Превод текста

Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 20


I've walked around the whole world

I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I don't wanna believe, write about love(about love)
I meet with loneliness, I like it - I'm another one( I'm another one)
I even could forgive my enemies,(my enemies)
But why couldn't I forgive you?
After all, I found you for not to loose
I've walked around the whole world, how can I tell you?
That I don't sad, that I won't let you come
Into my heart(into my heart)
I won't write, you don't wait
You'll understand everything
And amid women's eyes
Your sadness burns
I'm here for the last time
To promise you
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I forgot the warmness of your hands
Between us is just evil
I took care of us as I could
And let it wasn't luck
And let it be so many extra words
Between us are so many 'buts'
A thunder, a storm outside the window
And is dark in my soul again
I'm yelling, but I'm not able to find
How do I forgive you now?
How do I need to leave?
Now our common path has split
How do you feel that pain in the chest?
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you


Svuda sam u patikama
Iako sam odrasla
Previše je pitanja
O čitavoj mojoj prošlosti
Upravo sam večeras slušala pesmu
Setila se tebe dok spavaš
Svi se pitaju - ko je moj dečko
A ja tako letim
Ako se odjednom prepustim - neće ti se to dopasti
Znaš, smejaću se, čak i na smajlije
Smislila sam to u mislima ovako
I zavrtelo se tako dobro
Zavrtelo se tako, da ne mogu verovati
Možda će se čitav život promeniti
Zavrtelo se tako, kao plesanje
Zavrtelo se tako, da ne mogu verovati
Možda će se čitav život promeniti
Zavrtelo se tako, kao plesanje
Devojka - balada, momak je sa ulice
Zavrtelo se tako, da ne mogu verovati
Možda će se čitav život promeniti
Zavrtelo se tako, kao plesanje
Devojka - balada, momak je sa ulice
Nisi kao sve
Nisi sa ove planete
Zarazni smeh krije sav bol
Iako ne bih smeo pričati o tome
Ne možeš sakriti tu tugu od mene
Vidim sve sam
Čitam ti u očima
Slična si mi (da)
Oboje smo na 'vi' u glavi
Pre tebe, da, bio sam drugačiji
Pre mene, da, bila si drugačija
Očigledno da zabrane nisu za nas
O ljubavi učimo zajedno
Našao sam u tebi ono što sam tražio
Našao sam mir
Plašiš se da priznaš
Ali ponovo goriš
U plavim očima poput mora
Samo 'časna reč'
Razgovori o ljubomori
A šta će biti sutra?
Nisam razmišljao o tome
Na kraju, privlačiš me
Stvarno mi se sviđaš
Zavrtelo se tako, da ne mogu verovati
Možda će se čitav život promeniti
Zavrtelo se tako, kao plesanje
Zavrtelo se tako, da ne mogu verovati
Možda će se čitav život promeniti
Zavrtelo se tako, kao plesanje
Devojka - balada, momak je sa ulice
Zavrtelo se tako, da ne mogu verovati
Možda će se čitav život promeniti
Zavrtelo se tako, kao plesanje
Devojka - balada, momak je sa ulice
Zavrtelo se tako, da ne mogu verovati
Možda će se čitav život promeniti
Zavrtelo se tako, kao plesanje
Devojka - balada, momak je sa ulice
Zavrtelo se tako, da ne mogu verovati
Možda će se čitav život promeniti
Zavrtelo se tako, kao plesanje
Devojka - balada, momak je sa ulice

I fell in love (Forever - forever ...)

'I fell in love'
(Forever, forever ...)
I fell in love, in your eyes - forever (Forever)
And how to live without you now, tell me? (Tell me?)
Forgive me for not being able to save us (Save)
I fell in love, in your eyes, and you, and you? (And you?)
You deceived me (Deceived) gave me hope (I have hope)
That was your game, but for me it was a dream
Unexpected Action (Unexpected Action), Unfinished Drama (Unfinished)
I was one step away from saying: 'My love'
I fell in love, mom, she is that same lady
In the dark she burns like light, I love her - she is not
I fell in love, mom (I fell in love, mom), she found me herself (She found me herself)
Changed the world in me (In me), I love her - she does not (No-no)
I will hug you like it's the last time
I want to stop time (Time)
I fell in love, in your eyes - forever (Forever)
And how to live without you now, tell me? (Tell me?)
Forgive me for not being able to save us (Save)
I fell in love, in your eyes, and you, and you? (And you?)
Yes, we don't care who is there, what people say behind us
Don't even judge us and even try to understand
And if two souls want to be together, they cannot be changed
They themselves all decided to be near and trust
This (your) mole, sweet mole
It's like a light on you ( - in the sense of 'like a light came together on you like a wedge')
Tell me how you put up with me like this?
I know I was wrong
You will teach me to believe again, this is a gift, this is a talent
Yes, I'm blind, I don't see here, there's no one here but you
I need little, just to be with you - not to lose you
Yes, I'm rude, unbearable, I conveyed feelings for a long time
Anyway, there are many who want to ask for love
This (your) mole, sweet mole
I will hug you like it's the last time
I'm not looking for logic in these feelings
I fell in love with your eyes, now
I will hug you like it's the last time
I want to stop time (Time)
I fell in love, in your eyes - forever (Forever)
And how to live without you now, tell me? (Tell me?)
Forgive me for not being able to save us (Save)
I fell in love, in your eyes, and you, and you? (And you?)
I fell in love, in your eyes - forever (Forever)
And how to live without you now, tell me? (Tell me?)
Forgive me for not being able to save us (Save)
I fell in love, in your eyes, and you, and you? (And you?)

Where have you been?

I'll sing, you'll cry
I'll sing, you'll cry
Sing lyrics for us by heart
I'll sing, you'll cry
You'll cry
You'll sing along and cry
You'll cry
I withdrawn into myself, texts, notes
You told me, the songs're the worst idea
I'm a poet and not always hear the right note
But I hear your hearts, that's more important
I composed all the songs about you
I invented this love to you myself
So sing along, look at
Who I have become
Just a question
Where have you been?? With who?
I, I sang in stairwells
I sang these songs, sang to different stupid birches
Where have you been?? With who?
I, I sang in stairwells
I sang these songs, sang to different stupid birches
I'll sing, you'll cry
I'll sing, you'll cry
Sing lyrics for us by heart
I'll sing, you'll cry
You'll cry
You'll sing along and cry
You'll cry
I'll sing, you'll cry
I'll sing, you'll cry
Sing lyrics for us by heart
I'll sing, you'll cry
You'll cry
You'll sing along and cry
You'll cry
No matter where I am
The avenue leads to you
Let's put aside doubts
I'm with you, without you I'm lost, yes
Here's my shoulder, hold it
Give me your hand, we'll run away
From this dirty lie
But you've foiled it
There are floors between us
I have a good life
Though you threw me on knives
I learned how to live without you
There are floors between us
I have a good life,
Though you threw me on knives
I learned how to live without you
To live without you
To live without you
To live without you
Just a question
Where have you been?? With who?
I, I sang in stairwells
I sang these songs, sang to different stupid birches

Без тебе ја нисам ја

Без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Ти си моја магија, аномалија
Са тобом хоћу одлетети у рај
Све ћу саградити под белим једром
Не треба ми пуно речи
Само буди са мном
На крају, без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Душо, ја нисам ја, душо, ја нисам ја
Спреман сам да издржим, да трчим
Спреман сам умрети, али са тобом дишем
Само не затварај врата
Пред мојим носем
Само ми веруј
И слатко ћеш спавати
Заједно смо градили
Ово је наш свет, наш свет
Како смо једно друго нашли
Веруј ми, драга и хајдемо
Овај свет нас чини болеснима
Без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Ти си моја магија, аномалија
Са тобом хоћу одлетети у рај
Све ћу саградити под белим једром
Не треба ми пуно речи
Само буди са мном
На крају, без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Душо, ја нисам ја, душо, ја нисам ја
Међу бројним сумњама
Ухвати се једног разлога и веруј ми
Говорили су ти да одеш
Заувек да одеш
Хоћеш ли поверовати? Не!
Како ме трпиш?
Што би трпела, кад ме просто волиш
Како ме трпиш?
Толико разлога да би ме силно волела
Заједно смо градили
Ово је наш свет, наш свет
Како смо једно друго нашли
Веруј ми, драга и хајдемо
Овај свет нас чини болеснима
Без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Ти си моја магија, аномалија
Са тобом хоћу одлетети у рај
Све ћу саградити под белим једром
Не треба ми пуно речи
Само буди са мном
На крају, без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Душо, ја нисам ја, душо, ја нисам ја

Хоћеш ли да дођем код тебе

Зашто опет не спаваш?
Рекли су ми да тугујеш.
А хоћеш ли да дођем до тебе?
А хоћеш ли да дођем...
[Строфа 1, HammAli & Navai]:
Заволела си ме онаквог каквог ме је немогуће заволети.
Иако нисам дуго са тобом
Ти разумеш да си за мене као ваздух.
Рукама ти додирујем усне, ти рониш сузе.
Изненада те спашавам, знај, нећу те оставити саму.
Не желим да плачеш, плачеш, доћи ћу,
Не желим да плачеш, плачеш, сачекај ме.
Чак иако су међу нама стотине километара
Ја ћу доћи да видим зашто не спаваш.
Толико дана и дана. Само са њом и са њом.
Миран сам. Поново примаш моју поруку.
Хајде излази, стојим поред куће. Еј!
Рефрен [х2]:
Зашто опет не спаваш?
Рекли су ми да тугујеш.
А хоћеш ли да дођем до тебе?
А хоћеш ли да дођем...
Не желим да плачеш, плачеш, доћи ћу,
Не желим да плачеш, плачеш, сачекај ме.
Доћи ћу код тебе... Доћи ћу код тебе...
[Куплет 2, HammAli & Navai]:
Ја сам опет на послу, ти се опет бринеш.
Спремила си вечеру, али охладила се, мало времена проводимо заједно.
Нисам поред тебе, опрости ми,
Али молим те, барем данас немој бити тужна.
Заузет сам, не зови ме, заузет сам,
На послу је опет гомила обавеза, у кур*ц, опет много задатака.
Уморио сам се, и тако желим да те загрлим.
Јурим аутопутем ка теби, опет јурим.
Рефрен [х2]:
Зашто опет не спаваш?
Рекли су ми да тугујеш.
А хоћеш ли да дођем до тебе?
А хоћеш ли да дођем...
Не желим да плачеш, плачеш, доћи ћу,
Не желим да плачеш, плачеш, сачекај ме.
Доћи ћу код тебе... Доћи ћу код тебе...
Све је обавила зима, опет си сама код куће.
Последња чаша вина, и поново ме чекаш.
Све је обавила зима, опет си сама код куће.
Последња чаша вина, и поново ме чекаш.
Поново ме чекаш...
Поново ме чекаш...
Поново ме чекаш...

Како да те заборавим?

Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли
Одведи ме далеко од свих, јесен је прости изговор
Да ти пишем, да те подсетим свега
Шта ти могу пружити?
Осим сузних очију, а не бити узрок истих
Како те могу изненадити?
Знам да сам имућан, али не онолико колико су они
Шта ти могу пружити?
Овде је моје срце, узми га, покушај га купити са верношћу
Позови ме, останимо до јутра
Брига ме што морамо устати рано
Имам лет, ти имаш посла
Проведимо неко време заједно, толико си ми потребна
Тражио сам те, за љубав, међу свима, пронашао сам
Али онда сам изгубио себе
Не препознајем те, али тако си близу
Зашто си се толико променила?
Напорно трагам за тобом
Како те могу пронаћи?
Навикла си се на размену
Осећања за новац других
Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли
Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли
Прекасно је да се каже 'збогом', прекасно за љубав
Једино Бог зна колико сам те волео
Ствари које сам чинио за тебе, не можеш бити озбиљна, ја сам
Испунила си ми срце, а сада је празно
Све мрзим и мрзим
Што више нисмо ми, и нисмо заједно, нисмо заједно
У мојој глави си и на сваком месту
Твоја слика се појављује читавог дана
Шта је са мном? Остани са мном
Јер без тебе, сам тако очајан
Волиш када ти мушкарци хране уши
Не са чистом душом, већ са звуком новчаница
А ја шетам улицама, пролазим поред старих зграда
Ти трагаш за авантурама, док ја тебе тражим
Напорно трагам за тобом, како те могу пронаћи?
Навикла си се на размену осећања за новац других
Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли
Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли


Недостају ми твоје руке
Зима је дошла а изван прозора мећава
Звонио бих и рекао: 'Па здраво мама'
Још нисам никога нашао ко воли попут тебе
Био сам презаузет својим послом па нисам звао
Какве девојке, ниједна те не може заменити
Ја сам улични песник и романтичар
Никоме не верујем, срце ми је хладно као на Арктику
Али у мом срцу за тебе је увек пролеће
Ту су ароматични цветни вртови
Одвео сам ноћ одатле и све оно лоше
Све сам отклонио, само сам твоју љубав оставио
И љубим твоје руке, мајко
Иако умем бити тврдоглав
Опрости ми мајко за те сузе
Обећавам да ћу ускоро све исправити
Недостају ми твоје руке
Зима је дошла а изван прозора мећава
Звонио бих и рекао: 'Па здраво мама'
Још нисам никога нашао ко воли попут тебе
Недостају ми твоје руке
Зима је дошла а изван прозора мећава
Звонио бих и рекао: 'Па здраво мама'
Још нисам никога нашао ко воли попут тебе
Опрости мама, што сам се тако понашао
И сваки пут када те видим, пољубим твоје руке
Мама, опрости, схватио сам да сам био будала
На крају, схватио сам да ме нико неће волети попут тебе
Мама опрости ми, што сам те тако ретко звао
Посветио сам се само послу и заборавио на оно најважније
Мама опрости за то што волим бити сам
Али без тебе, застрашујуће је замислити свет
Мама, знам да ти можеш и да ћеш ми опростити
Иако други људи неће моћи
Отишао сам негде у себе, али ти си та која не може заспати
Како ти волиш мама, нико ме неће волети
Недостају ми твоје руке
Зима је дошла а изван прозора мећава
Звонио бих и рекао: 'Па здраво мама'
Још нисам никога нашао ко воли попут тебе
Недостају ми твоје руке
Зима је дошла а изван прозора мећава
Звонио бих и рекао: 'Па здраво мама'
Још нисам никога нашао ко воли попут тебе

Зовеш ноћу

Куплет 1. HammAli
Не верујем у ово
Како нам се ово могло десити?
Не верујем у ово
Шта ћеш ми постати сада?
Не верујем у ово
Као и оног дана нисам ти веровао
Не верујем у ово
Не верујем у ово
Тражила си опроштај, рекао сам ти збогом тог дана
Молио сам те да се смириш, несвестан речи које нису могле ни мене смирити
Само бити близу, али није то тако лако
Питаш када могу волети, а ја одговарам да је прекасно
Переход. HammAli & Navai
Волео бих да се могу више смејати
Пошто си ти била разлог за осмех
Али за тебе ћу остати сам звук
Са твојих усана, са звучника
Не пишем овако, и не пуштам да чекаш на моје поруке
Не журим на те састанке, безначајни су ми
Пишем ти да сам заборавио да ти пожелим срећан рођендан
А ти кажеш: 'Престани да се тако понашаш, а ја ћу рећи: 'Тек сам почео'
Зовеш ноћу и кажеш да ме не можеш заменити
Зовеш ноћу да ми чујеш глас и заборавиш на бол
Зовеш ноћу и причаш о узајамној љубави
Зовеш ноћу и прибојаваш се једне ствари - да се нећу јавити
Зовеш ноћу и кажеш да ме не можеш заменити
Зовеш ноћу да ми чујеш глас и заборавиш на бол
Зовеш ноћу и причаш о узајамној љубави
Зовеш ноћу и прибојаваш се једне ствари - да се нећу јавити
Куплет 2. Navai
Душа те боли зато што сам је изградио тако климавом
Нисмо пар, али реци ми ко те је узнемирио
Зовеш када ти се крхко срце гуши у болу
Зовем и ја тебе, али, али, нема сигнала
Срце ми се замрзло као камен, чак и кад би га угрејала рукама
Али не би ме разумела, у твом срцу има само лажи
Зашто се поново обмањујемо?
Са равнодушношћу дошла је зима
Креативан сам, али то значи да гладујем
Глас ми је на твојим звучницима и жицама
И сећаш се наших речи: 'Нећу те напустити, нећу одустати!'
Зовеш ноћу и кажеш да ме не можеш заменити
Зовеш ноћу да ми чујеш глас и заборавиш на бол
Зовеш ноћу и причаш о узајамној љубави
Зовеш ноћу и прибојаваш се једне ствари - да се нећу јавити
Зовеш ноћу и кажеш да ме не можеш заменити
Зовеш ноћу да ми чујеш глас и заборавиш на бол
Зовеш ноћу и причаш о узајамној љубави
Зовеш ноћу и прибојаваш се једне ствари - да се нећу јавити

I Don't Want To Fly

{Refrain x2}
I'm your best friend, and there's no way I can be here without you.
There's a lot of people around, but I can’t fly without you.
I'm your best friend, and there's no way I can be here without you.
There's a lot of people around, but I can’t fly without you.
[Verse 1]:
You love my crazy ways. You love my spirit.
Nothing's important to us. You're near me, and once again my feelings are strong.
You love my tenderness.
I'm touched by your (cries).
I'm yours forever so carelessly.
Always be my silent one.
(I rebel against what's not allowed.)
People were against (us), you know very well who (you're supposed to be with).
(I'm the king of my castle, and you're under my guard.)
Your brain may not know it, but you own my soul.
Your passion burns just like a desert.
Let my name be (the one that brings joy to you whenever you say) my name.
Give me your hand - and let your sadness pass.
You know, I don't want to fly without you.
You know, I don’t want to fly without you, I don’t want to fly without you!
I don’t want to fly, I don’t want to fly without you!
I don’t want to fly, I don’t want to fly without you!
I don't want to fly, I don't want to fly ...
I can't fly without you ...
I don’t want to fly, I don’t want to fly without you!
I don’t want to fly, I don’t want to fly without you!
I don’t want to fly, I don’t want to fly without you!
I don't want to fly, I don't want to fly ...
I can't fly without you …
[Verse 2]:
You fell in love with my (humble dwellings), and erased all my (preconceptions).
Our feelings (aren't acceptable to the mainstream).
Love is a poem that shackles us.
Are we a crazy couple, or a couple of lovers?
It's time to understand that we're nobody without each other.
(A few curse words), and we float outside (the mainstream),
But I don't want to fly without you ...
I am (unimportant), selfish and rude, I can't find a place for myself in this life.
I am a slacker, (spending my time in) restaurants and clubs. This life pulls me to the bottom.
But you are my lifeline. (But the touch of my hands warm you.)
It's dangerous, but (willingly played) the game
And well, I am yours here, your best friend!
I'm your best friend, and there's no way I can be here without you.
There's a lot of people around, but I can’t fly without you.
I'm your best friend, and there's no way I can be here without you.
There's a lot of people around, but I can’t fly without you.
{Refrain x2}
I don’t want to fly, I don’t want to fly without you!
I don’t want to fly, I don’t want to fly without you!
I don’t want to fly, I don’t want to fly without you!
I don't want to fly, I don't want to fly ...
I can't fly without you …
I'm your best friend, and there's no way I can be here without you.
There's a lot of people around, but I can’t fly without you.
I'm your best friend, and there's no way I can be here without you.
There's a lot of people around, but I can’t fly without you.

How Do I Forget You

And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind
Take me away from everyone else, autumn is a simple excuse
To write you, to remind you of everything
What can I give you?
Instead of teary eyes, not being a cause for crying
How can I surprise you?
I know I'm rich, but not as rich as they are
What can I give you?
Here's my heart, hold it, try to buy it with loyalty
Call me, let's stay up till morning
I don't care that we have to get up so early
I've got a flight, you've got business
Let's spend some time together, I need so much more of you
I've been looking for you, for love, among everyone, I've been finding it but then losing myself
I don't recognize you, but you're so near
Why did you change so much?
I've been looking so hard for you
How can I find you?
You've gotten so used to exchanging
Feelings for the money of others
And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind
And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind
It's too late to say goodbye, too late for love
But only God knew how much I loved you
The things I do I do for you, you can't be serious, I am
You filled up my heart, now it's empty
I hate everything, and I hate
That we're no longer us, and we're not together, not together
You're in my head and all over the place
Your image flashes all day long
What's with me? Stay with me
'Cause without you, I'm such a shitshow
You like it when guys flood your ears
Not with pure souls, but with the crunching of money
And I'm walking through streets, past old buildings
You're looking for an adventure, while I, I'm looking for you
I'm looking so hard for you, how can I find you
You've gotten so used to exchanging feelings for the money of others
And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind
And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind

You call at night

Couplet 1:
I don't believe this.
How could this happen to us?
I don't believe this.
Who will you become for me now?
I don't believe this.
Just as on that last day I didn't believe you.
I don't believe this,
I don't believe this.
You asked for forgiveness, I bade you farewell that very day.
I asked you to calm down, but what was I saying, since I couldn't calm down myself.
Simply to be near, but being near isn't simple at all.
You ask, 'When can I love?', and I answer, 'It's too late.'
I would have liked to smile more,
Since you were a reason to smile.
But for you I will remain just sound,
From your lips, from your speakers.
I don't write like that, and let it be that you wait for my messages.
I don't hurry to these, such meetings mean so little to me.
I'm bashing you1, I forgot to wish you a happy birthday.
You say, 'Stop acting like this', and I reply, 'I'm just getting started.'
You call at night and say you couldn't replace me,
You call at night and hear my voice, and forget the hurt.
You call at night and start talking about mutual love.
You call at night fearing one thing - that I won't pick up.
You call at night and say you couldn't replace me,
You call at night and hear my voice, and forget the hurt.
You call at night and start talking about mutual love.
You call at night fearing one thing - that I won't pick up.
Couplet 2:
Your soul aches, because I built it up so shaky,
No, we aren't a pair, but tell me who upset you.
You call when your fragile heart is drowning in pain,
I call you too, but... but... but... a dial tone, and no more.
My heart froze like a stone, even if you warmed it with your hands.
But you wouldn't understand me, in your heart there are only lies.
Why do we again deceive each other?
With indifference 2 came the cold.
I am creative, but that means I must starve.
My voice is through your speakers and wires,
And you remember our words, 'I won't leave you and I won't give up!'
You call at night and say you couldn't replace me,
You call at night and hear my voice, and forget the hurt.
You call at night and start talking about mutual love.
You call at night fearing one thing - that I won't pick up.
You call at night and say you couldn't replace me,
You call at night and hear my voice, and forget the hurt.
You call at night and start talking about mutual love.
You call at night fearing one thing - that I won't pick up.
  • 1. The correct lyric is 'я тебя бешу(bash)'. Even if it sounds a little weird, that's how it's said in the song. Otherwise it should be 'я тебЕ пишу'
  • 2. Again, the correct lyric should be 'с безразличием'
Thanks for reading! I hope my translation helped you!
Feel free to leave a comment if I made any mistakes.


I miss your (caresses) 1
The winter has arrived, but through the window (everything's) just (flown) south.
I type, 'Well, hi mom.'
I still haven't found anyone who loves me like you do.
I'm all to myself, my life is my work, I didn't call (you)
These girls of course won't replace (you)
I'm a street poet and romantic.
I don't trust anyone, and my heart's as cold as the Arctic.
Well, at least for you it's always Springtime where you are.
With colorful 2 aromatic gardens.
I've driven away the night from there, driven away all bad things,
driven away everything from there, except for your love.
And, I kiss your hands, mom.
Although stubbornly I'll stay for you.
You'll have to excuse these tears, mom. 3
I promise that soon I'll mend my ways. 4
I miss your (caresses).
The winter has arrived, but through the window (everything's) just flown south.
I type, 'Well, hi mom.'
I still haven't found anyone who loves me like you do.
I miss your (caresses).
The winter has arrived, but through the window (everything's) just flown south.
I type, 'Well, hi mom.'
I still haven't found anyone who loves me like you do.
Mom, I'm sorry that things didn't turn out the way you wanted. 5
And, that every time you would meet (some man) I would kiss your hand.
Mom, forgive (me), I realize 6 how much of an ass I've been.
Well, I finally understand that no one will love me like you do.
Mom, forgive me that I so seldom called you.
I threw myself into my work, and forgot about everything important.
Mom, I'm sorry that I so love to be alone.
but without you this world would become too frightening.
Mom, I know that you can and will forgive me.
Even though other people won't.
Wherever I am inside or outside myself, 7 you'll never sleep again
how you love, mom, how you love me like no one else.
I miss your (caresses)
The winter has arrived, but through the window (everything's) just flown south.
I type, 'Well, hi mom.'
I still haven't found anyone who loves me like you do.
  • 1. 'hands'
  • 2. 'colourful' (British)
  • 3. 'You sorry me for these tears'
  • 4. 'straighten up'
  • 5. 'that you were led completely not like this'
  • 6. 'realise' (British)
  • 7. (not able to translate literally or with meaning)

I think about you

I want you to know
That I think of you
I think of you, I think of you
In the morning, afternoon and evening
I think of you, I think of you, I think of you
I think of your eyes so cute
I think of your sweet mouth
I think of a great delirium
I think with such crazy passion
I want you to know
Every moment of my life
I think of you, I think of you
In the morning, afternoon and night I think of you
I think of you