Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 19
Ja sam tebe izabrao
Ti si vazduh koji dišem
Put kojim hodam
Svetlo ovog života
Nota pesme
Sredina hleba
Toplina kamina, to si ti
Kad pada kiša, izlazi sunce
Kad plačem, srećan sam
Sa tobom više ništa nije kao juče
Daješ mi volju da živim
Snagu da se borim
Glas da pevam
Ja sam tebe izabrao
Od toliko žena, izabrao sam tebe
U tolikom bolu, našao sam tebe
Jedina dobra, samo si ti
Ja sam tebe izabrao
Da budeš pratilac mojih misli
Da budeš gospodarica ovog mog života
I nisam pogrešio
Sada mi ništa ne nedostaje
Osećam se ostvareno
Sve se promenilo
Nebo je uvek plavo
Mislio sam da je samo avantura
Samo prolazna simpatija
Ali prevario sam se
Ja sam tebe izabrao
I ti si srećna, srećnija od mene
Više ne osećaš gorčinu kafe
I govoriš svetu da me voliš
Sada mi ništa ne nedostaje
Osećam se ostvareno
Sve se promenilo
Nebo je uvek plavo
Mislio sam da je samo avantura
Samo prolazna simpatija
Ali prevario sam se
Ja sam tebe izabrao
I ti si srećna, srećnija od mene
Više ne osećaš gorčinu kafe
I govoriš svetu da me voliš
Srce ne kuca
Click to see the original lyrics (Neapolitan) More, ti koje si svako veče videlo našu ljubav u usponu
Moglo bi da kažeš puno stvari, ali ne znaš da govoriš
Ti si svedok ovog osećaja
Koji je hteo da pokida hiljadu lanaca
I koji je nestao u trenutku večnosti
More, večeras tebi želim da se ispovedim
Rekla mi je četiri reči 'Moramo da raskinemo sada'
I zastao joj je dah
Taj dah koji te tera da dišeš
Ostavljajući me u ništavilu života koji se nastavlja
Sada živim, ali moje srce ne kuca
Iza tišine njenog glasa
Ostaje belina jedne fotografije
Na kojoj piše 'Ti si moj život'
Sada plačem, plačem zbog ljubavi
Nisam verovao u ove osećaje
Da možeš biti bolestan i ne osećati bol
Da možeš umreti i još uvek disati
I kroz pesnice život stanem da pogledam
Ali nema milovanja koje to može poništiti
More, ti koje si svako veče slušalo ljubavni plač
I kad smo se svađali, uvek smo se vraćali ovde
Ali umorila ju je pesma
Koju sam joj pevao da bi se zaljubila
I sada nemam čime da je vratim nazad
Sada živim, ali moje srce ne kuca
Nema više svetlosti tamo gde je bilo sunce
Kružim ulicama predgrađa
Biciklom, bez društva
Sada plačem, plačem zbog ljubavi
Tražim iznenađenja, a nalazim razočarenja
Ispred vrata moje kuće
Sad me niko ne čeka, samo tuga
I kroz pesnice život stanem da pogledam
Ali nema milovanja koje to može poništiti
Sada živim, ali moje srce ne kuca
Iza tišine njenog glasa
Ostaje belina jedne fotografije
Na kojoj piše 'Ti si moj život'
Sada plačem, plačem zbog ljubavi
Nisam verovao u ove osećaje
Da možeš biti bolestan i ne osećati bol
Da možeš umreti i još uvek disati
Click to see the original lyrics (Neapolitan) Hajde da zaradimo naš hleb
Znoj je na našim rukama
I znamo kako da se promenimo
Hajdemo i požurimo
U ovoj Italiji punoj smoga i stresa
Mi smo pametni, ali smo prevareni
Rođeni smo sa dve sudbine
Mi smo noć i mi smo jutro
Mi smo ruža i mi smo trn
Ali smo svi grane iste bašte
Mi smo zemlja puna mora
Koju niko ne može da razume
Da li smo dobri ili loši
Ali mi nastavljamo po svom
Posao je ovde dar
A nada je otići
Hajde da pomognemo jedni drugima
Ako smo zajedno, možemo daleko stići
Ne možemo više da čekamo
Hajde, ovaj život je u žurbi
Naš dom je pun poljubaca i milosti
Ali se samo loše vesti objavljuju
Sa mafijom koja svira mandolinu
I za koju nas uvek optužuju
Mi smo lica sa razglednica
Tako nas ponižavaju po celom svetu
Mi smo glasovi usred mora
Koje niko ne želi da čuje
Mi smo spaljena trava
Za koju se nikad ne zna ko ju je spalio
Mi smo ogledalo autoputa
Koji ne žele nikad da završe
Tamo gde vetar grli more
Ima previše misli
I onaj ko jede gorak hleb
Je stranac u Italiji
Tamo gde pravda pere ruke
Dižu se bele zastave
I ko onda može da razmišlja o sutra
Kada je rođen kao zatvorenik
Rođeni smo sa dve sudbine
Mi smo noć i mi smo jutro
Mi smo ruža i mi smo trn
Ali smo svi grane iste bašte
Mi smo zemlja puna mora
Koju niko ne može da razume
Da li smo dobri ili loši
Ali mi nastavljamo po svom
Posao je ovde dar
A nada je otići
Dečaci napuljskih sokaka
Oni nikada neće biti kraljevi
U Zenu u Palermu ispijaju vreme
Jer su žedni znanja
I nikad nije lako zaspati, jer je
Živeti sa strpljenjem najveći izazov
Za one koji mogu pasti
Miris ove kose
Oduvek sam znao,
I milovanja ovih ruku
Oduvek sam zamišljao.
Kad si noću, u mojim snovima,
Dolazila da me miluješ,
Svako jutro sam se budio
Sa željom da te poljubim.
Konačno si moja i u mojim rukama.
Sada više ne patim od ljubavi i ljubomore.
Sve do juče sam ludeo zbog toga,
Ali večeras to nije san, to je istina.
Konačno si me poljubila, radosti moja,
I izlečila si moje srce koje je patilo.
Sada ti kažem da si ti ceo moj život,
I nikad te neću ostaviti.
Konačno si me poljubila, radosti moja,
I izlečila si moje srce koje je patilo.
Sada ti kažem da si ti ceo moj život,
I nikad te neću ostaviti.
Glupa avantura
Govorila si mi o ljubavi, a ja sam od nje bežao
I dok je drugi par na podijumu igrao rok
Ja sam te poljubio zato što mi se svidela
Nisam mogao da propustim da ljubav prođe pored mene
Hajde da i mi budemo par, ako želiš, malo da plešemo
A veče se završilo u parku snova
Gde mladi vole da se zabavljaju
Tvoj ruž, tvoje telo, tvoj način da voliš
Naučila si me kako ljubav umire
Oprostili smo se da se više nikada ne vidimo
A sada te puno volim, glupa avanturo
I znam da si meni draga osoba
Obuzela si mi misli
Obuzela si mi srce
I kao da sam lutka igraš se sa mnom
Ja više ne vladam sobom
Ti upravljaš mojim životom
Na, na, ni, ni, na, na, no
Na, na, ni, na, ne, no
Ja više ne vladam sobom
Ti upravljaš mojim životom
Na, na, na, na, ni, ni, na, na, no
Na, na, no
Odlaziš, a ja te volim, iako nemam ništa od toga
Zateknem sebe u mraku kako pričam sam sa sobom
I koliko god sebe ubeđujem, srce te ne želi manje
Svi mi glasovi govore da sam ostao bez tebe
Voleo bih da se vratiš
I da se više nikad ne rastanemo
A sada te volim, glupa avanturo
I znam da si meni draga osoba
Obuzela si mi misli
Obuzela si mi srce
I kao da sam lutka igraš se sa mnom
Ja više ne vladam sobom
Ti upravljaš mojim životom
Na, na, na, na, ni, ni, na, na, no
Na, ni, ni, na, ne, no
Ja više ne vladam sobom
Ti upravljaš mojim životom
Na, na, na, na, ni, ni, na, na, no
Na, ni, ni, na, ne, no
Click to see the original lyrics (Neapolitan) Obuci ovu majicu
Približi se meni
Doći će opet sunce
Ali je ipak zahladnelo
Oluja je privremeno došla
Srećom ova kabina
Biće naše sklonište.
Da li ti je i dalje hladno?
Ta bluza ti nije dovoljna
Obuci moj džemper
Da se ne prehladiš
Sada bi malo toplog mleka dobro došlo
Ali ovde je sve pusto
Nema nikoga.
I sad te vidim kako trčiš
Kroz sobe da bi pripremila
Hranu za dete
Koje plače i želi da jede.
Naša mala kućica
I ja se vraćam sa posla
Krevet i tri jastuka
Beba će spavati između nas.
I nemoj da se brineš
Zato što će me roditelji poslušati
Videćeš da će za nekoliko dana
Sve loše nestati
Oni će postati baba i deda
I sve će sve biti u redu
Videćeš kako će nam zvezda zasijati.
Videćeš, videćeš,
Videćeš sigurno,
Sve će doći na svoje mesto,
Znam da mora biti tako.
I nakon devet meseci
Kada se beba rodi
Ispred naših vrata
Pojaviće se roda.
U međuvremenu, nemoj da se brineš
Koristi lift da se popneš na sprat
Znam da lako ostaneš bez daha.
I sad te vidim kako trčiš
Kroz sobe da bi pripremila
Hranu za dete
Koje plače i želi da jede.
Naša mala kućica
I ja se vraćam sa posla
Krevet i tri jastuka
Beba će spavati između nas.
I nemoj da se brineš
Zato što će me roditelji poslušati
Videćeš da će za nekoliko dana
Sve loše nestati
Oni će postati baba i deda
I sve će sve biti u redu
Videćeš kako će nam zvezda zasijati.
Videćeš, videćeš,
Videćeš sigurno,
Sve će doći na svoje mesto,
Znam da mora biti tako.
Budiš se pre jutra da bi vežbala
Zvučnik je pojačan do kraja, sviđa ti se muzika i stalno se ulepšavaš
Svakog dana obuvaš cipele na štiklu
da bi brže porasla za centimetar više.
Zaljubljuješ se skoro svaki dan,
pričaš samo noću, samo u snovima i sviđa ti se samo velik muškarac.
U tvojoj kući je isti rat šalješ braću na isto mesto i tvoja majka te stalno brani
Kjara ti uvek pobeđuješ *
Orkestar ponekad zvuči neslušljivo, nekad čak i glupo
Ne želiš da radiš ništa kod kuće
ako nije uključena muzika
A kada se spusti veče i ti znaš da te ispred čeka neki
Obučeš najkraću suknju
Jer ti se najviše sviđa kada je ljubomoran
Zaljubljuješ se skoro svaki dan,
pričaš samo noću, samo u snovima i sviđa ti se samo velik muškarac.
U tvojoj kući je isti rat šalješ braću na isto mesto i tvoja majka te stalno brani
Kjara ti uvek pobeđuješ
Kjara puno si porasla za malo vremena
Krive su tvoje ljubavi na prvi pogled
Da sada nisi našla pravog muškarca
Kjara, sećam te se kad si bila mala,
Kjara koja je pevala stepenicama,
Kjara sa prstima u nosu
Kjara koja je sanjala otvorenih očiju
Kjara koja je verovala u stripove
Kjara koja je pušila krijući.
Kjara zaljubljena si drugačija
Plačeš i istresaš ne sebi
Kjara, kada bi samo znala koliko te volim,
Cursed Train
Be In my palace, I no longer live in joy
She will not return, she left home.
Why did you take her, you damn train
And have you not thought that without her I will die?
While even Growing was this immense love
I don't know how you ripped it from my heart
Enemy of my dreams, you damn train
If I'm wrong, bring it back!
You don't understand that she is important
That their whims I lack a lot
May your blind drawn at night
It makes me die because I'm in love.
Every night the same songs
That they are telling me dirty Emotions
I don't feel his guitar tonight
More does not give up this great feeling.
I love you!
Why did you take her, you damn train
You know the way of whom I would like mine
Take me with you out of this gallery
Save our love, don't break so much poetry!
You don't understand that she is important
That their whims I lack a lot
May your blind drawn at night
It makes me die because I'm in love.
Every night the same songs
That they are telling me dirty (?) Emotions
I don't feel his guitar tonight
More does not give up this great feeling.
I love you!
Baby Girl
You sleep with the light on
Because the dark scares you
You still believe in Pinocchio
Looking in the mirror you don't realize that your breasts are growing
Girl girl,
Put on a record and sing along, girl
Run, climb and jump, girl
You don't care if this world is black or white
Girl girl
Think of the dances, girl
With your short miniskirt
In passing everyone looks at you
And when you go shopping
Boys and men follow you closely
You don't listen to anyone, you're still young
You don't think about love yet
Girl girl
Put on a record and sing along, girl
Run, climb and jump, girl
You don't care if this world is black or white
Girl girl
Think of the dances, girl
With your short miniskirt
In passing everyone looks at you
Girl girl
Put on a record and sing along, girl
Run, climb and jump, girl
You don't care if this world is black or white
Girl girl
Think of the dances, girl
With your short miniskirt
In passing everyone looks at you
It's getting late and you still haven't arrived
You forgot what day is today
It's just one year since we met
I am waiting to toast with you
Maybe because I'm so elegant
I put on that white-blue pullover
I look at my ring that ring
That a year ago you offered me
Dinner I prepared for us
The candle is short, it is burning
So as not to make this hope die
I put the champagne on ice
And you still haven't come, what will it be?
And what happened to you? and because?
I make a thousand guesses, walk around the house
I see all things, only you fate me
I’m sad I think that only a year ago
A glass of champagne you offered me
And smiling you toasted joyful
For our love, for our happiness
On the bed
Slowly on the bed
clean dirty glasses
and then you take off your socks
You throw the ashtray on the ground
You're nervous tonight
You also get tired of studying
The singers' magazines
a rag doll
Now you don't like anything anymore
Don't listen to the radio
You look in the mirror
but just to look at you
And you can't get into your head at all
that never comes back
If he wasn't sincere, if he screwed you up
don't think about it
You're tearing up all the things, all the photographs
that you kept kept
Also what you said: 'I want to make a poster'
you don't want to know anything more
The clock has stopped, but you don't care
You feel out of this world
You're crying, what are you doing?
You look like a little girl to me
yet you are twenty years old
Those runs at 100 miles per hour on the motorcycle
playing together in the wind, you're thinking over the bed
near a pillow that never return
And you can't get into your head at all
that never comes back
If he wasn't sincere, if he screwed you up
don't think about it
Go Away
So you go
and you don't care about me anymore
Without me you go
and I'm already looking for you
while I'm losing you
So, you leave
and you have already decided how to leave
Where will you go what will you do ...
and look me in the eye
give me a hug
Go where the sun is never there,
where you will find nothing,
in the fog you will stay,
looking for what you have,
then with the wind you will speak,
how many stories will you invent,
without time you will run
where there is no one
Go, without stars you go,
with this love you go,
without shoes you go
not to make you feel
so you go
it seems to me just like in the movies
Without me you go
you who are leaving me
and I who am dying
So you go
but inside your heart you stay with me
This hello is goodbye
and carry this tear
I'm crying for you
Something to forget
This summer love was nice for you
It was nice because you're used to it
You do not believe these things yet
You who don't keep your heart in your heart
You cannot understand, you cannot know
Because I'm crazy about you!
You like to hear, but you never say anything
You like to build, to always destroy
For you one love is such and the same as another one
When it is finished you have already forgotten!
You don't know how to die, you don't know how to fall
You love only yourself ...
You are something to forget
You are beautiful and vain just like the sea
You are a madonna who does not forgive you
A headache that sends you into a coma
You are something I cannot explain
An impossible to conquer
A beautiful day that ends badly
A red rose that pricks your hands!
How do I do it?
To not love you and to forget you?
Not to understand: that you are there and you exist ...!
You are something to forget ...
But without you I don't know how to be anymore ...
For you, love is a moment that escapes life
A dark room, a bed, then it's all over!
You don't care about feeling
You fall in love to pass the time!
You don't want to understand, you don't want to know
Let's go to you too ...
You are something to forget
You are beautiful and vain as you are at the sea
You are a madonna who does not forgive you
A headache that sends you into a coma!
You are something I cannot explain
An impossible to conquer
A beautiful day that ends badly
A red rose that pricks your hands!
How do I do it?
To not love you, to forget you?
To not understand: that you are there and you exist!
You are something to forget ...
But without you I don't know how to be anymore...
Tano’s rap
He is inside a curtain of sky and sea
grown up
under the same sky where he was born
it's over
did not go to school, in the middle of the street
what he knew he did not have
Tano's rap
I want to be a boss he said, when I grow up
I want to lead everyone's life
I want to fight with those who do not me
I want to spit in the face of those who swear and
Tano's rap
Rit.1 But how beautiful was my Tano
as was my mafia Tano
but how beautiful was my Tano
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful to die for
There was nothing that wasn't
if you didn't understand it was your 'business'
greeted people like the
a mafia hat always
he carried with him
Tano's rap
Behind the counter of a butcher's shop
where the weather does not change in the middle of
Vucciaria 1
he was selling human flesh covered by a lie
only he and God knew the truth
Tano's rap
Rit: same as first (1)
He never slept and therefore didn't
he dreamed
when he 'got mad', Sicily
always lots of people inside the butcher's shop
to pay a bribe or a courtesy
he was very jealous of his sisters
who have remained spinsters for a long time
they were mothers for this brother
but since he died their life is better
Tano's rap
Rit: But how handsome my brother was
like my brother was mafia
but how handsome my brother was
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful to die for
Another light
That‘s the way I see you
There is a light in your smile
Also when things get against you
When darkness gets deep
That‘s the way I see you
And it seems that paradise is also hiding this way
Where one day lasts for one second
It runs on a thin thread
And it never falls down
It there‘s war inside you, you never show it
It seems like routine is not your taste
When you say these things you are like me
You are like me
You are like me
You are like me
Nobody has ever understood how to warm me up like the sun
But for sure you can light me up when shadows chill my heart down
Show me (show me) how far this light can reach out,
show me
I can give you a light that you do not have
A moon above the sea
that stands beside you at night
I can give you one hundred eyes that keep you alive
when you don‘t believe
When you don‘t believe
That‘s the way I see you
That clean face
got dirty by the scratches of time that flies
(time) that hits us but doesn‘t break us
That‘s the way I see you
That‘s the way I see you
While life goes by
And I don‘t even notice it
because that idea of not being suitable has driven me astray
And a word that you do not want to hear
Is the key and a reason that you cannot understand
And a word can make you see
the good that cannot be seen but it is all around you
Arouund you
Around you
Nobody (nobody) can ever steal a dream
If you do not tell about it
Be sure (be sure)
That if you respect the waves the sea will not drown you
Show me (show me) how far this light can reach out,
show me
I can give you any light that you do not have (that you do not have)
A moon above the sea that stands beside you at night
To bring you out of this darkness that keeps you prisoner
I can give you one hundred eyes that keep you alive
But it will always be dark if you don‘t believe in it
If you don‘t believe in it
31 August
And we had a party for the end of the summer
On the beach we danced the last lento
It started like a game ma we have played with fire
I'm so cold, get the shoulders near
I love you
And the singer's voice get tired, the guitar seams to cry in the middle of the sea
Tell me where I can search for you when I'll need you
September is near, tomorrow you'll leave and I'm feeling bad
This big love keeps fly
Your blow, the wind, my hands, the wings
A mad run and we finish dressed in the sea
While the sky got darker, you walked away, and I was trembling for fear and like a child I was screaming Don't Leave Me
Do you remember the summer that I'll remember forever
Far from you I'm dying and you don't hear me
But the summer is winter without you, without sun
A month is passed but the season doesn't change
Also the sea has lost his colour without this love without this love
And we had a party at the end of the summer
So much water salts love have finished
The echo of our promises
My name on your jeans
And now all of this is at the bottom of the August's sea.
This big love keeps fly
Your blow, the wind, my hands, the wings
A mad run and we finish dressed in the sea
While the sky got darker, you walked away, and I was trembling for fear and like a child I was screaming Don't Leave Me
Do you remember the summer that I'll remember forever
Far from you I'm dying and you don't hear me
But the summer is winter without you, without sun
A month is passed but the season doesn't change
Also the sea has lost his colour without this love without this love