Резултати претраге страна 11
Број резултата: 334
State Anthem of Ingushetia
In the most beautiful part of the mountainous region
Thou liest, Ingushetia.
Proudly goes on the way to the future,
May you live forever, Ingushetia.
God, give the strength to Ingushetia,
God bless Ingushetia!
The land may asunder,
From the wounds inflicted by your enemies.
May the sons who died in battles be noble,
The survivors will avenge them.
God, give the strength to Ingushetia,
Give us the strength to avenge the fallen!
We're not looking for an easy life,
We want to live without black hatred.
Our land is cultivated,
Let's have the strength to do so.
God, give the strength to Ingushetia,
Give us the strength to cultivate the land!
Your thoughts about justice,
Your heart is burning,
It will start to burn from a spark like a fuel.
Be forever free, land of our fathers.
We ask that God.
God, give the strength to Ingushetia,
Let Ingushetia be free!
Anthem teasing
My mother grew up and sent me on these roads
He gave me a red flag and left me in the care of God.
He said to me: Do not stand in vain, work and serve your country.
I will never forgive you if you do not attack the enemy.
Marş ahead! The hymn is ahead! The Turkish army will not return.
The funeral stone is our pillow, and the blood is quilt
If we turn from this road, it will be difficult to honor us
Who would not have been honored to die for this beautiful country
The soul burns out of love for the country, an eternity
Marş ahead! The hymn is ahead! The Turkish army will not return.
Ege Kökenli
Данас над Македонијом
Данас над Македонијом се рађа
ново сунце слободе!
Македонци се боре
за своја права!
Македонци се боре
за своја права!
Поново сада застава се вије
Крушевске републике!
Гоце Делчев, Питу Гули,
Даме Груев, Сандански.
Гоце Делчев, Питу Гули,
Даме Груев, Сандански.
Македонске шуме шумно певају
нове песме, нове новине!
Македонија слободна,
слободно живи!
Македонија слободна,
слободно живи!
Romanian hawk
Nothing in the world is more holy
Or even nicer, on this earth,
Rather than die as a fighter
Wrapped in tricolor.
Nothing in the world is more holy
Or even nicer, on this earth,
Rather than die as a fighter
Wrapped in tricolor.
Romanian hawk, Romanian hawk
Ardelean, the 2nd Battalion
The clarion call, let's go to war
The braves gathered together with the thousands of heroes
And one chance I'm gonna die
Next to a bloody bush
Next to an oak bush
Next to the captain
And one chance I'm gonna die
Next to a bloody bush
Next to an oak bush
Next to the captain
Красна Лужица
Красна Лужица,
Исправна, пријатељска,
мојих српских отаца крај,
мојих блажених снова рај,
света су ми твоја поља!
Часу будући,
ускликни радосно!
О, нека буду са твојег
крила дошли мужеви,
пријатни вечног спомињања!
Стихови искључени из званичне верзије:
Битке се жестоко бориле,
Ратови од гвожђа ковани,
Наши преци су поносно певали.
Речи ратних песама гласно су зазвониле.
Ко ће нам сада рећи своје приче?
Када је црна божанска земља,
Последњи штанд древне вероисповести,
Сад се гавранова ограда налази ту,
Древна маховина на камењу је једном гола,
Олтари за обожавање наших предака.
The East is Red
The east is red, the sun rises.
From China arises Mao Zedong.
He strives for the people's happiness,
Hurrah, he is the people's great savior!
He strives for the people's happiness,
Hurrah, he is the people's great savior!
Chairman Mao loves the people.
He is our guide
To building a new China
Hurrah, lead us forward!
To building a new China
Hurrah, lead us forward!
The Communist Party is like the sun,
Wherever it shines, it is bright.
Wherever the Communist Party is,
Hurrah, there the people are liberated!
Wherever the Communist Party is,
Hurrah, there the people are liberated!
The east is red, the sun rises.
From China arises Mao Zedong.
He strives for the people's happiness,
Hurrah, he is the people's great savior!
He strives for the people's happiness,
Hurrah, he is the people's great savior!e
European anthem (to the joy)
O friends, not those tones!
But let's start more pleasant
And happier!
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter from Elysium,
We enter, drunk with fire,
Heavenly, your sanctuary.
Your spells bind again,
What the fashion strictly shared,
All people become brothers,
Where your gentle wing rests.
Who managed the big hit,
to be friend of a friend,
Whoever has won a devoted wife,
mix in his cheers!
Yes - who only one soul
his name is on the earth's surface!
And who could never, steal
weeping out of this covenant!
Joy is the name of the strong feather
in eternal nature.
Joy, joy pushes the wheels
in the big world clock.
Flowers lure them from the germs,
Suns from the firmament,
Spheres she rolls in the rooms,
that does not know the seer's pipe.
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter from Elysium,
We enter, drunk with fire,
Heavenly, your sanctuary.
Your spells bind again,
What the fashion strictly shared,
All people become brothers,
Where your gentle wing rests.
Der Amerikanischen Fahneneid
Ich schwöre Treue auf die Fahne
Der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
Und die Republik, für die sie steht,
Eine Nation unter Gott,
Unteilbar, mit Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit für jeden.
'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!'
National Anthem of the Katagalugan - The Honourable Song of the Katagalugan
Versions: #2
Long live, long live, this liberty, this liberty
And let us promote honour and holiness
May the Tagalog Nation reject the Spaniards
And now achieve excellence.
Long Live, long live, this liberty, liberty
And let us promote honour and holiness
May the Tagalog Nation reject the Spaniards
And now achieve excellence.
National Anthem of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
Soviet free world – Armenia!
You passed a severe path for centuries,
Your brave sons struggled for you,
For you to become the Armenians' motherland.
Glorious be, glorious always Soviet Armenia!
Work-loving and architect-building,
Unbreakable by peoples' holy alliance,
You are blooming and creating your bright future!
Immortal Lenin presented us with eternal fire,
The happiness-bringing dawn shone upon us,
The October rescued us from the destruction.
And gave us newly bright and glorious life.
Great Russia extended to us the hand of friendship,
We created a strong new state.
Our wise Party of Lenin,
Is victoriously leading us to Communism.
Afghan National Anthem
Versions: #2
This land is Afghanistan - It is the pride of every Afghan
The land of peace, the land of the sword - Its sons are all brave
This is the country of every tribe - Land of Baluch, and Uzbeks
Pashtoons, and Hazaras - Turkman and Tajiks with them,
Arabs and Gojars, Pamirian, Nooristanis
Barahawi, and Qizilbash - Also Aimaq, and Pashaye
This Land will shine for ever - Like the sun in the blue sky
In the chest of Asia - It will remain as the heart for ever
We will follow the one God - We all say, Allah is great, we all say, Allah is great
The Zapatista Anthem (Anthem of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation)
[Stanza I]
Now we can see the horizon
Zapatista combatant
The way will mark
Those that come after us
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go forward!
To take part in the struggle ahead
Because our Fatherland cries out for and needs
All of the effort of the Zapatistas
[Stanza II]
Men, children and women
We will always make the effort
Peasants and workers
All together with the people.
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go forward!
To take part in the struggle ahead
Because our Fatherland cries out for and needs
All of the effort of the Zapatistas
[Stanza III]
Our people demand now
For exploitation to end
Our history says now
struggle for liberation
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go forward!
To take part in the struggle ahead
Because our Fatherland cries out for and needs
All of the effort of the Zapatistas
[Stanza IV]
A model we must be
And keep our slogan
That we shall live for the Fatherland
Or die for freedom
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go forward!
To take part in the struggle ahead
Because our Fatherland cries out for and needs
All of the effort of the Zapatistas
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
Државна химна Руске Федерације
Русијо, света наша државо
Русијо, вољена наша земљо.
Моћна воља, велика слава
Твоје су насљеђе за сва времена!
Буди славна, Домовино, наша слободна.
Братских народа савез прастари,
Од предака дана мудрост народна!
Буди славна, земљо! Ми се поносимо тобом!
Од јужних мора до поларног краја
Пружиле су се наше шуме и поља.
Ти једина си на свијету! Једина си таква -
Чувана од Бога, родна земљо!
Буди славна, Домовино, наша слободна.
Братских народа савез прастари,
Од предака дана мудрост народна!
Буди славна, земљо! Ми се поносимо тобом!
Широки простор за снове и живот
Будуће нам откривају године.
Нама снагу даје наша верност Домовини.
Тако је било, тако је, и тако ће бити заувијек.
Буди славна, Домовино, наша слободна.
Братских народа савез прастари,
Од предака дана мудрост народна!
Буди славна, земљо! Ми се поносимо тобом!
Olympic Hymn
Immortal spirit of antiquity
Father of the true, beautiful and good
Descend, appear, shed over us thy light
Upon this ground and under this sky
Which has first witnessed thy unperishable fame
Give life and animation to these noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in the strife
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
In thy light, plains, mountains and seas
Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore thee
Oh immortal spirit of antiquity!