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Број резултата: 9


Ja imam samo moju dušu

Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Pošto je potrebno reći, pošto moramo da pričamo o nama
Pošto ti srce više ne gori kao nekada
Iako mislim da se ljubav ne može ispričati
Ali pošto moramo da pričamo, onda me saslušaj
Ali ja imam samo moju dušu
Da ti o sebi pričam
O samo moja duša
Moja duša i moj glas
Plamenovi tako krhki
Na dohvat moje ruke
Smešno oružje
Da pričam o meni
Čak i ako kažeš da sam deo tebe
Da će nas naša priča pratiti korak po korak
Znam vrlo dobro da ljubav ima svoje zakone
Ako želimo da je sačuvamo, onda me poslušaj
Ali ja imam samo moju dušu
Da ti o sebi pričam
O samo moja duša
Moja duša i moj glas
I moje telo koje je u plamenu
Na zvuk tvog glasa
Ja sam samo žena
Koja te potajno voli
Ali neka me Bog prokle
Ako zaboravim svoj put
Neka me život osudi
Ako više nisi moj zakon
I ako ugasiš ovaj plamen
Koji gori za tebe
Ja imam samo moju dušu
Da pričam o meni
Ja imam samo moju dušu
Da pričam o meni

Želim ti

Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Želim ti zvezde
Želim ti svetlo
I svako dobro, koje nisam
Uspela da napravim za tebe
Želim ti da putuješ
Želim ti da odeš
Na najlepša mesta
Koja nisam umela da ti podarim
Želim ti da budeš srećan
I da budeš jako voljen
Da uzmeš sve što možeš
Onoliko koliko si ti meni dao
Želim ti tako mnogo
Želim ti tako puno ljubavi
Prigrli život sa obe ruke
Zato što ne mogu ja
Želim ti da zadržiš
Zauvek mojih 20 godina
I da nikad ne prestaneš da sanjaš
Kao što sam ja to predugo radila
Želim ti puno smeha
Želim ti puno vremena
Da pobegneš pred patnjom
To ja nisam mogla da razumem
Želim ti da budeš srećan
I da budeš jako voljen
Da uzmeš sve što možeš
Onoliko koliko si ti meni dao
Želim ti tako mnogo
Želim ti tako puno ljubavi
Prigrli život sa obe ruke
Zato što ne mogu ja
Ne mogu ja
Želim ti da budeš srećan
I da budeš jako voljen
Da uzmeš sve što možeš
Onoliko koliko si ti meni dao
Želim ti tako mnogo
Želim ti tako puno ljubavi
Prigrli život sa obe ruke
Zato što ne mogu ja
Želim ti tako mnogo
Želim ti tako puno ljubavi
Prigrli život sa obe ruke
Zato što ne mogu ja
Ne mogu ja

You who's missing from my life

What do you want, the time had us
After that, life continues
You gave me a feeling of abandonment
And which became the love-prison of captives
The love-poison which seeps in, which seep in
That desire that I miss,
It's only you who's missing from my life
The feelings that I hide away,
Its only you who's missing from my life
Each night it envelops me,
The feeling that you're missing from my life.
And I make myself bleed ink
To write you that you're missing from my life!
What do you want, the time has come
To say to yourself 'go on without me'
I'm giving you the best I have
Everything is coming back to you, the love-prison of captives
The love-poison which seeps in, which seeps in.
That desire that I miss,
It's only you who's missing from my life
The feelings that I hide away,
Its only you who's missing from my life
Each night it envelops me,
The feeling that you're missing from my life.
And I make myself bleed ink
To write you that you're missing from my life.
from my life.

Come and be my light.

In the streets of Calcutta
Where we can follow your footsteps
And the seeds of love
Sown along your path
You have given so much joy
And fought so many fights
Around and deep inside you
We could hear this voice
Be my light
Just another prayer
Be my light
Just another prayer
So much beauty in your eyes
A reflection of God
It's the fruit of your prayer
These disciples on earth
The lines on your face
The strength of testimonials
You saw it through to the end
You loved in spite of everything
Be my light
Just another prayer
Be my light
Just another prayer
And smile for the slightest reason
And open, reach out a hand
Be able to love right to the end
Be able to love on your knees
You dreamed of another world
Of a place where love was abundant Theresa
And smile for the slightest reason
And open, reach out a hand
Be able to love right to the end
Be able to love on your knees
You dreamed of another world
Of a place where love was abundant Theresa
Here or in Calcutta
Still the same fight
Be able to give love
To all those around us
Be my light
Just another prayer
Be my light
Just another prayer
Be my light
Just another prayer
Be my light
Just another prayer
Be my light

Angels In Our Lands

Angels in our lands
stroke up the heavenly hymn
and the echo of our mountains
repeats this melodious song:
Gloria in excelcis Deo
Gloria in excelcis Deo
Shepherds, come out of your retreats
and join their chorus.
Let your tender bagpipes1
ring out the tunes.
Gloria in excelcis Deo
Gloria in excelcis Deo
They announce the birth
of the Holy Saviour of Israel
and, full of gratefulness
sing in a joyous carol:
Gloria in excelcis Deo
Gloria in excelcis Deo
  • 1. or possibly a kind of ancient oboe

Songs Are Useless

Songs are useless.
They're nothing but words and wind.
They never go too far
and never last for too long.
You're everything, you're everything to me.
I have nothing else to say but that
'cause time goes by or stops here.
You're everything to me.
I don't see anything more urgent
than enjoying the moment we have.
The moment is now.
Songs are useless.
They're nothing but words and wind.
They never go too far
and never last for too long.
If I was everything, everything to you,
what else do you want after this?
Time could stop here.
You're everything to me.
Let's enjoy the time we have
and we will see tomorrow,
and we will see for good.
Songs are useless.
They're nothing but words and wind.
They never go too far
and never last for too long.
Songs don't replace anything.
Don't replace anything.
Songs are useless.
They're nothing but words and wind.
They never go too far
and never last for too long.

Forgive Me

They can talk to me about love that doesn't exist,
about the modernity which fastly progresses,
about the reinforced concrete over the favelas.
I do nothing but listen to my surroundings.
They can talk to me again about idyllic places,
about people who live all year long out of music
near the barbed wire over the Pacific.
I do nothing but listen to what they explain to me.
I can dream if they tell me how.
I can love if they tell me why.
I've dreamed it all, it's been a long time now.
I listen to you without being there.
Forgive me.
They can talk to me about the love we receive
and recite to me all the rights we all have.
They can sing them out loud at the favelas.
I do nothing but listen one more time.
I can dream if they tell me how.
I can love if they tell me why.
I've dreamed it all, it's been a long time now.
I listen to you without being there.
Forgive me.
I can dream if they tell me how.
I can love if they tell me why.
I've dreamed it all, it's been a long time now.
I listen to you without being there.
Forgive me.
Forgive me.
Forgive me.
Forgive me.

You Will Find

Versions: #1
I cannot be what I am not.
What I give weighs so little.
But inside the soul of my verses
lies the key to the secret
of how much I wanted to give you but I didn't.
I know I lost my mind.
My heart followed along.
'Cause even though I loved
like I had never loved,
I didn't know how to love you, I know.
(You will find...)
It is madness and not sadness
what breaks my voice in two.
(You will find...)
Such a wound, such beauty
to know there is still so much love left.
'Cause if you leave or if you leave me,
I'm going to fly so far away from pain.
(You will find...)
That losing you -and I'm not lying- takes me no effort.
Takes me no effort.
After me, perhaps someone else,
and like me, only one more.
And in the place I'm handing over,
give her my love and new time.
All that I no longer wait for.
I will go back to what I was.
Strong and my own self onwards.
And lost amidst my verses, you
will belatedly uncover the secret
and understand how much I gave you.
(You will find...)
It is madness and not sadness
what breaks my voice in two.
(You will find...)
Such a wound, such beauty
to know there is still so much love left.
'Cause if you leave or if you leave me,
I'm going to fly so far away from pain.
(You will find...)
That losing you -and I'm not lying- takes me no effort.
Takes me no effort.
(You will find...)
It is madness and not sadness
what breaks my voice in two.
Such a wound, such beauty
to know there is still so much love left.
'Cause if you leave or if you leave me,
I'm going to fly so far away from pain.
'Cause losing you -and I'm not lying-
takes me no effort.
(You will find...)
It is madness and not sadness
what breaks my voice in two.
Such a wound, such beauty
to know there is still so much love left.
'Cause if you leave or if you leave me,
I'm going to fly so far away from pain.
'Cause losing you -and I'm not lying.
(You will find...)
It is madness and not sadness
what breaks my voice in two.
Such a wound, such beauty
to know there is still so much love left.
'Cause if you leave or if you leave me,
I'm going to fly so far away from pain.
'Cause losing you -and I'm not lying-
takes me no effort.
Takes me no effort.
Takes me no effort.

I Can Leave Everything

I can leave everything,
Let it all go.
Make the sacrifice,
Of my deceptions.
Give up everything,
But not your smile.
I can leave everything,
Let it all go.
Make the sacrifice,
Of my deceptions.
Give up everything,
But not your smile.
But not your smile.
I'm giving up
The nights,
When you are not there.
I'm giving up
The hope,
But I knock on wood.
I'm giving up
The words which hurt me.
I'm giving up
All the stupid gestures.
I'm giving up
The day,
I prefer to sleep.
I'm giving up
The love,
Because it kills you.
I'm giving up
What I was,
What I would've been able to be,
To start over,
And who knows, to be reborn.
I can leave everything,
Let it all go.
Make the sacrifice,
Of my deceptions.
Give up everything,
But not your smile.
I can leave everything,
Let it all go.
Make the sacrifice,
Of my deceptions.
Give up everything,
But not your smile.
But not your smile.
I'm giving up
Because it forgets us.
I'm giving up
My sorrows,
They have no use.
I'm giving up
My eternity,
I haven't signed anything.
I haven't bled.
I'm giving up
What I was,
What I would've been able to be,
To start over,
And who knows, to be reborn.
I can leave everything
Let it all go.
Make the sacrifice,
Of my deceptions.
Give up everything,
But not your smile.
I can leave everything,
Let it all go.
Make the sacrifice,
Of my deceptions.
Give up everything,
But not your smile.
But not your sighs.
I can leave everything,
But not your smile.
I can leave everything,
But not your sighs.
I can leave everything,
But not your smile.