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But I like him

They tell me he's of small stature.
They tell me it's not easy to be friends with him.
They tell her we're actually not a couple.
How's that, not a couple, with such a guy?
But I like him
You like?
He sings not so bad, and besides, he's a tough guy.
This I like, I like, I like.
Go on, you.
In sum, he's the only one.
They tell me I actually don't suit her.
Actually, you can only reach her shoulder.
But I don't answer them1.
In her there's no chai, souls aren't chai.
I like her.
You like?
I like!
I'm drawn to it, and the whole world envies me.
After all - Komsomolets2, athlete, Adonis.
And go on, you.
There's no other such in the world!
They tell me Baskov's actually frivolous,
But next to him, it's as if I'm in a fairytale.
They [ask] me - why3 Oksana?
I'm next to her - the happiest.
[Oksana] and [Nikolai]
They tell us in life everything's not easy.
We're asked trivial questions.
Let them say, we don't hear it.
After all, we're higher.
Of course, higher!
Ah, I like him.
I like.
[Oksana] and [Nikolai]
Kolya teaches me how to sing like Montserrat.
Well, Oksana won't let me like him.
[Oksana] and [Nikolai]
We'll be close, [so] let them talk.
Like whomever you like.
Let everyone love you as we love you.
Love comes, and I can't do without her.
And that's all we want to say in the New Year.
  • 1. Lit. 'nothing I to them don't answer'
  • 2. Member of Komsomol, youth organization in the Soviet Union
  • 3. Lit. 'for what to you'

Dedicated to Women

I dedicate this song to women
We won't go anywhere without women
We're lonely without women
The days without those light eyes
are so cruel
In this world, every moment
was filled with love
Let the glasses of wine clink for health
I dedicate this song to women
To the flirtatious and trusting
To the brunettes, blondes, and redheads
From fifty meters and beyond
To the thin and thick ones
Those that don't understand soccer
To the strong and vulnerable ones and our beloved
It's not easy to understand women
It's better to quietly agree and
spoil her, and not let her go or be cheap
Who prepares soup for us
or keeps us warm at night
We'll barely leave captivity
For we will come to you again
I dedicate this song to women
To the flirtatious and trusting
To the brunettes, blondes, and redheads
From fifty meters and beyond
To the thin and thick ones
Those that don't understand soccer
To the strong and vulnerable ones and our beloved
I dedicate this song to women
To the flirtatious and trusting
To the brunettes, blondes, and redheads
From fifty meters and beyond
To the thin and thick ones
Those that don't understand soccer
To the strong and vulnerable ones and our beloved
I dedicate this song to women
To the flirtatious and trusting
To the brunettes, blondes, and redheads
From fifty meters and beyond
To the thin and thick ones
Those that don't understand soccer
To the strong and vulnerable ones and our beloved

Like a white snow

And without you the winter will arrive into my soul
The blue sky without you will become grey all around
And in order to find you - I'll fall
I'll fall like a white-white snow on the town
And I'll come for Christmas like a blizzard, with white-white snow
And I'll knock in to your window, like a white-white snow
And i'll write on Christmas, with a white-white snow
How we've met love, under the white -white snow
I would like so much to find you
And for us both to whirl in a white-white dance
But in order to embrace you
I need to fall on the town like white-white snow
And I'll come for Christmas like a blizzard, with white-white snow
And I'll knock in to your window, like a white-white snow
And i'll write on Christmas, with a white-white snow
How we've met love, under the white -white snow
And I'll come for Christmas like a blizzard, with white-white snow
And I'll knock in to your window, like a white-white snow
And i'll write on Christmas, with a white-white snow
How we've met love, under the white -white snow
Under the white-white snow

Grlim te

Znaj, nisam verovao sve do susreta s tobom
Da na svetu postoji ljubav
na prvi pogled
Ja sam smatrao da se to dešava samo u filmu (bukvalno: u bioskopu)
A onase slučajno desila meni
To mi je već potrebno!
I sad, molim se za jedno
Da zauvek budemo zajedno
Grlim te, silno
Grlim te, strasno
Nema na svetu ničeg lepše
Nema na svetu ničeg tako lepog
Grlim te jako
Šaljem ti topao zagrljaj
Za mene, na ovom svetu nema
ničeg dragocenijeg poklona, od tebe
Ti si mene spasla od nezgoda
i moj život si sjedinila sa svojim
dobre vesti
Ti si moj dom ukrasila nadom
i unela si radost u njega
radosne pesme
I sad, molim se za jedno
Da zauvek budemo zajedno
Grlim te, silno
Grlim te, strasno
Nema na svetu ničeg lepše
Nema na svetu ničeg tako lepog
Grlim te jako
Šaljem ti topao zagrljaj
Za mene, na ovom svetu nema
ničeg dragocenijeg poklona, od tebe (2x)

I'll wait for you

He: How many times I had been running across the sky
And again, I had been stumbling to the wall
How many times I had been hiding my feelings
to skillfully avoid my love.
She: You kept coming into my dreams again and again.
Your voice seemed familiar to me.
I have been following you, resignedly.
Who told you the time heals everything?
Who told you that?
I’ll never stop waiting for you,
I’ll never stop breathing with you, breathing so endlessly
I’ll not stop waiting for you.
I‘ll wait for you forever
We’ll spread our wings and we'll fly.
And we’ll breathe together, we will not pay attention to others.
I’ll never stop waiting for you.
I’ll wait for you forever.
I’ll wait for you!
I’ll wait for you!
He: How many times I have been walking across the sky,
And I had been returning to the unknown reality.
And I did not know that all the nights
tightly were tied up us together.
She: I've been waiting for the answer of the Universe.
I was afraid of being taken captive.
I have been following you, resignedly.
Who told you the time heals everything?
Who told you that?
Chorus (2 times):
I’ll never stop waiting for you,
I’ll never stop breathing with you, breathing so endlessly
I’ll not stop waiting for you.
I‘ll wait for you forever
We’ll spread our wings and we'll fly.
And we’ll breathe together, we will not pay attention to others.
I’ll never stop waiting for you.
I’ll wait for you forever.
I’ll wait for you!
I’ll wait for you!


Као шум ветра, као на небу звезде
Ти се појавиш и поново измичеш.
Заржао бих осећања али касно је.
Наивно верујем да чекаш.
Твоје очи су као океани,
онe ће ми прекрити главу.
Може ли бити све то сада
Без мене?
Ти си моја најжељенија, несавладива, спонтана.
Али твоја љубав је опасна, опасна, оп-опасна!
Ти си моја најжељенија, несавладива, спонтана
Али твоја љубав је опасна, опасна, оп-опасна!
Ти бацаш поглед, ја не говорим ни реч,
И то ме излуђује.
Капи адреналина у крви и опет
Те ноћи без сна!
Твоје очи су као океани,
онe ће ми прекрити главу.
Може ли бити све то сада
Без мене?
Ти си моја најжељенија, несавладива, спонтана.
Али твоја љубав је опасна, опасна, оп-опасна!
Ти си моја најжељенија, несавладива, спонтана.
Али твоја љубав је опасна, опасна, оп-опасна!
Твоје очи су као океани
онe ће ми прекрити главу.
Може ли бити све то сада
Без мене?
Ти си моја најжељенија, несавладива, спонтана.
Али твоја љубав је опасна, опасна, оп-опасна!
Ти си моја најжељенија, несавладива, спонтана.
Али твоја љубав је опасна, опасна, оп-опасна!