The Song of the Yodonheim Princess
Abandon, betray, cast aside, abandonAbandon your family, betray your friends
Cast aside your school, government, and country
Because the future is pitch black anyway
Crush it, break it, strike it down
Abandon, abandon, betray, betray
Cast aside, cast aside, abandon, abandon
I’m giving you a cover
I’ll bury myself in darkness
Don’t stop betraying and leave everything behind
Abandon, betray, cast aside, abandon
Abandon your dreams, betray your heart
Cast aside your courage, justice, and love
To what extent for a human to be pure
Find it, take it, knock it down
Abandon, abandon, betray, betray
Cast aside, cast aside, abandon, abandon
You’re now my prisoner
I’ll let you die if you’re willing to give up everything
Never stop abandoning and throw everything away
Abandon, abandon, betray, betray
Cast aside, cast aside, abandon, abandon
There’s darkness beyond the sole of Yodonheim
I’ll put you to an infinite, deep sleep
Don’t stop forsaking and cast everything aside