Резултати претраге страна 36
Број резултата: 1374
The sea
Versions: #2
You'll know that I still count the days.
And however you are, wherever you are, you are in my life.
I am cruel with my mistakes
And you know that very well, you know me pretty well.
But you'll never know how much your name hurts me.
I'm not losing my faith and I'm still waiting for you.
I'm feeling like this, like a lost child
That didn't learn, doesn't want to play,
Neither dream, cry, nor smile without you.
I amn't who am I, if I don't have you (nearby)
I believe in God's hands
And I don't believe in this absurd pain.
Now watching the sea doesn't work, it doesn't calm me.
I live with the last kiss which I keep into my soul.
You will never know how much your name hurts me.
I'm not losing my faith and I'm still waiting for you
And this loneliness still oppressing me.
It is staying here, it doesn't want to go away.
And I don't know what to do nor what to say,
My love, here without you, I don't know, I don't know
how to live...
Don't you dare...
You left unexpectedly
without giving me any reason
you left and that's enough
to cause an argument
I threw away the memories
all of your stuff
old photos
and letters
Don't you dare to show up here
I don't want to see you again
you have made a thousand mistakes
you brought me to my knees, you killed me
you made a mess out of me
and you know it's all your fault
Don't you dare to show up here
I don't want to see you again
you have made a thousand mistakes
you brought me to my knees, you killed me
and you know it's all your fault
You have left and I don't really care now
don't you ask me what I have been through
I suffered but in the end
I got over you
Don't you dare to show up here
I don't want to see you again
you have made a thousand mistakes
you brought me to my knees, you killed me
you made a mess out of me
and you know it's all your fault
Don't you dare to show up here
I don't want to see you again
you have made a thousand mistakes
you brought me to my knees, you killed me
and you know it's all your fault
Don't you dare to show up here
I don't want to see you again
you have made a thousand mistakes
you brought me to my knees, you killed me
and you know it's all your fault
I am waiting for you here
Versions: #3
Beyond everything that has happened,
Hurt and pain,
It will be difficult to be sitting
and to wait for
The days passing on,
And your will to listen.
Nothing ends because of a mistake.
We can treat each other well,
accepting ourselves and learning.
Nothing is lost for love,
We can treat each other well,
In our souls and in our skins.
I'll always be waiting for you here.
I'll always be waiting for you here.
Nothing ends over a mistake
We can treat each other well,
In accepting ourselves and from learning.
Nothing ends because of a mistake.
We can treat each other well,
accepting ourselves and learning.
I'll always be waiting for you here.
I'll always be waiting for you here.
I'll always be waiting for you here.
I am waiting for you here forever.
Zaljubio sam se
Zaljubio sam se...
Reci mi zasto ides, ako dolazis vec natrag,
cineci da se osecam tako lose.
Reci mi zasto ides, posle se nemoj kajati,
ako pruzis jos jedan korak izgubicemo glavu.
Ti budi oprezna i videces,
ako pruzis jos jedan korak zapalices se ili ces me ljubiti.
Priznajem ti,
nisam verovao u ljubav, ali zelim da znas.
Zaljubio sam se, srce si mi ukrala,
nisam ti ga dao i ti ga odnosis
i ovde me ostavljas.
Zaljubio sam se, sada me imaju tvoje ruke,
znam da me osecas, iako to porices,
reci mi sta cekas i daj mi sad svoje srce.
Trcim po ulicama, samo kako trci djavo,
ne mogu vise,
samo zelim da vidim tvoje usne i da se priblize polako.
I priznajem ti,
nisam verovao u ljubav, ali zelim da znas.
Zaljubio sam se, srce si mi ukrala,
nisam ti ga dao i ti ga odnosis
i ovde me ostavljas.
Zaljubio sam se, sada me imaju tvoje ruke,
znam da me osecas, iako to porices,
reci mi sta cekas i daj mi sad svoje srce.
Priznajem ti,
znam da smo ti i ja jedini odgovor.
Priznajem ti,
nisam verovao u ljubav, ali zelim da znas.
Zaljubio sam se, srce si mi ukrala,
nisam ti ga dao i ti ga odnosis
i ovde me ostavljas.
Zaljubio sam se, sada me imaju tvoje ruke,
znam da me osecas, iako to porices,
reci mi sta cekas i daj mi sad svoje srce
i daj mi sad svoje srce.
Downtown Baby
Cruising, cruising
With my only downtown baby
Looking around in your town
To a narrow alley, we’ll get lost again
In this maze of love we can’t go back anymore, Woo Oh baby
In a cafe that’s like a refuge
We meet for the first time
Smiling, you took a snapshot and uploaded
A photo of the leaf drawn on the latte
Hey, you come to this shop often
But do not meet with anyone I’ve finally found my girl
Cruising, cruising
With my only downtown baby
Looking around in your town
To a narrow alley, we’ll get lost again in this maze of love
Downtown baby Downtown baby
Downtown baby Downtown baby
Even though today is a special day
I’ll try to not do anything and just stay
In this timeless old scene
Ding-dong! The speed of my heart says
“Let’s go”
The inside of your stylish glasses is shining
I’ve found the jewel hiding in your eyes
Cruising aimlessly
With my downtown baby
We gently research around your town
Laughing, we talk about our memories I’m fascinated by you
Downtown baby Downtown baby
Downtown baby Downtown baby
I want to know about you to know about knowing you
Once I get confused you’ll disappear into the alley again
Downtown, downtown while laughing
Downtown Woo Woo Woo
It’s like it’s (you’re) slipping through my hands
Cruising, cruising
Chasing after my downtown baby
Today I’ll also research your feelings
To a narrow alley, we’ll get lost again in this maze of love
Downtown baby Downtown baby
Downtown baby Downtown baby
Ziveti ili umreti
Obecao sam ljubavi da necu gubiti nadu,
da cu se buditi sa tvojim glasom i reci dve.
Znam da samo ponekad postanem senka mog kukavicluka
i boli plakanje u konfuziji.
Zelim da zaboravim svet i da otvorim prozore,
zelim da vidim odraz duse osecajuci tvoje lice,
trazeci to skriveno utociste koje smo izmislili
sa nasim istinama, danas treba da se naviknem na taj bol.
Ne postoji srednja tacka, sa tobom je ziveti ili umreti,
srusiti se ili odupreti se, gde pocinje i gde se zavrsava ambis, ne, ne...
Sa tobom ili bez tebe, odgovor je i dalje ovde,
ako skocimo spasavamo se oboje, zivetili ili umreti, ziveti ili umreti, ti i ja.
Sada kada imam razloga da pogresim
ne znam da li da te zagrlim ili da padnem na gresku da te zaboravim,
radije bih da prolazim kroz vatru, nego da ostanem ovde da izgorim
suseci nase suze na suncu.
Ne postoji srednja tacka, sa tobom je ziveti li umreti,
srusiti se ili odupreti se, gde pocinje i gde se zavrsava ambis ne, ne...
Sa tobom ili bez tebe, odgovor je i dalje ovde,
ako skocimo spasavamo se oboje, zivetili ili umreti, ziveti ili umreti, ti i ja.
Sa tobom ili bez tebe, odgovor je i dalje ovde,
ako skocimo spasavamo se oboje, ne, ne...
zivetili ili umreti, ziveti ili umreti, ziveti ili umreti... sa tobom.
Reci mi da li bila sposobna?
Ponovo sam zaboravio
da skinem telo umetnika,
glupi osmeh
i lice sa portreta.
Ponovo sam zaboravio
da ti kazem polako,
da ne postoji nista sto mi se svidja vise
nego da te vodim u ponoc do kreveta,
kao onaj koji poklanja svet,
kako radi tesko...
I ima nekoliko stvari koje mi se svidjaju vise,
kao cinjenica da cekas, znajuci da to radis,
ja se sakrivm na ulicama...
Kako ce biti, reci mi,
reci mi kako ce biti...
I reci mi da li bila sposobna da zamislis
zimu bez njene hladnoce,
krevet bez njegovog cebeta,
pustinju bez peska
i zelju bez cekanja.
Da li bi bila sposobna da zamislis
jedrilicu bez svog jedra,
propast bez njegove tuge,
ljubav bez svojih problema
ili nekog zatvorenika bez lanaca.
Jer ja nisam sposoban da zamislim
ni jedan minut bez tebe,
samo minut bez tebe...
Ponovo mi je ostalo
lice ekvilibriste,
radeci sta ti kazem,
cutajuci svaki trenutak...
Ponovo sam zaboravio
da ti kazem polako,
da ne postoji nista sto mi se svidja vise
nego da se sa solju smejem tvojoj ludosti,
uceci u svakom trenutku,
kao decak sa svojim stapom...
I ima nekoliko stvari koje mi se svidjaju vise,
da znas da te volim, znajuci da cutim,
trazeci me na ulicama...
Kako ce biti, reci mi,
reci mi kako ce biti...
I reci mi da li bila sposobna da zamislis
zimu bez njene hladnoce,
krevet bez njegovog cebeta,
pustinju bez peska
i zelju bez cekanja.
Da li bi bila sposobna da zamislis
jedrilicu bez svog jedra,
propast bez njegove tuge,
ljubav bez svojih problema
ili nekog zatvorenika bez lanaca.
Jer ja nisam sposoban da zamislim
ni jedan minut bez tebe,
samo minut bez tebe...
Reci mi da li bi bila sposobna (x4)
Jer ja nisam sposoban da zamislim
ni jedan minut bez tebe,
samo minut bez tebe.
Ostani sa mnom
Sta rade koferi izvan ormara?
Nisam cuo tvoje korake u susednoj sobi,
zato sto nema nikoga unutra.
Odjekuje ova tisina
i nista ne ostaje na svome mestu.
Dolazis u zurbi i ne zelis ni da me gledas.
Objasni mi polako sta se desilo,
nikada u nasem zivotu mi nisi pricala ovako.
Mozda ostavim po strani da te drzim za ruku
i nasamo da ti skinem srce.
Ostani sa mnom,
jer cuvam vreme za tebe,
da mi se nece ponovo desiti,
da u stvarnosti nikada nisam otisao.
Ovaj put nece mi se desiti da zaboravim da ti kazem
da si puls na mom satu,
da si ti najbitnije.
Ostani moj glasu, ostani moj glasu,
ostani moja ljubavi.
Spremicu kafu,
vraticemo se na onaj poljubac koji nam je leto dalo,
ja ne mogu da zaboravim svetlost iznad tvoje mokre koze,
goli zagrljeni,
pijuci usne,
pokusajmo ponovo vec jednom.
Ostani sa mnom,
jer cuvam vreme za tebe,
da mi se nece ponovo desiti,
da u stvarnosti nikada nisam otisao.
Ovaj put nece mi se desiti da zaboravim da ti kazem
da si puls na mom satu,
da si ti najbitnije.
Ostani moj glasu, ostani moj glasu,
ostani moja ljubavi.
Full Stop
Keep dead quiet as if you had nothing to say
For I fell in love with what I made up about you
I even grew to dig your face
But I'm fighting to rebury it
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
Don't leave for tomorrow someone you could leave behind today
You live through your body and for the mirror, thinking it's normal
Percent body fat and percent neurons in proportion
The fault is less yours than mine
I was just so foolish I jumped the gun and fell [for you]
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
Don't leave for tomorrow someone you could leave behind today
(He rides waves but leaves no footprints)
(Cute guy but ain't got a thing in his head)
(Asks for champagne with sparklers at the club)
(Better off alone than in bad company)
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
Don't leave for tomorrow someone you could leave behind today
Bitter truth
I have to tell you the truth
although/even if it may brake my soul,
I don't want you, later on, to judge me wrong
if I intent to keep it.
I know that our love is not possible
because fate commands,
and some day you will know how to forgive
this bitter truth.
I swear for the two of us
that it costs me my life,
that the wound will bleed
for an eternity.
Perhaps tomorrow you will understand
that I was always sincere,
perhaps, through someone, you will come to know
that I still love you.
I swear for the two of us
that it costs me my life,
that the wound will bleed
for an eternity.
Perhaps tomorrow you will understand
that I was always sincere,
perhaps, through someone, you will come to know
that I still love you.
Mrzi me
To sto si otisla nije ono sto me najvise boli
i iako sam dosao kasno da trazim oprostaj,
radije bih da budem los i da budem onaj koji te rani,
da budem sve te stvari koje vise ne zelis,
da budem onaj koji ne postoji u tvom srcu.
Ako zelis da me pustis da bi mogla da budes srecna,
moraces da me prisilis, ja se necu predati,
uspela si da me zavolis i iako mi govoris da ne,
ne postoji ljubav koja vise boli kao ona koja te vec zaboravila.
Mrzi me i ako me zaboravis bice gore.
Ubij me, da ugusim moje brige ce biti usluga.
Lazi me, reci mi da sam bio tvoja najgora greska,
zato sto samo postoji mrznja gde je bila ljubav. (ovde postoji ljubav...2X)
Mrzi me, jer mrznja nece dozvoliti da zaboravis.
Ubij me, znam da ova ljubav nece umreti.
Lazi me, reci mi da sam bio tvoja najgora greska,
zato sto samo postoji mrznja gde je bila ljubav. (ovde postoji ljubav...2X)
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.
Ako zelis da me pustis da bi mogla da budes srecna,
moraces da me prisilis, ja se necu predati,
uspela si da me zavolis i iako mi govoris da ne,
ne postoji ljubav koja vise boli kao ona koja te vec zaboravila.
Mrzi me i ako me zaboravis bice gore.
Ubij me, da ugusim moje brige ce biti usluga.
Lazi me, reci mi da sam bio tvoja najgora greska,
zato sto samo postoji mrznja gde je bila ljubav. (ovde postoji ljubav...2X)
Mrzi me, jer mrznja nece dozvoliti da zaboravis.
Ubij me, znam da ova ljubav nece umreti.
Lazi me, reci mi da sam bio tvoja najgora greska,
zato sto samo postoji mrznja gde je bila ljubav. (ovde postoji ljubav...2X)
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.
In the Blueness, Painted in Blue (To Fly)
Versions: #4
I think that a dream like this
won't come back anymore.
I was painting my hands
and my face blue.
Then suddenly I was being
enraptured by the wind.
And I was beginning to fly
in the endless sky.
To fly, oh, oh!
To sing, oh, oh, oh, oh!
In the blueness, painted in blue.
Happy, to be up there.
And I was flying, was flying
happily, higher than the sun
and still higher,
while the world slowly, slowly
was disappearing far away down there,
a sweet music was playing
just for me.
To fly, oh, oh!
To sing, oh, oh, oh, oh!
In the blueness, painted in blue.
Happy, to be up there.
But all the dreams,
at dawn, disappear because,
when the moon sets,
it takes them away,
but I continue to dream
in your beautiful eyes
that are blue like a
star-studded sky.
To fly, oh, oh!
To sing, oh, oh, oh, oh!
In the blueness of your blue eyes.
Happy, to be down here.
And I continue to fly happily,
higher than the sun
and still higher,
while the world
slowly, slowly disappears
in your blue eyes,
your voice is a sweet music
playing for me.
To fly, oh, oh!
To sing, oh, oh, oh, oh!
In the blueness of your blue eyes.
Happy, to be down here.
In the blueness of your blue eyes.
Happy, to be down here,
with you.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.
Tell Me That You Will Wait
Tell me that you will wait
Tell me that your lips still contain the taste
Of a spring morning
And that there is still no way
That your face declares it self imprisoned
And the passenger can't escape
And if I don't bring keys
You greet me at door
And you tell me it was always open
I'd return to be wrong one more time
I'd return to you, yesterday, in the past
I would stay if you still believed me
I will return, I will return
If you tell me that you will wait for me
I will return, I will return
Tell me that you will wait
Tell me the hours and minutes
I counted thinking of you were not in vain
Let me explain to you
That to love again
I missed letting go of your hand
And sometimes I ask myself
If you knew what I feel
I wouldn't like to cheat time
I'd return to be wrong one more time
I'd return to you, yesterday, in the past
I would stay if you still believed me
I will return, I will return
If you tell me that you will wait for me
I will return, I will return
It's never too late, it's never too late
You know it, you know it, you know it
It's never too late, it's never too late
You know it, you know it, you know it
I'd return to be wrong one more time
I'd return to you, yesterday, in the past
I would stay if you still believed me
I will return, I will return
If you tell me that you will wait for me
I will return, I will return
If you tell me that you will wait for me
I will return, I will return
Mermaid Wonders
I was born in the land of the crying sierra
I spend my life bathing in the waterfalls
I collect stars from between the rocks
They come from the heavens, I carry them to the sea.
On my skirt there are beautiful flowers
There's gold, jewels I bring from there
I sing and dance on the sands of time
And I scatter stars in the wind
I sing and dance here in the sand
I twirl my skirt to show off
My mermaid wonders, mama
Ora yayay oh, dociá
The wind howled, rain fell
Mama calling me
Thunder roared, I'm going
To go back home
I sing and dance here in the sand
I twirl my skirt to show off
My mermaid wonders, mommy
Ora yayay oh, dociá
I bought the caccavella
I bought the caccavella
I bought the caccavella
the caccavella.
For the love of my darling
for the love of my darling,
of my darling.
If the moon looks at me and dances
with that face of short pastry,
of shortcrust pastry.
I do not even care about that
I sing this little serenade
to my beloved one.
Tell me, tell me, who gave birth to you,
who committed this crime.
I'm cooked, I'm overcooked,
I give you the fried fish eye,
So even at night, in my bed,
I'm turning, jumping and shooting.
I commit myself, for you.
My word of honor.
My word of honor.
I went to the priest
I went to the priest.
I confessed him
that, because of my darling,
I take it out on the caccavella,
on the caccavella.
The good priest answered to me:
'You, brother, you are ruined,
you are in troubles.
In love, you need patience,
you must do penance.
Three days without '.
Tell me, tell me who gave birth to you,
For you I am always afflicted,
Your dress, which was tight,
is now wider than a coat...
Give me, give me a little kiss,
as a biscuit,
I chew your lipstick color
My word of honor.
My word of honor.
For this love, I am doing all,
I'm a thief and a policeman
I'm a fool or a scoundrel,
I take the numbers for the Lotto.
I get the mange and I scratch myself,
I grow my goatee,
I walk around with a cat,
I dance the samba with my head below.
If you cheat on me,
if they call me turd
I am Cornelius and I'm silent,
Carlo Mazza, and I don't give a fuck.
We get married with a pact,
that if a little child is born
I grow him, and I give him milk.
My word of honor.
My word of honor.
My word of honor.
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
The best for the both of us
Let's give ourselves a hug and with it a goodbye which we avoid time and time again
But in the end it has been in vain, now you see it
Everything in this life has its purpose
And one moment has our breakup, it's hard to deny this
But with time we will know it soon
Now is the moment to start again
no more lamentations no more crying
Life has to go on and our destiny can decide
Let's toast to an opportunity
To give ourselves the liberty to fly until we reach the happiness we
wanted to give each other
Now is the moment to start again
no more lamentations no more crying
Life has to go on and our destiny can decide
Let's toast to an opportunity
To give ourselves the liberty to fly until we reach the happiness we
wanted to give each other
Zaboravio sam
Zaboravio sam za savete saptane sa tvojih usana,
za razlog tvog pogleda, zaboravio sam
za tvoj osmeh koji me spasava od ove senke
i zaboravio sam za tvoje dodire koje me lece i oblace,
da si ti uvek ovde bila
zaboravio sam, zaboravio sam.
I sada kad se budim i ponovo postajem hrabar
i sada kad ponovo postajem ja.
Zaboravljas me
bacajuci me na srecu mora,
zaboravljas me
podsecajuci me da sam mogao biti bolji,
zaboravljas me
sada razumem kako boli i ti to znas
i znam, ja znam da je moglo biti.
Kaze srce da nikada nije kasno,
da imam hiljadu razloga da te volim,
osecam tvoj poziv kao juce
i osecam poziv tvoje koze.
Ne zelim da budem to secanje u skladistu koje ti smeta,
ona poruka koja se brise,
zelim da budem, zelim da budem.
I sada kad se budim i ponovo postajem hrabar
i sada kad ponovo postajem ja.
Zaboravljas me
bacajuci me na srecu mora,
zaboravljas me
podsecajuci me da sam mogao biti bolji,
zaboravljas me
sada razumem kako boli i ti to znas
i znam, ja znam da je moglo biti.
Kaze srce da nikada nije kasno,
da imam hiljadu razloga da te volim,
osecam tvoj poziv kao juce
i osecam poziv tvoje koze.
Kaze srce da nikad nije kasno,
sad kad se budim i ponovo postajem hrabar
i sad kad ponovo postajem ja.
Kaze srce da nikad nije kasno,
da imam hiljadu razloga da te volim,
osecam poziv tvoje koze.
Secam se tvog nacina hoda,
trazim tvoje saucesnistvo,
znas da mogu da mislim na tebe,
mogu da te preklinjem,
mogu da te izmislim,
sad ne mogu da padnem,
ne mogu da izneverim
iako cak ne bude mir,
mogu da te trazim,
mogu da se izgubim iako ne pronadjem znak,
znas da mogu da te odvedem u moj raj,
iako ne mozes, ja mogu,
iako ti znas da umirem,
ako ti trazis ostajem.
Ne pronalazim te
i izgubio sam moje vreme,
ti znas da mogu da te pronadjem,
najslabija tacka tvoga tela
znas da nisam zaboravio
kada smo uradili poslednji put
ja sam bio tvoj ljubavnik,
tvoj cuvar,
nisam isti kao juce.
Sad kad mogu da padnem,
sad kad mogu da izmislim
sav ovaj deo,
ne uporedjuj me,
mogu da se promenim
sav ovaj deo,
znas da mogu da se promenim,
Iako ne zelim uvek ti,
tvoj nacin govora,
tvoj svet naopacke koji me ponovo uhvatio,
uvek ti,
uvek tvoja koza,
danas samo mislim da uradim ponovo.
Izdrzavam i pisem ti opet,
iako sad znas da sam zaboravio,
iako znas da mogu da ostanem ponovo,
ako mi ti trazis.
Kaze srce da nikad nije kasno.
Really Big Love
Without you something inside will change
I'll be weaker or an impenetrable wall
But I won't be afraid to fall in love again and then
To get my heart in my throat and to discover that there's still life without you
And a really big love
Which brings back the sun from the early morning
Which soars almost as a seagull
To slip back on my bed slowly
I'm waiting for you
Big love, really big
In the wrong days you have to stay near to me
Near with your mind when you're away
You are still a dream on my pillow
But I'll find you
I'll give you my smiles
I'll give you my uncertainties
I'll give you, but never disappoint me
Who will you be? Sometimes I already imagine you
My own eyes that asks for caresses, you
You'll be the river that will gently drag me
To the immense sea where I'll breath your serenity
And a really big love
Which brings back the sun from the early morning
Which soars almost as a seagull
To slip back on my bed slowly
I'm waiting for you
Big love, really big
In the wrong days you have to stay near to me
Near with your mind when you're away
You are still a dream on my pillow
But I'll find you
I'll give you my smiles
I'll give you my uncertainties
I'll give you, but never disappoint me
And a really big love
Which brings back the sun from the early morning
Which soars almost as a seagull
To slip back on my bed slowly
I'm waiting for you
Big love, really big
In the wrong days you have to stay near to me
Near with your mind when you're away
You are still a dream on my pillow
But I'll find you
Give me some love
Music doesn't stop and you're dancing
Night is special and made to measure for you
Your body, your sweat
Your smile, your good mood
Your rythm which make me crazy
I look at you and I imagine so many things
I don't know how to reach you, I can't
I wait for a sign
A look although it is by chance
And nothing stops me and I say it to you
Give me an A
Give me a M
Give me an O
Give me a R
Give me some love, give me some love
Give me an A
Give me a M
Give me an O
Give me a R
Give me your love
I look at you and I imagine so many things
I don't know how to reach you, I can't
I wait for a sign
A look although it is by chance
And nothing stops me and I say it to you
Memories of the heart
Some moments, when you feel alone
Shortness of breath and your throat gets all choked up
You think that maybe you should have stayed
But nothing to do
You're ok with it.
Months goes away and you count days and hours
(You count) The meetings you had with the alone souls
You watch the mirror and check if your smile
Hides the sorrow that there is inside of you
They are the memories of the heart
That make you breath
And that give you warmth again
They make you get back on your feet
And they know all the secrets about the loves that you
Have already forgotten
Not to hurt you
They are the memories of the heart
That makes you fall in love
And that bring you back in the sun
They make you get back on your feet
And they know all the secrets about the loves that you
Have already forgotten
And won't remember anymore
When then your friends leave you alone
The ones with whom you have already shared your glory
You shout at the moon
The desperation
Of the empty soul that is inside of you
You change wallpaper from the old walls of your home
You move the sofas and take the courtins off
You look a bit outside and you notice that time
Has never given you back what now you don't want anymore
They are the memories of the heart
That make you breath
And that give you color again
They make you get back on your feet
And they know all the secrets about the loves that you
Have already forgotten
Not to hurt you
They are the memories of the heart
That makes you fall in love
And that bring you back in the sun
They make you get back on your feet
And they know all the secrets about the loves that you
Have already forgotten
And won't remember
They make you get back on your feet
And they know all the secrets about the loves that you
Have already forgotten
And won't remember anymore
God, hear this wish
God, hear this wish:
Help that no-one would be left alone
God, look at the suffering child
Bless the whole world
Bless the whole world
God, you see the child
Who turns to you, praying:
'Give us a daily bread'
Bless the whole world
Bless the whole world
God, please never forget
Your children in the middle of war
Give them peace, stop the hate
Bless the whole world
Bless the whole world
Protect and bless Africa
The countries of America, Europe
Australia, the great Asia
Bless the whole world
Bless the whole world
thank you for reading this. if there's no source, i've made the whole translation all by myself and i give you the permission to use it anywhere, if you just remember to credit me :)
Over The Garden Wall Into
Lead through the mist
By the light of a pale moon
Everything which disappeared is clear to see now
The burdens we carried are mere shadow memories here
But where are we now, and were are we going?
If dreams just are dreams, then just indulge yourself
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
Gently Get Closer
(My) Love, unleash my life
(my) love all the exits
always end in your heaven
You are disturbing my days
Now I look at you and I look at you
Now I look for you and you find me
you make the heartbeats accelerate
if your essence is here/present
The matter is that I want to be the light, to see your street
the silence when you are asleep, what you see when you wake up
you, my great temptation, whom I allow to defeat me
and the matter is that without you I know not
Gently get closer, so gently
hug me so strong until the bodies become as one
Talk to me slowly that hastily you take me
Love me this night as you did the first time
Gently get closer, so gently
We render little by little until the kisses are over
Unleash with no fear the rhythm of your hips
Love me this night as you did the first time
I will drink you sip by sip
and in my face the chains
that release always forever
to you blessed condemnation
to you, I surrender my time
in you my nights on a sailboat
in you I sail peacefully
it is your kisses that inflame
The matter is that I want to be the light, to see your street
the silence when you are asleep, what you see when you wake up
you, my great temptation, whom I allow to defeat me
and the matter is that without you I know not
Gently get closer, so gently
hug me so strong until the bodies become as one
Talk to me slowly that hastily you take me
Love me this night as you did the first time
Gently get closer, so gently
We render little by little until the kisses are over
Unleash with no fear the rhythm of your hips
Love me this night as you did the first time
Twenty Years From Today
Versions: #2
I am asking you to please forget
All that has gone wrong
Let it go and try to understand
Where I am coming from
All that I will say you just don’t know
You are the only one to blame
All I know - it is a shame
To let you slip away
And let you go...
This one day with you is like a dream
You are such good sport
“Life is good!” is what I want to scream
This evening is too short
I am asking you to be with me
And listen to my point of view
It's plain to see and nothing new
All that I need is you
And only you
I close my eyes tonight and pray
That twenty years from today
I’d hold you close to me and say:
“This love is here to stay”…
Never had such happiness in love
I simply never knew
A thousand years like this alone with you
Would never be enough…
I am grateful to the fate that treats me well
For your love that’s always new
Don’t take away the magic spell -
All I’ll ever need is you
And only you
I close my eyes tonight and pray
That twenty years from today
I’d hold you close to me and say:
“This love is here to stay”…
E.T. (Eva Trussell) aka Vesper Lynd
The Tiger
There is a tiger inside of me, furiously raging
and he's always waiting
and I'm always waiting
I hate him and he hates me, he wants to kill me,
but I hope we'll reconcile
as time goes by.
His teeth on my heart, his nails on my mind
and for my own good
I'm fighting for him
everything good in the world he makes me hate,
because for him, I have to sing my deepest sorrow.
He makes me cross mountains, valleys, and gorges,
in order to embrace
in a wild dance with him,
and when during the cold nights, he remembers his cages,
he hands me his sheepskin
to clothe my self with.
Sometimes we put drunkenly,
almost lovingly,
ourselves to sleep
and this silence seems like the calm before the storm,
like the final time
that he will attack.
The Good Side of Things
I don't know what is going on on this life
As everything comes and goes without warning
Your voice is stuck in my mind
You know that I don't want to punish myself
And I follow every step you take
Your shadow is leaving soon
And even if it costs me, I promise to avoid me
Rebuilding my life piece by piece
I'll change my answers for a no
As I don't want an incomplete life
Looking for a starting point
If I forget what you told me
When I dressed up embracing you, and you dressed up embracing me
As I don't want an incomplete life
Erasing the sun from my days
Escaping from your cowardice on this cold bed
I'll do anything to see
The good side of things
The good side of things
I roam on the streets, so lost
It is overwhelming to walk on your city
With your voice stuck in my mind
I see your face on the windows
And I, who try to see you and not watch
You're leaving, it's time
And even if it costs me, I promise to avoid me
Rebuilding my life piece by piece
I'll change my answers for a no
As I don't want an incomplete life
Looking for a starting point
If I forget what you told me
When I dressed up embracing you, and you dressed up embracing me
As I don't want an incomplete life
Erasing the sun from my days
Escaping from your cowardice on this cold bed
I'll do anything to see
The good side of things
The good side of things
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Nunky Jeannot dreams in German
Nunky Jeannot speaks in French, but he dreams in German
The other night I heard him again, yelling 'Maynee maynee'.
That couldn't possibly be French, and since Lorraine accent
is just like German, that must have been some German.
Tonight Unkie Jeannot invited a buddy of his.
They laughed together during the whole meal.
Then Unkie fetched the plum hooch and filled two glasses
now they're into grown-ups things I have no clue about
You needed five tanks to get the iron cross
And then he drew his Panzerfaust, right under the Russians' noses
and he started yeilling 'Mein Knie, mein Knie'
but his leg was gone
So that's what he screams at night, Unkie Jeannot.
The cry of a kid who got his leg torn off
playing the soldier to get a medal
and died screaming three feet away from him.
And Jeannot bleeds his story of a child
seeing other children being slaughtered
and the snow gets strewn with children corpses
and dying children calling their mothers
And I'm standing there, staring at him,
but he doesn't see me. He's gone back there
wading in mud, blood, terror, madness,
just like every night, except tonight he doesn't sleep.
Unkie Jeannot had a rotten luck.
He was born a bit too close to the German border
and in '41 it was his turn to serve the Great Reich
and go to die for Hitler in the plains of Ukraine.
And I think a part of him really died there
and that is what screams at night and speaks tonight.
Or maybe it's all these kids who cry through him.
My nunky speaks French, but his ghosts suffer in German.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Voices 006
Men don't go anywhere. Eveything goes to them, as future will.
Just learning.
Voices 013
I've barely touched the mud, and I was made with mud.
Just learning.
Voices 007
The one who ties me up with a thread, is not strong, but the thread is.
Just learning.
Voices 008
A little of naivety never stays away from me. And she's the one who protects me.
Just learning.
Voices 010
If you don't lift up your eyes, you'll believe you're the highest point.
Just learning.