Резултати претраге страна 22
Број резултата: 1374
When I was a child I was fat
They used to make fun of me
The seniors of my school in front of the Tortuga
And at the school parties
We used to dance slow dances
Lights would turn off on careless hands
On innocent [hands]
I'd write and cry, and I was already thinking about you
In my dark room
What a light there was
Absolute silence
The Greek translation
If you got a sentence wrong, it couldn't be fixed
Your lost eyes
Four desks behind
I feel such a coward while you're calling out for help
Calling out for help
And I cried and I wrote
And I lived for you
And the empty room
Was full of you
And my time was going by
Meaner than ever. In Italy a deadly war was about to start
A deadly [war]
I was hammering on the piano
More confident every day
A voice was screaming I wasn't innocent
And I cried and I wrote
I was thinking about you no more
In my dark room
What a light there was
When I was a child I was fat
They used to make fun of me
The seniors of my school in front of the Tortuga
And at the school parties
We used to dance slow dances
Lights would turn off on careless hands
On innocent [hands]
Остани вечерас да заједно гледамо како свиће
да осјетим твој глас
како ме мази
Остани још само секунду
немаш шта да изгубиш
док на твојој кожи сликам море
сачињено од успомена
Спустио сам небо да откријем
шта се крије у твом погледу
на само пар центиметара од мене
Остаћу и обећавам
да ћу те вољети више него јуче
Љубићу те лагано
као први пут
И оставићу страх иза себе
док ми је твоја душа међу прстима
јер ја ћу остати
Знам да има много њих попут мене
који имају много тога да понуде
али, кунем ти се, ову љубав
нико не може да побиједи
И иако наш плес
буде правио кораке уназад
Не брини се, ја
ћу увијек плесати са тобом
Па шта и да се свијет сруши данас
и као да је важно шта ће бити сутра
ја од тебе нећу отићи
Остаћу и обећавам
да ћу те вољети више него јуче
Љубићу те лагано
као први пут
И оставићу страх иза себе
док ми је твоја душа међу прстима
јер ја ћу остати
Уз тебе чак и ако нам тло подрхтава
и ако се угаси сунце
и ако падне небо
на само пар центиметара смо једно од другог
И оставићу страх иза себе
док ми је твоја душа међу прстима
јер ја ћу остати
Целом свету недељом
Целом свету недељом
Целом свету недељом
засија лице...
Какве боје, каква музика
у твом осмеху!
Као ватра гориш,
ти си и сам Христос,
Христос из комшилука,
који зна какав је снег...
Како је лепо волети те
и чезнути за тобом,
да засладиш горчину,
и даш ми утеху.
Као ватра гориш,
ти си и сам Христос,
Христос из комшилука,
који зна какав је снег...
Crni anđelčići
Slikaru, ti koji rođen si u mojoj zemlji
sa stranim i tuđim kistom
The sea rolls up upon the sand
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and it faints
Because it feels happiness
Even the sea is married
Even the sea has a wife
It is married to the sand
Can touch it when it wants
Even the sea is married
Even the sea has little children
It's married to the sand
And the children are the little fish
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and it faints
Because it feels happiness
Hey, sea, you're a lion
You want to eat everybody
I do not know how can the man
Win you waves
Hey, sea, you don't melt your heart
(There isn't a) ship that doesn’t break you
Hey, sea, you didn't fulfill
What you’ve dealt with me
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody can hear what he says
It hits the sand and collapses
Because it feels happiness
I heard the mermaid singing
In the middle of that sea
How many ships are lost
Hearing that sound of her
Even the fish of the sea
Peck on the whale
I never saw a single man
Going out with ugly woman
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and collapses
Because it feels happiness
Verse 1
Look what you've done again
I'm not usually like this
But I'm moving to your rhythm
You're the wind and the music
This force which has attracted me
It's something that's too hard to control
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
The memory of you doesn't, doesn't, doesn't leave me alone
Your scent is my oxygen, oxygen
You're a typhoon, yeah, you leave me breathless
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
Take me to your heart
Verse 2
Look what you've done with us
How my heart beat
It beats for the both of us
It beats exactly like yours beats
This force which has attracted me
It's something that's too hard to control
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
The memory of you doesn't, doesn't, doesn't leave me alone
Your scent is my oxygen, oxygen
You're a typhoon, yeah, you leave me breathless
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
Take me to your heart
Song for Asim Zeneli
Versions: #1
1.A voice is yelling from the Mezhgorani gorge:
Assoult albanians, to crush the enemy!
Aren't we sons and daughters of this land?
How could we possibly endure the enemy?
2.The war starts fiery and horrifying
On July second, Ninenteen fortythree
And the partisans, like it’s their customs,
Attack the fascists furiously.
Guns are shooting.
Bombs are blasting.
Cannons, machinge-guns firing uninterruptedly.
Military camions destroyed, tanks blowing in the air
And the war goes on furiously.
3.Comrade Asim leaves his rocky position
And like a dragon storms out full of rage
'We cannot endure the dogma of Italian fascism'
Amid smoke and fire he attacks with courage
4.Why Vjosa river is running muddy
And valleys, mountains, are echoing in sorrow?
Comrade Asim has been shot in the head
He fell a martyr in the War for Liberation.
Rest in peace oh comrade
Because we will revenge you!
The blood that you spilt was for Albania
A dear price the Italian fascists are to pay.
You are a Hero for Liberation.
Ако се једног дана вратиш
Опало лишће
Не може ићи много далеко,
Пузи само
Ношено ветром,
У твом сећању
Записаћу остатке
Моје сломљене душе,
Ове сломљене душе...
Била си вода
За излечење мог живота,
Данас си киша
Што пече сваку рану,
Немам ништа
У замену за твој повратак
Само жељу...
Можда нисам била способна да те насмејем,
Шегрт сам среће,
Али се трудим,
Колико се трудим!
Можда нисам савршен како си очекивала,
Али у покушају да то будем нико ме не побеђује,
Увек се трудим,
Колико се трудим!
Ако се једног дана вратиш,
Са жељом да останеш,
Да тражиш
Некога ко више не постоји,
Овде сам
Још увек сам овде
Ако се једног дана вратиш,
Јер оно што си тражио
Ниси пронашао
И нико ти није дао,
Ја сам овде
Још увек сам овде
Не живе дуго,
Толико су лепи
Али између њихових сећања
Имају на уму
Да нису рођени лепи,
Да без својих крила
Не вреде ништа
Увек преиспитујеш
Моје неповерење,
Нису ме научили
Да будем она која побеђује,
Никада се нисам пела
Да покупим медаље
Али сам сањала...
Можда нисам био способан да те насмејем,
Шегрт сам среће,
Али се трудим,
Колико се трудим!
Можда нисам савршена како си очекивао,
Али у покушају да то будем нико ме не побеђује,
Увек се трудим,
Колико се трудим!
Ако се једног дана вратиш,
Са жељом да останеш,
Да тражиш
Некога ко више не постоји,
Овде сам
Још увек сам овде
Ако се једног дана вратиш,
Јер оно што си тражила
Ниси пронашла
И нико ти није дао,
Ја сам овде
Још увек сам овде
Не мисли да сам погрешила,
Ти си ме учинио бољом,
Научио сам да је овај бол
Био део одрастања
Мрак ме је научио
Да видим светлост а да не видим сунце
Јачи сам него јуче,
Све вреди за твоју љубав
Ако се једног дана вратиш,
Са жељом да останеш,
Да тражиш
Некога ко више не постоји,
Овде сам
Увек сам био овде...
Don't drag me down
Don't drag me down, my wild days are over
Don't drag me down, I don't love you anymore
I am off to work in the morning, at noon I have my lunch, at 5 p.m. I hurry back home, and I am the first to go to bed at night
Don't drag me down, you thought it all would be just like in the movies
Don't drag me down, this life is nothing like the movies
I am off to work in the morning, at noon I have my lunch, at 5 p.m. I hurry back home, and I am the first to wake up in the morning
I am off to work in the morning, at noon I have my lunch, at 5 p.m. I hurry back home, and I am the first to go to bed at night
Don't drag me down, my wild days are over
Don't drag me down, I don't love you anymore
Childhood Memories
No no
No no
No no no
Oh, see what our hearts were happy with...
With daddy's stories
With sleeping to mommy's lullaby
Oh, see what our hearts were happy with!
Some Atari gaming Super Mario (Atari is an old gaming console)
That whenever we would play it,
We would go to the high levels
Oh, see what my heart was happy with...
To new years eve and new years cash gifts (Iranian New Years customs)
I'd copy off the classmate beside me
Every class would end and
The ruler's mark would stay on my hand (slapped on the ruler by teacher)
'Wish every class would be gym'
I'd have a pack of crayons, different colors
We'd color the world
In that world, you would be mine (for the girl he had a crush on in the class)
Oh oh oh, ohhh
Oh, how fast it passed, the loving atmosphere of that childhood
Days like them won't come around, no
No they won't come, no they won't come
Mom, forgive me if my behavior in class was the worst
If they expelled me no matter how much you spoke to them (the school)
Forgive me if the line was busy when you called me a few times
Mom, I wish we could return to that house again
So that during summer, I wouldn't have to wake up in the morning
Then we'd play soccer in the nearby alley with two bricks as soccer nets
And the winters, sitting by the window
Waiting for snow that
Would build up so much that we couldn't go to school the next day
Mom, forgive me that I made you cry
If I wouldn't come home some nights
I wish you were still here worried about my future and studies
How quickly did I regret it, but now it's over
Even now, Heaven has no place except for under your feet
I'm still that same son of yours
Born 1st of Ordibehesht (April)
Now wherever he goes all eyes are on him
Like his childhood colorings, he draws flowers (and draws them big)
Oh, see what our hearts were happy with...
With daddy's stories
With sleeping to mommy's lullaby
Oh, see what my heart was happy with!
To new years eve and new years cash gifts (Iranian New Years customs)
I'd copy off the classmate beside me
Every class would end and
The ruler's mark would stay on my hand (slapped on the ruler by teacher)
'Wish every class would be gym'
I'd have a pack of crayons, different colors
We'd color the world
In that world, you would be mine (for the girl he had a crush on in the class)
Oh oh oh, ohhh
Oh, how fast it passed, the loving atmosphere of that childhood
Days like them won't come around, no
No they won't come, no they won't come
Since my childhood, we witnessed anything
They would say 'Eventually, you'll lose'
Now see who I became
Tell me, did you see or no?
I don't remember anything from my childhood
No I don't remember
I don't remember anything from my childhood
No I don't remember, no I don't remember
All except for a couple friends who only wanted the best for me
They always helped out in the most pure down to earth way.
When Arta (himself) didn't have a roof
Salute to the one who would write my name for the haters
They'd kick me out of class, I'd write lyrics in a corner in the yard
Now my only concern is to make good money
Even when your bro's asleep, still the profits come in (referring to himself)
You won't get here where we're standing, without putting in effort
I'm at the very peak
But see, you're at most just at Kooye Faraz
Don't scare me with 'if I become alone one day'
A few years ago, we were a couple bros
In our pictures we were the best of friends
We were neighbors
But one night
I was stubborn with everyone (cut myself off from everyone)
Nobody waited for me
No, not one person
Just one cigarette, (me) standing at the door, in shock
Everyone left...
Cause my path is crooked
Cause it has no mercy
Cause it has no mercy
Oh, see what our hearts were happy with...
Oh, see what our hearts were happy with...
White seaboat
Versions: #1
I was looking long at you
You walked on deck in whole silence
And white seaboat quietly
Sailed off from noisy, crowded quayside
And I've been suddenly whirled up
I wobbled by this boat
And I watched as behind the stern
Was sailing happy port
Ah, white seaboat
Bass sound of its horn
Scream of seagulls outside
And shining of blue eyes
Ah, white seaboat
And running water flow
You quickly carry me
Tell where to?
But seaboat was sailing on
And waves were running behind stern
And wind was tender and began
To play with you as your friend
And when I looked at you that time
I do not know why
In this cool moment as noever
I envied his desire !
Ah, white seaboat
Bass sound of its horn
Scream of seagulls outside
And shining of blue eyes
Ah, white seaboat
And running water flow
You quickly carry me
Tell where to?
Ah, white seaboat
Bass sound of its horn
Scream of seagulls outside
And shining of blue eyes
Ah, white seaboat
And running water flow
You're carrying me
Tell where to?
Ah, white seaboat
Bass sound of boat horn
Scream of seagulls outside
And shining of blue eyes
Ah, white seaboat
And running water flow
You quickly carry me
Tell where to?
RV 644 II, 11: The sufferings of your mind.
The sufferings of your mind flee from the heart,
and, holding the chalice, long live the glory of Judith,
and, extinguished the torch of war,
love lasts thanks to you serene.
Into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
don't feel like staying midway
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
don't feel like staying midway
brother don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in sorrows
sister don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in hell
brother don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in sorrows
sister don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in hell
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the worlds nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the world's nested within each other
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
don't feel like staying midway
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
gotta go into psychosis
don't feel like staying midway
brother don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in sorrows
sister don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in hell
brother don't go down
don't go down
don't go down in sorrows
sister don't go down
don't go down, no no no
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the worlds nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the world's nested within each other
paranoia is the best entertainment
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the worlds nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the world's nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the worlds nested within each other
gotta go deep into psychosis
into the infinities of the world's nested within each other
Congrats (Glad)
I didn't think I'd meet you, never thought I would see you here
The two of you look so perfect together
Not sure now if I should go say hello or not
Since you and I are not the same, not the way we used to be.
Those words of love that the two of us used to have for each other, in those days
But in the end we had only sadness to share
And now today the difference between you and me
Is that you've met someone new
So congrats, that you've gotten a new start
Congrats, that you've finally found some happiness
So different from me, still stuck in the past, back when I still had you
I want to forget those days, just the same as you've forgotten me
(I want to forget those days, finally)
I've been looking too, I've been trying
I am open for someone new to come into my life
But up to now I haven't met them, haven't found anyone
Someone who can understand me, the way you've found someone who understands you
Those words of love that the two of us used to have for each other, in those days
But in the end we had only sadness to share
And now today the difference between you and me
Is that you've met someone new
So congrats, that you've gotten a new start
Congrats, that you've finally found some happiness
So different from me, still stuck in the past, back when I still had you
I want to forget those days, just the same as you've forgotten me
(I want to forget those days, finally)
But if the day comes that I get a new start too
I would want you to be happy for me, if we meet then
It is just that that day hasn't come yet, not for me
So congrats, that you've gotten a new start
Congrats, that you've finally found some happiness
So different from me, still stuck in the past, back when I still had you
I want to forget those days, just the same as you've forgotten me
(I want to forget those days, finally)
I want the day to come that I get a new start too
I want to finally find some happiness someday
But for now I'm still stuck in the past, back when I still had you
And I'm not ready to forget you, the way you've forgotten me
Тешке године
Бродови са
бројаницама су
Чаробне ноћи је
тишина наших речи
Отишао је наш живот,
престао је.
Брод љубави нестао је.
Тешке године, тешке
су стигле.
Тешке године, тешке,
све смо изгубили.
Тешке године, тешке,
горчина и апатија.
Тешке године, тешке
и јака зима.
Те љубави
писане Јеванђељем
су изгубљене.
Временом су пауци
смех нашег детињства
Отишао је наш живот, нестао је.
Брод љубави отишао је.
Каисариани - Омонија
Од Каисариани до Омоније
путовање је било дуго
јутарњим аутобусом
а повратак у залазак сунца.
И видео сам у сновима
мог детињастог срца
како је земља бескрајна
и уз помоћ маште
замишљао путовање
од Нила до Миссиссиппија.
Кирки ме је загрлио
и пре него што се мој сан остварио
првим аутобусом сам
стигао до Каисарианија.
И видео сам у сновима
мог детињастог срца
како је земља бескрајна
и уз помоћ маште
замишљао путовање
од Нила до Миссиссиппија.
Igra s vatrom
Prošlo je samo nekoliko dana
Mora da si bacila čini na mene
Pa ne mogu da te izbacim iz svojih vena
Pevušim: O Bože, ona će biti moj kraj
Ja obično ne ispadnem budala
Pa reci mi brate, šta čovek treba da uradi?
Pola sam čovek, pola lud
Poludeo sam zbog tebe
Pevušim: O moj Bože...
Ako si ti vatra ja sam benzin
Pa, moja mama je uvek govorila da je glupo
stati na put ženi koja zna šta želi
Ali, izgleda da sam ja napravio tu grešku
Ja sam mlad, blesav ili previše hrabar
A ona je našla put do mog srca
Moram se izvući iz ovoga
Eto šta dobiješ kad se zaljubiš
Niko mi nije rekao da tako dobro boli
Probao sam jednom, ali došlo mi je glave
Na kraju izgoriš
Ja sam kao benzin, ti zapali šibicu
Ne postoji niko drugi zbog koga tako gorim
Tako da se kunem ubiću ovu želju u sebi
Eto šta dobiješ kada se igraš vatrom
Eto šta dobiješ kada se igraš vatrom
Eto šta dobiješ kada se igraš vatrom
Ja sam piroman, nisam bezbedan
Jer ti na čelu piše da si nevolja
Kažeš mi: dušo, moraš imati malo vere
Misliš da ću imati milosti ali znam da ti nisi svetica
I tata me je upozoravao na vrstu žena kao što si ti
I čitam tu istu knjigu već hiljadu puta ali
Nekako, negde su mi
Promakli znaci upozorenja
Jer te i večeras zovem da vidim jesi li slobodna
Pa, moja mama je uvek govorila da je glupo
stati na put ženi koja zna šta želi
Ali, izgleda da sam ja napravio tu grešku
Ja sam mlad, blesav ili previše hrabar
A ona je našla put do mog srca
Moram se izvući iz ovoga
Eto šta dobiješ kad se zaljubiš
Niko mi nije rekao da tako dobro boli
Probao sam jednom, ali došlo mi je glave
Na kraju izgoriš
Ja sam kao benzin, ti zapali šibicu
Ne postoji niko drugi zbog koga tako gorim
Tako da se kunem ubiću ovu želju u sebi
Eto šta dobiješ kada se igraš vatrom
Eto šta dobiješ kada se igraš vatrom
Eto šta dobiješ kada se igraš vatrom
Vatra, vatra, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh,
Igrati se vatrom ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh,
Moram se izvući iz ovoga
Eto šta dobiješ kad se zaljubiš
Niko mi nije rekao da tako dobro boli
Probao sam jednom, ali došlo mi je glave
Na kraju izgoriš
Ja sam kao benzin, ti zapali šibicu
Ne postoji niko drugi zbog koga tako gorim
Tako da se kunem ubiću ovu želju u sebi
Eto šta dobiješ kada se igraš vatrom
Vatra, vatra, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh,
Eto šta dobiješ kada se igraš vatrom
Vatra, vatra, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh,
Eto šta dobiješ kada se igraš vatrom
Vatra, vatra, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh,
Igrati se vatrom, vatrom...ooh-ohh...
You're Paris
There are loves that remain in line,
that know how to be there without waiting.
There are heads that make themselves clear without poison.
There are mouths that smoke flowers.
There are even castles in the sea.
There are pieces of glass in our hair from yesterday.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris when you're trying to make yourself a life, you.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris when you're trying to make yourself a life, you.
(No... anything at all...)
(No... I don't regret anything...)
You're the chance to improve everything!
And a lot of people tell it to you,
and they tell you that tired,
dreaming with frontiers divided only flowers
and not by pointed nets,
without knives between the teeth.
Your shield will be inside my stupid and dreamy eyes.
If they're dead, they don't talk anymore.
If they're alive, they don't know how to listen.
If they're rich they become like dogs on a leash, you.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris.
To me, you're Paris when you're trying to make yourself a life, you.
(No... anything at all...)
(No... I don't regret anything...)
You're the chance to improve everything!
And a lot of people tell it to you,
and they tell you that tired,
dreaming with frontiers divided only flowers
and not by pointed nets,
without knives between the teeth.
You're the chance to improve everything!
And I tell you this while singing.
I repeat it while crying.
We've filled uo the street so as not to be alone,
with no pointed nets,
with no knives between the teeth.
Your shield will be inside my stupid and dreamy eyes.
(No... anything at all...)
To me, you're Paris!
(No... I don't regret anything...)
To me, you're Paris!
(No... anything at all...)
To me, you're Paris!
(No... I don't regret anything...)
To me, you're Paris.
Bespontoviy pie
Versions: #1
There is one thing in my pocket -
Bespontoviy pie
Each of us -
Is a bespontoviy pie
Each of us -
Is a bespontoviy pie
Every day i guard
I guard my bag
All of my life
I guard my bag
On the Oka and the Kuban
Twist all sorts of shit
Our folk likes
Some shit
Not windows, not doors
But ass is full of cucumbers
Our countru
Ass is full of cucumbers
Any country
Ass is full of cucumbers
There is one thing in my pocket -
Bespontoviy pie
Each of us -
Is a bespontoviy pie
Each of us -
Is a bespontoviy pie
And Therefore
I know very well, that some day I'll wake up,
And to me, the sun won't shine,
The love I gave you, won't be your love anymore,
For my own good, for my own good.
And without pain or weeping, I'll move away,
Straight I'm going with no desire to come back,
Without looking back I would like to delete,
Your gazing, your kissing and yout voice, my love.
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore...
I'll leave you without tears and without shouting,
But the bottom of my skin will shiver,
I'll see myself finally free and repose I'll find,
For my own good, for my own good.
I will go to another sky and country,
To forget your cruel coldness,
And my hands that today are full of you,
Will try to dream and will have, another love.
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore...
It will be better, if I can have a reason,
That drowns in me, my cravings of loving,
And to find freedom for my heart,
For my own good, for my own good.
To dream I'll look for another arms,
And only then, your name I'll forget,
But you never will be able to come back to my side,
And my malaise, my fear and the pain will remain.
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, therefore I will stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you.
Kada te ponovo vidim
Zaledili su se toliki poljupci i zagrljaji,
Zaledila su se tolika ljubavna pisma,
I ostalo ti je nedovršena još jedna noć u mom zagrljaju
I meni je ostalo nedovršeno da sam seo na taj avion
Već sam prestao da računam tolike dane bez tebe,
Oproštaji ne zatvaraju rane kada pričaju o tebi.
Kada te ponovo vidim na istom mestu,
Kada te ponovo vidim, neću te pustiti,
Doći će zora u tolikoj tami
I toliko će vredeti što sam morao da čekam.
Nastaviću da se pretvaram da nisam toliko lud
I nastaviću da sanjam da te ponekada dodirujem,
Lagaću srce, ako mu kažem da nije toliko slomljeno,
Obećao sam mu da neću ponovo plakati sa tvojim slikama.
Pronaći ću te licem u lice,
Postojalo je više od jedne nedovršene stvari,
Sada ne razumem
Zašto toliko plačem, ako sam te toliko voleo,
Ne želim da sada pređeš na sledećeg,
Ako se ne vratiš, poludeću, ako se ne vratiš,
Strah me je da ne izgubim moju opkladu
Zato što sam otvorio svoje karte na tvom stolu.
Već sam prestao da računam tolike dane bez tebe,
Oproštaji ne zatvaraju rane kada pričaju o tebi.
Kada te ponovo vidim na istom mestu,
Kada te ponovo vidim, neću te pustiti,
Doći će zora u tolikoj tami
I toliko će vredeti što sam morao da čekam.
Nastaviću da se pretvaram da nisam toliko lud
I nastaviću da sanjam da te ponekada dodirujem,
Lagaću srce, ako mu kažem da nije toliko slomljeno,
Obećao sam mu da neću ponovo plakati sa tvojim slikama.
I dalje te volim više od hiljadu praznih noći
I ludim za jednom u kojoj si bila moja,
Reci mi zašto ima toliko ljudi, želim da budem uz tebe,
Naplaćuje mi sadašnjost zato što živim u prošlosti.
I dalje te volim više od hiljadu praznih noći
I ludim za jednom u kojoj si bila moja,
Reci mi zašto ima toliko ljudi, želim da budem uz tebe,
Naplaćuje mi sadašnjost zato što živim u prošlosti.
Kada te ponovo vidim na istom mestu,
Kada te ponovo vidim, neću te pustiti,
Doći će zora u tolikoj tami
I toliko će vredeti što sam morao da čekam.
Nastaviću da se pretvaram da nisam toliko lud
I nastaviću da sanjam da te ponekada dodirujem,
Lagaću srce, ako mu kažem da nije toliko slomljeno,
Obećao sam mu da neću ponovo plakati sa tvojim slikama.
Koliko me boli da prihvatim što sada ljubiš drugog.
I wish I could go back in time
To say you never leave my thoughts
But I feel that
There's no feeling anymore
I wish I could feel the same in your eyes
And say you're still a part of my dreams
But I feel that
There's no feeling anymore
I've tried going back, but I can't
I was always the one trying to stand it
But there's no feeling anymore
There's no feeling anymore
I wish I could feel the same in your eyes
And say you're still a part of my dreams
But I feel that
There's no feeling anymore
I've tried going back, but I can't
I was always the one trying to stand it
But there's no feeling anymore
There's no feeling anymore
I've tried going back, but I can't
I was always the one trying to stand it
But there's no feeling anymore
There's no feeling anymore
As much as I try to stand it I can't do it anymore
Now I just want to distance myself
Those are only memories I won't keep
I won't keep
I've tried going back, but I can't
I was always the one trying to stand it
But there's no feeling anymore
There's no feeling anymore
The Phantom-thief Lapin
Two a.m. while the crescent’s sound asleep
I’m going to take away somewhere
That you’ve held dear to you
Here’s a notice by the Phantom-thief Lapin
You could set the trap but it was no use
The whole town suddenly fell into the dark
There was a spotlight on just one thing
You could watch me going like Haa-n
Like the wind, atop the roof
Jumping from one to another
With the siren on, there was a big noise
We’re now getting started, playing tag
Give ‘em my regards tonight with grace
Keeping an eye on the target, I won’t let go
The Phantom-thief Lupin
Cutting my way through the strict security
I’m going to get the jewels
That I’ve been looking for!
Excuse me, I’ll be on the run
There’s nothing I cannot steal
The Phantom-thief Lupin
You’re boring, catch me right now
Find out the truth under the mask
It’s a secret so don’t say a thing
Keep your lips sealed
”Treasure stolen another time”
The same headline on the front page
They’re crazy about the newspaper
The talk of the town Haa-n
Funny how no one else notices me
I walk the streets on cloud nine
Give ‘em my regards tonight with grace
Keeping an eye on the target, I won’t let go
The Phantom-thief Lupin
Get 'em hypnotized
A piece of cake
I’m going to get the Mona Lisa
That I’ve been looking for!
Excuse me, I’ll be on the run
There’s nothing that I cannot steal
The Phantom-thief Lupin
You can’t see me through
White Motor Ship
I was staring at you
You were walking along the deck in silence
And quietly, the white motor ship
Set sail from the noisy pier
And suddenly it spun me around
It rocked me
Meanwhile behind the stern
The merry seaport was sailing away
Oh, white motor ship
Restless bass of the signal
Cry of the seagulls astern
Shining of blue eyes
Oh, white motor ship
Running water
You carry me away
Tell me, where to?
The motor ship sailed on the sea
Waves running astern
And the gentle sea wind
Cheered up, played with you
And staring at you,
I don't know why
In that moment, more than ever
I envied it
Oh, white motor ship
Restless bass of the signal
Cry of the seagulls astern
Shining of blue eyes
Oh, white motor ship
Running water
You carry me away
Tell me, where to?
Oh, white motor ship
Restless bass of the signal
Cry of the seagulls astern
Shining of blue eyes
Oh, white motor ship
Running water
You carry me away
Tell me, where to?
Oh, white motor ship
Restless bass of the signal
Cry of the seagulls astern
Shining of blue eyes
Oh, white motor ship
Running water
You carry me away
Tell me, where to?
In the Hidden Side of the Moon
Who said that after the storm
The sun would rise?
That time is the best healer
And then you will be better?
Where those silly statements came from?
Because I believed them
I know that when something ends
The curtain closes for good
Now I´m just
In a universe
that does not plot on my favor
Now I´m just
wishing to take off
Now I´m just
Lost with no turning back
Now I´m just
In the hidden face of the Moon
Everything is falling apart
There is no solution
I can´t keep it from falling to pieces
There is no other option
I wish I woke from this nightmare
And be just the two of us again
Though I know it would be for nothing
Without you this love does not exist
Now I´m just
In a universe
that does not plot on my favor
Now I´m just
wishing to take off
Now I´m just
Lost with no turning back
Now I´m just
In the hidden face of the Moon
Now I´m just
In a universe
that does not plot on my favor
Now I´m just
wishing to take off
Now I´m just
Lost with no turning back
Now I´m just
In the hidden face of the Moon
I come to you adored lights
I come to you, adored lights
To give respite from so many woes,
And come back to adore you.
Despite you being so ungrateful,
I won’t stop loving you.
I come to you, adored lights...
Bringing in my chest the ardour
That you lit in my one day,
A loyal idolater, I come back to you.
But, if you were merciful,
You do not give respite to my huge fire,
Give me at least death:
Because it is too intolerable to be a martyr
To live in the fire and not be able to die.
Without suffering
Without hope
It’s a great torment,
Tyrant eyes.
It’s worth hoping
From the relentlessness
Just one moment
Between so many troubles.
Always suffering
I´ll go with the wind
e... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira...
Ie... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira...
I know the storm exists
And I know calm comes
I know the storm exists
And I know calm comes
I´m dying to know if this gypsy loves me...
I´m dying to feel her chest next to mine
My chest, my chest next to her back
Her chest next to mine, my chest next to her back
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira..
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira..
...How long is the distance I sense
Long is the distance... The feeling pure...
Depth that I dive in your eyes
When I see you... Fallen from the inside
I´ll go go go get water in the desert
I´ll go... Me with the wind...
I´ll go... Me with the wind...
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira...
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira...
I´m tired of singing to the stars, and to the moon and to the seas
And to her eyes
I´m gonna sing to her what I´ve never sung before, to that adventurous
Boy that was my past
I´m gonna cry, I´m gonna laugh, I´m gonna fly, dreaming the good will and
There will be no tempest
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira..
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira..
Copla 7146
On a chair there's
twenty-five picks.
Do you want me
to break it on your ribs?
From that iron that has made
From that iron that has made
my wretched bridegroom bleed
I learned cruelty.
Beholding a son so wan
and laved with my blood
I forgot pity.
Goodbye to Rock You
Goodbye to Rock You
Don't look at me, keep just walking on ahead
I'm jealous of your talents
but don't be stupid, it's such a nuisance.
Goodbye to rock you
I've been trapped with you forever
And I always yearn for more
but my heart's been broken
So everything's just been half-baked
Goodbye to rock you
I've always been laughed at as a sham
Always exposed as a crappy figure
It's not really rock, I want to live in rock
So, this is goodbye
See ya
I intended to live a talented life
as an honours student but was hit with inferiority
My instincts tell me that something could be done
But it's not fair, I just wanted to be someone special
I'm running, I'm running
I'm polishing, I'm polishing
but I still won't shine
and the words have escaped my mouth.
Goodbye to rock you
I'm always separated from you
I want to catch up one day
but the corners have chipped away
Everything is just half-baked.
Goodbye to rock you
I've always been laughed at as a coward
Sometimes I can't see anything at all
It's not really rock, I want to live in rock
So, this is goodbye
See ya
Things changed, things changed
I realised, because I realised
I don't know a thing at all
and the words have escaped my mouth.
The extent I've been known x
The extent I clung to your feet x
You never turn your face away to cry
You already understand.
Goodbye to rock you
I've been trapped with you forever
And I always yearn for more
but my heart's been broken
So everything's just been half-baked
Goodbye to rock you
Surely I can't blossom
Keep standing even if you're stepped on like a weed
I want to live in rock
So, this is goodbye
See ya
I'm still standing because of you
I'm standing here
Goodbye to rock you
It's so Hard for Me to Forget You
Between heaven and the ground, there is something
with a tendency to go bald
out of so much remembering.
And that something, who is me,
is a two-faced picture
that only shows one face.
The face seen is a Signal* advertising.
The hidden face is the result
of my genius idea of kicking you out.
It's so hard for me to forget you.
It's so hard for me.
Forgetting you is so hard for me.
Forgetting fifteen thousand charms
is too much good judgement.
And I don't know if it makes me prudent
but what I know is that it takes me a while
to do things unintentionally.
And even though it was me who decided no more
and I don't get tired of swearing to you that there won't be a second part,
It's so hard for me to forget you.
It's so hard for me to forget you.
It's so hard for me.
And even though it was me who decided no more
and I don't get tired of swearing to you that there won't be a second part,
it's so hard for me to forget you.
It's so hard for me to forget you.
It's so hard for me to forget you.
It's so hard for me.
Your birthday is a good excuse
To get drunk 'till we are obtuse
I know you are now very touched
But only 'cause you drank this much
Excitement seething it's vapours
Vomit trickles down on tables
To not make this too longwinded
Moron, live 'till you're one hundred!
On celebrating your birthday
I'll read a poem if I may:
May the heavens do you right
'Till goiter gets your behind
May alcohol make you sing loud
Don't rob a bank in a bout
Doesn't matter who says what
May God make you live long as fuck
On celebrating your birthday
I'll read a poem if I may:
May the heavens do you right
'Till goiter gets your behind
May alcohol make you sing loud
Don't rob a bank in a bout
Doesn't matter who says what
May God make you live long as fuck
Drink peach-pálinka, it is rad
Lift the bottle to your head
Avoid the wine, if it's bad
Drink like a horse, lay in bed
Doing nothing, lay all day
I wish you a very happy birthday
To not make this too longwinded
Moron, live 'till you're one hundred!