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Број резултата: 15



I get vertigo when I think about it.
I get vertigo.
We spent all day long on Sundays,
all day long in bed
or on the blue Vespa when on holidays
at the Amalfi bay.
I get vertigo when I think about it
and I also get restless.
Sun for everyone and God for those
who secretly dream of being in love.
It's precisely Sunday
and I write these words to you.
I'm on the shores of the English Channel.
I wanted to see the boats.
The blue sky is gone now,
it's all white, all cloudy.
I wanted to see the sailing boats.
I saw my life as a parade.
And I see everything is dancing.
It's vertigo, I think.
I get vertigo when I think
of the afternoon demons.
We baptised every room
and the gardens as well.
I get vertigo when I think about it.
I get vertigo
and I get lost in my sweaters and sleeves.
I'm no longer hungry.
Sun for everyone and God for those
who secretly dream of being in love.
The Sunday night film
bores me out from now on.
I see nothing but a black screen,
nothing but shades of grey.
The blue sky is gone now,
it's all white, all cloudy.
I wanted to see the sailing boats.
I saw my life as a parade.
And I see everything is dancing.
It's vertigo, I think.
And it all restarts.
Tomorrow is Monday
and you won't come back.
It gets me vertigo.
It turns around and seems like a month.
It all turns around me.
It's vertigo, I think.

14. фебруар

Постоје дани
Дани када богови забораве на тебе
Када те оптерете нека сећања
Дани које не треба доживети
Нити их оставити у заграду
Само дан који
сам прецртала
14. фебруар.
Постоје дани
Дани који су непријатељи
Гори и од петка, 13-ог,
Дани који се крећу успорено
Нити се тих дана утишају сатови
Само један дан
У календару
Само један дан
14. фебруар.
Када познајеш време
Када познајеш бол
Који су потребни да заборавиш
Када познајеш празнину
Када искусиш губитак
И очекујеш да више никада не волиш
Да више не волиш
Постоје ноћи
За које не желиш да дођу
Које те оставе на ивици литице
Бесане ноћи које не можеш избећи
Јер се због њих осећаш непријатно
Као овај дан
У пешчаном сату
Само један дан
14. фебруар.
Када познајеш време
Када познајеш бол
Који су потребни да заборавиш
Када познајеш празнину
Када искусиш губитак
И очекујеш да више никада не волиш
Када познајеш време
Када познајеш бол
Који су потребни да заборавиш
Када познајеш празнину
Када искусиш губитак
И очекујеш да више никада не волиш

My Little Dream Girl

You do not have a red mouth
You do not have charcoal black eyes
You do not have painted nails, you're natural
Your palace is your room
Your Christmas is December
When the nights are long
And when we live in heaven
My little dream girl
Even if you do not want, I'll take you away
I will take your laces
Your swallow's belly
That I will caress until morning
When I make my fortune
I will pay you the moon
And even all the stars of the sky
My little dream girl
Even if you do not want, I'll take you away
I have nothing to give you
But I can invent everything
I can even make you a child
I am an entertainer
Who makes fun of banks
My wealth is my songs and it's you
My little dream girl
Even if you do not want, I take you away
My little dream girl
Even if you do not want, I take you away
You do not have a red mouth
You do not have black charcoal eyes
You do not have painted nails, you're natural
Your palace is your room
Your Christmas is December
When the nights are long
And when we live in heaven
My little dream girl
Even if you do not want, I'll take you away

Peppermint soda

Your high school ring binders
hold your dreams and secrets,
all these words you never say.
Words of love and tenderness,
words of a woman
that are frowned upon, so you hide them.
So you hide them, little Anne.
Your high school ring binders
hold blood and tears,
the first wounds of your heart.
The first wounds,
harrowing blows
that bruise your soul,
that bruise your soul, little Anne.
In the high school cafés
you have to bluff and lie
While drinking peppermint soda1
you'll brag about
last summer's nights
and all these first lovers
you had only in your dreams.
Your high school ring binders
hold your dreams and secrets,
all these words you never say.
Words of love and tenderness,
words of a woman
that are frowned upon, so you hide them.
So you hide them, little Anne.
  • 1. the song is the main theme of a about teenage girls in the 60's.
    A great movie, by the way.

I Can No Longer Say I Love You

I can no longer say I love you.
Do not ask me why,
I feel neither joy nor sorrow
When your eyes fall upon me.
If loneliness weighs you down,
When you come to pass through here,
And because a friend has forgotten you,
You can always count on me.
I can no longer say I love you,
Without biting my tongue.
Too many snakes under the caresses,
Too much passion for drawing knives.
However hard the loneliness may be
It leads you back to your destiny
The laws of true love are rough
For those who've mistaken the path.
I can no longer say that I love you.
Do not ask my why,
You and I are no longer the same,
Why love comes and goes.
If loneliness weighs you down
When destiny leads you here
And because a friend has forgotten you,
You can always count on me.


I'm going round in circles
Spending my time
Trying to find out why or how
I managed not to see before
That living in the present is enough
The past is an old love
The future a sweet suitor
But nothing is enough
I'm taking my last overdose
I promise, then I'll move on to something else
I'm making peace with this fake me
Of which he is the ego, I am not
I undergo the metamorphosis
Of the inevitable neurosis
Suddenly I settle
Time is unchanging
Like this song
In a child's heart
Which withstands
Fathomless and yet
It is in the here, the now
That life is lived
I'm not going round any more
I speak as if
Words were no longer a challenge
But the unspeakable a real story
Although it may not please Descartes
Between words and their silence
I find the real meaning
I am, therefore I think
Time is unchanging
Like this song
In a child's heart
Which withstands
Fathomless and yet
It is in the here, the now
That life is lived
I'm taking my last overdose
I promise, then I'll move on to something else
Suddenly I settle
Time is unchanging
Like this song
In a child's heart
Which withstands
Fathomless and yet
It is in the here, the now
That life is lived
Like this wind
Everything is in the present moment
An exemption from time
On which we depend
Miniscule, and yet
It is in the here and now
That nothing hurts any more
Nothing hurts us any more
Nothing hurts us any more

Following a star

Following a star
Carried wherever the wind should blow
Lifting the sails
On the dinghies, the old riggings
And filling up with the air of time
In our solitary races
Passengers lost
Inventors, travelling salesmen
We go forward without knowing anything
Girls in love or sea-fishermen
All going towards the same story...
Following a star
For my star, indulging in all the battles
Raising the sails
Against the sky,
And causing the citadels to fall
All my virtual ramparts
Whatever happens
Finding my silk route
Heading for the Forest of Brocéliande
Following the tracks of Percival
I want to find my legend
To attach myself to an ideal
In spite of fear
I want to keep for my heart
The best... the best...
Love in my soul
Across this world, I feel
That someone is waiting
And meeting on this earth
A little loving solidarity,
Whatever happens
Finding the road that leads to you
Following a star,
Up there, up there, running wherever the wind should blow
Raising the sails
And hoisting high on the old riggings
Following a star,
Up there, up there, running wherever the wind should blow
Raising the sails
And hoisting high on the old riggings

A Hidden Woman

There is in my heart
A woman who’s waiting
For the right moment and the hour
To offer her gifts
There are in my eyes
More than enough torments
Of courage and confessions
To speak my mind
A hidden woman within me
A hidden woman, ready for every struggle
Would like that, at her awakening, you hear her voice
And that you be there…
And when I stay quiet
I point out to the silence
What I want to scream
With or without violence
There is in my heart
A woman who dances
Fortunate from the joy
Of having left childhood
A hidden woman within me
A hidden woman, ready for any struggle
Would like that, at her awakening, you hear her voice
And that you be there to extend your arms to her (x2)


When will we have walked our eyes to heaven
Only to trip on reality one day
Forgetting the earth under our feet
For a cloud that passed
When will we be afraid of storms
Of these burning sarcophagi
Fearing the shadow when evening comes
Living an illusion
Who knows
But who can know
How many summers from Hell
We have left to live before the Exodus
We’ve plundered, emptied the seas
And trafficked the codes
We ignored the alarm
The foretold signs
We lost our soul
The only thing left is to abandon all
What will be left?
A life of stone
After so many lives
Happy on earth
Just as many broken lives
And we must go away
Deadly winds
Burning our hemispheres
It’s high time for us to get fresh air
To emigrate to Jupiter
To leave like the swallows
They all became crazy
This is what they’ll say of us
They’ll write on our stelae
“Your home was beautiful.”
And we rolled
To the bottom of the slope
Nothing to brake
Our descent
We’re going to lose
Like the dragonflies
We must choose
The sky or the earth
What will be left?
A life of stone
After so many lives
Happy on earth
Just as many broken lives
And we must go away
The scale balances
We must seize it
Space extends its cords
Space is pulling us in
To go away
Yes, we must go away


We dreamt
of unreal things,
of jewels under the stones,
of nuggets
in river beds.
Under our cristal
ghosts of illusions
were obscuring
oblivion and evil.
As for me, I want to seek
As for me, I want to dig,
to find under the soil,
to find under the flesh
these rainbow-hued gems
rainbow-hued, rainbow-hued.
Shall my heart be pure,
shall I be filled with wonder,
I will find for sure
these gems,
these rainbow-hued gems,
eternal immortal beings.
We held
under our Eritrean skins
a ruby in the rough,
in its cage.
As for me, I want to seek
As for me, I want to dig,
to find under the soil,
to find under the flesh
these rainbow-hued gems
rainbow-hued, rainbow-hued.
Shall my heart be pure,
shall I be filled with wonder,
I will find for sure
these gems,
these rainbow-hued gems,
eternal immortal beings.
As for me, I want to seek
As for me, I want to dig
and find these gems,
and the one I love,
not so far away from the sky,
here on earth,
in my flesh.
As for me, I want to seek
As for me, I want to dig,
to find under the soil,
to find under the flesh
these rainbow-hued gems
rainbow-hued, rainbow-hued.
Shall my heart be pure,
shall I be filled with wonder,
I will find for sure
these gems,
these rainbow-hued gems,
eternal immortal beings.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

What I am

What I am
remains an incomprehensible,
obscure inconcievable thing
that humans can't define.
Throught the fabric of space and time I proceed,
within million of Andromedic galaxies.
There's nothing that I wasn't at all,
nothing but a single heart.
Over there, above the depths,
I am a part of the mass, of the feet. I am a spectacle.
I am all of this and nothing,
nothing that I've not been.
I was the copper-cut sword,
the old warrior battling inside the forest.
I am all of this and nothing,
until the end of time.
I am the book
at its starting point,
the very first word of this book,
the spark into the blank space,
the emerald on Lucifer's forehead.
They throw themselves against them.
There's nothing that I wasn't at all,
nothing but a single heart.
Over there, above the depths,
I am a part of the mass, of the feet. I am a spectacle.
I am all of this and nothing,
nothing that I've not been.
I understand these shining stars in the sky,
but I can't figure out any of your miserable caresses.
I am all of this and nothing,
until the end of time.
I tamed all the waves,
I crashed so many boats.
I am all of this and nothing,
although I wasn't.
Over there, above the depths,
it's love that is missing and its sweetness.
I search in vain, I fruitlessly seek
for a winner.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

Draw your path

'help yourself and the sky will help you'
murmurs a small voice
here is your mantra
and you draw your path
draw your path
You advance
you do not expect anything
Alone you navigate an icebreaker
and you draw your path,
draw your path
oh, oh, oh
but you draw your path,
draw your path,
oh, oh, oh.
and you draw your path,
draw your path
It should stop
the time of tomorrow,
singing now
another refrain
see the other fates,
clear the anxiety
this uncertain sky,
these crows who pass.
'Help yourself and the sky will help you.'
all this mea culpa
you get rid of it
and you draw your path,
draw your path.
'Help yourself and the sky will help you.'
this mantra, it is yours
of daring
and you draw your path,
draw your path.
Oh, oh, oh.
And you draw your path,
Draw your path.
Oh, oh, oh...
'Help yourself and the sky will help you.'
you only live on the surface,
all these up and down
and you draw your path,
draw your path.
it is necessary to change
this inhuman world,
ability to stop
before the end,
to see the other fates,
clear the anxiety,
this uncertain sky,
these crows who pass.