чудо
Та утеха која има везе са тобом
Та утеха која има везе са тобом
Да би измерио срце обема рукама потребна је храброст
То је много, превише, превише, превише... превише љубави.

Close Your Eyes

You said we’d meet again some day
As you held my hand and whispered
But now I can’t do anything for you anymore
Do you know how I’m feeling?
Where are you and what are you doing?
You haven’t forgotten me, have you?
What if the smallest memories disappear from me?
Will this fearful heart reach you?
This street that I used to walk with you
Now I’ll get used to it
As if nothing happened to me
On the day we meet again
I won’t let go of your hands
so we won’t grow apart ever again
Stay by my side
When I close my eyes
I see your turned back with tears
I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries
as I can only watch you from afar
My heart endlessly grows smaller
I only have tears
I can’t turn back the times we spent together
Just like you and I when we first saw each other
If we meet again,
I won’t ever let go of your hands
Don’t go far away from me ever again
Because you’re my everything
When I close my eyes
I see your turned back with tears
I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries
as I can only watch you from afar
My heart endlessly grows smaller
Days I couldn’t stay by your side
Now I’ll give them all to you, until always
When I close my eyes
I see your turned back with tears
I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries
as I can only watch you from afar
My heart endlessly grows smaller
I close my eyes and see the days we’ll be together


Yeah Infinite ah ha
Let’s go.
My lonely girl My lonely girl
My lovely girl My lovely girl.
I don’t mind a little something extra
(no no)
so, don’t hide so timidly
I don’t mind you being casual
(no yes)
I kept watching out for you
I don’t hide I do
I don’t hide it I do
Now I don’t avoid it
(wait) Now, I’ll go to you
(Look at me) Now, it’s my time
only if you’re okay with it
Leave it to me, I’ll melt your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll wet your heart
I’ll be the wind blowing by your side
Leave it to me, that way I’ll give it to you
Leave it to me, I’ll cherish you like a gem
Let’s walk together to enlighten this world
Sometimes I argue like a child
Light up your eyes and take a deep breath
Now I’m different, be trapped by my smile
Now, hold me in my arms so we won’t be separated
I don’t mind a little something extra
(no no)
I’m just plain and stupid
I don’t think I have you yet
(no yes)
I kept looking out for you
I don’t pretend I do
I won’t be beat I do
Now, I’m not scared
(wait) Now, I’ll go to you
(Look at me) Now, it’s my time
if only you’re okay with it
Leave it to me, I’ll melt your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll wet you in your arms
Beside you, I’ll be the evening sun
Leave it to me, Trust me
I love you my girl
I love you my girl yeah
Won’t you leave it to me?
I love you my girl
I love you my girl yeah
I’ll make sure to take care of your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll melt your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll wet your heart
I’ll be the wind blowing by your side
Leave it to me, that way I’ll give it to you
My lonely girl My lonely girl
My lovely girl My lovely girl
My baby girl My baby girl
My lovely girl My lovely girl
Leave it to me

Simply being

Simply living, not that easy
Simple is deep, not shallow and maybe
It's the most difficult thing, to be it again
Simply being simple
Give it a try to be simple again
A table, a chair, a candlelight
A sheet of paper, two hearts, a rhyme
Simply being simple
Being simple, even if it's hard
And no matter hoe greedy the greed is
To discover that behind the mist
Being simple is the art
Like the programme, the TV is flat
Why is my wifi so weak at the edge of the forest?
And every day it grows more hazy, my vision
I'm going back to Start again
Haying eyes for a sunset
And good friends in bad times
Yes that sounds simple, but it's true
Simply invaluable
The celler, the flat, all full with stuff
I stand there and eye it
Is that the wealth I really need?
Do you ask yourself such questions too?
We fly to Mars as if there's a use
And live backward lives
Eagerly cutting our own branch
And actually we're just guests
Wehen will we simply be content
And finally stop warring
Because once peace lasts forever
How much nicer would it be, this world
Our planet here offers us
To be able to breathe out as well after having breathed in
Simply made to live
A place for everyone, day and night
Put your mask into a river
And give a kiss to grandma you don't even know
Loudly laugh into the mirror
Simply resolve to be happy
Simply being simple


dreams like cedar trees
that it is necessary
to bring from faraway
to the shoulders
to find
in the winter of the memory
this rustling
of flame:
your perfume,
of melancholy.

Buenos Aires New York

The sky is a highway, the city smells of formaldehyde
Metal elephants and concrete mountains
Nauseating police officers, a pyrotechnic show
The theater is full and death is the curtain
They want to throw you in the psych ward or keep you in a crate
The piranhas with ties will wring out your heart
It’s hard to walk with shit up to your knees
They can fuck up our path, but they won’t stop us
Not today, no, no, not yet
They have offices, I only have you
Honestly, not even your smell remains anymore
It turns out that I miss your screams, your insanity is my motor
It turns out that I miss those kisses that always say no
Trams in Saavedra, pens and bandoneon
It seems I never knew New York
Your Porteña accent, crows around us
And this smells of Buenos Aires New York
Your purple shell, worm watch
I’m dying in Buenos Aires New York
The sheep dissolve in the shepherd’s stomach
A bittersweet satellite flavors our show
A bag of skeletons sponsors the guest
And picks his teeth with hospital patience
[Un naipe sobre la mesa, me carteo una ilusión
Grito truco a los recuerdos, falta envido y faltas vos]*
The streets are a swamp, baby, you’re my louvered window
Smiled for the picture, then said, “glu, glu, glu…”

Suicide Girl

Trust in me
I'll give of myself
Live in me
I know who you are
Tell me
I can listen to you
Die in me
I will love you so much
Angel dust mourns these moments
That's how the present is burning
Let your tears feed my soul
To each life a tragedy is enough
From ashes to ashes
(From ashes to ashes)
From ashes to ashes
You're now part of the past
That only the wind will scatter
(Let the world know)
Let the world know
How much you made me suffer
Trust in me
I'll give of myself
Live in me
I know who you are
Tell me
I can listen to you
Die in me
I will love you so much
Trust in me
I'll give of myself
Live in me
I know who you are
Tell me
I can listen to you
Die in me
I can't love
(I can't love)
Crystalline beauty, mourn my kisses
That's how our hearts showed their true colors
Let your body feel these senses
To each pleasure its absence is enough
From ashes to ashes
From ashes to ashes
You're now part of the past
Of injuries that time couldn't erase
Let the world know
How much you made me suffer
Mourn my death
Let this dawn live a last time
Let my being talk to the killer
To each leaving its farewells
From ashes to ashes
From ashes to ashes
You're now part of the past
Of distant memories already forgotten
Suicide girl
Suicide girl


Ništa mi nije dovoljno dobro
poslije tebe
A tebi neće uspjeti
jer niko nije kao ja
Ispiću ovo piće
kada budem sje*an
tako ću znati kako da ti priđem
Igraću uz ritam dok se ona pribija uz mene
O, kako je bila pripita
Dosta sam razgovarao za ova 24 sata
spazio sam te s drugog kraja sobe
imaš sjajno tijelo, plešeš kao go-go, da
A ti si nezaboravna
moram da budem nasamo s tobom
Zašto da ne?
Nikome ne škodi da se vrhunski provede
Ponio sam pićence, ali nije Bakardi
Ako si volio svoju djevojku, onda mi je baš žao
ali moram da joj ga dam kao da smo u braku
O, kao da se žurimo
Ne, neću reći nikome
I ti si na nivou
Želimo da budemo kao pravi ljubavnici
Osjećam se kao da sam nov ovde, Buzi
Ako hoće dramu, imam Uzi
Prebaciću cijelu posadu na kruzer
Radim stvari koje se ni na filmovima ne vide
Priključi mi se,
priključi mi se, šef sam
Tvrda mi je glava*, a njeno dupe meko
Želi da je oženim i da nosi moje prezime
Jer sam izvadio milion u kešu i rekao joj da se spusti na njega
*SL i FM*
A ti si nezaboravna
Želim biti nasamo s tobom
Sada želiš da biraš
Samo umoči svoju guzu u džakuzi
Ništa mi nije dovoljno dobro
poslije tebe
A tebi neće uspjeti
jer niko nije kao ja
Ispiću ovo piće
kada budem sje*an
tako ću znati kako da ti priđem
Igraću uz ritam dok se ona pribija uz mene
O, kako je bila pripita
Dosta sam razgovarao za ova 24 sata
spazio sam te s drugog kraja sobe
imaš sjajno tijelo, plešeš kao go-go, da
A ti si nezaboravna
moram da budem nasamo s tobom
Zašto da ne?
Nikome ne škodi da se vrhunski provede
Ponio sam pićence, ali nije Bakardi
Ako si volio svoju djevojku, onda mi je baš žao
ali moram da joj ga dam kao da smo u braku
O, kao da se žurimo
Ne, neću reći nikome
I ti si na nivou
Želimo da budemo kao pravi ljubavnici
O, nisi ti dovoljna za mene
a ja sam previše za tebe
Mala, povedi neke opasne cure sa sobom, dovedi ih kući
Ja plaćam avion
Izvući ću najbolji za tebe
Znaš, obuci tu haljinu za mene
Odmori se na meni
Previše smo pričali za 24 sata
Kada stojiš pored 24 karata
Ostavila je svog dragog kući
Ne voli ga više
Želim tvoj um i tvoje tijelo
Briga nas za druge
Pa dokle god ne povređujemo nikoga
Mala, hajte mrdaj to tijelo
Mrdaj to tijelo
*SL i FM*
A ti si nezaboravna
Želim biti nasamo s tobom
Sada želiš da biraš
Samo umoči svoju guzu u džakuzi
O, kao da se žurimo
Ne, neću nikome reći
I ti si na nivou
Želimo da budemo kao pravi ljubavnici

Our views that burn me up

I'm lost like a skyless day.
Noone understands my disease.
I live inside my small bubble, far away from you.
I want to be free so as to come across you.
And I wait for your signal,
your smile, your view that burns me up,
that burn me up.
I hear your voice amidst the night,
I try to sweep through your mystery.
I'm like a shadow without your light.
Like a plain sight, I sparkle in the emptiness.
And I wait for your signal,
your smile, your view that burns me up,
that burn me up.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

Sve što imam

Sve što sam ikada želeo je neko da me čuje
I sve što sam ikada želeo je neko da me oseti
I svi žele da mi kažu da nisam normalan
Kada sam na mikrofonu to je u redu ali to me ne plaši
Prošlo je dosta vremena ali sada sam se vratio
Rep grupo dobrodošla u rep kuću
Rep grupa će živeti dok se ne onesvestim, onesvestim, onesvestim
Svi se pitaju da li i dalje repujem
Jeste li ozbiljni? Da li iko čuje ovo?
Hej ušao sam u ovu igru kao tekstopisac
i napustiću je tako . Period
Vi šmrćete linije, ja zapisujem redove, sada ste ušli u moj um
i bolje da se pripremite jer možda shvatite
ja sam sa drugačijeg mesta i moja vrsta
je malo drugačija od tvoje
Prestanite da hrčite hip hop nije mrtav
Samo je bio u žalosti od momenta kada sam prestao da snimam
Brzo, snimi ovo!
Slušajte, zagrevam se i pogrešno ste informisani ako
mislite da isklizavam, ovo nije bolesno dovoljno, onda ću preskočiti stih
Bio sam ovde, zar niko nije čuo za mene?
Yeah pretvaram ovu numeru u scenu ubistva
Ne živim za svet
Živim za kralja, živim za kralja, fokusirajte se
Napisao sam ovo sa osećanjima
Teško je odmoriti se kada vrata nisu otvorena
Teško je opaliti hitac kada pištolj nije napunjen
I teško je živeti kada niko ne želi da primeti. Zadrži
Šta, jesam li lud možda? Obično lud
Stavili ste me u sobu sa mikrofonom, nećete me zadržati
Vi radite šta želite ali nećete me zadržati
Lenji! To nije moja karakterna osobina. Ne čekajte u red
Ovo je trenutno moje mentalno stanje
Ne govorite mi da ovo nije stvarno
Ne gpvorite mi da ovo nije onako kako osećam
Ovo je sve što imam. Sve što imam
Sve što sam ikada želeo je neko da razume ovo
Sve što sam ikada želeo je neko da svira ovo
Uzme moju pesmu, stave je na njihovu playlistu i naježe se svaki put kad je čuju
Ocenite nas
Ako je to moje zvanje ili ne otac, možda ne trebam ni da se mučim
Vratite se na to 9 do 5 ali ja nisam onaj koji odustaje zato odustanite od toga
Nikada nisam bio ubica ali garantujem da ubijem numere (razbijam numere)
Stavite ih u sanduk,
Pocivao u miru pokušaj da imate uticaj u repu , jel to ludo? Pretpostavljam da da
Bolje mi dajte tu olovku
I nikada nećeš uspeti, sve je to bolesno
Ja sam na mestu na kojem ne mogu da odustanem. Ah
I dalje imam posao i radim ovo
I jel znati svi vi šta je glupo?
Mislio sam da sve što vi treba da dobijete je ugovor i vaše stvari počinju da se kreću
Ali to nije slučaj jer često veći deo umetnika za koje čujete
vi mislite da je taj umetnik nov ali taj umetnik je verovatno u tome godinama
Yeah. U pozadini razmišljam
da li uzalud trošim svoje vreme sanjajući
I nemam novac u novčaniku ali garanujem da ne postoji šansa da odustanem od ovoga
Trebam ovo. Kunem se svima vama da trebam ovo.
I ovaj hip hop je u mojim venama, ako me isećete iskrvariću ga
I dali vi mislite da ja pišem rep bez razloga, ne
Uzmem moju bol i stavim je u pesmu sve od kad su pilule uzele moju majku
Bio sam drugačija osoba. Nemojte pokušavati da predvidite moje stihove
Ovo što čujete je moje bilo da sam ispred ili iza zavese
Stojim iza ovih reči. Hrišćanin sam ali nisam savršen
Nemoj da mi govoriš da se smirim. Smiren sam sada, slušaj ja samo radim
Možda potraje minut dok shvatiš ali kada jednom shvatiš sve će ti biti kristalno jasno
Mislim da oni ne vide moju viziju ovde. Mislim da oni ne vide moju viziju ovde!
Ne govorite mi da ovo nije stvarno
Ne gpvorite mi da ovo nije onako kako osećam
Ovo je sve što imam. Sve što imam (x3)
Sve što imam
Ne govorite mi da ovo nije stvarno (ovo nije stvarno, ovo nije stvarno)
Ovo je sve što imam. Ovo je sve što imam

Old friends

Let me see you crying,
let me be by your side
close to your soul,
next to your grief.
Let me see you crying,
I want to dry that weeping
that you are pouring out
because of a bad love.
I am the same as always,
still is bleeding the wound
that, one day in life,
your love gave me. 1.
I'm still looking for consolation,
I go on asking to heaven
that you could be in my life
what she never was.
Let me talk to you in secret
I want to tell you in your ear
that my last nest
was also a failure.
But don't you go into memories,
give forgiveness to your past
and start a new life
without looking at your grief.
Raise your rosy face,
not because you may feel vanquished 2.
you have to humiliate your soul
thinking about his love.
Let's hold hands,
we are two old friends
that, being defeated,
we believe in God.

Fan Fan Fanatical

Fan Fan Fanatical
Dramatic make up
Fan Fan Fanatical
And dancing automatically.
Fan Fan Fanatical
Likeable music idol
Fan Fan Fanatical
And dancing so ecstatic
The act is atmospheric,
The response hysterical,
Idol at the very top,
Fans who are raging.
Fan Fan Fanatical
Love automatically
Fan Fan Fanatical
Dancing so apathetic.
The act is atmospheric ...
Fan Fan Fanatical
Dramatic make up
Fan Fan Fanatical
And dancing automatically.
Fan Fan Fanatical
And dancing automatically...

Shared indulgence (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
Stándĭng sléeplĕss yét nŏt wákefŭl
Thĭs tŏwn dŏes ás Ĭ dó.
Tŏ stóp yŏu fróm dĕtáchĭng
Ĭ lŏcked yŏu ín ănd slĭpped thĕ kéy - bénéath thĕ dóor.
Ĭ névĕr gót thăt éithĕr
thĕ dĭvérgĕnt réasŏns whý
Ĭ Kĕep yŏu clóse – yét néed á clósŭre.
Yeáh - ĭt’s líke wĕ fóundĭng shéltĕr
Ĭnsĭde ă tént ĭn ă lănd léft – désértĕd.
Bĕcáuse raĭn stártĕd sŏ lóng ăgó
thĕ téars ŏf thĕ wórld ĕnchántĕd.
Bĕcáuse yŏu tŏok ísŏlátiŏn
Fŏr grántĕd – thĕn yŏu hád ăll yŏur mómĕnts rĕcántĕd.
Tŏ méasŭre thĕ gĭrth ŏf yŏur ŏwn héart bў thĕ bóok wŏuld be‿ăn áct ŏf brăvádŏ
Dó‿it ĭn yŏur héy dáy - ĭn spĭte ŏf ăll jéerĭng dĕspísĕrs.
Bŭt yŏur ónlў ŏne sŭppórt rĕsts wĭthín ŏur sháred ĭndúlgĕnce
Thát Í căn’t fáirlў cáll míne
Ŏur ĭndúlgĕnce thát Í căn’t fáirlў cáll míne.
Ít ăttrácts ănd yét cŏnfúsĕs
Thĭs tŏwn dŏes ás yŏu dó.
Tŏ stóp mĕ fróm dĕtáchĭng
Sprĭnklĕ mў éyes ănd Ĭ’ll stăy pút – blíndéd bў sánd.
Bŭt nów Ĭ knów fŏr cértăin
Thĕre’s ă díffĕrénce bĕtwéen - the‿ĭdéa‿ánd thé únréăl.
Bĕcáuse raĭn stártĕd sŏ lóng ăgó
thĕ téars ŏf thĕ wórld ĕnchántĕd.
Bĕcáuse yŏu tŏok ísŏlátiŏn
Fŏr grántĕd – thĕn yŏu hád ăll yŏur mómĕnts rĕcántĕd.
Tŏ méasŭre thĕ gĭrth ŏf yŏur ŏwn héart bў thĕ bóok wŏuld be‿ăn áct ŏf brăvádŏ
Dó‿it ĭn yŏur héy dáy - ĭn spĭte ŏf ăll jéerĭng dĕspísĕrs.
Bŭt yŏur ónlў ŏne sŭppórt rĕsts wĭthín ŏur sháred ĭndúlgĕnce
Thát Í căn’t fáirlў cáll míne
Ŏur ĭndúlgĕnce thát Í căn’t fáirlў cáll míne.
Bĕcaŭse ĭt’s stŏpped răinĭng júst now‿
‿ Ór Gŏd hăs thĕ wŏrld dĭsĕnchántĕd.
Bĕcáuse yŏu tŏok ísŏlátiŏn
fŏr grántĕd – ĭt’s nŏt éasў tŏ háve ĭt rĕcántĕd.
Tŏ méasŭre thĕ gírth ŏf mў ŏwn héart bў thĕ númbĕrs wŏuld bĕ wŏrth băstĭnádŏ
Ŏr the‿ĭndúlgĕnce thát Í shăre fáirlў wíth yóu
Thĕ ĭndŭlgĕnce thát Í shăre fáirlў wíth yóu
Tŏ méasŭre thĕ gĭrth ŏf yŏur ŏwn héart bў thĕ bóok wŏuld be‿ăn áct ŏf brăvádŏ
Thĕ trúe păth thát yŏu plów thrŏugh plów thrŏugh plów thrŏugh - tó rĕach lóve, tŏo

you!my breath!

you are my breath my only love
why you dont miss me? (what is wrong with missing me?)
you are my breath my only love
why you dont miss me? (what is wrong with missing me?)
my breath...my breath
my breath...my breath
like the world i am
in love with your eyes
there is no way for me and my heart
else your way else your way
how my heart keeps calm?
while you dont love me
i hope your heart loves me
even for one night i wish you be in my dream
taking your hands
looking at me and dying for you
now your love is a part of my existence
know? without you i cant breath
my breath...my breath
my breath...my breath
i know that you and this happiness
can be together can be forever
forever your love shadow
will be with me
how my heart keeps calm?
while you dont love me
i hope your heart loves me
even for one night i wish you be in my dream
taking your hands
looking at me and dying for you
know your love is a part of my existence
you know? without you i cant breath
my breath...my breath
my breath...my breath
you are my breath my only love
why you dont miss me? (what is wrong with missing me?)
you are my breath my only love
why you dont miss me? (what is wrong with missing me?)

The thousand lovers

From Altamira Tamaulipas
I bring this happy song
And to the sound of the old violin and Jarana I sing
For the beautiful women
Who are I admire
From Altamira Tamaulipas
I bring this happy song
If life is a garden
Woman are the flowers
Man is the gardiner
Who cuts off women
I don't have preference
For any of the flowers
I like to cut them all
I like to be a thousand lover
Blessed is the man who's getting married and keeps messing around
He's always playing hiding and seek with his beloved
Taken from
Album song and lyrics.com
But more blessed Is me
Who doesn't lack anything
I have widows , singles and a few married women


Istina je, ja se raspadam
i ne znam kako da počnem ponovo
Osećam se kao duća koja umire
Zaglavljen u sobi punoj zdravih srca
Naučio sam da se lažno smejem
i radio sam ovo neko vreme
kada osetim tvoj dodir
znam da nisam jedini
Tvoje usne imaju ukus drugog života
Mogu videti ove senke u tvojim očima
Mora da misliš da si jako pametna
Veruj mi, znam mnogo bolje
Zašto se to zove 'raskid' (lomljenje srca)
kada je i moje telo slomljeno takođe
Ne mogu da sastavim delove
jer sam ih sve dao tebi
Pa zašto onda praviti grešku
Sada neverstvo ima ukus tebe
Ne mogu da sastavim delove
jer sam ih sve dao tebi
(Neverna ljubav, neverna ljubav)
Ja sam samo ljubavnik kog si nekada upoznala
Možeš da otrćiš i ispričaš svojim prijateljima više laži
ali hajde da budemo iskreni
ko je taj koji je prekrsio obećanja
Da li se sećaš kada smo se prvi put poljubili
do prelepe duge
na zadnjem sedištu u kolima mog najboljeg prijatelja
poljubio sam te tako jako
Čak sam i šaputao na tvoje uho
Kako te mogu učiniti svojom draga
Želeo sam te zauvek
Imala si me dok nisi pronašla nešto bolje
Zašto se to zove 'raskid' (lomljenje srca)
kada je i moje telo slomljeno takođe
Ne mogu da sastavim delove
jer sam ih sve dao tebi
Pa zašto onda praviti grešku
Sada neverstvo ima ukus tebe
Ne mogu da sastavim delove
jer sam ih sve dao tebi
(Neverna ljubav, neverna ljubav)
i nasa neverna ljubav
(neverna ljubav, neverna ljubav)
Oni kažu da nas je osnivala daljina
ali sve što je uradila je stvaranje čudovišta
koje je postalo naša ljubav
vodeći te do vrata kroz koja si pobegla
Držiš se svoje prošlosti
iako te užasno povređuje
ne možeš videti ispred sebe
kada si previše zauzeta bežanjem od istine
Zašto se to zove 'raskid' (lomljenje srca)
kada je i moje telo slomljeno takođe
Ne mogu da sastavim delove
jer sam ih sve dao tebi
Pa zašto onda praviti grešku
Sada neverstvo ima ukus tebe
Ne mogu da sastavim delove
jer sam ih sve dao tebi
Dao sam ih sve tebi
Dao sam ih sve tebi
yeah sve tebi i našoj nevernoj ljubavi
našoj nevernoj ljubavi
našoj nevernoj ljubavi
(Neverna ljubav, neverna ljubav)

Većina devojaka

[Verse 1]
Neke devojke se osećaju najbolje u svojoj uskoj haljini
Neke devojke samo u trenerci, izgledaju kao princeze
Neke devojke ljube druge usne svake noći
Ostaju do kasno napolju jer one samo slave život
Znaš, nekim danima se osećaš tako dobro u sopstvenoj koži
Ali u redu je ako želiš da promeniš telo koje ti je dato
Jer izgledaš sjajnije kad se osećaš kao kraljica
Svi mi samo igramo igru na neki način, pokušavajući da pobedimo u životu
Većina devojaka je pametno i jako i lepo
Većina devojaka radi naporno, ide daleko, mi smo nezaustavljive
Većina devojaka, naša borba da ulepšamo svaki dan
Ne postoje dve iste.
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao većina devojaka,
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao većina devojaka,
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao
[Verse 2]
Neke devojke vole da čuvaju svoj fizički izgled veoma privatno
Neke devojke nose tako uske farmerke, jer je osećaj tako dobar, da
Neke devojke, svakodnevno tražeći, okreću stranice
Spavaju do kasno jer one samo slave život
Znaš, nekim danima se osećaš tako dobro u sopstvenoj koži
Ali u redu je ako želiš da promeniš telo koje ti je dato
Jer izgledaš sjajnije kad se osećaš kao kraljica
Svi mi samo igramo igru na neki način, pokušavajući da pobedimo u životu
Većina devojaka je pametno i jako i lepo
Većina devojaka radi naporno, ide daleko, mi smo nezaustavljive
Većina devojaka, naša borba da ulepšamo svaki dan
Ne postoje dve iste.
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao većina devojaka,
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao većina devojaka,
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao
Većina devojaka, da
Većina devojaka
Želim da budem, želim da budem, želim da budem
Većina devojaka, naša borba da uslepšamo svaki dan
Ne postoje dve iste
Želim da budem kao...
Želim da budem kao kao većina devojaka,
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao većina devojaka
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao
Želim da budem kao, želim da budem kao,
Želim da budem kao...

Ptica I Dete

Kao dete sa sjajem u očima
Koje vidi daleke ptice u prolazu
Kao plava ptica što preleće zemlju
Vidi kako je svet…
svet je lep
Lep je brod što na talasima pleše
Pijan od života,
ljubav i vetra
Lepa je pesma, što dolazi iz talasa
U belom pesku napuštena
Beli su nevini, krv pesnika
Koji je izmislio ljubav pevajući
Da bi život veseo postao
i noć u dan pretvorila
Jedan dan života kad zora sviće
Da probudi grad kapaka teških
Kad jutra skupljaju snove
Da bi nam dala svet ljubavi
Ljubav si ti
Ljubav sam ja
Ta ptica si ti
To dete sam ja
Ja sam samo devojčica u senci
Koja vidi zvezdu danicu kako sija
Ti, zvezdo moja što se u krug vrti
Dođi, osvetli moje crno sunce
Mračna je patnja,
ljudi i rat,
koji veruju da upravljaju vremenom
Zemlja ljubavi nema granica
Za one sa srcem deteta
Kao dete sa sjajem u očima
Koje vidi daleke ptice u prolazu
Kao plava ptica što preleće zemlju
Mi ćemo naći taj svet ljubavi
Ljubav si ti
Ljubav sam ja

Ta ptica si ti
To dete sam ja
Ta ptica si ti
To dete sam ja
Ta ptica si ti
To dete sam ja
English Version

Preko Trnovitih Polja

U borbi mrznje
Krv na mom macu dodiruje zemlju
Preko trnovitih polja do pecina
Zidovi umrljani krvlju prekrivaju kamen
Vrisci muke, ja sam u bolovima
Izgubljene duse prebivaju u grobu
U prokletstvu, netaknute vekovima
Mrtvi se uzdizu i hodaju ka tebi
Moja pustolovina se nikada nece zavrsiti
I ucicu u borbu
Jasuci neba otrovne smrti
Zagarantuj mi moju zelju
Preko trnovitih polja, zemlje mrznje
Stipavica je prekrila papreno drvece i pruce koje pokusava da pobegne
Hladni mesec zamrzava moje lice
Zauvek zaposednut od strane drevnika
Da bih rukom preneo svo znanje
Da bih poznjeo zetvu mnogih ljudi
Mizantrop je razlog izolacije
Zabijanje iza ledja, pokolj mojih krvavih rusevina
Borim se da prezivim u vecnoj osami
Zato bolesni ljudi hodaju ovom svetom zemljom
Sa crnim smrtima ruka bi trebala da im prereze vratove
Nad oltarom pohlepne krvi
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)