Резултати претраге страна 70
Број резултата: 2634
The twinkle, twinkle
The twinkle, twinkle
Even if I hide it, I twinkle- what to do?
It catches the eye instantly
Even if I'm covered with a veil
I obviously twinkle
Other people like
The twinkling me too
You need to take caution 'till the end
You're the one who stole this gem
Always protect my side
Only linger around me
Don't take your eyes off me
Fall into my charm
Even if I hide it, I twinkle- what to do?
It catches the eye instantly
Even if I'm covered with a veil
I obviously twinkle
I forget the times
Of the unknown world
Even when you open your eyes in the morning
Your dream will continue
I want to look good for you
I want to be prettier and twinkle
Why are you the only one
Who doesn't know my true value?
Even if I hide it, I twinkle- what to do?
It catches the eye instantly
Even if I'm covered with a veil
I obviously twinkle
You're so calm, you're so arrogant
I can't see the end of the line of those who want me
Unbelievably, you're so indifferent
I'm a fallen star from the sky
Even if I hide it, I twinkle- what to do?
It catches the eye instantly
Even if I'm covered with a veil
I obviously twinkle
You're twinkle, look at me
Where are you looking?
Look at me- even with dull clothing on
I still twinkle
Even if I hide it, I twinkle- what to do?
It catches the eye instantly
Even if I'm covered with a veil
I obviously twinkle
You know t-twinkle
Where are you
Where are you.. where are you..
How are you doing, tell me
You still care for me
The look in your eyes is still
Whispering to me, stay.. stay
Where are you.. where are you..
Where is that ‘look’, where is it now
Is it possible it’s with someone else now
Do you think this someone else will make it forget
All my dreams I hid within it
Every time the past comes close to me
My heart says “I wish it lasted a bit longer“
And it’s the last time I’m going to ask
“Collect the perfume of our first love”
You still care for me.. you do
Where are you.. where are you..
[-The hangout was nice]
[-Anything is wrong? I feel you’re a bit annoyed]
[-No not at all, all good]
Whenever I go back to being a little girl
Escaping from these days
I find my heart telling me to fly
I set your arm and sleep on it
Do you think we can go back
To get along with laughter
Or the laughter has become bitter
It cries on its own
It cries on its own
Cries.. cries..
How are you doing, tell me
You still care for me
Where are you.. where are you..
How are you doing, tell me
You still care for me
The look in your eyes is still
Whispering to me, stay.. stay
Where are you.. where are you..
Where is that ‘look’, where is it now
Is it possible it’s with someone else now
Do you think this someone else will make it forget
All my dreams I hid within it
Every time the past comes close to me
My heart says “I wish it lasted a bit longer“
And it’s the last time I’m going to ask
“Collect the perfume of our first love”
You still care for me.. you do
Where are you.. where are you..
Where are you?
Мислите на велике ствари
Данас је тај дан, данас коначно све почиње
Остварујете своје циљеве-мислите на велике ствари
Мало мегаломаније не може шкодити
И одједном можете летети-миислите на велике ствари
Не одустајте и живите снове
За то се не мора бити геније-мислите на велике ствари
У сваком човеку се крије визионар
Ослободите енергију
Даћу вам један савет- мислите на велике ствари
Зашто толико сумњате? Преузмите шоу!
Са добрим њухом сте лидер
И играте ускоро у високој лиги
Пијете на Бајкалском језеру на екс
За доручак златно лишће у комадићима
Почнбите као Антонов
Мислите на доларе и избегните идол
Мислите Drum Tower-стоји ту
Градим га вишим-два километра
Носач авиона лизинг рејт
Плаћам црном кредитном картицом
Возите се кроз град зверским теретњаком
Ловите жене као предатори
Грабите милијарде, онда се можете купати у томе
Победите сада и овде
Данас је тај дан, данас коначно све почиње
Остварујете своје циљеве-мислите на велике ствари
Мало мегаломаније не може шкодити
И одједном можете летети-миислите на велике ствари
Не одустајте и живите снове
За то се не мора бити геније-мислите на велике ствари
У сваком човеку се крије визионар
Ослободите енергију
Седим у мом приватном авиону и отварам мој кров
Правимо осмицу летом, управо сам помислио на вас
Милсите на велике ствари, као Калмундов апетит
Као баштован када лети у свемир
У тешким временима човек мора показати издржљивост
Као теретњак пун платинастих дискова
Овде се ради о вишем, бржем, даљем
Не купујте коров (марихуана?!), купите Јамајку
Не градите кућу у низу, саградите предграђе
И господарите тамо као срећан ратни господар
Мислите на велике ствари, као што је потрошња бензина
О броду, онда све иде узбрдо
Где је ваше залагање, где остаје ваша воља?
Покорите свет и онда оставите наочаре
Морате се само још одлучити
Ако бисте се овде потписали, молим вас
Данас је тај дан, данас коначно све почиње
Остварујете своје циљеве-мислите на велике ствари
Мало мегаломаније не може шкодити
И одједном можете летети-миислите на велике ствари
Не одустајте и живите снове
За то се не мора бити геније-мислите на велике ствари
У сваком човеку се крије визионар
Ослободите енергију
Данас је тај дан, данас коначно све почиње
Остварујете своје циљеве-мислите на велике ствари
Мало мегаломаније не може шкодити
И одједном можете летети-миислите на велике ствари
Не одустајте и живите снове
За то се не мора бити геније-мислите на велике ствари
У сваком човеку се крије визионар
Ослободите енергију
Fear the chip of verity
Fear the chip of verity to send away from void
Smoke that’s driven by litter towards the dwelling place
Pain of iron labour unprotected and alive
Death by solitariness that holds the world within
The ice-covered lenses of the all-distorting goggles
To outspread a cobweb just for haltering all gnats
By the muzzle of yellow wolves’ stares to abut the chest
Of those who put hands down, as if they were in the air
To shoot down the offcast, those who gave away their all
Feed those who are semi-ruined into a 5-ton press
Kick away the crutches from those who are semi-crippled
Put the semi-mangled beneath the crawler belt at once
It will stop just for a while – to pat and even sigh
Raptly and maternally shrugging shoulders, though
Mannerly and tactfully will ask about health
Putting a soft pillow right in place - under the head
Cat’s crooned to a mousekin a love song about romance
Sadness main line of the Nihonkai
To where I return there are sea birds
Siberia wind of the northern sea
There's no heart that returns to me
There's no heart that returns
If I die, my dear
Whould you cry for me?
Cold, cold heart
Sadness main line of the Nihonkai
A thin steam whistle pierces into my heart
There's only stardust on the northern sky
While the tears freeze on a night like this
I'll howl shivering to the wind
The pain of my heart, my dear
Would you listen to it?
Cold, cold heart
Sadness main line of the Nihonkai
Entering on the bay the light sways
I don't recognize anybody name at the northern town
I puff on my frozen toes
And I write the weight of a journey
My written letter, my dear
Would you read it?
Cold, cold heart
Sadness main line of the Nihonkai
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I often sat in school and felt completely worn out
And because I couldn't think on my own I simply copied.
I was always so listless, even as a little boy.
Today I finally know the reason why, hypothyroidism.
Hypothyrodisim x6
When we played soccer, I always had to go into the goal
And most times my team lost.
And do you want me to tell you something? I didn't give a fuck.
Because that's totally normal with hypothyroidism.
I went to the music club: I learned to play the clarinet.
But not as long as my teacher would have liked.
I also did not graduate. I wasn't a good son.
Now we all know why: Hypothyroidism.
Hypothyrodisim x6
Then came the time when Jesus inspired me
Franz von Assisi inspired me to write poetry.
I fled from everyday life into the religious world.
I felt God inside me, but it was hypothyroidisim.
I did not get on with the whole society, I thought it was unjust.
I agreed with socialism, I also didn't think anarchy was bad.
I even sympathized with subversion and revolution
And what was it really? Hypothyroidism.
I married a sensitive brunette
with a great aura. Her name was Ulrike-Anette.
We crossed the universe with tarot and meditation
I thought it was love, but it was hypothyroidism.
Hypothyrodisim x6
Everything was so exhausting, I often felt so empty.
Nothing worked without problems. Everything was so hard for me.
Even sex: As soon as I entered, I came already.
Now I know why: Hypothyroidism.
And always dissatisfaction, bad mood, pain:
stomach ache, groin, even at the heart.
I thought about mad cow disease, about all-year depression.
But the blood values showed: Hypothyroidism.
Now I have pills, I take them in the morning:
Soon I'll be as normal as all the others.
Then I'll finally write a novel, I already have the title.
But I won't tell you about it....
You didn't forget after all
This is it, it's over
And balloons
I'm holding an armful of flowers
I'm with you like it's the first time
And it rained
So sentimental
You and I met
On this very day,
So many years ago
And your eyes shine like they did then
You didn't forget after all
You didn't forget
How you loved me then
And your fathomless eyes
Have so much to tell me
You didn't forget after all
You didn't forget
When then, your love opened up
This day of the calendar has forever become ours
This is it, it's over
The rain washes the familiar intersection
It turned out that to love for this many years
Is really quite simple
I gazed at you
The aroma of your fragrance intoxicated me
And your eyes shine like they did then
You didn't forget after all
You didn't forget
How you loved me then
And your fathomless eyes
Have so much to tell me
You didn't forget after all
You didn't forget
When then, your love opened up
This day of the calendar
Has forever become ours
You didn't forget after all
You didn't forget
How you loved me then
And your fathomless eyes
Have so much to tell me
You didn't forget after all
You didn't forget
When then, your love opened up
This day of the calendar
Has forever become ours
This day of the calendar
Has forever become ours
This is it, it's over
And balloons
I'm holding an armful of flowers
Outro: Do You Think It Makes Sense? (Outro: 그게 말이 돼?)
Versions: #2
I rewind my girl
baby come back
to my world
I rewind my girl come back
I rewind my girl
baby come back
to my world
I rewind my girl come back
Does that make sense you, does that make sense
To think that our love could change that easily
In order to look fine for no one to know
While meeting you, just from one of your expressions,
I’m crying right now
Explain it explain it
explain it girl
My baby explain it explain it
Although I hate you to death, I still
think about you right now
Love is not over it doesn’t
make sense
Story is not over it doesn’t
make sense
Talk is not over it doesn’t
make sense still
Problem is not over it doesn’t
make sense
Your stare that makes me lose my breath
Your fingers that held me
Those pale fingers
At that time, I thought it was going to be forever
As time passed by, you became more different
Your tone and expressions that became so cold
Our relationship continued to
spin around in the same spot
Even if you didn’t say anything, I know it all
That there isn’t a spot for me any more in your heart
Does that make sense you, does that make sense
To think that our love could change that easily
In order to look fine for no one to know
While meeting you, just from one of your expressions,
I’m crying right now
Explain it explain it
explain it girl
My baby explain it explain it
Although I hate you to death, I still
think about you right now
I rewind my girl baby
come back to my world
I rewind my girl come back
I rewind my girl baby
come back to my world
I rewind my girl come back
Blanket Kick (이불킥)
Versions: #2
One two three four
While doing all sorts of things, I feel like I’ll become a tree (gajigaji = various, but gaji also can be a tree branch, so it’s a play on words)
Why do I keep becoming weird always in front of you
I’m not a kindergartner,
but everything about me is childish
To be honest, I’m even more childish than the play on words I did just now
Look at my eyes
My mischievous words aren’t the truth
Saying this one phrase was really hard
Ah, I’m interested in you
Becoming harmful to you makes me embarrassed
Although I become a cold moon,
I keep making it after that too
On top of my bed, I make a wave of blankets on top of the ocean
Splash splash jumping like a crazy guy
My achievement is sublimating the UFC with my embarrassment while jumping
I do a high kick then hit with a jab hook,
and after pounding, I tear my blanket apart
and then complain
Oh gimme an iron to flatten out my hands and feet
Oh your meaning to me is already
over the amount of a few lines of lyrics
But I ask what wrong thing did my blankets do
I just wish I had you
Only you only you
I once again only pick out
and do the weird things in front of you
You’re really pretty, pretty, pretty
Oh why did I do that
I’m going to throw a blanket kick while sleeping
Only you woo woo woo woo woo you
You woo woo woo woo woo you
Why did I do that, my head spins bing bing
I kick my blanket that didn’t do anything wrong kick kick
Oh pretty pretty pretty pretty
Oh pretty pretty pretty pretty
To me, there’s only you
Only you
Although my eyes follow your eyes, nose, and mouth,
please don’t misunderstand
I can’t control myself when I see you. This is quite foolish
I swallow my dried saliva, and talk
Instead of water, I say ‘Cheers!’
I’m not even drunk,
but pretend I’m drunk and show cute acts
I’m not a pencil, but I keep getting dark thoughts towards you (T/N: shim = the lead of a pencil, heukshim = dark thoughts)
Could you have noticed this dark heart
Even when I try to hide my true feelings, I can’t
I rub my face with my hands and without knowing,
the time passes by tik tok
and when I arrived at your house,
I try to set a mood, and
while thinking, should I act really crazy this time and just give you a deep kiss
and I grab your shoulders
But my phone that rings at that exact moment
It’s your father’s voice asking what time you’ll be back
Oh my god, the mood was good
I release my anger towards my blankets before I sleep
It was good
Only you only you
I once again only pick out
and do the weird things in front of you
You’re really pretty, pretty, pretty
Oh why did I do that
I’m going to throw a blanket kick while sleeping
While wondering if I should go or not, I approached you
While wondering if I should do it or not, I did it
My gags full of ambitions and jokes
Skinship and fussing
But my arrow keeps missing the target that’s you
Where is it, could your heart be there
Ah, why did I do that then
Tonight’s another sleepless night
My blanket on top of my bed is my sandbag
Kick kick kick
Only you only you
I once again only pick out
and do the weird things in front of you
You’re really pretty, pretty, pretty
Oh why did I do that
I’m going to throw a blanket kick while sleeping
Only you woo woo woo woo woo you
You woo woo woo woo woo you
Why did I do that, my head spins bing bing
I kick my blanket that didn’t do anything wrong kick kick
Oh pretty pretty pretty pretty
Oh pretty pretty pretty pretty
To me, there’s only you
Only you
Opet ćemo čekati leto
Ah kako sam te se uželeo
Kad bi samo znala, ah kad bi samo videla
Moja jesen stiže
To lišće nikad neće opasti
Sve je gotovo, sve je gotovo
Sve ovo su izgubljeni dani
Sam ti sam ja
Kako nas je sve ovo iscrpelo
Možda ćemo zaboraviti
Kao svo ono cveće koje je ostalo posle novembra
ožemo da stavimo pesmu koju smo napisali
u svesku neostvarenih snova
Možda ćemo je sačuvati poput rupe u našim srcima
Možda će se jednom naše unutrašnje reke jednom uliti u more
Opet ćemo čekati leto
Ah kako sam te se uželeo
Kad bi samo znala, ah kad bi samo videla
Moja jesen stiže
To lišće nikad neće opasti
Moje kiše će te čekati
Tako će padati da nikada stati neće
Zatim će proći 7 proleća
To leto nikada, nikada doći neće
Možda ćemo zaboraviti
Kao svo ono cveće koje je ostalo posle novembra
ožemo da stavimo pesmu koju smo napisali
u svesku neostvarenih snova
Možda ćemo je sačuvati poput rupe u našim srcima
Možda će se jednom naše unutrašnje reke jednom uliti u more
Opet ćemo čekati leto
Cherie Mon Cheri
Making love, the door opens
The legendary castle is fictious
The oeuf in the perfect scene
Toughts towards you are pure.
The wolf cried seeming sad
I pull that way from myself
My swaying doubts are growing
Oh cruelty.
oh why? I don't know
Even if I call you out, you are petty
oh why? it's incomprehensible
I'm lonely.
oh cheri cheri cheri kiss me quick
oh petit petit cherry Love me
ah sugar sugar sugar Ultimate
Look, the deep red moon is ascending.
I hear the blind lamentation
Only love rescues two people
Looking at each other, the eyes get wet
Wherever I go with you.
I untie the veil of hesitation
and burn in the flame of passion
Destiny separate us
Oh seduction.
don't cry Don't get angry
Anything from you I like
don't cry Rather tonight
I'm happy.
oh cheri cheri cheri let me sick
oh petit petit cherry Feel me
ah sugar sugar sugar Pure love
Look, at the time the deep red poison is effective.
oh why? I don't know
Even if I call you out, you are petty
oh why? it's incomprehensible
I'm lonely.
oh cheri cheri cheri kiss me quick
oh petit petit cherry Love me
ah sugar sugar sugar Ultimate
Look, the deep red moon is ascending.
oh cheri cheri cheri let me sick
oh petit petit cherry Feel me
ah sugar sugar sugar Pure love
Look, at the time the deep red poison is effective.
Dad is watching
So bye, dormitories,
where ever I step I do whatever I can,
it's not longer possible to ask dad: „Do you agree?“
I want to answer the questions,
my ID cards ages with me,
I don't change relationships as with the fashion anymore,
I know more and more,
You can't argue, dad is watching,
He knows, what he wanted me to be,
To live but not to disappoint, dad is watching,
as I lead it further,
I'm the lighting, hot head,
Wherever I go, I burn myself fully,
just a normal girl, no hit,
Risk - profit, as I like,
although it successes hardly ever,
I collect life's change, I look up to be forward,
You can't argue, dad is watching,
He knows, what he wanted me to be,
To live but not to disappoint, dad is watching,
as I lead it further,
dad is watching
You can't argue, dad is watching,
He knows, what he wanted me to be,
To live but not to disappoint, dad is watching,
as I lead it further,
You can't argue, dad is watching,
He knows, what he wanted me to be,
To live but not to disappoint, dad is watching,
as I lead it further,
You can't argue...
Under our feet
Under our feet a highway white
To Latvia it leads.
To Latvia, where a ruthless enemy,
Sows death over the fields.
We're marching bravely and pridely,
And rifles are on our shoulders,
And the names of our ancient heroes,
comes, like a heritage with us.
We're coming soon, Latvia, wait!
And we'll bring freedom to You
Which is dear to us!
(x2) And we're going and going and running and rushing
Too late we musn't be!
One thought burns in our heart
To stand for father land!
And make the ruthless enemy
To pay for everything!
We'll make our rifles blaze then,
And grenade throwers yell,
But we'll have to spite death,
Call echoes to whistles of bullets!
We believe in three Latvia's stars,
May they shine in fire, forever!
(x2) And we're going and going to forward we're running
Too late we musn't be!
I know, they do not expect me in this house.
I stayed somewhere far away at this point.
Maybe these wounds someday
Will all heal
We were already not together for ages.
And our hearts haven't been in unison for a long time.
But it looks like another fifth Sauvignon,
which carries me.
If I still love you.
There's no place for anyone else in me, I'm up to the brim.
If I text you about love.
It means, I'm drunk somewhere two hours past midnight.
If I call, don't pick up again.
Again, my wings are wounded.
If I call, let her answer.
You well know that I'm drunk.
I look into you so desperately.
That your soul hurts, it's saddened.
Call her by my name accidentally.
Ashes in hair, wind on cheeks.
And we were carried away in different paths.
Yes, there's only pain sharp under my ribs.
You are still somewhere there.
If I still love you.
There's no place for anyone else in me, I'm up to the brim.
If I text you about love.
Don't answer to anything, I beg, I beg.
If I call, don't pick up again.
Again, my wings are wounded.
If I call, let her answer.
You well know that I'm drunk.
If I call, don't pick up again.
Again, my wings are wounded.
If I call, let her answer.
You well know that I'm drunk.
I'll live
Some friends are gathered
everyone is celebrating my defeat
I made my path by my tears
from which they fall happily
My lips trembling with fear
There goes my final prayer
That life that's giving birth
Let it be called by my name
You'll live for a hundred years
always smiling for others
but you'll know those aren't the dreams
we dreamed when we were kids
I'll live for a hundred years
and my memory will never die inside you
You very well know that you don't have love with her
while you call your daughter by my name
I'll live
The friends only sang a little
another's happiness is heard
sing, there's no cure
for all my weaknesses
Nevolja je prijatelj
Nevolja će te naći gde god da odeš
Bez obzira na to da li si brz ili spor
Oko oluje ili krik u žalosti
Neko vreme si u redu, ali počinješ da gubiš kontrolu
On je tamo u mraku, on je u mom srcu
Čeka u krilima, mora odigrati svoju ulogu
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj
Nevolja je prijatelj, ali nevolja je zlotvor
I nebitno čime ga hranim uvek se čini da raste
Vidi ono što ja vidim, i zna ono što znam
Zato ne zaboravite dok nastavljate niz put
On je tamo u mraku, on je u mom srcu
Čeka u krilima, mora odigrati svoju ulogu
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj
Zato nemojte biti uznemireni ako vas uzme pod ruku
Neću mu dopustiti da pobedi, ali padam na njegove čari
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj
Oh kako mrzim način na koji čini da se osećam
I kako pokušavam da ga nateram da ode, pokušavam
Oh pokušavam!
On je tamo u mraku, on je tu u mom srcu
Čeka u krilima, mora odigrati svoju ulogu
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj
Zato nemojte biti uznemireni ako vas uzme pod ruku
Neću mu dopustiti da pobedi, ali padam na njegove čari
Nevolja je prijatelj, da, nevolja je moj prijatelj
Song-presentation of Robin Goose
I am Robin Goose, not a shy goose!
Yes, I am no coward - but I fear,
That you can't hear anything about me.
I am a well known goose, a fine goose!
I swear to you, I swear to you,
That I am one of these geese that saved Rome.
Apropos, I am a special goose,
Yet not all geese are Robins!
For a while, I had a hard time because of a breakup
I was in a lot of pain, it's alright, girl
The love I trusted in so much left
I cried a lot, but now
Don't worry worry
Don't worry uselessly, now
Don't hurry hurry
Don't hurry uselessly
For once, like someone who's never been hurt
I want to love like that, if I can love you
I feel love, oh love
My heart is being colored blue
Alright, alright, baby it's alright
Feel love, oh love
I feel love as hot as the summer sun
Alright, baby it's alright
The sky is colored pink
The wave called you rolls in
Hug me without a word
Cuz now I'm your lady
Alright, baby it's alright
I know love isn't like sweet candy
But kissing you
Is bittersweet, like a strong espresso
Love is bitter but you're so sweet boy
No one, ain't nobody like you boy
Don't worry worry
Don't worry uselessly, now
Don't hurry hurry
Don't hurry uselessly
For once, like someone who's never been hurt
I want to love like that, if I can love you
I feel love, oh love
My heart is being colored blue
Alright, alright, baby it's alright
Feel love, oh love
I feel love as hot as the summer sun
Alright, baby it's alright
The sky is colored pink
The wave called you rolls in
Hug me without a word
Cuz now I'm your lady
Alright, baby it's alright
Ooh I'm a bit scared of this new beginning
But baby it's alright
Alright, alright, it's alright
Everything's gonna be alright
I feel love, oh love
My heart is being colored blue
Alright, alright, baby it's alright
Feel love, oh love
I feel love as hot as the summer sun
Alright, baby it's alright
The sky is colored pink
The wave called you rolls in
Hug me without a word
Cuz now I'm your lady
Alright, baby it's alright
Don't Be Silly
What are you saying this time
There's something wrong here
You only say anxious words oh
Maybe even expressing everything wasn't enough
No, I really did try hard, always
I'm right, aren't I, my thoughts
From 1 to 10, everything
I was right about everything oh
Our memories that broke into pieces
Like puzzle pieces, they scatter
Only those memories remain
Don’t be silly silly silly silly
Silly that’s not true
I’m so really really really really
Really I want you
Don't act like a little kid
You still don't know love that well
Don’t be silly silly silly silly
Silly that’s not true
No matter where you go, it'll be the same
Passion only lasts so long
You know it as well as I do, idiot
Why do you pretend not to know then
If you made just a little more effort with me
It would have been so great
I only nag, blah blah blah
I mutter, mutter
There's no way you would understand me
You, who wavers at the slightest breeze
You, who's all over the place
There's no way you would hug me
Even though we tried, we could only distrust each other's hearts
I want to love you again, I want to turn everything back
Don’t be silly silly silly silly
Silly that’s not true
I’m so really really really really
Really I want you
Don't act like a little kid
You still don't know love that well
Don’t be silly silly silly silly
Silly that’s not true
You don't know, don't know, don't know, I'm in pain
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, you don't know me
I know, I know, I know, I know your heart
It hurts, it hurts, that's why I'm in
All I needed was any common excuse
But I don't want to believe it
No matter how I think about it, for me
I don't want to let go of you
You're the only one
Don’t be silly silly silly silly
Silly that’s not true
I’m so really really really really
Really I want you
Don't act like a little kid
You still don't know love that well
Don’t be silly silly silly silly
Silly that’s not true
You don't know, don't know, don't know, I'm in pain
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, you don't know me
Like you, like you, like you, I like you
Like you, like you, that's why it hurts
I Like That Kiss
Oh I like that kiss
That ticklish feeling is just enough
Stop with the vague gestures
The lips my eyes keep staring at
Is this the right timing
My foolish heart
The more you take, I keep dreaming, what do I do
Wooh, wooh, wooh, blow your mind
Oh I like that
Already, my heart beats, oh I like that kiss
That kiss
Secretly falling into it, oh I like that kiss
Oh I like that
I'll make you want me, want me
Without you knowing, knowing
You'll want me, want me, baby
Even imagining it makes my heart beat, kiss
Oh I like that
The temperature at my fingertips
The shy but spreading smile
The awkward moment between you and me
Is it now, it is now the right timing
This is love, right?
The more I approach you, my heart shakes, what do I do
Wooh, wooh, wooh, blow your mind
Oh I like that
Already, my heart beats, oh I like that kiss
That kiss
Secretly falling into it, oh I like that kiss
Oh I like that
I'll make you want me, want me
Without you knowing, knowing, shh
You'll want me, want me, baby
Even imagining it makes my heart beat, kiss
Oh I like that
My heart keeps beating, oh I like that kiss
That kiss
More and more, I fall into it, oh I like that kiss
Oh I like that
I'll make you want me, want me
Without you knowing, knowing, shh
You'll want me, want me, baby
Even imagining it makes my heart beat, kiss
Oh I like that kiss
Nobody knows
Nobody knows where I came from
How many times the sky was dark above me
Misty is my past, nobody knows
No home, no place to go back
I've never been rich, but I have everything The most beautiful moments are free Many glittering eyes shine in the world
Million Girls and I love them all
I'm sorry
to put my name in a melting iceberg
I'm afraid
I can not go Lifeliness lasts, but no one is afraid
I do not care
It is said that high can be high
If I did not get killed, I decided to look for a scapegoat I looked at the gray sky, wondering how it might be
That the sun is shining for thousands of years above the clouds
If I got in the saddle, the slap always came
It taught me to cross the glass jar
It can be full of pockets in my pocket or just holes It's a roller coaster and I'm a passenger
Fura Csé:
I do not count how many times my life has been wounded
I did not even look for a hideout in the biggest storm
Because the deeds do not act in words
I'd rather be penniless by being free
Because I make a way for myself, something different
I have nothing to do, but everything is a travel companion
There is no weight on the brain, but it's not a coincidence
That I packed all the problems in the world
I'm a wanderer, it's hard to understand
But the house is not always burning when the sky is the roof I just drift with the dirt and just like a river
It is also enough for me to have a star smiled at me In thought,
Szakács Gergö:
I have already dropped the paddle several times
When I did not see myself as a common denominator
You have to pull the branch and the wind is good
But before the storm, blue is burning red
So here's a jacket,
I've knit it for myself Hope was the thread, I made dust and drip
I believe every day what she did yesterday
He is responsible for a question for tomorrow.
Wow, how good
Wow, how good I look next to you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Wow, how cool this incident is
Which takes place with you, miss
The world pulls me by the sleeve again
Because what's with me when I fix myself
But it's normal, they haven't met you
To understand what hit me
Almost natural, almost bizarre
Almost pleasant, almost vulgar
I resemble you and I confess to you
Wow, how good I look next to you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Wow, how cool this incident is
Which takes place with you, miss
Wow, I just love life, how it returns them
And from loneliness, now I'm more sympathetic
Wow, how good I feel when I'm with you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
We're two savages when we stay apart
We are incredible together
We are the reason why the earth
Kept on spinning, so that we could get our turn
Almost chaotic, almost concerte
Almost hysterical, I almost try
I am not without you, and I confess to you
Wow, how good I look next to you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Wow, how cool this incident is
Which takes place with you, miss
Wow, I just love life, how it returns them
And from loneliness, now I'm more sympathetic
Wow, how good I feel when I'm with you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Pretend that you don't see anyone
It's just us two, how great
Pretend that you don't hear anyone
It's just us two, how great
Pretend that you don't see anyone
It's just us two
Wow, how good I look next to you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Wow, how cool this incident is
Which takes place with you, miss
Wow, I just love life, how it returns them
And from loneliness, now I'm more sympathetic
Wow, how good I feel when I'm with you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
I looked for you once,
But you didn't see me and you made me sad
Today, I tried to tell you
That I have no way anymore
To go down the same path.
And the song is so that you don't forget me,
Not even when you get very old.
Out of a thousand perfumed flowers, I picked you,
Out of a thousand colored masks, you chose me,
Out of a thousand thoughts which torment me,
And don't let me sleep sometimes,
It hurts me the most that we loved each other
Only a thousand times.
I just want reconciliation
With the love that destroys you and then left
And one last try,
Is it still worth it to truly love?
And the song doesn't mean 'bye,'
It's a gift for your birthday.
Out of a thousand perfumed flowers, I picked you,
Out of a thousand colored masks, you chose me,
Out of a thousand thoughts which torment me,
And don't let me sleep sometimes,
It hurts me the most that we loved each other
Only a thousand times.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Na putu do kuće
Sedim na železničkoj stanici
Imam kartu za moju destinaciju
Na turnejama za jedno veče
Moj kofer i gitara u ruci
I svaki boravak je uredno planiran
Za pesnika i jednočlani bend
Na putu do kuće
Želeo bih da budem
Na putu do kuće
Kod kuće, gde mi misli beže
Kod kuće, gde muzika svira
Kod kuće, gde mi je ljubav i tiho me čeka
Svaki dan je beskrajan tok
Cigara i časopisa
I svaki grad mi izgleda isto
Filmovi i fabrike
I svako lice stranca koje vidim
Podseća me da čeznem da budem
Na putu do kuće
Želeo bih da budem
Na putu do kuće
Kod kuće, gde mi misli beže
Kod kuće, gde muzika svira
Kod kuće, gde mi je ljubav i tiho me čeka
Večeras ću pevati svoje pesme opet
Igraću igru i pretvaraću se
Ali sve moje reči mi se vraćaju
U nijansama prosečnosti
Kao praznina u harmoniji
Treba mi neko da me teši
Na putu do kuće
Želeo bih da budem
Na putu do kuće
Kod kuće, gde mi misli beže
Kod kuće, gde muzika svira
Kod kuće, gde mi je ljubav i tiho me čeka
Alo Bro
Alo bro listen to me
One minute
I am in a duty beginning from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m.
The wheather is so cold
If you can hear me
It is hoarse to you
I am crying at nights and in daylight
I am crying with my honor
My heart is broken
For country and for my people
We protect the borders
And because we did this we have always honored
We saw lots of fights together
We bury most of our brothers to not to grave
In our hearts
We get their revenge of course
And our brothers lived in peace because of that
Tokyo tower
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
When I turn 20 let's hold hands.
When I turn 30 let's raise a cow.
Let's cross a rainbow! one day.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
Even if we're 100 let's hold hands.
If we are reborn let's become stars.
Let's ride the tides with a whale someday.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
Khamkhama (Armenian folk dance)
Hey, Kham-khama, Kham-khama
I saw the girl and lost my mind
I am the first, she is the second
Jaralo*, jaralo, oh! jaralo
Hey, Kham-khama, Kham-khama
I saw the girl and lost my mind, oh!
I am here, she has gone
That's a pity, jaralo, oh! jaralo
Hey, Kham-khama, Kham-khama
I saw the girl and lost my mind, oh!
I am here, she is above
She became cheerful, jay-jaylo
I Just Fell In Love With The Summer
The sea of the summer resort is still fast
smoking gray
I evade the rain that just started
to arrive at the phone booth.
You remember the luxury and whim
but in exchange, hey, what did you wish for?
Tell me C'est la vie (lonely one)
the last lesson (loved one)
I can't be obedient, my heart is even struggling now.
I'm imitating you (even if I annoy you)
I shrug my shoulders (I cannot go back)
But I just fell in love with the summer.
An old person takes a dog
to a far away promenade
To get close with the reminiscence
I'm still too young for that.
I open the door and quietly leave during the rain
and listen to the oceanic noises until it breaks.
C'est la vie is my 'goodbye' (only you)
I have no regret (I fell in love with)
I cannot put in your hand what it faced you.
If you look up at the sky (I cannot stop)
summer goes by in an instant (this smile)
But I only fell in one love.
Tell me C'est la vie (only you)
the last lesson (I fell in love with)
I'm a bad adult who is good at giving up.
I'm imitating you (I cannot stop)
I shrug my shoulders (this smile)
But I just fell in love with the summer.
Mission! Healthy・Peaceful・Livable・Superb
1 2 3 4
We are cells at work
1 2 3 4
We are at work Fuu!
Today I'll also transport the Oxygen, Oxygen
Through corner to corner throughout the body
However, in this vastity, I always get lost and lost
I'm being helped by cells at work
Alright, let's go!
I will work! We will work!
We are working every day, every day Ooh!
Today I'll also eliminate and remove the germs
The bacteriophages are also coming..No way!
I absolutely won't let them run around and around
I'm a professional at work
Alright, let's go!
I will work! We will work!
We are working every day, every day Ooh!
Alone between 37 trillion people
When are we be able to see each other again?
For someone (For someone)
Try hard (Try hard)
You and I are working frantically
For everyone (For everyone)
We are risking our lives (We are risking our lives)
Keep the pride - Healthy・Peaceful・Livable・Superb
Work? Work.
Work? Work!
♫Enjoy the lyrics
Your support is welcome♫
A Half of Me
Under giant full moon by the bonfire light
Dusky forest concealed us with green leaves from sight.
I was kissing you there by the night fire blaze,
There I gave you a half of myself in a daze.
Light of distant night stars, trilling songs of night birds,
You looked into my eyes and you whispered the words.
You had no faith in me, but loved me all the same,
And I left [a] half of me with you, gave you my flame.
All that happened's forgotten, it is gone without trace,
As you waved in my wake with a motton blue lace.
I was kissing you there by the night fire blaze,
You've left me just a half of myself that still stays.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
We hear the echo of the old parade,
We dream of the routes of the main attack,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In the soldier's heart - you are, my Moscow.
We have reached honestly our suffered victory,
Betrayed to a holy consanguinity,
In every new home, in every new song
Remember those who left for the battle for Moscow.
Gray overcoats. Russian talents.
Shining of blue of unbiased eyes
On the plains of snow young cadets are standing.
Immortality began. Life was broken off.
I do not need anything in this ancient world -
Just that in the hard times you will be alive,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy,
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Everything what happened, our children will remember,
All that we have lost, and what have saved for them,
I wish you to remain the best on the planet,
The most fair and just city of the Earth.
Quivering looks of our old streets,
Strict lyrics of our young songs,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In each of our hearts you are, my Moscow.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
We hear the echo of the old parade,
We dream of the routes of the main attack,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In the soldier's heart - you are, my Moscow.
We have reached honestly our suffered victory,
Betrayed to a holy consanguinity,
In every new home, in every new song
Remember those who left for the battle for Moscow.
Gray overcoats. Russian talents.
Shining of blue of unbiased eyes
On the plains of snow young cadets are standing.
Immortality began. Life was broken off.
I do not need anything in this ancient world -
Just that in the hard times you will be alive,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy,
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In every Russian heart you, you are, my Moscow.
Everything what happened, our children will remember,
All that we have lost, and what have saved for them,
I wish you to remain the best on the planet,
The most fair and just city of the Earth.
Quivering looks of our old streets,
Strict lyrics of our young songs,
Moscow, you're my hope, Moscow, you're my joy
In each of our hearts you are, my Moscow.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט