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Број резултата: 9


Marica, don't resent me

Ah, what a fine night it is
Marica, I have to come to you
Marica, don't resent me, don't resent me
Marica, I'm yours.
Don't you joke around with me,
oh those furious little devils,
Just tell me clearly and nicely already
That you're kissing me
When I become old
You won't worry about me
You will just flirt and flirt,
'Cause you were so mischievous

I'm afraid of mice

Night falls, I'm home alone
lying comfy in my bed.
The moon floats past the window,
my eyes are about to close.
A scratching sound behind the wardrobe.
I wake up in a flash,
overwhelmed by a panic attack.
What am I to do?
Mice, mice, I'm afraid of mice.
I'm terrified of them, positively terrified.
I shudder and scream for help,
perched on the table all night long.
Mice, mice, I'm afraid of mice.
Where could I run and hide?
I can't bring myself to go back to bed.
What if it was lurking in there? Where am I to wait?
The rooster is singing
its morning song already.
I was overcome by sleep,
and so was the mouse.
We both had the same sweet dream
in a quiet silence.
I snored in the mouse's ears,
so did the mouse in mine.
Mice, mice, I'm afraid of mice.
I'm terrified of them, simply terrified.
I shudder and scream for help,
perched on the table all night long.
Mice, mice, I'm afraid of mice.
Where could I run and hide?
I can't bring myself to go back to bed.
What if it was lurking in there? Where am I to wait? (x3)

Radoznali fićfirić

Osvaja me jedan fićfirić,
stasit, zavodljiv.
Nesramno radoznao taj je ptić
i kao miš čeprkav.
Reci mi, gde imaš srce,
radoznao je, neugnan.
Odakle ti rastu noge,
pita me svaki dan.
Razi, mici, micika,
Taj je nagizdan.
Gospodin je, bez novaca,
Zavodljiv mangup.
Mici, mici, micika,
Pazi na noge.
Dalje od fićfirića,
Otrov je za srce!
Zašto imaš to, i šta je to?
prepipao sve bi rado.
Zašto oblačiš tol'ko haljina
ne prestaje zapitkivati.
Zaistinu je radoznao i čeprkav,
vragolast je kao kradljivac.
Sa mnom, noćas bi rado grešio,
taj ludi fićfirić.


Kad ide momak ulicom sam, naglas mu zazviždim,
kada čeka nasmejan, samo pogledam u stranu.
Kad mi se momak obrati, pravi se finim,
čim brže se pravim, da mi se žuri.
Ja sam prava nevaljalica,
Na sve šale spremna
Uvek malo blesava,
Uvek sam zaljubljena.
Ja sam prava nevaljalica,
uvek samo otvorenog srca,
a na kraju niko ne zna,
šta u srcu je.
Kad me povzove na ples, na uho šapuće,
a ja mu se podsmehujem dat, da je malo lud.
Kad na kafu idemo, razgovaram razdragano,
kad me vozi kroz selo, ja sam sva tiha.

The music is my life

When I was a little girl,
everybody was asking me:
' what would you be, when you grow up?'
the prayed loud:
' she will be a doctor'
' she will be a teacher'
' she will better be a judge, for the justice will win'.
For birthday I foughth a flute for present
and learned to play all song.
Uncles, auntes came,
asked for the child
and the crowd stoped
as I played my polka.
no no no and no again,
I know, what I want,
I don't care for another opinions,
because my conscience is whispering to me.
No no no and no again,
I don't care about anything else,
my Happy heart is singing,
zur music is my life.
When my mother walks down the street,
the neighbours are smiling:
' greetings for our naughty little girl.
At you this rules are not apply, that the women dance like men are playing'.
My happy heart is singing,
the music is my life.

Fairy tale for two

Wegen you have fun in these days
and the sun is shining in your eyes,
you left the month may behind you,
just call me and the world will be yours.
You will forget the rainy days,
you will surrend to me, darling,
and day after day in the middle of the
the fairy tale for two is waiting for you.
Let the sea silently play,
Let the sea whisper to you
my dreams, when I will
with you hug the world for both of us.
Let the sea silently play,
Let the sea whisper to you,
and the waves are singing to you,
that you belong just to me.
I painted a smile for you,
spreaded my wings in dark,
you wish that never ends,
for this is fairy tale.
Let the sea silently play,
Let the sea whisper to you
my dreams, when I will
with you hug the world for both of us.
Let the sea silently play,
Let the sea whisper to you,
and the waves are singing to you,
that you belong just to me.
And the waves are singing to you,
that you belong just to me.

Why are you so shy

As soon as I saw him, I noticed
his currly hair and
a naughty smile
So I watched him, he watched the floor
I approached him
And asked him,
why are you so shy,
why are you afraid of me?
why dont`t you dare come closer
and when are you standing here?
why are you so shy?
whyare you trembling?
Invite me to dance fast
show me what you can.
Now when we are allready couple für long time
The bar laughs
Nobody is remembering
How we got there
I've been watching you
you watched the floor
I approached you
and asked you:
why are you so shy?
whyare you trembling?
Invite me to dance fast
show me what you can(x2)

It's just like that

When the bright moon
found its way up the sky tonight,
we had agreed
that he would come to me.
I had waited
'Where is he now,' I asked
called him all night
to come, to tell.
Firstly, he says
he's close and really
hurrying, secondly,
he tells me he's home and sleeping.
When again I
get him, from anger I completely
turn crazy because
he coldly says he's with friends
It's just like that, it's just like that
boys like to lie
and don't know, and don't know
we don't believe them.
It's just like that, it's just like that
Short lie has legs and that
the truth real fast is known
Where you've been all night is fast known.
When the Sun rises,
and slowly awakens
the day comes my boy,
all happy and smiling,
fairy-tale promises
that it'll never repeat
don't interest me
don't convince me

He must be mine

'He must be mine,'
I promised myself
When he stands on the altar
he won't regret it
I met him at a ball
where he spun me as a windstorm
and from that night on
for anyone else, I don't care.
So what if he loves another,
time will do its own
and between my kisses,
he'll forget her
Now I spruce myself up only for him
almost every day, I meet him.
I think that already differently
he sees me and smiles at me.
My heart is like fire,
my feelings as hot as a volcano
but he would, everything that's burning inside me,
extinguish on his own.
He must be mine
I promised myself
If I catch him
I won't let go.
He must be mine
I'll love him full-heartedly.
When he stands on the altar,
he won't regret it