Резултати претраге страна 5
Број резултата: 203
Inayae en uyir thunaiyae
Un imai thirandhaal
Naan uraivadhu yenadi
Azhagae en muzhu ulagam
Un vizhigalilae
Kan urangudhu paaradi
Arugae nee irundhaal
En kaipesi vaai moodumae
Thalai saithu nee sirithaaiyenil
En thaeneeril thaen koodumae
Inayae en uyir thunaiyae
Un inimaiyile
Naan karaivadhu yenada
Yugamaai kai viral pidithu
Naam nadapadhu pol
Naan unarvadhu yenada
Ambulance car
Her fingers garlanded with rings of Saturn
She smells worse than a spitting urn,
Her granddad is Marquis de Sade,
Her papa is Schicklgruber.
She is more dangerous than virus of AIDS
She is bloodier than bullfighter's blades
She calls me back to her,
To the gloomy Kingdom of Hades.
Ambulance car, ambulance car,
Ambulance car, and go far... go far... go fuck off!
Early autumn, pleasant night.
Arbat street. House number eight.
Here once resided Tanya,
(I can still remember this!)
Someone cuts his wrists in bathroom
Walls are shaking from love-making
We drink vodka on the kitchen,
Three, including Jimi Hendrix.
Ambulance car, ambulance car,
Ambulance car, and go far... go far... go fuck off!
Oh, my dull-eyed child,
You cherish syringe's glide.
But in vain, yes, in vain,
You are flying in the clouds.
Clouds give a poor support,
You will soon fall back to dirt,
And you will be taken without delay,
To the graveyard mounds.
Ambulance car, ambulance car,
Ambulance car, and go far... go far... go fuck off!
© Uncommon
Terrifying secret
What to do, when
Everything in life is upside down.
Sparkling from the corner,
Carried by the breeze,
The tram departed,
So now on foot.
To warm hands, and the door
Is locked with two locks.
To look through the window for a long time,
Counting the clouds.
To write poems for the last time,
And then, to turn the gas in the kitchen on.
To write poems for the last time,
And then, to light the gas in the kitchen up.
To warm wine, to call to all of us.
This secret will die with us,
This terrifying secret will die with us,
This terrifying secret will die with us.
Девојка-лепотица у црвеној хаљиници у ноћи
Као звезде ти сијају очи, можда мене чекаш
Осмехујеш ми се, сретали смо се у сну
Све моје бесане ноћи, сви путеви су водили теби...
Моја, моја, моја неземаљска
Како си ме пронашла
Пре тебе сам имао среће само у картама
Сада без тебе нема ни дана
За тобом ћу у ватру
За тебе ћу ходати по ивици
Заувек сам с тобом
Обећавам да ћу те волети
Моја, моја неземаљска...
Идем твојим стопама, неизлечиво заљубљен
Разликујем по гласу шта крије твој тон
Твој смех ме заробљава, летим у сну
Све моје бесане ноћи, сви путеви су водили теби...
Моја, моја, моја неземаљска
Како си ме пронашла
Пре тебе сам имао среће само у картама
Сада без тебе нема ни дана
За тобом ћу у ватру
За тебе ћу ходати по ивици
Заувек сам с тобом
Обећавам да ћу те волети
Моја, моја неземаљска...
Разумемо се
Научили смо гласно и без речи
С љубављу прихватам
Твоју љубав...
Моја, моја, моја неземаљска
Како си ме пронашла
Пре тебе сам имао среће само у картама
Сада без тебе нема ни дана
За тобом ћу у ватру
За тебе ћу ходати по ивици
Заувек сам с тобом
Обећавам да ћу те волети
Моја, моја неземаљска...
[Строфа 1]
Пишеш ми тако тужна писма,
И на свакој страници је потпуна тишина.
Прости одговори, видећемо се поново,
Залепићу у коверте сваку реч.
Отићи ћеш и нећеш ме ни погледати,
А ја трчим на црвено светло.
Облаци тако маме на туђе обале,
А ти си ме ранио ненамерно.
И сама сам се сломила напола,
Заљубила се у тебе тако очајно.
Облаци тако маме на туђе обале,
А ти си ме ранио ненамерно.
Тако сам те чекала, препознала по корацима,
Твоја сам, твоја случајна.
[Строфа 2]
Непарни бројеви, неједнаке ноте,
И више нема смисла палити ротационо.
Отићи ћу неприметно, ма шта смо то учинили?
Док се спашавам од ветра у хладној постељи.
Нећу заплакати, нити повикати,
И свакако ћу ти опростити.
Облаци тако маме на туђе обале,
А ти си ме ранио ненамерно.
И сама сам се сломила напола,
Заљубила се у тебе тако очајно.
Облаци тако маме на туђе обале,
А ти си ме ранио ненамерно.
Тако сам те чекала, препознала по корацима,
Твоја сам, твоја случајна.
Нећу заплакати, нити повикати,
И свакако ћу ти опростити.
Облаци тако маме на туђе обале,
А ти си ме ранио ненамерно.
И сама сам се сломила напола,
Заљубила се у тебе очајно.
Облаци тако маме на туђе обале,
А ти си ме ранио ненамерно.
Тако сам те чекала, препознала по корацима,
Твоја сам, твоја случајна.
The Old Wartime Song
Versions: #2
Songs of our squadron are no longer heard.
Tinkly sounds of cleft hooves finished ringing.
Bullets pierced the bottom of the cooking pot.
Sutler girl is killed, but pain's still stinging.
Few of us are left: just us and our pain.
Few of us but our foes are fewer.
And as long as we live, frontline's our bane,
If we perish, Heaven's our future.
Holding rifle bolt, yet head feels gloom at hand,
Though it seems my soul soared free from fetters.
What's the point of writing with blood on the sand?
Nature has no use for our letters.
Sleep tight, dear brothers, it will all come back,
New commanders will be born, however
Newly drafted soldiers still will be on track
To receive their own apartments - never.
Sleep on, dear brothers, everything repeats,
Everything in nature runs in circles.
Words as well as bullets, blood and deep love beats.
Time for peace will never clear the hurdles.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Black mole
Versions: #2
Don't look at me so, through your squinting eye,
Gentlemen, barons and ladies.
In twenty minutes I couldn't get drunk, if I tried
From a single glass of cold brandy,
After all, I'm a student, I'm chamberlain's child,
I'm a black mole, I'm a bat, blind and free.
Wine and men, it's the life I required.
Salute immigrants into the free Paris!
In October my father was taken alive,
But he helped the *Whites quite a lot.
And the cold words 'firing squad' when the time arrived-
The tribunal verdict, like sound of a shot.
And here I'm, a prostitute, in a bar, what's your desire,
I'm a black mole, I'm a bat, blind and free.
Wine and men, it's the life I required.
Salute immigrants into the free Paris!
I said to the colonel: Take me, here I'm!
There is no way with *Don 'currency' you're going to pay,
Sir, you better pay me with Francs,
And all the rest it's the dust on the roadway.
And here I'm, a prostitute, in a bar, what's your desire,
I'm a black mole, I'm a bat, blind and free.
Wine and men, it's the life I required.
Salute immigrants into the free Paris!
Only sometime, when I wild passion pretend
I recall the dust of Odessa, and dear acacia tree,
And I spit in their drooling faces then!
And all the rest is just a sad story.
After all, I'm a student, I'm chamberlain's child,
I'm a black mole, I'm a bat, blind and free.
Wine and men, it's the life I required.
Salute immigrants into the free Paris!
Behind the stove sings the cricket.
Behind the stove sings the cricket,
Calm down, don’t cry, little son,
Here - on the window frost,
Is like a bright night star.
Like a bright night star.
Like a bright night star.
Well, if there is not a single roll,
Look out, the pure firmament,
See, shine the stars,
The moon sails on a small boat.
Moon sails on a small boat.
Moon sails on a small boat.
Sleep, and I will sing you,
How good it is in the sky,
How, together, the grey cat
Will conduct us by sledge to the moon.
Conduct us by sledge to the moon.
Conduct us by sledge to the moon.
There will be nuts, sweets,
We will be rejoiced, happy,
We will have new boots
And honey gingerbreads.
Honey gingerbreads.
Honey gingerbreads.
Well, get some rest - even a little,
I will give the golden small saber,
Go soon asleep, little son,
My unruly cricket.
Unruly cricket.
Unruly cricket.
Чудна прича
Изнова почиње нови дан,
Изнова јутро као пројектор исијава из прозора
И ћути телефон - искључен...
Поново сунца на небу нема,
Поново бој - свако за себе,
И мени изгледа да сунце - није ништа више од сна...
На екрану прозора прича са несрећним крајем
Чудна прича....
И попут аутомата удара киша
И на улици је јесен
И зид од цигли је чврст...
А дрвеће је заражено кугом
Заражено још на пролеће,
Падају доле дланови лишња, махавши нам са висине...
Тамо, иза прозора, прича са несрећним крајем
Чудна прича...
А потом ће доћи Она,
'Спремај се' - рећи ће, 'Пођимо'
'Предај земљи тело...'
Али тело није допевало до краја
Али телу нису дали довољно љубави...
Чудно дело...
Тамо, иза прозора, прича са несрећним крајем
Чудна прича...
Лаку ноћ
Кровови кућа дрхте под тежином дана,
Небески пастир паше облаке.
Град пуца у ноћ сачмом пламена
Али ноћ је јача, њена власт је велика
Онима који лежу да спавају -
мирног сна.
Лаку ноћ.
Ја сам чекао то време, и то је време дошло
Ти, који су ћутали, престали су да ћуте
Ти, који немају шта да чекају, седају у седло
Не могу се стићи, већ је немогуће их стићи
А Онима који лежу да спавају -
мирног сна.
Лаку ноћ.
Суседи долазе, чују топтање копита
Смета им да заспу, мучи их сан.
Ти, који немају шта да чекају, одлазе на пут
Ти, који су спасени, који су спасени.
А Онима који лежу да спавају -
мирног сна.
Лаку ноћ.
Asheqan (عاشقان)
او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
کوی سوالونه
سترگی د یار زما شایسته دی زار شمه
سترگی د یار زما شایسته دی زار شمه
چی الول الول
چی الول الول
بانه پری تور ختلی دینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
کوی سوالونه
یوه زره کج په کی نشته
زار شمه
یوه زره کج په کی نشته
زار شمه
دجانان سترگی که نه
دجانان سترگی که نه
او په کندا ختلی دینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
کوی سوالونه
په سترگو سترگو کی تاثیر وی
جار شمه
په سترگو سترگو کی تاثیر وی
جار شمه
دا چی شایسته شایسته
دا چی شایسته شایسته
بدی حسینو سترگی وینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
او عاشقان حلالوینه
سترگی می توری توری
ته ماته گوری گوری
کوی سوالونه
کوی سوالونه
Intoxicating lilacs
My eyes hold neither sadness nor yearning
But chagrin to the sudden melancholy
So be it that you're far away, faraway
So be it that I'm alone, so be it!
Cold fog does not lift from the ground
Day holds autumn-like frown
Maybe there was no love - twas a lie
But why did then lilacs have blossomed?
Oh, why in that illusive hour
On that quiet and gloomy day
Snow-white intoxicating lilacs
As if January's snow powdered us?
Above me are the rustling lilacs
With their fresh and silky leaves
Befuddling are those wild flowers
Intoxicating me with their scent.
But melted, as if ice in spring,
Your ethereal, transparent shadow
Could it have been all but a dream...
But why did then lilacs had blossomed?
Oh, why in that illusive hour
On that quiet and gloomy day
Snow-white intoxicating lilacs
As if January's snow powdered us?
My eyes hold neither sadness nor yearning
But chagrin to the sudden melancholy
So be it that you're far away, faraway
So be it that I'm alone, so be it!
Cold fog does not lift from the ground
Day holds autumn-like frown
Maybe there was no love - twas a lie
But why did then lilacs have blossomed?
Oh, why in that illusive hour
On that quiet and gloomy day
Snow-white intoxicating lilacs
As if January's snow powdered us?
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.
Mama Bear Lullaby
Versions: #2
Stirring snow as oatmeal
The night is coming over here
Sweetie how come you’re still not asleep?
Your neighbors - polar bears
Are deep asleep upstairs
So, you too little baby, – just sleep.
We float on an iceberg
Sailing slower, nicer...
Through the grey and cold winter sea...
And all through the night your neighbor
Ursa Major – the ‘Great Bear’
Shines to distant ships as a marquee…
V.L. (Vesper Lynd) aka Eva Trussell
Black Moth*
Don’t look at me like that, with your sneering eyes,
Gentlemen, barons and ladies **.
I couldn’t get drunk after 20 minutes
From a glass of cold brandy.
You see, I’m an educated girl, a chamberlain’s daughter,
I’m a black moth, I’m a bat.
My world is filled with wine and men.
Free Paris is the shelter of immigrants!
My father in October couldn’t get out,
But he did a lot to help the Whites***.
There came a deadline, and then the cold word “shot” –
A verdict pronounced by the tribunal.
And so now I’m a prostitute, a barfly,
A black moth, a bat.
My world is filled with wine and men.
Free Paris is the shelter of immigrants!
I said to the colonel, “Nate, take that away!
Don’t pay with Donskoy**** currency,
Give me Francs, Sir, to pay for my love,
For everything else is just dust in the road.
And you see I’m a prostitute, a barfly,
A black moth, a bat.
My world is filled with wine and men.
Free Paris is the shelter of immigrants!
Only at times, during a wild rush of passion,
I recall my homeland Odessa,
And then I spit in their drooling mouths!
And everything else is just a sad tale.
For I’m an educated girl, a chamberlain’s daughter,
I’m a black moth, I’m a bat.
My world is filled with wine and men.
Free Paris is the shelter of immigrants!
Cold Moon
I wander around the moon's plains
What have I lost and who am I looking for?
I don't know but it looks like
I'm going to be here till the morning
But I don't know when the morning will come
I lose track of time in the moon craters
But I don't know when the morning will come
I lose track of time in the moon craters
Why doesn't the cold moon bring me the morning?
Why doesn't the cold moon bring me the morning?
I wander around the moon's plains
Maybe I'll lose something, maybe I'll find someone
But I don't know for sure who
Maybe her, maybe you
But I don't know when the morning will come
I lose track of time in the moon craters
But I don't know when the morning will come
I lose track of time in the moon craters
I lose track of time
The moon is a cold place, it's cold...
Why doesn't the cold moon bring me the morning?
Why doesn't the cold moon bring me the morning?
It seems to feel lonely in the deserted silence
It seems to feel lonely in the deserted silence
The moon is a cold place, it's cold...
The lullaby
Night is quietly falling
And a million stars are shining.
Yesterday has taken all sorrows away.
The lights around are falling asleep.
Even the sun should go to bed.
Hug your pillow till morning.
Sleep, fall asleep like a small star.
Your dreams will be sweet and joyful.
Sleep, fall asleep like a happy cloud,
Like a moon in the night sky.
The characters in favorite books are sleeping.
It got quiet in all yards.
Just close your eyes till morning.
Your dream will be the best on Earth.
This dream will bring you to a fairytale
On its wing.
Sleep, fall asleep like a small star.
Your dreams will be sweet and joyful.
Sleep, fall asleep like a happy cloud,
Like a moon in the night sky.
Sleep, fall asleep like a small star.
Your dreams will be sweet and joyful.
Sleep, fall asleep like a happy cloud,
Like a moon in the night sky.
Marked(I am)
Versions: #3
From me, from me to you it is far,
Either walking or flying is hard,
Be with me, be with me
Something's here, it walks on me carefully
And the movement in the warm water
Will remind me of you
You hold on to me tighter
It will be easier to save me
We must Outlast,
We must stay, we must stay
Marked I am, with his teeth,
A powerless game,
My powerless 'yes'
Marked I am, your prey
You marvel at me,
Your powerless prey
Marked I am, with his teeth
A powerless game,
My powerless 'yes'
Marked I am, your prey
What was done with you
What will be done with me
I will give for you my heart and my pain
And now we are alike
Only I, only you
And heat
Your oath in my mind
Will not let me forget about you
There is so much of us still in it(in my mind)
Marked I am, with his teeth,
A powerless game,
My powerless 'yes'
Marked I am, your prey
You marvel at me,
Your powerless prey
Marked I am, with his teeth
A powerless game,
My powerless 'yes'
Marked I am, your prey
What was done with you
What will be done with me
In love
Something's wrong with me
I am thinking too much about you
I look like I'm lost
and I keep asking about you
I wonder what's wrong with me
love is to blame and ties us
and for how long it goes my mind takes me
I think I'm in love
and faster my heart beats
when you're in my arms
I claim to be obsessed
with you in love
something's wrong
I know, I want you more and more
I can't control myself
I don't have any logic
and I kept asking why
I wonder what's wrong with me
love is to blame and ties us
and for how long it goes my mind takes me
I think I'm in love
and faster my heart beats
when you're in my arms
I claim to be obsessed
with you in love
When you will ask for me
And when you will ask for me
And you will search for responsibilities
I will be somewhere else
With my heart and brain
I won't say anything and I'll just go
Next, to you, I slowly die
I won't fall to your level
You live in your world
And when you will ask for me
And you will search for responsibilities
I will be somewhere else
With my heart and brain
So I'm leaving and I won't look back
I want to win my life
I gave you chances and you know it
stay alone now to suffer
And when you will ask for me
And you will search for responsibilities
I will be somewhere else
With my heart and brain x4
Tell me where were you
You came like this suddenly
you want everything to turn like before
you forget easily, you return here again
you that deleted so
many dreams for us
My first time to break the silence
even if you said that I was in pieces
my heart what is supposed to say
Tell me where were you when I was in pain
and I was destroyed
tough nights I was calling
you were nowhere
Tell me where were you when I asked
solution in drinks
without you, you ask if I could be
but now I can
open wounds, you know it's your fault
don't tell me about love
now leave don't burn me
I escaped from logic
I needed you but
you were disappeared
My first time to break the silence
even if you said that I was in pieces
my heart what is supposed to say
Tell me where were you when I was in pain
and I was destroyed
tough nights I was calling
you were nowhere
Tell me where were you when I asked
solution in drinks
without you, you ask if I could be
but now I can
Here I stand, all such on full stuffing,
I have a suit on and I know what will happen next.
Hundreds of words, every guest for our happiness,
Raise a toast, then toast, then toast, then toast, then ...
Welcome to everyone, to my, your, our wedding.
Here everything is only close, only relatives.
Hello friends!
Welcome to everyone, to my, your, our wedding,
You are the one about whom I am ready to shout “Baby, I love you!”
Here you stand, all in a white dress,
You are my life, and I will say it again by the way ...
We will not be bored for sure
We will have a son, then a daughter, then a son, then a daughter, then ...
Welcome to everyone, to my, your, our wedding.
Here everything is only close, only relatives.
Hello friends!
Welcome everyone to my, your, our wedding,
You are the one about whom, I am ready to shout “baby, I love you”!
Misty River
I'm looking for a path in the forest,
The secret one.
Words (were said) but falteringly all along the line -
Like dropping pebbles in the water.
Oh, misty river, wash the rumors away.
'Cause if this love is deceitful,
'Cause if this love is deceitful, I'll never get over it,
Oy, I'll never get over it...
Your eyes are sly,
So are the words of yours,
I wish I could philter them,
But there is no such potion (on earth).
Oh, misty river, wash the rumors away.
'Cause if this love is deceitful,
'Cause if this love is deceitful, I'll never get over it,
Oy, I'll never get over it...
The water is so blue,
And at the deeps it's bluer.
I'm proud, I'm strong,
But (my) love is stronger (than me).
Oh, misty river, wash the rumors away.
'Cause if this love is deceitful,
'Cause if this love is deceitful, I'll never get over it,
Oy, I'll never get over it...
Oy... Oy, I'll never get over it...
The Guiding Star
New day is setting sails
Go ahead, love is calling to come aboard
Caring hearts
Our ship moves proudly
Towards the winds, the waves
And won't lead it astray
Other storms and rains
In the ocean of life isn't easy sometimes
But homeland shores keep us safe
Among the millions of stars only one is faithful
The guiding star
Together we are stronger, if she is with us
Together we are stronger, she'll always point the way
(our guiding star)
It's really easy to astray from the path, when lt has losed meaning
A single in a field is not a warrior - this is the main idea
Many years in a row we're achieving the record
The team grows and the experience grows
Always forward! And this will be our year!
Let these lines fly around the country
You need to get up and do and change something
And not just sit and move in silence
But walk and hold your head high realizing all your dreams
With fanfare, like a grand parade. e!
And making a choice, double the success
Playing in a strong team
In the ocean of life isn't easy sometimes
But homeland shores keep us safe
Among the millions of stars only one is faithful
The guiding star
Together we are stronger, if she is with us
Together we are stronger, she'll always point the way
(our guiding star)
Together we are stronger, if she is near
It's more fun together
The guiding star with us!
I Want to Give My Voice
If there are no more borders between our lives and our dreams
And more than one banner, a smile on our lips
If the walls that separate our souls have fallen
If it's enough to exist to keep the flame burning
If it's enough to sing
If it's enough to sing
I want to give my voice, I want to give my words
I want to give my faith and my life unconditionally
I want to give my heart, all the love that is yet to come
Contrive a joy and never die
If there is no more war won ab initio
If there are no more barriers, no more differences
If there are no more chains that can't be destroyed
If there is no more hate to hide a smile
If it's enough to sing
If it's enough to sing
I want to give my voice, I want to give my words
I want to give my faith and my life unconditionally
I want to give my heart, all the love that is yet to come
Contrive a joy and never die
Never die...
Die of it...
I want to give...
I want to give my voice
My six-stringed friend
Won't you play me a tune, my six-stringed guitar?
Help me recall times of old.
Your wails, your sorrowful sounds
intoxicate me more than a strong wine.
See how I take my beloved guitar in my hands,
play a chord and sing along.
I sing of my love and youth,
and the girl I love.
Resound, my guitar, so dolefully,
and play my song to the end.
May it fly into the girls' white bosoms
and melt their hearts of ice.
I sang so many griefs, so much happiness,
I shared it all with you.
They were problems, my loved one cheated on me,
but you never were unfaithful.
When my time comes to depart this Earth,
I'll gather my friends and tell them:
'lay down my six-stringed friend next to me in my grave,
and I will wake every dead on Earth!'
Maybe I'll burn in the flames of hell,
maybe I'll end up in paradise.
My six-stringed friend will always help me
and sing of my past life.
and melt their hearts of ice...
Now what have we soldiers been guilty of,
That our cannons were not covered up?!
As long as the enemies don't throw away their truncheons,
Is no avoiding without fights and wars.
I would cannons and mortars
Never load,
I should not even be able in a shooting range -
Children's Christmas trees I decorated.
But only just now
Came an order
To go to a suppression,
Amd I sing,
As always,
That grief is no disaster, -
But hard in the training,
And in the battle as well.
The shoulder begins to itch, if ours are defeated!
The shot down, the wounded - drag away!
I am calm before the battle, but in the attack merciless,
Now and after the battle - gentle!
Tanha (Alone)
My heart is cough in your trap due to your fake promises.
I have sacrificed my youth and life in the name of you, Oh disloyal.
Let me free from this cage as I don't want to take breath.
I won't make any mistake as I won't fall in love.
Oh you disloyal, go as I'm not going to seek you further.
I gonna die alone
You put your foot on my heart, you don't even cared.
You chose another love instead of me, scare from my Uhh...
Leave as my soul is about to fly, lovers always suffer due to sorrow.
The Gezaal of my life, how recklessly abandoned me.
Leave me leave me, Oh you disloyal, I ain't gonna follow you. (Oh you disloyal, go as I'm not going to seek you further.)en
I gonna die alone
Tanha (Alone)
دلم اسیر دام تو با وعده های خام تو
My heart is cough in your trap due to your fake promises.
کردم همه جوانیم ای بی وفا به نام تو
I have sacrificed my youth and life in the name of you, Oh disloyal.
مرا رها کن زین قفس نمیخواهم کشم نفس
Let me free from this cage as I don't want to take breath.
کنم دیگر نه اشتباه نه گاهی دهم دل به کس
I won't make any mistake as I won't fall in love.
برو برو ای بی وفا نمیجویم دیگر ترا
Oh you disloyal, go as I'm not going to seek you further.
میمیرم تنها
I gonna die alone
گزاشتی پا بر قلب من بی اعتنا به درد من
You put your foot on my heart, you don't even cared.
گرفتی یار دیگری بترس ز آه سرد من
You chose another love instead of me, scare from my Uhh...
برو که جان بر لب رسید عاشق ز غم هردم تپید
Leave as my soul is about to fly, lovers always suffer due to sorrow.
غزال روزگار من چی بیهوده از من رمید
The Gezaal of my life, how recklessly abandoned me.
برو برو ای بی وفا نمیجویم دیگر ترا
Leave me leave me, Oh you disloyal, I ain't gonna follow you. (Oh you disloyal, go as I'm not going to seek you further.)
میمیرم تنها
I gonna die alone
Punk anthem
Where German tanks get stuck
Russian punks get through freely
You can even crush me with a tank
I'll still be a punk!
Rap is shit, Pop is shite!
Punks, yo! The victory is ours!
Rap is shit, Pop is shite!
Punks, yo! The victory is ours!
Doychen soldaten, nikhs fershteyn [German soldiers, don't understand anything]
Offizyr un partizayn [Officer and partisan fighter]
Doychen soldaten, gitler kaput [German soldiers, Hitler is kaput]!
Punk's are gonna fuck Pop's face!
Rap is shit, Pop is shite!
Punks, yo! The victory is ours!
Rap is shit, Pop is shite!
Punks, yo! The victory is ours!
Doychen soldaten [German soldiers], German tanks
Un partizayn [and partisan fighter], Russian punks
Doychen soldaten [German soldiers], can even let a tank at me
Gitler kaput [Hitler is kaput], I'll be a punk
Rap is shit, Pop is shite!
Punks, yo! The victory is ours!
Rap is shit, Pop is shite!
Punks, yo! The victory is ours!
Versions: #6
Take a look right inside my heart stop the winter make the cold depart
Oh yeah ooh yeah...
Winter blowing but world will bring makes me feel like it's suddenly spring yeah..
Ask the clouds in the sky..
To bring us dreams when they're passer by
World flowing night
Due to worlds of many lights
Despair my anguish...where the visible heart make this quite leave my trembling soul yeah...
Ask the clouds in the sky to bring us dreams when they passer by...
World flowing night...due to worlds of many lights...
Ask the clouds in the sky to bring us dreams when they passer by..
World flowing night..Due to worlds of many lights..
Sing freely
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
The city seen from the hill is a heat haze
With rollers tied to my feet, I kick and slide by the ground
The night has 33 revolving doors
If I open them, even if love overflows there
Only the records turn and you're not there anymore
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
I'm lonely just the way I am
I'm waiting for your comeback
I look beyond the clean blue sky
If I pull the bridles of the chestnut colored ponies, I go running
The night opens 33 pages
Even if I'm reading the sequel of yesterday's book
The story ends and you're not there anymore
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
I threw my decorations inside my heart
I'm calling your name
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
The time of silence is being heard
The night always goes on in the morning
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this song
Sing freely when you're lonely
Sing freely this love
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Unrequited Love
It shivers your cold words,
and from your hopeless tears.
But you shine, like a star,
only in your heart there's emptiness.
I know love may return,
Even if twice as long is the way back.
But time runs further,
[So] how to now live without you?
Unrequited love, may your words also make the soul bleed,
Our novel isn't yet finished, I'm going crazy over you.
Unrequited love and you shouldn't promise anything,
I just can't tell you good-bye.
I go to you, and tears sparkle [like] lights,
But there's little time,
To pick up all the pieces,
and heal my soul anew.
We drink together from one cup,
Even if we were never meant to be together.
It seems there are ashes in your heart,
Because such you were able to become!
Unrequited love, may your words also make the soul bleed,
Our novel isn't yet finished, I'm going crazy over you.
Unrequited love and you shouldn't promise anything,
I just can't tell you good-bye.
Unrequited love and you shouldn't promise anything,
I just can't tell you good-bye.
Unrequited love, let your words also make the soul bleed,
Our novel isn't yet finished, I'm going crazy over you.
Unrequited love and you shouldn't promise anything,
I just can't tell you good-bye.
Unrequited love and you shouldn't promise anything,
I just can't tell you good-bye.
You know, I myself cannot say good-bye, say good-bye!
No I cannot!!! I cannot!!! Good-bye!!!