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'Možeš se odmoriti sada' kažeš.
Kad malo bolje razmislim,
Bila je to slatka zamka.
Danas ću se ponašati kao moja idealna osoba.
Izmišljotina, lažne reči, lažna slika, otvoren um

glavni glumac

Click to see the original lyrics (Japanese)
Protagonist mange je rekao
'Ne brini, zaštitiću te'
Protagonisti su veoma kul
Što se mene tiče, više sam samo 'Seljak B' koji samo beži
Protagonista nikada nije pravio nesrećno lice


Versions: #1
They say the sky
Is on its break before the dawn (the dawn)
So tell me why
That every step I take
Pushes me back down (down)
But I still try to
Do, do, do
What they say, say, say
Until it's the hour I can leave without turning back
And when the chance comes to leave
Friends reach around my neck
And pull me back, dragging back
And when the far city's lights
Still promise better days
It pulls me back, dragging back
The way looks open
When approached the door is closed (will have to)
Just still try to
Do, do, do
What they say, say, say
Until it's the hour I can leave without turning back
And when the chance comes to leave
Friends reach around my neck
And pull me back, dragging back
And when the far city's lights
Still promise better days
It pulls me back, dragging back


Your voice is coming from other end of phone receiver, it hurts my heart.
Don't grieve for losing your love with her.
You need a courage to open the door to a new world.
I want to convey it to you more passionately than anyone else.
You're right TRY ME the love that wraps you is waiting.
Right now TRY ME Even if you can't get rid of the sad feelings.
You're right TRY ME You got to trust me who is looking at you.
Try me more TRY ME I'll give you a different tomorrow dream.
A hard rain will eventually clear up like magic.
I want to stay by your side until your smile returns.
Everyday I was always looking at you.
I had a sadness and a fluttering in my heart.
You're right TRY ME the love wraps everything is waiting.
Surely TRY ME we can love each other with naked mind.
You're right TRY ME you got to open your mind and look at me.
Any time TRY ME you're shining and I want to hug you.
You need a courage to open the door to a new world.
I want to convey it to you more passionately than anyone else.
You're right TRY ME the love that wraps you is waiting.
Right now TRY ME Even if you can't get rid of the sad feelings.
You're right TRY ME You got to trust me who is looking at you.
Try me more TRY ME I'll give you a different tomorrow dream.

Plakati za kišom

Neiskusna, bezdušna, ali ipak, budi lepa.
Nijedna sudbina bi vezala tebe i mene.
'Samo ovo neće biti dovoljno.'
Ako pojasnim to kako treba, sve bi trebalo da prođe.
Stvari, Novac, Ljubav, Reči, Umorna sam od izlaganja same sebe tamo.
Deža vu, 'Čime si tako nezadovoljna?'
'Nakon svih tih sebičnih stvari, šta više možeš da poželiš?'
'Ali ipak, ne mrzim ovu situaciju.'
Samo prekini, 'Muka mi je od slušanja tih redova.'
Ostavljati stvari nedovršene je jedna stvar koju mrzim.
Čak iako kažeš ovo ili uradi ono,
Čak iako kažeš da me 'voliš', ili me pitaš 'zašto'?
Lako je ako je samo za zabavu, ali raditi ovo stvarno je previše apsurdno.
Te nepromišljene reči, te slabašne reči.
Koliko puta planiraš da ih ponoviš?
U svakom slučaju,
Čak iako imam nadu za ovu nameštenu igru,
Čak iako ove fraze nisu ništa osim citata,
Reči koje mi daju nadu, neka sve budu tabu.
Prihvati nagoveštaj, molim te nemoj dozvoliti da pada kiša.
'Mrzim pričati na zaobilazan način.'
'Samo mi daj minimum. Samo dva slova.'
Crveni leptir, ne mogu poslati ni jednu poruku.
Širim ovu krhku lepezu, zato što ti je tako privlačnija, zar ne?
Ako ne možeš odgovoriti, molim te me ostavi na miru.
Ako ne možeš prestati da oklevaš, molim te me ostavi.
Ključne reči ulaze na jedno uvo, izlaze na drugo. Samo neka ti donese mir.
Ako bi ova slatka kiša pala na tebe,
Naterala bi te da podigneš svoj kišobran zar ne?
Drago mi je što sam se nadala. Zatvorila sam oči
Htela sam da se promenim, pretvarajući se da sam odrasla osoba.
Izgubljena. Nepopravljiva.
Sad, molim te ne prestani da padaš kišo.
Kopirati. Zalepiti. Izbrisati.
Ponoviti. Udahni. Izdahni.
Zato molim te,
Nije me briga više, boli baš ovde (hoću ostati ovde).
Čak iako kažeš ovo ili uradi ono,
Čak iako kažeš da me 'voliš', ili me pitaš 'zašto'?
Lako je ako je samo za zabavu, ali raditi ovo stvarno je previše iracionalno.
Te nepromišljene reči, te slabašne laži (istine),
Hajde da ih napravimo da sve budu tabu.
Čak iako je ovo nameštena igra,
Čak iako je ovo nameštena fraza,
Staviću tačku na ovu naviku bežanja.
Uzmi nagoveštaj, ne dozvoli da se razvedri.
Danas ponovo pada kiša.
Zatvoriću svoj kišobran, i otići kući po kiši.

Sad Fate

As I watch the back of that figure getting farther away
I still won’t call this moment parting
Wasn't it sweet?
Two hearts drenched in those countless memories
How can we forget?
Ah you will be back again
You can’t stand loneliness
Ah by my side
You will come back again
But when that time comes
When I meet you again
Can you love me?
In this passing time
Just how many more tears will I have to shed?

Sapphire Lake

The blue water mirror is suddenly shaken and broken by tears
The wind blows away the thin veil of night mist
The faint sound of waves on the starry shore is reflected in the sun on the other shore
Hey, take me to the moon with your swan-shaped boat
Yes, you disappeared without even saying goodbye
A summer's love at a summer resort, even the shadow of your face shakes and breaks
I visited the cottage, the rusty chain on the door
Somewhere in my heart, something cracked, and I knew it would like this
Only the pain of living is felt by my body now
My reflection in the water is strangely undisturbed
That's what's so sad, that I know too much, like an adult
Yes, you disappeared without even saying goodbye
The blue water mirror is suddenly shaken and broken by tears

The 154 bar war between you and me

I don't need you to love me
Because the night will be smaller than usual
You don't have to worry anymore
I left you a note
Did I do the right thing?
Or was I wrong?
It didn't matter to me
I just wanted to avoid tomorrow
We slipped away
With pencils in our hands as weapons
We thought there was nothing to be afraid of
We've grown up
We tried to write a letter
I'm sure we still don't know
The address is lost
We can't reach you
The past has overtaken us
Left behind by the future
The right noise is in my chest
I'm confused, I'm confused
One day, one day
Is it possible for this small hand to hold on
please, please, please
will it come true if I wish for it in the night sky?
We who have grown up
Locked up in our own way
We've made up our minds
That there are no more possibilities
We want to avoid tomorrow a little
We clench our hands tightly
With our hands in our hands as weapons
We don't want to give up yet
The war between you and me has been going on for a long time
But we'll meet again when we've almost forgotten
I'm sure we'll meet again
You and me in a never-ending 154-bar war
I can still do it
You loved me, didn't you?

The entrance ceremony with swords

Even if they collect thousands of coins
Money can't buy a human heart
The sympathy I received was plenty
The Jōshū ravens cry
They cry on this road
It's the first time I meet
With such a good young lady
Yes, yes, surely you are.
The young lady sees me like a great champion
Then, before the grave of my mother
I want to do the stylish entrance ceremony
On both sides of this sad foolish world
The ages have given me the idea
Everything exists in dreams
Who trained to be a sumo wrestler
Now wears a hat of shadows
I didn't become a sumo wrestler but a gangster
In the case you ask about me.
Young lady, I wish you come soon
To give you this money. It's the chance to hurry.
After I undertook to do it.
Please come soon.
Ah, hi, Otsutasan
Since when you live with a husband and a child?
Ten years ago you were a prostitute with come and hairpins
At least the lady who gave me her opinion
Will see me doing a ceremony entrance
Of a Komagata-born worthless
The make believe of a repayment
Is a duty command in Toride
Please accept it, Otsutasan
At least is Mohei's champion display
The entrance ceremony of a champion

Ahmed (1960-2002)

Kraj osamdesetih, ona posećuje svoju domovinu
Nepoznati muškarac drži moju majku za ruku
Ona se ne želi udati
Ipak,iz poštovanja prema svojim roditeljima će reći da
U Nemačkoj je upravo pao zid
Ponovo se gradi Maroko
2000 milja odbrambenog nasipa
I beg preko sredozemnog mora
Dvosoban stan, Frankfurt
Ona ga vodi odatle sa sobom
A on ne radi ništa za novac,
misli,doćiće sam od sebe
Ona plaća kiriju i čisti hotele
On nema volje, da se zauzme za posao
I dospeva brzo duboko u podzemlje
I tako izlazi on napolje,da bi prodavao drogu,
Dok njegova 9 meseci trudna žena sedi kod kuće,
A on- se više nije pojavio
A kod nje-podmakli dugovi i poodmakli stomak
Ni preko oglasa nestalih se ništa nije postiglo
Ostala je sama sa jednim duhom
Ja sam se rodila- majkina porodica je tu
A moj otac je tražen od strane privatnog detektiva
Kasnije smo saznali, da je već godinu dana bio deportovan
Odleže kaznu zatvora, u jednoj ćuzi u Nadori
Otpušten je sa dijagnozom raka
Došao je na ideju, da svoju porodicu ponovo vidi
Zahtevao nas je nazad,
kao da smo mi bili njegov posed
Ni ovog puta nije radio ništa sam, samo je poslao svog zeta,
Pretio je da će me kidnapovati, ukoliko me vidi
Od toga dana nisam smela nikada više sama napolje da se igram
Nikada ga više nisam videla ni čula, nikada shvatila
Ipak svi misle da sam preslikana on
Kada je umro, to za mene nije bio neki gubitak
Bila sam previše mala, a on već tada mrtav za mene
I sada se pitam,
Kako se o smrti priča,
Čujem puno toga, ali se nikada ne prisećam njega
Kada se vreme precrta-, jedan deo njega ostaje
Ahmed, 1960-2002

Sve što se računa

Part 1]
Daju mi 81 godina života ovde
50 sati nedeljno, životinjskog rada
Smejem se oko 13 minuta dnevno.
Svakog drugog leta uzmem godišnji odmor,
Dobijem 1,5 dete u proseku
I 45 hiljada eura bruto godišnje.
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati
Part 2]
Ručni sat je svaki korak izbrojao
Govori, da moram brže ići, inače će biti prekasno
I podseća me na to,
da popijem gutljaj vode
Tražila sam sedam puta značenje reči 'Smisao'
A Amazon mi je preporučio tu knjigu
(knjigu 'Smisao')
Ali u čemu je smisao,
Ako se nas dvoje ne vidimo?
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati
Rastavili ste me na
6 čula i 212 kostiju
Recite, kada srce više ne kuca, ko obračuna njegovu vrednost?
Rastavili ste me na
3 biliona ljudskih ćelija i 212 kostiju
Ipak srce kuca i čezne za nečim većim
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati


Brojiš li prašnjav sitniš u novčaniku,
Ti si švorc, ali mlad i lep, hejjj
Svet ti leži pod nogama,
samo novca nikad dovoljno
Tvoja koža nije dovoljno debela, pa da ne oseti ovu hladnoću
A ti, ti, ti veruješ da si sam sa svojim shvatanjima,
Sam sa svojim osećajima,
Sam sa svojom težinom
Ipak u osnovi, mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Imamo iste strahove,
Istu sumnju za poraziti
Nema vremena , nema uspeha, nema novca, nema mira
Sunce sija, ponekad ne možemo uživati u njemu
Mrzimo jer volimo,
'Od zemlje do neba'
Ležimo na podu,
ustanimo i letimo, hajdeee!
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako se čini da mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti
Prevelike oči, premali želudac
Nikada ne pojedemo, ono što imamo na tanjiru
Ne svidja nam se ukus,
A hoćemo se sa svim i svačim hraniti
Pri 1000 i jednoj mogućnosti- neodlučni
Mi smo oni što ništa ne zahtevaju,
Ali sve hoće da imaju
Ako je čaša poluprazna,
onda je jednostavno napuni
Mi delimo odeću iz ormana, delimo našu hranu
Pridržavamo vrata, znamo to da cenimo
Pogledajte nas, mi nemamo šta da izgubimo
Samo sve da dobijemo, ako ispravno ulažemo
Kaže se, sa novcem nije uvek sve lakše
Ipak smatram da mi trebamo biti bogati
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako ti se čini da ja mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti
Mi smo svi milioneri
Beskrajno bogati u onome što osećamo
Mi smo svi milijarderi
Beskrajno bogati, nećemo ništa sa tobom deliti
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako se čini da mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti

Ay, I Drank

Ay, I drank on a Monday,
I lost my green wreath1 drinking, all alone
I drink alone, and I make merry alone,
I make my own bed, and I lie alone, alone
Ay, I drank on a Tuesday,
I spent forty crowns on drinking, all alone, all alone
Ay, I drank on a Wednesday,
I spent my salary on drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
Ay, I drank on a Thursday,
I spent everything on drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
Ay, I drank on a Friday,
I lost everything and my petticoat drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
Ay, I drank on a Saturday,
I lost my job drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
Ay, I drank on a Sunday,
I lost all my hope drinking, all alone
I drink alone…
  • 1. virginity

I'll be lost without you

Wet asphalt, rain on the window...
Summer's song is finished
The house disappears in the darkness
But we don't turn on the light
We argue, but this dispute is old
We burn our bridges in a pointless clash of words
I am treading on ice again
And I repeat 'I'll be lost without you'.
An elusive mirage, a phantom dream...
Crying in a hall of mirrors
Scary and hoarse laughter of the echo
Reflects in the mirrors
We argue, but this dispute is old
We burn our bridges in a pointless clash of words
I am treading on ice again
And I repeat 'I'll be lost without you'.

The truth

Truth, show me your face, look into the light.
True word, accompany me on my path, don't stand aside.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
There was a day, when a boy's mind was tormented.
But the heart is tough, the accusations drop, they shatter.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.
It really hurts on the iside, it's hard for me to say
that I'm carring other people's sins on my shoulder.


Versions: #1
I say 'no' and you understand 'yes',
Spoil the meaning, whatever I say.
If you don't get it ask again!
As if it is so hard!
I'm in the bathroom, you knock on the door:
'Are you alright? What happened?
I've been waiting here for ages!
How long are you getting ready?'
Not long anymore, just the hair!
I'll be there in a second, what's all this questioning?
I'm doing this for you too, so wait!
and you like it, so don't be nervous!
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
I say 'yes' and you understand 'no',
Tell yourself something, you talk to me.
How do you understand what I mean?
If you don't listen to me?
You imitate me in front of our friends.
'Come on, baby, I'm just kidding!'
Thanks a lot for your comment!
Do you really think that looks cool?
In front of other people you act like a boss.
When I talk, you turn away.
At home you bring me breakfast in bed.
I'm sorry, truth hurts.
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
How can I explain it to you when you don't speak my language?
When so many of my words sound like Chinese to you?
Come, I blindfold you, maybe you'll understand me blind.
Ah, that doesn't make sense, anyway, I'll take you like that.
When you hold your next monolog, excited like a child,
Then I pretend to be interested and just don't listen.
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.

Dream With Me

Dream with me, that tomorrow will come
and if it doesnt come, we will bring it by ourselves
We will start to stride upon our path
Our footsteps will lead us to our dream
No matter how many times we fall, we will be able to rise again
Find the way through, challenge and defy the dark clouds
We will find our night transformed into a thousand days
Only if we dream
Dream with me my friend
That our footsteps will shorten he distance
I care about my innocent dream whatever happened
I will stand by his soul beside us
No matter how long the journey takes
Even if we become lost my friend
Our reunion will lead us
Towards our dream, towards our dream
Only if we dream

Forgive me

If I say what I think
I wouldn't have a friend
I am a shit, I admit it
If I think about what I say (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (hey)
Rappers of nowadays wear bad (yeah)
And they sing bad (yeah)
And the worse they are the most popular they become (yeah)
Does it seem to be normal to you? (ah)
It is like I now puke on your face (yeah)
You loose your appetite (ah)
The girls you fuck I wouldn't touch them neither with my dog‘s dick (hey)
It is better if you flee
You don’t have the stuff, [stoffa=cloth]
bro, cut and mend (ah)
In Italy nobody works,
but they rob a house
and then go to Gucci (uh)
And what the fuck do you show off (uh)
If you scrap for food (hey)
You are a narrow-minded guy who dreams about salaries (hey)
about writing checks
(I am) a Pirate in the Caribbeans (ah)
I have a karate flow, i pull away the karats from your teeth (ah)
A slap and you wake up
Brain problems,
bro, shut down and restart
Shut down and restart
Saturday evening (brr)
After 4am you have a waxy face
Vacations in Riviera
Licking a pissed pussy which tastes like railing
Who turns on the radio is an over 50, who pumps up at the stadium
A real cuckold never watches into the wardrobe
Bad, bad. Everything fine?
No, bad, bad
Everything fine? No, bad,
bad, bad, bad
Bad, bad hey (hey)
I write as clear as possible (ah)
If you don't understand i can summarize (yeah)
Bravò, you have an infallible aim (ah)
But you hit nobody (hey)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (hey)
Forgive the sin (uh)
Remember my name (ah)
You are the loser who dreams about being an actor,
It is a pity, you are the one who dies (ah)
I wi-wi-will stay awake (ah)
When the alarm goes off (ah)
I cannot go on the TV, because if I go
Then I might say blasphemies (oh but G** damned)
Forgive moi [french]
Forgive moi [french]
You are brave [lit. You have liver], bro, patê de foie
If you can distinguish yourself in this city
You are like a zebra with dots (yeah)
Even if I quit smoking (ah)
I listen to you, you seem to be someone (yeah)
Sorry for being humble,
I am one,
You are ten thousands no one [“one, no one and ten thousands” (“uno, nessuno e centomila”) is the title of a book of Luigi Pirandello] (hey)
If I say what I think
I wouldn't have a friend
I am a shit, I admit it
If I think about what I say (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (hey)
I write as clear as possible (ah)
If you don't understand i can summarize (yeah)
Bravò, you have an infallible aim (ah)
But you hit nobody (hey)
Forgive me (ah, yeah)
Forgive me (ah, yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (hey)

All of Poland is singing with us

I wake up everyday, and open my eyes, fuck's sake, i'm in Poland again. And i've lost all my motivation. All i wanna do is get out of this polish mess. I hate this country.
Yo, cypisolo. Back then poland was inhaling into noses, and now all of poland is inhaling, but in a restraining order.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
Here are dates, there are dates, dates for getting money back. Situation's fucked, poland will be fucked. The tv is turned on and my head already hurts. I don't believe in Covid, like in honour of words. Dance floors are closed, they have owners up their ass. But on the tv they play concerts by themselves. And they don't have covid, how fucking unfair. What the leaders are doing, it is fucked up. Gyms are closed, but the churches stay opne. 'Get the fuck out with masks!'. Our throats are sore.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
They won't let you in the hospital, but privately sure. What are these collections going for, there's no logic. Everyone's plowing how they can, and we'll all die soon. And not because of the virus, but because of these hyenas. We wanna work and live like before. I see that poland's becoming a ghetto. The army will be on the streets, the public will go crazy. Nobody's taking your shit, it was like this always. Investors are failing, companies on strike. The cabinet went crazy, and it's all the fault of Kaczyński.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
The creator is on the plane, and the dj on his heavy ass. Disco polo on the tv, and we're in our asses. But who would care about us, calm down buddy. You're asking how long this'll last? Probably a few years. They are thirsting for hunger, lying all the time. Whatever you do won't surprise me. Give back the people their jobs, because living's impossible. You drunken swine, you won't buy them bread. You won't pay their taxes, you won't give their family food, and when they go play, both will start going gray.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!