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Oh bird

oh bird which is captured, imprisoned
you wish to fly outside
till it happens
plant some seeds for me
to grow in the heat
and to reach the idea
one seed becomes two
twenty, two hundreds
millions, millions
millions, millions
oh my broken heart
don't live being sad
you may not be a leader
but there are millions behind you
if your seed is ripe
salahelden will wake up
definitely you're not him
but you brought him up
on the idea
and you became like the tree
even if it's weak
it grows free seeds
one seed becomes two
twenty, two hundreds
millions, millions
millions, millions

You're my weak spot

Even if you never come,
I've poured you a drink,
I had said I'd go out
But cancelled it for you.
Here all night
Αt the same old address
It's almost morning
And still no progress. 1
But you're something else,
You're my weak spot 2
Just one message of yours
Would change my mood.
But you're something else,
I'm falling apart
Don't ask if I still love you
You know the aswer.
Even if you never come
I weigh the possibilities
I want to hate you
But don't have the abilities.
You had told me once
That the dream was over for us
And since then, my life
Has been on silence.
But you're something else,
You're my weak spot.
Just one message of yours
Would change my mood.
But you're something else,
I'm falling apart.
Don't ask if I still love you
You know the answer.
  • 1. no news, nothing new happened
  • 2. literally: my weakness meaning ''my favorite''


Ja kažem Ne, a ti razumeš Da,
Izvrćeš značenje, svejedno šta kažem.
Ako ne razumeš onda pitaj ponovo!
Kao da je tako teško!
Stojim u kupatilu, ti kucaš na vrata:
'Jesi li još živa, da li se nešto desilo?
Čekam celu večnost ovde!
Koliko dugo ti treba da se spremiš?'
Nemam još puno, samo još kosu da sredim!
Dolazim odmah, šta je svim tim pitanjima?
Radim ovo i za tebe, zato čekaj!
I sviđa ti se, zato nemoj da me nerviraš!
Ipak danas je tvoj srećan dan, imam rečnik za tebe.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Postoji jedan veliki upitnik, direktno na tvom licu.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Ja kažem Da, a ti razumeš Ne.
Pričam ti, ti me prekidaš.
Kako ćeš razumeti šta govorim,
Ako me ne slušaš?
Praviš majmuna od mene pred našim prijateljima.
'Hajde bebo, samo se šalim'
Hvala ti lepo na komentaru!
Da li zaista misliš da je to kul?
Pred ljudima se ponašaš kao šef.
Kada pričam, ti se okreneš.
Kod kuće mi donosiš doručak u krevet.
Žao mi je, istina boli.
Ipak danas je tvoj srećan dan, imam rečnik za tebe.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Postoji jedan veliki upitnik, direktno na tvom licu.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Kako da ti objasnim kada ne govoriš mojim jezikom,
Kada ti toliko mojih reči zvuče kao kineski?
Hajde, staviću ti povez na oči, možda ćeš me razumeti slep.
Ah, to nema smisla, uprkos tome ću te prihvatiti kakav jesi.
Kada budeš držao sledeći monolog, uzbuđen kao dete,
Praviću se da sam zainteresovana i jednostavno neću slušati.
Ipak danas je tvoj srećan dan, imam rečnik za tebe.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Postoji jedan veliki upitnik, direktno na tvom licu.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.

Hell will be raised

Winter and spring have passed
Summer has come again
It brought with it other troubles
Matchmaking1 and in-laws
Immigrants like always
Come to get married in Albania
Whereas I am stuck at the door
What's this black fate of mine!
They have shut away my girl inside
They won't let me see her
They have greater offers
'Leave,' they tell me, 'she's not for you'!
Don't tell me she's not for me
Because she loves me and I love her
Because for her my soul yearns
Either I take her or hell will be raised
(Ref x2)
Oh dear, oh dear
Don't keep away my girl
Don't keep away my girl
Because hell will be raised
I put in family and friends2
Her father had already decided
I had wasted my efforts
The candidates had not been exhausted
The suiters were international
France, England, Australia
They would not consider me at all
Oh dear God no
I will raise hell
I will turn the village upside down
I have nothing else left
If they won't give her to me, I will take her
I will raise the city
Because for her my soul yearns
I will make a magnitude 9 earthquake
Either I take her or hell will be raised
(Ref x2)
Oh dear, oh dear
Don't keep away my girl
Don't keep away my girl
Because hell will be raised
  • 1. Finding a spouse
  • 2. He sent family and friends to speak to her father on his behalf

The Idiotic Kid

I am the one you called naive and [too] kind
But you'll soon say he has changed
He no longer says: 'why not?'
He started thinking of his own interests
He saw his wounds.. and woke up
And today finally
The idiotic kid is dead
he trampled all the past
The idiotic kid is dead
he used to be kind, but he died
His eyes removed the blindfold
this is all in the past, good riddance to it
He saw the lies of the faces [around him]
His innocent life died
the truth became apparent to him
He became aware of some worthless people
The idiotic kid is dead
he trampled all the past
The idiotic kid is dead
he used to be kind, but he died
Leave my life alone, enough
My story with you is over
No.. this all is in the past
All the past was a mistake
my heart is sick of servility
And you don't have a place in it
The idiotic kid is dead
he trampled all the past
The idiotic kid is dead
he used to be kind, but he died
I am leaving and I don't forgive you
What should I wait for?
And I forgot all the past
I will trample it
because you are in my story
My heart was lost
And when I forgot you, my life
became a true life once again
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

One day we quarreled

Versions: #2
One day we quarreled
we sat down and we drank,
one day we quarreled
we sat down and we drank
drinks of good quality
wely ya wely wely
by the beech tree.
One day we quarreled
we sat down and we drank,
there's no flower quite like a poppy
nor is there a love quite like mine,
it will give you life.
My husband has struck me
my husband has struck me,
because I've spent all his money
on a little donkey I have shorn,
because I've spent all his money
on a little donkey I have shorn.
Glory and delicacies
from the gardens of Valencia,
I've brought glory and delicacies
to liven up the existence
of all those who have suffered from lovesickness
to liven up the existence
of all those who have suffered from lovesickness.
One day we quarreled
we sat down and we drank,
one day we quarreled
we sat down and we drank.
Tomorrow I will depart early in the morning
tomorrow I will depart early in the morning
tell the sun not to grow any hotter,
tell the sun not to grow any hotter.
It will give you life
it will give you life [x2]
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


I Want to Miss You

You want to know everything
(you) want me with you, want all of me
I want to miss you
see you from a distance
You want to see through me
In my neighborhood, in my dreams
I want to miss you
To admire you, your confidence
What I can have right away
Isn't that interesting
And I don't fully recognize you
Are you too close to me
Please don't satisfy me
I want you to tell me
Don't betray every detail
Stay inscrutable to me
You want to know everything
(you) Want me with you, want all of me
I want to miss you
See you from a distance
You want to see through me
In my neighborhood, in my dreams
I want to miss you
To admire you, your confidence
If you don't know where I am
Don't think too much about it
(I) don't have to hear you everynight
Finally sleeping alone again
I am not all in what I write
Something is between the lines
Believe me, I really need you
But I also like being alone
You want to know everything
(you) Want me with you, want all of me
I want to miss you
See you from a distance
You want to see through me
In my neighborhood, in my dreams
I want to miss you
To admire you, your confidence

When they come

Versions: #2
His day began so early,
After only an hours sleep
He jumps from a cattle wagon
Unseen to those who come towards him
A grasp in the mandarin crate and he's quickly away from here
Fixated on the tourist at the corner
Unasked he polishes the muck from his shoes
Only for four Dirham
In the vacation season, business booms here
Hes got the shiney Rolex in his eye
If he just glances through the open window,
He skillfully hunts through the open window,
Just before anybody could hear anything
Short of breath, he goes over the roofs of the city
In this Moment, he can be a kid
He shakes the street dirt off
One eye always open, all the lights blurry
Both ears open and listening, ready to quickly escape
And he runs, when they come
Come, come,
Come, come
Come, come [x4]
And they hunt after him, nimble as he is
He forced himself through a slot and runs into shards
He swallows the pain so as to not cry out
He limps on so he won't be caught
And he ducks down
The police come,
he uses older people as a shield
Until he falls over
Punch one, punch two
The tourists are shocked, but they do nothing
Because he shames the cities image
He is only a street kid,
Who is too young for prison
First he plays dead
And when the moment comes,
He rips himself free
Short of breath he hides himself in the shadows of the night
In this Moment, he can be a kid
He shakes the street dirt off
One eye always open, all the lights blurry
Both ears open and listening, ready to quickly escape
And he runs, when they come
Come, come,
Come, come
Come, come [x4]
[Ali As:]
His stomach growls, he waits a moment, breathes deeply
Runs into the store for brand name watches
The sheep in the black strap,
The hard road
They pay for the goods only the street market price
Sad scenes in dirty beige
The younger tourists sell Haze
He sees the older in their Audi TT's
Or sitting at the Ritz before ostrich fillets
And it's clear to him
His dream will be blown away in the flurry of it all
His parents are sick, no helping hand
He, alone, has to be the man here,
Someone has to be
And he runs, when they come
Come, come,
Come, come
Come, come [x4]

Не говорим француски (*француски)

[Увод: Намика]
Еј, eј, eј, aх-ха
Eј, eј, eј, eј
[Прва строфа: Намика]
Некако сам се изгубила
Немам план где да идем
Стојим са својим малим кофером
Овде у улици Јелисејска поља (*Шанжелизе)
Одједном ти ми говориш
'Извини, шта тражиш?' (*француски)
Рекох: 'Пардон, жао ми је
Али те ништа не могу разумети'.
[Увод у рефрен: Намика]
Али настављаш на причаш
Налазим то некако шармантним
И црташ две шоље кафе
Оловком на својој руци.
[Рефрен: Намика]
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
Све што причаш
Звучи некако лепо
И време просто стоји
Желела бих да те разумем
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
[Крај рефрена: Намика]
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
[Друга строфа: Блек Ем (на француском) ]
Хеј, госпођице, не говорим немачки
Viens je vais te montrer c’est quoi la French Touch
Donne-moi la main on commence par un pas de danse
Fais vite, ici tout va vite les Parisiens n’ont pas l’temps
Fais moi confiance je suis ton Aladin
Les jaloux diront que je ne suis bon que pour le baratin
Allez viens, toi et moi on va se balader
Stop! Ferme les yeux ceci est un baratin
Oui paris est magique mais paris est aussi dark
Le contraste entre Pigalle et l’Arc
Je vais pas te mentir, te dire qu’ici tout est rose
Qu’il n’y a que des fleurs qui attendant d’être arrosées
J’ai pas l’accent, mais du gefällst mir
Est-ce que tu comprends ou il faut que je t’explique?
Tu es charmante comme ma ville
Je te verrais bien comme elle dans ma vie
[Увод у рефрен: Блек Ем]
Не говорим немачки
Mais comme toi j’ressens les gens
Viens on parle il y a rien de méchant
J’te redéposerai sur les Champs
[Рефрен: Намика]
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
Све што причаш
Звучи некако лепо
И време просто стоји
Желела бих да те разумем
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
[Крај рефрена: Намика]
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
[Прелаз: Намика]
Сунце залази иза кућа
Бродови пролазе око нас
И све што желимо
Је да моменат остане
И у преко хиљаду људи
Они говоре једни са другима
Али језик који причамо
Разумемо само нас двоје.
[Рефрен: Намика]
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
Све што причаш
Звучи некако лепо
И време просто стоји
Желела бих да те разумем
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
[Рефрен: Намика]
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
Све што причаш
Звучи некако лепо
И време просто стоји
Желела бих да те разумем
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
[Крај рефрена: Намика]
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa

Salma ya Salama

Salma ya Salama
Oh,Salma ya Salama
Salma ya Salama
Oh,Salma ya Salama
There were three old gypsies
Come to our hall door
They come brave and boldly --eh- oh
And there's one sang high
The other sang --a - low
The lady sang the Wraggle Taggle gypsy -- ee- oh
Salma ya Salama
we'd gone and came back safely
Salma ya Salama
we'd gone and came back safely
Whistle, train, and stop here
Let me go to this land
No America, no Europe
There's no country that's better than mine
Salma ya Salama
we'd gone and came back safely
Salma ya Salama
we'd gone and came back safely
And it's why do you leave your house and your land?
Why do you leave your money -- ee- oh?
Sure I'd rather a kiss from the yellow gypsy's lips
Than you - oo - and all of your money -- ee- oh
Salma ya Salama
we'd gone and came back safely
Salma ya Salama
we'd gone and came back safely
Oh, the alienation, it puts you through a lot
It makes a craftsman speak in a foreign language 1
Wherever an Egyptian goes
He'd always create wonders
Salma ya Salama
we'd gone and came back safely
Salma ya Salama
we'd gone and came back safely
  • 1. craftsmen there are usually very simple people who seldom if ever speak a foreign language
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


The entire country is singing along with us

Hey, sing more cherfully, falcons
Sons of the glorious army
Shall the song of the Soviet Country
Fly to the sun high up in the sky.
There is no power in the world
That could destroy
The youth of our country.
Move on courageously, falcons of us
Sons of the glorious army.
Our lines have been created
By the powerful hands of our homeland,
It has ordered us to be the best,
It has poured boldness into our hearts.
We have been beaten by the hot rays
of the sun,
We have been stitched by the the shower of a machine gun.
The storm and the cold have made us stronger,
The wind has taught us to sing.
Our country, quickfeeted just as you are
Is going to take everything by storm
The high sky, the deep sea,
The marshes of the forests and the moors.
We are pleased to see the wide ways,
The help and the friendship around us.
We are glad to hear the challenging songs
Of our friends and girlfriends.
Excellent pioneers are singing along with us,
Mother and father and our wife.
The heroes of the frontier guard are singing along with us,
The entire country is singing along with us!
There is no power in the world
That could destroy
The youth of our country.
Move on courageously, falcons of us
Sons of the glorious army.

Minungum Minnaminunge

Minungum minnaminuge…
Minni minni thedunnathare…
Varumo chare ninnachan.
Minungum minnaminuge
Minni minni thedunnathare
Varumo chare ninnachan
Nerukil thotu thalodi
Kadhakal paadi urakkan
Varumo chare ninnachan
Puthukanaval mashiyezhuthi
Chirakukalil kilukilungum
Kunjichundil ponnum thenum
Thannu maamooti
Picha picha vekkan koodi
Vannu kai neeti
Minungum minnaminuge
Minni minni thedunnathare
Varumo chare ninnachan
Varumo chare ninnachan
Kathonnu kutheetu manikka kallinte
Kammalidum neram
Thengalu matuvan tholatheduthitu
Paatum paadilley
Tharakam thannoru mothiram kondu nin
Kunjilam navinmel
Thookiyoraksharam chollitharilleyen
Minnaminni nee
Pakaliravakey oru nizhalayi
Kalonnu thenneedumpol
Ennachan kavalinethukille
Koriyedukkumthorum nirayunna
Snehathin cholayall
Minungum minnaminuge
Minni minni thedunnathare
Varumo chare ninnachan
Puthanuduppit potu thodeechit
Pallikoodathinte illi paadivare
Koodee neeyille
Nee chirikkum neram achante kannil
Chinga nilavalle
Neeyonnu vaadiyal aaararum kanatha
Nenjam vingille
Manimukilolam makal valarnnalum
Achante ullilennum
Avaloru thaamara thumpiyalle
Chellakkurumbu kaati
Chinungunna chundari vaavayalle
Minungum minnaminuge
Minni minni thedunnathare
Varumo chare ninnachan
Puthukanaval mashiyezhuthi
Chirakukalil kilukilungum
Kunjichundil ponnum thenum
Thannu maamooti
Picha picha vekkan koodi
Vannu kai neeti

Shanghai night of tears

Amazed by *Yum cha on a sultry night,
Dragons that coils themselves on skyscrapers,
A grandma that drinks tea in her hometown
And a jasmine girl in a hell of a lot of bicycles
This is **Ton・Nan・shā・pē
***Chin ・ ton ・ shan ・ ten ・ ton
The precipitous cliffs with swiftlet's nests
Mr.Chin and Mr.Shū, we are the best friends
****Shorinji Kempo, dancing all the night
*****Xiaolongbaos also begin to dance
You're a good looking Shanghai girl
Let me see the strong heating power difference
No problem, it's alright ! !
There are many things I don't know about you
But you are definitely a lovely Shanghai girl
Although there's a language barrier between us, I bet on eye to eye
It doesn't matter, it's alright ! !
Ton・Nan・shā・pē Ton・Nan・shā・pē Ton・Nan・shā・pē Ton・Nan・shā・pē (Uh Uh)
Ton・Nan・shā・pē (Uh Uh Uh) Ton・Nan・shā・pē (Uh No) Ton・Nan・shā・pē Ton・Nan・shā・pē (Uh Uh Uh Yeah)
Ton・Nan・shā・pē ! !
Xiaolongbaos also begin to dance
You're a good looking Shanghai girl
Let me see the strong heating power difference
No problem, it's alright ! !
There are many things I don't know about you
But you are definitely a lovely Shanghai girl
Although there's a language barrier between us, I bet on eye to eye
It doesn't matter, it's alright ! !
There are many things I don't know about you
But you are definitely a lovely Shanghai girl
Although there's a language barrier between us, I bet on eye to eye
It doesn't matter, it's alright ! !
♫Reprint it, spread it to the world!
If this work was useful to you, please consider supporting me!♫

Shield Oh my heart

What's the matter, why have you faded so?
Your heart had been astray away for oh so long
Why are you so afraid to talk?
In your eyes bewilderment hides and oh so many tales
You've changed so much from before
You've shut your heart off every door
You've loved and parted so many places
That dwell within you
Each day you feel a little less
You try and tread but with each footstep demeaed
From how they've humiliated you, you tire
But where do you find solace?
Everyday you bid farewell to another dream
The anguish plagues you all around
But nothing beats homesickness
And the wound is great
You don't pay anything any mind
Hello hello, goodbye goodbye
Silence has overtaken your temperament
For no reason
Shield shield oh my poor heart how you can shield
Your pain is still plain for the world to see
But it is normal normal that you cannot be attached in this world to anything
Except a parting is due
Everyone with you in your photopraphs is now absent
Your homeland, your family and friends
How many bid farewell to part
With no reason
I can see a look of longing in your eyes
How many can you long for
The years have always been on the move
And people are but mere passengers
With every tick tock of the clock
The memories that dwell in our hearts die
We long promised oursselves of what has passed
And forgot to live
It was destined we tread the path
And to part in its midst, little by little, a little
We were slowly robbed of our life
And ended with nothing
Shield shield oh my poor heart how you can shield
Your pain is still plain for the world to see
But it is normal normal that you cannot be attached in this world to anything
Except a parting is due

The tear of the tropical fish

The summer comes, the summer
A breeze came to the window
that I rested my cheek in my hand
was a little bit hot
It stroked my sweat skin then clung to mine
I am wondering why I remember you
when the summer comes
I was a tropical fish
that didn't know love in your arms
If I swum violently
There would be the sea of tear there
The summer (comes) the summer...
Fish swimming in the fish tank
look so beautiful like peafowls
that are spreading their tail feathers
It shines and reflects diffusely
I wonder why
it seemed so sad
I didn't know anything
I wanted you to love me,
wishing so
Where I could be free?
I kept swimming
with such a feeling
I want to forget I can't forget
I see you
in the blue sky screen
I fell in love first time
and I was crying so much
The summer comes
I don't want to go back again though
I remember the tear of the tropical fish
I was a tropical fish
that didn't know love in your arms
If I swum violently
There would be the sea of tear there
I didn't know anything
I wanted you to love me,
wishing so
Where I could be free?
I kept swimming
with such a feeling
The summer comes, the summer

Giving a ride to a friend

The silences that
Scare me
And flood the inside of
This moving car
Don’t delude yourself
No, I won’t change
The frequence to distract myself
Until at your destination
Now that I have you here
I would like to lose myself
On this autostrada that will take us far away
Now is the moment
Not to think about it anymore
Because you don’t even know I love you
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Have a little breather and start again
Dance some more
Don’t look at me
I know that nothing in this moment can betray us
The secrets that
Scare me
Are the ones I would like you to know by now
If you look at me I know
That I won’t be able
To shout at your face that I love you
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Have a little breather and start again
Dance some more
Don’t look at me
I know that nothing in this moment can betray us
Maybe a moment
Maybe it will pass
Maybe a wave that has swept away all that can’t be seen
Maybe it’s just that
I don’t know how to tell you
I can’t explain to you what’s happening with me
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Have a little breather and start again
Dance some more
Don’t look at me
I know that nothing in this moment can betray us
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Have a little breather and start again
Dance some more
Don’t look at me
I know that nothing in this moment can betray us
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Dance some more
I made this!
You can go ahead and copypaste it to your heart's content, but only if that makes you feel special.


The strength of the lie
The ridge which divides us,
Which separates us
I refuse to accept
That there's a sunset on our horizon,
On our light
It's easier for us to reminisce
For us to reminisce
About when our flame shone
And it was worth asking 'Why?'
But what right do we have to answer back
Do we have to answer back
To those who lead us?
Who control us?
It's time to rise
It's time to rise
Before we disappear
Raise your head, raise your head
Raise your head, raise your voice fully
Raise your head, raise your head
Raise your head, raise your voice fully
(Fully, fully)
Is there purpose in following rules which deafen us?
Which blind us?
I'm realising that the choice is in our hands
In our hands
And despite those who apportion blame
There's only one answer to bigoted questions
Raise your voice with certainty
And we'll be freed
From the invisible chains
It's time to rise
It's time to rise
Before we disappear
It's time to rise
(Before we disappear)
Raise your head, raise your head
Raise your head, raise your voice fully
Raise your head, raise your head
Raise your head, raise your voice fully
Raise your head, raise your head
Raise your head, raise your voice fully
Raise your head, raise your head
Raise your head, raise your voice fully
Before we disappear
Raise your head
Raise your head

Dogwood Flower

Pushing up the sky,
Your hands reach out towards May
Somehow I want you to come,
I want you to come to the water's edge
I'll give you a flower bud,
A dogwood from the garden
You are a lightly blushing precious one,
I hope the never ending dream
Will finally come to an end
I hope you and your beloved
Last for a hundred years
Summer is too hot,
The feelings from me are too heavy
If we cross together,
The ship will surely sink
Please, go on
Please, go on ahead of me
My efforts will someday bear fruit
And this never ending wave
Will finally come to a stop
I hope you and your beloved
Last for a hundred years
You chase a fluttering butterfly
And raise a white sail
When it becomes Mother's Day,
Please send me, a leaf from from the dogwood tree
You don't have to wait
You don't have to know
You are a lightly blushing precious one,
I hope the never ending dream
Will finally come to an end
I hope you and your beloved
Last for a hundred years
My efforts will someday bear fruit
And this never ending wave
Will finally come to a stop
I hope you and your beloved
Last for a hundred years
I hope you and your beloved
Last for a hundred years.
I hope you like my interpretations of the songs.
Link back to my page if you want to use any transliterations or translations I personally made.

Please correct me if I make any mistakes. It is greatly appreciated and only helps me learn more.

I'll gather strength

Oh one more bitterness* just one more and I'll run away
my heart has been made heavy
this tiring world
lives with lies and chuckles
oh how it's been ruined
I'll gather strength
in a hardy intoxicstion
and in dance, my soul
will leave my body
I'll find my roots
and drink with all my generation
to travel back
as time has made things now
how can I decifer good and bad
*an incident that causes bitterness


Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Always the same routine
We meet in the corners
Avoiding what they will say
My body can't get used
To this love that hidden by shadows
Is more stronger than a fierce volcano
Hidden in the moon
We can no longer go on
By fortune or disgrace
I won't stop loving you
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
I don't care about the whispers
Nor that they censor my name
All across the city
Now there's no one to stop me
Even if they can't hold their tongue
Those from high society
This overflowing river
Cannot be controlled
If this thing we have is a sin
Then I will never stop sinning
Is a scandal this is scandalous
Is a scandal this is scandalous
I live my life, I am who I am
There's no one who can stop me wherever I go
I don't care if they take my by surprise
A free soul I have always been
If I want to I do whatever I want
You are my destiny
If they think this outrageous I'm not worried
I will never leave your side
I think different, I don't live with them
And I will never change my way


It’s too late girl
All mine, her mind
All mine, her mind
All mine, her mind
Maybe I’m jealous
what are you looking at? let me go! don't tell me to relax
what's the use of it?
it's already obvious, I see the end
Bartender one more drink I need more (One shot)
One more (Two shot)
leave me disheveled (Let go)
leave me (Gonna shake it down)
woo you are the tilting moon over there
you'll disappear in the blackness
it's already late time, no matter how much I try to turn the clock back
I got one night let's turn the world upside down
(Come on girl)
only today I will lose my temper a little oh
go crazy, jump,mess up, Shake it down
even if I have to turn over the whole world girl
please don't leave me today
Suri suri 1, make this become true, All mine
Suri suri turn back her mind
I don't believe it, something must be wrong
I don't know anything
it was destiny for her to be mine
Woo this a nightmare-like dream
someone must be playing a joke on me
a dislocated meeting, no matter how much I try to turn the clock back
I got one night let's turn the world upside down
(Come on girl)
only for today I will be crooked oh
push,throw, shake, Shake it down
even if I change the whole world girl
somehow don't leave me
This is all a dream, yes that's right (Yes, right)
it seems like a nightmare inside a nightmare,even if I resist
someone tries to put me to sleep,
someone must be singing a magic lullaby
even if all the evil in world gathers
it wouldn't do this bad joke oh no!
she turned from Snow White into a with
obviously something's wrong
When tomorrow comes, I have to swallow this reality
I am bitter but.. I know everything but..
I got one night I can't send you away
an endless story
originally I am the protagonist oh
but somehow I became the villain
even if I had bad feelings girl
I wanted to steal you, don't leave me
only today I will lose my temper a little oh
go crazy, jump,mess up, Shake it down
even if I have to turn over the whole world girl
please don't leave me today
Suri suri 1, make this become true, All mine
suri suri suri suri
Suri suri turn back her mind
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.