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Број резултата: 7


Why is it

Why is it, why is it
That a river flows into the sea
And the one who can't sing sings
Why is it, why is it
That the young don't want to be wise
And women are hidden beneath powder
Maybe a thief and maybe a monk
Wrote a book of books
That will explain once and for all
Why things are the way they are
Life has the taste of a battle
And man only flies through it
Why is it, why is it
That the Moon alternates with the Sun
On Earth there's prosperity and poverty
Why is it, why is it
That summer hates autumn
And a critic won't write a song
The question is perhaps stupid
But I want to know why it is
That smoke rises from a cigarette
That only a bow makes a violin play
And flying is not for humans
But birds
Maybe a thief and maybe a monk
Wrote a book of books
That will explain once and for all
Why are things the way they are
Life has the taste of a battle
And man only flies through it
Hopefully I'll get answers someday
Don't need all, just some
Everyone has a full list of questions
Why is it, why at all
Why is it, why is it
That the unsuccessful want to drink blood
Of those who succeed at being first
Why is it, why is it
That a painter only gets recognition
After he closes his eyes
Maybe a thief and maybe a monk
Wrote a book of books
That will explain once and for all
Why things are the way they are
Life has the taste of a battle
And man only flies through it

About happiness

I know just a little about happiness
Something I´ve learned from books.
It is like a butterfly
Fly around and takes a breath away.
It will meet me and whisper with it´s voice,
nice to meet you, your happiness I am.
My world was colourless,
unless you have came.
Coloured like that butterfly
with thousand vibrant colours.
You came and whispered with your voice,
nice to meet you, your happiness I am.
And so I can talk about happiness now,
If you are not here, I am stuck in abyss all alone.
And so I can talk about happiness now,
with you I live, not everyone is that happy.
And that I am here by your side
Will appreciate just history and a time.
As I am looking back
without you there was just darkness and fog.
What would I do all by myself, if your eyes wouldn´t have met mine?
You came and whisper with your voice,
nice to meet you, your happiness I am.


Nobody will accomplish what I promise to you
It only remains to believe, that we are fair
Tell me, who invented this word 'promises'
He had to be a madman, when he believed in nonsenses
He promised to you, that he will stand there
And you are waiting for him to come
Nobody will accomplish what I promise to you
Everyone is just lying to you, only I really love you
It depends on everything that is little here
And you are unique, I don´t mean it wrong
Okay, so I will confess what did happen to me
You are the one with who I finally feel
And if I feel, it means I am
He promised to you, that he will stand there
And you are waiting for him to come
Nobody will accomplish what I promise to you
Everyone is just lying to you, only I really love you
My life only thank to you is not asleep, it is awake
You are giving me the hope that it is possible to trust a person
Just promise me, that we can accomplish what is promised
And I will be your everything that you want
A lot of people was trying it, so we try it too
To prove the impossible, to sense each other as a gift
Life is a poem and we are the rhymes
So I will trust you, that we are not alone, that we are couple
So I promise you I will stand there
And you are waiting for me to come
Nobody will accomplish what I promise to you
Everyone is just lying to you, only I really love you
My life only thank to you is not asleep, it is awake
You are giving me the hope that it is possible to trust a person
Just promise me, that we can accomplish what is promised
And I will be your everything that you want
My life only thank to you is not asleep, it is awake
You are giving me the hope that it is possible to trust a person
Just promise me, that we can accomplish what is promised
And I will be your everything that you want

My love

Dawn revealed its face
And awoke a new day
It brought you to me
On the wings of an angel
My love
Brightness came over the mountains
And in my sky
Only your love is shining
My dangerous wound
You got closer to my heart
So stay there, let it hurt
I can handle it because I love you
My love
Brightness came over the mountains
And in my sky
Only your love is shining
The sun is shining above the sea
To honour you, my beauty
The sun is shining
My love
Brightness came over the mountains
And in my sky
Only your love is shining
My love
Brightness came over the mountains
And in my sky
Only your love is shining
The sun is shining above the sea
To honour you, my beauty
Brightness came over the mountains
My love
Brightness came over the mountains
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Words into the darkness

Our hearts are forever separated by fences
and words that I say, I´m now saying into the darkness
I confided my feelings to these four walls
I am serious, I even gave them names.
Why are rivers bleary after rain
what is the mankind striving for
how to decide what is right?
Why is the pain so oppressive?
I don´t see a purpose in it
love doesn´t make sense
When a human finds out why he loves
in that moment he stops loving.
I gagged and wandered off the path.
Mistakes can be made but they are punished.
Yesterday I had a dream that you came on a white horse
and today I´ve dreamed I am a sculptor
and you are my sculpture
I´ve breathed the life into you, you were only the clay
what I´d lived with you I will not experience with anyone else.
Why are rivers bleary after rain
what is the mankind striving for
how to decide what is right?
Why is the pain so oppressive?
I don´t see a purpose in it
love doesn´t make sense
When a human finds out why he loves
in that moment he stops loving.
I gagged and wandered off the path.
Mistakes can be made but they are punished.
Why are rivers bleary after rain
what is the mankind striving for
how to decide what is right?
Why is the pain so oppressive?
I don´t see a purpose in it
love doesn´t make sense
When a human finds out why he loves
in that moment he stops loving.
I gagged and wandered off the path.
Mistakes can be made but they are punished.
I don´t see a purpose in it
love doesn´t make sense
When a human finds out why he loves
in that moment he stops loving.
I gagged and wandered off the path.
Mistakes can be made but they are punished.
Our hearts are forever separated by fences
and words that I say, I´m now saying into the darkness...

Pesma bez imena

Mnogo godina unazad sam se zaljubio
u damu ponosnu i poštenu
Tako strastveni smo bili ona i ja
Palili smo vazduh
Voleo sam je više od života
Volela me je isto
i slomila je moje srce
sama pomisao na to da ćemo se rastaviti ako ona prekine aferu
Ali bio sam brutalan, neznalica
Bio sam okrutan, bio sam drzak
Nikada nisam mario o
lepoti koju sam smrskao
Nema sadiste poput mene, uživao sam
Čineći da moja ljubav plače
Sada bih molio za samo jedan njen poljubac
Da budem išiban i razapet
I sada osećam da ova bleda dama
ne može ponovo biti moja
Davno su nestale noći u mom usamljenom krevetu
Sva patnja i plač
I iako sam se toga bojio kroz ovaj život
Ona će me samo nazivati prijateljem
Dok ne umrem i budem sahranjen u svom grobu
Moja ljubav neće prestati nikada