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Број резултата: 72


He is like a sunshine [Beau comme le soleil]

He is like a sunshine
Maybe he is a prince, who knows?
He looked once and he has the love
He just wakes up, grabs me
He is like a sunshine
Maybe he is a prince, who knows?
I want it so....I dream it so...
He is like a sunshine
But he's a rascal, everyone knows it
Yet when he is near
Although I want to run away, something holds me
He is like a sunshine
But he's a rascal, everyone knows it
I want... I shiver...
He is like a sunshine
He is the one I dream of
Nothing will tear us apart
Once he takes me in his arms
He is like a sunshine
He is the one I dream of
He is like a sunshine
A sunshine....

Pagan Ave Maria

Ave Maria
Forgive me
If I’m standing in front of you
Ave Maria
I just can’t get on my knees
Ave Maria
Always save me
From crazy people who don’t believe in anything
And rule this earth
Ave Maria
Foreigners will come from all over the world
Ave Maria
Listen to my prayer
Make that we are all brothers
Without races, without barriers
Ave Maria
Watch over me night and day
Ave Maria
I beg you
Watch over my love and my life
Ave Maria

Tu vas me détruire (polish version)

When my blood is boiling,
My mind is full of lewd thoughts
You have to know, that my spirit is dying
Stun with madness
I know, that I'm on fire
I know, that the end is near
May hell swallow me!
It is putting its hands to grab me
I know, you will destroy me
I know, you will destroy me
And be cursed until death, my life
I know, you will destroy me
I know, you will destroy me
I knew it, when for the first time
I saw your eyes
I know, you will destroy me
I know, you will destroy me
I know, you will destroy me
Your dance charmed me
Will god redeem me now?
You are tempting me with your body
However you don't want to give me your heart
So give me only one dance
For this short moment
May devil stay next to me
I know, you will destroy me...
I was as wall, as rock
I was dreaming only about god
Now my heart is bleeding
I surrender to you
I want to die in your arms
Despite my soul is dying
One word is enough
And you will be my queen!
I know, you will destroy me...

To drink !

Versions: #2
[Frollo and the crowd:]
Hunchback! Lame! One-eyed! Rapist!
Bell ringer of unhappiness
Pray for him, poor sinner
Have mercy on him Lord
Have mercy on poor Quasimodo
Who already wears on his back
All the woes of the world
And who asks you nothing
But a drop of water
Pity onlookers
For your beadle
A drop of water
For Quasimodo
To drink !
Give me something to drink!
To drink ! To drink !
Give me something to drink!


You light up the night,
Caressing Paris so sweetly.
See my face that yearns for love.
Who lives in the darkness.
You die when the sun shows itself.
But wait, follow the path of my earthly existence.
I can see the tears of the moon, alone,
For whom everything around
Looks so empty, worthless.
Its heart has already died, moon.
When the night disappears,
Stay here as the sun shows up
And wait, cover the screaming in the silent night.
The lament,
Quasimodo shouts his pain out
In the night, hiding his voice.
He bemoans his fate, see him.
Every teardrop shimmers through you.
Keep us safe.
It seems like an angel laughing sweetly.
Show me your light.
Moon, help me as I versify,
See how my heart succumbs again and again
To you,
To you.

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

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Belle A word invented for your skin
When you move your body you slay for him
Flight of a bird that makes me shudder
A great hell will open at my feet
Inside her dress, trembles sexuality
I pray that Notre Dame will serve me
Who, throws the first stone is able to
Because that man shall not live in peace
Oh Lucifer, oh let me just once
Stroke the hair of Esmeralda
Belle in her beautiful body is Lucifer incarnate
So that I could never see my God
For who else woke up this passion in me?
Which will cause my ultimate demise
She carries with her the original sin
For wanting her, I will be a criminal
Because she is the image of the great sinner
Today she will bear the cross of our redeemer
Oh Notre Dame, oh let me just once
Open the door of Esmeralda's gate
Belle, although the flower of her skin in so tempting
The maiden is not a girl from a brothel
When she moves, she moves my imagination
Her rainbow-coloured dress is my obssession
My dear one, let me be unfaithful (just once)
Before I be forever faithful to you
Who will dare not to look at the same beauty
Without becoming a pillar of salt
Oh flor de lys, I'm not a man of faith
And I will take Esmeralda's flower of love
The three:
Inside her dress, trembles sexuality
I pray that Notre Dame will serve me
Who, throws the first stone is able to
Because that man shall not live in peace
Oh Lucifer, oh let me just once
Stroke the hair of Esmeralda
Of Esmeralda......


That's what I call the woman who torments my heart,
Not a gypsy girl but rather a mademoiselle
A brightly coloured bird who spreads her wings
And without knowing it, always makes me happy
I look at her and I can not hold back myself
I'd rebuild Notre Dame for her Suppose,
she also wants what I've always hoped for
I caress her shadow, kiss the ground she walks on
Oh Lucifer, if Esmeralda would see me
I would drown in that single glance
Like a Lema's snake she crawled out of hell.
A temptation where I've opened myself up to
Promises, desire and I'm stuck in between
My passion duels with my vows this way
That woman is a sin, she is pretty with a swelling
But she tempts me with the smallest looks, very fast
Suppose, that I let myself be tempted by her
I can not live with that pinnacle of betrayal
Oh Notre Dame if Esmeralda would notice me
I would fall into the flames of her Hell.
Her big black eyes, irresistibly bright
Plays an irresistible game to win
I see her sweetest whisper as an order
A free-spirited woman, she's a rebel
Allow me for one time the perfect adultery
Then I shall give her my life long farewell
Suppose, as a Medusa she sees me and only me
How I feel immediately succumbed by that cold look
Oh Fleur de lis, if Esmeralda loves me
Then my life will stop before it even starts
I look at her and I can not hold back myself
I'd rebuild Notre Dame for her Suppose,
she also wants what I've always hoped for
I caress her shadow, kiss the ground she walks on
Oh Lucifer, if Esmeralda would see me
I would drown in that single glance


If beauty exists, it must live in her
She dances there, and I tremble in pleasure
(Like) A wonderful bird, when it runs to Heaven's Door
And I already know that I have Hell in my two eyes.
My hungry sight is blindly looking under her dress
And how am I supposed to pray to Notre Dame?
Who will throw the first stone at her will commit a sin
And will tote his guilt until the end
Satan, let me stroke her sparkling hair
Because my insanity's name is Esmeralda...
Is that the devil, who was incarnated into that beautiful shape?
There is my eternal God, and my thoughts are about her.
Satan's power, which plays on my heart, on my desires,
repels me from Heaven's Door to an evil site.
Does she know, that she bears the sin of Eve in her?
And why I so, want her so?
It can not, that moment only, there is a joke,
Bear on her shoulders a human cross to the end.
Oh, Notre Dame! Let me open, only one time
The doors of the Garden, whose name is Esmeralda...
There is so much beauty in her, that something grabs me!
Can I love for the first time, is it possible?
Her every move, so innocent, plays on my senses
And her dress is like a rainbow of seven colors!
My Darling, I've left for an unfaithful dream
Before we take the sacred vows that will bond us to Judgment Day!
Is the man who wants to look away,
Even if he would change into a pillar of salt because of guilt?
Oh, Fleur-de-Lys, my loyalty is like a thin thread.
Today I'll pluck a flower whose name is Esmeralda...
My hungry sight is blindly looking under her dress
And how am I supposed to pray to Notre Dame?
Who will throw the first stone at her will commit a sin
And will tote his guilt until the end
Satan, let me stroke her sparkling hair
Because my insanity's name is Esmeralda...