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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 19


Ahmed (1960-2002)

Kraj osamdesetih, ona posećuje svoju domovinu
Nepoznati muškarac drži moju majku za ruku
Ona se ne želi udati
Ipak,iz poštovanja prema svojim roditeljima će reći da
U Nemačkoj je upravo pao zid
Ponovo se gradi Maroko
2000 milja odbrambenog nasipa
I beg preko sredozemnog mora
Dvosoban stan, Frankfurt
Ona ga vodi odatle sa sobom
A on ne radi ništa za novac,
misli,doćiće sam od sebe
Ona plaća kiriju i čisti hotele
On nema volje, da se zauzme za posao
I dospeva brzo duboko u podzemlje
I tako izlazi on napolje,da bi prodavao drogu,
Dok njegova 9 meseci trudna žena sedi kod kuće,
A on- se više nije pojavio
A kod nje-podmakli dugovi i poodmakli stomak
Ni preko oglasa nestalih se ništa nije postiglo
Ostala je sama sa jednim duhom
Ja sam se rodila- majkina porodica je tu
A moj otac je tražen od strane privatnog detektiva
Kasnije smo saznali, da je već godinu dana bio deportovan
Odleže kaznu zatvora, u jednoj ćuzi u Nadori
Otpušten je sa dijagnozom raka
Došao je na ideju, da svoju porodicu ponovo vidi
Zahtevao nas je nazad,
kao da smo mi bili njegov posed
Ni ovog puta nije radio ništa sam, samo je poslao svog zeta,
Pretio je da će me kidnapovati, ukoliko me vidi
Od toga dana nisam smela nikada više sama napolje da se igram
Nikada ga više nisam videla ni čula, nikada shvatila
Ipak svi misle da sam preslikana on
Kada je umro, to za mene nije bio neki gubitak
Bila sam previše mala, a on već tada mrtav za mene
I sada se pitam,
Kako se o smrti priča,
Čujem puno toga, ali se nikada ne prisećam njega
Kada se vreme precrta-, jedan deo njega ostaje
Ahmed, 1960-2002

Sve što se računa

Part 1]
Daju mi 81 godina života ovde
50 sati nedeljno, životinjskog rada
Smejem se oko 13 minuta dnevno.
Svakog drugog leta uzmem godišnji odmor,
Dobijem 1,5 dete u proseku
I 45 hiljada eura bruto godišnje.
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati
Part 2]
Ručni sat je svaki korak izbrojao
Govori, da moram brže ići, inače će biti prekasno
I podseća me na to,
da popijem gutljaj vode
Tražila sam sedam puta značenje reči 'Smisao'
A Amazon mi je preporučio tu knjigu
(knjigu 'Smisao')
Ali u čemu je smisao,
Ako se nas dvoje ne vidimo?
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati
Rastavili ste me na
6 čula i 212 kostiju
Recite, kada srce više ne kuca, ko obračuna njegovu vrednost?
Rastavili ste me na
3 biliona ljudskih ćelija i 212 kostiju
Ipak srce kuca i čezne za nečim većim
Jel to sve, što se računa?
Nekako ne mogu to osetiti
Sve što se računa?
Sa brojevima nikada nisam umela, daa
I uvek kad mi dan protrči primetim koliko mi fališ
Mislim da sve što se računa,
ne može se izbrojati


Brojiš li prašnjav sitniš u novčaniku,
Ti si švorc, ali mlad i lep, hejjj
Svet ti leži pod nogama,
samo novca nikad dovoljno
Tvoja koža nije dovoljno debela, pa da ne oseti ovu hladnoću
A ti, ti, ti veruješ da si sam sa svojim shvatanjima,
Sam sa svojim osećajima,
Sam sa svojom težinom
Ipak u osnovi, mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Imamo iste strahove,
Istu sumnju za poraziti
Nema vremena , nema uspeha, nema novca, nema mira
Sunce sija, ponekad ne možemo uživati u njemu
Mrzimo jer volimo,
'Od zemlje do neba'
Ležimo na podu,
ustanimo i letimo, hajdeee!
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako se čini da mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti
Prevelike oči, premali želudac
Nikada ne pojedemo, ono što imamo na tanjiru
Ne svidja nam se ukus,
A hoćemo se sa svim i svačim hraniti
Pri 1000 i jednoj mogućnosti- neodlučni
Mi smo oni što ništa ne zahtevaju,
Ali sve hoće da imaju
Ako je čaša poluprazna,
onda je jednostavno napuni
Mi delimo odeću iz ormana, delimo našu hranu
Pridržavamo vrata, znamo to da cenimo
Pogledajte nas, mi nemamo šta da izgubimo
Samo sve da dobijemo, ako ispravno ulažemo
Kaže se, sa novcem nije uvek sve lakše
Ipak smatram da mi trebamo biti bogati
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako ti se čini da ja mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti
Mi smo svi milioneri
Beskrajno bogati u onome što osećamo
Mi smo svi milijarderi
Beskrajno bogati, nećemo ništa sa tobom deliti
Ti si švorc, ipak bogat ljubavlju
Pokrenut si svojim snovima
Čak i ako se čini da mogu da poletim
U osnovi mi uopšte nismo tako različiti
Pokleknemo, pa opet ustanemo
Uskoro stoji drvo tamo, gde je bila klica
Svi mi padamo, pre nego što naučimo da letimo
U osnovi, nismo uopšte toliko različiti


Versions: #1
I say 'no' and you understand 'yes',
Spoil the meaning, whatever I say.
If you don't get it ask again!
As if it is so hard!
I'm in the bathroom, you knock on the door:
'Are you alright? What happened?
I've been waiting here for ages!
How long are you getting ready?'
Not long anymore, just the hair!
I'll be there in a second, what's all this questioning?
I'm doing this for you too, so wait!
and you like it, so don't be nervous!
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
I say 'yes' and you understand 'no',
Tell yourself something, you talk to me.
How do you understand what I mean?
If you don't listen to me?
You imitate me in front of our friends.
'Come on, baby, I'm just kidding!'
Thanks a lot for your comment!
Do you really think that looks cool?
In front of other people you act like a boss.
When I talk, you turn away.
At home you bring me breakfast in bed.
I'm sorry, truth hurts.
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
How can I explain it to you when you don't speak my language?
When so many of my words sound like Chinese to you?
Come, I blindfold you, maybe you'll understand me blind.
Ah, that doesn't make sense, anyway, I'll take you like that.
When you hold your next monolog, excited like a child,
Then I pretend to be interested and just don't listen.
But today is your lucky day, I've got a dictionary for you.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.
There is a big question mark, right there in your face.
I'm not complicated, you just don't understand me.

My Favorite Person/Amazing Man

Versions: #4
Sometimes I feel I don’t belong
On this ship in outer space
But if you were here on board
I would know that’d be bizarre
Even while stuck in traffic jams
Time passes fast with you
And those disgusting instant drinks
Taste like coffee from Hawaii
Oh I still don’t really know ya
Nothing to say when looking at you
And once the day is over and I’m feeling sad
I’ll grab your hand on this adventure
Chorus [x2]
You’re an amazing man
And that’s a compliment for knowing me so very well
With you I’m myself
So dreamy and crazy
(na na na na na na)
Thanks amazin’ man
I’m so glad we met
No one can ever know
Yet I know I can trust you
With this secret you must keep
My own Area 51
Sometimes life just comes around
And we’re in some stupid fight
But I just can’t be mad at you, for
More than 5 minutes at a time
If I’m upset you’ll instantly know
You’ll make me laugh, can’t hide it from you
Life just makes me wanna cry out loud
Yet I’m just fine when I am with you
You’re an amazing man
And that’s a compliment for knowing me so very well
With you I’m myself
So dreamy and crazy
(na na na na na na)
Thanks amazin’ man
I’m so glad we met
The clock is ticking and we’re now growing up
On this polaroid photo, you and I were so young.
The last time we met was just ages ago
But now we’re here together like you were never gone
You’re an amazing man
And that’s a compliment for knowing me so very well
With you I’m myself
So dreamy and crazy
(na na na na na na)
Thanks amazin’ man
I’m so glad we met

Je ne parle pas français (I Don't Speak French)

Versions: #2
Somehow, I got lost
I have no plan where to go
Standing there with my little suitcase
Here at the Champs-Elysees
Suddenly you say to me:
'Hello, what are you looking for?'
I say: 'Excuse me, I'm sorry
Unfortunately, I can't understand you'
But you just keep speaking
I find it somehow charming
And I draw two cups of coffee
On your hand, with a pen
I don't speak French
But please, do keep talking
Everything you tell me
Sounds so nice somehow
And time just stands still
I wish I could understand you
I don't speak French,
But please, do keep talking
Your long, wild hair
The little scar on your face
Even the dust on your jeans
Has spirit, when you speak
The cigarette tastes like liberty
As long as we both share it
You talk to me in body language
And I read between the lines
I hang on your lips
I don't ever want to leave here
And you keep talking and talking
But I don't understand a word
I don't speak French
But please, do keep talking
Everything you tell me
Sounds so nice somehow
And time just stands still
I wish I could understand you
I don't speak French,
But please, do keep talking
The sun slips behind the houses
Ships go past us
And all that we want
Is for the moment to last forever
Thousands of people around us
They're all talking to each other
But the language, that we speak
Only we two understand
I don't speak French
But please, do keep talking
Everything you tell me
Sounds so nice somehow
And time just stands still
I wish I could understand you
I don't speak French,
But please, do keep talking

Everything that matters

81 years are given to me here
50- hour working week
I smile 13 Minutes a day
Taking 1,5 kids in average
and 45.000 brutto in year.
Is that everything that matters?
Somehow I cannot feel it.
Everything that matters?
I can never with numbers...
And always when the day runs over me
I notice how much I miss you.
I believe everything that matters,
cannot be counted.
The watch has counted every step.
Tells me I should go, otherwise it gets too late
and reminds me to stay tuned, to drink water.
I have searched the word 'meaning' seven times
and Amazon recommends me that book.
But where is the meaning when we don't see each other?
Is that everything that matters?
Somehow I cannot feel it.
Everything that matters?
I can never with numbers...
And always when the day runs over me
I notice how much I miss you.
I believe everything that matters,
cannot be counted.
They have broken down on me
Six senses and 212 bones.
Tell me, when the heart stops beating, who will calculate the worth?
They have broken down on me.
30 billion cells and 212 bones.
But that one heart beats and lasts for more.
Is that everything that matters?
Somehow I cannot feel it.
Everything that matters?
I can never with numbers...
And always when the day runs over me
I notice how much I miss you.
I believe everything that matters,
cannot be counted.
And always when the day runs over me
I notice how much I miss you.
I believe everything that matters,
cannot be counted.

Je ne parle pas français (Remix)

Versions: #2
[Intro: Namika]
Ey, ey, ey, ah-ah
Ey, ey, ey, ey
[Verse One: Namika]
Somehow, I've got lost,
I have no idea where I'm going,
Standing with my little suitcase,
Here at the Champs-Élysées
Suddenly you speak to me,
'(Hi, what are you looking for?)'
I say, 'Pardon me, I'm sorry,
Unfortunately I don't understand!'
[Pre-Chorus 1]
But you're still talking,
Somehow I find it charming,
And paint 2 cups of coffee,
With the pen in your hand.
[Chorus: Namika]
I don't speak French,
But please carry on.
Everything you're saying,
Sounds somehow nice.
And time simply stills still,
I wish I understood you,
I don't speak French
But please carry on.
[Verse 2: Black M (in French)]
Hey Miss, I don't speak German.
Come I'm gonna show you what is the French Touch is,
Give me your hand we start with a step,
Quick, it's faster here, Parisians have no time,
Trust me I'm your Aladdin,
The jealous say that I'm only good for the bullshit,
Come on, you and me we'll walk,
Stop! Close your eyes there's a crowd,
Yes, Paris is magic but Paris is also dark.
The contrast between Pigalle and the Arc,
I ain't gonna lie, everything here is pink,
That there are only flowers that are waiting to be watered.
I have no accent, but I like you.
Do you understand what I must explain,
You are charming like my city.
I'll see you like it is in my life.
[Pre Chorus 2: Black M]
I don't speak German.
But like you I feel the people,
Come we talk there's nothing bad,
I'll drop you off on the Champs.
[Chorus: Namika]
I don't speak French,
But please carry on.
Everything you're saying,
Sounds somehow nice.
And time simply stills still,
I wish I understood you,
I don't speak English
But please carry on.
[Post-Refrain: Namika]
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
[Bridge: Namika]
The sun drops behind the houses,
Ships are passing by,
And all we want,
That this moment stays something,
A thousand people around us,
They speak to each other,
But the language that we speak,
They only understand us two.
[Chorus: Namika]
I don't speak French,
But please carry on.
Everything you're saying,
Sounds somehow nice.
And time simply stills still,
I wish I understood you,
I don't speak French
But please carry on.
[Chorus: Namika]
I don't speak French,
But please carry on.
Everything you're saying,
Sounds somehow nice.
And time simply stills still,
I wish I understood you,
I don't speak French
But please carry on.
[Post-Refrain: Namika]
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la


Ja kažem Ne, a ti razumeš Da,
Izvrćeš značenje, svejedno šta kažem.
Ako ne razumeš onda pitaj ponovo!
Kao da je tako teško!
Stojim u kupatilu, ti kucaš na vrata:
'Jesi li još živa, da li se nešto desilo?
Čekam celu večnost ovde!
Koliko dugo ti treba da se spremiš?'
Nemam još puno, samo još kosu da sredim!
Dolazim odmah, šta je svim tim pitanjima?
Radim ovo i za tebe, zato čekaj!
I sviđa ti se, zato nemoj da me nerviraš!
Ipak danas je tvoj srećan dan, imam rečnik za tebe.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Postoji jedan veliki upitnik, direktno na tvom licu.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Ja kažem Da, a ti razumeš Ne.
Pričam ti, ti me prekidaš.
Kako ćeš razumeti šta govorim,
Ako me ne slušaš?
Praviš majmuna od mene pred našim prijateljima.
'Hajde bebo, samo se šalim'
Hvala ti lepo na komentaru!
Da li zaista misliš da je to kul?
Pred ljudima se ponašaš kao šef.
Kada pričam, ti se okreneš.
Kod kuće mi donosiš doručak u krevet.
Žao mi je, istina boli.
Ipak danas je tvoj srećan dan, imam rečnik za tebe.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Postoji jedan veliki upitnik, direktno na tvom licu.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Kako da ti objasnim kada ne govoriš mojim jezikom,
Kada ti toliko mojih reči zvuče kao kineski?
Hajde, staviću ti povez na oči, možda ćeš me razumeti slep.
Ah, to nema smisla, uprkos tome ću te prihvatiti kakav jesi.
Kada budeš držao sledeći monolog, uzbuđen kao dete,
Praviću se da sam zainteresovana i jednostavno neću slušati.
Ipak danas je tvoj srećan dan, imam rečnik za tebe.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.
Postoji jedan veliki upitnik, direktno na tvom licu.
Nisam komplikovana, ti me jednostavno ne razumeš.

I Want to Miss You

You want to know everything
(you) want me with you, want all of me
I want to miss you
see you from a distance
You want to see through me
In my neighborhood, in my dreams
I want to miss you
To admire you, your confidence
What I can have right away
Isn't that interesting
And I don't fully recognize you
Are you too close to me
Please don't satisfy me
I want you to tell me
Don't betray every detail
Stay inscrutable to me
You want to know everything
(you) Want me with you, want all of me
I want to miss you
See you from a distance
You want to see through me
In my neighborhood, in my dreams
I want to miss you
To admire you, your confidence
If you don't know where I am
Don't think too much about it
(I) don't have to hear you everynight
Finally sleeping alone again
I am not all in what I write
Something is between the lines
Believe me, I really need you
But I also like being alone
You want to know everything
(you) Want me with you, want all of me
I want to miss you
See you from a distance
You want to see through me
In my neighborhood, in my dreams
I want to miss you
To admire you, your confidence

When they come

Versions: #2
His day began so early,
After only an hours sleep
He jumps from a cattle wagon
Unseen to those who come towards him
A grasp in the mandarin crate and he's quickly away from here
Fixated on the tourist at the corner
Unasked he polishes the muck from his shoes
Only for four Dirham
In the vacation season, business booms here
Hes got the shiney Rolex in his eye
If he just glances through the open window,
He skillfully hunts through the open window,
Just before anybody could hear anything
Short of breath, he goes over the roofs of the city
In this Moment, he can be a kid
He shakes the street dirt off
One eye always open, all the lights blurry
Both ears open and listening, ready to quickly escape
And he runs, when they come
Come, come,
Come, come
Come, come [x4]
And they hunt after him, nimble as he is
He forced himself through a slot and runs into shards
He swallows the pain so as to not cry out
He limps on so he won't be caught
And he ducks down
The police come,
he uses older people as a shield
Until he falls over
Punch one, punch two
The tourists are shocked, but they do nothing
Because he shames the cities image
He is only a street kid,
Who is too young for prison
First he plays dead
And when the moment comes,
He rips himself free
Short of breath he hides himself in the shadows of the night
In this Moment, he can be a kid
He shakes the street dirt off
One eye always open, all the lights blurry
Both ears open and listening, ready to quickly escape
And he runs, when they come
Come, come,
Come, come
Come, come [x4]
[Ali As:]
His stomach growls, he waits a moment, breathes deeply
Runs into the store for brand name watches
The sheep in the black strap,
The hard road
They pay for the goods only the street market price
Sad scenes in dirty beige
The younger tourists sell Haze
He sees the older in their Audi TT's
Or sitting at the Ritz before ostrich fillets
And it's clear to him
His dream will be blown away in the flurry of it all
His parents are sick, no helping hand
He, alone, has to be the man here,
Someone has to be
And he runs, when they come
Come, come,
Come, come
Come, come [x4]

Не говорим француски (*француски)

[Увод: Намика]
Еј, eј, eј, aх-ха
Eј, eј, eј, eј
[Прва строфа: Намика]
Некако сам се изгубила
Немам план где да идем
Стојим са својим малим кофером
Овде у улици Јелисејска поља (*Шанжелизе)
Одједном ти ми говориш
'Извини, шта тражиш?' (*француски)
Рекох: 'Пардон, жао ми је
Али те ништа не могу разумети'.
[Увод у рефрен: Намика]
Али настављаш на причаш
Налазим то некако шармантним
И црташ две шоље кафе
Оловком на својој руци.
[Рефрен: Намика]
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
Све што причаш
Звучи некако лепо
И време просто стоји
Желела бих да те разумем
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
[Крај рефрена: Намика]
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
[Друга строфа: Блек Ем (на француском) ]
Хеј, госпођице, не говорим немачки
Viens je vais te montrer c’est quoi la French Touch
Donne-moi la main on commence par un pas de danse
Fais vite, ici tout va vite les Parisiens n’ont pas l’temps
Fais moi confiance je suis ton Aladin
Les jaloux diront que je ne suis bon que pour le baratin
Allez viens, toi et moi on va se balader
Stop! Ferme les yeux ceci est un baratin
Oui paris est magique mais paris est aussi dark
Le contraste entre Pigalle et l’Arc
Je vais pas te mentir, te dire qu’ici tout est rose
Qu’il n’y a que des fleurs qui attendant d’être arrosées
J’ai pas l’accent, mais du gefällst mir
Est-ce que tu comprends ou il faut que je t’explique?
Tu es charmante comme ma ville
Je te verrais bien comme elle dans ma vie
[Увод у рефрен: Блек Ем]
Не говорим немачки
Mais comme toi j’ressens les gens
Viens on parle il y a rien de méchant
J’te redéposerai sur les Champs
[Рефрен: Намика]
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
Све што причаш
Звучи некако лепо
И време просто стоји
Желела бих да те разумем
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
[Крај рефрена: Намика]
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
[Прелаз: Намика]
Сунце залази иза кућа
Бродови пролазе око нас
И све што желимо
Је да моменат остане
И у преко хиљаду људи
Они говоре једни са другима
Али језик који причамо
Разумемо само нас двоје.
[Рефрен: Намика]
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
Све што причаш
Звучи некако лепо
И време просто стоји
Желела бих да те разумем
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
[Рефрен: Намика]
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
Све што причаш
Звучи некако лепо
И време просто стоји
Желела бих да те разумем
Не говорим француски (*француски)
Али, молим, настави да причаш
[Крај рефрена: Намика]
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa
O лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa лa