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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 8


You and I…

We can become both crazy and lose our mind
And in the clinic, we will be placed in different wards

Не верујем ти

Ти си дошла, не гледајући ме у очи,
схватила сам, да сам те изгубила.
Ти си ћутао, али у очима твоим сам видела,
Да више ништа није остало!
Моја осећања се распадају,
Jа ти отворено говорим:
Не верујем ти, али ти опраштам,
Мрзим, волећи те, живела сам за тебе али те пуштам!
Не верујем ти, али ти опраштам,
Мрзим, волећи те, живела сам за тебе али те пуштам!
Кући, ноћу сам гледала у прозор
И тебе сам тражила у силуетама
Ја сам дисала и знала сам једно,
Без обзира на све, нисам те заборавила.
Моја осећања се распадају,
Ја ти отворено говорим :
Рефрен :
Не верујем ти, али ти опраштам,
Мрзим, волећи те, живела сам за тебе али те пуштам!
Не верујем ти, али ти опраштам,
Мрзим, волећи те, живела сам за тебе али те пуштам!
Не верујем ти, али ти опраштам,
Мрзим, волећи те, живела сам за тебе али те пуштам!
Не верујем ти, али ти опраштам,
Мрзим, волећи те, живела сам за тебе али те пуштам!
Не верујем ти, али ти опраштам,
Мрзим, волећи те, живела сам за тебе али те пуштам!
Не верујем ти, али ти опраштам,
Мрзим, волећи те, живела сам за тебе али те пуштам!
Али те пуштам...

Uvek cu biti sa tobom

Ne zelim jos da se oprostim. Osecam hladnocu snega na usnama. Polu uspavanih osecanja. Ti i ja, nista nismo obecali jedno drugom. Mozda tu ima neceg drugog, mozda je tu nesto sto smo izgubili.
Ali ja cu uvek biti sa tobom. Bicu tvoja sudbina. Bicu tvoja zvezda, uvek kraj tebe.
I recu cu otvoreno, zuvek bicu tvoja.
Ali ja cu uvek biti sa tobom. Bicu tvoja reka. Bicu jedino tvoja, uvek kraj tebe. I reci cu otvoreno zauvek bicu tvoja.
Sve je isto, okrenes se i pogledas me kad odlazis. Moje usne ti sapucu, o mojoj ludackoj ljubavi prema tebi. Ja sam sa tobom i nije mi potrebno nista vise. Samo otvori srce i bicu zauvek sa tobom.
Ali ja cu uvek biti sa tobom. Bicu tvoja sudbina. Bicu tvoja zvezda,uvek kraj tebe. I reci cu otvoreno, zauvek bicu tvoja.
Ali ja cu uvek biti sa tobom. Bicu tvoja reka. Bicu jedino tvoja, uvek kraj tebe. I reci cu otvoreno zauvek bicu tvoja.

Bring back the memory

Let us remember brothers those, who shielded the world form death
For us they eternally forgot about their own success,
Let's remember them with a plea, so will forgive us those
Who didn't take us where they gone, leaving us on earth,
Let us remember them a hundred times, with a glass and a tear
And with bitterness of honors, for their last stand without fear,
Let's remember, standing all, bowing over the grass our heads
They gone where the light hiding behind the haze
Bring back the memory! Bring back yourself!
I'll pray for all of you with tears!
Earth and sky have merged eternally
How its painful, inhumanly
Let us stretch our hands towards those whose eyes are full of tears
Whose home became an orphan from horror of grief
Let us remember, I beg you! Let us remember them with peace!
Those who died for our country, for honor and for their own people!
Bring back the memory! Bring back yourself!
I'll pray for all of you with tears!
Earth and sky have merged eternally
How its painful, inhumanly
Let us stretch our hands towards those whose eyes are full of tears
Whose home became an orphan from horror of grief
Let us remember, I beg you! Let us remember them with peace!
Those who died for our country, for honor and for their own people!

No love

I'm cold at home and It's hard to breathe
and my soul can't seem to warm up.
But someone silently adds more fire,
little by little I'm forgetting you.
I won't be with you,
there's no love between us.
Quit dreaming already,
so long, love !
I won't be with you,
there's no love between us.
Quit dreaming already,
so long, love !
I've said more than a thousand words,
I've been looking for you, could it be love?
I count to a hundred and want to let go.
I am probably just unable to forgive.
I won't be with you,
there's no love between us.
Quit dreaming already,
so long, love !
I won't be with you,
there's no love between us.
Quit dreaming already,
so long, love !
I won't be with you,
there's no love between us.
Quit dreaming already,
so long, love !
I won't be with you,
there's no love between us.
Quit dreaming already,
so long, love !
I won't be with you,
there's no love between us.
Quit dreaming already,
so long, love !
I won't be with you,
there's no love between us.
Quit dreaming already,
so long, love !
So long, love !
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

I Don't Believe You

You came, not looking me in the eye
I understood, that you were lost
You were quiet, but your eyes said,
That nothing was left
My feelings crumble
I tell you openly:
I don't believe you, but I ask you.
I hate love, I lived for you, but I let you go!
I don't believe you, but I ask you.
I hate love, I lived for you, but I let you go!
But I let you go...
At home, I looked in the window at night
And caught your silouhette
I breathed and knew one thing
Nothing matters, and I didn't forget you
My feelings crumble
I tell you openly:
I don't believe you, but I ask you.
I hate love, I lived for you, but I let you go!
I don't believe you, but I ask you.
I hate love, I lived for you, but I let you go!
I don't believe you, but I ask you.
I hate love, I lived for you, but I let you go!
I don't believe you, but I ask you.
I hate love, I lived for you, but I let you go!
But I let you go...
I don't believe you, but I ask you.
I hate love, I lived for you, but I let you go.
I don't believe you, but I ask you.
I hate love, I lived for you, but I let you go!
I don't believe you!
I hate love, I lived for you, but I let you go!
But I let you go...