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Број резултата: 6



Tell me who you really are,
and I will tell you who I am.
The rest is nothing but the movie props.
I'm leaving today
without looking at the monitor,
where these shots will be put on repeat yet more than once.
I'm walking in circles...
Who are we to each other?
One may repeat it a thousand times...
We must be rivals -
there's something agonizingly nervous
that is shrinking somewhere inside me.
There's neither pain nor joy, only fatigue.
And that's all, nothing is left of me.
I'm alone with my own shadow,
as if I'm invisible.
You left me neither inhale nor exhale.
Well, such is life, one plays with no rules here.
Nobody is defeated, nobody has won,
but it's not me, I'm invisible.
Tell me who you were.
Have I ever been to you something more
than just doubts caused by a few phrases?
Remind me how long ago
that ostentatious formal addressing me
became easier for you than to leave without raising your head.
We are ready to attack -
let's cross our swords.
Farewell to my December.
I will close it and hide it.
What else should I do?
One may repeat it a thousand times.
There's neither pain nor joy, only fatigue.
And that's all, nothing is left of me.
I'm alone with my own shadow,
as if I'm invisible.
You left me neither inhale nor exhale.
Well, such is life, one plays with no rules here.
Nobody is defeated, nobody has won,
but it's not me, I'm invisible.

Invisible treasure

I keep the invisible treasure
The trace of this love in myself, and I begin to understand that
Even when it doesn't look like that, all my songs are about you
Connected with desire and dream
While I whisper your name
Like the beginning of verse
Then I walk without weight
Happier than everyone
Year after year
We share good and bad
I love you without breather
And I can't change that
Because the sky condemned me
That pushes me into madness
Open eyes, open eyes
I am quiet, but where from myself
When hours flow into nothing
Because a lot of it means little
Now I live, but I die for you
Because you knew how to know
Find the untouched heart
While I whisper your name
Like the beginning of verse
Then I walk without weight
Happier than everyone
Year after year
We share good and bad
I love you without breather
And I can't change that
Because the sky condemned me
That pushes me into madness
Open eyes, open eyes
Because the sky condemned me
That pushes me into madness
Open eyes, open eyes

Невидљива породица

Versions: #2
Ти и ја смо заједно купили дан,
Он ће трајати дуго. Зар нам то није довољно?
Ти и ја смо заједно попили ноћ.
Не бој се, тако нежно нико неће питати.
Око нас је свет, а ти и ја смо
Једна невидљива породица!
Ти и ја смо заједно видели свет
И можда постоји неки други. Зар смо га тражили?
Трчаћу сам, а ти не устај,
Толико желим да поново пијем
Вино и крв, а свега има тако мало!
Око нас је свет, а ти и ја смо
Једна невидљива породица!
Ја већ треба да идем, а ја и ти смо
Легли на дно и нико нас неће пронаћи!

Gorljivim okom

Gorljivim okom
Ja ću ići- ja ću doći u magli.
Bacit ću se u more, u okean.
Gorljivim okom u nevolji
Kroz koprivu, kroz kvinoju,
Stavit ću ruke u nauz*,
Naredit ću vjetru I pepelu,,
Dovedi ga meni,
Gorljivim okom.
Ja ću ići- ja ću doći u potoku,
Obmanut ću nauzu oči,
Bacit ću čežnju u vodu,
Stavit ću rosu na sljepoočnicu,
Znao sam da ću zalutati,
Bezdan nije pristupačan,
Zovi krila u pomoć
Gorljivim okom.
Pretvarat ću se da sam odsutna trava,
Pretvarat ću se dan sam wolfberry**,
Udaram u tlo, kao da sam zmija,
Okrenut ću se, ja sam odsutna trava opet,
Pratit ću tvoje tragove,
Odjednom ću se okrenuti ka tebi,
Spait ću srce u pepeo,
Gorljivim okom.
Znao sam da ću zalutati,
Bezdan nije pristupačan,
Zovi krila u pomoć
Gorljivim okom!