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Број резултата: 54


The Lost One's Weeping

Versions: #1
Distrust the cm of a blade
Pierces a vein in the end
And this weak love flies out
Transforming even a Les Paul into a deadly weapon
No fiction
I like math and science
But I just any good at languages, so I hate it,
When I worried about which was correct
It turns out they were all wrong anyway
Today's homework is about me, with no individuality
it's just enough, i'm satisfied, I've started to live
But then why is it that we sometimes - no, everyday
Say that we're sad, and say that we're lonely?
Can you read kanji on the blackboard?
Can you read the mental images of that kid's heart?
The one who stained that heart black
Hey, who did it? Hey, who did it?
Can you solve this equation on your abacus?
Can you untie the circle around that kid's neck?
Are we really fine, remaining as we are?
Hey, what do I do? It doesn't matter anymore
No matter how much time passes, we've
been carelessly intoxicated in hypnotism
I've always (hopelessly) hid
Behind arrogance from power I no longer have
As always, I can't solve yesterday's homework
it's just enough, i'm satisfied, I've started to live
But why is the lump in our chests
Saying we want to disappear? Saying we want to die?
Can you read kanji on the blackboard?
Can you read the mental images of that kid's heart?
The one who stained that heart black
Hey, who did it? Hey, who did it?
Can you solve this equation on your abacus?
Can you untie the circle around that kid's neck?
Are we really fine, remaining as we are?
Hey, what do I do? Hey, what am I supposed to do?
Can you recite the area-ratio formula?
Can you recite your dreams from when you were a child?
The one who (threw) those dreams down the drain
Hey, who did it? You already know it, don't you?
When will you grow up?
What the heck does it mean to be an (adult) in the first place?
Who should i be asking?
Hey, what do I do? It doesn't matter anymore

Твој смех

Узми мој хлеб ако хоћеш
одузми ми дах, али
не одузимај ми свој смех
Не лишавај ме руже
копље које ишчупате
вода која одједном
експлодира од радости
изненадни талас
која се рађа у вама.
Моја борба је тешка и враћам се
са уморним очима
понекад видевши
да се земља не мења,
али кад дође ваш смех
узлази на небо да ме тражи
и отвара ми сва
врата живота.
Љубави моја, у часу
најтамнијем,твој смех
отвара, а ако изненада
видиш како ми крв мрља
камење улице,
смеј се, јер твој смех
биће за моје руке
као свеж мач.
У јесен поред мора,
ваш смех мора да се подигне
његову пенасту каскаду,
а у пролеће љубав,
Желим твој смех
цвет који сам чекао,
плави цвет, ружа
моје земље која одјекује.
Смеј се ноћу,
дан, месец,
смејати се на улици
пут острва,
смејте се овом неспретном
дечку који те воли,
али кад отворим
очи и затворим их,
кад ми кораци оду,
и кад се кораци врате
ускрати ми хлеб, ваздух,
светлост, у пролеће
али никад твој смех,
јер бих тада умро.

I am going to live

I am not going to die.
I go out now, on this day full of volcanoes,
towards the multitude, towards life.
Here I leave these things in order,
now that the gunmen stroll by
with 'western culture' in arms,
with the hands that kill in Spain
and the gallows that sway in Athens,
and the dishonor that governs Chile,
and I stop counting.
Here I will stay,
with words, and villages, and roads
that again await me, and that knock
with studded hands on my door.

Poem 2

In its mortal flame, the light envelops you.
Absorbed, pale mourner, thus situated
against the old helixes of the twilight
that revolves around you.
Silent, my friend,
alone in this solitary hour of deaths
and filled with the lives of fire,
pure heiress of a day destroyed.
A cluster from the sun falls on your dark dress.
At night the large roots
unexpectedly grow from your soul,
and the things hidden inside you return to the surface,
so that a pale and blue village
newly born from you is nurtured.
Oh, magnificent, and fertile, and alluring slave,
from the circle that in black and gold follows:
proud, she tries and achieves a creation so alive
that her flowers succumb, and she is full of sadness.

The day I see eternity

If you notice me with an indigo yukata and a waiting face
Take my hand soon because I feel like crying
Take me to the riverside
When I wanted to say something important, a huge light
Was opening and handing
And being washed away by a cheer
In the night sky we were you and I
In a brief dream we made and oath without saying anything
Don't go, stay a little until you're scorched in my heart
With your shining profile
Bloom forever. When I close my eyes to pray
In that moment, show me the eternity
Fireworks falling in the blue water are sad
I didn't know it until I met you
You're so beautiful that it's scary
To the first summer where we were you and I
I hope to return someday wherever I am
Shine a little, stay by my side and hold me
Tell me the meaning of being in this world
Appear forever. When I close my eyes crying
In that moment, show me the eternity
Don't go, stay a little until you're scorched in my heart
Show me the eternity just once

Alas, Comrade Policeman

My driver’s license
isn’t valid since this summer, alas!
And the authority on duty
is demanding to see it, alas!
My mother-in-law washed my license
along with my whole ID
in the washing machine
all the way back in March, alas!
Refrain x2
Alas, Comrade Policeman,
why are you taking my measurements?
Why did the radar enforcement
catch my car?
Alas, comrade in blue clothes,
you’ve taken away my entire pay, alas!
My turn signals don’t work
and I don’t have windshield wipers, alas!
In order to get first aid
I’d need to prepare for days, alas!
Someone stole
my safety belt,
and as for my spare tire,
I sold it last night, alas!


I hate this laziness that made me lay on my belly for years
Yet, I still rot away in my bed.
I may have still ways to go but I'm serious now
How many times have I said that?
Messy hair, single folded eyelids
My grades are in the bottom end.
I know I'm not popular with a third-rate appearance
Please give me your tears.
We're not honour students
So I'm fine with a life sentence, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
I'm fine with a life of nonsense, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
I don't care if I'm called the worst and complete waste, whatever.
At night, sentimental rockets filled with suicidal thoughts
in the form of 140 character poems fly.
I say if I'm befittingly BAD, then I'm going to stay in bed out of spite.
I wonder how long I'm going to live this way.
The loser barks, yet it would be better if they weren't here
Their only trick is to run away
They wait for treats with smooth talk
But flee the moment they see their prey.
They say lies are a means to an end
So I don't expect any sympathy, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
For the rest of my like I'm junk, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
I don't care if I'm called the worst, I'll just be a hippy, whatever.
My motivation vanished so I'm tapping on my phone instead
I'll just play dead in bed.
If I drop dead then it'll make things easier, then why don't I do it?
Because I'm a coward, aren't I?.
The rumours buzzed about some guy again today. Well, honestly, I'm jealous
I may still have ways to go, but I'm serious
Nothing can fix what I've become, please help me, Buddha.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
For the rest of my life, I'll be a hobo, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
I don't care if people call me braindead, whatever
Carefree STYLE
It'd be nice if I tried my best tomorrow
Carefree STLE
So I'm fine with being lazy today